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南极海冰的生消冻融与全球气候变化息息相关,多年以来受到国际社会的高度关注。目前已有诸多关于南极海冰范围变化的研究,但大部分是基于卫星遥感影像来展开分析。Argo观测网遍布全球各大洋,为海冰范围研究提供了一种新的思路,即根据浮标GPS点的南部边界推算南极海冰边界,由浮标的年、月累积数据得到南极海冰范围的年际、月际变化规律。对于这种研究思路提出了三种实现方法:(1)绘制专题图,可以清晰直观地看到南极海冰在2—9月间的生消变化情况;(2)利用南极附近浮标GPS点数量占全球比例的变化情况来分析海冰变化规律,在月际变化趋势上与影像数据一致,在年际变化上稍显不足;(3)使用点密度分析方法估计海冰边界,建立基于浮标GPS点密度的海冰-海水分界模型,可得到南极海冰范围变化规律的定量分析结果。浮标数据与影像数据互为补充,可为全球气候变化研究提供更多参考。  相似文献   

Role of sea ice in formation of wintertime arctic temperature anomalies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerical experiments with the ECHAM5 atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) using the empirical HadISST1.1 data on sea surface temperature (SST) and sea ice concentration (SIC) in the 20th century as boundary conditions are analyzed. The experiments show that the model correctly reproduces the wintertime Arctic warming in the last 30 years of the 20th century but is unable to reproduce mid-20th century warming. Because the wintertime Arctic surface air temperature changes are closely related to SIC anomalies, it is assumed that one reason for this discrepancy is the lack of a negative SIC anomaly in the prescribed boundary conditions during a mid-20th century warm period. It is also shown that the model with-out prescribed ice cover changes does not reproduce a temperature trend in the Arctic in recent 30 years of the 20th century. The experimental results indicate that the mid-20th century warming was accompanied by a significant negative anomaly of the wintertime Arctic sea ice extent comparable to current trends and also point to a considerable contribution of natural variability to modern climate changes.  相似文献   

北极各海域海冰覆盖范围的变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Sea ice in the Arctic has been reducing rapidly in the past half century due to global warming.This study analyzes the variations of sea ice extent in the entire Arctic Ocean and its sub regions.The results indicate that sea ice extent reduction during 1979–2013 is most significant in summer,following by that in autumn,winter and spring.In years with rich sea ice,sea ice extent anomaly with seasonal cycle removed changes with a period of 4–6 years.The year of 2003–2006 is the ice-rich period with diverse regional difference in this century.In years with poor sea ice,sea ice margin retreats further north in the Arctic.Sea ice in the Fram Strait changes in an opposite way to that in the entire Arctic.Sea ice coverage index in melting-freezing period is an critical indicator for sea ice changes,which shows an coincident change in the Arctic and sub regions.Since 2002,Region C2 in north of the Pacific sector contributes most to sea ice changes in the central Aarctic,followed by C1 and C3.Sea ice changes in different regions show three relationships.The correlation coefficient between sea ice coverage index of the Chukchi Sea and that of the East Siberian Sea is high,suggesting good consistency of ice variation.In the Atlantic sector,sea ice changes are coincided with each other between the Kara Sea and the Barents Sea as a result of warm inflow into the Kara Sea from the Barents Sea.Sea ice changes in the central Arctic are affected by surrounding seas.  相似文献   

结合纹理特征的SVM海冰分类方法研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
海冰分类是遥感监测领域中的重要应用之一,海冰分类的准确性对于评估海冰冰情、保证航海安全和开辟北极航道具有重要的意义。针对海冰分类问题,本文选用Sentinel-1遥感数据,结合纹理特征分析,提出了一种改进的SAR海冰分类方法。该方法选用灰度共生矩阵提取特征值,通过实验得到适宜用于海冰分类的多特征组合,在此基础上利用支持向量机开展SAR海冰类型的分类研究。实验结果表明,该方法可以实现对海冰SAR图像中一年冰、多年冰和海水3种类型识别,与传统的海冰分类方法神经网络和最大似然法相比较,使用SVM分类方法,结合纹理特征开展海冰类型监测是可行的,同时也表明多特征组合有利于提高SAR图像的分类精度,从而验证了本方法的有效性,为海冰分类提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   

1Introduction Seaiceoccupiesthemainpartofthesurfaceof theArcticOcean.ThefocusoftheSecondChineseNa- tionalArcticResearchExpedition(CHINAE-2003) wastounderstandthevariationsofarcticmarineenvi- ronmentsandtheseaiceeffectsontheclimatechanges ofglobalextent,inmiddleandlowerlatitudesareas, especiallyinChina.Therefore,thejointsea-ice-airob- servationforseaicestudieswasoneofthekeypro- jectsinCHINARE-2003.Theinvestigatedareacov- ered3000kmfromsouthtonorthand900kmfrom westtoeast.Seventemporali…  相似文献   

Previous studies have highlighted reversals in the Beaufort Gyre on regional scales during summer months, and more recently, throughout the annual cycle. In this study we investigate coherent ice drift features associated with individual ice beacons during winter 2008 that may be a signature of ice–coast interactions, atmospheric and/or oceanic forcing. Examined in particular are three case studies associated with reversals in ice beacon trajectories in January and April of 2008; case I corresponds to a meander reversal event in January, case II to a loop reversal event in April, and case III to a meander reversal event located to the northeast of the Mackenzie Canyon in April. An assessment of atmospheric and oceanic conditions during these reversal events shows enhanced ocean–sea-ice–atmosphere dynamical coupling during the Case I meander reversal event in January and comparatively weak coupling during the Case II loop and Case III meander reversal event in April. Absolute (single-particle/beacon) and relative (two-particle/beacon) dispersion results demonstrate dominant meridional ice drift displacement and inter-beacon separation for Case I relative to Cases II and III indicative of ice–ice and ice–coast interactions in January. The results from this investigation provide an ice drift case study analysis relevant to, and template for, high-resolution sea ice dynamic modeling studies essential for safety and hazard assessments of transportation routes and shipping lanes, ice forecasting, and nutrient and contaminant transport by sea ice in the Arctic.  相似文献   

通过计算机图像测定系统测定、计算获得海冰细菌的大小、面积和碳含量,研究了北极巴伦支海和拉普捷夫海的浮冰中细菌大小、丰度和生物量的垂直分布及其与海冰微藻生物量的关系.细菌在冰心中是非均匀分布的,至少有两种不同分布类型:第一类有单一的丰度峰值,在冰心底部或在冰心中部;第二类有两个丰度峰值.海冰中细菌的丰度为0.4×105~36.7×105个/cm3.不同类型海冰中的细菌大小变化极大,在多年冰中,最大的细菌与叶绿素a最大值出现在同一层,而在一年冰中,细菌大小几乎没有垂直变化.整柱冰心的细菌生物量变化为19.2~79.2mg/cm2,细菌与海冰微藻生物量之比为0.43~10.00.对固定冰比较和研究的结果发现,海冰冰心中细菌大小、丰度和生物量的垂直分布差别极大.据此,分析了对目前海冰研究采样方法的局限性,并提出了规范采样方法的设想.  相似文献   

南极海冰面积变化特性及其与赤道太平洋海表面温度的联系陈锦年,乐肯堂,于康玲,张彦臣(中国科学院海洋研究所,青岛266071)(青岛海洋大学,青岛266003)关键词南极海冰面积,赤道太平洋海表面温度,厄尔尼诺1引言80年代以前,人们对南极实地考察、资...  相似文献   

The variation features of the Antarctic sea ice (Ⅱ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ThevariationfeaturesoftheAntarcticseaice(Ⅱ)¥XieSimei;HaoChunjiang;QianPingandZhangLin(ReceivedFebruary6,1993;acceptedAugust29...  相似文献   

Arctic sea ice distribution in summer based on aerial photos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1Introduction TheArcticOceanisoneoftheimportantcold sourcesontheearth,whichaffectsglobalclimateand oceancirculationseriously.Itsinteractionwithglobal climatesystemisrepresentedbyseaice,whichisthe mainfeatureonthesurfaceoftheArcticOcean(Aa- gaard,etal.,1989).Firstly,seaiceplaysapivotalrole intheheatandmassbalanceonthesurfaceoftheArc- ticOcean.Seaicenotonlyobstructstheheatexchange betweenatmosphereandocean,butalsoreflectsthe mostofthelocalsolarradiationbacktotheatmo- spherebecauseofitshighalb…  相似文献   

崔红艳  乔方利  舒启 《海洋学报》2015,37(11):23-32
北极海冰范围从1979年有卫星观测资料以来呈现明显下降趋势,尤其是9月份。2012年9月北极海冰范围达到有观测记录以来的最小值,而2013年9月比2012年同期增加了60%。增加的区域主要在东西伯利亚海区、楚科奇海和波弗特海区。本文应用距平和经验模态分解方法,分析了美国国家冰雪数据中心的北极海冰卫星数据、欧洲预报中心的夏季底层大气环流数据和上层海洋的温度,指出2013年北极最小海冰范围比2012年在北冰洋太平洋扇区增加的原因,是由于表面气温(SAT)降低、海平面气压(SLP)升高、气旋式风场异常、表面空气中水汽含量(SH)降低以及海表面温度(SST)降低5个条件形成的冰-SAT、冰-SST和冰-汽(SH)3个正反馈机制共同作用造成的。  相似文献   

PCR-DGGE approach was used to analyze bacterial diversity in the bottom section of seven arctic sea ice samples colleted from the Canada Basin. Thirty-two 16S rDNA sequences were obtained from prominent DGGE bands. The closest relatives of these sequences are found to be those of cultivated or uncultured bacteria from antarctic or arctic sea ice. Phylogenetic analysis clustered these sequences or phylotypes within α- proteobacteria, γ-proteobacteria and CFB (cytophaga-flexibacter-bacteroides) group. Sequences belonging to γ-proteobacteria were dominant and members of the CFB group were highly abundant. It was suggested that the CFB group was the representative of the bottom section of sea ice samples.  相似文献   

辽东湾是我国冬季冰情最严重的海区,大面积海冰覆盖会对海上经济活动产生严重影响。本文以辽东湾海冰为研究对象,基于MODIS卫星影像资料重构了辽东湾2001−2021年海冰分布面积时间序列。同时,确定了辽东湾浮冰范围与海冰分布面积的非线性关系式,并利用此关系式将辽东湾历史海冰最大分布面积延拓至1953年。通过对其年际变化趋势进行研究,获得工程设计重现期辽东湾海冰分布面积。进一步分析了辽东湾海冰最大分布面积的影响因子,结果表明海冰最大分布面积与冻冰度日及北风分量的相关系数达0.96。此外,分析了秋季北极部分海区海冰密集度与辽东湾冬季海冰覆盖程度的相关性。本文成果可为辽东湾海冰长期趋势研究和海冰灾害的预报预警工作提供基本数据支撑。  相似文献   

Simple mathematical models of the thermodynamics of the ice-cover thickness and the thermodynamics of the area of an individual ice floe are proposed. The equations of the models allow for an explicit consideration of the spatial boundedness of the seawater region containing ice covers. A kinetic model of the evolution of the distributions of ice area and ice thickness is formulated on the basis of the gas-dynamic theory. Integration of the equations of this model over the surface areas of individual floes gives the thickness distribution of ice areas. Several special cases are studied analytically. The adequacy of the models is assessed. The results of simulations are presented.  相似文献   

The article summarizes and analyzes published data on the distribution of sea-ice and open-ocean diatoms in 42 cores of bottom sediments from the northwestern part of the Subarctic Pacific that accumulated during the last glacial maximum (LGM). Based on micropaleontological records, the extent of winter sea ice during the LGM could be limited to the Okhotsk and Bering seas. During the warm season, the surface water masses from the open Subarctic Pacific spread widely in the marginal seas.  相似文献   

渤海海冰中太阳辐射的光谱特征观测研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
通过采用多光谱仪器,对渤海营口港一带的近岸固定冰进行了3个站位11个谱段的入射辐射、反射辐射和透射辐射随时间变化过程的观测和研究。结果表明,发生在海冰中的反射辐射和透射辐射与入射太阳辐射的谱分布有明显差别,而且有显著的日变化。文章确立了入射辐射、反射辐射和透射辐射随时间的变化与太阳高度角的正弦成精确的线性关系,海冰的积分反照率与太阳高度角的正弦满足二次函数关系,可将不同时刻的观测值归算到正午时刻的辐射值,使不同时刻的观测结果具有可比性。计算结果表明,海冰只衰减特定强度的辐射,衰减量与入射辐射光谱分布以及辐射的强度无关,导致绿光的透射辐射最强。该文是对渤海海冰透射辐射的初步尝试,所获得的结果对未来大范围海冰光学观测打下了基础。  相似文献   

海冰在极地海洋中是个较为独特的生境,海冰卤道系统中的光照强度、温度、盐度和生存空间随着季节更替发生显著变化[1].春天,在北极新冰和多年冰的底部冰藻旺发,随后浮游植物生产力上升[2,3].  相似文献   

为确定海冰温度、卤水体积等因素对海冰弯曲强度的影响,本文对辽东湾东岸海域的平整冰进行了现场取样,并在试验机压头加载速率为0.1 mm/s的情况下进行了三点弯曲试验.试验结果表明,海冰试样在-35~-5 ℃温度范围内呈现出三种不同的破坏模式,主要表现为海冰弯曲断裂时裂纹形状的差异.当温度在-15~-10℃之间时,海冰试样...  相似文献   

白令海是冬季北极海冰变化最明显的区域之一,该区域海冰的季节和长期变化与局地的气候、水文环境和生态系统密切相关,并会影响我国的天气气候过程。为了识别该区冬季海冰的长期变化,基于Hadley中心数据,采用滑动t检验和线性回归分析方法对白令海1960–2020年海冰范围的变化趋势及其空间差异进行分析,并分析了海冰变化对大气环流等大气强迫的影响。结果表明:白令海冬季海冰范围在1960–2020年显著减小,20世纪70年代和2000年前后白令海海冰范围存在显著的均值突变。其过程中伴随着阿留申低压中心低压加强、核心位置向白令海西部偏移以及对应风场分布的变化,这个过程存在一个近20 a周期的振荡。同时,太平洋年代际震荡的相位变化可以通过改变海平面气压来调节经向风,改变进入白令海的热平流,进而影响白令海冬季海冰范围。因此,阿留申低压系统和北太平洋年代际振荡对冬季白令海海冰的变化起到重要的调节作用。  相似文献   

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