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Long-term photometric observations (on scales of half a year to one year) at different positions of geostationary satellites (GSS) relative to an observer are necessary to determine photometric, optogeometrical, and dynamic characteristics of faint GSSs needed to be identified. We propose to perform photometric measurements of GSSs during their ingress into and egress from the Earth’s shadow near the equinox dates. At the equinoxes, the GSS brightness is several magnitudes higher, making it possible to effectively use telescopes with mirror diameters of 50–70 cm. A much larger amount of information on reflective properties of an object can be derived during observation on these dates than when performing long-term observations at large phase angles.  相似文献   

Jupiter's Galilean satellites I–IV, Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto have been observed with the VLA at 2 and 6 cm. The Jovian system was about 4.46 AU from the Earth at the time the observations were taken. The flux densities for satellites I–IV at 2 cm are 15 ± 2, 5.6 ± 1.2, 22.3 ± 2.0, and 26.0 ± 2.5 mJy, respectively, which corresponds to disk brightness temperatures of 92 ± 13, 47 ± 10, 67 ± 6, and 92 ± 9°K, respectively. At 6 cm flux densities of 1.10 ± 0.2, 0.55 ± 0.12, 2.0 ± 0.2, and 3.15 ± 0.2 mJy were found, corresponding to temperatures of 65 ± 11, 44 ± 10, 55 ± 6, and 105 ± 7°K, respectively. The radio brightness temperatures are lower than the infrared, the latter generally being consistent with the temperature derived from equilibrium with absorbed insolation. The radio temperature are qualitatively consistent with the equilibrium temperature for fast rotating bodies considering the high radio reflectivity (low emissivity) as determined from radar measurements by S. J. Ostro (1982). In Satellites of Jupiter (D. Morrison, Ed.). Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson).  相似文献   

We report 12.6-cm-wavelength radar observations of Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto made at the Arecibo Observatory in November 1977 and February 1979. When combined with previous observations, our results establish firmly the distinguishing radar properties of these satellites: (i) high geometric albedos, α; (ii) circular polarization ratios, μC, which anomalously exceed unity; (iii) linear polarization ratios, μL, which are approximately 0.5; and (iv) diffuse scattering which varies as cosnθ, where θ is angle of incidence and 1 ? n ? 2. We tabulate weighted-mean values of α, μC, μL, and n derived from observations between 1975 and 1979. The values of μC for Ganymede and Europa are nearly identical and significantly larger than that for Callisto. The values of n for Ganymede and Callisto are nearly identical and significantly smaller than that for Europa. Although significant albedo and/or polarization features are common in the radar spectra, the fractional rms fluctuation in disk-integrated properties is only ~10%. No time variation in the radar properties has been evident during 1976–1979.  相似文献   

Using magnetic data from the geostationary satellites of ATS 6 and SMS/GOES series, long-period geomagnetic pulsations, Psc 4 and Psc 5, associated with geomagnetic sudden commencements (SC's) were statistically analyzed. Local time and geomagnetic latitude dependence of the occurrence, and local time dependence of the period and the amplitude were examined for 218 SC's. For transverse Psc 5 pulsations which could be observed at all local times, the period was shorter and the amplitude was smaller near noon than in the morning and evening sides. Compressional Psc 5's, which were observed mainly from about 09.00 L.T. to midnight, had larger amplitude near noon. The period seemed to be longer near noon. As for Psc 4 pulsations the period tended to be shorter near noon. Psc 4's with the largest amplitude appeared near noon, but on the whole Psc 4's in the evening side had larger amplitude. The compressional Psc occurred more frequently near the geomagnetic equator (geomagnetic latitude φm≌ 5°N) than at higher latitude (φm≌ 9° ~ 12°N). We suggest that the transverse Psc 5 pulsations can be considered to be magnetic field-line resonant oscillations excited by impulsive waves, while the compressional Psc 5's may be oscillations localized near the geomagnetic equator.  相似文献   

The problem is considered of determining the shape and dimensions of the passive component in a combined system for offsetting the solar pressure-induced disturbing torque for geostationary spacecraft with asymmetrical solar arrays. The problem statement, numerical solution algorithm, and calculated results are presented. The resulting shape, the study suggests, not only has the required compensation properties but is also the most efficient from the standpoint of manufacture and functional reliability.  相似文献   

Faraday rotation angle records of VHP (137.35 MHz) signals from ATS-3 received at São José dos Campos (Magnetic dip-23.7°) exhibit nighttime fluctuations during equinoctial and summer months. These fluctuations have periodicities ranging from several seconds to about an hour. We investigate the relationship between these fluctuations and the F-layer irregularities.  相似文献   

Audouin Dollfus 《Icarus》1975,25(3):416-431
New measurements of the amount of polarization of the Galilean satellites are given and, within the context of other data, are interpreted as follows. The polarization of Europa is consistent with a water-frost surface. Io has a surface of partly absorbing crystals thought to result from evaporates released from the mantle and damaged by radiation. Ganymede has alternating water-frost areas and darker terrain, possibly of a silicaceous nature. Callisto is explained as having a mantle of ice containing embedded blocks of rocks, which occurred when recent evaporation left the blocks piled at the surface in a chaotic manner. This event occurred after the vicinity of Jupiter had been cleared of small orbiting objects able to impact Callisto. Meteorites which continue to enter within the sphere of influence of Jupiter can collide with Callisto only on its leading hemisphere, which is thereby comminuted by impacts. The surface of the trailing hemisphere is not regolithic.  相似文献   

We describe the observation of a magnetic pulsation with a period of 55 s, recorded at geostationary orbit by three satellites (ATS 6, SMS 1 and SMS 2) in the local time sector 2100–2400. We use magnetic data from all three spacecraft and also plasma data from ATS 6. The pulsation had a large compressional magnetic component which appeared to be balanced by pressure fluctuations in the hot ring current plasma which were in antiphase with the magnetic variations. This allows the wave to be guided along a field line. From the plasma data we are also able to obtain estimates of the field line displacement and hence the electric field, which enables us to conclude that this is a second harmonic field line resonance. We find that the wave has a very short East-West (E-W) wavelength (m?100) and a westward azimuthal group velocity of about 30 km s?1. The most probable source for this wave is a bounce resonant interaction with ring current protons. The characteristics of this wave are in many ways similar to those of giant pulsations observed on the ground. ATS 6 was near the inner edge of the ring current electrons and as the wave converted the 10 keV electron Alfvén layer back and forth across ATS 6, we were able to estimate the Alfvén layer energy gradient and obtain a value of 1 keV in 1000 km. This gradient is considerably steeper than that predicted by a steady uniform convection electric field.  相似文献   

More than 70 new distant satellites of major planets have been discovered over the past five years. Until recently, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in the USA was the only institution that modeled the motion of these satellites based on observational data and computed their ephemerides. New independent computations are needed to ensure the reliability and to assess the accuracy of satellite ephemerides. In this paper, the results of our determination of orbital parameters for 73 new distant satellites of major planets based on all available observations are reported and the adopted model of perturbing forces acting on a satellite is described. The satellite motions are computed via numerical integration. A special program—an ephemeris server—is used to compute the ephemerides of satellites, which are freely available to any user on the Internet at http://lnfm1.sai.msu.ru/neb/nss/index.htm. The server offers ample choice in terms of the form and composition of the ephemerides produced. The paper gives examples of deviations of the theory from observations and comparisons of our results with JPL ephemerides. Standard deviations of observational results from the theory are equal to 0.3–0.5 for most of the satellites. A comparison of our models of the motion of satellites with those developed at JPL shows that deviations in topocentric coordinates do not exceed 0.01 over a six-year interval.__________Translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2005, pp. 128–140.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Emelyanov, Kanter.  相似文献   

Ground-based 0.9-μm observations of the Jovian ring and inner satellites are reported. The ring observations substantially confirm those obtained by the Voyager spacecraft. The first ground-based detection of 1979J2 suggests a geometric albedo of ~0.10 and a new value for its orbit period of 16 hr 11 min 23.5 ± 0.5 sec.  相似文献   

The results are presented of multi-channel photometry and spectroscopy of the suspected nova-like variable FY Per. These results suggest that FY Per may be a Herbig Ae/Be star rather than a nova-like variable.  相似文献   

We present and discuss the results of the astrometry project during which we observed the satellites of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune at the Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory (Georgia) between 1983 and 1994. Observations at the Abastumani Observatory were performed with the double Zeiss astrograph (DZA: D/F = 400/3024 mm) and AZT-11 telescope (F = 16 m). We processed a large array of observations and determined exact coordinates of the planets and their satellites in a system of reference stars of modern catalogues as well as relative coordinates of the satellites. The results were compared with modern ephemerides using the MULTI-SAT software. The comparison enabled us to estimate the accuracy of observations (their random and systematic uncertainties) and the accuracy of modern theories of the motion of planets and their satellites. Random uncertainties of observations are estimated to be 0.10??C0.40?? for various objects and observational conditions. Observational results obtained for Uranus, Neptune and the satellites Titania and Oberon were shown to deviate appreciably and systematically from theories of their motion. The results of observations are presented in the Pulkovo database for Solar System bodies that is available at the website http://www.puldb.ru.  相似文献   

Noteworthy phenomena, viz., mutual occultations and eclipses in the system of Jupiter’s Galilean satellites and in the system of Saturn’s principal satellites, will occur in 2009. The relatively simple photometry of these phenomena makes it possible to obtain positional data at a higher accuracy than can be achieved in regular astrometric observations. The visibility conditions for the satellites are described here and observational recommendations are given. The ephemerides of these phenomena are available via the Internet from the MULTI-SAT ephemerides server at http:/www.sai.msu.ru/neb/nss/index.htm.  相似文献   

It was recognized over a year ago that a requirement to improve the ephemerides of the natural satellites existed and that it might be satisfied by a coordinated effort. Both the national ephemeris offices, which publish the satellite ephemerides, and NASA, which plans to send spacecraft to observe the satellites, require improved ephemerides of the natural satellites, but individually none of the organizations has the personnel or finances to undertake the task alone. At that time a few people and institutions had become interested in or were beginning to work on the theories and to make observations of the satellites. It was apparent that if the efforts of the various people and institutions were coordinated and others were encouraged to contribute, it might be possible in the next five years to satisfy the requirement for improved ephemerides. The coordinated effort includes personnel from the University of Texas, Smithsonian Astrophysical Center, University of Cincinnati, Bureau des Longitudes, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, University of Virginia, Vanderbilt University, Lowell Observatory, NASA Headquarters, and the U.S. Naval Observatory, with the latter institution serving as the coordinator.  相似文献   

J.B. Murray 《Icarus》1975,25(3):397-404
Visual and photographic observations of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter made in September 1973 with the 108 cm reflector at Pic-du-Midi Observatory are presented. A method of estimating the contrasts and albedos of surface markings on the satellites during transit by comparing them with the adjacent surface of Jupiter is described. Results for Io, Europa, and Ganymede give albedo ranges of 0.28 to 0.67, 0.45 to 0.67, and 0.22 to 0.47, respectively. These are geometric albedos for a phase angle of 5°. The percentages of the disks covered by high albedos are consistent with the conclusions of previous workers regarding the fraction of exposed water ice on the surface.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work is to compare photographic observations of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter with the theory developed by Sampson at the beginning of the century and corrected and implemented recently by Lieske.The comparisons between the observed and computed values give differences in geocentric angular distances of the order of 0.08 for modern observations (1968 to 1977) and of the order of 0.14 for older ones (1913 to 1928).These results lead to the suggestion that important long period defects still exist in the theory of Sampson-Lieske. This is not surprising, due to the difficulties of the computation of the long-period inequalities in mean longitudes, even in a first-order theory.Proceedings of the Conference on Analytical Methods and Ephemerides: Theory and Observations of the Moon and Planets. Facultés universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium, 28–31 July, 1980  相似文献   

An analysis is made of two series of photographic observations of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter. In the comparison of theory with observation, the aim of this work is to solve for systematic errors in the observations as well as those in the theory. The observations are those made by D. Pascu with the McCormick refractor during the apparition of 1967–1968 and with the 26" refractor of the U.S. Naval Observatory in 1973. Neutral density filters were used for magnitude compensation between the planet and the satellites as well as between the satellites themselves. Preliminary positions were derived by the trail/scale method using a scale value derived from scale plates taken during the observational program. The mean error of these observations is expected to be about ±0".10. The computed positions are those supplied by the Bureau des Longitudes and are based on Sampson's theory. Both intersatellary and planet-satellite positions were used in the comparison of theory with observation. The least squares adjustment included as unknowns, corrections to the longitudes, inclinations and scale for both observation types, and an additional periodic term to account for residual phase defect for the planet-satellite coordinates. The validity of the results is discussed in terms of the unknowns introduced, the correlations between them and the reduction of the residuals.  相似文献   

The results of observations of Saturn and its satellites with the 26-inch refractor at Pulkovo are presented. Over the observing period from January 2008 until May 2009, results were found from more than 5000 CCD frames suitable for measurement. On the basis of these frames, 183 positions of major satellites of Saturn (with the exception of Mimas) were obtained. The astrometric reduction was based on the Turner method, with the use of the UCAC2 catalog as a reference. The obtained equatorial coordinates of satellites were compared with the TASS 1.7 theory, and results of comparison are presented. The accuracy of observed positions is 0.05″ on average. Positions of Saturn, calculated on the basis of positions of satellites and their theoretical saturnocentric coordinates according to the TASS 1.7, and the differential coordinates of satellites relative to each other, are also given.  相似文献   

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