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GRAPES全球四维变分同化系统极小化算法预调节   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
在进行多次外循环更新的增量分析框架下,前一次极小化迭代过程中产生的信息可提供给下一次极小化做预调节。该文在GRAPES全球四维变分同化系统中对极小化算法——L-BFGS算法实施了这种预调节,通过全观测的个例试验和批量试验进行评估,发现进行预调节后L-BFGS算法的收敛效率得到明显提高,而且在1个月的循环试验中表现十分稳定。该工作可以帮助GRAPES全球四维变分同化系统有效减少极小化的迭代次数,有利于满足业务化运行的时效要求。另外,间隔6 h和间隔24 h的两次4DVar分析对应的海森矩阵变化不大,因此,前一时刻极小化过程产生的信息提供给后一时刻的极小化进行预调节也有一定效果。  相似文献   

包含“开关”变量的MM5四维变分资料同化系统   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
王栋梁  沈桐立 《气象科学》2003,23(4):426-434
数值模式中的湿物理过程对于模拟各种尺度的天气现象非常重要,但它会使得模式方程的状态变量不连续,这种不连续在模式程序中表现为“开关”变量。本文对包括Kuo降水参数化方案的非静力中尺度数值模式MM5的四维变分资料同化系统进行研究,利用对实际降水的模拟,比较详细地讨论了有关的“开关”变量以及切向线性化和伴随问题。结果表明:对于一个离散的数值模式,保持“开关”变量与基态一致,用伴随码方法构造的伴随模式计算的梯度值能够为最小化过程提供较好的下降方向;Kuo方案中对流每隔一个积分步的交替发生并不影响目标函数最小化的收敛速度;“开关”变量的存在也不影响将风、温度、气压和比湿结合起来同化对MM5降水预报准确性的提高。  相似文献   

The sensible heat flux density C and the latent heat flux density E are coupled in the case of a multi-layer model of vegetation. Therefore two linearly independent combinations of C and E, the enthalpy flux density H and the saturation heat flux density J, are introduced. Two electrical analogues, for H and J, are designed. They are equivalent to the resistance scheme for C and E, but uncoupled. Penman's formulas for C and E, which are applicable only to single-layer models, can be expressed equivalently in terms of H and J. This version of Penman's formulas can be extended easily to multi-layer canopies.  相似文献   

Summary We construct the generalized inverse of a global numerical weather prediction (NWP) model, in order to prepare initial conditions for the model at time t=0 hrs. The inverse finds a weighted, least-squares best-fit to the dynamics for –24<t<0, to the previous initial condition att=–24, and to data att=–24,t=–18,t=–12 andt=0. That is, the inverse is a weak-constraint, four-dimensional variational assimilation scheme. The best-fit is found by solving the nonlinear Euler-Lagrange (EL) equations which determine the local extrema of a penalty functional. The latter is quadratic in the dynamical, initial and data residuals. The EL equations are solved using iterated representer expansions. The technique yields optimal conditioning of the very large minimization problem, which has 109 hydrodynamical and thermodynamical variables defined on a 4-dimensional, space-time grid.In addition to introducing the inverse NWP model, we demonstrate it on a medium-sized problem, namely, a study of the impact of reprocessed cloud track wind observations (RCTWO) from the 1990 Tropical Cyclone Motion Experiment (TCM-90). The impact is assessed in terms of the improvement of forecasts in the South China Sea att=+48 hours. The calculation shows that the computations are manageable, the iteration scheme converges, and that the RCTWO have a beneficial impact.  相似文献   

Photoelectric detectors for the measurement of photolysis frequencies of different trace gases in the atmosphere are described. They exhibit uniform response characteristics over one hemisphere (2 sr) and wavelength characteristics closely matched to those of the photolysis frequencies J O1D, J NO2, and J NO3, respectively. Absolute calibration of the J O1D detector was performed by chemical actinometry with an accuracy of ±16 percent. Simultaneous measurements of J NO2 and J O1D are presented.  相似文献   

Summary The design of adaptive observations strategies must account for the particular properties of the data assimilation method. A new adjoint sensitivity approach to the targeted observations problem is proposed in the context of four-dimensional variational data assimilation (4D-Var). The method is based on a periodic update of the adjoint sensitivity field that takes into account the interaction between time distributed adaptive and routine observations. Information provided by all previously located observations is used to identify best locations for new targeted observations. Adaptive observations at distinct instants in time are selected in a sequential manner such that the method is only suboptimal. The selection algorithm proceeds backward in time and requires only one additional adjoint model integration in the assimilation window. Therefore, the method is very efficient and is suitable for practical applications. A comparative performance analysis is presented using the traditional adjoint sensitivity method as well as the total energy singular vectors technique as alternative adaptive strategies. Numerical experiments are performed in the twin experiments framework using a two-dimensional global shallow water model in spherical coordinates and an explicit Turkel-Zwas discretization scheme. Data from a NASA 500mb analysis valid for 00Z 16 Mar 2001 6h obtained with the GEOS-3 model was used to specify the geopotential height at the initial time and the initial velocities were obtained from a geostrophic balance. Numerical results show that the new adaptive observations approach is a promising method for targeted observations and its implementation is feasible for large scale atmospheric models.  相似文献   

GRAPES全球切线性和伴随模式的调优   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
伴随技术是四维变分同化(4DVar)系统中计算代价函数梯度的最佳办法,切线性和伴随模式的效果和效率直接影响着4DVar系统的发展。基于GRAPES(Global and Regional Assimilation PrEdiction System)全球切线性和伴随模式1.0版本,利用GRAPES全球模式2.0版本在并行框架和性能等方面的改善,重新优化和设计了GRAPES全球切线性伴随模式2.0版本,提高了GRAPES全球切线性和伴随模式的效果和效率,优化了切线性模式程序结构,使其计算时间最优可控制在非线性模式的1.2倍以内;采用在切线性模式中保存基态的方法,重构了伴随模式的程序结构,使其计算时间最优控制在非线性模式的1.5倍以内;在GRAPES全球切线性物理过程的设计中,将线性物理过程的轨迹基态计算和切线性扰动计算解耦,提高了GRAPES全球切线性和伴随模式的计算效果和效率。  相似文献   

Zusammefassung Um Trübungsbestimmungen nach Aktinometermessungen gegenüber demSchüeppschen Verfahren (und ähnlichen) wesentlich zu erleichtern, wird an Hand derSchüeppschen Unterlagen ein Diagramm zur Bestimmung des dekadischen TrübungskoeffizientenB 500 aus Messungen der Kurzstrahlung (J K , <625 nm) berechnet. Die so erhaltenen Werte vonJ K sind praktisch unabhängig vom -Exponenten der Dunstextinktion.J K -Werte fürB=0 verschiedener Autoren werden verglichen, und Trübungsgrößen verschiedener Diagramme (,T K ,B nachSchüepp) werden in Beziehung gesetzt. Es wird darauf hingewiesen, daß dieSchüepp-sche Methode bei kleinen Trübungen wahrscheinlich etwas zu hohe Werte ergibt.
Summary To simplify the determination of atmospheric turbidity by actinometric measurements with respect to theSchüepp method, a diagram has been computed from the data ofSchüepp to derive the decadic turbidity coefficientB 500 from measurements of short wave radiation (J K , <625 nm). Values ofJ K are practically independent of the -exponent of haze attenuation.J K -values forB=0 of different authors and turbidity values of different diagrams (,T K ,B Schüepp) are compared. It is pointed out that theSchüepp method yields probably slightly too high values with small turbidity.

Résumé Le calcul du trouble atmosphérique d'après les mesures actinométriques est assez compliqué selon la méthode deSchüepp ou d'autres méthodes semblables. Afin d'en faciliter notablement la détermination, l'auteur a calculé une abaque en se basant sur les données deSchüepp. Ce diagramme permet d'évaluer le coefficient de trouble atmosphérique décadaireB 500 en partant de la mesure du rayonnement à ondes courtes (J K , <625 m). Les valeurs deJ K obtenues alors sont pratiquement indépendantes de l'exposant de l'extinction due à la brume. Les valeurs deJ K pourB=0 et provenant de divers auteurs sont comparées entre elles. On a en outre établi le rapport existant entre le trouble atmosphérique calculé d'après divers diagrammes (,T K ,B Schüepp). On rend le lecteur attentif au fait que les valeurs calculées selonSchüepp sont probablement trop élevées lorsque le trouble atmosphérique est peu important.

Mit 2 Textabbildungen  相似文献   

The adjoint of a one-layer model of tropospheric-average temperature advection is used to examine a general circulation model (GCM) doubled CO2 scenario experiment locally over Europe. The adjoint technique enables a regional temperature anomaly to be accounted for in terms of horizontal advection and thermodynamic sources and sinks, both local and remote. Although the time-averaged regional signal in tropospheric-average temperature over Central Europe in the doubled CO2 GCM experiment is very small ( 0.1 K) once the Northern Hemispheric mean (+2.2 K) has been subtracted, there is a large variability on decadal time scales, and it is toward one such event that we direct our attention. It is found that a 10-January-mean regional anomaly (2×CO2-Control) of –1.7 K (with respect to hemispheric average) is primarily accounted for by changes in the advecting winds. The main thermodynamic forcing anomalies during January are situated over Europe itself and upstream over the Atlantic, but these are found to have a secondary direct effect, although their indirect effect via changes in the flow pattern remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung A. undE. Vassy haben in der Frage der Temperatur-abhängigkeit des Ozongehalts der Atmosphäre aus der Gleichung loge n –logJ n logK(T n ) geschlossen, daß auch die Gleichung loge n logJ n +logK(T n ) gültig sei. Es wird hier nun gezeigt, daß die bei der ersten Gleichung erlaubten Vernachlässigungen bei der zweiten zu großen Fehlern führen können und daß daher von A. undE. Vassy kein Beweis für die Richtigkeit der Beziehunge=J.K(T) erbracht ist.
Summary In the question of temperature dependence of ozone content of the atmosphere A. andE. Vassy have concluded from the equation loge n –logJ n logK(T n ) that also the formula loge n logJ n +logK(T n ) must be valid. In this paper it is proved that the neglections which may be admitted for the first equation, can conduct to great errors. Therefore A. andE. Vassy have not produced a proof for the correctness of the equatione=J.K(T).

Résumé A. etE. Vassy en étuidant le problème de la teneur de l'ozone atmosphérique en relation avec la température ont admis que l'équation loge n –logJ n logK(T n ) entraînait aussi la relation loge n logJ n +logK(T n ). On montre ici que les simplifications admises pour la première équation conduisent pour l'application de la seconde à de fortes erreurs, et que par conséquent ces auteurs n'ont pas fourni de preuve de la justesse de la relatione=J.K(T).

Hygroscopicity measurements of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) particles often show inconsistent results between the supersaturated and subsaturated regimes, with higher activity as cloud condensation nucleus (CCN) than indicated by hygroscopic growth. In this study, we have investigated the discrepancy between the two regimes in the Lund University (LU) smog chamber. Various anthropogenic SOA were produced from mixtures of different precursors: anthropogenic light aromatic precursors (toluene and m-xylene), exhaust from a diesel passenger vehicle spiked with the light aromatic precursors, and exhaust from two different gasoline-powered passenger vehicles. Three types of seed particles were used: soot aggregates from a diesel vehicle, soot aggregates from a flame soot generator and ammonium sulphate (AS) particles. The hygroscopicity of seed particles with condensed, photochemically produced, anthropogenic SOA was investigated with respect to critical supersaturation (sc) and hygroscopic growth factor (gf) at 90% relative humidity. The hygroscopicity parameter κ was calculated for the two regimes: κsc and κgf, from measurements of sc and gf, respectively. The two κ showed significant discrepancies, with a κgf /κsc ratio closest to one for the gasoline experiments with ammonium sulphate seed and lower for the soot seed experiments. Empirical observations of sc and gf were compared to theoretical predictions, using modified Köhler theory where water solubility limitations were taken into account. The results indicate that the inconsistency between measurements in the subsaturated and supersaturated regimes may be explained by part of the organic material in the particles produced from anthropogenic precursors having a limited solubility in water.  相似文献   

Summary Adjoint models have found use as dynamical tracers, helping to track a feature or phenomenon back to its origin. Their application to the study of atmospheric convection, however, is challenged by the complexity and nonlinearity of diabatic processes. Herein, the adjoint of a significantly simpler parameterized moisture (PM) model is described and tested. The PM model eliminates explicit moisture by making latent heating conditionally proportional to updraft velocity and providing a lower tropospheric heat sink mimicking rainwater evaporation.The PM adjoint, of course, is useful only if the parameterization can produce realistic results. Earlier work suggested that the PM framework possessed a fundamental flaw that made its storms have an excessive impact on their upstream environments. In fact, the adjoint was used to identify the origin of the discrepancies between PM and traditional cloud model storms, thereby leading to the parameterization improvements and dynamical insights recently discussed in Fovell (2002). The present paper is a companion to that study, describing how the adjoint model was constructed, tested and utilized. In addition, an even more realistic adjoint framework is described.  相似文献   

Tropospheric photodissociation rate coefficients (J values) were calculated for NO2, O3, HNO2, CH2O, and CH3CHO using high spectral resolution (0.1 mm wavelength increments), and compared to the J values obtained with numerically degraded resolution (=1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 nm, and several commonly used nonuniform grids). Depending on the molecule, substantial errors can be introduced by the larger increments. Thus for =10 nm, errors are less than 1% for NO2, less than 2% for HNO2, +6.5% to -16% for CH2O, -6.9% to +24% for CH3CHO, and -24% to +110% for O3. The errors for CH2O arise from the fine structure of its absorption spectrum, and are prevalently negative (underestimate of J). The errors for O3, and to a lesser extent for CH3CHO, arise mainly from under-resolving the overlap of the molecular action spectrum and the tropospheric actinic flux in the wavelength region of stratospheric ozone attenuation. The sign of those errors depends on whether the actinic flux is averaged onto the grid before or after the radiative transfer calculation. In all cases studied, grids with 2 nm produced errors no larger than 5%.  相似文献   

The latitudinal variation of the photolysis frequency of ozone to O(1D) atoms, J(O1D), was measured using a filter radiometer during the cruise ANT VII/1 of the research vessel Polarstern in September/October 1988. The J(O1D) noon values exhibited a maximum of 3.6×10-5 s-1 (2 sr) at the equator and decreased strongly towards higher latitudes. J(O1D) reached highest values for clean marine background air with low aerosol load and almost cloudless sky. The J(O1D) data, measured under these conditions and a temperature of 295 K, can be expressed by: % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaamOsaiaacI% cacaqGpbWaaWbaaSqabeaaiiaacqWF8baFaaGccaqGebGaaeykaiaa% bccacqWF9aqpcaqGGaGaaeyzaiaabIhacaqGWbGaaeiiaiaabUhacq% GHsislcaaI4aGaaiOlaiaaicdacaaIYaGaeyOeI0IaaGioaiaac6ca% caaI4aGaaiiEaiaaigdacaaIWaWaaWbaaSqabeaacqGHsislcaaIZa% aaaOGaaeiiaiaabIhacaqGGaGaam4uaiabgUcaRiaaiodacaGGUaGa% aGinaiaacIhacaaIXaGaaGimamaaCaaaleqabaGaeyOeI0IaaGOnaa% aakiaadofadaahaaWcbeqaaiaaikdaaaGccaGG9bGaaeikaiaaboha% daahaaWcbeqaaiabgkHiTiaaigdaaaGccaGGPaaaaa!5EE9!\[J({\text{O}}^| {\text{D) }} = {\text{ exp \{ }} - 8.02 - 8.8x10^{ - 3} {\text{ x }}S + 3.4x10^{ - 6} S^2 \} {\text{(s}}^{ - 1} )\] where S represents the product of the overhead ozone column (DU) and the secant of the solar zenith angle. The meridional profile of the primary OH radical production rate P(OH) was calculated from the J(O1D) measurements and simultaneously recorded O3 and H2O mixing ratios. While the latitudinal distribution of J(O1D) and water vapour was nearly symmetric to the equator, high tropospheric ozone levels up to 40 ppb were observed in the Southern Hemisphere, SH, resulting in higher P(OH) in the SH.  相似文献   

王铁  穆穆 《气象学报》2008,66(6):955-967
Regional-Eta-Coordinate-Model(REM)中尺度模式对中国区域性降水显示出公认的较高预报能力,建立其四维变分资料同化系统是完善该模式,进一步提高其预报效果的重要工作。本研究编写了REM模式的切线性模式和伴随模式,介绍了建立REM模式伴随系统的过程,并利用实际天气个例资料,分别对REM模式的切线性模式、伴随模式及定义的目标函数梯度进行了正确性检验,检验结果表明对REM模式的切线性模式及伴随模式编写是成功的。利用REM模式的伴随系统,对1998年06月08日00时到09日00时和2000年08月01日00时到02日00时两个实际天气个例进行了四维变分资料同化试验。从数值试验的结果分析可以看到,进行四维变分资料同化后,两个天气个例在预报结束时刻其预报结果对风场和湿度场的预报都有明显改善,对温度场和高度场的预报也有所改善。对于累积降水的预报,两个个例利用四维变分资料同化后得到的初始场进行的预报结果则有较大不同,在个例1中,变分同化后对降水中心的位置和降水强度的预报都有明显改善,预报结果更接近于观测场;个例2中,变分同化后对降水中心位置和强度的预报则没有改善,产生这种现象的原因可能是由于定义的目标函数中没有加进背景场项,也可能是由于采用的观测资料时次比较少,还需要进一步进行研究和试验。  相似文献   

Two sensitivity experiments, in which CO2 is doubled and sea-surface temperatures are enhanced, were carried out using a general circulation model to determine the influence of the convective parametrization on simulated climate change. In the first experiment, a non-penetrative layer-swapping convection scheme is used; in the second, a penetrative scheme is used. It is found that the penetrative scheme gives the greater upper tropospheric warming (over 4.5 K compared to 4 K) and the greater reduction in upper tropospheric cloud, consistent with recent CO2 sensitivity studies. However, there is a 0.7 Wm–2 greater increase in net downward radiation at the top of the atmosphere in the experiment with the non-penetrative scheme, implying a larger tropical warming which is inconsistent with recent CO2 studies. Other possible explanations for discrepancies between recent studies of the equilibrium climate response to increasing CO2 are considered and discussed. The changes in the atmospheric fluxes of heat and moisture from the tropical continents in the model with the penetrative scheme differ from those found using the non-penetrative scheme, and those in an equilibrium experiment using the penetrative scheme. Thus, changes in circulation may explain the apparent discrepancy in the current experiments, but prescribed sea-surface temperature experiments may not provide a reliable indication of a model's equilibrium climate sensitivity. Offprint requests to: JFB Mitchell  相似文献   

In this study, an improved and complete secondary organic aerosols (SOA) chemistry scheme was implemented in the CHIMERE model. The implementation of isoprene chemistry for SOA significantly improves agreement between long series of simulated and observed particulate matter concentrations. While simulated organic carbon concentrations are clearly improved at elevated sites by adding the SOA scheme, time correlation are impaired at low level sites in Portugal, Italy and Slovakia. At several sites a clear underestimation by the CHIMERE model is noticed in wintertime possibly due to missing wood burning emissions as shown in previous modeling studies. In Europe, the CHIMERE model gives yearly average SOA concentrations ranging from 0.5 μg m  − 3 in the Northern Europe to 4 μg m  − 3 over forested regions in Spain, France, Germany and Italy. In addition, our work suggests that during the highest fire emission periods, fires can be the dominant source of primary organic carbon over the Mediterranean Basin, but the SOA contribution from fire emissions is low. Isoprene chemistry has a strong impact on SOA formation when using current available kinetic schemes.  相似文献   

A property of Earth's atmosphere called thesurface air temperature response function is defined to be the change in surface air temperature that results from a change in radiant energy absorbed at the planet's surface. It is experimentally evaluated by three independent techniques to yield a value over land of 0.172 K (Wm–2)–1 while one of these techniques yields a value about half that great for stations on the extreme west coast of the United States. Computing an appropriate global upper limit from these two results yields a value of 0.113 K (Wm–2)–1, which compares well with a fourth technique that yields a mean global value of 0.097 K (Wm–2)–1. The results imply an unexpected time-scale invariant response function.Contribution from Agricultural Research Service, Science and Education, U.S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Beljaars et al. (1987) developed a model for neutrally stratified boundary-layer flow over roughness changes and topography. It has been discovered that a constant parameter, , was missing in the algebraic-stress closure equations of their paper. This omission also occurred in the MSFD model code but only affects the Askervein Hill shear-stress results for the E-- turbulence closure in Beljaars et al. It also changes the stress results of Karpik (1988), but not his conclusions regarding the robustness of his improved numerical scheme. The present paper demonstrates the effect of the omission of the parameter, , and tests the sensitivity of the model to variations in its value. The new results are compared with the data and model results of Zeman and Jensen (1987).  相似文献   

STAR (System for Transfer of Atmospheric Radiation) was developed to calculate accurately and efficiently the irradiance, the actinic flux, and the radiance in the troposphere. Additionally a very efficient calculation scheme to computer photolysis frequencies for 21 different gases was evolved. STAR includes representative data bases for atmospheric constituents, especially aerosol particles. With this model package a sensitivity study of the influence of different parameter on photolysis frequencies in particular of O3 to Singlet D oxygen atoms, of NO2, and of HCHO was performed. The results show the quantitative effects of the influence of the solar zenith angle, the ozone concentration and vertical profile, the aerosol particles, the surface albedo, the temperature, the pressure, the concentration of NO2, and different types of clouds on the photolysis frequencies.Notation I A(, ) actinic flux - I H(, ) irradiance - L(, , , ) radiance - wavelength - azimuth angle - cosine of zenith angle - s cosine of solar zenith angle - optical depth - s scattering coefficient - c extinction coefficient - o single scattering albedo - p mix mixed phase function - g mix mixed asymmetry factor - J gas photolysis frequency  相似文献   

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