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We report Ni isotopic data, for 58,60-62Ni, on (1) FeNi metal and sulfides in different groups of iron meteorites, (2) sulfides and a whole rock sample of the St. Séverin chondrite, and (3) chondrules from the Chainpur chondrite. We have developed improved, Multiple-Collector, Positive ion Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometric (MC-PTIMS) techniques, with Ni+ ionization efficiency at 1‰, and chemical separation techniques for Ni which reduce mass interferences to the 1 ppm level, so that no mass interference corrections need be applied, except for 64Ni (from 64Zn, at the 0.1‰ level), for which we do not report results. We normalize the data to 62Ni/58Ni to correct for mass dependent isotope fractionation. No evidence was found for resolved radiogenic or general Ni isotope anomalies at the resolution levels of 0.2 and 0.5 εu (εu = 0.01%) for 60Ni/58Ni and 61Ni/58Ni, respectively. From the 56Fe/58Ni ratios and ε(60Ni/58Ni) values, we calculate upper limits for the initial value of (60Fe/56Fe)0 of (a) <2.7 × 10−7 for Chainpur chondrules, (b) <10−8 for the St. Séverin sulfide, and (c) <4 × 10−9 for sulfides from iron meteorites. We measured some of the same meteorites measured by other workers, who reported isotopic anomalies in Ni, using Multiple-Collector, Inductively-Coupled Mass Spectrometry. Our results do not support the previous reports of Ni isotopic anomalies in sulfide samples from Mundrabilla by Cook et al. [Cook D. L., Clayton R. N., Wadhwa M., Janney P. E., and Davis A. M. (2008). Nickel isotopic anomalies in troilite from iron meteorites. Geophy. Res. Lett. 35, L01203] and in sulfides from Toluca and Odessa by Quitté et al. [Quitté G., Meier M., Latkoczy C., Halliday A. N., and Gunther D., (2006). Nickel isotopes in iron meteorites-nucleosynthetic anomalies in sulfides with no effects in metals and no trace of 60Fe. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 242, 16-25]. Hence, we find no need for specialized physical-chemical planetary processes for the preservation of different Ni isotope compositions, between FeNi metal and sulfides in the same iron meteorites, as proposed by the above reports nor for complex astrophysical scenarios to provide the very peculiar Ni isotope anomalies reported by these workers for sulfides.  相似文献   

Chondrules and chondrites provide unique insights into early solar system origin and history, and iron plays a critical role in defining the properties of these objects. In order to understand the processes that formed chondrules and chondrites, and introduced isotopic fractionation of iron isotopes, we measured stable iron isotope ratios 56Fe/54Fe and 57Fe/54Fe in metal grains separated from 18 ordinary chondrites, of classes H, L and LL, ranging from petrographic types 3-6 using multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The δ56Fe values range from −0.06 ± 0.01 to +0.30 ± 0.04‰ and δ57Fe values are −0.09 ± 0.02 to +0.55 ± 0.05‰ (relative to IRMM-014 iron isotope standard). Where comparisons are possible, these data are in good agreement with published data. We found no systematic difference between falls and finds, suggesting that terrestrial weathering effects are not important in controlling the isotopic fractionations in our samples. We did find a trend in the 56Fe/54Fe and 57Fe/54Fe isotopic ratios along the series H, L and LL, with LL being isotopically heavier than H chondrites by ∼0.3‰ suggesting that redox processes are fractionating the isotopes. The 56Fe/54Fe and 57Fe/54Fe ratios also increase with increasing petrologic type, which again could reflect redox changes during metamorphism and also a temperature dependant fractionation as meteorites cooled. Metal separated from chondrites is isotopically heavier by ∼0.31‰ in δ56Fe than chondrules from the same class, while bulk and matrix samples plot between chondrules and metal. Thus, as with so many chondrite properties, the bulk values appear to reflect the proportion of chondrules (more precisely the proportion of certain types of chondrule) to metal, whereas chondrule properties are largely determined by the redox conditions during chondrule formation. The chondrite assemblages we now observe were, therefore, formed as a closed system.  相似文献   

High-precision Zn isotopic variations are reported for carbonaceous chondrites (CC), equilibrated (EOC) and unequilibrated (UOC) ordinary chondrites, iron meteorites from the IAB-IIICD (nonmagmatic) and IIIA (magmatic) groups, and metal from the Brenham pallasite. For irons, δ65Cu values are also reported. Data have also been obtained on a coarse-grained type-B calcium-, aluminum-rich refractory inclusion (CAI) from Allende and on acid leaches of Allende (CV3), Krymka (LL3), and Charsonville (H6). Variations expressed as δ66Zn (deviation in parts per thousand of 66Zn/64Zn in samples relative to a standard) spread over a range of 0.3‰ for carbonaceous chondrites, 2‰ for ordinary chondrites, and 4‰ for irons.The measured 66Zn/64Zn, 67Zn/64Zn, and 68Zn/64Zn ratios vary linearly with mass difference and define a common isotope fractionation line with terrestrial samples, which demonstrates that Zn was derived from an initially single homogeneous reservoir. The δ66Zn values are correlated with meteorite compositions and slightly decrease in the order CI, CM, CV-CO, and to UOC. The isotopically light Zn of Allende CAI and the acid-resistant residues of Allende and Krymka show that the light component is associated with refractory material, presumably minerals from the spinel-group. This, together with the reverse correlation between relative abundances of light Zn isotopes and volatile element abundances, suggests that Zn depletion in planetary bodies with respect to CI cannot be ascribed to devolatilization of CI-like material. These observations rather suggest that refractory material reacted with a gas phase enriched in the lighter Zn isotopes. Alternatively, chondrules with their associated rims should carry a light Zn isotopic signature. The δ66Zn values of unequilibrated chondrites are rather uniform, whereas equilibrated chondrites show distinctly more isotopic variability.The values of δ65Cu-δ66Zn in irons define two trends. The moderate and positively correlated Cu and Zn isotope variations in IIIA and pallasite samples probably reflect crystallization of silicate, sulfide, and solid metal from the liquid metal. The range of δ66Zn values of the IAB-IIICD group is large (>3‰) and contrasts with the moderate fractionation of Cu isotopes. We interpret this feature and the negative δ66Zn-δ65Cu correlation as reflecting mixing, possibly achieved by percolation, between metals from a regolith devolatilized at low temperature (enriched in heavy zinc) and metallic liquids formed within the parent body.  相似文献   

We report on the abundances of Ru isotopes in (1) iron meteorites, (2) stony-iron meteorites (pallasites), (3) ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites, and (4) in refractory inclusions from the carbonaceous meteorite Allende. We have developed improved Multiple-Collector, Negative-ion Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometric (MC-NTIMS) techniques for Ru, with high ionization efficiency of 4% and with chemical separation techniques for Ru, which reduce mass interferences to the ppm level, so that no mass interference corrections needed to be applied. Our data were normalized to 99Ru/101Ru to correct for mass-dependent fractionation. We find no Ru isotopic effects in the ordinary chondrites and group IAB iron meteorites we have measured. There are significant effects (deficits) in the pure s-process nuclide 100Ru, in the Allende whole-rock and in refractory inclusions of up to 1.7 parts in 10,000 (εu). There are also endemic deficits in 100Ru in iron meteorites and in pallasites of up to 1.1 εu. The Ru data suggest a wide spread and large scale heterogeneity in p-, s-, and r-process components resulting in a deficit in s-process nuclides or enhancements in both p- and r-process nuclides, in refractory siderophiles condensing in the early solar nebula. In contrast, the data on bulk Murchison suggest an excess in 100Ru and in 104Ru, which are distinct from the rest of the measured patterns. Our results establish the presence of significant isotopic heterogeneity for Ru in the early solar nebula. The observation of endemic Ru effects in planetary differentiates, such as iron meteorites and pallasites, must reflect the siderophile nature of Ru and the preservation in condensing FeNi metal of refractory metal condensate grains formed in the early solar nebula. Once incorporated in the metal phase, the refractory siderophiles remained in the metal phase through the melting and differentiation of planetesimals to form FeNi cores and silicate mantles and crusts.  相似文献   

High-precision Ni isotopic variations are reported for the metal phase of equilibrated and unequilibrated ordinary chondrites, carbonaceous chondrites, iron meteorites, mesosiderites, and pallasites. We also report new Zn and Cu isotopic data for some of these samples and combine them with literature Fe, Cu, and Zn isotope data to constrain the fractionation history of metals during nebular (vapor/solid) and planetary (metal/sulfide/silicate) phase changes.The observed variations of the 62Ni/58Ni, 61Ni/58Ni, and 60Ni/58Ni ratios vary linearly with mass difference and define isotope fractionation lines in common with terrestrial samples. This implies that Ni was derived from a single homogeneous reservoir. While no 60Ni anomaly is detected within the analytical uncertainties, Ni isotopic fractionation up to 0.45‰ per mass-difference unit is observed. The isotope compositions of Ni and Zn in chondrites are positively correlated. We suggest that, in ordinary chondrites, exchange between solid phases, in particular metal and silicates, and vapor followed by mineral sorting during accretion are the main processes controlling these isotopic variations. The positive correlation between Ni and Zn isotope compositions contrasts with a negative correlation between Ni (and Zn) and Cu isotope compositions, which, when taken together, do not favor a simple kinetic interpretation. The observed transition element similarities between different groups of chondrites and iron meteorites are consistent with the genetic relationships inferred from oxygen isotopes (IIIA/pallasites and IVA/L chondrites). Copper is an exception, which we suggest may be related to separate processing of sulfides either in the vapor or during core formation.  相似文献   

Study on presolar grains including diamond,silicon carbide,graphite,silicon nitrite(Si3N4),coundum and spinel isolated from meteorites is summarized in this paper.Except for nanometer-sized diamond,the other grains are micrometers to submicrometers in size.The presolar grains survived mainly in the fine-grained matrix of primitive chondrites and were isolated by chemical treatments.Diamond contains Xe isotopes(Xe-HL),typically produced in p-and r-processes,probably formed in supernovae.Mainstream silicon carbides are enriched in ^29,30Si and ^13C,but depleted in ^15N.They also contain various s-process products,consistent with calculations of AGB stars.Other silicon carbides exhibit much larger isotopic anomalies and are classified as groups X,Y,Z and AB.Among them,group X of SiC is characterized by enrichment of ^28Si and daughter isotopes of various short-lived nuclides,suggesting an origin from supernovae.Graphite can be divided into four density fractions with distince isotopic compositions.They may form in AGB stars,novae and supernovae,respctively,Si3N4 is similar to X-SiC in isotopic composition.Corundum is classified as four groups based on theid oxygen isotopic compositions.AGB and red giang stare are possible sources for the oxide.More comprehensive study of presolar grains,especially discovery of the other types of oxides and silicates,isotopic analyses of individual submicrometer-sized grains and distribution of presolar grains among various chemical groups and petropaphic types of chondrites will provide new information on nucleosynthesis,stellar evolution and formation of the solar nebula.  相似文献   

Four C3V chondrites (Grosnaja, Kaba, Mokoia, Vigarano) and three C3O chondrites (Felix, Kainsaz, and Lancé) were analyzed by radiochemical neutron activation for 17 trace elements. Both classes show a typical chondritic step pattern, reflecting loss of volatiles during chondrule formation. Elements condensing above 1300 K (U, Re, Ir, Ni) are present in essentially Cl chondrite proportions, while moderately volatile elements condensing between 1300 K and 800 K (Ge, Rb, Ag) are depleted by a factor of 0.44. However, elements condensing below 700 K (S, Cs, Bi, Tl, Br, Se, Te, In, Cd) are depleted to a still greater degree, and more so in the Ornans subclass (factor of 0.24, except Cd 0.007) than in the Vigarano subclass (factor of 0.29). This additional depletion may be due to a slight (less than 3-fold) dust-gas fractionation, by settling of dust to the median plane of the solar nebula. Among other chondrite classes, ordinary chondrites show a similar depletion, but C2 chondrites do not. Possibly the undepleted meteorites formed in one of the convection zones of the nebula predicted by Cameron and Pine, whereas the depleted meteorites formed in a quiescent region.The condensation of chalocophile elements as a function of H2S partial pressure is discussed, in an attempt to explain the drastic difference in Cd abundance between the two subclasses. It appears that the H2SH2 ratio is the key variable. C3O's seem to have condensed in a region where enough metallic Fe was present to buffer the H2S pressure, while C3V's condensed in a more oxidized region, where H2S was in excess. Accretion temperatures, for an assumed nebular pressure of 10?5 atm, were between 415 and 430 K for C3O's and less than 440 K for C3V's.Two slightly volatile elements, Sb and Au, show variable depletion, presumably reflecting variable loss during chondrule formation. Indeed, their depletion correlates with the abundance of iron-poor olivine, a measure of the peak temperature and time during chondrule formation.  相似文献   

Six C2M chondrites (Boriskino, Cold Bokkeveld, Erakot, Essebi, Haripura and Santa Cruz) and the C2R chondrite Al Rais were analyzed by radiochemical neutron activation analysis for Ag, Au, Bi, Cd, Cs, Ge, In, Ir, Ni, Os, Pd, Rb, Re, Sb, Se, Sn, Te, Tl, U, and Zn. Abundances (relative to Cl chondrites) show a systematic dependence on volatility, apparently reflecting volatile loss during formation of chondrules and other high-T components. Elements of nebular condensation temperature (Tc) > 1200 K are undepleted, those of Tc < 700 K are depleted by a constant factor (0.482 ± 0.049 for C2M's) and elements of intermediate volatility are depleted by intermediate factors. The abundances do not “tend to fall monotonically as a function of [Tc],” as previously claimed by Wai and Wasson (1977) for a more restricted temperature range. For meteorites that have suffered little aqueous alteration (Mighei, Murchison, Murray), the mean abundance of volatiles agrees with the matrix content, but for the more altered meteorites, matrix contents are 20–30% higher. Only a few meteorites deviate appreciably from the mean abundance pattern. Al Rais, a C2R chondrite with a significant metal content, is systematically lower in 12 volatiles, but is enriched in Ni and Pd. Haripura and Erakot are enriched in Bi and Tl, possibly from the late condensate, mysterite.  相似文献   

Bulk meteorite samples of various chemical classes and petrologic types (mainly carbonaceous chondrites) were systematically investigated by the stepped combustion method with the simultaneous isotopic analysis of carbon, nitrogen, and noble gases. A correlation was revealed between planetary noble gases associating with the Q phase and isotopically light nitrogen (δ15N up to –150‰). The analysis of this correlation showed that the isotopically light nitrogen (ILN) is carried by Q. In most meteorites, isotopically heavy nitrogen (IHN) of organic compounds (macromolecular material) is dominant. The ILN of presolar grains (diamond and SiC) and Q can be detected after separation from dominant IHN. Such a separation of nitrogen from Q and macromolecular material occurs under natural conditions and during laboratory stepped combustion owing to Q shielding from direct contact with oxygen, which results in Q oxidation at temperatures higher than the temperatures of the release of most IHN. There are arguments that ILN released at high temperature cannot be related to nanodiamond and SiC. The separation effect allowed us to constrain the contents of noble gases in Q, assuming that this phase is carbon-dominated. The directly measured 36Ar/C and 132Xe/C ratios in ILN-rich temperature fractions are up to 0.1 and 1 × 10–4 cm3/g, respectively. These are only lower constraints on the contents. The analysis of the obtained data on the three-isotope diagram δ15N–36Ar/14N showed that Q noble gases were lost to a large extent from most meteorites during the metamorphism of their parent bodies. Hence, the initial contents of noble gases in Q could be more than an order of magnitude higher than those directly measured. Compared with other carbon phases, Q was predominantly transformed to diamond in ureilites affected by shock metamorphism. The analysis of their Ar–N systematics showed that, similar to carbonaceous chondrites, noble gases were lost from Q probably before its transformation to diamond.  相似文献   

Group IIAB is the third largest group of iron meteorites and the second largest group that formed by fractional crystallization; many of these irons formed from the P-rich portion of a magma consisting of two-immiscible liquids. We report neutron-activation data for 78 IIAB irons. These confirm earlier studies showing that the group has the largest known range in Ir concentrations (a factor of 4000) and that slopes are steeply negative on plots of Ir vs. Au or As (or Ni). High negative slopes imply relatively high distribution coefficients for Ir, Au, and As (but, with rare exceptions, remaining less than unity for the latter). IIAB appears to have had the highest S contents of any magmatic group of iron meteorites, consistent with its high contents of other volatile siderophiles, particularly Ga and Ge. Large fractions of trapped melt were present in the IIAB irons with the highest Au and As and lowest Ir contents. As a result, when these irons crystallized, the DAu and DAs values can, with moderate accuracy, be estimated to have been roughly 0.53 and 0.46, respectively. These low values imply that the initial nonmetal (S + P) content of the magma was much lower than 170 mg/g, as estimated in earlier studies; our estimate is 75 mg/g. Our results are consistent with an initial P/S ratio of 0.25, similar to the ratio estimated for other magmatic groups. There is little doubt that incompatible S-rich and P-rich metallic liquids were involved during the formation of group IIAB. After 20% crystallization of our assumed starting composition the two-liquid boundary is encountered (at 72 mg/g S and 18 mg/g P). Initially the volume of S-rich liquid is very small, but continued crystallization increased the volume of this phase and decreased its P/S ratio while increasing this ratio in the P-rich liquid. Most crystallization of the IIAB magma would have occurred in the lower, P-rich portion of the core. However, metal was still a liquidus phase at the top of the core and, because both the immiscible liquids would have convected, they may have approached equilibrium throughout the very limited crystallization of the magma recorded in group IIAB. All IIAB irons contain trapped melt, and this melt will have had very different compositions depending on whether the liquid is S-rich (at the outer solid/liquid interface) or P-rich (at the inner interface). The P/S ratio in the melt trapped in the Santa Luzia iron is about 0.6 g/g, consistent with our modeling of Ir-Au and Ir-As trends implying that Santa Luzia formed in the lower, P-rich portion of the core after about 48% crystallization of the magma. Because the liquids were in equilibrium, the point at which immiscibility first occurred is not recorded by a dramatic change in the trends on element-Au diagrams; the main compositional effect is recorded in the P/S ratio of the trapped melt. The high-Au (>0.8 μg/g) irons for which large sections are available all contain skeletal schreibersite implying a relatively high (>0.3 g/g) P/S ratio; none of these irons could have crystallized from the S-rich upper layer of the core.  相似文献   

Many carbonaceous chondrites contain discrete olivine fragments that have been considered to be primitive material, i.e. direct condensates from the solar nebula or pre-solar system material. Olivine occurring in chondrules and as isolated grains in C3(0) chondrites has been characterized chemically and petrographically. Type I chondrules contain homogeneous forsterite grains that exhibit a negative correlation between FeO and CaO. Type II chondrules contain zoned fayalite olivines in which FeO is positively correlated with CaO and MnO. The isolated olivines in C3(0) chondrites form two compositional populations identical to olivines in the two types of porphyritic olivine chondrules in the same meteorites. Isolated olivines contain trapped melt inclusions similar in composition to glassy mesostasis between olivines in chondrules. Such glasses can be produced by fractional crystallization of olivine and minor spinel in the parent chondrule melts if plagioclase does not nucleate. The isolated olivine grains are apparently clastic fragments of chondrules. Some similarities between olivines in C3(0), C2, and Cl chondrites may suggest that olivine grains in all these meteorites crystallized from chondrule melts.  相似文献   

With a new type of ion microprobe, the NanoSIMS, we determined the oxygen isotopic compositions of small (<1μm) oxide grains in chemical separates from two CM2 carbonaceous meteorites, Murray and Murchison. Among 628 grains from Murray separate CF (mean diameter 0.15 μm) we discovered 15 presolar spinel and 3 presolar corundum grains, among 753 grains from Murray separate CG (mean diameter 0.45 μm) 9 presolar spinel grains, and among 473 grains from Murchison separate KIE (mean diameter 0.5 μm) 2 presolar spinel and 4 presolar corundum grains. The abundance of presolar spinel is highest (2.4%) in the smallest size fraction. The total abundance in the whole meteorite is at least 1 ppm, which makes spinel the third-most abundant presolar grain species after nanodiamonds (if indeed a significant fraction of them are presolar) and silicon carbide. The O-isotopic distribution of the spinel grains is very similar to that of presolar corundum, the only statistically significant difference being that there is a larger fraction of corundum grains with large 17O excesses (17O/16O > 1.5 × 10−3), which indicates parent stars with masses between 1.8 and 4.5 M.  相似文献   

The 182Hf-182W isotopic systematics of Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs), metal-rich chondrites, and iron meteorites were investigated to constrain the relative timing of accretion of their parent asteroids. A regression of the Hf-W data for two bulk CAIs, various fragments of a single CAI, and carbonaceous chondrites constrains the 182Hf/180Hf and εW at the time of CAI formation to (1.07 ± 0.10) × 10−4 and −3.47 ± 0.20, respectively. All magmatic iron meteorites examined here have initial εW values that are similar to or slightly lower than the initial value of CAIs. These low εW values may in part reflect 182W-burnout caused by the prolonged cosmic ray exposure of iron meteorites, but this effect is estimated to be less than ∼0.3 ε units for an exposure age of 600 Ma. The W isotope data, after correction for cosmic ray induced effects, indicate that core formation in the parent asteroids of the magmatic iron meteorites occurred less than ∼1.5 Myr after formation of CAIs. The nonmagmatic IAB-IIICD irons and the metal-rich CB chondrites have more radiogenic W isotope compositions, indicating formation several Myr after the oldest metal cores had segregated in some asteroids.Chondrule formation ∼2-5 Myr after CAIs, as constrained by published Pb-Pb and Al-Mg ages, postdates core formation in planetesimals, and indicates that chondrites do not represent the precursor material from which asteroids accreted and then differentiated. Chondrites instead derive from asteroids that accreted late, either farther from the Sun than the parent bodies of magmatic iron meteorites or by reaccretion of debris produced during collisional disruption of older asteroids. Alternatively, chondrites may represent material from the outermost layers of differentiated asteroids. The early thermal and chemical evolution of asteroids appears to be controlled by the decay of 26Al, which was sufficiently abundant (initial 26Al/27Al >1.4 × 10−5) to rapidly melt early-formed planetesimals but could not raise the temperatures in the late-formed chondrite parent asteroids high enough to cause differentiation. The preservation of the primitive appearance of chondrites thus at least partially reflects their late formation rather than their early and primitive origin.  相似文献   

Iron-poor and refractory lithophile element (RLE) rich forsterite grains occur in all major types of unequilibrated chondrites. In our laser ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) minor and trace element study we show that refractory forsterites (RF) from carbonaceous (CC), unequilibrated ordinary (UOC) and a Rumuruti chondrite (RC) have similar chemical compositions with high RLE concentrations and low concentrations of Mn, Fe, Co and Ni. Fractionation of RLEs and rare earth elements (REEs) is in agreement with formation by crystallization from a RLE rich silicate melt. Low concentrations and the fractionation of moderately siderophile elements (Fe, Co, Ni) in RFs suggests formation at low oxygen fugacity, possibly in equilibrium with primitive Fe,Ni metal condensates in a gas of solar composition. Anomalously high Ti in the parental melt can be explained by Ti3+/Ti4+ ∼1.5, supporting formation of RF in highly reducing conditions. Low Mn concentrations indicate formation at high temperatures (>∼1160 K). The model of formation of RFs and the accompanying physico-chemical conditions during their formation as well as their relation to non refractory olivine are discussed.  相似文献   

Published analyses of trace and minor elements in iron meteorites have been compiled and the distributions interpreted with the chemical groups defined by Wasson. When each element is plotted against Ni on log scales, groups are often clearly resolved with all the members of a group falling within the limits of sampling and analytical error on a straight line. The lines for groups IIIa,b and IVa are generally parallel with IIa,b plotting on a steeper gradient. In contrast to Ga and Qe, many elements show variations within a group which may approach that shown by all the iron meteorites. Group I members have a fairly uniform concentration of elements which are severely fractionated in the other major groups. There are also fewer correlations of elements in group I.  相似文献   

Silicate inclusions in 17 iron meteorites have been analyzed by the electron microprobe and classified, according to their phase assemblages, compositions, and textures, into three major types: Odessa, Copiapo, and Weekeroo Station, and three miscellaneous types: Enon, Kendall County, and Netschaëvo. Phase compositions in both Odessa- and Copiapo-type inclusions are very similar, but the two types are different in texture and constituent phases. Weekeroo Station-type inclusions are very different in every respect from other inclusions.For Odessa- and Copiapo-type inclusions, the distribution coefficients of Fe2+ and Mg in coexisting orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene indicate equilibration temperatures of 1,000° C, and the Ca/(Ca+Mg) ratios indicate temperatures of 900° C to 1,000° C. Equilibration temperatures determined for chromite-olivine pairs have a higher range of 1,154° C to 1,335° C. Minor element distributions among coexisting ferromagnesian silicates in these inclusions follow consistent patterns and are constant for any given sample, suggesting equilibrium assemblages. Major and minor element distributions for Weekeroo Station inclusions are anomalous, indicating nonequilibrium.Compositional data, the fragmentary shapes of many inclusions, the highly differentiated characteristic of two types of inclusions, the apparent disequilibrium between kamacite in inclusions and kamacite of the iron host, and the relict chondrules found in Netschaëvo suggest that many of the inclusions did not form cogenetically with the iron host, but represent pre-existing stony material that was taken up by an iron melt, probably not in the core of the parent body (or bodies).  相似文献   

Total nitrogen, measured by neutron activation analysis, is highly enriched in residues from iron meteorites obtained by dissolution of the metal in dilute H2SO4, relative to the bulk value. On the average, the residues, representing 3% mass, contain 22% of total N. Group IA has more dissolved N than IIIA. Lithium and Ir show a distribution pattern parallel to N. Total Xe has been measured in several residues and its isotopic composition is, similar to atmospheric Xe for mass numbers 131 to 136 but not for 124Xe and 126Xe which are strongly depleted in the non-magnetic residues. It is suggested that iron meteorites have trapped in their micro-inclusions, some pre-solar nebular matter which is isotopically heterogeneous.  相似文献   

我国第16次南极考察队回收到6块稀少种类陨石-13型,GRV99001,GRV99019,GRV99020,GRV99021,GRV99022,GRV99026。本文对其中3块陨石进行研究,研究它们的球粒结构和矿物化学成分.它们虽然部属于非平衡普通球粒陨石(L3),但它们的亚类不同,GRV99001为13.4,GRV99026为L3.5,GRV99019为L3.6.它们的球粒结构和球粒内的矿物晶体完整性和矿物组合变化比较大.橄榄石和辉石以高镁为特征.这三块陨石的球粒结构种类比较多.有班状的、炉条状的、扇形的和隐晶质的等.在GRV99001陨石中班状结构的球粒内能见到一个或两个以上完整的单晶橄榄石构成的球粒,也能见到多个细小的或是破碎橄榄石,被包襄在辉石晶体内.而在GRV99019和GRV99026陨石中只能见到多个细小单晶体或是破碎的橄榄石晶体.GRV99001陨石的炉条状结构,好象是由一条带状长石矿物,穿插在单个橄榄石晶体中构成.扇形和伞形结构的球粒,以一个点为中心,向外放射呈扇形.如GRV99019陨石中扇形结构球粒,它们是以辉石为主,陨硫铁充填在低钙辉石缝隙中,形成扇形.另一种是以多个点为中心,如GRV99001陨石,它们是由橄榄石、低钙辉石和长石质的玻璃.构成多个小伞形,形状类似三维立体的球,裂缝中也充填有金属矿物.隐晶质的球粒在GRV99026陨石中有两种,一种是在一厘米等于100un时呈现隐晶质矿物,而放大到一厘米等于5un时,就可以清楚看到两种低钙辉石矿物,在低钙辉石中还有金属矿物.另一种隐晶质结构球粒由极细小破碎的橄榄石和辉石矿物构成.这三块陨石中的橄榄石和辉石都以高镁为特征.班状结构球粒,在GRV99001陨石中橄榄石的MgO~33.37~51.21,辉石为35.9~36.61;GRV99019陨石中橄榄石23.33~56.58.辉石21.38-33.07,GRV99026陨石中榄橄榄石45.91-52.63,辉石34.48-37.35,扇形结构球粒,在GRV99001陨石中橄榄石29.94-46.22,辉石28.17-30.36;GRV99019陨石中橄榄石29.17-34.38,辉石23.11-27.79,炉条状结构的球粒,在GRV99001陨石中橄榄石51.84-56.03,隐晶质结构球粒,在GRV99026陨石中辉石20.17-21.54,橄榄石30.84-32.66,由此看出矿物晶体完整性越好镁的含量越高。  相似文献   

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