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Partitioning of Cu, Pb, Zn, U, As and Mo between the minus 70 μm and minus 200 μm fractions of stream sediments from arid and semi-arid terrains is examined in the light of published case histories supplemented by new data. The advantages of selecting a particular fraction for routine sampling in such arid environments are assessed in terms of five criteria: (1) homogeneity of background population; (2) definition of threshold; (3) absolute element abundance levels; (4) contrast between anomalous and background populations; and (5) length of dispersion train. The most homogeneous background population distributions and improved definition of the threshold between background and anomaly occur in the very fine, minus 70 μm fraction of stream sediments for the majority of elements, in particular for Zn, Cu, U and As. Data for Pb and Mo do not consistently favour either size fraction in the case histories studied. Increased abundance levels of elements which are normally close to the analytical detection limit (U, Mo, As) occur most frequently in the minus 70 μm fraction, although Cu, Pb and Zn levels are commonly higher in the coarser fraction. In addition the finer size fraction better defines the anomalous population and provides the longer dispersion trains for Cu, Pb, Zn, U and As in the majority of case histories.The data examined indicate that the minus 70 μm fraction provides more useful information, in many instances, than the minus 200 μm fraction. The evidence suggests that problems expected with the use of the fine fraction — dilution through the abundance of wind blown material, and insufficient fine sediment — do not restrict the use of this fraction in stream sediment surveys in arid terrains.  相似文献   

Gold anomalies in drainage sediments are often erratic, reflecting both the nugget effect and hydraulic effects whereby gold is concentrated at favorable sites along a stream. This study investigates these factors in a stream in northeastern Thailand.Bulk sediment samples, consisting of approximately 40 kg of −12 mm material, were collected from bar and pavement sites along an 8 km study reach. Samples were wet sieved into eight size fractions. The five fractions between 425 μm and 53 μm were then processed to obtain heavy mineral concentrates (SG > 3.3). Gold content of all size and density fractions finer than 425 μm was determined by fire assay-atomic absorption.Concentrations of Au in the heavy mineral concentrates typically range from 10,000 to 50,000 ppb (maximum 198,000 ppb), whereas the corresponding light mineral fractions and the −53 μm fraction generally contain <5 ppb gold. Within the heavy mineral fractions concentrations of Au generally increase downstream away from their supposed source and are higher at pavement than at point bar sites. Variations in abundance of gold between point bar sites can be related to stream characteristics (such as width, velocity and bed roughness) that are indicative of changing energy conditions and of the ability of the stream to winnow light minerals from its bed.The estimated median number of gold particles in the heavy mineral concentrates increase from less than one in the 212–425 μm fraction to about three in the 53–106 μm size range. However, because of dilution by the light mineral and −53 μm fractions, the probability of a 30 g analytical sub-sample containing a particle of gold is so low that in thirteen out of sixteen −149 μm sediment samples no gold was detected. Insofar as this results from dilution by large quantities of −53 μm sediment, failure of conventional sieved sediment samples to reliably detect the anomaly is probably a consequence of increased erosion caused by deforestation and land usage.Heavy mineral concentrates from pavement and other high energy sites are more reliable than conventional sediment samples for detecting gold anomalies of the Huai Hin Laep type. A low sample density is adequate but, because anomaly contrast may increase downstream, careful interpretation is required.  相似文献   

The distribution of gold in a short 120 m reach of an upland stream in Scotland has been investigated using an established freeze-core sampling method that avoids problems of elutriation. Thirty cores were taken from six sites chosen to represent the variety of geomorphological settings. Bed sediments varied between sites(24.3>D50>9.2 mm). Gold distribution is described in terms of concentration, mass and number of grains. Data are erratic in coarse fractions (>500 μm) because of the low number of individual gold grains and the high frequency of barren samples. The < 63 μm fraction gave the most consistent results, especially for gold loads (g · kg −1) reflecting the high number of individual grains. The distribution of gold is discussed in relation to the geomorphological controls and sediment transport processes that lead to enrichment and dilution of gold deposits. The sampling method is shown to provide a practical approach for obtaining representative and quantitative data on fine-grained gold distributions.  相似文献   

The organic matter of recent deltaic sediments cored in the Mahakam delta, East Kalimantan, has been studied before and after physical fractionation into sands >50 μm, silts 5–50 μm and clays <5 μm. Both the lipid and non-lipid components have been investigated.Weight, carbon and nitrogen fractionation budgets were used to define three types of samples, depending on coarse particle contributions to the total amount of organic matter: a = a first type with more than 50% of the O.M. in the coarse particles, high C/N ratios and O.M. content, b = an intermediary type with medium C/N ratios and O.M. content, each fraction having quite the same O.M. content, c = a third type with less than 5% of the whole O.M. in the sands and the lowest C/N ratios and O.M. content.Concerning the global organic characteristics of the fractions, a systematic increase of C/N ratios occurs when going from clays to sands; the finer the fraction is, the more nitrogenous the compounds are. This enrichment in nitrogen is related to a persistent high rate of hydrolysable material either for argillaceous organic matter-poor sediments or for the clay fractions of all types of samples. Conversely, the type (a) coarse sediments, in particular the sandy components were resistant to acid hydrolysis with burial.Concerning the geochemical markers signatures of granulometric fractions, the distribution patterns of n-alkanes and n-fatty acids are characterized by the predominance of high molecular weight compounds >C22. Carbon preference index (CPI) values are higher in the sands and silts, reflecting their enrichment in continentally-derived vegetation debris. For type (c), the fractionation revealed markers of microbial activity within the clay fractions. For all types of samples, we observed an increase with burial of the n-alkane and n-fatty acid concentrations, particularly in the clay fractions, suggesting possibly a better preservation and/or affinity of lipids with the finest fractions.  相似文献   

Heavy mineral concentrates (SG 3.3) from the Huai Hin Laep, a tributary of the Huai Kho Lo River in northern Thailand, contain strongly anomalous concentrations of gold. In contrast, the gold content of the associated < 149 μm and <53 μm fractions of the sediment is generally less than the 5 ppb detection limit obtained by a conventional fire assay-atomic absorption spectrometry method. To test for the presence of a gold anomaly at concentrations < 5 ppb, we have used an aqua-regia digestion followed by an Amberlite XAD-8 column preconcentration technique that, when used with a spectrometer that enables full display of the analytical spectrum to optimize baseline analysis, gives a detection limit of 0.1 ppb Au.Gold content of the < 53 μm sediment fraction ranges from 1.0 to 3.1 ppb compared to concentrations that typically range from 1000 to more than 100,000 ppb in the heavy mineral concentrates. However, despite gold concentrations in the sediment being several orders of magnitude lower than those in the heavy mineral concentrates, the downstream dispersion patterns are similar, with gold concentrations increasing at high energy sites and downstream away from the assumed source. These results identify the presence of a greatly diluted gold anomaly in the < 53 μm fraction of the sediments and suggest that transport and deposition of this fine grained gold is controlled by the same sedimentological factors that control the behavior of gold in the sand-size range, between 53 μm and 425 μm. Most important from an exploration standpoint, is that by using a sufficiently sensitive analytical method, meaningful gold dispersion patterns can be recognized at concentrations below 5 ppb.  相似文献   

The Nickel Plate deposit, in which gold occurs as <25 μm blebs associated with arsenopyrite in garnet-pyroxene skarns, is in the subalpine zone near the southern limit of the Thompson Plateau. During the last glaciation the Cordilleran ice sheet moved south-southwest across the deposit and deposited a stony basal till. A dispersion train with anomalous concentrations of gold in tills and soils now extends 2 km down ice from the deposit.Gold contents of samples of humus (LFH horizon) and the −212 μm fraction of mineral soils (A, B and C horizons) was determined by instrumental neutron activation and fire assay-atomic absorption, respectively. Selected samples were examined in detail to determine distribution of gold between different size and density fractions.Despite erratic variability, Au contents of the −212 μm fraction generally decrease from 200–400 ppb close to the mine site to <50 ppb at distal sites. At most sites there is also a twofold increase of gold values down the soil profile. Within samples concentrations of Au in the −420 + 212 μm, −212 + 106 μm, −106 + 53 μm and −53 μm fractions are usually roughly constant. However, because of its abundance, the −53 μm fraction contains more than 70% of the gold. Amenability of gold in this fraction to cyanidation suggests that it is largely free gold. For size fractions > 53 μm the contribution of the heavy mineral (SG > 3.3) fraction to total gold content increases with decreasing grain size.Distribution of gold between size and density fractions is consistent with its release from the bedrock or pre-glacial regolith by glacial abrasion. The bulk of the gold was incorporated into the fine fractions of the till at or close to the source. However, differences between down ice dilution ratios for gold in different heavy mineral size fractions suggest that comminution of host minerals continued to transfer gold to the finer size fractions during glacial transport.For exploration purposes, B and C horizon samples provide the best anomaly contrast. Estimates of the abundance of gold particles in different size fractions indicate that the nugget effect, which causes erratic gold values in the −212 μm fraction, can be avoided by analysis of 30 g of −53 μm material.  相似文献   

Samples were collected near known gold mineralization from anomalous and background soils developed on glacial till in British Columbia and Ontario, and in residual soils in Nevada, Utah and the Yukon Territory. After wet sieving to five size fractions finer than 2000 mm, and separation of heavy minerals (S.G. > 3.3) for the − 212 + 106 μm and − 106 + 53 μm fractions, gold concentrations in each fraction were determined by fire assay-atomic absorption.In all cases more than 60% of the gold resides in the − 53 μm fraction. For the residual soils most of the remaining gold is associated with the light mineral fractions and only a negligible proportion resides in the heavy minerals. Estimates of the numbers of gold particles and subsampling variability suggest that gold, in both heavy and light mineral fractions, is largely present as inclusions of fine gold. For exploration purposes, optimum sample representativity would be obtained with the − 53 μm fraction. However, because this fraction is a major component of the soils, use of a coarser size fraction (e.g., − 212 μm) will only slightly reduce sample representativity. Also, because most of the gold is associated with the − 53 μm and light mineral fractions, use of heavy mineral concentrates offers no significant advantage and in some cases would result in anomalous conditions being overlooked.  相似文献   

The nature of gold dispersion in soils and stream sediments associated with a copper-gold-mineralized system in northeastern Thailand has been investigated as a basis for identifying appropriate geochemical exploration techniques for the search for comparable deposits in similar environments.Soils were collected with varying relationships to mineralization as a basis for determining sample representativity, size distribution of gold, variation with soil horizon and possible pathfinder elements. Similarly, stream sediments were collected to estimate sample representativity, size distribution of gold, variation of gold with depth in the stream sediment profile and to compare the relative recoveries of gold in field-panned and laboratory-prepared heavy-mineral concentrates. Samples were analyzed for Au and potential indicator elements by a variety of methods but mostly by instrumental neutron activation analysis.Results indicate the consistent distribution of fine-grained gold in soils which allows Au analysis of relatively small samples from B-horizon soils to be used effectively and reliably to identify the surficial patterns of gold mineralization in the study area. Anomalous patterns of other indicator elements, Co, As, Cu, Sb, W, Pb, Zn, Ag, Fe and Mn, may contribute additional information regarding type of mineralization. This finding indicates the effectiveness of soil surveys in gold exploration, particularly in areas of deep weathering where fresh bedrock exposures are infrequent.Unlike soils, size distributions of gold in stream sediments, as a result of the local flow regime, vary both between sampling sites and at depths within a sampling site. Exploration requires Au analysis of the fine fraction (minus 63 μm) of active stream sediments to reduce the problem of sampling representativity. The presence of coarse-grained gold in the stream channel has drawn attention to the possible benefit of using the conventional field-panning method as a semiquantitative technique for providing immediate results. However, highly erratic distribution of pannable gold on a very local scale together with variable proportions of the total gold recovered in field-panned or heavy-mineral concentrates highlights a potentially serious drawback of the method. Combination of analysis of the minus 63 μm fraction and field panning appears warranted to cover the possible existence of gold of a wide size range in stream sediments.The overall results indicate the utility of geochemical exploration techniques in the search for gold mineralization. However, particular care is necessary in the design and implementation of geochemical techniques to ensure maximum reliability of exploration.  相似文献   

Several pilot studies were made in a PGE-mineralized area of central Madagascar in order to compare Pt,Pd halos in heavy mineral concentrates and to select the most suitable stream-sediment fractions, sampling densities and anomaly thresholds for regional PGE surveys. Results show low anomaly thresholds for Pt (30 ppb) and Pd (20 ppb) in the −63 μm fractions of the active sediment, with restricted halos of nearly 300 m for Pt and nearly 500 m for Pd. Using a slightly coarser fraction (−125 μm) increases the anomaly contrast. The Pt anomalies in heavy mineral pan concentrates are considerably enhanced (400–1,000 ppb) but occur further downstream in residual terraces. A regular increase in the weight of the heavy mineral concentrate for a given volume of sediment is noticed downstream. A simple weight correction of the raw Pt grade in the heavy mineral concentrate gives a better definition of the mineralized source upstream. Assessment of the corrected heavy mineral concentrate Pt anomalies together with Pt,Pd anomalies in the finest stream-sediment fraction produces the optimum definition of the target. Optical determination and scanning electron microscope studies of the PGM show sperrylite to be the major Pt-bearing mineral in the stream sediment, whereas the Pd mineralogy remains unresolved. Pt dispersion appears to be a predominantly mechanical process and Pd dispersion a chemical process with deposition controlled mainly by MnO scavenging.  相似文献   

The mechanism of Au dispersion in sediments of mountainous desert environments has been studied in two different areas of the Chilean Andes. The San Pedro de Cachiyuyo placer (ca. 1800 m a.s.l.) consists of alluvial fans and ephemeral stream sediments deposited in a stable piedmont. The primary Au source is Cu–Au-bearing hydrothermal tourmaline breccia. The relief of this area is low (1850 m) and the average annual rainfall is ca. 20 mm. The La Coipa area (ca. 4000 m a.s.l.) is characterized by a rugged relief. The annual average rainfall is ca. 100 mm. The sedimentary deposits are less sorted than in San Pedro de Cachiyuyo and consist of ephemeral stream alluvium and slope deposits formed in a periglacial environment. The primary Au sources are two volcanic-hosted epithermal precious metal deposits. At San Pedro de Cachiyuyo, the halo is less than 1 km in length and the highest Au concentration are observed at the break in slope between the hillside and the piedmont. In the La Coipa area, Au was only detected by chemical analysis in the 125–63 μm and <63 μm fraction; however, the dispersion halo extends for over 10 km from the source. In both cases the geochemical signal of gold was strongest in the fraction <63 μm.  相似文献   

In order to reconstruct the past variations of the Southeast Asian monsoon intensity and estimate the sedimentary system reactivity to climatic changes in Southeast Asia over the last 450 kyr, mineralogical and sedimentological analyses have been performed on the terrigenous fraction of the South China Sea sediment. End-member modelling coupled with grain size data discriminates three end-members that determine the nature and intensity of the main sediment transport vectors. Low sea-level stands are characterized by sediment reworking that allows transportation of a coarse end-member (20–40 μm) to the deep-basin. By contrast, the other end-members (4–6 μm; 9–13 μm) are controlled by the shoreline position (sea level) and/or by changes of the rivers capacity transport (monsoon). Finally, aeolian input to the northern margin of the South China Sea can be considered negligible compared to the massive fluvial input and the reworking of the sediments.  相似文献   

Gold has been exploited intensively in the Brazilian Amazon during the past fifteen years using garimpo methods (small-scale gold mining). In this study, two gold mining areas were investigated, the municipalities of Pocone and Alta Floresta located in the state of Mato Grosso. Central Brazil. The elemental mercury (Hg) used in amalgamating the gold, the final stage of the ore dressing process, has caused abnormal Hg concentrations in waterways. This has occurred principally in the Amazon region, where most of the ore prospected is alluvial. Background levels of metals were determined by analyzing sediments and soils located upstream of the anthropogenic inputs and unaffected by mining activities. The study aimed to evaluate the pollution level in sediments and soils, taking into account drainage waters directly affected by gold mining. ‘Geoaccumulation indexes’ (Igeo) of Hg in sediments from both study areas were used to assesses the pollution level in the aquatic environment. The geoaccumulation indexes of Hg in sediments of the Bento Gomes River in Pocone indicate a relatively high degree of pollution at some sites, even reaching class 4 (1.85 mg/kg). However, when the river reaches the Pantanal swamp, Hg concentrations drop considerably to 0.30 mg/kg. This drop seems to be due to accumulation of metals in the sediments of a lake (sampling site PG-24), which retains most of the sediments transported by the Bento Gomes River. Accumulation of metals in the lake also occurred for Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe and Mn. In the region of Alta Floresta, total Hg concentrations in sediments of the Teles Pires River were studied in the grain size fractions < 74 μm and > 74 μm. Hg concentrations in bottom sediments of this river were higher than those found in the Pocone region, with increases of 1.5 to 30 times the background, and thus reaching an Igeo up to class 5.  相似文献   

The geochemical and isotopic signature of Quaternary alluvial sediments filling a post-orogenic basin along the Tyrrhenian coasts of Italy (Cornia Plain, Tuscany) was investigated to unravel possible interactions with geothermal fluids from the Larderello geothermal field. Two cores located in the upper (UCP) and lower (LCP) sector of the plain were sampled to depths of up to 80 m. A third core in a neighbouring area not affected by geothermal activity was also sampled (Arno plain at Pisa), and its sediment composition was used as reference. The Cornia sediments (fraction < 65 μm) show high B, Cs and Sb concentrations related to a peculiar chemical enrichment of the clay fraction. They also show remarkable enrichments in As (up to 1000 μg g− 1) reflecting a contribution from local ore deposits.87Sr/86Sr ratios, ranging from 0.71022 to 0.71698, reveal the nature of the weathered mother rocks of the alluvial sediments, whereas the boron isotopic composition, varying from − 20‰ to − 10‰, suggests an interaction between the clay fraction and boron-rich fluids at temperatures greater than 50 °C. This implies that hydrothermal fluids widely circulated within the Cornia basin in the past, ultimately leading to the geochemical anomalies currently recorded in local sediments.Although natural (geogenic) in origin, these anomalies cause severe problems to the regional water management (groundwater exploitation) through leaching of trace elements into circulating groundwater, a phenomenon which has to be carefully studied and monitored.  相似文献   

Geochemical patterns for elements, such as Sn, W and Au, present in drainage sediments as resistate heavy minerals are often erratic and difficult to interpret. To investigate the source of these problems and develop methods of eliminating them we have compared the behavior of Sn, present as cassiterite, and associated pathfinder elements downstream from a small primary Sn deposit in Perak, Peninsular Malaysia.Dispersion trains for the pathfinder elements are characterized by smooth decay patterns and differences in concentrations between high- and low-energy environments, characterized by coarse-and medium-grained sands respectively, are not significant. In contrast, Sn (and magnetite) concentrations are extremely erratic with significantly higher concentrations in high- compared to low-energy environments. As a result the dispersion train for Sn exhibits no regular decay pattern away from its source. These findings suggest that the action of the stream is analogous to that of sluice box, with light minerals being winnowed away and cassiterite, together with magnetite, accumulating. For all but the finest sizes this process, which is most efficient in high-energy environments, causes considerable local variability in Sn content of the sediments. However, because the hydraulic behavior of cassiterite and magnetite is similar, but magnetite is not associated with the primary mineralization, the Sn/magnetite ratio can be used to eliminate Sn anomalies resulting from local variations in hydraulic conditions.The concept of hydraulic equivalence of cassiterite and magnetite was extended to examining the relationship between Sn and different size fractions of the light minerals that constitute the bulk of most sediments. Greatest contrast is obtained when the Sn content of the −270 mesh (−53 μm) fraction is re-expressed as its hydraulic equivalent concentration in −65 + 100 mesh (−212 + 150 μm) material.For exploration purposes it is concluded that: (1) providing cassiterite is present in the fine size fractions, sampling of this material will reduce hydraulic effects, thereby reducing data variability, and can also increase the length of the anomalous dispersion train; and (2) hydraulic effects can also be reduced by re-expressing Sn concentrations as ratios to magnetite (provided this is not associated with the primary Sn mineralization) or a hydraulically equivalent size fraction of the light minerals that constitute the bulk of the sediment. Similar principles probably apply to the interpretation of geochemical data for other elements dispersed in drainage sediments as heavy minerals; this warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

The occurrence of synkinematic and authigenic clay minerals is a common feature in fault gouges. Few attempts have been made to date fault gouges. We present the first age data in Australia for synkinematic illite–smectite growth in two fault zones of the northern Sydney Basin, NSW. The faults occur at Burwood Beach, NSW in the northern part of the Sydney Basin and are hosted by Early Permian siltstones, tuffs and coals of the Lambton Formation, Newcastle Coal Measures. The faults are 1.5 m apart, show normal displacement and trend N–S with steep easterly dips. Foliated gouge zones, comminution and dilational breccias are developed along both fault surfaces. K–Ar ages extracted from samples in the gouge and tuffs in the damage zones are 172 (6–10 μm) to 119 Ma (<0.4 μm), respectively. Older ages of 272–281 Ma for the coarse fractions (>2 μm), 237–245 Ma for the <2 μm fraction, 218 Ma for the <0.4 μm fraction and 196 Ma for the <0.1 μm fraction have been obtained from siltstones within and outside the damage zone. We believe the younger ages of 196–237 Ma indicate the time at which diagenetic illite–smectite formed and the 122–150 Ma dates from the <2 μm fraction represent the maximum age of gouge formation. The younger ages are thought to reflect the last slip event occurring on the faults, which is related to the rifting and dispersal of the eastern margin of the Australian continent.  相似文献   

Carlin-type gold deposits are best known for the scarcity of visible gold in their ores. It has long been recognized that the majority of gold is “invisible”, such that it cannot be resolved by conventional microscopy, and resides in arsenian pyrite. Shuiyindong differs in that sub-μm to μm-sized native gold is present in arsenian pyrite veinlets and disseminations. It is also the largest (55 tonnes) and highest grade (7 to 18 ppm), stratabound, Carlin-type gold deposit in Guizhou, China and has produced 5 tonnes of gold from sulfide refractory ores extracted by underground mining methods. In this study, an electron microprobe analyzer (EMPA) was used to map the spatial distribution of “invisible” gold and sub-μm to μm-size visible gold particles in arsenian pyrite in high-grade ore samples from the Shuiyindong. The samples studied are hosted in Permian bioclastic ferroan limestone of the Longtan Formation and exhibit evidence of decarbonation, silicification and sulfidation. Arsenian pyrite with detectable Au (> 400 to 3800 ppm) is disseminated in altered limestone and was deposited in two stages separated by an episode of corrosion in a veinlet.The results show that there are two populations of native gold in arsenian pyrite. One is comprised of sub-μm size gold particles (0.1 to 0.2 μm) that are occasionally present in the gold-bearing arsenian pyrite disseminated in the host rocks. This arsenian pyrite is interpreted to have been formed by sulfidation of ferroan calcite and dolomite. Another is comprised of coarser (1 to 6 μm) native gold grains present in the arsenian pyrite veinlet, either on the first stage where it has been corroded or on the second stage. The lack of fluid inclusion or other evidence of boiling and the low iron content of fluid inclusions in quartz, suggest the veinlet formed by sulfidation of another fluid containing Fe. The Fe-bearing fluid may be a depleted ore fluid that gained Fe by dissolution of ferroan limestone after H2S had been consumed. The association of the largest visible gold grains with an episode of corrosion suggests that fluids episodically became undersaturated with arsenian pyrite while remaining saturated with gold (e.g., pH decrease or an increase in the oxidation state). This may have resulted from incursion of relatively acidic or oxidized fluids that were able to dissolve arsenian pyrite and remain saturated with gold. In this case, sulfidation of iron from the host rock, was the most important depositional mechanism for Au-bearing arsenian pyrite with, or without, grains of native gold.  相似文献   

The variation of Cu and Zn contents with grain size was studied in the size fractions: 2000-500 μm, 500-64 μm, 64-2 μm and minus 2 μm. The fixation to different minerals was investigated in the 500-64 μm and minus 64 μm fractions with microscope, microprobe, electron microscope and X-ray diffraction after heavy-liquid separation.The distribution of Cu and Zn between the four size fractions is very similar in all target areas. The contents tend to be highest in the minus 2 μm fraction, and to decrease with increasing grain size except for an increase in the coarsest material. This feature is typical in mineralized areas with till having anomalously high Cu and Zn contents.The anomalous Cu and Zn in the till of Talvivaara are mainly fixed to chalcopyrite and sphalerite, respectively, which indicates that the main part of the material originates from fresh bedrock and that postglacial alterations are slight. In the till of Outokumpu and Maaselkä sulphides are rare. We assume that in Outokumpu the reason for this is the postglacial weathering of sulphides and that in Maaselkä a great deal of till derives from highly weathered, sulphide-poor, preglacial regolith. In both target areas Cu in till seems to fix to limonite and also to clay minerals, particularly in Maaselkä. Zinc seems mainly to be hosted by limonite in Outokumpu.  相似文献   

Surface sediment samples were collected from the Squamish River Delta, British Columbia, in order to determine the role of sediment surface area in the preservation of organic matter (OM) in a paralic sedimentary environment. The Squamish Delta is an actively prograding delta, located at the head of Howe Sound.Bulk total organic carbon (TOC) values across the Squamish Delta are low, ranging from 0.1 to 1.0 wt.%. The carbon/total nitrogen ratio (Corg/N) ranges from 6 to 17, which is attributed to changes in OM type and facies variations. The <25-μm fraction has TOC concentrations up to 2.0 wt.%, and a Corg/N ratio that ranges from 14 to 16. The 53–106-μm fraction has higher TOC concentrations and Corg/N ratios relative to the 25–53-μm fraction. The Corg/N ratio ranges from 9 to 18 in the 53–106-μm fraction and 5.5–10.5 in the 25–53-μm fraction. Surface area values for bulk sediments are low (0.5–3.0 m2/g) due to the large proportion of silt size material. Good correlation between surface area and TOC in bulk samples suggests that OM is adsorbed to mineral surfaces. Similar relationships between surface area and TOC were observed in size-fractionated samples. Mineralogy and elemental composition did not correlate with TOC concentration.The relationships between surface area, TOC and total nitrogen (TN) can be linked to the hydrodynamic and sedimentological conditions of the Squamish Delta. As a result, the Squamish Delta is a useful modern analogue for the formation of petroleum source rocks in ancient deltaic environments, where TOC concentrations are often significantly lower than those in source rocks formed in other geological settings.  相似文献   

Laser ablation of the Fe and Mn oxide coatings on stream sediments has been tested as a means of rapidly introducing this highly sorptive geochemical exploration medium into an inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometer (ICP) for simultaneous multielement analysis.Training data were obtained by selectively leaching coatings on about ten 1-cm diameter pebbles from 50 sites in the Allen drainage system, Southwest England. The Pb, Zn, Fe and Mn concentrations of the resulting leachates were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. This procedure is relatively rapid and economical, but the leachate is suitable only for the determination of a restricted range of elements (mainly heavy metals). The laser-microprobe testing data were obtained by vaporizing approximately 1 μg of coating from one pebble from each sample site with a laser pulse, producing a crater in the coating 150–200 μm in diameter and 30–50 μm deep. The ablation was effected within a cell which the laser beam penetrates via a quartz window and the vaporized material quickly condenses into an aerosol which is carried in a flow of argon passing through the cell to the ICP, for simultaneous determination of up to 36 elements.Training and testing data for the elements determined were normalized by ratioing to Fe or Mn following a preliminary statistical inspection of the data to ascertain predominant correlations. In the Allen drainage basin, where a narrow and impersistent galena vein with subordinate sphalerite occupies a north-south-trending fracture, Pb determinations on coatings correlate well with the Fe content of coatings, while Zn correlates with Mn. The Pb/Fe dispersion patterns produced by the training and testing procedures are essentially similar, as are the Zn/Mn patterns from each of the procedures, demonstrating the potential of the novel laser microprobe technique.Anomalous Pb/Fe and Zn/Mn ratios in pebble coatings occur in the vicinity of the mineralized fracture. These compare favourably in terms of anomaly contrast and length of dispersion trains (especially their extension beyond major confluences) with the Pb and Zn anomalies detected by the more conventional analysis of the minus 200 μm fraction of the stream sediment. The low levels of potential pathfinder elements associated with mineralization do not lend themselves readily to determination in leachates derived from pebble coatings. Laser microprobe data, however, revealed a low-order but punctual As/Fe anomaly in a tributary, where this cuts the mineralized vein.  相似文献   

Geochemical patterns from two lag anomalies in the Cobar region of central New South Wales are described. The region is semi-arid, deeply weathered and some areas are covered by variable thicknesses of aeolian and alluvial transported overburden.Lag morphology and mineralogy are related to landform. In erosional landforms the surface is covered by lag, which is composed of coarse fragments derived locally from bedrock and displays varying degrees of ferruginization, together with a range of secondary pisoids. In depositional landforms the lag is less abundant and contains more pisoids. Deflation by sheetwash may lead to lag being partially buried by alluvium. In a large proportion of pisoid lag, hematite and goethite have been converted to maghemite, allowing ready separation into magnetic and non-magnetic fractions. The non-magnetic fraction is dominated by the lithic lag whereas the magnetic fraction is dominated by pisoid lag.The magnetic and non-magnetic components of the 2–11 mm lag fraction, milled to < 75 μm and subjected to HF-HNO3-HClO4 attack, give rise to distinct geochemical patterns at targets related to a variant of the Cobar style of Pb-Zn mineralization with variable silicification and to Zn mineralization in a swarm of quartz and carbonate veinlets. The patterns are influenced by metal source, lag type, surface chemical conditions and landtbrm. Differences in the correlation between metal contents in the magnetic and non-magnetic lag components, and between trace elements and Fe. indicate variable loss of Cu and Zn from the magnetic lag at some targets but retention of Pb. The presence of a readily cxtractable base metal component in the lag has implications for detecting anomalies in transported cover in the region.  相似文献   

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