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Satellite-tracked drifters with drogues centered near-surface (5 m) and below the seasonal thermocline (50 m) were launched during late winter and spring of 1988 and 1989 in the northern Great South Channel in the western Gulf of Maine to investigate the regional circulation as part of the South Channel Ocean Productivity Experiment (SCOPEX). Many of the near-surface drifters became entrained in the clockwise gyre over Georges Bank, and eight drifters made a total of 16 complete circuits around the bank during the stratified season. The average recirculation period of these eight drifters was 48 days, and the average drifter speed around the bank was 12 cm s−1. There is no clear evidence from the drifter data that the strength of the clockwise gyre over the bank increased with time during the stratified season. On average, these drifters (i) followed a relatively narrow path around the bank, except over the eastern end of the bank where three preferred paths were observed, (ii) moved fastest over the northern and southern flanks of the bank, (iii) did not enter a core area of 3500 km2 centered at 41°17′N, 68°00′W, approximately 30 km southwest of the topographic center of the bank, and (iv) stopped circling the bank by the end of November, due in part to strong wind events that appeared to drive drifters off the bank. Curiously, none of the near-surface drifters moved from the southern flank of Georges Bank onto the New England shelf as might be expected from continuity of flow along the outer shelf; instead, the drifters that circled the bank tended to move off the bank along its southern flank. None of the drifters with drogues centered at 50 m appeared to recirculate around Georges Bank.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent progress on modeling cross-frontal water exchange on Georges Bank undertaken as part of the U.S. Global Ecosystem Northwest Atlantic/Georges Bank Study (U.S. GLOBEC/Georges Bank Program). A simple conceptual model is described first, followed by a discussion of four physical mechanisms associated with (1) strong nonlinear interaction, (2) asymmetric tidal mixing, (3) varying wind forcing, and (4) chaotic mixing. Some critical issues in modeling studies of fronts are also addressed. A new unstructured grid, finite-volume coastal ocean ecosystem model is introduced. This model combines the best of the finite-difference method for the simplest discrete computational efficiency and the finite-element method for geometric flexibility. Because the finite-volume method discretizes the integral form of the governing equations, this approach provides a better representation for the conservation laws of mass and momentum are satisfied, which is particularly important in the frontal regions. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Studies of mixing were done at the northern flank of Georges Bank in the summer and autumn of 1988. Two time-series of the evolution and intensity of microstructure were examined over a tidal period in the context of tidal forcing and the evolution of the density and velocity field at the site. From the CTD, ADCP and microstructure observations (EPSONDE) on Georges Bank, several interesting features of the mixing processes were found. High dissipation and diffusivity regions appear near the bottom of the Bank. Turbulence near the bottom is highest in intensity and reaches farthest from the bottom at peak tidal flow and diminishes in intensity and vertical extent as the flow decreases. The thickness of the bottom turbulent layer has its maximum value when the flow is strongest and the stratification is weakest. Characterization of the dissipation rate and turbulent diffusivities in respect to buoyancy frequency N, current shear S, Richardson Number Ri and ε/νN2 was done. Dissipation and χT showed little dependence on shear or N2 but decreased at larger Ri. χt was found to be higher in regions of higher N2 and increased as ε/νN2 increased. KT, K and Kν, were all highest near the bottom in excess of 10−2m2s−1 and decreased towards the surface. There was little suggestion of a dependence of mixing efficiency on S2, Ri or ε/νN2, but some indication that Γ decreases with decreasing N2.  相似文献   

Oceanographic regimes on the continental shelf display a great range in the time scales of physical exchange, biochemical processes and trophic transfers. The close surface-to-seabed physical coupling at intermediate scales of weeks to months means that the open ocean simplification to a purely pelagic food web is inadequate. Top-down trophic depictions, starting from the fish populations, are insufficient to constrain a system involving extensive nutrient recycling at lower trophic levels and subject to physical forcing as well as fishing. These pelagic-benthic interactions are found on all continental shelves but are particularly important on the relatively shallow Georges Bank in the northwest Atlantic. We have generated budgets for the lower food web for three physical regimes (Well-mixed, Transitional and Stratified) and for three seasons (Spring, Summer and Fall/Winter). The calculations show that vertical mixing and lateral exchange between the three regimes are important for zooplankton production as well as for nutrient input. Benthic suspension feeders are an additional critical pathway for transfers to higher trophic levels. Estimates of production by mesozooplankton, benthic suspension feeders and deposit feeders, derived primarily from data collected during the GLOBEC years of 1995-1999, provide input to an upper food web. Diets of commercial fish populations are used to calculate food requirements in three fish categories, planktivores, benthivores and piscivores, for four decades, 1963-2002, between which there were major changes in the fish communities. Comparisons of inputs from the lower web with fish energetic requirements for plankton and benthos indicate that we obtained reasonable agreement for the last three decades, 1973-2002. However, for the first decade, the fish food requirements were significantly less than the inputs. This decade, 1963-1972, corresponds to a period characterized by a strong Labrador Current and lower nitrate levels at the shelf-edge, demonstrating how strong bottom-up physical forcing may determine overall fish yields.  相似文献   

In this study, long-term, broad-scale zooplankton survey data were used to estimate the temporal and spatial distribution and abundance of gammarid amphipods present in the water column on Georges Bank. Delta-mean abundances computed from 10 years of data showed that gammarid amphipod abundances peaked in summer and again in fall. The amphipods were also most numerous in water less than 50 m deep. The statistical tests employed revealed no conclusive evidence for diurnal vertical migration. Interannual delta-mean abundances fluctuated approximately 5-fold between 1977 and 1986, ranging from 217 to 1181 amphipods 100 m−3. Peak amphipod biomass occurred in July and was estimated to be 2.8 kcal m−2. Using production-to-biomass ratios from the literature, mean annual production of amphipods in these samples was estimated to be between 1.6 and 9.8 kcal m−2. Production in shallow areas was especially high, 22 kcal m−2 year−1.  相似文献   

The hydrography and distributions of cod larvae on Georges Bank were surveyed during two research cruises in April and May 1993 in order to relate larval drift between cruises to the vernal intensification of the frontal component of the residual circulation. We observed the transport of two patches of cod larvae. One patch, which had maximum larval cod densities of 45 larvae 100 m−3 in April, appeared to have been advected south about 75 km between surveys, while the other, which had maximum larval cod densities of 20 larvae 100 m−3 in April, appeared to have been advected north-northeast about 25 km. Maximum larval densities in each patch sampled during the second cruise in May were 15 and 18 larvae 100 m−3, respectively, and mean growth in total length for larvae in the two patches was approximately 5.5 mm and 4.5 mm, respectively, between the two cruises. During the April cruise there was a large volume of anomalous cold, fresh water, of Scotian Shelf origin, which occupied much of the eastern third of Georges Bank. During May, relatively cold, fresh water appeared in a band from the Northeast Peak along the Southern Flank, between Georges Bank water on the top of the Bank, and upper Slope Water offshore. The distribution of cold, fresh water suggests its participation in the general clockwise circulation around the Bank. The transport of cod larvae comprising the first patch appeared to become organized within, and move along, the frontal boundary established by the Scotian Shelf-like water mass, while larvae in the second patch, which we assumed to have moved to the north, may have been transported northward in an on-Bank flow of warmer and saltier upper Slope Water, which may have originated from a Gulf Stream Ring. Based upon observed transport of the first patch of larvae in relation to the frontal boundary, we present a conceptual model of frontal mixing currents on Georges Bank, where current velocities may reach 5 cm s−1 at the depth of the pycnocline. We suggest that this frontal component of the residual circulation, which is in addition to that resulting from tidal rectification, may be important in the transport of fish larvae, and that interannual variability in the degree of intrusion of extrinsic water masses may contribute to variable larval cod drift patterns, to variable larval cod retention on the Bank, and ultimately, to variable larval fish recruitment to the early juvenile stage.  相似文献   

A sediment trap was deployed 3 m from the bottom at a water depth of 62 m on the southern flank of Georges Bank (41°02·2′N, 67°33·5′W) from 30 September 1978 to 10 March 1979 to qualitatively determine the size of sediments resuspended from the bottom by winter storms and to determine if seasonal changes in the phytoplankton could be observed in the trapped sediment.Bulk X-ray analyses of the trapped sediment showed layers of distinctly different textures preserved in the collection vessel. The median grain size of sampled layers ranged from 2·7 to 6·5 φ (fine sand to silt), but all layers contained a pronounced mode in the 3 φ (fine sand) range. Nine layers containing relatively large amounts of sand were present. The sand content was 75% in the coarest layers and about 32% in the fine layers. The median grain size of bottom sediments at the deployment site was considerably coarser than the trap samples, although the dominant grain size was also 3 φ.Average bottom-current speeds during the deployment period were about 30 cm s?1 with a range of 10 to 50 cm s?1. Bottom stress, computed from the observed currents and waves, suggest that 11 storms caused sufficient stress to resuspend 3 φ-sized sediments, in good agreement with the nine layers of relatively coarse sediments collected in the trap. Surface waves had to be included in the calculation of bottom stress because the bottom currents alone were insufficient to cause the resuspension of 3 φ-sized sediment.The trapped sediments contain numerous diatoms and coccoliths that are typical of late fall and winter assemblages. No clear seasonal difference in the flora was noted among sampled layers, probably due to the large influx of resuspended material and a reduced primary flux during this period. An undescribed species of Thalassiosira (G. Fryxell, personal communication), and siliceous scales of unknown systematic position were observed at all levels.  相似文献   

An oil-spill fishery impact assessment model composed of an oil-spill fates model, a shelf hydrodynamics model, an ichthyoplankton transport and fate model, and a fishery population model originally developed by Reed & Spaulding, has been improved and applied to the Georges Bank-Gulf of Maine region to assess the probable impact of oil spills on several key fisheries. The model addresses direct impacts of oil on the commercial fishery through hydrocarbon-induced egg and larval mortality. This early life stage hydrocarbon-induced mortality is estimated by assuming a toxicity threshold approach and by mapping the spatial/temporal interaction between the subsurface oil concentrations caused by the spill and the developing eggs and larvae. Model output is given in terms of differential catch, with a comparison made of hydrocarbon-impacted fisheries.Simulations of tanker and blowout spills at two separate locations for each season of the year in the Outer Continental Shelf lease areas have been completed for Atlantic herring, haddock, and Atlantic cod. Results to date suggest a complex interaction among spill location and timing, the spatial and temporal spawning distribution of the species, and the hydrodynamics of the area. The largest impacts occur for spring and winter spills.  相似文献   

Transects were made with the Video Plankton Recorder (VPR) in different water masses on the southern flank of Georges Bank in May 1992. CTD-data, chlorophyll fluorescence, and attenuation were measured simultaneously. Images were recorded at a rate of 60 fields per second, as the instrument was towed at 2 m s−1 (4 knots). Tapes from high and low magnification cameras (imaging volumes of 0.62 ml and 33 ml, respectively) were analyzed with respect to the distribution of copepods and other grazers, as well as invertebrate predators. This paper describes the differences in patterns of occurrence of important zooplankters in well-mixed and stratified waters on the Bank and in Slope Water south of these stations. Planktonic taxa were sampled over the same range of scales as the fluorescence and hydrography, allowing direct visual comparisons of the spatial distributions of these variables. Late copepodites of Calanus finmarchicus were strongly concentrated near the surface in the stratified area, while a dense belt of Limacina sp. and Oikopleura sp. occurred below the pycnocline. Other fragile forms were also found to be dominant. Colonies of hydroid polyps were very abundant at the mixed station, especially deeper in the water column, indicating that they may have been transported up from the bottom. Colonies of the diatom Chaetoceros socialis were abundant in the cold bottom water in the stratified region and also in the mixed area. These colonies may have been in the process of sedimenting out of the water column, as similarly sized and shaped marine snow was abundant in the same area. In the Slope Water, acantharia and Trichodesmium were found in the chlorophyll maximum above the pycnocline. Other important genera encountered were: Pseudocalanus, Oithona, Centropages, Obelia, Pleurobrachia and Sagitta. Taxa that occurred in all three areas were often differently distributed with respect to depth and physical parameters, indicating that vernal stratification is an important structuring factor of plankton populations.  相似文献   

In conjunction with the GLOBEC (Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics) program, measurements of moored currents, temperature and salinity were made during 1994–1999 at locations in 76 m of water along the southern flank of Georges Bank and at the Northeastern Peak. The measurements concentrate on the biologically crucial winter and spring periods, and coverage during the fall is usually poorer.Current time series were completely dominated by the semidiurnal M2 tidal component, while other tidal species (including the diurnal K1 component) were also important. There was a substantial wind-driven component of the flow, which was linked, especially during the summer, to regional–scale response patterns. The current response at the Northeast Peak was especially strong in the 3–4 days period band, and this response is shown to be related to an amplifying topographic wave propagating eastward along the northern flank. Monthly mean flows on the southern flank are southwestward throughout the year, but strongest in the summertime. The observed tendency for summertime maximum along-bank flow to occur at depth is rationalized in terms of density gradients associated with a near-surface freshwater tongue wrapping around the Bank.Temperature and salinity time series demonstrate the presence, altogether about 25% of the time, of a number of intruding water masses. These intrusions could last anywhere from a couple days up to about a month. The sources of these intrusions can be broadly classified as the Scotian Shelf (especially during the winter), the Western Gulf of Maine (especially during the summer), and the deeper ocean south of Georges Bank (throughout the year). On longer time scales, the temperature variability is dominated by seasonal temperature changes. During the spring and summer, these changes are balanced by local heating or cooling, but wintertime cooling involves advective lateral transports as well. Salinity variations have weak, if any, seasonal variability, but are dominated by interannual changes that are related to regional- or basin-scale changes.All considered, Georges Bank temperature and salinity characteristics are found to be highly dependent on the surrounding waters, but many questions remain, especially in terms of whether intrusive events leave a sustained impact on Bank waters.  相似文献   

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