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An empirical relationship is discovered for RS CVn type close binary systems between their absolute luminosity, L(MgII), of the ultraviolet magnesium doublet 2800 MgII, and the intercomponent distancea of the system. It has the following form: L(MgII) a n(Figure 1). It is shown that for the overwhelming majority of binary systemsn = 1 (Figure 4). This correlation presents itself as a direct confirmation of the intercomponent origin of the observed emission, particularly, in the magnesium doublet in close binary systems. The basic relationship of intercomponent emission is derived in the form: L(MgII) = 1.0 × 1032 a ergs s–1. At the same time, accidental statistical divergences from this correlation are possible on both sides: asn > 1 as welln < 1 (Figure 4). The correlationn = 1 determines also the character, - i.e. cylindric for a stream - of the transfer of gaseous matter from one component of the system to the other, and in the general gas dynamics of the intercomponent medium.The existence of a new category of stellar atmosphere, - which we callroundchrom, is predicted, representing the common chromosphere of a superclose binary system, surrounding or blending both components of the system (Figure 3). The boundaries between the three most important divisions of magnesium doublet emission - chromosphere of single stars, roundchrom of superclose binary systems and intercomponent space - are established for RS CVn type systems. Finally, a number of new problems, both observational and theoretical, are brought forward.  相似文献   

In a close binary system with circular orbits in which mass transfer occurs when material from one star fills up and possibly spills over its Roche lobe, the usual mass-radius relation cannot be used as it would lead to unreasonable results in some situations.  相似文献   

Line-forming regions around close binaries with strong winds ( /4r * v 10–4 g cm–2) are large in extent compared with the stars, large enough to screen them. Their orbitally-modulated Doppler shifts can overestimate the mass function, because of a larger rotational lever arm. In particular, most of the black-hole candidates need not involve companions more massive than a neutron star.The solar-wind problem is reconsidered. An extrapolation to Wolf-Rayet stars suggests that their winds are centrifugally driven. Their mass-loss rates tend to have been overestimated.Seemingly single (massive) stars can hide a (compact) companion.  相似文献   

The effects of non-isotropic ejection of mass from either component of a binary system on the orbital elements are studied, for the case of a small initial eccentricity of the relative orbit, when all the ejected mass falls on the other component. The problem is transformed to an equivalent two-body problem with isotropic variation of mass, plus a perturbing force which is a function of the intial conditions of ejection of the particles and their final, positions and velocities when they fall on the surface of the other star. The variation of the orbital elements are derived. It is shown that, to first-order terms in the eccentricity, the secular change of the semimajor axis is equal to the one corresponding to the case of zero initial eccentricity. On the contrary, the secular change of the eccentricity is smaller and it depends on the variations of mass ejection due to the finite eccentricity.  相似文献   

X-ray pulsars, which form together with a main sequence star or a giant a close binary system, show strong variations in their pulse period. Epochs of spin-up and spin-down interchange on timescales of some tens up to some thousand days.

We study this phenomenon in the framework of the disk-fed model by Ghosh and Lamb, which we generalize by allowing for an inclination angle χ between the magnetic dipole moment μ and the rotation axis. Moreover, we take into account the relatively small magnetic field induced by currents in the magnetosphere flowing along the dipole field lines. This component, which we calculate numerically, leads to a torque perpendicular to the rotation axis and induces a precession of it. Due to this additional degree of freedom, the calculated pulse period history is much smoother than in the classical Ghosh and Lamb model. Within this extended model we compute, as an example, the pulse period history of Cen X-3 using the observed X-ray flux as a measure for the mass accretion rate. Qualitative accordance with the measured pulse period data (see e.g. Nelson et al., 1997 [ApJ, 488, L117]) is found to be good.  相似文献   

Roundchrom is a common chromosphere enveloping both components of close binary system. In present article, the problem of the construction of outward boundary of the roundchrom is examined, particularly, identifying this boundary with zero-velocity equipotential Lagrangian surface corresponding to a definite value of Jacoby constantC. The roundchroms for seven RS CVn type close binary systems as well for an interacting binary HD 207739 are constructed. The main parameters of these roundchroms are obtained, particularly, the electron concentrations are of the order of 1010 cm–3.  相似文献   

Differential equations governing the dynamical tides in close binary systems consisting of centrally condensed components of viscous gas are split up (Section 2) in their real and imaginary parts, the ratio of which defines the tidal lag. In Sections 3 and 4 these equations will be particularized to a case in which the central mass-point of each star is surrounded by an evanescent envelope the density of which decreases as the inverse square of the central distance. It is shown that self-gravitating configurations built up in accordance with this model are incapable of performing free nonradial oscillations with a frequency comprised between 0 2 ; but explicit expressions for forced oscillations representing dynamical tides are given for an arbitrary form of the external field of force. Equations for the imaginary components of the displacement, constructed for the same model in Section 4, disclose that if the viscosity of stellar material is identified with that of hydrogen plasma, the tidal lag due to a viscous dissipation of kinetic energy may produce dynamical effects, the cumulative outcome of which becomes appreciable on the Kelvin time-scale, but over short intervals of time their stationary photometric effects should be negligible. The latter can become observationally significant only for stars in which turbulent viscosity under near-adiabatic conditions becomes and important factor.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper will be to give a mathematical outline of the theory of tidal evolution in close binary systems of secularly constant total momentum — an evolution activated by viscous friction of dynamical tides raised by the two components on each other. The first section contains a general outline of the problem; and in Section 2 we shall establish the basic expressions for the energy and momenta of close binaries consisting of components of arbitrary internal structure. In Section 3 we shall investigate the maximum and minimum values of the energy (kinetic and potential) which such systems can attain for given amount of total momentum; while in Section 4 we shall compare these results with the actual facts encountered in binaries with components whose internal structure (and, therefore, rotational momenta) are known to us from evidence furnished by the observed rates of apsidal advance.The results show that all such systems — be these of detached or semi-detached type — disclose that more than 99% of their total momenta are stored in the orbital momentum. The sum of the rotational momenta of the constituent components amounts to less than a percent of the total — a situation characteristic of a state close to the minimum energy for given total momentum. This appears, moreover, to be true not only of the systems with both components on the Main Sequence, but also of those possessing evolved components in contact with their Roche limits.Under such conditions, a synchronism between rotation and revolution (characteristic of both extreme states of maximum and minimum energy) is not only possible, but appears to have been actually approached — if not attained — in the majority of cases. In other words, it would appear that — in at least a large majority of known cases — the existing close binaries have already attained orbits of maximum distension consistent with their momenta; and tidal evolution alone can no longer increase the present separations of the components to any appreciable extent.The virtual absence, in the sky, of binary systems intermediate between the stages of maximum and minimum energy for given momentum leads us to conjecture that the process of dynamical evolution activated by viscous tides may enroll on a time-scale which is relatively short in comparison with their total age — even for systems like Y Cygni or AG Persei, whose total age can scarcely exceed 107 yr. A secular increase of the semi-major axes of relative orbits is dynamically coupled with a corresponding variation in the velocity of axial rotation of both components through the tidal lag arising from the viscosity of stellar material. The differential equations of so coupled a system are given in Section 5; but their solution still constitutes a task for the future.The Lunar Science Institute Contribution No. 90. The Lunar Science Institute is operated by the Universities Space Research Association under Contract No. NSR 09-051-001 with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper will be to investigate the circumstances under which an irreversible dissipation of the kinetic energy into heat is generated by the dynamical tides in close binary systems if (a) their orbit is eccentric; (b) the axial rotation of the components is not synchronized with the revolution; or (c) the equatorial planes are inclined to that of the orbit.In Section 2 the explicit form of the viscous dissipation function will be set up in terms of the velocity-components of spheroidal deformation arising from the tides; in Section 3, the principal partial tides contributing to the dissipation will be detailed; Section 4 will be devoted to a determination of the extent of stellar viscosity — both gas and radiative; while in the concluding Section 5 quantitative estimates will be given of the actual rate at which the kinetic energy of dynamical tides gets dissipated into heat by viscous friction in stellar plasma.The results disclose that the amount of heat produced per unit time by tidal interaction between components of actual close binaries equals only about 10–10th part of their nuclear energy production; and cannot, therefore, affect the internal structure of evolution of the constituent stars to any appreciable extent. Moreover, it is shown that the kinetic energy of their axial rotation can be influenced by tidal friction only on a nuclear, rather than gravitational (Kelvin) time-scale — as long as plasma or radiative viscosity constitute the sole sources of dissipation. However, the emergence of turbulent viscosity in secondary components of late spectral types, which have evolved away from the Main Sequence, can accelerate the dissipation 105–106 times, and thus give rise to appreciable changes in the elements of the system (particularly, in the orbital periods) over time intervals of the order of 105–106 years. Lastly, it is pointed out that, in close binary systems consisting of a pair of white dwarfs, a dissipation of the kinetic energy through viscous tides in degenerate fermion-gas could produce enough heat to account, by itself, for the observed luminosity of such objects.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper will be to deduce the explicit form of differential equations which govern dynamical tides in close binary systems, with simplifications which are permissible for the mass-point model (Section 2), as well as for one exhibiting finite but high internal density concentration (Section 3). It is pointed out that, whereas the exact formulation of the problem leads to a simultaneous system of equations of sixth order (fourth in the inviscid case), this order reduces to four (or two for inviscid fluids) for the mass-point model; and to five (three for inviscid case) if the density concentration is high but finite.In the last section of this paper the coefficientsC i,j which specify the amplitudes of the individual partial tides are explicitly formulated as functions of the time.  相似文献   

This is a preliminary report on the joint research project between 3 observatories: Beijing, Yunnan, and Behlen Observatories from China and the United States. The systems we have been dealing with are primary of late spectral types and with short periods. Most of the observations were secured from the observatories in China. The computational analysis is carried out in University of Nebraska, Lincoln. The photometric solutions are based on the Wilson and Devinney method. Out of 11 systems analyzed 6 of them: AO Cam, ER Ori. BX Peg, BB Peg, U Peg, and SW Lac are found to be contact systems. All of them are having their primary eclipses at occultation. Therefore they can be classified as W-type W U Ma systems. They also show other W-type characteristics.Three systems: ZZ Aur, RZ Dra, and AX Vir are found to be semi-detached systems, with low mass components filling their Roche surfaces. The massive components are having their radii fairly close to Roche surfaces and are larger than their contact companions.The last two systems: AT Cam and AZ Cam are found to be detached systems, but with their low mass components almost filling their Roche surfaces. This type of configuration is of great interest to our understanding of close binary evolution. We believe that these systems are at phase immediately after the normal Algol phase, where the mass lossing components detached from the Roche surfaces at the conclusion active mass lost phase.Paper presented at the Lembang-Bamberg IAU Colloquium No. 80 on Double Stars: Physical Properties and Generic Relations, held at Bandung, Indonesia, 3–7 June, 1983.  相似文献   

The caseA evolution of close binary systems with total mass of 20.4M is investigated by following the evolution of both components simultaneously. The evolution is followed up to the stage at which a system overflows the outer critical surface or evolves into the phase of modeBr mass-transfer. It is found that the evolution of the systems can be classified into six types. The ranges of initial parameters which lead systems to each type of evolution are shown on the initial-parameter plane. The evolutionary features of each evolution type are described in detail.  相似文献   

The equilibrium configurations of close binary systems are analyzed. The autogravitational, centrifugal and tidal potentials are expanded in Clairaut's coordinates. From the set of the total potential angular terms an integral equations system is derived. The reduction of them to ordinary differential equations and the determination of the boundary conditions allow a formulation of the problem in terms of a single variable.  相似文献   

We test an analytic model for the two-point correlations of galaxy clusters in redshift space using the Hubble volume N -body simulations. The correlation function of clusters shows no enhancement along the line of sight, owing to the lack of any virialized structures in the cluster distribution. However, the distortion of the clustering pattern arising from coherent bulk motions is clearly visible. The distribution of cluster peculiar motions is well described by a Gaussian, except in the extreme high-velocity tails. The simulations produce a small but significant number of clusters with large peculiar motions. The form of the redshift-space power spectrum is strongly influenced by errors in measured cluster redshifts in extant surveys. When these errors are taken into account, the model reproduces the power spectrum recovered from the simulation to an accuracy of 15 per cent or better over a decade in wavenumber. We compare our analytic predictions with the power spectrum measured from the APM cluster redshift survey. The cluster power spectrum constrains the amplitude of density fluctuations, as measured by the linear rms variance in spheres of radius 8  h −1 Mpc, denoted by σ 8. When combined with the constraints on σ 8 and the density parameter Ω derived from the local abundance of clusters, we find a best-fitting cold dark matter model with     and     , for a power spectrum shape that matches that measured for galaxies. However, for the best-fitting value of Ω and given the value of Hubble's constant from recent measurements, the assumed shape of the power spectrum is incompatible with the most readily motivated predictions from the cold dark matter paradigm.  相似文献   

We present the JHKLM photometry for five close (W Ser) binary systems obtained in the period 1996–2004. Positive phase shifts (with respect of the adopted ephemerides) have been found in the orbital infrared light curves for three binaries, RX Cas, KX And, and β Lyr; the rates of increase in their periods are ~3.5 × 10?4, ~1.6 × 10?3, and ~1.4 × 10?4 days yr?1, respectively. We have performed the spectral classification of the components of the binaries under study and estimated their parameters.  相似文献   

The absolute dimensions of 140 close binaries have been computed. These systems have been extracted from recent catalogues of photometric and spectroscopic elements.  相似文献   

The well-known problem of reckoning the critical surfaces (equipotential zero-velocity surfaces) in the close binary systems is approached by an independent method. The formulation of the problem is based on the assumptions of the binary's matter consisting of ionized hydrogen, the system possessing black-body radiation, a potential magnetic field, being in adiabatic equilibrium. Total pressure and total internal energy are examined. The model, implying synchronous rotation of the components, is described by hydromagnetic equations. For a statical case, however, it is representable by the equation of motion alone. Next, the temperature field is reproduced whereby the ratioP r/Pg= is playing part of a free parameter. The resulting potential functions, applied to particular binaries, furnish the Lagrangian collinear points, critical surfaces and potentials over them in terms of . The families of surfaces thus obtained, compared with those springing from the Roche model, differ qualitatively in their geometry, position of the collinear equilibrium points, number of possible equilibrium states and the values of critical potentials. At identifying the allowed and forbidden regions of the gas motion new areas have been disclosed across which the gas outflow can take place and more possibilities of shell forming both around the individual components and the system as a whole. As the gas enthalpy and radiation are increased, the surfaces' geometry is undergoing changes. The method enables the intensity of gas velocity to be ascertained at any point in the system.The results of the method outlined here complement the picture of possible equilibrium states in the close binary systems in the presence of radiation and magnetic field.  相似文献   

This is a review of close binary systems with very early spectral types (B, O, Of, and WR stars). We limit our selection to systems with Roche model photometric solution only. There are 10 contact systems known at present. Three of them (V701 Sco, BH Cen, and RZ Pyx) are located in the vicinity of the zero-age contact (ZC) according to a Spectral Type — Period diagram. Only the first two systems have absolute dimensions available. Both of these fall into the ZC zone in the logP-logm diagram and the logm-logR diagram. The system TU Mus was thought to be a ZC system is located in the evolved contact zone (EC) in the above diagrams. Both V701 Sco and BH Cen were thought to be having mass ratios about unity. With the much improved light curves of BH Cen and new analysis the mass ratio has been revised to 0.84! This result may favor Shu's model for early-type zero-age contact systems. The evolved systems might be undergone Case A mass exchange except for two systems (V729 Cyg and RY Sct) which might be from Case B. The systems V367 Cyg was classified by Plavec as a W Ser system may be a evolved contact system.It is interesting to note that V729 Cyg (O7f+OfIa), UW CMa(O7f+O) and CQ Cep(WN7+O) are all highly evolved contact systems. The Max II of UW CMa and CQ Cep are displaced to 0.78 and 0.80 phase, respectively. The displacement for V729 Cyg is not known due to poor coverage at this phase. The most distinct feature going from Of to Wolf-Rayet stars is the increasing domination of emission lines. It is suspected that this phaseshifts reflect the increasing activity of mass-flow in the common envelope.There are 8 semidetached systems with reliable absolute dimensions. It is believed that 6 of them are derived from Case A while the remaining 2 are from Case B mass exchange.Paper presented at the Lembang-Bamberg IAU Colloquium No. 80, on Double Stars: Physical Properties and Generic Relations, held at Bandung, Indonesia, 3–7 June, 1983.  相似文献   

We provide a generalized discussion of tidal evolution to arbitrary order in the expansion of the gravitational potential between two spherical bodies of any mass ratio. To accurately reproduce the tidal evolution of a system at separations less than 5 times the radius of the larger primary component, the tidal potential due to the presence of a smaller secondary component is expanded in terms of Legendre polynomials to arbitrary order rather than truncated at leading order as is typically done in studies of well-separated system like the Earth and Moon. The equations of tidal evolution including tidal torques, the changes in spin rates of the components, and the change in semimajor axis (orbital separation) are then derived for binary asteroid systems with circular and equatorial mutual orbits. Accounting for higher-order terms in the tidal potential serves to speed up the tidal evolution of the system leading to underestimates in the time rates of change of the spin rates, semimajor axis, and mean motion in the mutual orbit if such corrections are ignored. Special attention is given to the effect of close orbits on the calculation of material properties of the components, in terms of the rigidity and tidal dissipation function, based on the tidal evolution of the system. It is found that accurate determinations of the physical parameters of the system, e.g., densities, sizes, and current separation, are typically more important than accounting for higher-order terms in the potential when calculating material properties. In the scope of the long-term tidal evolution of the semimajor axis and the component spin rates, correcting for close orbits is a small effect, but for an instantaneous rate of change in spin rate, semimajor axis, or mean motion, the close-orbit correction can be on the order of tens of percent. This work has possible implications for the determination of the Roche limit and for spin-state alteration during close flybys.  相似文献   

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