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The radio-burst on August 7, 1972, is discussed. On 17 GHz the peak flux was about 25000 SFU. Considering the decreasing phase of the burst, it was found that an exponential decrease as well as a power-law decrease can be used. The magnetic field in the origin of the burst should be of the order of 1000 G, while the exponent g due to a power-law of the energy distribution is estimated to be about g 3. The degree of circular polarisation shows an increase to about 25% during the ascending phase of the burst, while in the phase of maximal radiation and during the decrease the polarisation degree was small.  相似文献   

The solar radius at 35 GHz has been determined from solar radio maps made with a pencil beam antenna of half-power beam width 2.8 arcmin at the La Posta Astrogeophysical Observatory during 1973 and 1974. The 35 GHz radius was found to be 2.57% ±0.88% larger than the photospheric radius. The sensitivity of the result to the method of determination is discussed.  相似文献   

During a period of intense decametric continuum arising near the center of the sun, there occurred additional very strong emission closely associated with the flare beginning at 1522 UT on August 28, 1966. Owing to strong ionospheric absorption from about 1527 UT on, which eliminated telecommunications interference, the frequency range over which the flare-associated emission appears is unusually large, from the upper limit of the spectrograph, 41 MHz, to about 11 MHz, where external reflection cuts off the solar signals. Strong bursts of Type III (fast drift) occur from 1527 to 1531 UT, and a complex Type II (slow drift) from 1532 to 1547 UT. As the Type-II burst progresses at frequencies from 15 to 25 MHz, Northward position shifts of many solar radii probably take place; at higher frequencies the burst moves in a complicated pattern through a much narrower range of distances to the North of the sun. Type-IV emission, from 1540 UT on, moves a large distance to the sun's North, and then, after 1600 UT, returns to a stable position quite close to the sun.  相似文献   

The observations of 34 extragalactic radio sources with the 22-m Crimean Astrophysical Observatory radio telescope at 36 GHz in 1985–1994 are presented. Intensity variations were detected in 27 objects, which may result from the appearance of new components in their cores.  相似文献   

Maxwell  A.  Rinehart  R. 《Solar physics》1974,37(2):437-442

The dynamic radio spectrum of the class 3B solar flare of 1972, August 7, 15: 00 UT, over the band 10 to 2000 MHz is examined. Type II and type IV bursts in the spectrum are interpreted in terms of a piston-driven shock, which appeared to be travelling at a velocity of about 1500 km s?1 and which generated pulsations in the band 100 to 200 MHz as it passed through the corona. The progress of the shock through the interplanetary plasma was subsequently monitored by Malitson et al. with radio equipment covering the band 0.03 to 2.6 MHz on the IMP-6 satellite.


Fifteen examples of quasi-periodic 2.8 GHz burst emission observed at the La Posta Astrogeophysical Observatory during the period December 1966 through May 1973 were identified. The periods of these events and those of 22 additional events previously reported in the literature were plotted against burst morphological parameters. The relationship between period and event energy was found to be considerably weaker than initially reported by Cribbens and Matthews.  相似文献   

We have observed a small sample of powerful double radio sources (radio galaxies and quasars) at frequencies around 90 GHz with the Berkeley Illinois Maryland Association (BIMA) millimetre array, with the intention of constraining the resolved high-frequency spectra of radio galaxies. When combined with other sources we have previously observed and with data from the BIMA archive, these observations allow us for the first time to make general statements about the high-frequency behaviour of compact components of radio galaxies – cores, jets and hotspots. We find that cores in our sample remain flat-spectrum up to 90 GHz; jets in some of our targets are detected at 90 GHz for the first time in our new observations and hotspots are found to be almost universal, but show a wide range of spectral properties. Emission from the extended lobes of radio galaxies is detected in a few cases and shows rough consistency with the expectations from standard spectral ageing models, though our ability to probe this in detail is limited by the sensitivity of BIMA. We briefly discuss the prospects for radio galaxy astrophysics with Atacama Large Millimeter Array.  相似文献   

Meter-wavelength observations are presented for the solar radio storm of August 17–22, 1968. The data comprise dynamic spectra and high-resolution brightness distributions from the 80 MHz radioheliograph.It is found that the storm consisted essentially of type III bursts at the lower frequencies and type I at the higher frequencies; the transition, usually near 60 MHz, was fairly sharp. The type I source was located over an active region associated with a large sunspot group. The type III position was displaced about 0.5 R transversely from the type I, in a region of low magnetic field.The evident close association between the two types of emission can best be explained by disturbances originating in the type I region, propagating outwards through a region of weak magnetic field, and triggering an electron acceleration process, probably at the cusp of a helmet structure. The observed frequency and spatial relationship between the type I and type III components in events of this kind follow as a natural consequence of this model.A comparison of these results with the hectometer-wavelength satellite observations of the 1968 August event makes possible a qualitative estimate of the outward path of the type III exciters through the corona, and it is apparent that below the solar wind region of the corona this path departs considerably from the radial direction.  相似文献   

We present the analysis of observations of the August flares at Big Bear and Tel Aviv, involving monochromatic movies, magnetograms and spectra. In each flare the observations fit a model of particle acceleration in the chromosphere with emission produced by impact and by heating by the energetic electrons and protons. The region showed inverted polarity and high gradients from birth, and flares appear due to strong magnetic shears and gradients across the neutral line produced by sunspot motions. Post flare loops show a strong change from sheared, force-free fields parallel to potential-field-like loops, perpendicular to the neutral line above the surface.We detected fast (5 s duration) small (1') flashes in 3835 at the footpoints of flux loops in the August 2 impulsive flare at 1838 UT, which may be explained by dumping of > 50 keV electrons accelerated in individual flux loops. The flashes show excellent time and intensity agreement with > 45 keV X-rays. In the less impulsive 2000 UT flare a less impulsive wave of emission in 3835 moved with the separating footpoints. The thick target model of X-ray production gives a consistent model for X-ray, 3835 and microwave emission in the 18:38 UT event.Spectra of the August 7 flare show emission 12 Å FWHM in flare kernels, but only 1 to 2 Å wide in the rest of the flare. The kernels thus produce most of the H emission. The total emission in H in the August 4 and August 7 flares was about 2 × 1030 erg. We belive this dependable value more accurate than previous larger estimates for great flares. The time dependence of total H emission agrees with radio and X-ray data much better than area measurements which depend on the weaker halo.Absorption line spectra show a large (6 km/s-1) photospheric velocity discontinuity across the neutral line, corresponding to sheared flow across that line.This work has been supported by NASA under NGR 05 002 034, NSF Atmospheric Sciences program under GA 24015, and AFCRL under FI9628-73-C-0085.  相似文献   

Interferometer observation of a behind-the-limb flare on 7 September, 1977, at 35 GHz ( = 8.6 mm) shows that the microwave non-thermal radio source of the burst is located in the coronal region at the height higher than 7000 km above the photosphere and rises gradually with the velocity of about 30 km s-1.  相似文献   

Optically very faint  ( R > 25.5)  sources detected by the Spitzer Space Telescope at 24 μm represent a very interesting population at redshift   z ∼ (1.5–3)  . They exhibit strong clustering properties, implying that they are hosted by very massive haloes, and their mid-infrared emission could be powered by either dust-enshrouded star formation and/or by an obscured active galactic nucleus (AGN). We report observations carried out with the Max Planck Millimetre Bolometer (MAMBO) array at the IRAM 30-m antenna on Pico Veleta of a candidate protocluster with five optically obscured sources selected from the 24-μm Spitzer sample of the First-Look Survey. Interestingly, these sources appear to lie on a high-density filament aligned with the two radio jets of an AGN. Four out of five of the observed sources were detected. We combine these measurements with optical, infrared and radio observations to probe the nature of the candidate protocluster members. Our preliminary conclusions can be summarized as follows: the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of all sources include both AGN and starburst contributions; the AGN contribution to the bolometric luminosities ranges between 14 and 26 per cent of the total. Such a contribution is enough for the AGN to dominate the emission at 5.8, 8 and 24 μm, while the stellar component, inferred from SED fitting, prevails at 1.25 mm and at  λ < 4.5 μ  m. The present analysis suggests a coherent interplay at high z between extended radio activity and the development of filamentary large-scale structures.  相似文献   

Ionospheric refraction effects encountered in radio source observations in the 30 to 75 MHz range with the Clark Lake TPT telescope are discussed. It is found that simple calibration procedures are sufficient to provide positions of unknown sources with an accuracy of approximately one arcmin. Observations made near sunrise, or during disturbed ionospheric conditions must be discarded. If no corrections are applied, RMS errors of a few arcmin are to be expected. On leave at Radiosterrenwacht Dwingeloo, The Netherlands  相似文献   

A type of pulsation in a time scale of seconds superimposed on microwave burst at 9.375 GHz has been found during the twenty-second solar active maximum period by us. This phenomenon is quite different from radio spike emission at decimeter and long centimeter wavelengths. The flux level of the bursts rises as the repetition rate of pulsations increases, following an approximate linear relationship. This feature resembles that at mm wavelength, but some other features are different. Some mechanisms for interpretation have been proposed.  相似文献   

The analysis of a storm of type III solar radio bursts observed in August 1968 between 5 and 0.2 MHz by the RAE-1 satellite has yielded the storm morphology, a possible relation to meter and decameter storms, and an average exciter speed of 0.37 c between 10 and 40 R (Fainberg and Stone, 1970a, b). A continuation of the analysis, based on the apparent dependence of burst drift rate on heliographic longitude of the associated active region, now provides a distance scale between plasma levels in the streamer, an upper limit to the scale size of coronal streamer density inhomogeneities, and an estimate of the solar wind speed. By fixing one level the distance scale is utilized to determine the electron density distribution along the streamer between 10 and 40 R . The streamer density is found to be 16 times that expected for the solar minimum quiet solar wind. An upper limit to the scale size of streamer density inhomogeneities is estimated to be of the order of 1 or 2 solar radii over the same height range. From the progressive delay of the central meridian passage (CMP) of the lower frequency emission, a streamer curvature is inferred which in turn implies an average solar wind speed of 380 km/sec between 14 and 36 R within the streamer.  相似文献   

Storms of type III solar radio bursts observed from 5.4 ot 0.2 MHz consist of a quasi-continuous production of type III events observable for half a solar rotation but persisting in some cases for well over a complete rotation (Fainberg and Stone, 1970). The observed burst drift rates are a function of the heliographic longitude of the associated active region. This apparent drift rate dependence is a consequence of the radio emission propagation time from source to observer. Based on this dependence, a least squares analysis of 2500 drift rates between frequencies in the 2.8 to 0.7 MHz range yields an average exciter speed of 0.38 c for the height range from approximately 11 to 30 R . In conjunction with the available determinations of exciter speeds of 0.33 c close to the sun, i.e. less than 3 R , and with in situ measurements of 40 keV solar electrons by space probes, the present results suggest that the exciters are electron packets which propagate with little deceleration over distances of at least 1 AU.  相似文献   

Storms of type III solar radio bursts observed from 5.4 to 0.2 MHz, indicate the quasicontinuous production of type III events observable for a half solar rotation but persisting in some cases for well over a complete rotation. The characteristics of these storms, including the dependance of occurrence and apparent drift rates on the disc position of the associated active region are discussed. The drift rate dependance is shown to be a consequence of the propagation time of emission from the source to the observer. The occurrence rate of a burst every 10 sec observed near CMP implies that if this level of activity persists, then about a quarter of a million exciter packets are released into the interplanetary plasma during a complete rotation. Storm bursts are less intense than most isolated type III's and occur over a more limited frequency range. There appears to be a very close relation between these storms and decametric continuum.  相似文献   

The numerical method for obtaining the luminosity-dependent evolution function of radio sources is presented and applied to the flat spectrum radio sources selected at 5 GHz.The method constructed on the basis of the iterative one given by Robertson, which requires assuming a specific type of the searched function enables one to obtain the evolution function of sources with radio flux densityS 5.01 mJy.The influence of the shape of the local RLF, of the luminosity distributionN(P) and of the spectral index function on the resulting evolution function is investigated. The results presented show that the luminosity dependence of the evolution function of flat-spectrum radio sources is significant and should not be neglected. The obtained evolution function, which allows one to reproduce the source counts curve, the redshift distribution, and the spectral index distribution, may exhibit the redshift cut-off at z03.  相似文献   

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