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为研究不同波浪环境下,水底浮泥层产生泥沙悬扬后其浓度的分布特性,使用浊度计测定浊度的方法确定水体中泥沙的浓度,并在水槽实验中改变水深、浮泥厚度及造波机的频率和振幅,观察水槽中悬浮泥沙浓度的变化情况,获得水深、波浪频率、波幅以及浮泥厚度对底床泥沙悬扬的影响,分析泥沙浓度的垂向分布特征等。实验结果显示,水深对底床泥沙悬扬的影响最为显著,其他实验参数的影响均不十分显著。同时,通过垂向输沙平衡的分析,得到一个可描述泥沙垂向浓度分布的理论公式,并利用水槽实验结果进行验证。对比结果显示,理论公式所得曲线与实验结果曲线变化趋势一致,部分工况下,理论值稍稍偏大。  相似文献   

粤东后江湾近岸带风-浪-流联合作用下的泥沙输运   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在现场观测资料分析基础上,应用波-流联合输沙模型,对粤东后江岬间海湾近岸带净环流、泥沙输运作用加以模拟分析,结果表明,东北东向风是形成近岸西南向净环流的主要驱动力,波浪控制了海底泥沙再悬浮和底质推移输运的过程,从而形成海湾海底地形以东北部侵蚀为主、西南部以淤积为主的发展趋势.  相似文献   

实施人工岬角和海滩养护的软硬措施相结合的方法是探索解决海滩侵蚀问题的新举措之一。基于验证良好的水动力模型建立了泥沙输运和海床演变模型,对秦皇岛市新开河口至南山岸线海滩经整治修复工程实施后的泥沙输运和海床演变规律进行模拟分析。结果表明:大潮与常浪耦合作用下,研究区域周围海域流速整体上落急时刻大于涨急时刻,沙坝掩护水域的流速较弱,波浪在沙坝处增强并在沙坝后破碎并减弱;在沙坝处出现高悬沙浓度区域,悬沙浓度分布主要由底床切应力控制,部分受水动力影响。大潮与强浪耦合作用下,在沙坝处出现远大于常浪时的增强水流(波生流),方向与强浪向一致,波浪在沙坝处已破碎且沙坝对强浪的削减效率大于常浪;与常浪作用下不同,悬沙浓度场在强浪作用下沙坝处没有出现明显的高浓度区域。波流耦合作用下,人工岬角单独存在时护岸效果有限,工程实施后在人工岬角和人工沙坝的配合下,沙坝处侵蚀而沙坝后侧掩护区域淤积,沙坝起到了有效养护海滩的作用。  相似文献   

探讨SPAR平台在波流组合作用下的运动响应机理。运用Matlab程序分析了SPAR平台产生内共振的运动过程,运用刚体动力学理论建立了平台垂荡-纵摇耦合方程,对波流共同作用下Spar平台的垂荡、纵摇运动进行数值模拟,结果表明:流的加入对于内共振的影响并不明显;同时采用AQWA软件研究了流的加入对于纵荡二阶慢漂力的影响,研究发现,当波流同向时能大大增加Spar平台的纵荡运动,而波流反向时却能明显削弱纵荡运动。本文研究成果对于指导深海浮式结构设计开发具有一定的理论借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Simplified equations of fluid mud motion, which is described as Bingham-Plastic model under waves and currents, are presented by order analysis. The simplified equations are non-linear ordinary differential equations which are solved by hybrid numerical-analytical technique. As the computational cost is very low, the effects of wave current parameters and fluid mud properties on the transportation velocity of the fluid mud are studied systematically. It is found that the fluid mud can move toward one direction even if the shear stress acting on the fluid mud bed is much smaller than the fluid mud yield stress under the condition of wave and current coexistence. Experiments of the fluid mud motion under current with fluctuation water surface are carried out. The fluid mud transportation velocity predicted by the presented mathematical model can roughly match that measured in experiments.  相似文献   

研究了深水铰接塔平台在波流联合作用下的组合共振特性。将平台顶部工作单元简化为集中质量,塔柱和浮力仓简化为均匀直杆,建立了铰接塔平台运动分析模型。考虑海流和波浪对平台的作用,应用Morison公式计算铰接塔平台瞬时位置所受水动力,依据拉格朗日原理建立了铰接塔平台的强非线性运动方程。分别考虑波浪作用和波流联合作用,采用数值计算方法,计算了高400m、塔柱直径15m的浮力塔平台的多种组合共振响应。研究表明,波浪作用下平台将出现2vm+vn组合共振,波流联合作用下平台将出现vm+vn组合共振、2vm+vn组合共振。  相似文献   

根据杭州湾、长江口流场和物质输运的特点,引进正交曲线网络版本ECOM模型,并对斜压梯度力和物质对流扩散的计算作了改进,建立了一个以杭州湾和长江口为整体的三维联合模型,用于潮流、余流和物质运输的计算和研究。  相似文献   

针对我国南海某岛礁珊瑚砂地基上的圆形桩基础,采用N-S方程k-ε模型、双向耦合方式跟踪流场中颗粒运动轨迹的方法,对桩周珊瑚砂的冲刷规律进行了求解,分析了桩体周围流体的速度场以及桩体表面剪应力场的分布规律,同时对桩周珊瑚砂冲刷坑的形成过程进行了模拟。计算结果表明,在桩体周围形成的马蹄形漩涡和桩柱后方的尾涡作用下,桩周土体出现了较为明显的冲刷现象,涡旋的释放显著地影响着珊瑚砂地基上桩基的冲刷坑形状;而且,由于珊瑚砂颗粒密度较石英砂小,水动力作用下桩周冲刷坑更容易形成,所以实际工程中需要考虑有效的防护措施。  相似文献   

波-流联合作用场中流的等效作用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董艳秋  杨春晖 《海洋学报》1999,21(4):106-113
针对波-流相互作用问题中的流速沿水深非线性分布的水流处理方法问题,提出了“等效均匀流”概念和相应理论,使非线性分布的水流作用等效为相应的均匀流作用,从而使问题大大简化.无论是二维顺、逆流问题还是三维波一流斜交折射问题,非均匀流都可以基于本文方法和理论予以近似处理,以采用等效均匀流概念计算的小尺度垂直桩桩的波一流联合作用力计算为例,对该理论和方法的应用作了初步的探讨和验证.  相似文献   

稳定分层剪切流动湍流特性的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国沿海经济的迅猛发展,近海海域遭到越来越严重的污染,使海域环境质量明显下降,生态环境日趋恶化,并对生物资源和人体健康产生有害影响.海洋分层环境特征对各类污染物作用的机理和污染物扩散规律研究,对精确预报海洋灾害的发生、发展和应该采取何种防灾减灾工程措施等具有重要意义.海洋中广泛存在密度分层现象,它可由温度分层也可由盐度分层引起.分层流可分为两种类型:一是密度不同的流体有明显的内部分界面,此时我们可以把它看成一个二流体系统(two-layer system),二流体系统中海洋内波问题已有广泛的研究[1~6];二是密度不同的流体相互掺混形成连续密度梯度分层流.  相似文献   

The propagation characteristics of fluid mud turbidity currents were investigated experimentally and theoretically. Parameterizations for propagation phase transition times from slumping to self-similar and self-similar to viscous phases are proposed. Predictive capabilities of different mathematical models that fall into three different modeling approaches (force-balance, box, shallow water) were evaluated for fluid mud turbidity current propagation using our experimental observations. For the slumping and self-similar phases, the box and force-balance models showed superior predictive capabilities than the one-layer shallow water models with deep ambient condition. Fluid mud turbidity currents have a non-Newtonian rheology and their transition and propagation characteristics in the viscous phase differ vastly from the Newtonian currents. We derived and presented a viscous force-balance expression for the propagation of a non-Newtonian power-law fluid current. We then experimentally evaluated the predictive capability of this force-balance and the viscous shallow water model by Di Federico et al. (2006). Both models' predictions are observed to be in notably good agreement with the experimental data. The results of this study are expected to be useful for preliminary swift calculations of the fluid mud turbidity current propagation characteristics as well as in deciding whether more detailed calculations at the expense of complexity are required.  相似文献   

Using an irregularly oscillating tray and flume,a series of experiments are completed to evaluate bed-load sediment transport rate under irregular wave-current coexistent fild.Testing conditions include three interaction angles 0°,45°,90° and two kinds of median sizes (0.38 and 1.10 mm).The results of transport rate show that the net sediment transport rate can be expressed approximately as the function of the maximum bottom shear stress of waves,mean shear stress of current and the grain size.  相似文献   

伶仃洋出海航道前后5次大规模的浮泥观测表明,航道中曾普遍发现浮泥层,但近期分布范围有所缩小;浮泥层厚一般在0.1~0.6 m之间,层厚较大的分布区主要集中在航道北段深槽区。根据浮泥分布的多年变化与洪、枯季变化分析,浮泥主要分布在航道深槽内且洪季浮泥层厚度与范围明显比枯季大,表明水动力条件相对较弱和较为丰富的细颗粒泥沙来源是浮泥形成的重要条件;浮泥层由于具有易流动性和可塑性,其形成位置、厚度与长度受潮汐作用影响明显而具有周期性变化。  相似文献   

长江口北槽浮泥周期性变化初探   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
蒋国俊  姚炎明 《海洋学报》2006,28(2):135-139
根据2000年长江口北槽浮泥的实测资料,分析浮泥厚度和体积等几何尺度随时间的变化,发现长江口北槽浮泥存在日、半月和年际三种周期变化;日周期的变化受潮流动力周期的控制,这是由潮流冲刷浮泥形成的悬沙并再絮凝沉积造成的;半月周期的变化受潮流半月周期变化引起的泥沙供给量的变化控制;年周期的变化主要是由影响细颗粒泥沙絮凝沉积的长江口水温的年度变化所控制,泥沙供给和动力的年周期变化也有一定的影响.  相似文献   

Mud volcanoes, mud cones, and mud ridges have been identified on the inner portion of the crestal area, and possibly on the inner escarpment, of the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex. Four areas containing one or more mud diapirs have been investigated through bathymetric profiling, single channel seismic reflection profiling, heat flow measurements, and coring. A sequence of events is identified in the evolution of the mud diapirs: initially the expulsion on the seafloor of gasrich mud produces a seafloor depression outlined in the seismic record by downward dip of the host sediment reflectors towards the mud conduit; subsequent eruptions of fluid mud may create a flat topped mud volcano with step-like profile; finally, the intrusion of viscous mud produces a mud cone.The origin of the diapirs is deep within the Mediterranean Ridge. Although a minimum depth of about 400 m below the seafloor has been computed from the hydrostatic balance between the diapiric sediments and the host sediments, a maximum depth, suggested by geometric considerations, ranges between 5.3 and 7 km. The presence of thermogenic gas in the diapiric sediments suggests a better constrained origin depth of at least 2.2 km.The heat flow measured within the Olimpi mud diapir field and along a transect orthogonal to the diapiric field is low, ranging between 16 ± 5 and 41 ± 6 mW m–2. Due to the presence of gas, the thermal conductivity of the diapiric sediments is lower than that of the host hemipelagic oozes (0.6–0.9 and 1.0–1.15 W m–1 K–1 respectively).We consider the distribution of mud diapirs to be controlled by the presence of tectonic features such as reverse faults or thrusts (inner escarpment) that develop where the thickness of the Late Miocene evaporites appears to be minimum. An upward migration through time of the position of the décollement within the stratigraphic column from the Upper Oligocene (diapiric sediments) to the Upper Miocene (present position) is identified.  相似文献   

潜器在水下发射火箭时会产生复杂的运动变化,对其研究很有实际意义。参照格特勒运动方程,建立潜器运动的非线性数学模型。导入实验模型的参数,对其六自由度基本运动进行了仿真,并与水池实验结果相比较,验证了仿真模型的有效性。导入发射火箭时潜器受到的完整载荷,计算分析了不同航速下潜器的运动响应和运动控制。结果表明,发射载荷对潜器运动将产生较长时间的显著影响,包括速度损失、升沉运动和纵倾角振荡。航速越小,运动变化越大,恢复所需时间越长,控制越困难。  相似文献   

椒江河口浮泥的分布和调整   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
应用光学和声学泥沙剖面监测系统,进行1991、1994和1995年3个航次的椒江河口最大混浊带纵横剖面和时间剖面观测.在受控于潮流和径流对比条件的周期性调整基础上,椒江河口浮泥层还表现出非主流聚集趋向和洼地聚集趋向,促使最大混浊带保持对边界条件十分敏感的泥沙储库.  相似文献   

研究两层流体中Spar平台在内波作用下的运动响应问题。在线性势流理论框架,提出在内波作用下Spar平台运动响应及分段式悬链线系泊张力特性的计算方法。数值分析两层流体内界面位置、入射内波的波长以及系泊索初始预张力对Spar平台运动响应及其系泊索张力特性的影响规律,结果表明内波对Spar平台纵摇运动响应的影响是小的,但对Spar平台纵荡与垂荡运动响应及其系泊索张力的影响是不可忽视的。因此,在Spar平台的设计中,考虑内波的影响是重要的。  相似文献   

The benthic boundary layer transport (bblt) model was developed to assess potential impact zones from drilling mud discharges from offshore oil and gas drilling. The model focuses on the drift, dispersion and concentration levels of the suspended fraction of the drilling mud fines in the benthic boundary layer with the assumption of a spatially homogeneous environment. The current version of the model includes a wave boundary layer, a breakup module for drilling mud flocs, a dose–response module for scallops, and a graphical user interface (GUI). The GUI was written in Java which makes the code largely platform independent. Simulations of suspended barite concentration near Sable Island on the Scotian Shelf during drilling in the fall of 1999 reproduce the very low concentrations (generally less than 1 μg L−1) observed during the Environmental Effects Monitoring program. However, the simulations also exhibited concentrations in excess of the no-effects concentration for scallops (100 μg L−1) prior to the sampling program. The model estimates that the potential impact on scallops in the vicinity of the drilling is a few days of lost growth over scales of a few kilometers.  相似文献   

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