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中国区域陆面覆盖变化的气候效应模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于MODIS和CLCV陆面覆盖资料,利用区域气候模式RegCM4分别进行两组24年(1978-2001年)的数值模拟试验,研究中国区域陆面覆盖变化对区域气候的影响。结果表明,以荒漠化和植被退化为主要特征的陆面覆盖变化通过改变陆面能量、水分平衡与大尺度环流进而对气候要素产生重要影响。夏季,中国南方地区普遍降温,季风边缘区及藏北高原气温升高,降水减少;季风边缘区与西北地区气温年际波动加剧;内蒙古中东部地区西南风增强,进而水汽输送增强,一定程度上增加了该地区降水。冬季,中国东部地区偏北气流增强,更多干燥冷空气南下,使得黄河以南地区降水减少、气温降低。  相似文献   

四川气候变化对淡水资源的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李漱芳 《四川气象》1999,19(2):26-33
淡水资源是人类赖以生存的重要物质,它最主要的来源是大气降水。我们在调查了四川水资源现有状况的基础上,根据大量气象资料的分析和研究,揭示出近50年四川气候的特点及气候变化的规律性,提出了未来50年四川气候趋势预测及其对淡水资源的影响,并从气象科学的角度提出若干对策和建议,供决策参考。  相似文献   

淡水资源是人类赖以生存的重要物质,它最主要的来源是大气降水.我们在调查了四川水资源现有状况的基础上,根据大量气象资料的分析和研究,揭示出近50年四川气候的特点及气候变化的规律性,提出了未来50年四川气候趋势预测及其对淡水资源的影响,并从气象科学的角度提出若干对策和建议,供决策参考.  相似文献   

气候变化对作物产量影响的动态统计评价模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
顾节经 《气象》1995,21(4):50-53
气候变化对作物产量影响的动态统计评价模式,主要是运用积分回归原理,探索作物生育期内以旬为时间单位的气候变化对作物产量形成的影响规律。由于该模式能及时连续地进行气候影响评价,使评价工作能直接的为农业生产进行跟踪服务。在建模过程中引用了三项式产量预报模型、特殊影响因子诊断分析和选取最佳积分因归方程等方法,并在试用中取得了较满意的结果。  相似文献   

A model to calculate the water balance of a hummocky sedge fen in the northern Hudson Bay Lowland is presented. The model develops the potential latent heat flux (evaporation) as a function of net radiation and atmospheric temperature. It is about equally sensitive to a 2% change in net radiation and a 1°C change in temperature. The modelled potential evaporation agrees well with the Priestley–Taylor formulation of evaporation under conditions of a non-limiting water supply. The actual evaporative heat flux is modelled by expressing actual/potential evaporation as a function of potential accumulated water deficit. Model evaporation agrees well with energy balance calculations using 7 years of measured data including wet and dry extremes. Water deficit is defined as the depth of water below reservoir capacity. Modelled water table changes concur with measurements taken over a 4 year period. When net radiation, temperature and precipitation measurements are available the water balance can be projected to longer time periods. Over a 30 year interval (1965–1994) the water balance of the sedge fen showed the following. During the growing season, there was an increase in precipitation, no change in temperature and a decrease in net radiation, evapotranspiration and water deficit. There was also a decrease in winter snow depths. The fen was brought back to reservoir capacity during final snowmelt every year but one. Summer rainfall was the most important single factor affecting the water balance and the ratio actual/potential evaporation emerged as a linear function of rainfall amount. A 2 × CO2 climate warming scenario with an annual temperature increase of 4°C and no precipitation change indicates lesser snow amounts and a shorter snow cover period. A greater summer water deficit, triggered mainly by greater evaporation during the month of May, is partially alleviated by lesser evaporation magnitudes in July. The greater water deficit would be counterbalanced by a 23% increase in summer rainfall. On average, the fen's water reservoir would still be recharged after winter snowmelt but the ground would remain at reservoir capacity for a shorter time. The warming scenario with a 10% decline in summer rainfall would create a large increase in the longevity and severity of the water deficit and this would be particularly evident during drier years. The carbon budget and peat accumulation and breakdown rates are strongly affected by changes in the water balance. Some evidence implies that greater water deficits lead to an increase in net carbon emissions. This implies that the sedge peatland could lose biomass under such conditions. An example is given where increased water deficit results in large decreases in local wetland streamflow.  相似文献   

环青海湖地区气候变化及其对湖泊水位的影响   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:32  
分析青海湖地区1961~2000年气象观测资料得出:年和四季的气温、地表蒸发以及年和夏季、冬季降水变化的气候倾向率均为正值;而春季、秋季降水变化的气候倾向率为负值。气温升高、地表蒸发加大的趋势比较显著,而降水增多的趋势不显著且年代际变化比较大,气温、地表蒸发等气象要素有向暖干化过渡的趋势,这种暖干化趋势是造成青海湖水位下降的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

河南气候变化对水资源的影响及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了近50年来河南气候变化的基本特点及气候变化对地表、地下水资源和农业旱涝灾害发生频次、强度的影响,并根据多模式预测结果,对未来30年气候情景下河南水资源的供需状况进行了展望和评估。  相似文献   

Roy Darwin 《Climatic change》1999,41(3-4):371-411
During the past few years two new methods, each based on the analogous region concept, have been developed to account for farmer adaptation in response to global climatic change. The first, called 'Ricardian' by Mendelsohn, Nordhaus, and Shaw (1994), econometrically estimates the impact of climatic and other variables on the value of farm real estate. Under some conditions, estimates of climate-induced changes in farm real estate capture first-round adaptations by farmers and represent the economic value of climatic change on agriculture. The second method, promulgated by Darwin et al. (1994) in the Future Agricultural Resources Model (FARM), uses a geographic information system to empirically link climatically derived land classes with other inputs and agricultural outputs in an economic model of the world. FARM provides estimates of economic impacts that fully account for all responses by economic agents under global climate change as well as estimates of Ricardian rents. The primary objective of this analysis is to evaluate how well changes in Ricardian rents measure agricultural or other effects of climatic change after all economic agents around the world have responded. Results indicate that changes in Ricardian rents on agricultural land are poor quantitative, but good qualitative, measures of how global climatic change is likely to affect the welfare of agricultural landowners, if one recognizes that increases in Ricardian rents actually indicate losses in landowner welfare and vice versa. Results also indicate that regional changes in Ricardian rents on all land are good qualitative measures of changes in regional welfare. They are poor quantitative welfare measures because they systematically overestimate both benefits and losses and are on average upwardly biased because inflated benefits are larger than exaggerated losses. Results also indicate that, when based on existing land-use patterns, changes in Ricardian rents on all the world's land are poor quantitative and qualitative measures of changes in world welfare. Despite these shortcomings, changes in Ricardian rents can provide useful information when other measures are not available. In this analysis, for example, estimated changes in Ricardian rents on all land indicate that climatic change would likely have detrimental effects in Latin America and Africa, beneficial effects in the former Soviet Union, and either detrimental or beneficial impacts in eastern and northern Europe and western and southern Asia. This is consistent with previous studies showing that climatic change would likely have detrimental, beneficial, and mixed effects on economic welfare in, respectively, equatorial, high latitude, and temperate areas. Estimated changes in Ricardian rents also indicate that aggregating Africa, Latin America, the former Soviet Union, eastern and northern Europe, and western and southern Asia into one region causes FARM's economic model to generate upwardly biased changes in world welfare. Modified results from scenarios with moderately flexible land-use change and which account for current land-use patterns indicate that world welfare may increase if the average surface land temperature does not increase by more than 1.0 or 2.0°C. If the average surface land temperature increases by 3.0°C or more, however, then world welfare may decline.  相似文献   

利用从江县1981~2005年5~10月逐日温度、降水、蒸发及持续降雨日数等气候资料,对气候变化诱发椪柑果树发生黄龙病病害进行研究。结果表明,5月下旬旬平均气温和6月上、中旬旬平均气温超过27℃、5月下旬至6月各旬降水蒸发差为正值以及持续降雨日数超过5天是椪柑夏梢发生黄龙病病害的主要因子,5月上、中旬旬平均温度、旬降水蒸发差对黄龙病病害发生的影响不明显。春末夏初高温高湿是椪柑果树夏梢发生黄龙病病害的重要条件。  相似文献   

利用济源1961-2006年逐日降水资料,分析了济源市强降水时空分布特征,结果表明:从20世纪80年代后期到2000年,济源市日降水量≥25.0 mm的大雨及≥50.0 mm的暴雨日数呈逐渐减少趋势;进入2000年以后,日降水量>25.0 mm的大雨日数、≥50.0 mm的暴雨日数频率波动较大,≥100.0 mm的大暴雨日数有所增加.  相似文献   

未来50年中国气候变化趋势的初步研究   总被引:30,自引:4,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
文章比较了各种气候模式对温室效应的估计,及其可能对中国气候的影响。分析和预测了太阳活动与火山活动的长期变化,在此基础上估计了未来可能产生的自然气候变化。结果表明,在未来50年中太阳活动和火山活动均可能使气候变冷。因此,可能在一定程度上抵消因温室效应加剧而产生的变暖。但在2010年之后,温室效应可能逐步占据主导地位,到2030年全球平均气温可能比1961~1990年平均上升0.6℃以上,东亚地区的增温,可能比全球平均稍强。气候变暖后,东亚地区降水可能增加。但在我国北方,夏季干旱程度可能加大。  相似文献   

The impacts of year-to-year and decade-to-decade climatic variations on some of the Pacific Northwest's key natural resources can be quantified to estimate sensitivity to regional climatic changes expected as part of anthropogenic global climatic change. Warmer, drier years, often associated with El Niño events and/or the warm phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, tend to be associated with below-average snowpack, streamflow, and flood risk, below-average salmon survival, below-average forest growth, and above-average risk of forest fire. During the 20th century, the region experienced a warming of 0.8 °C. Using output from eight climate models, we project a further warming of 0.5–2.5 °C (central estimate 1.5 °C) by the 2020s, 1.5–3.2°C (2.3 °C) by the 2040s, and an increase in precipitation except in summer. The foremost impact of a warming climate will be the reduction of regional snowpack, which presently supplies water for ecosystems and human uses during the dry summers. Our understanding of past climate also illustrates the responses of human management systems to climatic stresses, and suggests that a warming of the rate projected would pose significant challenges to the management of natural resources. Resource managers and planners currently have few plans for adapting to or mitigating the ecological and economic effects of climatic change.  相似文献   

未来气候变化对东北玉米品种布局的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为探求未来气候变化对我国东北玉米品种布局的影响,基于玉米生产潜力和气候资源利用率,结合区域气候模式输出的2011—2099年RCP_4.5,RCP_8.5两种气候背景气象资料和1961—2010年我国东北地区91个气象站的观测数据,分析了未来气候变化情况下,东北玉米品种布局、生产潜力、气候资源利用率的时空变化。结果表明:未来东北地区玉米可种植边界北移东扩,南部为晚熟品种,新扩展区域以早熟品种为主,不能种植区域减少。未来玉米生产潜力为南高北低,增加速率均高于历史情景,水分适宜度最低,而历史情景下温度是胁迫玉米生产的关键因子。未来东北玉米对气候资源利用率整体下降,其中RCP8.5情景利用率最低。  相似文献   

华南春季温度气候变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘传凤  高波  田辉 《气象》2001,27(5):19-24
利用我国华南3省24个站1951-1995年2-4月的平均气温资料分析该地区春季低温的气候特征,发现有6个严重低温年:1957、1968、1969、1984、1985和1988年。1968年最为严重。严重低温主要发生在3月和4月。福建的低温较频繁,广西的低温较严重。华南春季低温年际变化有明显的阶段性,809年代低温频繁,90年代低温最少,其它年代低温频数大体相当。春季低温和高温年份,亚洲中高纬度大气环流、西太平洋热带高压以及太平洋热带海洋状况都有显著的差异。华南春季低温与亚洲极涡、纬向环流指数、西太平洋副热带高压北界位置及太平洋暖池的海表温度等因子关系密切。  相似文献   

Climatic Change in Mountain Regions: A Review of Possible Impacts   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
This paper addresses a number of issues related to current and future climatic change and its impacts on mountain environments and economies, focusing on the `Mountain Regions' Chapter 13 of Agenda 21, a basis document presented at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, and the International Year of the Mountains (IYM) 2002. The awareness that mountain regions are an important component of the earth's ecosystems, in terms of the resources and services that they provide to both mountain communities and lowland residents, has risen in the intervening decade. Based upon the themes outlined in the supporting documents for IYM, this paper will provide a succinct review of a number of sectors that warrant particular attention, according to IYM. These sectors include water resources, ecosystems and biological diversity, natural hazards, health issues, and tourism. A portfolio of research and policy options are discussed in the concluding section, as a summary of what the IYM and other concerned international networks consider to be the priority for mountain environmental protection, capacity building, and response strategies in the face of climatic change in the short to medium term future.  相似文献   

本研究在对SWAT模型进行参数化的基础上,采用淮河干流吴家渡和鲁台子水文控制站1971-1990年和1991-2014年的月径流观测数据对SWAT模型进行了率定和验证。模拟效果评估结果显示:不论是率定期还是验证期,Nash-Sutcliffe系数Ens和确定系数R2均>0.8,相对误差Re<1%,模型能够较好地再现月尺度的降雨-径流过程。淮河中上游年径流深线性变化趋势不明显,但子流域空间差异显著,径流深上游及南部呈线性减小趋势,其他子流域呈增大趋势。从年水量平衡要素来看,蒸散量和渗漏量对水量平衡贡献最大。主成分分析表明,平均气温、降水量及蒸散量是淮河中上游水文要素变化的关键因子。剔除人为因素的影响,1971-2014年淮河中上游地区水资源量呈减少趋势,这可能是年平均气温升高、年降 水量略有减少以及年蒸散量减少综合作用的结果。本文研究成果可为淮河中上游水资源管理和相关政策的制定提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

In addition to objective climatic data, subjective or social reactions can also serve as indicators in the assessment of climatic changes. Concerning the Little Ice Age the conception of witchcraft is of enormous importance. Weather-making counts among the traditional abilities of witches. During the late 14th and 15th centuries the traditional conception of witchcraft was transformed into the idea of a great conspiracy of witches, to explain "unnatural" climatic phenomena. Because of their dangerous nature, particularly their ability to generate hailstorms, the very idea of witches was the subject of controversial discussion around 1500. The beginnings of meteorology and its emphasis of "natural" reasons in relationship to the development of weather must be seen against the background of this demoniacal discussion. The resurgence of the Little Ice Age revealed the susceptibility of society. Scapegoat reactions may be observed by the early 1560s even though climatologists, thus far, have been of the opinion that the cooling period did not begin until 1565. Despite attempts of containment, such as the calvinistic doctrine of predestination, extended witch-hunts took place at the various peaks of the Little Ice Age because a part of society held the witches directly responsible for the high frequency of climatic anomalies and the impacts thereof. The enormous tensions created in society as a result of the persecution of witches demonstrate how dangerous it is to discuss climatic change under the aspects of morality.  相似文献   

祁连山区夏季总云量的气候变化与异常研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用祁连山区周围34个测站的1961-2000年6—8月总云量资料,采用EOF、REOF、谱分析等方法,分析了40a来祁连山附近夏季总云量的空间异常特征和时间变化规律。结果表明:EOF的前3个主成分的累积方差占总方差的78%左右,可以较好地反映夏季总云量整体异常结构,即主体一致型、东南和西北变化相反型、东北和西南变化相反型。REOF的前3个主成分的累积方差占总方差的74%左右,前3个载荷向量场可以较好地代表夏季总云量的3个主要异常敏感区:祁连高原区、祁连东南区,河西走廊东部区,其相应的代表站是野牛沟、永登和民勤站。用代表站的资料分析3个异常区总云量的时间变化,其演变具有不同的趋势,但有相同的20a和10a周期。  相似文献   

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