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Using data of the extended Greenwich sunspot catalog for 1874–2006, annual average values of some quantities characterizing the latitude distribution of sunspot activity have been calculated. The quantity describing the width of the sunspot formation zone is closely correlated with the corresponding Wolf numbers. A latitude characteristic has been found that demonstrates in a particular time interval in the fourth year after the maximum of the current 11-year cycle a high correlation with the Wolf number at the maximum of the next cycle. This time interval is characterized by extreme differences between the speeds of the motion of the mean latitude and the upper boundary of the sunspot formation zone. A model displaying good stability and enabling forecasting of the amplitudes of the next 11-year cycles is constructed based on the found correlation. According to these forecasts, the activity of the next (24th) cycle will be 20–30% higher than in the previous one.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional simulations of time-dependent solar magnetogranulation are used to analyze the horizontal magnetic fields and the response of the synthesized Stokes profiles of the IR FeI λ1564.85 nm line to the magnetic fields. The 1.5-h series of MHD models used for the analyses reproduces a region of the magnetic network in the photosphere with an unsigned magnetic flux density of 192 G at the solar surface. According to the magnetic-field distribution obtained, the most probable absolute strength of the horizontal magnetic field at an optical depth of τ 5 = 1(τ 5 denotes τ at λ = 500 nm) is 50 G, while the mean value is 244 G. On average, the horizontal magnetic fields are stronger than the vertical fields to heights of about 400 km in the photosphere due to their higher density and the larger area they occupy. The maximum factor by which the horizontal fields are greater is 1.5. Strong horizontal magnetic flux tubes emerge at the surface as spots with field strengths of more than 500 G. These are smaller than granules in size, and have lifetimes of 3–6 min. They form in the photosphere due to the expulsion of magnetic fields by convective flows coming from deep subphotospheric layers. The data obtained qualitatively agree with observations with the Hinode space observatory.  相似文献   

The solar cycle can be described as a complex interaction of large-scale/global and local magnetic fields. In general, this approach agrees with the traditional dynamo scheme, although there are numerous discrepancies in the details. Integrated magnetic indices introduced earlier are studied over long time intervals, and the epochs of the main reference points of the solar cycles are refined. A hypothesis proposed earlier concerning global magnetometry and the natural scale of the cycles is verified. Variations of the heliospheric magnetic field are determined by both the integrated photospheric i(B r )ph and source surface i(B r )ss indices, however, their roles are different. Local fields contribute significantly to the photospheric index determining the total increase in the heliospheric magnetic field. The i(B r )ss index (especially the partial index ZO, which is related to the quasi-dipolar field) determines narrow extrema. These integrated indices supply us with a “passport” for reference points, making it possible to identify them precisely. A prominent dip in the integrated indices is clearly visible at the cycle maximum, resulting in the typical double-peak form (the Gnevyshev dip), with the succeeding maximum always being higher than the preceding maximum. At the source surface, this secondary maximum significantly exceeds the primary maximum. Using these index data, we can estimate the progression expected for the 23rd cycle and predict the dates of the ends of the 23rd and 24th cycles (the middle of 2007 and December 2018, respectively).  相似文献   

The spatial location of the surface at which most of the prominence mass is concentrated is compared with the location of the “neutral surface” where B r = 0 (B r is the magnetic field) calculated in a potential approximation using photospheric data. More than fifty prominences (filaments) observed in 1999–2003 are studied. The vertical deviations of the prominences (predominantly toward the west) correspond well to the inclination of the neutral surface. The results provide evidence for the magnetic support of filaments of opposite polarities (the magnetic-rope model).  相似文献   

The mechanism of magnetodipole braking of radio pulsars is used to calculate new values of the surface magnetic fields of neutron stars. The angles β between the spin axes and magnetic moments of the neutron stars were estimated for 376 radio pulsars using three different methods. It is shown that small inclinations of magnetic axes dominate. The equatorial magnetic fields for the considered sample of pulsars are calculated using the β values obtained. As a rule, these magnetic fields are a factor of a few higher than the corresponding values in known catalogs.  相似文献   

Equatorward deviations of coronal streamers at solar minima and poleward deviations at solar maxima are interpreted as the effects of changes in the general topology of the global solar magnetic field. The streamer axis is located on the neutral surface of the radial magnetic field B r = 0, and the neutral surfaces deviate toward the field null points. The magnetic configuration with a null point (line) located at the equator is typical for the solar minima, while the null points are located on the rotational axis of the Sun at the solar maxima.  相似文献   

We study the twist properties of photospheric magnetic fields in solar active regions using magnetographic data on 422 active regions obtained at the Huairou Solar Observing Station in 1988–1997. We calculate the mean twist (force-free field αf) of the active regions and compare it with the mean current-helicity density of these same active regions, h c =B ·(?×B). The latitude and longitude distributions and time dependence of these quantities is analyzed. These parameters represent two different tracers of the α effect in dynamo theory, so we might expect them to possess similar properties. However, apart from differences in their definitions, they also display differences associated with the technique used to recalculate the magnetographic data and with their different physical meanings. The distributions of the mean αf and h c both show hemispherical asymmetry—negative (positive) values in the northern (southern) hemisphere—although this tendency is stronger for h c. One reason for these differences may be the averaging procedure, when twists of opposite sign in regions with weak fields make a small contribution to the mean current-helicity density. Such transequatorial regularity is in agreement with the expectations of dynamo theory. In some active regions, the average αf and h c do not obey this transequatorial rule. As a whole, the mean twist of the magnetic fields αf of active regions does not vary significantly with the solar cycle. Active regions that do not follow the general behavior for αf do not show any appreciable tendency to cluster at certain longitudes, in contrast to results for h c noted in previous studies. We analyze similarities and differences in the distributions of these two quantities. We conclude that using only one of these tracers, such as αf, to search for signatures of the α effect can have disadvantages, which should be taken into account in future studies.  相似文献   

The magnetic-field structure in solar active regions outside spots is studied. The line-of-sight fields were measured using the new Crimean digital magnetograph in three spectral lines—Fe I 5253 Å, Fe II 5234 Å, and Ti I 5193 Å. Observations in the Fe II 5234 Å line indicate systematically higher field strengths than those in the Fe I 5253 Å line. The magnetic fluxes in 2″ elements are ~4.3×1018 Mx, ~4.6×1018 Mx, and ~6.2×1018 Mx according to the Fe I 5253 Å, Ti I 5193 Å, and FeII 5234 Å observations, respectively. Elements 2″–8″ in size make the largest contribution to the magnetic fluxes of active regions outside spots.  相似文献   

The signature of 11 X-class solar flares that occurred during the ascending half of the present subdued solar cycle 24 from 2009 to 2013 on the ionosphere over the low- and mid-latitude station, Dibrugarh (27.5°N, 95°E; magnetic latitude 17.6°N), are examined. Total electron content (TEC) data derived from Global Positioning System satellite transmissions are used to study the effect of the flares on the ionosphere. A nonlinear significant correlation (R2 = 0.86) has been observed between EUV enhancement (ΔEUV) and corresponding enhancement in TEC (ΔTEC). This nonlinearity is triggered by a rapid increase in ΔTEC beyond the threshold value ~1.5 (×1010 ph cm?2 s?1) in ΔEUV. It is also found that this nonlinear relationship between TEC and EUV flux is driven by a similar nonlinear relationship between flare induced enhancement in X-ray and EUV fluxes. The local time of occurrence of the flares determines the magnitude of enhancement in TEC for flares originating from nearly similar longitudes on the solar disc, and hence proximity to the central meridian alone may not play the dominating role. Further, the X-ray peak flux, when corrected for the earth zenith angle effect, did not improve the correlation between ΔX-ray and ΔTEC.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the temporal and spectral characteristics of high-energy (E>30 MeV) gamma-ray emission from solar flares in the 22nd solar-activity cycle obtained in the Gamma-1 experiment. The powerful flares of March 26, June 15, and October 27, 1991, are examined, as well as the weaker events of October 29 and December 8, 1991. Two emission phases are revealed in these flares: an active phase with individual, short bursts of radiation and a slow phase without such bursts. A qualitative scenario for the development of a solar gamma-ray flare is presented, based on the common temporal and spectral features of the observed flares and of simulation results.  相似文献   

The magnetic field of the Baikal rift zone differs both from that of adjacent territories and from oceanic rifts in its character and intensity. There is no strip-like structure of the field in Baikal. It is assumed that the thickness of the magnetic anomaly-generating layer in this region is small, due to a high thermal gradient in the crust. Basic intrusions are predicted at depths up to 18 km. There is evidence of instability in the geothermal field.  相似文献   

The shift between the solar activity cycles in the northern and southern hemispheres of the Sun is studied using data on sunspot number and area. The data obtained are compared with archival information on episodes of appreciable solar-cycle asymmetry. The small phase shift between recent activity cycles in the northern and southern solar hemispheres differs considerably from the shift for episodes of appreciable deviations from dipolar symmetry in the sunspot distribution detected with various degrees of confidence in archival astronomical data from the 17th–19th centuries. The current time shift between the hemispheres is insignificant, about 6–7 months. This shift has changed its sign twice in recent solar history; this probably corresponds to more or less periodic variations with a timescale close to the duration of the Gleissberg cycle.  相似文献   

Long period variations in the occurrence of prolonged intervals of calm magnetic field conditions are studied using index Ap of magnetic activity. The solar-cycle variation in occurrence is compared with the sunspot number. Anomalous behaviour for solar cycle 20, observed in other solar parameters, are shown to be manifested in the occurrence frequency of quiet intervals. Spectral characteristics of occurrence indicates a dominant long period variation of about 30 years and a more feeble 11-year oscillation  相似文献   

It is shown that the meridional drift of large-scale fields starts in the equatorial zone and continues over 15–16 yrs (16–17 according to another estimate), i.e., during three fourths of the 22-year cycle. There is an abrupt retardation of the drift at latitudes of 30°–50°, and a stagnation region where the drift rate does not exceed several meters per second arises. The drift becomes rapid again at higher latitudes. The stagnation region coincides with the area in which the radial gradient of the rotational velocity is close to zero in the convective zone. This drift is compared with helio-seismological data on the rotation in the convective zone. A model taking into account some elements of dynamo theory is proposed.  相似文献   

The behavior of the electric-current and magnetic helicities in the course of the solar-activity cycle is studied in the framework of Parker’s very simple model for the solar dynamo. A polarity rule is formulated for the helicities, which generalizes the well-known Hale polarity rule.  相似文献   

The stability of a toroidal magnetic field in the rotating radiation zone of a star is analyzed to estimate the maximum possible magnitude of relic fields. Equations for small perturbations are obtained taking into account the finite diffusivity and the stabilizing effect of the subadiabatic stratification. The numerical solution of the eigenvalue problem indicates that the threshold field strength for the onset of instability in the radiation zone of the Sun is about 600 G. This figure sets an upper bound for the strength of the relic field. The assumption that magnetic instabilities are present in the solar radiation zone disagrees with the observed abundance of lithium. Our analysis of joint stability of toroidal field and nonuniform rotation shows that two-dimensional MHD solutions for the solar tachocline are stable against three-dimensional perturbations.  相似文献   

Pipin  V. V. 《Astronomy Reports》2004,48(5):418-432
Astronomy Reports - The effect of large-scale magnetic fields generated by the solar dynamo on the irradiance of the Sun and stratification of the solar convection zone is studied using a numerical...  相似文献   

The study of tectonic sliding surfaces (hereafter, slickensides) and striae, as well as strike-slip echelons of quartz streaks, in the Kiselevka fault zone made it possible to reconstruct four groups of stress fields with a wide age range (from the Paleocene to Recent). The meridional compression and latitudinal extension of the earliest stress field promoted the left-lateral displacement along the Kiselevka fault. The fault activation in that period was accompanied by the final-phase magmatite formation in the East Sikhote-Alin volcanoplutonic belt. In contrast, the subsequent stress field of the sublatitudinal compression and submeridional extension changed the fault kinematics to right-lateral strike-slip ones. The origin and development of the Udyl intermontane depression is linked to these deformations. Upthrow deformations complicated the structure of the Udyl depression, whereas normal fault deformations produced the depression of Lake Udyl and the bays along the left bank of the Amur River.  相似文献   

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