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Grain size effect on the electrical conductivity of clinopyroxene   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Complex impedance spectra of polycrystalline samples (with grain size fractions ~5–63, 63–160 and 160–250 μm) and a single crystal sample (with orientation parallel to b), prepared from a natural megacryst augite, were measured in a piston cylinder apparatus at 10 kbar and 500–1,000°C and with a Solartron 1260 Impedance/Gain Phase analyzer over a frequency range of 0.1–106 Hz. The main charge carriers are attributed to small polarons, and the activation enthalpy is 83 ± 3 to 90 ± 3 kJ/mol. The measured electrical conductivity shows no difference between the polycrystalline and single crystal samples, suggesting independence of electrical conductivity on grain size given a change above ~5 μm. The electrical conductivity of augite is much higher than that of olivine, indicating that, if regionally enriched, augites may lead to zones of high electrical conductivity and electrical anisotropy in the deep lithosphere.  相似文献   

Bridgmanite (Mg,Fe)SiO3 and ferropericlase (Mg,Fe)O are the most abundant phases in the lower mantle and localized regions of the D″ layer just above the core mantle boundary. Seismic anisotropy is observed near subduction zones at the top of the lower mantle and in the D″ region. One source of anisotropy is dislocation glide and associated texture (crystallographic preferred orientation) development. Thus, in order to interpret seismic anisotropy, it is important to understand texture development and slip system activities in bridgmanite and bridgmanite + ferropericlase aggregates. Here we report on in situ texture development in bridgmanite and bridgmanite + ferropericlase aggregates deformed in the diamond anvil cell up to 61 GPa. When bridgmanite is synthesized from enstatite, it exhibits a strong (4.2 m.r.d.) 001 transformation texture due to a structural relationship with the precursor enstatite phase. When bridgmanite + ferropericlase are synthesized from olivine or ringwoodite, bridgmanite exhibits a relatively weak 100 transformation texture (1.2 and 1.6 m.r.d., respectively). This is likely due to minimization of elastic strain energy as a result of Young’s modulus anisotropy. In bridgmanite, 001 deformation textures are observed at pressures <55 GPa. The 001 texture is likely due to slip on (001) planes in the [100], [010] and \(\left\langle {110} \right\rangle\) directions. Stress relaxation by laser annealing to 1500–1600 K does not result in a change in this texture type. However, at pressures >55 GPa a change in texture to a 100 maximum is observed, consistent with slip on the (100) plane. Ferropericlase, when deformed with bridgmanite, does not develop a coherent texture. This is likely due to strain heterogeneity within the softer ferropericlase grains. Thus, it is plausible that ferropericlase is not a significant source of anisotropy in the lower mantle.  相似文献   

In situ observations of polycrystalline ice deformed in simple shear between −10 and −1°C are presented. This study illustrates the processes responsible for the deformation, the development of a preferred crystallographic orientation and the formation of a preferred dimensional orientation. Intracrystalline glide on the basal plane, accompanying grain rotations and dynamic recrystallization, helps to accommodate the large intragranular strains. These are the most important mechanisms for crystallographic reorientation and produce a stable fabric that favours glide on the basal plane. Localized kinks, developed in grains unfavourably oriented for easy glide, are unstable and are overprinted by dynamic recrystallization. Dynamic recrystallization is a strain softening process with nucleation occurring in the form of equiaxed grains that grow subparallel to pre-existing grain anisotropies and become elongate during deformation. Plots of grain axial ratio against orientation ( ) indicate a weak shape fabric which does not correspond to the theoretical foliation and elongation for the appropriate increment of shear strain. We argue that estimates of the strain magnitude made from orientation of elongate grains are unreliable in high temperature shear zones. These results are applicable to both geological and glacial shear environments.  相似文献   

Effects of dynamic recrystallization on lattice preferred orientation (LPO) in olivine were investigated through the combination of two SEM-based techniques, electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) technique for crystallographic orientation measurement and backscattered electron imaging (BEI) for dislocation observation. Samples are experimentally deformed olivine aggregates in simple shear geometry. In the sample deformed at T=1473 K and high stresses (480 MPa), only incipient dynamic recrystallization is observed along grain-boundaries. Orientations of these small recrystallized grains are more random than that of relict grains, suggesting an important role of grain-boundary sliding at this stage of recrystallization. In the sample deformed at T=1573 K and low stress (160 MPa), dynamic recrystallization is nearly complete and the LPO is characterized by two [100] peaks. One peak is located at the orientation subparallel to the shear direction and is dominated by grains with high Schmid factor. The other occurs at high angles to the shear direction and is due to the contribution from grains with low Schmid factor. Grains with high Schmid factor tend to have higher dislocation densities than those with low Schmid factor. Based on these observations, we identify two mechanisms by which dynamic recrystallization affects LPO: (1) enhancement of grain-boundary sliding due to grain-size reduction, leading to the modification of LPO caused by the relaxation of constraint for deformation; (2) grain-boundary migration by which grains with lower dislocation densities grow at the expense of grains with higher dislocation densities. Based on the deformation mechanism maps and stress versus recrystallized grain-size relation, we suggest that the first mechanism always plays an important role whereas the second mechanism has an important effect only under limited conditions.  相似文献   

The crystallographic preferred orientations of a series of experimentally deformed fine-grained albite aggregates were measured by synchrotron source X-ray diffraction. Most samples were deformed and extensively recrystallized by low-temperature recrystallization-accommodated dislocation creep. In axial compression as well as simple shear these samples developed weak but distinct crystallographic preferred orientations consistent with intracrystalline slip on {001}<100>; the sheared samples have a marked asymmetry of the <100> maxima with respect to the shear zone boundaries. One sample was axially compressed by solution precipitation creep; it developed a somewhat different but equally strong preferred orientation, perhaps reflecting crystallographic anisotropy in rates of dissolution and growth.  相似文献   

This study develops a fabrication technique to obtain Fe-free and Fe-bearing (Fe:Mg = 1:9) olivine aggregates not only with high density and fine grain size but with crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO). A magnetic field (≤12 T) is applied to synthetic, fine-grained (~120 nm), olivine particles dispersed in solvent. The alignment of certain crystallographic axes of the particles with respect to a magnetic direction is anticipated due to magnetic anisotropy of olivine. The dispersed particles are gradually consolidated on a porous alumina mold covered with a solid–liquid separation filter during drainage of the solvent. The resultant aligned consolidated aggregate is then isostatically pressed and vacuum sintered. We find that (1) preparation of fully reacted olivine particles, with less propensity to coalesce; (2) preparation of a suspension with highly dispersed particles; and (3) application of a certain strength of the magnetic field are essential to obtain well-sintered and well-aligned aggregates. High density (i.e., <1 vol% porosity) and fine grain size (~1 μm) Fe-free and Fe-bearing olivine aggregates were successfully synthesized with uniaxially aligned a- and c-axes, respectively. Attempts to uniaxially align the magnetization hard axis and to triaxially align Fe-bearing olivine by rotating the suspension in the magnetic field succeeded in obtaining weakly developed CPO aggregates.  相似文献   

Rocks consist of crystal grains separated by grain boundaries that impact the bulk rock properties. Recent studies on metals and ceramics showed that the grain boundary plane orientation is more significant for grain boundary properties than other characteristics such as the sigma value or disorientation (in the Earth’s science community more frequently termed misorientation). We determined the grain boundary character distribution (GBCD) of synthetic and natural polycrystalline olivine, the most abundant mineral of Earth’s upper mantle. We show that grain boundaries of olivine preferentially contain low index planes, in agreement with recent findings on other oxides (e.g. MgO, TiO2, Al2O3 etc.). Furthermore, we find evidence for a preferred orientation relationship of 90° disorientations about the [001] direction forming tilt and twist grain boundaries, as well as a preference for the 60° disorientation about the [100] axis. Our data indicate that the GBCD, which is an intrinsic property of any mineral aggregate, is fundamental for understanding and predicting grain boundary related processes.  相似文献   

The Moine nappe mylonites of the area of Loch Eriboll are inferred to have deformed predominantly by simple shear. Samples were taken from each limb of a late recumbent fold and the quartz crystallographic preferred orientation and optical microstructure were investigated. The pattern of preferred orientation was found to be related to the local folded orientation of the foliation and stretching lineation for the overturned limb and to the inferred imposed deformation for the normal limb. The mechanical development of the fold was modelled as a similar fold forming in a homogeneous mechanically anisotropic material with linear viscous rheology. A very high mechanical anisotropy was required for active amplification of small initial perturbations under simple shear applied at 10 ° to the initial enveloping surface. The high anisotropy also constrained the local kinematics to approximate simple shear parallel to the plane of easy shear, which contributes to the maintenance of the preferred orientation patterns relative to the local macroscopic fabric elements. The degree of mechanical anisotropy calculated from the preferred orientation assuming the operation of the common quartz slip systems is lower than that required for mechanical amplification of the folds. Consequently, it is suggested that the mechanical anisotropy derives from sliding on preferentially aligned grain boundaries.  相似文献   

角闪岩作为中下地壳的重要物质组成,其岩石和矿物的变形行为及力学强度表现直接制约着中下地壳力学属性与状态,因此开展对其中重要组成矿物角闪石的变形行为和地震波各向异性研究,具有重要地质意义.以红河-哀牢山剪切带中出露的变形角闪岩中角闪石为研究对象,其中显微构造分析表明,变形角闪岩分别呈现出粗、中粒条带状糜棱岩和细粒条带状超糜棱岩.分别对这3种变形岩石中的角闪石矿物颗粒进行了EBSD晶格优选定向分析和地震波各向异性计算,结果表明3种变形角闪岩中的角闪石呈现出不同取向及典型晶质塑性变形特征,(100)[001]主要滑移系发育,同时发育不同程度的(010)[001]和(110)[001]次级滑移系.我们认为在剪切变形过程中,角闪石双晶滑移和解理面滑移共同作用致使角闪石细粒化.从粗粒到细粒条带状角闪石,随着角闪石颗粒粒度减小,角闪石中AV_p也有逐渐变小的趋势,表明角闪石变形行为、形态优选定向及晶格优选定向共同影响着地震波各向异性.  相似文献   

Proton conduction in olivine is directly related to the diffusion rate of hydrogen by the Nernst–Einstein equation, but prior attempts to use this relationship have always invoked additional terms to try to reconcile laboratory measurements of proton conduction and hydrogen diffusion data. New diffusion experiments on olivine demonstrate that lattice diffusion associated with vacancies is indeed highly dependent on the defect site where hydrogen is bonded, but from none of the sites is diffusion fast enough to explain the observed laboratory proton conduction experiments. Hydrogen diffusion associated with polarons (redox-exchange) is significantly faster but still cannot explain the low activation energy typical of electrical conductivity measurements. A process of bulk diffusion, which combines lattice diffusion (either associated with redox-exchange or vacancies) with the far faster grain boundary diffusion, explains the laboratory results, but does not explain the field observations with an average grain size of 0.5–2 cm at 100 km below the Jagersfontein kimberlite field on the Kaapvaal craton. Either conduction is dominantly along well-interconnected grain boundaries of very fine-grained (0.01 mm) damp (80 wt ppm) olivine grains or fine-grained (0.05 mm), wet (400 wt ppm) pyroxene grains, or another conduction mechanism must be primarily responsible for the field observations. If diffusion is the correct explanation, the conductivity below the Gibeon kimberlite field in Namibia is too high to be explained by increased thermal state alone of a diffusion process, even for such fine-grained pyroxenes.  相似文献   

Microstructure‐based finite-element analysis with a microcracking algorithm was used to simulate an actual degradation phenomenon of marble structures, i.e., microcracking. Both microcrack initiation and crack propagation were characterized, as were their dependence on lattice preferred orientation (LPO), grain shape preferred orientation (SPO), grain size, marble composition (calcite and dolomite) and grain‐boundary fracture toughness. Two LPOs were analyzed: a random orientation distribution function and an orientation distribution function with strong directional crystalline texture generated from a March–Dollase distribution. Three SPOs were considered: equiaxed grains; elongated grains and a mixture of equiaxed and elongated grains. Three different grain sizes were considered: fine grains of order 200 μm (only calcitic marble); medium size grains of order 1 mm (calcitic and dolomitic marbles); and large grains of order 2 mm (only dolomitic marble). The fracture surface energy for the grain boundaries, γig, was chosen to be 20 and 40 % of the fracture surface energy of a grain, γxtal, so that both intergranular and transgranular fracture were possible. Studies were performed on these idealized marble microstructures to elucidate the range of microcracking responses. Simulations were performed for both heating and cooling by 50 °C in steps of 1 °C. Microcracking results were correlated with the thermoelastic responses, which are indicators related to degradation. The results indicate that certain combinations of LPO, SPO, grain size, grain‐boundary fracture toughness and marble composition have a significant influence on the thermal-elastic response of marble. Microstructure with the smallest grain size and the highest degree of SPO and LPO had less of a tendency to microcrack. Additionally, with increasing SPO and LPO microcracking becomes more spatially anisotropic. A significant observation for all microstructures was an asymmetry in microcracking upon heating and cooling: more microcracking was observed upon cooling than upon heating. Given an identical microstructure and crystallographic texture, calcite showed larger thermal stresses than dolomite, had an earlier onset of microcracking upon heating and cooling, and a greater microcracked area at a given temperature differential. Thermal expansion coefficients with and without microcracking were also determined.  相似文献   

Recrystallization of perthites in granulite facies (T = 700–730 °C, P = 0.65–0.8 GPa) shear zones in mangerite-charnockite rocks from Lofoten (Norway) is localized along intracrystalline bands parallel to fractures. Fracturing preferentially occurred along the cleavage planes (010) and (001). EBSD analysis of perthite porphyroclasts indicates a very low degree of internal misorientation (within 5°) and the lack of recovery features. Recrystallized grains show coarsening with increasing width of the bands, and chemical changes with respect to the host grains. Crystallographic orientation of the new grains does not show a host-control relation to the parent perthite grains. In summary, the microstructure and CPO data consistently indicate intragranular recrystallization by nucleation and growth from fractured grains. Perthite porphyroclasts are surrounded by a matrix of recrystallized plagioclase + K-feldspar ± amphibole ± biotite. There is extensive evidence of syndeformational nucleation of new phases and of phase boundary migration in the matrix, with plagioclase grains forming bulges and protrusions towards K-feldspar. The spatial distribution of K-feldspar and plagioclase in the recrystallized matrix is characterized by the predominance of phase boundaries over grain boundaries. All these observations are consistent with diffusion creep as the dominant deformation mechanism in the matrix, associated with grain boundary sliding. Accordingly, recrystallized plagioclase and K-feldspar show a very weak crystallographic preferred orientation, which is interpreted in terms of oriented growth during diffusion creep. Fracturing of perthites promoted extensive grain size reduction, recrystallization, fluid infiltration, and operation of grain-size sensitive creep, resulting in strain localization.  相似文献   

MCT Zone of Alakhnanda valley is a major ductile shear zone in Garhwal Himalaya, which is characterised by different types of mylonite rocks. On the basis of grain size and the percentage of matrix in the rock, zones comprising protomylonite, augen mylonite, mylonite and ultramylonite have been identified. The study of microstructures, grain size and crystallographic preferred orientation of quartz c-axis fabric reveals that the rocks of the MCT zone were deformed by a combination of intracrystalline creep (power law creep) and grain boundary migration (sliding super plasticity).  相似文献   

The electron backscattering diffraction technique (EBSD) was used to analyze bulging recrystallization microstructures from naturally and experimentally deformed quartz aggregates, both of which are characterized by porphyroclasts with finely serrated grain boundaries and grain boundary bulges set in a matrix of very fine recrystallized grains. For the Tonale mylonites we investigated, a temperature range of 300–380 °C, 0.25 GPa confining pressure, a flow stress range of ~ 0.1–0.2 GPa, and a strain rate of ~ 10− 13 s− 1 were estimated. Experimental samples of Black Hills quartzite were analyzed, which had been deformed in axial compression at 700 °C, 1.2–1.5 GPa confining pressure, a flow stress of ~ 0.3–0.4 GPa, a strain rate of ~ 10− 6 s− 1, and to 44% to 73% axial shortening. Using orientation imaging we investigated the dynamic recrystallization microstructures and discuss which processes may contribute to their development. Our results suggest that several deformation processes are important for the dismantling of the porphyroclasts and the formation of recrystallized grains. Grain boundary bulges are not only formed by local grain boundary migration, but they also display a lattice misorientation indicative of subgrain rotation. Dynamic recrystallization affects especially the rims of host porphyroclasts with a hard orientation, i.e. with an orientation unsuitable for easy basal slip. In addition, Dauphiné twins within porphyroclasts are preferred sites for recrystallization. We interpret large misorientation angles in the experimental samples, which increase with increasing strain, as formed by the activity of fluid-assisted grain boundary sliding.  相似文献   

Effect of water and stress on the lattice-preferred orientation of olivine   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
The influence of water and stress on the lattice-preferred orientation (LPO) of olivine aggregates was investigated through large strain, shear deformation experiments at high pressures and temperatures (P = 0.5–2.1 GPa, T = 1470–1570 K) under both water-poor and water-rich conditions. The specimens are hot-pressed synthetic olivine aggregates or single crystals of olivine. Water was supplied to the sample by decomposition of a mixture of talc and brucite. Deformation experiments were conducted up to γ (shear strain)  6 using the Griggs apparatus where water fugacity was up to  13 GPa at the pressure of 2 GPa. The water content in olivine saturated with water increases with increasing pressure and the solubility of water in olivine at P = 0.5–2 GPa was  400–1200 ppm H/Si. Several new types of LPO in olivine are found depending on water content and stress. Samples deformed in water-poor conditions show a conventional LPO of olivine where the olivine [100] axis is subparallel to the shear direction, the (010) plane subparallel to the shear plane (type-A). However, we identified three new types (type-B, C, and E) of LPO of olivine depending on the water content and stress. The type-B LPO of olivine which was found at relatively high stress and/or under moderate to high water content conditions is characterized by the olivine [001] axis subparallel to the shear direction, the (010) plane subparallel to the shear plane. The type-C LPO which was found at low stress and under water-rich conditions is characterized by the olivine [001] axis subparallel to the shear direction, the (100) plane subparallel to the shear plane. The type-E LPO which was found under low stress and moderate water content is characterized by the olivine [100] axis subparallel to the shear direction, the (001) plane subparallel to the shear plane. Observations by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) show that the dislocations in water-poor samples (type-A) are curved and both b =  [100] and b = [001] dislocations have a similar population. Numerous subgrains are seen in water-poor samples in backscattered electron images. In contrast, water-rich samples (both type-B and type-C) contain mostly b = [001] dislocations and dislocations are straight and sub-grain boundaries are rare compared to those in water-poor samples. These observations suggest that (1) dominant slip systems in olivine change with water fugacity (and stress) and (2) grain boundary migration is enhanced in the presence of water. Seismic anisotropy corresponding to the fabrics under water-rich condition is significantly different from that under water-poor condition. Consequently, the relationship between seismic anisotropy and flow geometry in water-rich regions is expected to be different from that in water-poor regions in which type-A fabric dominates (i.e., the lithosphere). A few cases are discussed including anisotropy in the subduction zone and in the deep upper mantle.  相似文献   

There are many observations in naturally deformed rocks on the effects of mineral reactions on deformation, but few experimental data. In order to study the effects of chemical disequilibrium on deformation we have investigated the hydration reaction plagioclase + H2OM more albitic plagioclase + zoisite + kyanite + quartz. We utilized fine-grained (2-6 µm) plagioclase aggregates of two compositions (An54 and An60), both dried and with 0.1-0.4 wt% H2O present, in shear deformation experiments at two sets of conditions: 900 °C, 1.0 GPa (in the plagioclase stability field) and 750 °C, 1.5 GPa (in the zoisite stability field). Dry samples and those deformed in the plagioclase stability field underwent homogeneous shearing by dislocation creep, but samples with 0.1 to 0.4 wt% water deformed in the zoisite stability field showed extreme strain localization into very narrow (~1-3 µm) shear bands after low shear strain. In these samples the microstructures of reaction products in the matrix differ from those in the shear bands. In the matrix, large (up to 400 µm) zoisite crystals grew in the direction of finite extension, and relict plagioclase grains are surrounded by rims of recrystallized grains that are more albitic. In the shear bands, the reaction products albitic plagioclase, zoisite, white mica, and traces of kyanite form polyphase aggregates of very fine-grained (<0.1 µm) dislocation-free grains. Most of the sample strain after % ~2 has occurred within the shear bands, within which the dominant deformation mechanism is inferred to be diffusion-accommodated grain boundary sliding (DAGBS). The switch from dislocation creep in dry samples deformed without reaction to DAGBS in reacted samples is associated with a decrease in flow stress from ~800 to <200 MPa. These experiments demonstrate that heterogeneous nucleation driven in part by chemical disequilibrium can produce an extremely fine-grained polyphase assemblage, leading to a switch in deformation mechanism and significant weakening. Thus, localization of deformation in polyphase rocks may occur on any pressure (P),temperature (T)-path where the equilibrium composition of the constituent minerals changes.  相似文献   

The microstructural development of synthetic rocksalt experimentally deformed at 100–200°C can be dominated either by grain boundary migration recrystallisation or by subgrain rotation recrystallisation, depending on water content. Samples taken from both regimes have been analysed using automated electron backscatter diffraction in order to collect crystallographic orientation and misorientation data. The frequency distribution of boundary misorientations, the boundary hierarchy characteristics and the nature of any crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) have been used to determine the crystallographic signature of both recrystallisation processes. Dominant subgrain rotation recrystallisation results in many low to medium angle (4–20°) boundaries, a strong CPO and a continuous boundary hierarchy. Dominant grain boundary migration recrystallisation results in few low or medium angle boundaries, and a discrete boundary hierarchy. The causes of these differences and the potential application of crystallographic signatures to the study of naturally deformed rocks are discussed.  相似文献   

In polycrystalline aggregates of olivine with mean grain sizes above 35 μm plus a low basaltic melt fraction, both wetted and melt-free grain boundaries are observed after equilibration times at high pressures and temperatures of between 15 and 25 days. In order to assess a possible dependence of the wetting behaviour on the relative orientation of neighbouring grains, a SEM based technique, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), is used to determine grain orientations. From the grain orientations relative orientations of neighbouring grains are calculated, which are expressed as misorientation axis/angle pairs. The distribution of misorientation angles and axes of melt-free grain boundaries differ significantly from a purely random distribution, whereas those of wetted grain boundaries are statistically indistinguishable from the random distribution. The relative orientation of two neighbouring grains therefore influences the character of their common grain boundary. However, no clustering towards special (coincident site lattice) misorientation axes is observed, with the inference that the energy differences between special and general misorientations are too small to lead to the development of preferred misorientations during grain growth. Received: 8 December 1997 / Revised, accepted: 6 April 1998  相似文献   

The microstructures of two contrasting garnet grains are mapped using automated electron backscatter diffraction. In both cases there is a very strong crystallographic preferred orientation, with measurements clustered round a single dominant orientation. Each garnet grain is divided into domains with similar orientations, limited by boundaries with misorientations of 2° or more. In both samples most of misorientation angles measured across orientation domain boundaries are significantly lower than those measured between random pairs of orientation domains. One sample is a deformed garnet that shows considerable distortion within the domains. Lines of orientation measurements within domains and across domain boundaries show small circle dispersions around rational crystallographic axes. The domain boundaries are likely to be subgrain boundaries formed by dislocation creep and recovery. The second sample is a porphyroblast in which the domains have no internal distortion and the orientation domain boundaries have random misorientation axes. These boundaries probably formed by coalescence of originally separate garnets. We suggest that misorientations across these boundaries were reduced by physical relative rotations driven by boundary energy. The data illustrate the potential of orientation maps and misorientation analysis in microstructural studies of any crystalline material.  相似文献   

We report new textural and chemical data for 10 garnet peridotite xenoliths from the Udachnaya kimberlite and examine them together with recent data on another 21 xenoliths from the 80–220 km depth range. The samples are very fresh (LOI near zero), modally homogeneous and large (>100 g). Some coarse-grained peridotites show incipient stages of deformation with <10 % neoblasts at grain boundaries of coarse olivine. Such microstructures can only be recognized in very fresh rocks, because fine-grained interstitial olivine is strongly affected by alteration, and may have been overlooked in previous studies of altered peridotite xenoliths in the Siberian and other cratons. Some of the garnet peridotites are similar in composition to low-opx Udachnaya spinel harzburgites (previously interpreted as pristine melt extraction residues), but the majority show post-melting enrichments in Fe and Ti. The least metasomatized coarse peridotites were formed by 30–38 % of polybaric fractional melting between 7 and 4 GPa and ≤1–3 GPa. Our data together with experimental results suggest that garnet in these rocks, as well as in some other cratonic peridotites elsewhere, may be a residual mineral, which has survived partial melting together with olivine and opx. Many coarse and all deformed garnet peridotites from Udachnaya underwent modal metasomatism through interaction of the melting residues with Fe-, Al-, Si-, Ti-, REE-rich melts, which precipitated cpx, less commonly additional garnet. The xenoliths define a complex geotherm probably affected by thermal perturbations shortly before the intrusion of the host kimberlite magmas. The deformation in the lower lithosphere may be linked to metasomatism.  相似文献   

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