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This paper examines factors associated with Singapore's substantial decline in birth rate during the 1970 to 80 decade among Chinese, Malay and Indian ethnic groups. Through the use of graphs, tables and charts demographic tabulations in the areas of crude birth rates, female age distribution, nuptiality, marital fertility and family planning patterns are indicated. Data analyzed suggests that female proportion at given ages in the reproductive span is less responsive to child bearing opportunities. Evidence of the wider adoption of contraception within each of the major ethnic groups with differences in regard to the educational and age level of the users further emphasizes the behavioral and societal attitudes towards fertility. Urgency about the far reaching economic and social implications of a sustained decline of birth rate is based on a fear of a shortage of manpower coupled with the need to import workers to sustain industry.  相似文献   

西部民族地区流动人口的户籍迁移意愿不仅关系到农业转移人口的市民化进程和城镇化质量,还关系到民族团结和构建和谐社会的进程。基于2012年新疆流动人口动态监测调查数据,运用二元logistic回归模型,分析了不同地区和不同民族流动人口户籍迁移意愿及其影响因素的异同。研究发现,新疆流动人口户籍迁移意愿整体水平较高,愿意将户籍迁入现流入地的比例达到半数以上,且北疆地区略高于南疆,少数民族高于汉族。模型显示,总体而言新疆对人力资本和经济禀赋较高的流动人口落户吸引力不强,而民族类型、在流入地的居住时间和社会融合程度是影响新疆流动人口户籍迁移的关键因素。同时,新疆不同地区和不同民族流动人口在户籍迁移时考虑的因素存在异同,但社会融合特征因素不存在区域和民族差异,均表现为社会融合程度的提高显著增强其户籍迁移意愿。  相似文献   

上海古北地区日本人聚居区族裔经济的形成特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
周雯婷  刘云刚 《地理研究》2015,34(11):2179-2194
随着中国国际化程度的提高,在华外国人数量日益增长并呈现在特定大城市集聚的倾向。上海作为在华外国人集聚规模最大的城市,古北地区的日本人聚居区及其族裔经济引起了广泛的社会关注。主要通过实地调查及深度访谈,探讨古北地区日本人聚居区族裔经济的形成特征。研究发现:古北地区日本人族裔经济形成了以日本人聚居区为依托、以日本人为主要服务对象、中国人和日本人共同经营的特色,该地区的出现既与中国的移民、经济政策相关,也与日本人的族裔特性如旅居属性、较高的社会经济地位、民族内向性等因素相关联。作为高端移民族裔经济的代表,日本人聚居区族裔经济的形成给上海的城市规划建设及移民管理带来了新的课题。  相似文献   

Muang Sing in Luang Namtha province, an administrative district of northern Laos bordering Myanmar and China, has been portrayed by the Lao government and international development agencies as a ‘poor’ rural region in need of development. To developers, Muang Sing's remoteness from major towns and the livelihoods of ethnic people such as the Akha in the uplands based on swidden agriculture and opium production characterized ‘poverty’. To address this rural poverty, state and development agencies devised land use zoning that would demarcate and regulate various land uses in line with a rural development plan for the district. This vision for regulated development began to go awry, however, as farmers and traders in Muang Sing launched their own rapid social and economic changes. In contrast to the official image of a backward rural district in need of outside assistance, this paper portrays farmers and local entrepreneurs of the Muang Sing borderlands as actively transforming their lives and agricultural landscapes. This paper challenges the official version of a remote, poor district untouched by regional trade through a focus on narratives of local people. Ethnographic research reveals the dynamic micro‐processes of agrarian transformation during recent decades to highlight the centrality of borderland people in reworking their lives and agricultural landscapes through cross‐border relationships in China.  相似文献   


Share housing is changing. Once considered a form of short-term housing and a lifestyle choice for young adults fresh out of the family home, share housing is increasingly playing a broader role into advanced adulthood. Recent work has claimed the emergence of Generation Rent; however, the reconfiguration of housing experiences is illustrated not only by renting but also by an increase in house sharing and the emergence of ‘Generation Share’ within the renting cohort. We know surprisingly little about share housing and its increasingly important role in housing. This paper draws upon exploratory research conducted on share housing in Sydney, Australia, and argues that share housing as traditionally understood is changing. Share housing has a widening demographic and it is driven primarily by economic factors. Despite this, the social affordances offered by share housing are highly valued. Share housing therefore offers us a unique lens into changing housing pathways and values and provokes us to think of ways to produce more socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable housing.  相似文献   

This paper argues that calls for multicultural curricula in universities across the US can be met with strategic curricular interventions that radically confront gendered racisms across regional, national, and international racial formations. Faculty who risk making such interventions should plan for student and institutional resistances. Intersecting consumer and corporate interests desire universities to be socially nonconflictual and economical places of leisure and entertainment, not sites of critical intervention. Accordingly, we theorize how and why faculty committed to oppositional multiculturalism might be cast as transgressive. In so doing, we pay particular attention to how identity politics are quadrangulated through embodiment, performance, time, and place. We additionally discuss ways for systematically working against the grain of gendered racisms and for supporting those who are teaching multiculturalism (critically) or seen to embody it. Working against the grain is particularly important as we enter the 21st century, given the increasing diversification of faculty and student bodies in universities across the US and the attendant risks “diverse” persons take, risks generally not experienced or acknowledged by White Americans.  相似文献   

聚落格局是乡村地理学研究的基础,也是人地地域系统的重要组成部分,更是目前地理学研究的热点之一。科学分析、揭示、刻画少数民族等脆弱地区的聚落格局,对合理、高效推进该区域新型城镇化道路建设,实现民族团结和繁荣,全面建成小康社会具有重要意义。而目前,对于少数民族、尤其是多民族共生区的聚落格局研究还不足。论文以中国西南少数民族聚居的哈尼梯田区为例,从聚落分布的空间位置特征、民族格局特征、区位环境特征及其主控因子等方面,刻画了哈尼梯田区哈尼、彝、壮、汉、苗、瑶、傣等7个民族的聚落格局特征。结果表明:① 在空间位置上,哈尼梯田区68%的聚落分布在区内西中部,主要以哈尼、彝、壮为主。② 在民族格局上,形成了以哈尼—彝混居的大格局,以壮、汉、苗、瑶、傣混居的小格局。③ 在区位环境上,7个民族在海拔、坡度、气温、降水量、与河流距离、聚落规模、耕地面积、与行政中心距离和粮食单产等区位环境特征上具有显著差异。④ 在主控因子上,壮、苗、瑶聚落分布的主控因子为经济、行政、旅游中心距离,贡献率分别为86.4%和75.3%、92.8%;彝族聚落布局的主控因子为气温(贡献率为52.0%);汉、哈尼、傣聚落布局的主控因子为降水量,贡献率分别为98.7%、52.2%、97.0%。⑤ 整体而言,哈尼梯田区聚落格局在垂直向上,形成了多民族共生的立体格局,在水平向上形成了多民族互嵌格局。研究可为少数民族地区新农村建设、聚落格局优化、精准扶贫、全面建设小康社会提供科学参考。  相似文献   

以关中-天水经济区城市群为研究对象,分别构建资源环境和人口经济系统的综合评价指标体系,采用主成分分析法,对该经济区主要城市2002年和2011年资源环境和人口经济的发展指数及其耦合协调度进行测评,并探究其时空差异性。结果表明:2002-2011年其城市资源环境发展水平上升的有渭南、商洛和天水,下降的有西安、铜川、宝鸡、咸阳和杨凌;人口经济发展上升的有西安、铜川、宝鸡、咸阳、渭南和商洛,下降的有天水和杨凌;各主要城市的资源环境与人口经济发展水平及其耦合协调性的空间差异明显,多数城市资源环境与人口经济的耦合协调性不尽合理,且出现衰退趋势。最后就该城市群实现资源环境与人口经济协调发展提出建议和对策。  相似文献   

This paper argues that calls for multicultural curricula in universities across the US can be met with strategic curricular interventions that radically confront gendered racisms across regional, national, and international racial formations. Faculty who risk making such interventions should plan for student and institutional resistances. Intersecting consumer and corporate interests desire universities to be socially nonconflictual and economical places of leisure and entertainment, not sites of critical intervention. Accordingly, we theorize how and why faculty committed to oppositional multiculturalism might be cast as transgressive. In so doing, we pay particular attention to how identity politics are quadrangulated through embodiment, performance, time, and place. We additionally discuss ways for systematically working against the grain of gendered racisms and for supporting those who are teaching multiculturalism (critically) or seen to embody it. Working against the grain is particularly important as we enter the 21st century, given the increasing diversification of faculty and student bodies in universities across the US and the attendant risks “diverse” persons take, risks generally not experienced or acknowledged by White Americans.  相似文献   

Effective risk communication is central to good environmental risk management. While studies have shown that newspapers are the primary source of information to the public regarding environmental issues, little is known about how environmental news is used as a risk‐communication tool. This article explores the role of local information systems in risk communication, using newspaper content analysis as well as in‐depth interviews with journalists and community residents to develop a case study of an environmental assessment process for a nonhazardous industrial‐waste landfill. Results indicate that risk messages were chosen and shaped by journalists on the basis of their own exigencies. In addition, while newspapers were a major source of risk information, their impact was mitigated by resident distrust and access to other information sources, most notably their own personal information networks. These results have implications for environmental policy, as decision makers often use—either passively or actively—print media as a risk‐communication tool.  相似文献   

城市迁移人口居住空间分异——对深圳市的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
基于深圳市第六次人口普查数据,将迁移人口按照户籍地划分为市内迁移、省内迁移和省际迁移3种类型。通过计算区位熵分析街道迁移人口比重在全市中的水平,并用空间自相关来识别其空间集聚状况,以揭示迁移人口的空间分异格局,进而用分异指数刻画迁移人口的分异程度。然后以街道迁移人口比重为因变量,住房因素和就业因素为自变量,采用OLS模型、空间滞后模型和空间误差模型来分析和解释迁移人口居住空间分异的影响因素。结果表明:①迁移人口区位熵呈现出较为明显的圈层结构分布特征,以南山区和福田区为中心向外依次为市内、省内和省外迁移人口;②迁移人口的居住分布存在空间集聚,市内迁移人口集聚分布在行政中心周围,省内迁移人口集中分布在商业中心周围,省外迁移人口集中分布在工业园区较多的关外街道;③省外迁移人口与本地人口之间的居住分异程度最高;④省外迁移人口的居住空间分布显著地受住房因素的影响,省内迁移人口的居住空间分布则受就业因素的影响,住房和就业因素对市内迁移人口的居住空间分布的影响不显著。  相似文献   

杜芳娟  朱竑 《地理研究》2013,32(5):881-890
婚姻圈作为民族社会建构的重要机制,以及族群认同的表现形式和民族文化传承载体,对其现况及未来的研究关乎散居族群的社会经济和文化发展大计。采用口述史、深度访谈法及文本分析的方法研究发现:贵州坡帽仡佬族的婚姻圈经历了族内异地通婚——族内本地通婚与近邻异族通婚——族内本地、近邻异族与异地异族通婚并存等几个阶段的演化。在传统农业社会,散居族群经历了居住、社会和教育多重隔离,通婚受族群性影响,以异地族内通婚为主;而在长期散杂居过程中,族际之间的长期接触融合,其婚姻圈又产生空间近邻性效应,异族通婚开始出现;中国社会转型期及经济一体化使散居族群的婚姻场域发生急剧变化,由此导致远距离通婚,族群性与空间近邻性效应开始减弱。坡帽仡佬族的婚姻圈演化反映了散居族群与主体社会关系的建构过程,但散居族群尚无独立发展的力量。当随着族群内部原有稳定性的打破,族群语言、文化习俗如何保留,族群认同如何维系等都将面临很大的挑战。通过婚姻圈变化之研究视角,关注全球化影响下少数族群文化的保护和发扬问题,是文化扩散和文化整合研究领域新的尝试。  相似文献   

我国人口老龄化发展的阶段、趋势和区域差异   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
分析了我国人口老龄化发展的三个阶段,并预测了它的发展趋势。研究了人口老龄化的地理区域差异,表明在城乡之间、东西部地区之间和各民族地区之间的差异比较明显,而在贫困地区与非贫困地区之间有不同程度的差异。为按照各地区人口老龄化发展的不同特点,因地制宜地解决我国人口老龄化问题提供依据。  相似文献   

In recent years, the urban political landscape has become infused with a potent and incendiary mixture of popular-democratic, anti-globalisation, and separatist rhetoric. One central process driving this has been the problematic relations between the nation-state and the city. This Debates and Interventions forum aims to prompt a debate about where the city should be situated intellectually in respect of the nation-state. Four questions are addressed: (1) How do contemporary processes of urban development reflect changing national geopolitical priorities? (2) To what extent are struggles around immigration, citizenship and recognition conducted within cities rather than around the nation-state? (3) To what degree does the city (as e.g. a physical form, social environment or discourse) help to mobilise, propel and/or contest this new urban politics? And (4) Is the concept of a “post-national” global order appropriate for understanding the city and urban politics today?  相似文献   

王金莲  苏勤 《地理研究》2021,40(2):462-476
第二居所旅居在流动谱系中介于短时性旅游与永久性旅游移民之间,是一种新的人口流动现象.地理学对日常生活的关注从宏大的结构叙事向后现代的多元与微观化转向.在此背景下,本文借鉴符号互动理论,探析第二居所旅居者与当地居民之间差异的建构及其对社会互动的作用过程与机制.结果发现:旅居者与当地居民所处人文地理环境产生的内在差异,使得...  相似文献   

城市群是未来中国城镇化的主要空间载体,研究城市群空间结构的演化特征和影响因素具有重要意义。已有文献较少从形态单中心—多中心视角研究中国城市群空间结构的演化和影响因素,而且通常采用户籍人口而非常住人口测度城市群空间结构,导致测量误差。为解决这个问题,本文采用基于人口普查的常住人口数据进行分析,并运用联合国数据对结果进行佐证。以已有文献采用客观标准界定的13个城市群为样本,使用规模-位序法则测度城市群的形态单中心—多中心程度,探究城市群的空间结构演化趋势和影响因素。结果发现,1980年代以来大多数城市群的空间结构呈现多中心化趋势;人均GDP水平的提高和人口规模的增加是导致城市群空间结构多中心化的主要原因。因此,政府对于空间结构偏多中心的城市群,应强化城市间的交通联系和政策一体化,获取更大的发展红利;对于个别处于单中心化阶段的城市群,政策导向则避免过早地多中心化。  相似文献   

杨显明  焦华富 《地理学报》2016,71(8):1343-1356
以淮南市、淮北市4次城市规划中土地利用现状图为基础,运用ArcGIS软件对案例城市空间结构演化进程进行可视化表达和计量分析,揭示了煤炭资源型城市空间结构演化的过程、特征。通过对不同时点、不同用地类型的叠置分析,基于城市主要用地类型间的置换规模、频度、广度、强度及空间邻近关系,总结出商—居置换重构、商—工置换重构、居—工置换重构、工—居置换重构4种空间重构模式。当前,煤炭资源型城市以商—居置换重构和居—工置换重构为主,其空间置换面积大、频率高。最后,分析了经济发展、产业演替、体制改革、城市化、环境保护以及城市规划6个因素对煤炭资源型城市空间重构的影响,认为煤炭资源型城市内部空间重构是一种自我修复过程。  相似文献   

雒占福  雷德宏  李晓慧  原悦 《地理研究》2021,40(7):1949-1962
居住环境质量提升是城市高质量发展的重要内容,而其设施的不均衡性、可获取性与可选择性差异对居民的生活质量、情感需求具有显著的剥夺影响。本研究以兰州市主城区居住区为研究对象,以各类城市设施的POI为数据源,通过构建居住环境剥夺评价体系定量识别其剥夺程度并对影响因素作出分析,结果表明:① 居住环境的综合剥夺在东西狭长的河谷城区上呈现出重心偏东的“核心-边缘”分布格局,高剥夺区集中在河谷边缘区以及西部城区,低剥夺区呈现于河谷中心区与东部城区。② 居住环境的正向维度基本呈现出河谷中心区剥夺程度低,河谷边缘区剥夺程度高的态势;负向维度在空间上则呈现出与正向维度反向的分布趋势。③ 河谷型城市居住环境剥夺格局是城市形态、居住区区位、城市的动态扩张次序、居住区密度以及政策规划等多重因素共同导致的结果。其中,城市形态下的空间可达性制约着城市空间的开发时序,进而影响设施的空间配置水平;居住区区位制约着居住区自身对设施的选择性与环境干扰性;城市的动态扩张导致了河谷城市开发周期的不同,进而导致新旧城区设施配置的不同;居住区密度对城市设施的配置具有一定的引导作用;政策规划对居住环境剥夺格局具有重构作用。  相似文献   

基于距离与规模的中国城市体系规模结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市规模结构是城市体系研究的重要内容。经济基础理论相关的研究忽视了城市体系中某一城市规模往往受到其他城市规模、距离的影响。本文以第五次人口普查的"市人口"作为城市人口规模标度指标,以铁路运行距离为两城市间距离的标度指标,证明了距离要素对解释中国城市体系结节结构的有效性。讨论了全国城市体系、北方城市、南方城市体系中城市i的规模Pi与最近距离城市n的规模Pn、城市体系首位城市s的规模Ps、区域中心城市c的规模Pc,及与相应城市间距离Din、Dis、Dic的定量关系,以及Din及其位序的定量关系。研究发现:(1)全国城市体系中,Pi可以用Pn、Din、Dic来说明,其中,Pn、Din为正向影响,Dic为负向影响,Pn影响最大,Din次之,Dic再次之。(2)北方城市体系中,Pn、Din、Pc均对Pi有正向影响,Din影响力最大,Pn次之,Pc再次之。(3)南方城市体系中Pi的解释因素及各因素的重要性与全国城市体系相同。南方城市体系与北方城市体系中Pi的解释因素的差异性源自南方城市体系中Dic、Pc/Pi较小。(4)Din与其位序R间存在与城市位序-规模律相同的内在定量关系。  相似文献   

Based on statistical data and population flow data for 2016,and using entropy weight TOPSIS and the obstacle degree model,the centrality of cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt(YREB)together with the factors influencing centrality were measured.In addition,data for the population flow were used to analyze the relationships between cities and to verify centrality.The results showed that:(1)The pattern of centrality conforms closely to the pole-axis theory and the central geography theory.Two axes,corresponding to the Yangtze River and the Shanghai-Kunming railway line,interconnect cities of different classes.On the whole,the downstream cities have higher centrality,well-defined gradients and better development of city infrastructure compared with cities in the middle and upper reaches.(2)The economic scale and size of the population play a fundamental role in the centrality of cities,and other factors reflect differences due to different city classes.For most of the coastal cities or the capital cities in the central and western regions,factors that require long-term development such as industrial facilities,consumption,research and education provide the main competitive advantages.For cities that are lagging behind in development,transportation facilities,construction of infrastructure and fixed asset investment have become the main methods to achieve development and enhance competitiveness.(3)The mobility of city populations has a significant correlation with the centrality score,the correlation coefficients for the relationships between population mobility and centrality are all greater than 0.86(P<0.01).The population flow is mainly between high-class cities,or high-class and low-class cities,reflecting the high centrality and huge radiating effects of high-class cities.Furthermore,the cities in the YREB are closely linked to Guangdong and Beijing,reflecting the dominant economic status of Guangdong with its geographical proximity to the YREB and Beijing's enormous influence as the national political and cultural center,respectively.  相似文献   

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