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Morphological and spectral studies of the galaxies Kaz 69 and Kaz 460 are reported. The observations were made on the 2.6-m telescope at the Byurakan Observatory using the VAGR multiaperture spectrograph. Isophotes of monochromatic images of the Hα, [NII] λ6584, and [SII] λ6717 lines are constructed. Densifications I and II are found to rotate with north-south oriented axes of rotation. The two densifications (“knots”) have all the kinematic and spectral properties of individual galaxies. It is assumed that Kaz 139 and the densifications I and II were ejected from the nucleus of Kaz 460 at different times, with Kaz 139 probably having been ejected first, although they may all have been ejected simultaneously with different velocities. Along with Kaz 460, these objects form a physical group of galaxies and, at the same time, are a consequence of the activity of the nucleus of Kaz 460. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 415–426 (August 2007).  相似文献   

The results of a spectral study of the galaxy Kaz 17 are presented. 150 lines are identified in its spectrum, of which 21 are in emission while the rest are absorption lines. These lines belong to the following elements and ions:..... and FeI. Roughly 56% of the absorption lines belong to FeI. Of the absorption lines, 10 belonging to TiI and FeI are isolated. Because of the closeness of their wavelengths, the rest merge and form separate absorption bands. 10 lines, including 8 emission lines, are unidentified in the spectrum of Kaz 17. In all, 160 lines were observed in the spectrum of Kaz 17. In terms of the structure of the emission lines, Kaz 17 can be assigned to type Sy1, and in terms of the absorption lines, it more closely resembles a normal galaxy. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 541–551 (November 2006).  相似文献   

Observations of the Virgo Cluster galaxy NGC 4569 in soft X-rays and in Hα reveal both an asymmetrically distributed hot gaseous halo and a giant filament of diffuse emission, respectively, extending from the same side of the disk, the latter one to at least 8.8 kpc. A deep longslit spectrum along the filament shows velocities systematically different from the systemic velocity of NGC 4569. With the inclination of the disk one can determine the Hα spur as a giant outflow in NGC 4569. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Results from a spectral study of the quasar Kaz 102 are presented. It is shown that its spectrum varies as a whole; that is, the parameters of both the lines and the continuum change. Based on a comparison of results presented previously and in this paper, it is concluded that over a time of approximately 27.5 years the equivalent widths and relative intensities of the lines have increased, while their half widths have decreased. The spectral composition of Kaz 102 has also changed: new lines, HeII λ4686, [OIII] λ4363, and others, appear in spectra of 2000 and 2001 which were not observed in spectra taken in 1973. The electron density, and the mass and effective radius of the gas component are determined to be 2·107 cm-3, 2·104 M, and 0.2 pc. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 161–170 (May 2007).  相似文献   

The results of a spectroscopic study of the nuclei of the galaxies Kaz 26 and Kaz 73 are presented. The relative intensities of emission lines and the equivalent widths, halfwidths, and expansion velocities of lines at the continuum level are calculated. The electron densities and the masses of the gaseous components of their nuclei are determined. The numbers of stars generating the emission from the gaseous components and nuclei of the galaxies are also determined. The degree of ionization of the gas in each galactic nucleus is calculated. It is concluded that the nucleus of Kaz 26 resembles that of a "starburst" galaxy in its physical properties. It is shown that Kaz 73 is a liner (Sy 3).  相似文献   

光谱预处理及其对星系/类星体分类结果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于噪声、畸变和观测环境等因素的影响,在天体光谱自动处理之前,需要对它进行相应的预处理.研究巡天光谱的预处理(数据格式和流量标准化)对光谱自动分析的影响.分析了同数据格式对光谱及其谱线特征的影响和格式标准化研究的必要性;通过分析光谱流量数量级的不确定性及其特点,提出了流量数量级变化的基本模型,并给出了相应的标准化方法.通过星系和类星体的分类实验,结果表明:1)采用对数波长数据格式对光谱的自动分类更有利;2)验证了所提出的流量标准化模型的合理性,以及所给流量标准化方法良好的性能.特别需要指出的是,文献中通常采用的流量标准化方法在光谱自动分类中的效果反而是较差的.  相似文献   

Using the archived optical spectra of NGC 5548 between 1989 and 2001, we derived the optical spectral index by fitting the spectra in wavelength windows unaffected by strong emission lines. We found that the index is anti-correlated with the continuum luminosity at 5100 A with a correlation coefficient of -0.8. Based on the standard thin accretion disk model, we investigated whether the correlation is related to the variations of the dimensionless accretion rate m (mass accretion rate in Eddington unit), or the inner radius of the accretion disk Rin, or both. The correlation can be modeled well using a co-variable mode of Rin/Rs = 12.5m-0.8 (Rs is Schwarzschild radius). As luminosity increases, m increases from 0.05 to 0.16 and at the same time Rin decreases from 133.9.RS to 55.5.RS, consistent with the prediction for a transition radius within which an ADAF structure exists. We concluded that the change of both inner accretion radius and the dimensionless accretion rate are key factors for the variation  相似文献   

龚俊宇  毛业伟 《天文学报》2023,64(2):20-105
利用星系解构软件GALFIT通过面亮度轮廓拟合对近邻早型旋涡星系M81 (NGC 3031)进行形态学解构,旨在探究M81星系的结构组成并对其进行形态学量化.通过6种解构模式,对M81进行了不同复杂程度的结构分解,其中最复杂的解构模式包含核球、盘、外旋臂、内旋臂、星系核5个子结构.研究结果显示, M81有一个Sérsic指数约为5.0的经典核球,其形态和光度在不同解构模式中均保持稳定; M81星系盘的Sérsic指数约为1.2,但它的形态参数和光度与是否分解内旋臂相关.不同子结构的组合对作为混合体的星系整体的形态有不可忽视的影响.星系解构的结果提供了不同解构模式适用性的建议:其中核球+盘+星系核的三成分解构适用于大样本星系的核-盘研究;而考虑旋臂的复杂解构则适合于对星系子结构的精确测量,如小样本(或个源)研究.基于Spitzer-The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) 4.5μm的单波段图像的形态学解构研究是后续一系列研究的开始,在此基础上未来将会对M81进行多波段解构,同时研究不同子结构的光谱能量分布和星族性质,并推断M81各子结构的形成历史和演化过程.  相似文献   

Using the potential-density phase shift approach developed by the present authors in earlier publications, we estimate the magnitude of radial mass accretion/excretion rates across the disks of six nearby spiral galaxies (NGC 628, NGC 3351, NGC 3627, NGC 4321, NGC 4736, and NGC 5194) having a range of Hubble types. Our goal is to examine these rates in the context of bulge building and secular morphological evolution along the Hubble sequence. Stellar surface density maps of the sample galaxies are derived from SINGS 3.6 μm and SDSS i-band images using colors as an indicator of mass-to-light ratios. Corresponding molecular and atomic gas surface densities are derived from published CO (1-0) and HI interferometric observations of the BIMA SONG, THINGS, and VIVA surveys. The mass flow rate calculations utilize a volume-type torque integral to calculate the angular momentum exchange rate between the basic state disk matter and what we assume to be density wave modes in the observed galaxies. This volume-type integral contains the contributions from both the gravitational surface torque couple and the advective surface torque couple at the nonlinear, quasi-steady state of the wave modes, in sharp contrast to its behavior in the linear regime, where it contains only the contribution from the gravitational surface torque couple used by Lynden-Bell & Kalnajs in 1972. The potential-density phase shift approach yields angular momentum transport rates several times higher than those estimated using the Lynden-Bell and Kalnajs approach. And unlike Lynden-Bell and Kalnajs, whose approach predicts zero mass redistribution across the majority of the disk surface (apart from the isolated locations of wave-particle resonances) for quasi-steady waves, the current approach leads to predictions of significant mass redistribution induced by the quasi-steady density wave modes, enough for the morphological types of disks to evolve substantially within its lifetime. This difference with the earlier conclusions of Lynden-Bell and Kalnajs reflects the dominant role played by collisionless shocks in the secular evolution of galaxies containing extremely non-linear, quasi-steady density wave modes, thus enabling significant morphological transformation along the Hubble sequence during a Hubble time. We show for the first time also, using observational data, that stellar mass accretion/excretion is just as important, and oftentimes much more important, than the corresponding accretion/excretion processes in the gaseous component, with the latter being what had been emphasized in most of the previous secular evolution studies.  相似文献   

We study the spatial orientation of 5 169 galaxies that have radial velocity 3 000 to 5 000 km s−1. The ‘position angle–inclination’ method is used to find the spin vector and the projections of spin vector of the galaxy rotation axes. The spatial isotropic distribution is assumed to examine the non-random effects. For this, we have performed chi-square, Fourier, and auto-correlation tests. We found a random alignment of spin vectors of total galaxies with respect to the equatorial coordinate system. The spin vector projections of total galaxies is found to be oriented tangentially with respect to the equatorial center. The spiral galaxies show a similar orientation as shown by the total sample. Five subsamples of barred spiral (late-type) galaxies show a preferred alignment. However, early-type barred spirals show a random orientation. A weak morphological dependence is noticed in the subsamples of late type barred spirals. A comparison with the previous works and the possible explanation of the results will be presented.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONThe quasar 3C 273 (z = 0.158) is one of the classical rwho sources showal apparellt superltalnal motion (Zensus et al. 1990, 1997). It has a large-scale jet (~ 20n of length, 3C273A)elliltting at radio, optical and X-ray bands. It has been suggested that its compel source(3C 273B) is a rmm-blazar, Undergoing strong and rapid Variations in ratio, optical-UV, X-rayand 7-my bands at various tab scales (from hours to years, Courvoisier et al. 1998, Tet al. 1999, Stevens et …  相似文献   

We present UBVI surface photometry over a 20.5' × 20.5' area of the late-type spiral galaxy NGC 300. We have derived isophotal maps, surface brightness profiles, ellipticity profiles, position angle profiles, and color profiles. By merging our I-band measurements with those of Boker et al. based on Hubble Space Telescope observations, we have obtained combined I-band surface brightness profiles for the region 0.02" < r < 500" and have decomposed the profiles into three components: a nucleus, a bulge, and an exponential disk.  相似文献   

Results are presented from a study of 27 spectra of the flare star HU Del obtained during 2000–2002 on the 2.6 meter telescope at the Byurakan Observatory. Two flares were detected, along with a weak correlation between the equivalent widths of the Hα and Hβ emission lines. At the time of the photometric maximum of a flare the equivalent widths of both these lines are minimal and reach their maximum only significantly afterward. A strong increase in the Hβ line intensity is observed which appears to be the consequence of a photometrically undetected, short-duration flare. A possible relationship between the binary (multiple) character and the physical activity of this star is examined briefly in terms of current theoretical models.__________Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 335–348 (August 2005).  相似文献   

We analyzed a sample of 44 candidates for Tidal Dwarf Galaxies(TDGs) previously selected on optical imaging with low resolution spectroscopy. Most of the TDG candidates have the same redshift as the interacting system, 3 of them very likely are low metallicity dwarf galaxies in projection, and 13 show signs of kinematics decoupled from their hosting tidal tail. Subsequent NIR photometry in combination with evolutionary synthesis modeling allows us to derive stellar masses, star formation rates, and the ratio of old to young stars within each TDG candidate. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present a study of the origin of infrared (IR) emission in the optically normal, infrared luminous galaxy NGC 4418. By decomposing the stellar absorption features and continua in the range of 3600-8000 A from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey into a set of simple stellar populations, we derive the stellar properties for the nuclear region of NGC 4418. We compare the observed infrared luminosity with the one derived from the starburst model, and find that star-forming activity contributes only 7% to the total IR emission, that as the IR emission region is spatially very compact, the most possible source for the greater part of the IR emission is a deeply embedded AGN, though an AGN component is found to be unnecessary for fitting the optical spectrum.  相似文献   

We present a study of the dwarf elliptical galaxy NGC 855 using the narrow-band Hα and Spitzer data. Both the Hα and Spitzer IRAC images confirm star-forming activity in the center of NGC 855. We obtained a star formation rate (SFR) of 0.022 and 0.025M◎yr-1,respectively,from the Spitzer IRAC 8.0μm and MIPS 24μm emission data. The HI observa-tion suggests that the star-forming activity might be triggered by a minor merger. We also find that there is a distinct IR emission region in 5.8 and 8.0μm bands,located at about 10 away from the nucleus of NGC 855. Given the strong 8.0μm but faint Hα emission,we expect that it is a heavily obscured star-forming region,which needs to be confirmed by further optical spectroscopic observations.  相似文献   

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