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成矿系统是在深部过程驱动下形成的、具有自组织的能量及物质迁移-汇聚系统。系统在形成和演化过程中,在岩石圈不同尺度上留下“痕迹”,这种“痕迹”可以通过地球物理、地球化学和遥感等方法进行探测或观测。文章尝试在成矿系统理论框架下,对近10多年来在长江中下游成矿带进行的多尺度地球物理、地球化学探测结果进行分析,识别典型陆内成矿系统“源区”“通道”“场所”的地球物理、地球化学“痕迹”,尝试构建陆内成矿系统的空间结构模型。主要结论有:(1)长江中下游晚中生代的大规模铁、铜多金属成矿作用是一个完整的成矿系统。该系统包括3个子系统,分别为与高钾钙碱性岩浆岩有关的夕卡岩-斑岩成矿子系统、与橄榄安粗岩有关的陆相火山岩铁(硫)成矿子系统和与碱性岩有关的铜-金(铀)成矿子系统。(2)成矿系统的“源区”来自富集地幔的熔融、底侵,并在壳/幔边界与下地壳物质的混合,具有多级分布特点。幔源岩浆与地壳物质混合的比例决定了成矿金属的类型。(3)成矿带发育的“鳄鱼嘴”构造是铁铜成矿系统的主干“通道”。成矿系统“末端”矿质沉淀的“场所”主要受近地表褶皱、断裂、层间滑脱断层,以及由它们形成的断裂(裂隙)网络控制。(4)区域磁异常、放射性和地球化学异常是成矿系统残留“痕迹”的响应和“标识”。通过分析不同尺度的“标识”特征,可以深入认识成矿系统的空间结构,并可用于深部成矿预测。  相似文献   

Multistage deformation events have occurred in the northeastern Jiangshao Fault (Suture) Belt. The earliest two are ductile deformation events. The first is the ca. 820 Ma top-to-the-northwest ductile thrusting, which directly resulted from the collision between the Cathaysia Old Land and the Chencai Arc (?) during the Late Neoproterozoic, and the Jiangnan Orogenic Belt that formed as the ocean closed between the Yangtze Plate and the jointed Cathaysia Old Land and the Chencai Arc due to continuous compression. The second is the ductile left-lateral strike-slipping that occurred in the latest Early Paleozoic. Since the Jinning period, all deformation events represent the reactivation or inversion of intraplate structures due to the collisions between the North China and Yangtze plates during the Triassic and between the Philippine Sea and Eurasian plates during the Cenozoic. In the Triassic, brittle right-lateral strike-slipping and subsequent top-to-the south thrusting occurred along the whole northeastern Jiangshao Fault Zone because of the collision between the North China and Yangtze plates. In the Late Mesozoic, regional extension took place across southeastern China. In the Cenozoic, the collision between the Philippine Sea and Eurasian plates resulted in brittle thrusts along the whole Jiangnan Old land in the Miocene. The Jiangshao Fault Belt is a weak zone in the crust with long history, and its reactivation is one of important characteristics of the deformation in South China; however, late-stage deformation events did not occur beyond the Jiangnan Old Land and most of them are parallel to the strike of the Old Land, which is similar to the Cenozoic deformation in Central Asia. In addition, the Jiangnan old Land is not a collisional boundary between the Yangtze Plate and Cathaysia Old Land in the Triassic.  相似文献   

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