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《Chemical Geology》2002,182(2-4):565-582
Groundwater samples and a rock leachate sample from the Stripa mine and south central Sweden have been analysed for their δ37Cl values. Results reveal that the salinity found at depth in the groundwater is most likely derived form water–rock interaction. The overall distribution is one of δ37Cl enrichment with depth and with chloride concentration. This trend is comparable to other sites in the Fennoscandian Shield where it is believed that deep groundwaters derive their δ37Cl values from the local bedrock.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1999,14(1):67-84
In this study, the chemical evolution of high Cl Chardon mine groundwaters is modelled as a mixing between an oxidising recharge and an old marine component on which the water–rock interaction is superimposed. Chemical and isotopic similarities with saline Carnmenellis mine groundwaters are emphasised and a general comparison with other brines is discussed.The cation content of deep granitic groundwaters is indicative of the water–rock interaction. In the case of Chardon and Carnmenellis groundwaters, the high Na/Cl ratio can still be related to the contribution of a brine of sedimentary origin to the water salinity. The differences in the hydrochemistry related to their geological context only appears at the trace metals level. On the contrary, brines in plutonic rocks which exhibit a low Na/Cl ratio represent groundwaters having a residence time in the host rock, long enough to equilibrate with secondary aluminosilicates. In that case, the brine origin is difficult to assess if only based on the water cation content.  相似文献   

This work, which was done within the Swedish nuclear waste management program, was carried out in order to increase the understanding of the mobility and fate of rare earth elements (REEs) in natural boreal waters in granitoidic terrain. Two areas were studied, Forsmark and Simpevarp, one of which will be selected as a site for spent nuclear fuel. The highest REE concentrations were found in the overburden groundwaters, in Simpevarp in particular (median ∑REE 52 μg/L), but also in Forsmark (median ∑REE 6.7 μg/L). The fractionation patterns in these waters were characterised by light REE (LREE) enrichment and negative Ce and Eu anomalies. In contrast, the surface waters had relatively low REE concentrations. They were characterised either by an increase in relative concentrations throughout the lanthanide series (Forsmark which has a carbonate-rich till) or flat patterns (Simpevarp with carbonate-poor till), and had negative Ce and Eu anomalies. In the bedrock groundwaters, the concentrations and fractionation patterns of REEs were entirely different from those in the overburden groundwaters. The median La concentrations were low (just above 0.1 μg/L in both areas), only in a few samples were the concentrations of several REEs (and in a couple of rare cases all REEs) above the detection limit, and there was an increase in the relative concentrations throughout the lanthanide series. In contrast to these large spatial variations, the temporal trends were characterised by small (or non existent) variations in REE-fractionation patterns but rather large variations in concentrations. The Visual MINTEQ speciation calculations predicted that all REEs in all waters were closely associated with dissolved organic matter, and not with carbonate. In the hydrochemical data for the overburden groundwater in particular, there was however a strong indication of association with inorganic colloids, which were not included in the speciation model. Overall the results showed that within a typical boreal granitoidic setting, overburden groundwaters are enriched in REEs, organic complexes are much more important than carbonate complexes, there is little evidence of significant mixing of REEs between different water types (surface, overburden, bedrock) and spatial variations are more extensive than temporal ones.  相似文献   

Rubidium and strontium determinations are reported for Godhra and geographically related granites from central Gujarat. The whole rock data define a Rb-Sr isochron corresponding to a common age of 955±20 m.y. and initial Sr ratio of 0·7130±0·001. This age is distinctly older than the age of 735 m.y. reported for the Erinpura suite of rocks from Mount Abu in western Rajasthan and from Idar in northern Gujarat. There are at least two generations of post-Delhi intrusive rocks in the Gujarat precambrian. Biotites associated with these granites have the same age as the whole-rocks within experimental error indicating the absence of significant metamorphic heating since the time of emplacement. It is significant that rocks of similar age occur in the Rajasthan Precambrian mainly in the axial zone of the Aravalli Mountains.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2016,29(4):1294-1309
The Cuddapah Basin is one of a series of Proterozoic basins that overlie the cratons of India that, due to limited geochronological and provenance constraints, have remained subject to speculation as to their time of deposition, sediment source locations, and tectonic/geodynamic significance.Here we present 21 new, stratigraphically constrained, U–Pb detrital zircon samples from all the main depositional units within the Cuddapah Basin. These data are supported by Hf isotopic data from 12 of these samples, that also encompass the stratigraphic range, and detrital muscovite 40Ar/39Ar data from a sample of the Srisailam Formation. Taken together, the data demonstrate that the Papaghni and lower Chitravati Groups were sourced from the Dharwar Craton, in what is interpreted to be a rift basin that evolved into a passive margin. The Nallamalai Group is here constrained to be deposited between 1659 ± 22 Ma and ~ 1590 Ma. It was sourced from the coeval Krishna Orogen to the east, and was deposited in its foreland basin. Nallamalai Group detrital zircon U–Pb and Hf isotope values directly overlap with similar data from the Ongole Domain metasedimentary rocks. Depositional age constraints on the Srisailam Formation are permissive with it being coeval with the Nallamalai Group and it was possibly deposited within the same basin. The Kurnool Group saw a return to Dharwar Craton derived provenance and is constrained to being Neoproterozoic. It may represent deposition in a long-wavelength basin forelandward of the Tonian Eastern Ghats Orogeny. Detrital zircons from the Gandikota Formation, which is traditionally considered a part of the Chitravati Group, constrain it to being deposited after 1181 ± 29 Ma, more than 700 Ma after the lower Chitravati Group. It is possible that the Gandikota Formation is correlative with the Kurnool Group.The new data suggest that the Nallamalai Group correlates temporally and tectonically with the Somanpalli Group of the Pranhita–Godavari Valley Basin, which is tightly constrained to being deposited at ~ 1620 Ma. These syn-orogenic foreland basin deposits firmly link the SE India Proterozoic basins to their orogenic hinterland with their discovery filling a ‘missing-link’ in the tectonic development of the region.  相似文献   

陈焕元  贾飞 《地质学报》2021,95(11):3352-3365
浙江省内发育着众多中-大型萤石矿,但是对成矿岩体的研究相对较弱,制约着对区域成矿过程的认识.本文首次对安吉统里地区萤石成矿花岗岩体进行了系统的锆石U-Pb年代学和地球化学研究.锆石U-Pb测年结果显示小圩坞花岗闪长岩形成于146~140 Ma,而五房里细粒二长花岗岩形成于135 Ma,二者均形成于早白垩世早期,与华南地区大规模爆发的晚中生代岩浆作用时代相一致.全岩主微量元素地球化学表明统里地区花岗岩体可以划分为钙碱性Ⅰ型花岗岩和高分异Ⅰ型花岗岩两类,二者均显示高硅、富铝、贫铁和镁等特征,在地球化学上属于准铝质-过铝质岩石系列.其中小圩坞花岗闪长岩相对富集轻稀土元素和大离子亲石元素,亏损重稀土元素和高场强元素,而五房里细粒二长花岗岩则显示明显的中稀土元素亏损.研究认为小圩坞Ⅰ型花岗岩是变火成岩中下地壳熔融的产物,而五房里高分异Ⅰ型花岗岩是花岗质岩浆在浅层岩浆房内经历广泛结晶分异作用的产物.结合华南地区晚中生代岩浆作用由陆向海迁移的趋势,本文研究认为古太平洋板块俯冲过程中的板片回转过程是统里地区花岗岩侵入最为合理的深部动力学机制.  相似文献   

Summary Proterozoic, anorogenic, high silica granites from Western Bergslagen, Sweden are characterized by enhanced W, Mo, Au and F contents, whereas associated W-Mo(Au) skarns have high quartz and fluorite contents. Correlations between major and trace elements in the skarns are weak or absent. The granites responsible for mineralization have flat REE patterns with large negative Eu anomalies. Skarn types vary from pneumatolytic, closest to the granites, through high temperature calc-silicate skarns to low temperature biotite schists, generally furthest from the mineralizing source. REE patterns in pneumatolytic skarns are similar to those found in the granite. A heavy REE enrichment is seen in high temperature skarns followed by an increase in light over heavy REE in the biotite schists, which also have the highest REE contents. The regular variation in REE from granites through the different skarn types suggests that the REE pattern may be used to indicate the position of samples in the mineralizing system.
Die Verteilung der Seltenen Erden in W-Mo-(Au)-Skarnen und Graniten von West-Bergslagen,Zentralschweden
Zusammenfassung Proterozoische, anorogene, siliziumreiche Granite von West-Bergslagen in Schweden sind durch erhöhte Gehalte an W, Mo, Au und F charakterisiert. Mit ihnen vergesellschaftete W-Mo-(Au)-Skarne haben hohe Gehalte an Quarz und Fluorit. Hauptund Spurenelemente in den Skarnen korrelieren kaum bzw. überhaupt nicht. Die für die Mineralisation verantwortlichen Granite zeigen flache SE-Verteilungsmuster mit deutlich negativen Europiumanomalien. Die Skarne umfassen drei verschiedene Typen: Pneumatolytische in unmittelbarer Granit-Nähe, hoch-temperierte Kalksilikat-Skarne, und schließlich niedrig-temperierte Biotitschiefer. Letztere sind generell am weitesten von den die Mineralisation verursachenden Graniten entfernt. Die SE-Verteilung in den pneumatolytischen Skarnen ist mit der in den Graniten vergleichbar. Eine Anreicherung der schweren Seltenen Erden kann in den Hochtemperaturskarnen, eine Anreicherung der leichteren in den Biotitschiefern, die außerdem die höchsten SE-Gehalte aufweisen, beobachtet werden.[/p]Die regelmäßige Variation der SE-Verteilung in den Graniten und den unterschiedlichen Skarntypen kann für die Lokalisierung von Proben im Mineralisations-System verwendet werden.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

对滇东南燕山晚期老君山花岗岩开展了全岩主-微量元素、Sr-Nd-Pb同位素、锆石LA-MC-ICPMS U-Pb定年研究。结果表明该岩体岩石化学成分总体上属于高K钙碱性系列,其铝饱和指数ACNK多大于1.1;标准矿物计算显示大多数样品含有标准刚玉分子(1%~5%);认为老君山花岗岩为过铝-强过铝S型花岗岩,是古老地壳物质部分熔融的产物,其源岩可能为滇东南地区中-古元古代结晶基底中的一套变质泥岩为主,含少量变质硬砂岩的泥砂质副变质岩。根据锆石U-Pb定年结果,可将该复式岩体形成年龄分为80~88 Ma、90~98 Ma、100~118 Ma等三幕。老君山花岗岩成岩与锡矿化时代的一致性,表明都龙锡矿化与燕山期岩浆热液活动关系密切,老君山花岗岩是都龙锡锌多金属矿床成矿物质的主要源区。滇东南个旧、白牛厂和都龙等三个超大型矿床的成矿和成岩时代的耦合关系可能暗示其经历了相似的动力学背景,均与燕山期岩浆事件和华南岩石圈伸展密切相关。  相似文献   

The age of the granites of the La Esperanza region of the Somuncura Batholith, North Patagonian Massif has been revised, based in part on Rb---Sr whole-rock data obtained by reanalyzing samples from a previous study. The new ages are 258 ± 15 Ma for the Prieto Granodiorite and 259 ± 16 Ma for the Donosa Granite, both from the older La Esperanza plutonic complex, and 239 ± 4 Ma for the Calvo Granite, from the younger volcano-plutonic Dos Lomas complex. The initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios are all in the range 0.7070–0.7076. The ages probably correspond stratigraphically to Late Permian and Early Triassic for the two complexes, respectively, consistent with traditional geologic interpretation. Together with recently published Triassic ages from the Batholith of Central Patagonia, it is clear that the acidic volcano-plutonic associations of northern Patagonia are very latest Paleozoic and Mesozoic in age. They are not obviously related to terrane collision but are part of a Permo-Triassic acid magmatic province that extends throughout the central Andes and that preceded, or was associated with, the early rifting of Gondwana.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》1986,32(1):35-44
Three types of zircons from an albite diabase sill within the Kiruna Greenstone Group have been investigated to determine their age and order of crystallization. The youngest, pink and transparent zircons probably crystallized in late fissures and in association with a thermal event. The intermediate, white zircon populations could not be readily dated because of significant lead loss. The lead 207/206 ages of both the pink and white zircons agree roughly with that of the Sm-Nd isochron (about 1.93 Ga) on secondary minerals from a Kiruna greenstone (Skiöld and Cliff). The oldest, brown zircons indicate an age of about 2.2 Ga, and probably reflect the initial crystallization of the rock. The formation of the early Proterozoic greenstones in the Kiruna area thus commenced about 2.2 Ga ago or earlier. These results are consistent with the proposed chronostratigraphy of the Jatulian formations in Finland (e.g., Simonen; Meriläinen). A time interval of at least 0.3 Ga is assumed for the volcano-sedimentary period which pre-dates the Svecokarelian orogeny of the Kiruna area.  相似文献   

大兴安岭北端漠河县洛古河东岩体主要岩石类型为二长花岗斑岩、正长花岗斑岩和石英二长斑岩,内部可见闪长质微粒包体,属高钾钙碱性I型花岗岩。花岗岩的元素地球化学和锆石SHRIMP铀-铅年代学研究结果表明,洛古河东岩体形成于早白垩世,其花岗斑岩体的锆石SHRIMP铀-铅年龄为129.8±2.2Ma。花岗岩的SiO2含量介于68.03%~74.32%之间,Al2O3含量介于13.06%~14.55%之间,Na2O/ K2O介于0.45~0.86之间,铝饱和指数为0.94~1.11,Mg#指数介于18~42之间且多小于30。稀土元素总量为160.00×10-6 ~ 235.15×10-6,δEu介于0.31~0.52,(La/Yb)N介于8.99~17.87,为轻稀土富集型。岩体Sr含量低,介于118×10-6 ~ 268×10-6之间,而Y含量高,介于16.9×10-6~ 26.1×10-6之间,Sr/Y比值低,介于5.62~13.81之间,属低锶高钇型岩石。在原始地幔标准化的微量元素蛛网图中,Rb、Th、U、K、Zr、Hf和轻稀土元素(如La、Ce、Nd和Sm等)富集,Ba、Sr、P和Ti等元素强烈亏损,Nb和Ta具有中等-弱亏损。主量、稀土和微量元素特征表明,岩石具后碰撞花岗岩类的地球化学特征,属后碰撞花岗岩。岩体εNd (t)值介于-3.45~-2.64,平均-3.01;亏损地幔Nd模式年龄介于969~1131Ma之间,平均1018Ma;锶初始比值 (ISr)介于0.702486~0.707269之间,平均0.705434;钾长石206Pb/204Pb、207Pb/204Pb和208Pb/204Pb比值变化范围分别为18.5939~18.6721、15.6019~15.6058和38.4058~38.5249,平均值分别为18.6426、15.6035和38.4613;岩体中的钾长石氧同位素组成很低,δ18O (‰)值介于-8.1 ~ 4.1之间,多为负值,表明洛古河东岩体为低18O花岗岩。Nd、Sr、Pb和O同位素组成显示洛古河东岩体形成于含有较多幔源成分的源区物质的部分熔融作用,推测源区主要为Rodinia超大陆会聚过程中(中元古代—新元古代之交)形成的初生地壳。由于古亚洲洋和蒙古-鄂霍茨克洋分别于古生代末期和二叠纪—中侏罗世闭合,因此大兴安岭北端早白垩世花岗岩应该形成于中朝-蒙古大陆与西伯利亚大陆碰撞造山过程的后碰撞阶段。  相似文献   

东昆仑地区广泛分布了大量花岗岩.已有的研究工作表明,东昆仑地区的花岗岩主要形成于晚二叠世-中三叠世和晚三叠世两个时期.本文提供了香日德地区二长花岗岩和花岗闪长岩的锆石U-Pb定年数据和全岩化学,稀土微量元素及Sr、Nd同位素地球化学研究资料,结合前人对该区不同时期花岗岩的研究成果,对香日德晚三叠世花岗岩的成因及其形成的动力学背景进行了讨论.研究表明东昆仑东段香日德地区的二长花岗岩和花岗闪长岩分别形成于223.2±1.7Ma和220.6±1.5Ma,属晚三叠世花岗岩浆作用的产物.根据该花岗岩的主量元素(特别是A/CNK比值),岩石富集大离子亲石元素(LILE:Rb、Th和K)和轻稀土(LREE),明显亏损高场强元素(HFSE:Nb、Ta、Ti和P),以及岩石具有相对高的Isr值(0.70820~0.71148)和相对低的εNd(t)值为-6.4~-3.6和较古老的模式年龄t2DM(1.5~1.7Ga)等地球化学特征,论证了该花岗岩的成因,指出香日德花岗闪长岩-二长花岗岩的起源和成因与碰撞后的背景下岩石圈的拆沉诱发的古老地壳物质的部分熔融作用有关,晚三叠世花岗岩岩浆作用是对自晚海西期以来幔源玄武质岩浆长期的底侵作用及地壳不断加厚的一种响应.它进一步证明在东昆仑地区,阿尼玛卿古特提斯洋的俯冲作用一直持续到早三叠纪,至晚三叠世才全面转入陆内碰撞造山阶段.晚三叠世花岗岩与晚二叠世-中三叠世花岗岩在暗色包体含量、岩浆混合作用的特征等方面的差异,可以用幔源物质贡献量的差异以及花岗质岩浆作用所经历的MASH过程的不同来解释.  相似文献   

滇西腾冲地块片麻状花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年龄   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
丛峰 《地质学报》2009,83(5):651-658
报道了滇西腾冲地块片麻状花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年龄。区域地质和岩相特征表明,片麻状花岗岩为岩浆成因,并经历了后期深熔作用。24颗锆石测得24个年龄数据中,1颗继承锆石的206Pb/238U年龄为537.5±5.6Ma,2颗岩浆锆石的206Pb/238U平均年龄为456Ma,3颗深熔锆石的206Pb/238U平均年龄为117Ma,18颗深熔锆石的Robust (Median) 206Pb/238U年龄为66.2+7/-4Ma。上述结果表明,花岗岩形成于早古生代,而后在白垩纪发生深熔作用,可能是特提斯演化过程中的岩浆响应。  相似文献   

胡培远  翟庆国  唐跃  朱志才  王伟 《地质通报》2021,40(8):1203-1214
报道了西藏中部聂荣微陆块片麻状花岗岩的全岩地球化学、LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素研究资料。获得花岗岩中锆石206Pb/238U年龄为516±3 Ma(n=20,MSWD=1.60)。花岗岩属于高钾钙碱性岩石系列,具有类似I型花岗岩的地球化学特征,其稀土元素配分模式为轻稀土元素富集的右倾曲线,伴随负Eu异常,而微量元素蛛网图表现出Ba、Nb、Ta、Sr、P、Ti亏损和Rb、Th、Pb相对富集的分布特征。花岗岩具有富集的锆石Hf同位素组成(εHf(t)= -3.0~-0.1)、古老的锆石Hf模式年龄(tDMC= 1472~1659 Ma)和较高的Mg#值(32~47),可能形成于地幔岩浆对元古宙沉积物质的改造。综合上述测试结果及区域地质背景,推测聂荣微陆块寒武纪片麻状花岗岩应当是冈瓦纳大陆北缘安第斯型岩浆弧的一部分。  相似文献   

In this paper, an attempt was tried to study the relation between radiogenic heat production rate (RHPR) that derived from gamma-ray spectrometric data and the kinetic surface temperature KST, which was calculated from the thermal emission and reflection radiometer-thermal infrared (ASTER-TIR) imagery applied on Elmissikat-Eleridiya district. This area is considered one of the most important uranium localities in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt. The gamma-ray spectrometric data including both airborne data and in situ measurements concurrent with the collection of 20 rock samples were used to determine the rock density. The ground gamma-ray spectrometry has been conducted using GS-256 spectrometer at the same locations of rock samples. The gamma-ray spectrometric data (airborne and ground) beside rock density data were used for calculating RHPR. Alongside, pairs of daytime and nighttime ASTER-TIR images were collected and surface kinetic temperature for both day (daytime kinetic surface temperature (DKST)) and night (nighttime kinetic surface temperature (NKST)) were derived by using reference channel emissivity technique. The study showed a relative higher RHPR within syenogranite (4.2 up to 6 μW/m3) than other rock units. Besides, the KST of syenogranite ranged from 33 to 48 °C in daytime and between 7 and 17 °C at night. Comparing all results, no clear relation between RHPR and KST is evident. This is due to the very weak RHPR that is not sufficient to affect the surface heat temperature, which can be remotely sensed by ASTER satellite TIR data. This factor in addition to other factors such as: structural elements, topography, geographic locations, shading and scattering, rock moisture and density, can strongly affect the surface temperature. In conclusion, these results could be improved in areas of very high radioelement concentrations, especially 235U and through the use of the enhanced spatial resolution of future satellite TIR imaging instruments.  相似文献   

李舢  王涛  童英  王彦斌  洪大卫  欧阳志侠 《岩石学报》2011,27(10):3055-3070
LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果表明,北山柳园地区辉铜山钾长花岗岩的形成年龄为397±3Ma (MSWD=1.1).地球化学特征显示为高钾钙碱性的高分异Ⅰ型花岗岩到A型花岗岩过渡的特征.其全岩εNd(t)值为-1.3~ +1.2,Nd模式年龄(tDM)为960 ~ 1530Ma;锆石εHf(t)值为-1.0~ +5.8,两阶段Hf模式年龄(tDM2)为1024~1455Ma.地质背景、地球化学和同位素综合分析显示,辉铜山岩体为造山后伸展拉张背景下,幔源岩浆底侵导致上覆年轻地壳(可能为洋壳、岛弧建造或增生楔物质)部分熔融形成的钙碱性花岗闪长质岩浆经进一步演化及结晶分异形成.北山南带地区早-中泥盆世花岗岩显示出高分异钙碱性Ⅰ型花岗岩、I-A型花岗岩和A型花岗岩的组合特征.因此,在397Ma左右,北山地区古生代岩浆已经从Ⅰ型或S型转化为I-A型特征,构造环境转化为后造山或同造山晚期的伸展环境.  相似文献   

麻山杂岩的两种变质作用及其与花岗岩的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在黑龙江佳木斯地块麻山杂岩中识别出麻山杂岩中具有两种类型的变质作用:早期局部的麻粒岩相变质作用(M1)和伴随的无水深熔作用(>530Ma),即狭义的麻山群高级变质作用,变质岩多以残留块体形式散布于后期混合岩或花岗岩之中;麻粒岩相变质之后由于广泛的岩浆活动,造成了强烈的混合岩化作用(500Ma)和相应大范围的晚期角闪岩相变质作用(M2)。角闪岩相和麻粒岩相变质并非带状递进变化,而是在时空上均有差异的两种变质作用。混合岩化过程中的富水流体对早期"干"岩石进行了明显的退变质改造,从而造成高级变质岩变质结构的复杂性。此外,含水花岗岩的侵位对先期麻粒岩相变质成因锆石同位素体系有重置作用,使得早期的变质年龄难以测定。麻山杂岩的变质-花岗岩关系与东南极普里兹带有类似之处,在变形-变质之后迅速发生了构造体系的转换,出现了新的岩浆活动,只是花岗岩发育强度有所不同,反映了两地构造演化细节上的差异。西伯利亚古陆南缘及中亚造山带内部的一些微陆块发生了与冈瓦纳陆块内泛非事件类似的构造-热-岩浆事件,因此,中亚造山带内部的佳木斯地块及其他类似的微陆块与冈瓦纳古陆边缘活动带具有相似的构造性质。  相似文献   

为探讨闽中梅仙矿区花岗岩的成因,对小焦、寨头、根竹园花岗岩体的岩相学、年代学和Sr-Nd同位素特征进行研究。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年结果显示,小焦花岗岩体的结晶年龄为158±3Ma,形成于燕山中期晚侏罗世。同位素分析显示,样品具有高I_(Sr)(0.707099~0.710082)和低ε_(Nd)(t)(-9.79~-10.92)的特点,显示明显的壳源特征,其岩石成因类型属高分异的Ⅰ型花岗岩。结合前人最新的研究成果表明,梅仙矿区燕山中期花岗岩形成于古太平洋板块向欧亚板块的俯冲-消减的伸展拉张环境,是板内伸展造山阶段的产物。  相似文献   

沙乐花岗岩位于滇西思茅地块南涧县南西沙乐乡一带,主要由黑云母二长花岗岩和花岗闪长岩组成,被少量正长斑岩侵入。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年得出黑云母二长花岗岩的形成年龄为246.4±2.6 Ma,花岗闪长岩的形成年龄为245.7±3.6Ma,表明该花岗岩体的形成时代属于早三叠世。岩石SiO2含量71.44%~76.39%,Al2O3含量12.72%~16.15%,K2O/Na2O=0.1~1.30,均属高钾钙碱性过铝-强过铝花岗岩。根据地球化学特征和微量元素构造判别图解,样品点主要落入“火山弧花岗岩”、“板内花岗岩”区域,少量落入“碰撞花岗岩”区域,表明其形成于俯冲-碰撞岩浆弧转换环境。在Sr-Yb花岗岩分类图解中,主要属常见的低Sr高Yb花岗岩,少数样品属低Sr低Yb花岗岩,其物质来源为含砂质的变质泥质岩。结合锆石定年结果及岩体产出的区域地质背景,认为沙乐花岗岩形成于缅泰马陆块与思茅地块大陆碰撞造山过程的初始阶段,同时表明昌宁-孟连洋碰撞最早时限为早三叠世。  相似文献   

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