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Giacomo Corti   《Earth》2009,96(1-2):1-53
The Main Ethiopian Rift is a key sector of the East African Rift System that connects the Afar depression, at Red Sea–Gulf of Aden junction, with the Turkana depression and Kenya Rift to the South. It is a magmatic rift that records all the different stages of rift evolution from rift initiation to break-up and incipient oceanic spreading: it is thus an ideal place to analyse the evolution of continental extension, the rupture of lithospheric plates and the dynamics by which distributed continental deformation is progressively focused at oceanic spreading centres.The first tectono-magmatic event related to the Tertiary rifting was the eruption of voluminous flood basalts that apparently occurred in a rather short time interval at around 30 Ma; strong plateau uplift, which resulted in the development of the Ethiopian and Somalian plateaus now surrounding the rift valley, has been suggested to have initiated contemporaneously or shortly after the extensive flood-basalt volcanism, although its exact timing remains controversial. Voluminous volcanism and uplift started prior to the main rifting phases, suggesting a mantle plume influence on the Tertiary deformation in East Africa. Different plume hypothesis have been suggested, with recent models indicating the existence of deep superplume originating at the core-mantle boundary beneath southern Africa, rising in a north–northeastward direction toward eastern Africa, and feeding multiple plume stems in the upper mantle. However, the existence of this whole-mantle feature and its possible connection with Tertiary rifting are highly debated.The main rifting phases started diachronously along the MER in the Mio-Pliocene; rift propagation was not a smooth process but rather a process with punctuated episodes of extension and relative quiescence. Rift location was most probably controlled by the reactivation of a lithospheric-scale pre-Cambrian weakness; the orientation of this weakness (roughly NE–SW) and the Late Pliocene (post 3.2 Ma)-recent extensional stress field generated by relative motion between Nubia and Somalia plates (roughly ESE–WNW) suggest that oblique rifting conditions have controlled rift evolution. However, it is still unclear if these kinematical boundary conditions have remained steady since the initial stages of rifting or the kinematics has changed during the Late Pliocene or at the Pliocene–Pleistocene boundary.Analysis of geological–geophysical data suggests that continental rifting in the MER evolved in two different phases. An early (Mio-Pliocene) continental rifting stage was characterised by displacement along large boundary faults, subsidence of rift depression with local development of deep (up to 5 km) asymmetric basins and diffuse magmatic activity. In this initial phase, magmatism encompassed the whole rift, with volcanic activity affecting the rift depression, the major boundary faults and limited portions of the rift shoulders (off-axis volcanism). Progressive extension led to the second (Pleistocene) rifting stage, characterised by a riftward narrowing of the volcano-tectonic activity. In this phase, the main boundary faults were deactivated and extensional deformation was accommodated by dense swarms of faults (Wonji segments) in the thinned rift depression. The progressive thinning of the continental lithosphere under constant, prolonged oblique rifting conditions controlled this migration of deformation, possibly in tandem with the weakening related to magmatic processes and/or a change in rift kinematics. Owing to the oblique rifting conditions, the fault swarms obliquely cut the rift floor and were characterised by a typical right-stepping arrangement. Ascending magmas were focused by the Wonji segments, with eruption of magmas at surface preferentially occurring along the oblique faults. As soon as the volcano-tectonic activity was localised within Wonji segments, a strong feedback between deformation and magmatism developed: the thinned lithosphere was strongly modified by the extensive magma intrusion and extension was facilitated and accommodated by a combination of magmatic intrusion, dyking and faulting. In these conditions, focused melt intrusion allows the rupture of the thick continental lithosphere and the magmatic segments act as incipient slow-spreading mid-ocean spreading centres sandwiched by continental lithosphere.Overall the above-described evolution of the MER (at least in its northernmost sector) documents a transition from fault-dominated rift morphology in the early stages of extension toward magma-assisted rifting during the final stages of continental break-up. A strong increase in coupling between deformation and magmatism with extension is documented, with magma intrusion and dyking playing a larger role than faulting in strain accommodation as rifting progresses to seafloor spreading.  相似文献   

贾屾  何登发  韩文明  胡滨 《地质学报》2021,95(4):1114-1127
东非裂谷东支肯尼亚裂谷包括5个重点凹陷,除South Lokichar凹陷外,其余凹陷均无发现。肯尼亚裂谷的形成演化及动力机制认识不清是制约油气勘探的关键。通过系统分析肯尼亚裂谷不同凹陷形成年代、裂谷类型和动力机制、构造演化和沉积充填过程,得到以下几点认识:(1)South Lokichar凹陷形成时间早,地层年代老。South Lokichar凹陷主要发育晚渐新世-中中新世地层;Turkana、Kerio及North Lokichar凹陷以中中新世-全新世地层为主;Kerio Valley凹陷主要发育中-晚中新世地层;(2)阿法尔地幔柱和肯尼亚地幔柱的隆升控制肯尼亚裂谷的形成演化。South Lokichar凹陷的形成演化主要受阿法尔地幔柱控制;其余4个凹陷主要受肯尼亚地幔柱控制;(3)不同类型的凹陷构造演化和沉积充填差异较大。South Lokichar凹陷与Kerio Valley凹陷为被动型裂谷,构造演化经历初始裂陷期、主裂陷期和裂陷后期三个阶段,在主裂陷期发育优质烃源岩;Turkana、Kerio及North Lokichar凹陷为主动型裂谷,构造演化包括火山事件活动期和间歇...  相似文献   

Major and trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic datafor mafic volcanic rocks are used to assess the number of mantleplumes contributing to the Tertiary–Holocene magmatismof the Kenya Rift Valley, current estimates of which vary fromnone to three. Rocks ranging in composition from nepheliniteto hypersthene-normative basalt have been sampled from threelithospheric zones: the Tanzanian craton, the craton marginreworked during the late Proterozoic, and the Mozambique mobilebelt. The magmas are interpreted as the products of variabledegrees of partial melting within the spinel–garnet peridotitetransition zone. Trace element and isotopic compositions fromall three zones are broadly similar to those of oceanic islandbasalts, but there is considerable compositional variation,which is related to a strong overprint from the lithosphereon plume-derived melts. Sr and Nd isotopic ratios provide theonly clear distinction between magmatic rocks from the threelithospheric domains. Within each setting, mafic magmatism hastended to become less silica undersaturated with time, and atany one locality magmatism has migrated towards the centre ofthe rift. Magmas may have formed as a result of the infiltrationof plume-derived melts into the base of the lithosphere. Theextent of interaction of inferred plume melts with the lithospherehas not varied systematically in time or space. The plume componentappears to be similar to the source of oceanic island basalts. KEY WORDS: Kenya Rift Valley; mantle plumes; geochemistry; metasomatism  相似文献   

近年来,东非大陆边缘油气接连获得大突破,已成为世界油气勘探的热点。与西非和北非相比,东非油气勘探和研究程度均很低,尤其经历错综复杂的构造演化过程后,盆地构造、沉积与油气系统及其三者之间的相互作用关系十分复杂,不利于对东非油气勘探前景的分析和判断。本文通过对东非大陆边缘形成与演化过程的探讨,并结合现今盆地结构和油气发现状况,研究认为,东非大陆边缘先后经历了Karoo陆内裂谷、侏罗—白垩纪裂谷两期裂谷和一期被动陆缘作用阶段。两期裂谷发育多套烃源层系,并与被动陆缘阶段的三角洲-深水浊积扇储层时空上构成较好的油储关系,两者均受控于东非复杂构造演化作用,构造对油藏系统的改造或破坏作用影响了东非油气富集规模和类型。  相似文献   

Vertical fracture is important, and fracture interaction is quite intensive in the Central Gregory Rift. Crack-branching and non-coplanar crack interactions in the rift are characterized for major and minor faults. These two manifestations follow theoretical and experimental angular relationships of fracture reasonably well. Mantle diapirism seems to have been responsible for both tensile (probably unstable) fracture, and block tilting, ultimately resulting in fault dips deviating from the vertical.  相似文献   

Melut盆地为中非地区重要的含油气裂谷盆地,具被动裂谷成盆特征,处于区域构造勘探向"三新领域"勘探的转型阶段,油气富集规律尚不十分清楚,通过开展Melut盆地与我国东部主动裂谷盆地的类比分析,有助于深化盆地成藏认识,推进勘探转型.研究表明,Melut盆地北部具被动裂谷成盆特征,发育大型富油凹陷,形成以古近系跨时代成藏组合为主,近源白垩系成藏组合为辅的油气富集特点,古近系Yabus组上段跨时代岩性油藏与近源白垩系Galhak组断块油藏是北部深化勘探的重要领域;盆地中南部具被动裂谷与主动裂谷的叠加演化过程,与海拉尔盆地相似,具小型断陷沉积充填与成藏特征,近源成藏组合是有利的勘探对象,继承性洼槽内低凸起、凹陷间断裂隆起带及缓坡断层坡折带是有利的成藏构造带.该研究深化了Melut盆地成藏认识,明确了盆地南北具有不同的成盆机制与成藏特征,对推动北部成熟探区深化勘探与中南部低探区勘探突破具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Assessment of the extension direction and its spatial and temporal variations is critical for evaluating a rifting process. The extension direction in the East African Rift System is a matter of debate and the NE–SW-trending Ethiopian portion is one of the most controversial areas, for which several extension directions have been proposed. Field analysis was performed along the axis of the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER), aiming at recognizing the opening direction of the NNE–SSW-trending Holocene extension fractures. The matching of pairs of asperities along the sides of these fractures allowed evaluation of the horizontal displacement and, thus, the extension direction. The collected data reveal a consistent Holocene extension direction, with a mean value of N52°W ± 20°. This NW–SE direction is constant along the MER, despite the ∼15° variations observed in its trend and the NNE–SSW trend of the extension fractures, oblique to the NE–SW trend of the MER.  相似文献   

The results of a lithostratigraphic, tectonic and kinematic study of the Karoo deposits of northern Malawi are reported. The objective of the lithostratigraphic study is to correlate the deposits of the Karoo basins of northern Malawi with the well-known deposits of southern Tanzania, thus establishing a stratigraphic framework through which the timing of faulting can be constrained. The kinematic analysis of faulting constrains the opening direction for the Karoo graben in this area and provides basic data to discuss the Karoo graben development within the regional tectonic framework of south-eastern Africa. The studied adults are defined by moderately to steeply dipping cataclastic zones with a width of up to 15 m and are characterized by an array of slickensided fault surfaces with different orientations and slip directions. In this study, small faults (offset < 10 m) and meso-scale faults (offset > 10 m, but generally not exceeding 30–40 m) have been distinguished. Methods used to analyse the kinematic data include the ‘pressure tension’ (PT) method, which estimates the principal axes for the bulk brittle strain, and the internal rotation axis (IRA) method, which estimates the axis of bulk internal rotation and the overall sense of slip at the faults. A mass balance calculation reveals a volume increase of up to 16% during cataclastic deformation in the fault zones. The PT method shows an approximately east trending extension direction for faults that occur only in the latest Carboniferous (?) and Early Permian strata, whereas the fault kinematics from faults that cut middle Permian to Early Triassic rocks is characterized by a ESE to SE trending extension direction. The small faults yield essentially the same kinematic results as the meso-scale faults. In a transport-parallel cross-sectional view, the principal extension axes are at an acute angle of approximately 60° to the major fault planes. Given the moderate fault density, the relatively high angle between the orientation of the principal extension axis and the fault planes suggest only a moderate amount of horizontal extension across the Karoo graben of northern Malawi. Riedel structures in the fault zones formed within two conjugate sets of localized shear zones; slip on one set was top to the W/NW and, on the other, top to the E/SE. The two conjugate sets of Riedel structures have an acute angle about the regional shortening axes, implying that no pronounced rotation of the strain axes occurred. The internal rotation axes for the Riedel structures reveal a largely bimodal distribution and inferred weakly monoclinic to orthorhombic symmetry. Therefore the overall deformation during Karoo rifting in northern Malawi is interpreted to be close to a coaxial deformation with a limited amount of horizontal extension.[/p]  相似文献   

Acta Geochimica - Groundwater samples were evaluated throughout Turkana County (Kenya, East Africa) while looking for drinking water sources. Some samples showed high concentrations of fluoride...  相似文献   

随着非洲油气资源对外开放程度的加大,给我国海外石油战略提供了机遇。东非低勘探程度区油气地质资料匮乏,其油气勘探潜力综合评价和预测是目前的一个重点与难点,又是我国海外油气资源战略选区的需要。根据东非的区域构造演化和沉积充填特征,研究了东非地区的盐层序、水系分布、地热异常和保存条件等油气成藏主控因素及成藏规律。结果表明:被动大陆边缘盆地油气成藏主要受三角洲、海底扇、盐层序和泥岩盖层的发育程度和分布范围的控制,裂谷盆地主要受地堑地垒分布、裂谷作用形成的圈闭类型与规模、构造活动和岩浆作用的强度和范围的控制;被动大陆边缘盆地具有下伏Karoo群生气,盐层序分布区发育有利成藏组合,盆地的陆上部分油气成藏条件较差,大型三角洲与海底扇发育区勘探潜力好的成藏特征;裂谷盆地具有近距离成藏的特点,油气主要富集在构造活动、岩浆作用和地热异常相对较弱的紧临生烃坳陷的地垒周缘。总体上,东非地区具有远离Afar热柱勘探潜力变好的成藏规律。  相似文献   

中亚地区油气资源丰富并且出口潜力巨大,加强与中亚国家的能源合作可以增加我国能源安全的系数。本文以中亚费尔干纳盆地为主要研究对象,通过野外构造变形的解析,发现盆缘发育典型的无序型逆冲断层。以此为基础,结合盆地的沉积环境更替,讨论了费尔干纳盆地中生代以来的构造演化。费尔干纳盆地的基底形成于晚古生代,与石炭纪末期南天山洋的关闭有关。三叠纪至侏罗纪,费尔干纳盆地进入了陆内坳陷阶段,沉积了一套河湖相碎屑岩。侏罗纪末期至白垩纪的早期,受中特提斯洋关闭的影响,费尔干纳盆地进入挤压阶段。白垩纪至古近纪,天山造山带以南地区受新特提斯洋扩张的影响,发生了区域性海侵事件,生物繁盛,沉积了优质的烃源岩。古近纪与新近纪之交,随着阿拉伯地块与欧亚大陆的碰撞,新特提斯洋最终关闭,盆地再次进入挤压阶段。新近纪至第四纪时期,盆地内沉积了巨厚的陆相碎屑,不整合地覆盖于古近系之上。受印度与欧亚大陆持续汇聚作用影响,费尔干纳盆地在第四纪进入了前陆盆地演化阶段。通过南天山板块缝合带南、北两侧含油气盆地生储盖组合及构造演化的对比,发现费尔干纳盆地上古生界具有较好的油气资源潜力。我们的研究扩展了费尔干纳盆地的油气前景。  相似文献   

新生代阿尔卑斯是非洲和欧洲之间的陆陆碰撞造山带。强烈的造山作用使大量前中生代基底出露地表,尽管这些基底被强烈逆冲推覆和走滑叠置,但是仍保留较丰富的前中生代基底演化信息。结合近几年对东阿尔卑斯原-古特提斯的研究,本文梳理和重建了阿尔卑斯前中生代基底的构造格局,认为前阿尔卑斯基底受原特提斯、南华力西洋、古特提斯洋构造体系影响而经历了多期造山过程。新元古代-早古生代的原阿尔卑斯作为环冈瓦纳地块群的组成部分,受原特提斯洋俯冲的制约,是新元古-早古生代环冈瓦纳活动陆缘的组成部分,其中,海尔微-彭尼内基底组成外缘增生系统,包括卡多米期地壳碎片在内的陆缘弧/岛弧以及大量增生楔组成内缘增生系统。早奥陶世瑞亚克洋打开,随后原阿尔卑斯从冈瓦纳陆缘裂离,在泥盆纪-石炭纪受南华力西洋控制,海尔微-彭尼内-中、下奥地利阿尔卑斯从冈瓦纳分离。在早石炭世(维宪期)南阿尔卑斯(或与之相当的冈瓦纳源地块)与北部阿莫里卡地块群拼贴增生于古欧洲大陆南缘,共同组成华力西造山带(广义),华力西期缝合带保留在绍山-科尔山南侧。晚石炭世-早二叠世,阿尔卑斯受古特提斯洋的俯冲影响,在华力西造山带南侧形成安第斯山型活动大陆边缘,古特提斯洋在阿尔卑斯的演化至少持续到早三叠世,消亡遗迹保留在中奥地利阿尔卑斯基底的Plankogel杂岩中。  相似文献   

Large areas of north-east Africa were dominated by regional extension in the Late Phanerozoic. Widespread rifting occurred in the Late Jurassic, with regional extension culminating in the Cretaceous and resulting in the greatest areal extent and degree of interconnection of the west, central and north African rift systems. Basin reactivation continued in the Paleocene and Eocene and new rifts probably formed in the Red Sea and western Kenya. In the Oligocene and Early Miocene, rifts in Kenya, Ethiopia and the Red Sea linked and expanded to form the new east African rift system.This complex history of rifting resulted in failed rift basins with low to high strain geometries, a range of associated volcanism and varying degrees of interaction with older structures. One system, the Red Sea rift, has partially attained active seafloor spreading. From a comparison of these basins, a general model of three-dimensional rift evolution is proposed. Asymmetrical crustal geometries dominated the early phases of these basins, accompanied by low angle normal faulting that has been observed at least locally in outcrop. As rifting progressed, the original fault and basin forms were modified to produce larger, more through-going structures. Some basins were abandoned, others experienced reversals in regional dip and, in general, extension and subsidence became focused along narrower zones near the rift axes. The final transition to oceanic spreading was accomplished in the Red Sea by a change to high angle, planar normal faulting and diffuse dike injection, followed by the organization of an axial magma chamber.  相似文献   

利用最新的钻井、地震资料,对东非凯瑞巴斯盆地(Kerimbas Basin)进行构造–地层解释和构造演化过程恢复。结果显示,凯瑞巴斯盆地共发育了4期构造变形:(1)二叠纪–早侏罗世晚期的冈瓦纳陆内裂谷活动,全区发生伸展构造变形;(2)早侏罗世晚期–早白垩世晚期马达加斯加向南漂移,全区发生右行走滑变形;(3)新发现晚白垩世局部伸展构造变形;(4)中新世–第四纪的东非裂谷海域分支活动,导致研究区发生第三期伸展构造变形,形成凯瑞巴斯盆地现今地堑形态。三期伸展构造变形的应力方向均为近E-W向,断层展布方向均为近S-N向。每一期构造变形的范围,强度及对沉积地层的控制作用差异显著。凯瑞巴斯盆地控坳断层活动具有继承性。基于研究结果,建立凯瑞巴斯盆地构造成因模式。冈瓦纳陆内裂谷活动有利于二叠系–下侏罗统构造圈闭的形成,并沟通了烃源岩和储层,有利深层油气的聚集;东非裂谷海域分支裂谷活动沟通了前新生界烃源岩和西部陆坡古近系储层,但同时也破坏了盆地内及东部的圈闭。断层不发育的西部陆坡为主要油气聚集区。  相似文献   

A section through the Neoproterozoic Mozambique Belt of Tanzania exposes western foreland (Archaean Tanzania Craton and Palaeoproterozoic Usagaran Belt), marginal (Western Granulites) and eastern, internal (Eastern Granulites) portions of the orogen. The assembly of granulite nappes at ca. 620 Ma displays westward emplacement along an eastward deepening basal decollement and forward propagation of thrusts, climbing from the deep crust to the surface. This goes along with eastward increase of syntectonic temperatures, derived from prevalent deformation mechanisms, and eastward decrease of the kinematic vorticity number. Distinctly different pressure - temperature paths with a branch of isothermal decompression (ITD) in Western Granulites and isobaric cooling (IBC) in Eastern Granulites reflect residence times of rocks within lower crustal levels. Western Granulites, exhumed rapidly at the orogen margin, display ITD and non-coaxial fabrics. Eastern Granulites in the internal orogen portions escaped from rapid exhumation and show IBC and co-axial flow fabrics. The vertical variation of structural elements, i.e. basement — cover relations within the Eastern Granulites, shows decoupling between lower and middle crust with horizontal west — east stretching in the basement and horizontal west — east shortening in the cover.A model of hot fold nappes [Beaumont, C., Nguyen, M.H., Jamieson, R.A., Ellis, S., 2006. Crustal flow modes in large hot orogens. In: Law, R.D., Searle, M.P., Godin, L., (eds). Channel Flow, Ductile Extrusion and Exhumation in Continental Collision Zones. Geological Society, London, Special Publications. vol. 268, 91–145] is adopted to explain flow diversity in the deep crust. The lower crust represented by Eastern Granulite basement flowed coaxially outwards (westward) in response to thickened crust and elevated gravitational forces, supported by a melt-weakened, viscous channel at the crustal base. Horizontal flow with rates faster than thermal equilibration gave rise to isobaric cooling. Simultaneously the mid crust (Eastern Granulite cover) was shortened when hot fold nappes moved along upward climbing thrust planes. Western Granulites preserved isothermal decompression through exhumation by thrusting and coeval erosion at the orogen front.Two different styles define the Neoproterozoic East African Orogen between northern Egypt and southern Mozambique. The Arabian Nubian Shield in the north is classified as small and cold orogen in which thin — skinned thrusting was associated with lateral extrusion. The Central Mozambique Belt in Tanzania/Southern Kenya is classified as large and hot orogen characterized by thick-skinned thrusting and assembly of large granulite nappes.  相似文献   

Muglad盆地是中非剪切带南侧的一个中‐新生代陆内裂谷盆地,Fula凹陷是其北部的一个富油气凹陷。对于该地区断裂控烃作用研究,前人主要集中在断裂控制圈闭形成、阻止油气继续运移及为油气运移聚集提供通道等3方面,而对其他控制作用研究不足。故本文基于地震、地质及地化资料,对Fula凹陷断裂形成演化及对油气的控制作用等方面进行了研究。结果表明:1)Fula凹陷断裂第一、二期裂陷期活动性较强,控制“继承型”凹陷的形成;2)第一、二裂陷期断裂活动性较强,使Fula凹陷主要发育Abu Gabra组烃源岩与中部成藏组合;3)中央断裂带与西部陡坡带内断裂控制构造及构造—岩性油气藏的形成与分布,Abu Gabra组烃源岩生成的油气通过中央断裂带的主干断裂及断层①向上部圈闭中运移成藏。  相似文献   

J.D. Fairhead 《Tectonophysics》1976,30(3-4):269-298
A compilation of all published and unpublished gravity data for the Eastern rift between latitudes 1°N and 5°S is presented. The Bouguer anomaly map reveals that the shape of the negative regional anomaly associated with the rift is approximately two-dimensional, striking east of north, of width 350 ± 50 km and amplitude500 ± 100 g.u. relative to the background value of−1300 ± 100 g.u. to the west. The regional anomaly is interpreted in terms of an upward thinning of the lithosphere and replacement by low-density asthenosphere. This model is different from previous interpretations in that major lithospheric thinning is restricted to the region of the Eastern rift affected by the domal uplift and does not extend beneath the Lake Victoria region to the west. The gravity and seismic models are compatible if the anomalous upper mantle (asthenospheric part), beneath the rift, is in a state of partial melt. A consequence of the revised regional anomaly is that it reduces previous amplitude estimates of the axial positive residual anomaly within the rift by at least 50% and generates negative anomalies over the rift shoulders in areas covered by Cenozoic volcanics. These negative anomalies are considered to be caused by the low density of the surface volcanics. Within the rift, elongated negative anomalies of amplitude 100–350 g.u. are associated with sedimentary basins and are attributed to low-density sediments up to 3 km thick. The positive residual anomaly along the axis of the rift can be interpreted in terms of either a dyke injection zone less than 15 km wide or by a dense infill body about 2.5 km thick. The positive anomaly is shown to be confined to the volcanic province of the Eastern rift and has its southern termination in the Magadi—Natron area, just north of where the Kenya rift valley changes to block faulting in N. Tanzania. This termination coincides with a change in the spatial distribution of the seismic and geothermal activity.  相似文献   

Chert has formed from two sodium-silicate minerals, magadiite (NaSi7,O13(OH)3·3H2O) and kenyaite (NaSi11O20.5(OH)4·3H2O), in uppermost Pleistocene deposits of lakes Magadi and Natron in Kenya and Tanzania. The chert consists of finely crystalline quartz and characteristically forms nodules of irregular shape with white coatings having reticulate surface patterns. Similar nodules are widespread in lower and middle Pleistocene lacustrine deposits in the vicinity of Lake Magadi, Lake Natron, and Olduvai Gorge. Although magadiite and kenyaite are absent in the lower and middle Pleistocene deposits, the chert in these beds probably formed from a sodium-silicate precursor. All of the chert-bearing sediments were deposited in saline, alkaline lakes rich in dissolved sodium carbonate-bicarbonate.Magadiite (and chert) may form either thin, widespread deposits or localized masses which may be cross-cutting. Thin, widespread layers of magadiite have been precipitated by mixing of silica-rich brine with fresh water in a chemically stratified lake; localized masses may have been formed by interaction of brine with fresher water entering the floor or margin of the lake. Magadiite and kenyaite can alter to chert in contact with sodium-carbonate brine and possibly by leaching with relatively fresh water over a period of 20,000 years or less.The siliceous zeolites clinoptilolite and erionite predominate in trachyte tuffs associated with magadiite and chert; less-siliceous phillipsite predominates in trachyte tuffs of chert-free sequences.  相似文献   

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