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Factors controlling the proportionality of vanadium to nickel in crude oils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The proportionality of V to Ni in crude oils is determined by the environmental conditions in which their source rocks were deposited. Thermal maturation, migration, and reservoir alterations may change the concentrations of these two metals by addition or subtraction of more labile portions of a crude oil, but their tenacious bonding with high-MW organics suggests that their proportionality to one another should remain unchanged. Eh-pH diagrams offer an explanation of the factors controlling their proportionality and its relationship with S contents. Three Eh-pH regimes are proposed for the natural system. Regime I represents conditions under which Ni+2 is available for bonding and vanadium is unavailable because of its quinquivalent state. Crude oils expelled from source rocks deposited within this regime are expected to have V(Ni + V) less than 0.10 and low S (<1 weight percent). Regime II represents conditions under which Ni+2-Nickelous cations and vanadyl cations are available with vanadyl cations being hindered in part by the formation of hydroxides and nickelous cations being hindered in part of metastable sulfide ions. Source rocks deposited within this regime expel crude oils with low S contents and V-Ni fractions that range from 0.10 to 0.90. Regime III represents conditions under which vanadyl and trivalent vanadium cations are available for bonding but Ni+2 may be partially hindered by sulfide complexing. Source rocks deposited within this regime expel crude oils that have high S contents and V-Ni fractions greater than 0.50.  相似文献   




Phosphorus-bearing rocks and sediments can be divided into two genetically distinct classes: phosphatic shales or limestones and phosphorites. Phosphatic shales are primary sediments in which phosphate nodules or micronodules have formed diagenetically by precipitation of calcium phosphates derived mainly from organic phosphorus. The nodules form in reducing environments at shallow depths within the sediments, where loss of phosphate by diffusion to the overlying water column is minimized. Highly biogenic sediments containing large amounts of organic matter and some fine clastic debris provide ideal environments for the formation of phosphate nodules.Phosphorites, in contrast, represent concentrated accumulations of reworked phosphate nodules which originated in phosphatic shales or limestones. Currents, wave action, recrystallization, and erosion and resedimentation are important mechanisms in the concentration process.Phosphatic shales and limestones may become excellent oil source rocks if thermal maturity is achieved. They are useful facies indicators for anoxic or nearly anoxic depositional environments, and are often associated with restricted basins, or, during certain geologic periods, with broad shelves developed during transgressions. Phosphorites, in contrast, are often correlated with sea-level regressions or uplifts. They are modest source rocks because of their low organic carbon contents and the fact that they were reworked under oxidizing conditions. Nevertheless, because phosphorites are derived from, and often grade into, phosphatic shales, they also are of potential utility in the search for oil source beds.  相似文献   

Geogenic nickel (Ni), vanadium (V) and chromium (Cr) are present at elevated levels in soils in Northern Ireland. Whilst Ni, V and Cr total soil concentrations share common geological origins, their respective levels of oral bioaccessibility are influenced by different soil-geochemical factors. Oral bioaccessibility extractions were carried out on 145 soil samples overlying 9 different bedrock types to measure the bioaccessible portions of Ni, V and Cr. Principal component analysis identified two components (PC1 and PC2) accounting for 69% of variance across 13 variables from the Northern Ireland Tellus Survey geochemical data. PC1 was associated with underlying basalt bedrock, higher bioaccessible Cr concentrations and lower Ni bioaccessibility. PC2 was associated with regional variance in soil chemistry and hosted factors accounting for higher Ni and V bioaccessibility. Eight percent of total V was solubilised by gastric extraction on average across the study area. High median proportions of bioaccessible Ni were observed in soils overlying sedimentary rock types. Whilst Cr bioaccessible fractions were low (max = 5.4%), the highest measured bioaccessible Cr concentration reached 10.0 mg kg−1, explained by factors linked to PC1 including high total Cr concentrations in soils overlying basalt bedrock.  相似文献   

苟树林  于津海  蔡元峰  蒋威  毛志奇 《地质学报》2023,97(11):3696-3714
内容提要:江南造山带是我国重要的稀有金属成矿带,已发现多处与锂相关的花岗伟晶岩型稀有金属矿床。锂等稀有金属元素在源区基底岩石中的富集是花岗伟晶岩型锂稀有金属矿床成矿的物质基础,但是江南造山带基底岩石中锂的分布及其富集机制仍不清楚。本文详细调查研究了江南造山带东段新元古代冷家溪群、双桥山群、溪口岩群和板溪群变质沉积岩和星子杂岩。这些基底变质岩的岩石类型包括变质砂岩、泥质板岩、千枚岩和云母片岩以及少量片麻岩。地球化学分析结果显示,冷家溪群、双桥山群和溪口岩群变质沉积岩具有相似的成分,变质砂岩和云母片岩-片麻岩整体上比泥质板岩和千枚岩具有较高的Si O2含量,较低的Ti O2、Al2O3、K2O、Mg O和TFe2O3含量。泥质板岩和千枚岩含有更高的稀有金属元素含量,其中锂含量达到61.8×10-6,而变质砂岩的锂丰度为44.9×10-6。板溪群具有最低的稀有金属元素含量(Li=30.8×10  相似文献   

何佳伟  谢渊  刘建清  何利 《沉积学报》2021,39(3):656-671
利用化学元素行为特征的差异性,以总有机碳(TOC)、主量元素和微量元素的含量或比值判别四川盆地西南缘盐津牛寨剖面下志留统龙马溪组细粒沉积岩形成时的初级生产力、氧化还原条件、陆源供应的输入和盆地水体滞留程度等环境特征,并对比川南沉降中心(长宁剖面)和南川非沉降中心(南川剖面)龙马溪组的古环境参数,综合探讨了早志留世上扬子...  相似文献   

Comprehensive nitrogen biogeochemical cycle has been reconstructed for representative lacustrine organic-rich sedimentary rock in China, namely the Triassic Yanchang Formation (YF, 199–230 Ma) in Ordos and the Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation (QF, 86–92 Ma) in Songliao basins, by evaluating the organic and inorganic nitrogen isotopic compositions rather than only organic or bulk nitrogen isotopic compositions. The results indicate that the nitrogen isotope values of bulk rock (δ15Nbulk) in the non-metamorphic stage are significantly different from that of kerogen, which challenge the conceptual framework of sedimentary nitrogen isotope interpretation. The δ15Nbulk from the YF and QF were lower than their respective the nitrogen isotope values of kerogen (δ15Nker), with offsets up to ~5.1‰, which have the inverse relationship for the metamorphosed rock. Thermal evolution did not significantly modify the δ15N of bulk rock and kerogen. The δ15N of sediments from the YF (δ15Nbulk, 1.6‰–5.6‰) were lower than that of rock from the QF (δ15Nbulk, 10.2‰–15.3‰). The nitrogen isotope values of silicate incorporated nitrogen (δ15Nsil) were slightly lower than those of the δ15Nker in the YF and obviously lower for the QF. The fact that different nitrogen cycles occur in the YF and QF due to the different depositional redox conditions leads to different isotopic results. The YF water environment dominated by oxic conditions is not conducive to the occurrence of denitrification and anammox, and no abundant N2 loss leads to the relatively light δ15Nbulk. In the stratified water for the QF, redox transition zone promotes denitrification and anammox, resulting in the heavy δ15Nbulk of rock and promotes the DNRA, resulting in heavy δ15Nker and low δ15Nsil.  相似文献   

A geochemical evaluation of Niger Delta organic matter was carried out using supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) sample preparation procedure. Comparison of geochemical significance of gas chromatographic data of rock extracts of SFE with those of Soxhlet extraction method from previous studies was made in order to establish the usefulness of SFE in geochemical exploration. The assessment of geochemical character of the rock samples from the comparison and interpretation of other geochemical parameters were used to give more insights into understanding the source rocks characteristics of onshore and shelf portions of the Niger Delta Basin. The results of the gas chromatographic (GC) analysis of the rock extracts across the lithostratigraphic units show that Pr/Ph, Pr/nC17, Pr/nC18, CPI and odd/even preference ranged from 0.07 to 12.39, 0.04 to 6.66, 0.05 to 13.80, 0.12 to 8.4 and 0.06 to 8.12, respectively. The Rock-Eval pyrolysis data and geochemical ratios and parameters calculated from the GC data showed that most of the samples are mature and have strong terrestrial provenance while a few samples have strong marine provenance. The few marine source rocks are located in the deeper depth horizon. Pr/Ph and standard geochemical plots indicate that most of samples were derived from organic matter deposited in less reducing conditions, i.e. more of oxidizing conditions while a few samples have predominantly influence of reducing conditions. The results of trace metal analysis of older samples from Agbada Formation also indicate marine and mixed organic matter input deposited in less reducing conditions. The results obtained in this study are comparable with those obtained from previous studies when Soxhlet extraction method was used and also indicated the presence of more than one petroleum systems in the Niger Delta.  相似文献   

It is possible to apply actualistic principles to the interpretation of the paleoenvironment of iron-rich sedimentary rocks, although few iron-rich sediments form today. The sedimentary textures and structures of cherty iron-formations, Minette-tpye ironstones and limestones are similar. These similarities prove that the hydrodynamic processes of the deposition of the three rock types are the same. Therefore, it is possible to define facies of cherty iron-formations and Minette-type ironstones on the basis of their sedimentary textures and structures, disregarding mineralogy, and to interprete the formative environment by comparison with Recent limestones. Shaly sulfide iron-formation and sideritic clay ironstones are ferriferous mudstones. Methods applied to the interpretation of iron-poor shales may also be applied to these two rock types. The mineralogy of iron-rich sedimentary rocks is determined by diagenetic processes. Depositional organic content of the sediment, sediment texture (which controls diffusivity and permeability) and the groundwater flow system during diagenesis are the primary controls of iron-mineral diagenesis. Paleogeography and basin bathymetry are indirect controls of iron mineralogy, because they affect organic content and sediment texture.  相似文献   

In all the archipelagos forming Macaronesia, volcanis predominate, but pre-Quaternary sediments are also present, though playing a humble role.Calcareous deposits have by far the greatest significance throughout the known stratigraphic record. Tertiary occurrences tend to be thin, show more gentle dips, whereas the Mesozoics attain thicknesses of 400 m (certain), attitudes steeper, often vertical.To date, Mesozoics are recognized only in Maio (Cape Verde), are possible in S. Nicolau (Cape Verde) and Fuerteventura (Canary Islands). Whether strata as old as Jurassic is present in these three islands is a moot point. Ample arguments, pro and con, have been presented for Maio; there is meagre evidence in S. Nicolau; pure conjecture in Fuerteventura.Beginning with the Neogene, the stratigraphic record for Macaronesia is more substantial, the Vindobonian being present or then strongly suspected in all archipelagos.The sedimentary rocks in these islands have not aroused the same interests as the volcanics, and undeniably they are of far less importance as regards rock constitution. The status of investigations varies widely within the different islands, and as of the present, we must frankly recognize that our knowledge of the sedimentaries is only of reconnaissance standard.
Zusammenfassung Auf allen Inselgruppen, die man als Makaronesen zusammenfaßt, überwiegen vulkanische Gesteine; prä-quartäre Sedimente gibt es — in geringem Umfang — ebenfalls.Kalkablagerungen haben, nach den bekannten stratigraphischen Zeugnissen zu urteilen, die größte Bedeutung. Tertiär ist in geringer Mächtigkeit und schwach geneigt vertreten, während das Mesozoikum bis zu 400 m nachgewiesene Mächtigkeit erreicht und verstellt, oft vertikal auftritt.Bisher ist Mesozoikum nur in Maio (Kapverden) bekannt, möglicherweise auch in S. Nicolau (Kapverden) und Fuerteventura (Kanarische Inseln). Ob Schichten jurassischen Alters und den drei Inseln vorkommen, ist umstritten. Argumente dafür und dagegen sind für Maio reichlich zusammengetragen worden; für S. Nicolau gibt es magere Hinweise, für Fuerteventura nur Vermutungen.Seit dem Neogen sind die stratigraphischen Zeugnisse auf den makaronesischen Inseln umfangreicher; so ist Vindobon auf allen Inselgruppen vorhanden oder sein Vorkommen mindestens sehr wahrscheinlich gemacht.Die sedimentären Gesteine haben auf den Inseln nicht das gleiche Interesse gefunden wie die vulkanischen, und sie sind auch ganz sicher von geringerer Bedeutung, soweit es sich um ihren Gesteinscharakter handelt. Der Forschungsstand ist innerhalb der Inseln sehr unterschiedlich, und wir müssen eingestehen, daß zur Zeit unser Wissen über die sedimentären Gesteine sieh noch im Anfangsstadium befindet.

Résumé Le matériel volcanique domine dans les îles de l'archipel des Macaronesia. Les sédiments pré-quaternaires sont aussi présents, bien que jouant un rôle plus modeste.Les formations calcaires sont de loin les plus représentatives des dépôts reconnus de la colonne stratigraphique. Les dépôts cénozoiques sont généralement peu épais et présentent de faibles pendages, tandis que ceux du Mésozoique atteignent des épaisseurs de 400 m (démontrées), et des pendages importants, atteignant souvent la verticale.Jusqu'à présent, les dépôts mésozoiques ont été reconnus uniquement à Maio (Cap Vert), sont possibles à S. Nicolau (Cap Vert) et Fuerteventura (Iles des Canaries). La présence de Jurassique dans ces trois îles est encore un sujet de controverse. De nombreux arguments, positifs ou négatifs, ont été présentés concernant l'île de Maio; les arguments positifs sont légèrement dominants à S. Nicolau; le problème est à l'état de pure hypothèse à Fuerteventura.On peut faire débuter sans ambiguité la colonne stratigraphique des îles de l'archipel Macaronesia au Néogène, le Vindobonien étant présent ou fortement suspecté dans toutes les archipels.Les roches sédimentaires dans ces îles n'ont pas suscité le même intérêt que les roches volcaniques, et indéniablement leur importance est moindre. L'état d'avancement de ces travaux varie largement d'une île à l'autre, mais à l'heure actuelle, nous devons reconnaître qu'ils en sont seulement au stade de la reconnaissance.

, , , , - . , . , 400 ; - . Maio, , . S. Nicolau Fuertaventura. - — : , . Maio; . S. Nicolau , Fuertaventura . . , - . , , . .

The question of whether single- or multi-layers of sedimentary rocks will fault or fold when subjected to layer-parallel shortening is investigated by means of the theory of elastic-plastic, strain-hardening materials, which should closely describe the properties of sedimentary rocks at high levels in the Earth's crust. The most attractive feature of the theory is that folding and faulting, intimately related in nature, are different responses of the same idealized material to different conditions.When single-layers of sedimentary rock behave much as strain-hardening materials they are unlikely to fold, rather they tend to fault, because contrasts in elasticity and strength properties of sedimentary rocks are low. Amplifications of folds in such materials are negligible whether contacts between layer and media are bonded or free to slip for single layers of dolomite, limestone, sandstone, or siltstone in media of shale. Multilayers of these same rocks fault rather than fold if contacts are bonded, but they fold readily if contacts between layers are frictionless, or have low yield strengths, for example due to high pore-water pressure. Faults may accompany the folds, occurring where compression is increased in cores of folds. Where there is predominant reverse faulting in sedimentary sequences, there probably were few structural units.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地西北缘哈拉阿拉特山地区发育一套晚石炭世哈拉阿拉特山组灰黑色泥岩层系,是该地区石炭系油气藏的主要烃源岩之一,但到目前为止,对该套烃源岩发育的沉积环境和有机质富集因素的认识尚不清楚。本文基于西准噶尔哈拉阿拉特山地区晚石炭世哈拉阿拉特山组乌和公路剖面,进行了详细的沉积学和岩石学研究,系统采集了17件新鲜泥岩样品,并开展了有机碳含量、主量元素和微量元素实验分析。通过综合分析野外调查结果和室内实验数据,得到如下几点认识:1)哈拉阿拉特山组泥岩发育在深海-半深海的沉积环境中,受浊流沉积频发的影响,底层水体一直处于富氧-缺氧的动荡变化过程之中;2)低V/Cr和U/Th比值,以及低V和U元素含量,指示了泥岩总体上形成于偏氧化的沉积环境;3)高的P和Ni元素含量,反映了当时水体具有较高的古生产力;4)在较高古生产力背景下,哈拉阿拉特山组泥岩有机质丰度(TOC平均为0.49%)偏低,原因是偏氧化的保存条件。因此,可以认为哈拉阿拉特山组泥岩有机质质富集主要受控于沉积水体的保存(氧化还原)条件。  相似文献   

1 Introduction As a linkage between the biosphere and the geosphere, organic geochemistry, especially molecular markers, has become a powerful tool for investigating important geological events and the evolutionary history of ancient life on Earth (Kvenvo…  相似文献   

肖斌  刘树根  冉波  杨迪  韩雨樾 《地质论评》2019,65(6):1316-1330
基于金属元素Mn、Co、Cd、Mo的海洋富有机质沉积岩沉积环境和有机质富集主控因素判别指标Al—Co·Mn和Co·Mn—Cd/Mo,能够有效地区分促进有机碳埋藏的两种海洋端元沉积环境:大陆边缘开放/上升洋流环境和滞留的边缘海盆环境。利用这种方法研究了四川盆地北缘城口县月亮坪剖面五峰组和龙马溪组页岩沉积时期的水体环境和有机质富集的主控因素。研究表明五峰组Mn、Co富集程度低,Mo富集程度自下而上明显增大;龙马溪组Mn整体亏损,Co富集程度低,Mo富集程度自下而上明显减小。Al—Co·Mn方法的使用发现滞留环境主要出现在五峰组早期和龙马溪组晚期,以及观音桥段附近,而五峰组中晚期和龙马溪组早—中期水体主要处于开放/上升洋流区。剖面[w(Co)/(μg/g)]·[w(Mn)/(%)]值均小于平均页岩值1.615;五峰组Cd/Mo值整体大于正常海水值0.006,全部小于平均页岩值0.308,龙马溪组整体小于正常海水值。Co·Mn—Cd/Mo联合图版的使用发现月亮坪剖面五峰组和龙马溪组有机质富集主要受到保存条件控制,与使用U/Th、V/Cr、P/Ti、Ba/Al与TOC相关性分析得出的结论一致。基于金属元素Mn、Co、Cd、Mo的判别指标对于判断古生代大陆边缘地区富有机质页岩沉积环境及有机质富集主控因素有较好的效果。  相似文献   

千家坪钒矿床产于南秦岭下寒武统水沟口组(缀1sh)黑色岩系中,该黑色岩系由黑色含炭硅质岩、含炭硅质岩夹泥岩和泥岩等组成。钒矿体呈层状产出,矿石以黑色硅质岩夹泥岩型为主,含钒矿物主要为钒云母。黑色岩系岩石主要成分为SiO2、Al2O3、K2O等,富集TFe、Ba、Zn、P、Cu、Ni、Cr、Sr、Zr、Ag、Ti、Mn、V等多种元素。黑色岩系n(V)/n(Cr)=5.92~30.64、n(V)/n(V+Ni)=0.88~0.99、δU1,判断其为缺氧沉积环境。黑色硅质岩n(SiO2)/n(Al2O3)=238.81,U/Th1以及δ30Si=-0.1‰~0.5‰、δ18O=20.2‰~25.8‰,判断其为半深海滞留沉积盆地热水沉积成因。泥岩n(SiO2)/n(Al2O3)=5.69,n(Al)/n(Al+Fe+Mn)=0.63,n(Si)/n(Si+Al+Fe)=0.74~0.76判断其物源为陆源,但受到热水作用影响。钒矿化受下寒武世古隆起边缘断陷滞留盆地中形成的黑色岩系层位所控制。钒明显趋向在炭硅质岩所夹的泥岩或硅质岩附近的泥岩中富集,在炭硅质岩夹泥岩段向泥岩段过渡层位,常常含结核,钒元素含量达到峰值,其他Cu、Pb、Zn、As、W、Mo等元素富集规律与V元素基本一致。该矿床成矿物质主要来源于深部热水,泥岩的吸附作用对钒的富集具有重要作用。综合地质、地球化学特征,认为该矿床为热水喷流沉积成因。  相似文献   

沉积岩的一种各向异性模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
给出了沉积岩的一种各向异性模型。用一个各向异性参数描述这类材料的固有各向异性,各向异性参数和单轴抗压强度是一个分布函数,其分布用一个微结构张量和加载方向表示。建立了一个描述各向异性沉积岩变形过程的全塑性模型。用该模型对这一些三轴试验进行了模拟,结果表明该模型能有效地描述沉积岩的固有各向异性。  相似文献   

The distribution of vanadium and vanadyl porphyrins in fractions (extractable organic, inorganic and kerogen) of the Serpiano marl and the La Luna shaly limestone has been determined by employing a variety of geochemical and spectroscopic techniques including atomic absorption, atomic emission, electronic absorption and electron spin resonance spectroscopies.High levels of vanadium and vanadyl porphyrins were found with the major part of the total vanadium located in the kerogen fractions of both rocks. In contrast, while the kerogen of the La Luna rock also contained the major fraction of total vanadyl porphyrins (70%), the corresponding value for the Serpiano marl is only 30%. No vanadyl species were present in the inorganic fraction of either rock.It is suggested that the source of vanadium in these rocks is volcaniclastic materials and that the vanadyl porphyrin entities were incorporated into the kerogen structure through abiotic, geochemical modifications of biosynthetic pigment-chlorophyll.  相似文献   

The cadmium contents of 11 shales, 11 sandstones, 7 limestones, 14 metamorphic rocks and 28 stream sediments, all from Pennsylvania, were determined by flameless atomic absorption spectrometry. On the basis of these cadmium values and those in the literature, cadmium is found to be enriched in dark shales and soils, depleted in red shales, sandstones and limestones, and about the same in stream sediments as in most igneous and metamorphic rocks and the crust. In stream sediments, cadmium correlates most significantly with zinc, followed by carbon, weight loss on ignition, cobalt, readily extractable lead and manganese. Examination of the correlation plots and of an Eh-pH diagram indicates that the primary cause of cadmium enrichment in the sedimentary environment is the adsorption and/or complexation of cadmium with organic matter followed by the accumulation of organic debris in a reducing depositional environment.  相似文献   

A series of mineralogical and chemical analyses for a sequence of sediments from the Four Fathom limestone to the base of the Great Limestone are presented. Factor analysis indicates that the variance of the data is controlled by four factors related to depositional processes and two related to diagenesis. The depositional factors include a sorting factor, which dominates the variance, and factors related to relative sedimentation rate, proximity to shoreline and pH of the depositional environment. Diagenetic factors include one relating to the formation of siderite and one to pyrite, the latter perhaps also being influenced by later mineralizing fluids. Limited analyses of the Four Fathom and Iron Post limestones suggest that their chemistry is controlled by slow accumulation of detrital silicates although a “mineralization overprint” may also contribute to the chemistry in small part.  相似文献   

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