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Core sections from coastal bay, continental slope, and continental rise surface sediments of the western North Atlantic were analyzed for sterols. Changing rate or type of sediment input, bioturbation, and chemical conversion appear to be processes important in controlling the distribution of sterols in these sediments. Comparisons of individual sterol distributions and variations in the ratio of Soxhlet-extractable to non-extractable saponified sterols indicate that for the western North Atlantic, the extent to which each process is dominant varies with proximity to shore. Evidence is presented to show that sterols in the deep sea may be at least partially terrigenous in origin and not all biogenically derived in the surface waters. These sterols, and by analogy other labile organic compounds, may serve as a source of carbon for benthic organism metabolism.  相似文献   

Quaternary strata in northcentral Missouri were deposited prior to, during, and subsequent to glaciation of the area. Major depositional units are separated by buried soils. The lower Quaternary Whippoorwill formation is derived from local bedrock and has the intensely weathered New Florence soil developed in it. The pre-Illinoian McCredie formation, primarily till, is derived from distant shield and local cratonic rocks. The moderately weathered Kingdom City soil within the formation suggests that an intcrglacial separated two ice advances. The lllinoian Lovcland and Wisconsinan Peoria Loesses are derived from Missouri River outwash. Since glaciation, the welded Yarmouth-Sangamon Soil has developed in till and in lllinoian loess on stable sites but middle and late Sangamon Soils have developed on erosional surfaces. Holocene soils are developed in Wisconsinan loess and alluvium-colluvium.  相似文献   

On the basis of measurements from a large number of rivers from pristine and polluted regions, we estimate the riverine fluxes of tin to the oceans to be 0.76 × 106molyr−1 for the dissolved fraction and 300–600 × 106 mol yr−1 for the paniculate fraction. The paniculate flux agrees with the flux calculated from denudation rates. Estuaries were found not to have a large effect upon the transport of tin to the oceans. Evidence for the remobilization of tin was found in an estuary that is highly polluted with tin from mining and smelting activities. Monobutyltin was found to be present in polluted estuaries and is presumed to be a degradation product of tributyltin additives to antifouling paint.  相似文献   

Stratified cultural remains from the Early Roman/Nabataean to Byzantine periods in the coastal zone of Aqaba, Jordan, and analyses of thirteen sediment cores provide evidence for changes in the depositional environment during the Holocene. The overall trend in subsurface sediments is a basal marine transgressive layer overlain by a regressional sequence of embayment lagoonal sediments identified from microfossil analyses, and backshore pond, alluvium, and eolian deposits until the 1st century B.C., when mudbrick structures appear. Based on two radiocarbon dates, a brackish water coastal embayment formed prior to ca. 5900–5700 B.C. and was subsequently filled by siltation. Local tectonic subsidence along faults of the Dead Sea transform may have helped form the lagoon. Freshwater Candona sp. ostracods found in sand layers in the lagoon facies show signs of having been transported and redeposited. These data indicate that lakes or marshes were likely located inland of the study area. Supporting faunal and floral evidence for wetter climatic conditions, wetland habitats, and extensive water diversion and agricultural terraces has been excavated at late Chalcolithic (4000–3500 B.C.) sites in the Aqaba region (Khalil & Schmidt, 2009 ). By the 8th century B.C., the depositional environment along the coastal plain of Aqaba was dominated by distal alluvial fan and eolian sedimentation and the shoreline had prograded about 400m seaward. The migration of human settlements since the 8th century B.C. from the center of the valley toward the southeast may be driven by the changing course of Wadi Yutim and conditions along the coastal plain. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The sediment geochemistry, including REE, of surface and core samples from Mansar Lake, along with mineralogical investigations, have been carried out in order to understand the provenance, source area weathering, hydrolic sorting and tectonic setting of the basin. The geochemical signatures preserved in these sediments have been exploited as proxies in order to delineate these different parameters.The major element log values (Fe2O3/K2O) vs (SiO2/Al2O3) and (Na2O/K2O) vs (SiO2/Al2O3) demarcate a lithology remarkably similar to that exposed in the catchment area. The chondrite normalized REE patterns of lake samples are similar to Post Archaean Australian Shale (PAAS) with LREE enrichment, a negative Eu anomaly and almost flat HREE pattern similar to a felsic and/or cratonic sedimentary source. However, the La–Th–Sc plot of samples fall in a mixed sedimentary domain, close to Upper Continental Crust (UCC) and PAAS, suggesting sedimentary source rocks for the Mansar detritus. It also indicates that these elements remained immobile during weathering and transportation. The mineralogical characteristic, REEs, and high field strength elements (HFSE), together with the high percentage of metamorphic rock fragments in the Siwalik sandstone, support a metamorphic source for lower Siwalik sediments. A very weak positive correlation between Zr and SiO2, poor negative correlation with Al2O3, negative correlation of (La/Yb)N and (Gd/Yb)N ratios with SiO2 and positive correlation with Al2O3, suggest that Zr does not dominantly control the REE distribution in Mansar sediments. The petrographic character and textural immaturity indicate a short distance transport for the detritus. The distribution of elements in core samples reflect fractionation. The higher Zr/Th and Zr/Yb ratios in coarse sediments and PAAS compared to finer grained detritus indicate sedimentary sorting. Plots of the geochemical data on tectonic discrimination diagrams suggest that the sediments derived from the lower Siwalik were originated within a cratonic interior and later deposited along a passive margin basinal setting. It therefore reveals lower Siwalik depositional history.  相似文献   

A sea-survey was carried out along the Chinese coast from the Bohai Sea to South China Sea, and 15 surficial samples were taken from major coastal estuaries, i.e., from north to south, the Yellow, abandoned Yellow, Yangtze, Qiantang, Ou, Min, Han, and Pearl River estuaries. On the basis of clay mineral analysis and published data collection, this paper discusses the characteristics of clay minerals of each coastal river and potentials of implications of sediment sources. The results show that the change of diagnostic clay minerals from smectite to kaolinite from the Yellow to the Pearl River estuaries is southward, as clearly shown by the ratios of smectite to chlorite (S/Ch) and kaolinite to illite (K/I). S/Ch decreases southward, while K/I moves reversely, implying change in climate setting from cool/dry to humid/hot with intensified weathering processes. Besides, these two indicators in the estuaries are also linked with the derivation of parent-rock of each river-basin and coastal hydrodynamics. The disproportional higher ratio of K/I in the Yellow and abandoned Yellow River estuaries is ascribed to their sediment sources with abundant loess component in the north-central China. The K/I decrease offshore from the Pearl River estuary is primarily due to hydrodynamic sorting. Therefore, the S/Ch and K/I of the present study comprehensively reflect the controls of climate, parent-rock, and sediment transport along the coast.  相似文献   

Rates of chemical and silicate weathering of the Deccan Trap basalts, India, have been determined through major ion measurements in the headwaters of the Krishna and the Bhima rivers, their tributaries, and the west flowing streams of the Western Ghats, all of which flow almost entirely through the Deccan basalts.Samples (n = 63) for this study were collected from 23 rivers during two consecutive monsoon seasons of 2001 and 2002. The Total dissolved solid (TDS) in the samples range from 27 to 640 mg l−1. The rivers draining the Western Ghats that flow through patches of cation deficient lateritic soils have lower TDS (average: 74 mg l−1), whereas the Bhima (except at origin) and its tributaries that seem to receive Na, Cl, and SO4 from saline soils and anthropogenic inputs have values in excess of 170 mg l−1. Many of the rivers sampled are supersaturated with respect to calcite. The chemical weathering rates (CWR) of “selected” basins, which exclude rivers supersaturated in calcite and which have high Cl and SO4, are in range of ∼3 to ∼60 t km−2 y−1. This yields an area-weighted average CWR of ∼16 t km−2 y−1 for the Deccan Traps. This is a factor of ∼2 lower than that reported for the Narmada-Tapti-Wainganga (NTW) systems draining the more northern regions of the Deccan. The difference can be because of (i) natural variations in CWR among the different basins of the Deccan, (ii) “selection” of river basin for CWR calculation in this study, and (iii) possible contribution of major ions from sources, in addition to basalts, to rivers of the northern Deccan Traps.Silicate weathering rates (SWR) in the selected basins calculated using dissolved Mg as an index varies between ∼3 to ∼60 t km−2 y−1, nearly identical to their CWR. The Ca/Mg and Na/Mg in these rivers, after correcting for rain input, are quite similar to those in average basalts of the region, suggesting near congruent release of Ca, Mg, and Na from basalts to rivers. Comparison of calculated and measured silicate-Ca in these rivers indicates that at most ∼30% of Ca can be of nonsilicate origin, a likely source being carbonates in basalts and sediments.The chemical and silicate weathering rates of the west flowing rivers of the Deccan are ∼4 times higher than the east flowing rivers. This difference is due to the correspondingly higher rainfall and runoff in the western region and thus reemphasises the dominant role of runoff in regulating weathering rates. The silicon weathering rate (SWR) in the Krishna Basin is ∼15 t km−2 y−1, within a factor of ∼2 to those in the Yamuna, Bhagirathi, and Alaknanda basins of the Himalaya, suggesting that under favourable conditions (intense physical weathering, high runoff) granites and the other silicates in the Himalaya weather at rates similar to those of Deccan basalts. The CO2 consumption rate for the Deccan is deduced to be ∼3.6 × 105 moles km−2 y−1 based on the SWR. The rate, though, is two to three times lower than reported for the NTW rivers system; it still reinforces the earlier findings that, in general, basalts weather more rapidly than other silicates and that they significantly influence the atmospheric CO2 budget on long-term scales.  相似文献   

In this study, environmental magnetic, heavy metal and statistical analyses were conducted on 21 surface sediments collected from Chennai coast, India, to examine the feasibility of heavy metal pollution using magnetic susceptibility. The Chennai coastal sediment samples are dominated by ferrimagnetic minerals corresponding to magnetite-like minerals. The percentage of frequency dependent magnetic susceptibility reflects the presence of super-paramagnetic/single domain magnetic minerals in Chennai harbour, Cooum and Adayar rivers sediments. High pollution load index in sample E1, E2, CH7, C11, C12 and A16 is mainly due to anthropogenic activities such as, harbour activities, Cooum and Adayar rivers input and industrial effluent. Factor analysis shows that the magnetic concentration dependent parameters (χ, χ ARM and SIRM) covary with the heavy metal concentrations, suggesting that the input of magnetic minerals and heavy metals in Chennai coastal sediments are derived from the same anthropogenic sources. Strong correlation obtained between pollution load index (PLI) and concentration dependent parameters (χ, χ ARM and SIRM) for the polluted samples with magnetic susceptibility excess of 50×10 − 8 m3kg − 1. Significant correlations between heavy metals and magnetic susceptibility point out the potential of magnetic screening/monitoring for simple and rapid proxy indicator of heavy metal pollution in marine sediments.  相似文献   

The chemical status of major and trace elements (TE) in various boreal small rivers and watershed has been investigated along a 1500-km transect of NW Russia. Samples were filtered in the field through a progressively decreasing pore size (5, 0.8 and 0.22 μm; 100, 10, and 1 kD) using a frontal filtration technique. All major and trace elements and organic carbon (OC) were measured in filtrates and ultrafiltrates. Most rivers exhibit high concentration of dissolved iron (0.2–4 mg/l), OC (10–30 mg/l) and significant amounts of trace elements usually considered as immobile in weathering processes (Ti, Zr, Th, Al, Ga, Y, REE, V, Pb). In (ultra)filtrates, Fe and OC are poorly correlated: iron concentration gradually decreases upon filtration from 5 μm to 1 kD whereas the major part of OC is concentrated in the <1–10 kD fraction. This reveals the presence of two pools of colloids composed of organic-rich and Fe-rich particles. According to their behavior during filtration and association with these two types of colloids, three groups of elements can be distinguished: (i) species that are not affected by ultrafiltration and are present in the form of true dissolved inorganic species (Ca, Mg, Li, Na, K, Sr, Ba, Rb, Cs, Si, B, As, Sb, Mo) or weak organic complexes (Ca, Mg, Sr, Ba), (ii) elements present in the fraction smaller than 1–10 kD prone to form inorganic or organic complexes (Mn, Co, Ni, Zn, Cu, Cd, and, for some rivers, Pb, Cr, Y, HREE, U), and (iii) elements strongly associated with colloidal iron in all ultrafiltrates (P, Al, Ga, REE, Pb, V, Cr, W, Ti, Ge, Zr, Th, U). Based on size fractionation results and taking into account the nominal pore size for membranes, an estimation of the effective surface area of Fe colloids was performed. Although the total amount of available surface sites on iron colloids (i.e., 1–10 μM) is enough to accommodate the nanomolar concentrations of dissolved trace elements, very poor correlation between TE and surface sites concentrations was observed in filtrates and ultrafiltrates. This strongly suggests a preferential transport of TE as coprecipitates with iron oxy(hydr)oxides. These colloids can be formed on redox boundaries by precipitation of Fe(III) from inflowing Fe(II)/TE-rich anoxic ground waters when they meet well-oxygenated surface waters. Dissolved organic matter stabilizes these colloids and prevents their aggregation and coagulation. Estuarine behavior of several trace elements was studied for two small iron- and organic-rich rivers. While Si, Sr, Ba, Rb, and Cs show a clear conservative behavior during mixing of freshwaters with the White sea, Al, Pb and REE are scavenged with iron during coagulation of Fe hydroxide colloids.  相似文献   

Geochemical and magnetic susceptibility studies of shelf sediments off Mangalore were carried out to understand the influence of rivers on sediment geochemistry, to study the elemental distribution patterns, and to evaluate the importance of the shelf as a source/sink for base metals. The contents of Cu, Pb, Mn, Fe and Al in the surficial sediments are lower by factors of 1.6–5.6, except Ca which is higher by a factor of 3.4 in relation to riverine suspended particulate matter (SPM). This is due to the seaward decrease of terrigenous influx which is reflected in the offshore protrusion of contours of Al, Fe, Cu, Zn, Ni and magnetic susceptibility values, particularly off Netravati and Gurpur rivers. Lower Mn content is also due to its remobilization from the anoxic-sulphidic shelf sediments. In contrast to the elements mentioned above, Ca increases seaward, suggesting that it is biogenic. The enrichment factor (EF) indicates that the surficial sediments are depleted in Cu, Zn and Mn compared to average shale and other anoxic sediments, and marginally enriched with Ni, Co, and Pb in relation to the average shale. However, a comparison between the EF of SPM of Netravati-Gurpur rivers in the hinterland and surficial sediments indicates that the latter are depleted in Mn and Co, but enriched with Ni, Pb, and Fe, thereby suggesting a source and a sink for the former and latter elements, respectively, to the Arabian Sea.  相似文献   

The Upper Callovian-Oxfordian strata of the Kachchh Basin, western India, record three positive excursions of phosphorus. They have been documented in three sections of the Chari Formation from different parts of the basin. Corroboration of field and petrographic data with trends of major and trace elemental data and elemental ratios of the strata revealed that these excursions were coeval with reduced chemical weathering in the source area and significant reduction of siliciclastic influx to the depositional sites. The study also revealed the intrabasinal source of P, and minor sea-level fluctuations and resultant episodic sediment recycling as the causative factors. Considering the geographic locations of the three sections, the phosphorus anomalies seem to be controlled by a regional and/or basin-scale process, if not linked with global signals. Temporal resolution of these anomalies suggests that the processes were episodic and related to short term climate/relative sea-level cycles, the durations of which could be unraveled with high-resolution biostratigraphic data.  相似文献   

The biogeochemical cycling and isotopic fractionation of calcium during the initial stages of weathering were investigated in an alpine soil chronosequence (Damma glacier, Switzerland). This site has a homogeneous silicate lithology and minimal biological impacts due to sparse vegetation cover. Calcium isotopic compositions, obtained by TIMS using a 43Ca-46Ca double spike, were measured in the main Ca pools. During this very early stage of weathering, the young soils which have formed (δ44/42Ca=+0.44) were indistinguishable to the rocks from which they were derived (δ44/42Ca=+0.44) and stream water (δ44/42Ca=+0.48) was also within error of the average rock. This lack of variation indicates that the dissolution of the bulk silicate rock does not strongly fractionate Ca isotopes. The only Ca pool which was strongly fractionated from bulk rock was vegetation, which exhibited an enrichment of light Ca isotopes. Significant Ca isotope fractionation between bulk rock and the dissolved flux of Ca is likely to only occur where the Ca biogeochemical cycle is dominated by secondary processes such as biological cycling, adsorption and secondary mineral precipitation.  相似文献   

The study deals with the depositional environment of Jumara Dome sediments. The Jumara Dome is an important outcrop of Bathonian to Oxfordian sediments amongst the Kachchh Mainland exposures. On the basis of facies analysis three associations have been documented, namely, G-1 consisting of low energy facies comprising of cross-bedded sandstone, massive sandstone, grey shale and thin bedded sandstone, bioclastic — lithoclastic grainstone, bioclastic — lithoclastic packstone, microbioclastic packstone/wackestone, bioturbated laminated wackestone to mudstone and pelagic lime mudstone; G-II consisting of moderate energy facies comprising of laminated sandstone and grapestone or agglutinated grainstone; G-III consisting of high energy facies comprising of interbedded gypsiferous shale and sandstone/siltstone, oolitic grainstone to conglomerate and bioclastic grainstone. The facies associations reflect an ideal shallowing upward sequence representing slope, bioclast bar, lagoon and inner shelf. Presence of wide range of facies indicates that the rocks of the studied area were deposited during the fluctuating sea level, interrupted by the storms, in the shallow marine environment.  相似文献   

Olahola is a wavecut cave positioned well above the postglacial marine limit. The sediment sequence in the cave can be litho- and magnetostratigraphically correlated with the sequence in the Skjonghelleren cave, 36 km northeast of this locality. Three boulder formations in Olahola represent three ice-free periods (including the Holocene) and two formations of laminated clay represent periods of ice-cover. Paleomagnetic excursions in the laminated clays have been correlated with the Lake Mungo/Mono Lake excursion (28 ka), and with the Laschamp excursion (43 ka), but the resolution of these events is much better in the caves than anywhere else. The paleomagnetic records from Skjonghelleren and Olahola suggest that during the Laschamp excursion at least 0.75–1 m of sediment accumulated in Skjonghelleren before sedimentation started in Olahola, indicating also an earlier ice coverage at Skjonghelleren.  相似文献   

T. Reinecke 《Lithos》1998,42(3-4):147-189
Pelagic metasediments and MORB-type metabasalts of the former Tethyan oceanic crust at Cignana, Valtournanche, Italy, experienced UHP metamorphism and subsequent exhumation during the Early to Late Tertiary. Maximum PT conditions attained during UHP metamorphism were 600–630 °C, 2.7–2.9 GPa, which resulted in the formation of coesite-glaucophane-eclogites in the basaltic layer and of garnet-dolomite-aragonite-lawsonite-coesite-phengite-bearing calc-schists and garnet-phengite-coesite-schists with variable amounts of epidote, talc, dolomite, Na-pyroxene and Na-amphibole in the overlying metasediments. During subduction the rocks followed a prograde HP/UHP path which in correspondance with the Jurassic age of the Tethyan crust reflects the thermal influence of relatively old and cold lithosphere and of low to moderate shear heating. Inflections on the prograde metamorphic path may correspond to thermal effects that arise from a decrease in shear heating due to brittle-plastic transition in the quartz-aragonite-dominated rocks, induced convection in the asthenospheric mantle wedge and/or heat consumption by endothermic reactions over a restricted PT segment during subduction. After detachment from the downgoing slab some 50–70 Ma before present, the Cignana crustal slice was first exhumed to ca. 60 km and concomitantly cooled to ca. 550 °C, tracing back the UHP/HP prograde path displaced by 50–80 °C to higher temperatures. Exhumation at this stage is likely to have occurred in the Benioff zone, while the subduction of cool lithosphere was going on. Subsequently, the rocks were near-isothermally exhumed to ca. 30 km, followed by concomitant decompression and cooling to surface conditions (at < 500 °C, < 1 GPa). During this last stage the UHPM slice arrived at its present tectonic position with respect to the overlying greenschist-facies Combin zone. In contrast to the well-preserved HP/UHPM record of the coesite-glaucophane eclogites, the HP/UHP assemblages of the metasediments have been largely obliterated during exhumation. Relics from which the metamorphic evolution of the rocks during prograde HP metamorphism and the UHP stage can be retrieved are restricted to rigid low-diffusion minerals like garnet, dolomite, tourmaline and apatite.  相似文献   

Surface geophysics and a priori information were employed to delineate the subsurface geology at Idi-oro in Abijo, Ibeju Lekki area of Lagos, Nigeria for foundation investigation purpose. Resistivity measurement was conducted using 1-D and 2-D resistivity probing techniques. The resistivity measurements were made with ABEM tetrameter model SAS 1000 system. The 1-D vertical electrical resistivity sounding data were obtained using the Schlumberger electrode array while the 2-D resistivity data were obtained using the dipole–dipole array. The interpreted results revealed three to five subsurface geological layers. This is made up of the top soil with resistivity values that vary from 132.4 to over 2,313.5 Ω?m and thickness values that range from 0.3 to 4.8 m, the fine sand with resistivity values that vary from 221.0 to 3,032.7 Ω?m and thickness values that range from 0.4 to 5.5 m, the medium sand with resistivity values that vary from 202.8 to 1,247.7 Ω?m and thickness values that range from 4.9 to 58.4 m. On the other hand, the clayey sand has the resistivity values that vary from 146.1 to 1,744.0 Ω?m and thickness values that vary from 2.2 to 26.3 m, while the coarse sand has resistivity values that vary from 238.3 to 14,313.9 Ω?m but with no thickness value because the current terminated in this layer. The resistivity data correlate well with borehole logs. On the whole, it is concluded that the investigated area has competent sand layer that can support medium to giant engineering structures with resistivity values that vary from 202 to 14,314 Ω?m and thickness values that vary from 0.8 to 58.4 m.  相似文献   

The geochemical investigation of sediments deposited in the Renuka Lake basin and its adjoining wetland has shown variation in the distribution and concentration of major, trace and REEs. The major elements are depleted in the lake in relation to wetland and that of Post Archaean Australian, Shale (PAAS), except for CaO which is strikingly in excess and has a dilution effect on SiO2 and other oxides and trace elements. The Wetland sediments, on the other hand, are enriched in Al2O3, Fe2O3, K2O and TiO2 and the latter three show a positive correlation with Al2O3 in both wetland and lake sediments suggesting their association with phyllosilicates and similar source rocks. The enrichment of Y, Zr, Ni, Th, U and Nb in wetland compared to lake and their similarity with PAAS in the former, suggests more clay fractions in the wetland. A high Zr/Hf ratio in wetland and lake sediments and a positive correlation of Zr with Y and HREE indicate Zr control on HREEs. However, higher Zr/Yb and Zr/Th ratios in wetland compared to lake indicate mineral sorting during the process of lighter particles (clays) being trapped in wetland soil. This is also reflected from negative correlation of GdN/YbN with Al2O3 and a strong positive correlation with SiO2 in wetland sediments. The wetland in this context has a control on lake sediment chemistry. The chondrite normalized REE patterns are essentially the same for lake as well as wetland sediments but abundance decreases in the former. The similarity of pattern with that of PAAS and negative Eu anomaly indicates a cratonic source of sediments. In a plot of the individual samples, wetland samples cluster while lake samples are separated indicating fractionation of lake sediments. A strong positive correlation of LaN/YbN with Al2O3 and a positive correlation of Zr-∑LREE and Zr-LaN/YbN suggest that LREEs are controlled by both phyllosilicates and zircon. The chemical index of alteration (CIA) indices in lake sediments and in wetland are higher than PAAS indicating moderate chemical weathering in the source area. The petrography, lack of felsic magmatic rock fragments, and negative correlation between Zr-(Gd/Yb)C indicate sedimentary source rocks for the detritus. This is in conformity with the Lesser Himalayan sedimentary sequence belonging to neo-Proterozoic–Proterozoic age and constituting lake catchment of Renuka. The tectonic delineation and discriminant function plots of lake and wetland sediments indicate their cratonic and/or quartzose sedimentary orogenic terrain source that has been deposited in a passive margin setting.  相似文献   

Forty-two substrate sediment samples and three cores procured from the shelf region between Chennai and Cuddalore were analyzed to understand the spatial and vertical sediment distribution. Samples subjected to grain size, bulk and clay mineralogical analyses, REE and trace element geochemistry yielded interesting results about the sediment characteristics with respect to the modern day environment. The present study revealed that the study area is characterized by high energy environment marked by predominant composition of medium sand. Results confirmed the evidence of more illite than kaolinite, smectite, and chlorite in the clay mineral assemblage indicating a terrigenous source. Geochemical data also revealed that the enrichment of light rare earth elements (LREE) in the sediments is due to continental source of Precambrian times. High feldspar content in the sediments which is emphasized by bulk mineralogical data displayed positive Eu anomaly. By using the paleoredox index, the area of interest is considered to have undergone no major changes in its depositional settings.  相似文献   

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