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Sodicland reclamation in the Indo-Gangetic plains is being done on a large scale in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana in India. However, in certain areas, the reclamation has been reported to be unsustainable and the soils are reverting back to sodicity condition. A study was conducted in one of the reclamation sites of Etawah district for sustainability assessment of sodic land reclamation using remote sensing, Geographic Information system (GIS) and ancillary ground information. Multitemporal satellite data were used for delineation of reclaimed sodiclands and reverted sodic land. Field survey was conducted to find out the various causative factors. Groundwater level information and detailed field survey data were analysed in GIS environment. Results showed that in the reclamation site covering 3,905 ha. in 57 villages of the district, about 27 per cent of reclaimed lands were reverted to sodicity. High water table condition, improper drainage, nearness to canal (within 500 m), and hard pan in the sub-soil were found to be the reasons for unsustainability of reclamation.  相似文献   

Forests in the plains of Uttar Pradesh are depleted to great extent. Existing figures on the area under forest, though contradictory, indicate a grim situation of forest cover. In the present study, supervised classification technique with maximum likelihood algorithum has been used to assess the forest in the region extending between Lucknow through Allahabad to Mirzapur city in the plains of Uttar Pradesh. It has been possible to successfully identify and map 5 different categories of forests by computer processing of Landsat-3 Multispectral Scanner data. The area under each category has also been computed. Whatever little forest exists in this area is also greatly influenced by biotic interferences. The vegetation formation in these forests is thus degraded and/or secondary. Spectral behaviour of various categories of forests have also been discussed.  相似文献   


Indo_Gangetic Plain (IGP) of India that stretched from the foothills of Himalayas near the Punjab State to the Gangetic delta in West Bengal State was known for highly fertile soil and favorable climatic condition for highest production of rice‐wheat. Appearance of soil salinity in large areas of IGP caused a major concern due to loss of productivity. The salt affected soils maps of India (NRSA 1997) showed vast areas of salt affected soils distributed along the Gangetic Plain covering the States of Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal. In the analogue form, these maps contain voluminous data were difficult to handle without messing the whole dataset. An attempt was made to prepare a digitized database of salt affected soils to facilitate easy access, retrieval and map calculations required for reclamation and management of salt affected soil. The salt affected soils maps on 1:250, 000 scale were digitized for the States of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal using ILWIS. GIS. The Survey of India topomap was used for geo‐referencing and basemap preparation overlaying thematic layers for administrative and political boundaries, infrastructure, irrigation and drainage and settlements. The attribute data on physiography and the soil characteristics were stored in an attribute table and linked with the digitized polygons to prepare a relational database. Combining geo‐referenced (State) maps of Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal using GIS, a composite map for Indo‐Gangetic plain was prepared. Four Agroclimatic regions (ACRs) and seventeen Agroclimatic zones (ACZs) were identified in the Indo‐Gangetic Plain (The Planning Commission of India) for planning and development of natural resources at regional level. The boundaries of ACZs and ACRs were delineated from the primary (master) database of IGP using ILWIS.GIS. The distribution of SAS polygons at regional and zonal level was delineated superimposing digitized boundaries of ACRs and ACZs over the master database of IGP. The state‐wise, region‐wise and zone‐wise extent of SAS was calculated. Soils were essentially saline at Lower‐ and Middle Gangetic Plain regions but highly variable and complex saline‐sodic in the Upper‐ and Trans‐Gangetic Plain regions. The area statistics showed that maximum SAS area occurred in ACR V (Upper Gangetic Plain) in Uttar Pradesh (UP) followed by ACR IV (Middle Gangetic Plain) in UP and Bihar, ACR III (Lower Gangetic Plain) in West Bengal and ACR VI (Trans‐Gangetic Plain) of Haryana and Punjab. Such database in digital format provides geo‐referenced, easy to access and retrievable, relational database comprising of thematic and attribute information of salt affected soils at state, regional and zonal level to facilitate overlay and map calculation of related data such as water quality, climatic, landform etc, useful for planning and decision making in reclamation and management of salt affected soils in IGP and other similar regions.  相似文献   

An area of 6000 ha covering four villages was adopted by the Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal under Operational Research Project to transfer the technology of alkali soil reclamation in the farmer’s fields. This necessitated mapping and characterisation of alkali soils of the area. Use of black and white photographs in 1∶25,000 scale proved effective in delineating alkali soils quickly and inexpensively. The physiography and photo elements like tone, landuse, drainage and parcelling facilitated identification and demarcation of four mapping units viz; P1, P3, P4 and C. The unit P represented nearly flat upland alluvial plain while C represented low lying filled up old channel. The alkali soils confined mainly to the upland plain were recorded in white toned barren stretches and accounted for 36.6 percent of surveyed area. In addition, patchy occurrence of alkali soils admist the cultivated fields giving mottled appearance on the photographs was noticed over 11.3 percent area. In this case the photo scale proved limiting for demarcating alkali and non-alkali soils separately. The prtactical utility of the soil inventory in planning reclamation and management of alkali soil in the area has also been discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, an attempt has keen made for the identification, categorisation and mapping of degraded lands in Palamau district of Bihar using remotely sensed data (IRS-1A, raise colour composite, on 1:50,000 scale), It was observed that water erosion is the main cause of land degradation affecting 6.27 per cent area of the district, of which 5.22 per cent is subjected to severe to very severe erosion and remaining 1.05 per cent is moderately to severely gulleid land Degradation due to rock quarries, mine spoils and dumps accounted for only 0.01 per cent of the district area. Degraded lands were mostly confined to agricultural areas (4.76%) follwed by forest lands (1.10%) and opert-scrub/pastures (0.42%), respectively, Subdivision-wise categorisation of degraded lands was also attempted for efficient location-speeific reclamation planning and easy monitoring.  相似文献   

Extensive areas along Yamuna, Chambal and their tributaries in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh have been severely eroded forming ravines of various depths. These areas offer great potential for the development of agriculture and forestry after reclamation. In order that they are reclaimed and managed properly, precise data on their nature and extent are needed. Morphometric analysis of ravine lands along Chambal and Kunwari rivers near Bhind, Madhya Presdesh has been carried out using 1:25,000 scale aerial photographs. Landsat imagery for the same area has been interpreted to find out the relative recognition of morphometric units earlier interpreted on air photos. It was observed that while aerial photographs provide data regarding depth, width, slope and frequency distribution of ravines at a greater detail, Landsat imagery helps in delineation of broad reclamative groupings which would be useful for Large Area Planning (LAP). A multistage approach involving the use of both air photos and satellite imagery seems to be the possible answer for preparing a Ravine Map of India.  相似文献   

Visual interpretation ofIRS-LISS-II (1:50,000 Scale) FCC, band 2, 3 and 4 was carried out for the Industrial effluence assessment on soils (21900 ha) along the Bandi river course in Pali district of arid Rajasthan. Very severe (4378 ha), severe (3427 ha), moderate (5856 ha) and slight (1388 ha) categories of anthropogenic salt affected soils with the varied image characteristics in conjunction with ground truth Have been identified and delineated from satellite imagery. The morphological and physico-chemical characteristics revealed that very severe category soil has thick salt crust dominantly in light gray color at surface, manifestation of strong sub-angular to angular blocky structure, extra-ordinary hardness, high ECe, SAR and ESP but low pHs. Severe category soils have light brownish gray colour at surface, manifestation of strong angular to columnar structure, high Ece, pHs, SAR and ESP but slightly lower than very severe category.Moderate category soils have light brownish gray colour at surface, moderate to strong manifestation of prismatic structure, low ECe but high pHs, moderate to high SAR and ESP.Slight category soils have pale brown colour and hard crust at surface, moderate hardness with the tendency to form weak prismatic structure in subsoil, low ECe (<4dSm-) but moderate pHs. The cations and anaions in saturation extract was in the order of Na+>Ca++ > Mg++ > K+ and Cl- > SO4 -- > HCO3 -- > CO3 --, respectively and salinity/sodicity was Sodium-Chloride-Sulfate type. Dynamics of salt accumulation, available nutrient status and amelioration measures required for their reclamation and improvement has been discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

In this study, an attempt has been made to derive the spatial patterns of temporal trends in phenology metrics and productivity of crops grown, at disaggregated level in Indo-Gangetic Plains of India (IGP), which are helpful in understanding the impact of climatic, ecological and socio-economic drivers. The NOAA-AVHRR NDVI PAL dataset from 1981 to 2001 was stacked as per the crop year and subjected to Savitzky-Golay filtering. For crop pixels, maximum and minimum values of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), their time of occurrence and total duration of kharif (June-October) and rabi (November–April) crop seasons were derived for each crop year and later subjected to pixel-wise regression with time to derive the rate and direction of change. The maximum NDVI value showed increasing trends across IGP during both kharif and rabi seasons indicating a general increase in productivity of crops. The trends in time of occurrence of peak NDVI during kharif dominated with rice showed that the maximum vegetative growth stage was happening early with time during study period across most of Punjab, North Haryana, Parts of Central and East Uttar Pradesh and some parts of Bihar and West Bengal. Only central parts of Haryana showed a delay in occurrence of maximum vegetative stage with time. During rabi, no significant trends in occurrence of peak NDVI were observed in most of Punjab and Haryana except in South Punjab and North Haryana where early occurrence of peak NDVI with time was observed. Most parts of Central and Eastern Uttar Pradesh, North Bihar and West Bengal showed a delay in occurrence of peak NDVI with time. In general, the rice dominating system was showing an increase in duration with time in Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh, Central Uttar Pradesh and South Bihar whereas in some parts of North Bihar and West Bengal a decrease in the duration with time was also observed. During rabi season, except Punjab, the wheat dominating system was showing a decreasing trend in crop duration with time.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to improve precision of crop acreage adopting stratified random sampling approach. Remotely sensed data was used to classify mustard crop for the states of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat and Haryana covering 81% of mustard area of India. A grid of size 5 × 5 km was super-imposed on classified image of study area and proportion of mustard crop within the grid was ascertained. Crop proportion was used to determine strata. Stratification was done based on equal interval of proportion, equal sample number and cumulative square root of frequency method. Cumulative square root of frequency method gave highest precision in all the cases.  相似文献   

Salt affected soils occupy significant areas in western and central India manifested by the arid and semiarid climate, sandy/clayey soil texture, absence of natural drainage, and inadequate infrastructure and irrigation development. These soils are productive following reclamation and appropriate management. The National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad (India) published state-wise maps of salt affected soils in India on 1:250,000 scale using a legend that includes physiography, soil characteristics, and the aerial extent of the mapping units. In the analogue form, voluminous data contained in such maps were difficult to handle by users of varied backgrounds. An attempt was made to prepare a computerized database of salt affected soils for easy access, retrieval, and manipulation of spatial and attribute data useful for management of salt affected soils. The salt affected soils maps were prepared, for Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra states, overlaying digitized layers of SAS polygons and the Survey of India basemap using the ILWIS (Integrated Land and Water Information System) software. GIS was used to prepare a composite (master) database of western and central India that showed the extent and distribution of salt affected soils. A relational database was prepared combining the digitized polygons with soil characteristics such as nature and degree of salinity (presence of higher concentration of neutral salts and neutral soil reaction), sodicity (presence of higher concentration of basic salts and alkaline reaction) and ground coverage. The regional and zonal databases of salt affected soils were prepared at a suitable scale overlaying agro-climatic regions agro-climatic zones. Spatial relation of salt affected soils with physiography, climate, geology, and agro-eco-sub-regions were evaluated employing map calculations in GIS. Saline soils were prevalent in Gujarat, and Rajasthan while sodic soils were dominant in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. These were distributed primarily in the arid (B) plain of Rajasthan, alluvial (A) and coastal (D) plains of Gujarat, and peninsular plain (F) of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. It occupied 2,596,942 ha (78%) in the western (Rajasthan and Gujarat) and 733,608 ha (22%) in the central (Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra) regions. The SAS occupied 3.3 million ha in the western and central region constituting 50% of the total salt affected soils in India. The saline and sodic soils occupied 2,069,285 ha (62%) and 1,261,266 ha (38%), respectively.  相似文献   

Salt affected soils are characterized by variable distribution and dynamic nature. Based on Landsat data from 1986/1987 supported by ground truth, salt affected soil maps were prepared at 1:250,000 scale for 14 states and a union territory (UT). A map legend was evolved that described the nature, degree and extent of salt affected soils suitable for varied physiographic and agroclimatic regions of the country. Fifteen categories of salt affected soil were identified for the entire country. These were merged to two categories – saline and sodic – for management purposes. Digitized maps were developed in a geographical information system (GIS) depicting salt affected areas of the country. An area of 6.73 million ha of salt affected soils was estimated for the entire country. State-wise estimates showed that this extensive area is distributed over the Gangetic plain of Uttar Pradesh; the arid and semiarid regions of Gujarat and the peninsular plains of Maharashtra state. A significant area is also located in the coastal region covering seven states. The salt affected soils are primarily saline in deltaic (C), coastal (D) and mud flats/mangrove swamps (G) and sodic in alluvial (A), aeofluvial/aeolian/arid (B) and peninsular (F) plains. The distribution of salt affected soils in agroclimatic zones (ACZs) showed occurrence in Gujarat plain, East Coast plains, Upper-Gangetic plain, Trans-Gangetic plain, Central Plateau, Lower-Gangetic plain and Southern Plateau of the country.  相似文献   

Crop yield estimation has an important role on economy development and its accuracy and speed influence yield price and helps in deciding the excess or deficit production conditions. The water productivity evaluates the irrigation command through water use efficiency (WUE). Remote sensing (RS) and geographical information system (GIS) techniques were used for crop yield and water productivity estimation of wheat crop (Triticum aestivum) grown in Tarafeni South Main Canal (TSMC) irrigation command of West Bengal State in India. One IRS P6 image and four wide field sensor (WiFS) images for different months of winter season were used to determine the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) for area under wheat crop. The temporally and spatially distributed spectral growth profile and AREASUM of NDVI (ANDVI) and SAVI (ASAVI) with time after sowing of wheat crop were developed and correlated with actual crop yield of wheat (Yact). The developed relationships between ASAVI and Yact resulted high correlation in comparison to that of ANDVI. Using the developed model the RS based wheat yield (YRS) predicted from ASAVI varied on entire TSMC irrigation command from 22.67 to 33.13 q ha−1 respectively, which gave an average yield of 26.50 q ha−1. The RS generated yield based water use efficiency (WUEYRS) for water supplied from canal of TSMC irrigation command was found to be 6.69 kg ha−1 mm−1.  相似文献   

Information on the depth and bed width of ravines (network of gullies) at large scales is critical for their reclamation and management. Hitherto such information has been generated from aerial photographs and space borne stereo images with medium to coarse ‘z’ – axis resolution. The present study, aims at demonstrating the potential of Cartosat ?1 (an Indian Earth observations satellite) stereo images with 2.5 m spatial resolution in deriving morphometric information on ravines for their reclamative grouping. The study area is a part of Jhansi and Hamirpur districts of Uttar Pradesh, northern India. The approach involves acquiring precise ground control points using Differential GPS (DGPS), triangulation, DEM extraction and generation of ortho image as well as anaglyphs for stereo viewing. The depth and bed width of ravines were measured in the field for validation. A comparison with field observations reveal that the bed width of ravines and depth can be measured successfully with Carto-1 stereo data. The anaglyph data was used to delineate various categories of ravines based on their depth and bed width. Results indicate that the Cartosat-1 stereo images are quite suitable for delineation of three categories of ravines, namely shallow (<3 m deep and <18 m bed width), medium deep (3–9 m deep and >18 m bed width) and deep (>9 m deep) which are important for their reclamation.  相似文献   

The area around Panwari town, Hamirpur district, Uttar Pradesh, faces acute water scarcity and chronically drought prone. The groundwater resources in the area have not been fully exploited. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the groundwater prospective zones. Landsat TM and IRS-1A LISS-II data have been used to differentiate different hydromorphogeological units and to delineate the major trends of lineaments. The digitally enhanced False Colour Composite, Principal Component Analysis and Edge Detections were useful for better correlation. The digital enhancement was helpful with identification of faint lineaments. In addition, the boundaries of various lands forms were better discriminable on the digitally enhanced products. The deeply and moderately weathered buried pediplains are the most potential zones for groundwater targeting. Occurrence of lineaments in such zones is also a favourable indicator. A number of promising groundwater well sites have been located in the pediplains.  相似文献   

Water Utilisation Index (WUI) defined as area irrigated per unit volume is a measure of water delivery performance and constitutes one of the important spatial performance indicators of an irrigation system. WUI also forms basis for evaluating the adequacy of seasonal irrigation supplies in an irrigation system (inverse of WUI is delta, i.e. depth of water supplied to a given irrigation unit). In the present study WUI and adequacy indicators were used in benchmarking the performance of Nagarjunasagar Left Canal Command (NSLC) in Andhra Pradesh. Optimised temporal satellite data of rabi season during the years 1990–91 and 1998–99 was used in deriving irrigated crop areas adopting hierarchical classification approach. Paddy is the predominant crop grown and cotton, chillies, sugarcane etc. are the other crops grown in the study area. Equivalent wet area (paddy crop area) was estimated using the operationally used project specific conversion factors. WUI was estimated at disaggregated level viz., distributary, irrigation block, irrigation zone level using the canal discharge data. At project level, WUI estimated to be 65 ha/MCM and 92 ha/MCM during rabi season of 1990–91 and 1998–99 years respectively. A comparison of total irrigated area and discharges corresponding to both the years indicate that irrigation service is extensive and sub optimal during 1998–99 and it is intensive and optimal in 1990–91. It was also observed that WUI is lesser in blocks of with higher Culturable Command Area (CCA) compared to the blocks of lower CCA. All the disaggregated units were ranked into various groups of different levels of water distribution performance. The study demonstrates the utility of WUI as spatial performance indicator and thus useful for benchmarking studies of irrigation command areas. The WUI together with satellite data derived spatial irrigation intensity, crop productivity constitutes important benchmarking indices in irrigation command areas.  相似文献   

Ground water prospecting in hard rock areas of Uttar Pradesh is quite difficult, owing to the geological and geomorphic controls of sub-surface strata on the occurrence and movement of ground water resources, and, therefore, it requires systematic investigations, mainly with the aid of remotely sensed and data, which undoubtedly provide realistic information on the hydrogeological conditions, geomorphologic features, drainage patterns etc. of any rocky area. In this paper, an endeavour has been made to locate ground water possibilities in the drought-affected, rocky terrain of the southern Mirzapur district of Uttar Pradesh, covering part of block Muirpur which is mainly characterised by the varied geological formations, including Archean complex, pre-Vindhyan matasediments and Gondwana formation, through the application of air photointerpretation technique, primarily based on the geologic/geomorphologic approach. The hydro-investigation in the area was carried out using panchromatic aerial photos of 1∶60,000 scale, chiefly to identify the drainage patterns, major geomorphic geo structural and lithological units; as these may control the ground water regime of the area, Further. the present study was also ably supported with limited field survey and hydrogeological data, for achieving reliable results.  相似文献   

Colour infrared and panchromatic B & W aerial photographs at 1∶25,000 scale over part of Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh were interpreted stereoscopically for delineating soilscape units. Soils and land properties were evaluated for suitability of the land for agriculture i.e. paddy and wheat. The results indicate that the relative case in delineating physiographic units offered by colour infrared air-photos does not commensurate with their cost. In the study area, 19.57 and 14.78 per cent area have been found to be suitable for paddy and wheat, respectively.  相似文献   

Degraded lands in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra were assessed using remote sensing technique. District wise land degradation maps were generated on 1:25,0000 scale through visual interpretation of lRS 1A data supported by limited ground survey. It was observed that degraded lands occupy nearly 2.1 million ha or 21.5 per cent of the total geographical area. The analysis of district wise land degradation statistics indicate that. Yavatmal and Akola districts are graded as having most problematic lands in the region. Nagpur, Amravati, Buldana and Wardha districts are categorised as moderately problematic, whereas Gadchiroli, Chandrapur and Bhandara are districts having least problem of degradation. Among the major land forms, the largest degraded area is associated with undifferentiated plain accounting for 1.1 million ha or 12 per cent of the total area of region, which is mostly under cultivation. It thus follows that problem of degradation is more rampant in agricultural land than forest/waste lands.  相似文献   

Land degradation in Puruliya district, West Bengal was assessed using remote sensing techniques. Analysis of satellite data (False Colour Composite in 1:50,000 scale) was carried out visually and subsequent ground verification and translation of imgae interpretation units into various categories of degraded lands. The results indicate that 31.8 per cent area of the district suffers from one or the other kind of land degradation. Water induced soil erosion is the major problem which accounts for 31.3 per cent area of the district. Land degradation due to waterlogging is limited to only 0.3 per cent area whereas 0.2 per cent area is degraded due to rock quarries, brick kiln and indus-trial effluents.  相似文献   

The present study is an attempt to understand the huge demographic data using GIS at village level. Two blocks from the sub-mountain Siwalik region of Punjabviz. Mahalpur and Garhshankar were selected. Various thematic maps were prepared using this technique. The inequality of distribution between various parameters has been studied using Lorenz curve and Ginni coefficient. Both Mahalpur and Garhshankar blocks are moderately populated blocks with highest population in south western parts. Population density is highest in the areas adjacent to the Garhshankar and Mahalpur towns. Schedule caste population is well distributed in both the blocks. The average sex ratio of the study area is 910 females per thousand males which shows that it is not a female deficit area. There are various villages in these blocks which have sex ratio more than 1000 females per thousand males, which is quite a good sign for these blocks. The literacy rate of the study area is nearly 57 per cent, which is quite low as compared to district Hoshiarpur having 81.4 per cent. Comparatively, Mahalpur block has more literate persons as compared to Garhshankar block. Lorenz curve shows that literate persons are quite evenly distributed. NRI families were around 10 per cent of the total number of families out of which 8 per cent are in Mahalpur block while remaining 2 per cent are in Garhshankar block. The study brings out important inferences at the village level by way of pinpointing the exact location of hot spots where action is needed by the planners and the administration.  相似文献   

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