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Introduction Since the 1960s, gravity changes associated with seismogenesis and earthquake occurrences have been found by many researchers and various physical mechanisms have been proposed to explain these relationship (MEI, 1993; Chen, et al, 1979; Li, Fu, 1983). The US/China joint project beginning in 1981 presented a thorough study of the relationship between gravity variations and earthquake occurrences in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan-Zhangjiakou (BTTZ) region, leading to a combined…  相似文献   

The giant Tohoku-Oki earthquake of 11 March 2011 in offshore Japan did not only generate tsunami waves in the ocean but also infrasound (or acoustic–gravity) waves in the atmosphere. We identified ultra-long-period signals (>500 s) in the recordings of infrasound stations in northeast Asia, the northwest Pacific, and Alaska. Their source was found close to the earthquake epicenter. Therefore, we conclude that in general, infrasound observations after a large offshore earthquake are evidence that the surface and the floor of the sea have been significantly vertically displaced by the earthquake and that a tsunami must be expected. Since infrasound is traveling faster than the tsunami, such information may be used for tsunami early warnings.  相似文献   

Shallow surface wave methods are mostly used for investigation of the surface velocity structure in environmental and engineering geophysics in non-desert areas. For the special geological features of the Takelamagan Desert area, we use the multi-channel analysis of surface wave (MASW) method to process multi-channel shallow surface wave records to determine the near surface velocity structure in the desert area. We also process, analyze, and compare the surface waves in many-trace records extracted from the oil exploration shot gathers in the area. We show that the MASW method can determine detailed shallow velocity structure in desert areas and the many-trace records can be used to get detailed deep geological structure. The combination of the two different datasets can obtain the exact velocity structure upper 60 m depth in the survey area.  相似文献   

The refinement of the accuracy and resolution of the monthly global gravity field models from the GRACE satellite mission, together with the accumulation of more than a decade-long series of these models, enabled us to reveal the processes that occur in the regions of large (Mw≥8) earthquakes that have not been studied previously. The previous research into the time variations of the gravity field in the regions of the giant earthquakes, such as the seismic catastrophes in Sumatra (2004) and Chile (2010), and the Tohoku mega earthquake in Japan (2011), covered the coseismic gravity jump followed by the long postseismic changes reaching almost the same amplitude. The coseismic gravity jumps resulting from the lower-magnitude events are almost unnoticeable. However, we have established a long steady growth of gravity anomalies after a number of such earthquakes. For instance, in the regions of the subduction earthquakes, the growth of the positive gravity anomaly above the oceanic trench was revealed after two events with magnitudes Mw=8.5 in the Sumatra region (the Nias earthquake of March 2005 and the Bengkulu event of September 2007 near the southern termination of Sumatra Island), after the earthquake with Mw=8.5 on Hokkaido in September 2007, a doublet Simushir earthquake with the magnitudes Mw = 8.3 and 8.1 in the Kuriles in November 2006 and January 2007, and after the earthquake off the Samoa Island in September 2009 (Mw=8.1). The steady changes in the gravity field have also been recorded after the earthquake in the Sichuan region (May 2008, Mw = 8.0) and after the doublet event with magnitudes 8.6 and 8.2, which occurred in the Wharton Basin of the Indian Ocean on April 11, 2012. The detailed analysis of the growth of the positive anomaly in gravity after the Simushir earthquake of November 2006 is presented. The growth started a few months after the event synchronously with the seismic activation on the downdip extension of the coseismically ruptured fault plane zone. The data demonstrating the increasing depth of the aftershocks since March 2007 and the approximately simultaneous change in the direction and average velocity of the horizontal surface displacements at the sites of the regional GPS network indicate that this earthquake induced postseismic displacements in a huge area extending to depths below 100 km. The total displacement since the beginning of the growth of the gravity anomaly up to July 2012 is estimated at 3.0 m in the upper part of the plate’s contact and 1.5 m in the lower part up to a depth of 100 km. With allowance for the size of the region captured by the deformations, the released total energy is equivalent to the earthquake with the magnitude Mw = 8.5. In our opinion, the growth of the gravity anomaly in these regions indicates a large-scale aseismic creep over the areas much more extensive than the source zone of the earthquake. These processes have not been previously revealed by the ground-based techniques. Hence, the time series of the GRACE gravity models are an important source of the new data about the locations and evolution of the locked segments of the subduction zones and their seismic potential.  相似文献   

The Earth’s free core nutation (FCN) is a retrograde eigenmode which is attributed to the interaction between the solid mantle and the liquid core of the rotational elliptical Earth.  相似文献   

Introduction Sichuan-Yunnan region, located in the east margin of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetean) Plateau, is a transitional zone between the rapidly upheaving Tibetean Plateau and relatively steady Yangtze Platform. Under the pressure exerted by the northward movement of Indian Plate, Sichuan-Yunnan region has been undergone strong deformation and regmagenesis, becoming one of the regions with the most intensive seismicity in the world. The research on the tectonics and seismicity there is alw…  相似文献   

The Earth's free core nutation (FCN) is a retrograde eigenrnode which is attributed to the interaction between the solid mantle and the liquid core of the rotational elliptical Earth. This mode appears as an eigenmode of nearly diurnal free wobble (NDFW) in a terrestrial reference frame with a period of about one day (XU et al, 2001). Therefore, the NDFW will lead to an obvious resonance enhancement in the diurnal tidal gravity observations, especially those of the tidal waves with frequencies closed to its eigenfrequency such as P1, K1, ψ1 and Ф1. The FCN resonance parameters can be retrieved accurately by high-precision tidal gravity observations, especially those recorded with the superconducting gravimeters (SG). The Global Geodynamics Project (GGP) organized by IUGG took it as an important content for determining the FCN resonance parameters by using gravity data. However, the results are affected by many factors such as station location, background noise, the selection of the tide-generating potential tables, ocean tide models, data processing techniques and so on. In our study, the FCN parameters will be retrieved by using the SG observations at Wuhan, and the effects of the choices of various tide-generating potential tables, oceanic models and weight functions on the estimation of the FCN parameters will be discussed in detail,  相似文献   

The North Pacific Subtropical Counter Current (STCC) is a weak zonal current comprising of a weak eastward flow near the surface (with speeds of less than 0.1 m/s and a thickness of approximately 50–100 m) and westward flow (the North Equatorial Current) beneath. Previous studies (e.g., Qiu J Phys Oceanogr 29: 2471–2486, 1999) have shown that the STCC is baroclinically unstable. Therefore, despite its weak mean speeds, nonlinear STCC eddies with diameters ~300 km or larger and rotational speeds exceeding the eddy propagation speeds develop (Samelson J Phys Oceanogr 27: 2645–2662, 1997; Chelton et al. Prog Oceanogr 91: 167–216, 2011). In this study, the authors present numerical experiments to describe and explain the instability and eddy-generation processes of the STCC and the seasonal variation. Emphasis is on finite-amplitude eddies which are analyzed based on the parameter of Okubo (Deep-Sea Res 17: 445–454, 1970) and Weiss (Physica D 48: 273–294, 1991). The temperature and salinity distribution in March and April offer the favorable condition for eddies to grow, while September and October are unfavorable seasons for the generation of eddies. STCC is maintained not only by subsurface front but also by the sea surface temperature (SST) front. The seasonal variation of the vertical shear is dominated by the seasonal surface STCC velocity. The SST front enhances the instability and lead to the faster growth of STCC eddies in winter and spring. The near-surface processes are therefore crucial for the STCC system.  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of coseismic and postseismic variations of the Earth’s gravity field is carried for the regions of three giant earthquakes (Andaman-Sumatra, December 26, 2004, magnitude M w = 9.1; Maule-Chile, February 27, 2010, M w = 8.8, and Tohoku-Oki, March 11, 2011, M w = 9.0) with the use of GRACE satellite data. Within the resolution of GRACE models, the coseismic changes of gravity caused by these seismic events manifest themselves by large negative anomalies located in the rear of the subduction zone. The real data are compared with the synthetic anomalies calculated from the rupture surface models based on different kinds of ground measurements. It is shown that the difference between the gravity anomalies corresponding to different rupture surface models exceeds the uncertainties of the GRACE data. There-fore, the coseismic gravity anomalies are at least suitable for rejecting part of the models that are equivalent in the ground data. Within the first few months after the Andaman-Sumatra earthquake, a positive gravity anomaly started to grow above the deep trench. This anomaly rapidly captured the area of the back-arc basin and largely compensated the negative coseismic anomaly. The processes of viscoelastic stress relaxation do not fully allow for these rapid changes of gravity. According to the calculations, even with a sufficiently low viscosity of the upper mantle, relaxation only covers about a half of the observed change of the field. In order to explain the remaining temporal variations, we suggested the process of downdip propagation of the coseismic rupture surface. The feasibility of such a process was supported by numerical simulations. The sum of the gravity anomalies caused by this process and the anomaly generated by the processes of viscoelastic relaxation accounts well for the observed changes of the gravity field in the region of the earthquake. The similar postseismic changes of gravity were also detected for the region of the Tohoku-Oki earthquake. Just as in the case discussed above, this earthquake was also followed by a rapid growth of a positive postseismic anomaly, which partially counterbalanced the negative coseismic anomaly. The time variations of the gravity field in the region of the Maule-Chile earthquake differ from the pattern of changes observed in the island arcs described above. The postseismic gravity variations are in this case concentrated in a narrower band above the deep trench and shelf, and they do not spread over the continental territory, where the negative coseismic anomaly is located. These discrepancies reflect the difference in the geodynamical settings of the studied earthquakes.  相似文献   

Introduction Since the middle of the century, gravitational isostasy has been a fundamental hypothesis for inverting the gravity data to find the crust thickness. Geophysicists have done a lot of researches on using gravity data to investigate the depth of Moho discontinuity. Since 1980, the International Lithosphere Program emphasized the importance of investigating the Moho depth variation. Thereafter a lot of results have been published in the world (Braitenberg et al, 2000; Kaban et al,…  相似文献   

RS-monitoring index systems of ecological environment changes at a large scale, based on empirical data and trends in environmental change in Central Asia, are developed using NOAA and MODIS data. Moreover, with the help of mathematical statistics and GIS spatial analysis, the degrees, hazards and distribution extent of various possible ecological problems are discussed, environmental changes in Central Asia in 1990 and 2005 are separately evaluated, and dynamic changes in the environment in Central Asia over a 15-year period are analyzed. The results reveal that during the 15-year period from 1990 to 2005, areas of degenerated vegetation in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kirghizstan and Tadzhikistan were enlarged by 0.069×105 km2, 0.081×105 km2, 0.296×105 km2, 0.022×105 km2 and 0.112×105 km2, respectively. The ecological environment in Central Asia was in the state of significant degeneration and even deterioration. This study proves that NOAA and MODIS data can be used to successfully monitor the environment and provide useful results.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variation of gravity field in the capital region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spatialandtemporalvariationof gravity fieldinthecapitalregionChang-CaiHUA;(华昌才)YongGUO;(果勇)Duan-FaLIU;(刘瑞法)GangXIAO;(肖钢),J.T....  相似文献   

The altimetric satellite signal is the sum of the geoid and the dynamic topography, but only the latter is relevant to oceanographic applications. Poor knowledge of the geoid has prevented oceanographers from fully exploiting altimetric measurements through its absolute component, and applications have concentrated on ocean variability through analyses of sea level anomalies. Recent geodetic missions like CHAMP, GRACE and the forthcoming GOCE are changing this perspective. In this study, data assimilation is used to reconstruct the Tropical Pacific Ocean circulation during the 1993–1996 period. Multivariate observations are assimilated into a primitive equation ocean model (OPA) using a reduced order Kalman filter (the Singular Evolutive Extended Kalman filter). A 6-year (1993–1998) hindcast experiment is analyzed and validated by comparison with observations. In this experiment, the new capability offered by an observed absolute dynamic topography (built using the GRACE geoid to reference the altimetric data) is used to assimilate, in an efficient way, the in-situ temperature profiles from the TAO/TRITON moorings together with the T/P and ERS1&2 altimetric signal. GRACE data improves compatibility between both observation data sets. The difficulties encountered in this regard in previous studies such as Parent et al. (J Mar Syst 40–41:381–401, 2003) are now circumvented. This improvement helps provide more efficient data assimilation, as evidenced, by assessing the results against independent data. This leads in particular to significantly more realistic currents and vertical thermal structures.  相似文献   

DeterminationofthedirectionandmagnitudeofrecenttectonicstressintheXianshuihefaultzoneusingfaultslipdata谢富仁,李宏Fu-RenXIEandHong...  相似文献   

Extensional tectonic models with the major features of metamorphic core complexes were established in the Cordilleran region of western North America dur- ing the late 1970s to early 1980s of last century[1—4].Since there were previous thrust events, some re- searchers attributed the extension to crust-thickening of Mesozoic orogen[5—8], i.e. the crust thickening dur- ing orogeny led to the fact that the materials at depthswere heated and partially melted, and the heated and low-density mat…  相似文献   

Headwater storage–discharge (S–Q) remains one of the least understood processes, and there is renewed interest in the S–Q relation. How well can the S–Q relation be interpreted mechanistically using geometric factors? In this paper, the hillslope storage Boussinesq and hillslope storage kinematic wave equation were adopted to guide the theoretical derivations. Analytical solutions were derived based on the hsKW equation for nine idealized hillslope aquifers, which were subdivided into two groups, i.e. hillslope aquifers with exponential hillslope width function (C1) and hillslope aquifers with Gaussian hillslope width function (C2). We found that analytical expressions of the S–Q relation can be derived for C1 hillslope aquifers. For more compound hillslope aquifers, i.e. C2, no explicit S–Q relation can be obtained. The whole subsurface recession after a rainstorm is simulated by applying the initial saturation condition. We found that the simulated S–Q processes can be characterized by a two‐phase recession, i.e. quick and slow recession. The time (tb) at the dividing point of the quick and slow recessions depends on the geometric factors, such as the plan and profile curvature. In the quick recession for C1, many of the S–Q curves can be described as linear or quasi‐linear functions, which indicate that linear reservoir models can be applied approximately for recession simulations. However, during the slow recession phase of C1 and during the whole recession of C2, the S–Q relations are highly non‐linear. Finally, we compared the hillslope storage kinematic wave and hillslope storage Boussinesq models for simulating subsurface water recession after a rainstorm event in a real‐world headwater catchment (G5) in China. Through comparison of the recession slope curves, we found that the simulated results of the models employing the Gaussian hillslope width function match the observed hydrograph. The results indicated that appropriate organization of the hillslope geometric factors enhances our ability to make S–Q predictions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A data analysis method is proposed to cluster and explore spatio-temporal characteristics of the 22 years of precipitation data (1982–2003) for Taiwan. The wavelet transform self-organizing map (WTSOM) framework combines the wavelet transform (WT) and a self-organizing map (SOM) neural network. WT is used to extract dynamic and multiscale features of the non-stationary precipitation time-series, and SOM is applied to objectively identify spatially homogeneous clusters on the high-dimensional wavelet-transformed feature space. Haar and Morlet wavelets are applied in the data preprocessing stage to preserve the desired characteristics of the precipitation data. A two-level SOM neural network is applied to identify clusters in the wavelet space in the clustering stage. The performance of clustering is evaluated using silhouette coefficients. The results indicate that singularities or sharp transitions are more significant than changes in the periodicity or data structure in the spatial–temporal precipitation data. The WTSOM results show that six clusters are optimal for both Haar and Morlet wavelet functions, but their corresponding geographic locations are different. The geographic locations of clusters based on the Haar wavelet, which captures the occurrence of extreme hydrological events, appear in blocks while those classified by the Morlet wavelet, which indicates periodicity changes and describes fine structures, appear in strips that cross the island of Taiwan. Principal component analysis is applied to the precipitation data of each cluster. The first principal components explain 62–90% of the total variation of data. Characteristics of precipitation data for each cluster are explored using scalogram analysis. The results show that both extreme hydrological events and periodicity changes appear in the spatial and temporal precipitation data but with different characteristics for each cluster. Recognizing homogeneous hydrologic regions and identifying the associated precipitation characteristics improves the efficiency of water resources management in adapting to climate change, preventing the degradation of the water environment, and reducing the impact of climate-induced disasters. Measures for countering the stress of precipitation variation for water resources management are provided.  相似文献   

Geomagnetic field parameters have been measured in different sites of the northwest of Russia for hundreds of years. This work presents the results of numerous measurements in St. Petersburg, as well as in the Gulf of Finland within the zone from 25° to 30°30′ E and from 59° to 61° N. The first measurements were made in the period1630–1650. For this work, archival data, provided by the Archives of the St. Petersburg Magnetic Observatory (SPbF IZMIRAN), and data from different historical records have been used. Data on the Earth’s magnetic field variations in St. Petersburg have been recorded since 1726; they were analyzed and corrected to get a uniform and complete data set. The reconstructed long-term data set of magnetic variation measurements in St. Petersburg was compared with the GUFM1 historical model. This model allows us to calculate the values of all parameters of the main magnetic field in any place on the Earth since 1590. The comparative analysis carried out by us has revealed a discrepancy between the model and measured values. This discrepancy can be caused by local secular variations in the magnetic field in the St. Petersburg region. The correction of the area-averaged secular variation makes this discrepancy insignificant.  相似文献   

The D'' layer,which is located atop the core–mantle boundary,has long been an area of focus for global seismology studies. A widely used approach to study the discontinuities in the D'' layer involves the use of the SdS phases between the S and ScS phases,which requires that certain stringent conditions be satisfied with respect to an epicentral distance and earthquake depth. Therefore,this approach is only practical for investigating the presence and topography of velocity interfaces in certain local regions around the world. The Russia–Kazakhstan border region has been a ‘‘blind spot'' with respect to this detection method. The seismic network deployed in the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau has recorded relatively clear SdS phases for the MS6.3 earthquake that occurred in Spain on April 11,2010,allowing this blind spot to be studied. This paper compares the observed waveforms and synthetics and uses the travel times of the relevant phases to obtain a D'' discontinuity depth between2,610 and 2,740 km in the examined area. This study provides the first results regarding the depth of the D'' layer discontinuity for this region and represents an important addition to the global studies of the D'' layer.  相似文献   

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