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The enantiomeric and carbon-isotopic composition of the amino acid isovaline have been analyzed in several samples of the Murchison meteorite and one sample of the Murray meteorite. l-Enantiomeric excesses of the amino acid were found to range from 0 to 15.2%, varying significantly both between meteorite stones and at short distances within a single stone. The upper limit of this range is the largest enantiomeric excess measured to date for a biologically rare meteoritic amino acid and raises doubts that circularly polarized light irradiation could have been the sole cause of amino acids chiral asymmetry in meteorites. Individual d- and l-isovaline δ13C values ware found to be about +18‰, with no significant differences between the two enantiomers to suggest terrestrial contamination. The amino acid relative abundance also varied between samples, with isovaline/alanine ratios of 0.5 to 6.5. X-ray diffraction analyses of contiguous meteorite fragments suggest a possible correlation between isovaline and hydrous silicates abundances.  相似文献   

Metallography, electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques were employed to study a fragment of the Tishomingo iron meteorite. The results suggest the following thermal-mechanical history: The fragment was originally a large crystal of taenite (γ). Cooling through the α + γ phase boundary did not result in accompanying precipitation of kamacite (α). Transformation to a martensitic structure initiated between ? 25 and ?65°C. Transformation continued as the temperature fell to ? 75 to ? 115°C, resulting in approx 80% martensite (α′). Subsequent shock deformation and thermal aging processes substantially modified the taenite and martensite microstructures. Twins in the retained taenite phase are attributed to shock deformation at a pressure estimated for a single event at ~170 kbar. The existing complex, altered martensite structure containing both taenite and kamacite (3–15% Ni) particles was apparently the product of both shock deformation and thermal aging processes. The maximum temperature reached during thermal aging is estimated to be less than 400°C, and perhaps below 310°C.  相似文献   

The isotope ratios 33S/32S and 34S/32S have been measured in sulphur fractions extracted from samples of the meteorites Allende and Eagle Station by leaching at successively greater acid concentrations and higher temperatures. On a three isotope plot of δ33Svsδ34S most of the data lie on or close to the mass fractionation line. The last fraction of sulphur extracted from a bulk Allende sample lies off the line and has an approximately 1%. excess in the 33/32S ratio.Previous searches for anomalous abundance patterns of 32S, 33S, 34S and 36S have been reported by HULSTON and THODE (1965a,b), THODE and REES (1971), and REES and THODE (1972). No isotope abundance variations were found, in the meteorite and lunar samples studied, which could not be explained on the basis of either mass dependent isotope fractionation or, in the special case of iron meteorites, cosmic ray production of 33S and 36S. We report here preliminary results of a renewed search for isotopically anomalous sulphur in which we are concentrating on the Allende and Eagle Station meteorites, both of which contain anomalous oxygen (CLAYTON etal., 1973, 1976). In a first attempt to distinguish between normal sulphur and any possible anomalous sulphur, we have leached both bulk samples and hand separated components of these meteorites with hydrochloric acid.CLAYTON and RAMADURAI (1977) suggested that the presence of isotopically anomalous sulphur would be evidence for the existence of presolar grains which are relics of nucleosynthesis in certain zones of supernova expansion. In particular they suggested that sulphides of titanium are good candidates for isotopic analysis. These are not expected to exist in conventional solar equilibrium condensation sequences, but might be abundant in condensates from silicon burning shells of supernovae. Our chemical procedures were already completed when CLAYTON and RAMADURAI'S suggestions came to our attention and it must be stressed that so far, in all cases but one we have examined only sulphur from sulphides which are decomposed by HC1. Thus we may not have sampled sulphides of the type suggested by CLAYTON and RAMADURAI.All samples of the Allende meteorite were ground finer than 50μm before acid extraction of sulphur. Samples of sulphur were extracted from the various phases of the meteorites by using successively stronger hydrochloric acid leaches, longer times and higher temperatures of reaction. Sulphur initially released as H2S was successively converted to CdS, Ag2S and SF6, this latter compound being analysed mass spectrometrically (THODE and REES, 1971). Analyses of nine SF6 samples prepared from Ag2S originally derived from Canyon Diablo troilite were also performed in order to monitor fluorination and mass spectrometry precision and to establish the zero points ofthe isotope variation scales. The results are shown in Table 1. The sulphur contents of the various samples were determined gravimetrically as Ag2S. The bulk and matrix samples are probably a few percent low because of mechanical losses. The percentages of sulphur in each fraction of a sample extracted during each leaching stage are given in the table. The total sulphur content in the bulk and matrix samples of the Allende meteorite i.e., the sum of the sulphur contents of the individual fractions, varies from 1.8 to 2.08%, the highest percentage being in the matrix. These values compare with about 2 to 2.1% obtained by CLARKE etal. (1970).  相似文献   

Instrumental and macroseismic focal depths of Swedish earthquakes show statistically a high degree of correlation. The majority of the earthquakes is located in the lower granite, probably associated with a low-velocity layer, whereas crustal discontinuities appear to be relatively less seismic.  相似文献   

We have developed a direct loading technique for determining the isotopic composition of Mg in chemically unseparated samples. This technique has a sensitivity and precision comparable with those of the conventional technique of analyzing pure Mg salt and eliminates contamination introduced during the chemical separation of Mg. This results in a significant reduction in sample size required for an analysis. This technique was combined with other characterization techniques of microscopic samples (e.g. optical microscopy, SEM, EPMA), and was applied to four single crystals of pure phases from an Allende inclusion ranging in size from 25 to 150 μm. Using a total sample of 4 μ, we found an anorthite crystal showing an enrichment in 26Mg of 10% and were able to construct an 26Al-26Mg isochron which confirms our previous results obtained on macroscopic samples of the same inclusion. The isotopic composition of Ca was also measured along with Mg, on a directly loaded anorthite crystal from this inclusion, during the same mass spectrometer run and was shown to be essentially normal. Thus, the direct loading technique is applicable to Ca and will be useful in a correlative study of isotopic effects of different elements on individual microscopic samples. The extension of this technique to other elements appears feasible but will require extensive testing to control possible interferences.  相似文献   

The depth in sediment at which benthic Foraminifera are living is obviously of importance to high-resolution stratigraphy. Sediment cores were retrieved in June 1994 and April 1995 from a range of sedimentological facies within Plymouth Sound. The cores were sub divided into sections and analysed for live (stained) benthic Foraminifera. Analysis revealed that maximum densities of live Foraminifera generally occurred within the uppermost 1 cm, particularly within muddy sediments. Sandy sediments exhibited a more diffuse distribution of live Foraminifera, although maximum densities occurred in the upper centimetres (1–3 cm) of sediment. An unusually deep distribution of the normally epifaunal species Elphidium crispum (Linné) was discovered in cores from Withyhedge Beacon both in 1994 and 1995. The live assemblages were subdivided into three groups on the basis of test type which broadly reflected the energy level of the environment.  相似文献   

Mineralogical and petrographic studies of a wide variety of refractory objects from the Murchison C2 chondrite have revealed for the first time melilite-rich and feldspathoid-bearing inclusions in this meteorite, but none of these is identical to any inclusion yet found in Allende. Blue spinel-hibonite spherules have textures indicating that they were once molten, and thus their SiO2-poor bulk composition requires that they were exposed to higher temperatures (>1550°C) than those deduced so far from any Allende inclusion. Melilite-rich inclusions are similar to Allende compact Type A's, but are more Al-, Ti-rich. One inclusion (MUCH-1) consists of a delicate radial aggregate of hibonite crystals surrounded by alteration products, and probably originated by direct condensation of hibonite from the solar nebular vapor. The sinuous, nodular and layered structures of another group of inclusions, spinel-pyroxene aggregates, suggest that these also originated by direct condensation from the solar nebular gas. Each type of inclusion is characterized by a different suite of alteration products and/or rim layers from all the other types, indicating modification of the inclusions in a wide range of different physico-chemical environments after their primary crystallization. All of these inclusions contain some iron-free rim phases. These could not have formed by reaction of the inclusions with fluids in the Murchison parent body because the latter would presumably have been very rich in oxidized iron. Other rim phases and alteration products could have formed at relatively low temperatures in the parent body, but some inclusions were not in the locations in which they were discovered when this took place. Some of these inclusions are too fragile to have been transported from one region to another in the parent body, indicating that low temperature alteration of these may have occurred in the solar nebula.  相似文献   

Amino acids in the Murchison meteorite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Continued investigation of the Murchison meteorite by gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry has led to the characterization of at least 17 amino acids in addition to the 18 identified in earlier work. The total population consists of a wide variety of linear and cyclic difunctional and polyfunctional amino acids, of which the linear difunctional amino acids show a general decrease in concentration as the number of carbon atoms in the amino acid molecule increases. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the amino acids are present as the result of an extraterrestrial, abiotic synthesis.  相似文献   

Analyses of meteorites for B abundances have shown that many chondrites are contaminated with terrestrial B, producing erroneously high meteoritic abundances of this element. Boron concentrations in freshly prepared interior samples are significantly lower than they are in samples with unknown or unspecified terrestrial histories. An estimate of the cosmic abundance based upon the analyses of 8 interior samples of 2 carbonaceous chondrites and 1 interior sample of each of 8 ordinary chondrites is a factor of 6.7 less than the previous low estimate. Our revised value, 3.0 B/1010H, is in excellent agreement with estimates based on observations of the solar photosphere. There is no longer a need to consider processes that enrich B in carbonaceous chondrites or deplete it in the sun. Relative meteoritic abundances of Li, Be and B are now in general agreement with models of nucleosynthesis of these light elements by galactic cosmic ray induced spallation.  相似文献   

Isovaline is present in the Murchison meteorite as a racemic mixture (about equal concentrations of the R and S enantiomers). Since isovaline does not have a hydrogen atom on its asymmetric α-carbon atom, the racemic mixture could not have formed by commonly accepted mechanisms of racemization. Thus, isovaline in the meteorite most probably was synthesized as a racemic mixture and is not the result of the racemization of either the R or S enantiomer. Other chiral amino acids in the meteorite are present as racemic mixtures, and were probably synthesized in a similar manner by abiotic, extraterrestrial processes.  相似文献   

Accurately determined focal coordinates of earthquakes which occurred in the Hellenic arc between 1964 and 1979 have been used to check the suggestion made ten years ago for a Benioff zone in the Hellenic arc. These recent data leave no doubt that the foci of the intermediate focal depth earthquakes in the Hellenic arc form a well-developed Benioff zone of amphitheatrical shape which dips from the convex (eastern Mediterranean) to the concave (Aegean) part of the arc.

Evidence, based on the time distribution of the intermediate focal depth earthquakes in the Hellenic arc during the last two centuries, indicates that this deep seismic activity follows a periodic pattern. Quiescence periods of the order of six decades are followed by very active periods of about two decades. If this periodicity, which seems to be compatible with recent ideas on the deep tectonics of the area, is true, a new period of high-rate intermediate focal depth activity is expected to break in about twenty five years.  相似文献   

The Antarctic shergottite EETA79001 is believed to be an impact-ejected fragment of the planet Mars. Samples of the carbonate (white druse) and the basaltic (lithology A) components from this meteorite have been found to contain amino acids at a level of approximately 1 ppm and 0.4 ppm, respectively. The detected amino acids consist almost exclusively of the L-enantiomers of the amino acids commonly found in proteins, and are thus terrestrial contaminants. There is no indication of the presence of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid, one of the most abundant amino acids in several carbonaceous chondrites. The relative abundances of amino acids in the druse material resemble those in Antarctic ice, suggesting that the source of the amino acids may be ice meltwater. The level of amino acids in EETA79001 druse is not by itself sufficient to account for the 600-700 ppm of volatile C reported in druse samples and suggested to be from endogenous martian organic material. However, estimates of total terrestrial organic C present in the druse material based on our amino acid analyses and the organic C content of polar ice can account for most of the reported putative organic C in EETA79001 druse.  相似文献   

Most magmas proposed as parental to the Martian SNC meteorites are high in iron and low in alumina. Yet, experiments at low pressures on such liquids have not produced the cumulate or melt-inclusion assemblages seen in the chassignite meteorites. Therefore, elevated pressure experiments under anhydrous and hydrous (water-undersaturated) conditions were conducted on a high-Fe, low-Al liquid proposed to be parental to the Chassigny meteorite. These experiments failed to produce the most magnesian cumulate phases, as well as the olivine hosted kaersutite-bearing melt-inclusion assemblage, of the chassignites. These results suggest that the parental liquid to the chassignite meteorites is both more magnesium and aluminum-rich than the previously considered composition (A; Johnson et al., 1991). The proposed composition is similar to the Martian Adirondack class Gusev basalt Humphrey and suggests a link between the Chassigny meteorite and rocks on the surface of Mars.  相似文献   

Two examined fragments of the Kaidun meteorite principally differ in the concentrations of isotopes of noble gases and are very heterogeneous in terms of the isotopic composition of the gases. Because these fragments belong to two basically different types of meteoritic material (EL and CR chondrites), these characteristics of noble gases could be caused by differences in the cosmochemical histories of the fragments before their incorporation into the parent asteroid. As follows from the escape kinetics of all gases, atoms of trapped and cosmogenic noble gases are contained mostly in the structures of two carrier minerals in the samples. The concentrations and proportions of the concentrations of various primary noble gases in the examined fragments of Kaidun are obviously unusual compared to data on most currently known EL and CR meteorites. In contrast to EL and CR meteorites, which contain the primary component of mostly solar provenance, the elemental ratios and isotopic composition of Ne and He in the fragments of Kaidun correspond to those typical of the primary components of A and Q planetary gases. This testifies to the unique conditions under which the bulk of the noble gases were trapped from the early protoplanetary nebula. The apparent cosmic-ray age of both of the Kaidun fragments calculated based on cosmogenic isotopes from 3He to 126Xe varies from 0.027 to 246 Ma as a result of the escape of much cosmogenic isotopes at relatively low temperatures. The extrapolated cosmic-ray age of the Kaidun meteorite, calculated from the concentrations of cosmogenic isotopes of noble gases, is as old as a few billion years, which suggests that the material of the Kaidun meteorite could be irradiated for billions of years when residing in an unusual parent body.  相似文献   

Petrographic study of 124 chondrules in the Hallingeberg (L-3) chondrite and electron probe microanalyses of olivine and low-Ca pyroxene in 96 of them reveal patterns of variation like those encountered previously in Sharps (H-3). Chondrule mineralogy, mineral composition, and the incidence of shock-related textures vary systematically with chondrule type. This fact and evidence of recrystallization in at least a fourth of the chondrules studied indicate that the pre-accretion histories of chondrules included complex and overlapping episodes of magmatic crystallization, burial, metamorphism and exhumation, in which impact shock was heavily involved. Data for Hallingeberg and Sharps suggest that orthopyroxene accompanies or replaces clinoenstatite in some chondrules and that its presence is due, in part at least, to pre-accretion recrystallization. A comparison of modes for chondrules in Sharps and Hallingeberg shows the former to contain more olivine, on the average, than the latter. It appears that the mean compositions of chondrules in H- and L-group chondrites reflect bulk chemical differences between the two groups, and that chondrule formation followed the siderophile fractionation which differentiated H-, L- and LL-group ordinary chondrites.  相似文献   

Correlated petrographic and microprobe studies of 96 chondrules in the Sharps (H-3) chondrite indicate that chondritic material had a highly varied pre-accumulation history. Some chondrules, chiefly excentroradial and barred types, appear to be quenched droplets. Others, including most of the metal poor microporphyritic type, appear to have crystallized more slowly and are thought to be fragments of pre-existing rock. Although chondrules of all types show various effects similar to those produced by shock, such effects are most conspicuous in metal-rich chondrules and least conspicuous in spherical chondrules. It is concluded that shock was involved in the origin of chondrules and not simply a secondary effect.It is proposed that chondrules were formed by shock processes during the accumulation of nebular dust into asteroid-sized bodies. Olivine-rich microporphyritic chondrules are thought to be due to complete melting of large masses of target material; metal-rich chondrules represent shock melting and partial vaporization; and spherical, pyroxene-rich chondrules are interpreted as condensates from shock-generated vapor.  相似文献   

The types of chondrules in the Boxian meteorite have been determined. Electron microprobe analysis of various textural types of chondrules in the meteorite has revealed the composition of glassy chondrules and of their glassy matrix. Also presented in this paper are the related explanations. In addition, the genesis, textural diversity and evolution of the chondrules as well as the olivine girdles observed in the chondrules are discussed.  相似文献   

More than thirty polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, including nine heterocyclic aromatic compounds, have been identified in solvent extracts of the Murchison meteorite by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using bonded-phase fused silica columns. Structural isomers of several alkylated aromatic hydrocarbons, including methylpyrene and methylphenanthrene were chromatographically separated, thus allowing calculations of the amount of alkyl substituted compounds in the solvent extracts. The ratio of odd-carbon number to even-carbon number was found to be approximately 0.1. Based on these data and literature data from model pyrolysis experiments, a temperature of 1000°C is suggested for the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the solar nebula or premeteoritic body. The value of 1000°C is within the range of temperatures for the condensation of the nebular material from the initial high temperature phases to the lower temperature phases at which chemical and isotopic equilibria were frozen. A simple model for the abiotic synthesis of heterocyclic compounds from simple aliphatic precursors is also presented.  相似文献   

Trapped and cosmogenic Ne and Ar were measured in Ca,Al-rich aggregates and chondrules, mafic chondrules, and bulk and matrix samples from the Allende C3V chondritic meteorite to investigate the possible occurrence of anomalous isotopic compositions of noble gases that would correlate with oxygen or magnesium isotopic anomalies previously found in this meteorite.Large enrichments of both 22Ne and 36Ar were observed in low-temperature release fractions from several Ca,Al-rich inclusions, but the enrichments are consistent with galactic cosmic-ray production of 22Ne by spallation from sodium and 36Ar by neutron capture on chlorine. Trapped neon in matrix samples is comprised of two distinctive compositions, with (20Ne/22Ne)t equal to 8.7 ± 0.1 and 10.4 ± 1.0, that appear to correlate with the two gas-rich trace phases chromite/carbon and ‘Q’ described by Lewis et al. (1975). Several Ca,Al-rich aggregates which have high contents of the volatile elements Na, Cl, K, and Rb also contain trapped neon. However, no neon-E has been identified in any of the samples studied, including samples of several inclusions known to contain isotopically anomalous oxygen and magnesium.  相似文献   

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