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This article presents a method to estimate flow variables for an open channel network governed by the linearized Saint-Venant equations and subject to periodic forcing. The discharge at the upstream end of the system and the stage at the downstream end of the system are defined as the model inputs; the flow properties at selected internal locations, as well as the other external boundary conditions, are defined as the outputs. Both inputs and outputs are affected by noise and we use the model to improve the data quality. A spatially dependent transfer matrix in the frequency domain is constructed to relate the model input and output using modal decomposition. A data reconciliation technique is used to incorporate the error in the measured data and results in a set of reconciliated external boundary conditions; subsequently, the flow properties at any location in the system can be accurately estimated from the input measurements. The applicability and effectiveness of the method is demonstrated with a case study of the river flow subject to tidal forcing in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, in California. We used existing USGS sensors in place in the Delta as measurement points, and deployed our own sensors at selected locations to produce data used for the validation. The proposed method gives an accurate estimation of the flow properties at intermediate locations within the channel network.  相似文献   

The discharge hydrograph estimation in rivers based on reverse routing modeling and using only water level data at two gauged sections is here extended to the most general case of significant lateral flow contribution, without needing to deploy rainfall–runoff procedures. The proposed methodology solves the Saint‐Venant equations in diffusive form also involving the lateral contribution using a “head‐driven” modeling approach where lateral inflow is assumed to be function of the water level at the tributary junction. The procedure allows to assess the discharge hydrograph at ends of a selected river reach with significant lateral inflow, starting from the stage recorded there and without needing rainfall data. Specifically, the MAST 1D hydraulic model is applied to solve the diffusive wave equation using the observed stage hydrograph at the upstream section as upstream boundary condition. The other required data are (a) the observed stage hydrograph at the downstream section, as benchmark for the parameter calibration, and (b) the bathymetry of the river reach, from the upstream section to a short distance after the downstream gauged section. The method is validated with different flood events observed in two river reaches with a significant intermediate basin, where reliable rating curves were available, selected along the Tiber River, in central Italy, and the Alzette River, in Luxembourg. Very good performance indices are found for the computed discharge hydrographs at both the channel ends and along the tributaries. The mean Nash‐Sutcliffe value (NSq) at the channel ends of two rivers is found equal to 0.99 and 0.86 for the upstream and downstream sites, respectively. The procedure is also validated on a longer stretch of the Tiber River including three tributaries for which appreciable results are obtained in terms of NSq for the computed discharge hydrographs at both the channel ends for three investigated flood events.  相似文献   

The diffusive wave equation with inhomogeneous terms representing hydraulics with uniform or concentrated lateral inflow into a river is theoretically investigated in the current paper. All the solutions have been systematically expressed in a unified form in terms of response function or so called K-function. The integration of K-function obtained by using Laplace transform becomes S-function, which is examined in detail to improve the understanding of flood routing characters. The backwater effects usually resulting in the discharge reductions and water surface elevations upstream due to both the downstream boundary and lateral inflow are analyzed. With a pulse discharge in upstream boundary inflow, downstream boundary outflow and lateral inflow respectively, hydrographs of a channel are routed by using the S-functions. Moreover, the comparisons of hydrographs in infinite, semi-infinite and finite channels are pursued to exhibit the different backwater effects due to a concentrated lateral inflow for various channel types.  相似文献   

Most downstream hydraulic geometry exponents have been found to be very close to the classic values reported by Leopold and Maddock (1953). These have been viewed as the simplified cases to general trends because the hydraulic geometry of alluvial channels is actually the product of ‘multivariate controls’ (Richards, 1982). This paper is an attempt to develop a soundly based foundation for the explanation of the physical mechanisms of these controls. A quantitative relationship between channel shape and boundary shear distribution developed from experimental flume results is found to be applicable in some instances to alluvial channels, particularly to stable canals. On the basis of this relationship, it is shown that downstream hydraulic geometry is determined not only by flow discharge, but also by channel slope, channel average roughness and sediment composition of the channel boundary. This is strongly supported by our analysis of 529 observations from both stable canals and natural rivers in the U.S.A. and the U.K. The difference between regime relations in canals and the hydraulic geometry of rivers appears to be caused mainly by channel slope and average roughness, which can be regarded as constants only in stable canals. The close relationship between discharge and channel average roughness observed in canals is not repeated in natural channels, partly because of the variety of flow values used to define the channel-forming discharge. Furthermore, it is indicated that the effects of the sediment composition of the channel boundary on hydraulic geometry are significant and need further investigation.  相似文献   

Management of open-channel flow systems requires accurate models of flow transfer. This article presents a simple nonlinear model representative of the flow transfer in a river reach. The model is obtained through linearization of a physical model, simplification using the cumulant matching method and analytic identification of a nonlinear model coinciding with the linear model around equilibrium points, corresponding to the hydraulic permanent regimes. The methodology is illustrated on the diffusive wave equation and the Saint-Venant equations. The obtained nonlinear models are compared in simulation to the initial models. The nonlinear model is shown to ensure mass conservation, despite the variable delay element of the model. The proposed model can reproduce the nonlinear behavior of the time-delay with discharge variations. It is well-suited for fast simulations, flow forecasting, and for controller design.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to understand the stabilizing effect of ground-sills on the riverbed through a series of flume model experiments.From results,although check dams have the ability to control upstream sediment transport,the mass energy produced by the free fall of the overtopping discharge still causes strong local scour downstream of the structure,and this Scour lcads to the instability of the check dam.Therefore,this study conducted model experiments on various types of serial ground-sills to determine the appropriate spacing to best protect the downstream bed.Based on the observations and analysis of channel geomorphology and sedimentation,this study concluded the following results:1)Serial ground-sills reduces the sediment transport ability perfectly,especially under a mild channel gradient equipped with 2-4 times the average channel width interval.But for steep slopes,it is suggested that the proper spacing should be shortened to 1-2 times the average channel width.2)Ground-sills can effectively protect the streambed from scouring under a suitable equipped condition and the concepts of guiding scour and riverbed inertia were used in the analysis of optimal ground-sill spacing.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to understand the stabilizing effect of ground-sills on the riverbed through a series of flume model experiments. From results, although check dams have the ability to control upstream sediment transport, the mass energy produced by the free fall of the overtopping discharge still causes strong local scour downstream of the structure, and this scour leads to the instability of the check dam. Therefore, this study conducted model experiments on various types of serial ground-sills to determine the appropriate spacing to best protect the downstream bed. Based on the observations and analysis of channel geomorphology and sedimentation, this study concluded the following results: 1) Serial ground-sills reduces the sediment transport ability perfectly, especially under a mild channel gradient equipped with 2 4 times the average channel width interval. But for steep slopes, it is suggested that the proper spacing should be shortened to 1 2 times the average channel width. 2) Ground-sills can effectively protect the streambed from scouring under a suitable equipped condition and the concepts of guiding scour and riverbed inertia were used in the analysis of optimal ground-sill spacing.  相似文献   

Anastomosing rivers have multiple interconnected channels that enclose flood basins. Various theories potentially explain this pattern, including an increased discharge conveyance and sediment transport capacity of multiple channels, deltaic branching, avulsion forced by base‐level rise, or a tendency to avulse due to upstream sediment overloading. The former two imply a stable anabranching channel pattern, whereas the latter two imply disequilibrium and evolution towards a single‐channel pattern in the absence of avulsion. Our objective is to test these hypotheses on morphodynamic scenario modelling and data of a well‐documented case study: the upper Columbia River. Proportions of channel and floodplain sediments along the river valley were derived from surface mapping. Initial and boundary conditions for the modelling were derived from field data. A 1D network model was built based on gradually varied flow equations, sediment transport prediction, mass conservation, transverse slope and spiral meander flow effects at the bifurcations. The number of channels and crevasse splays decreases in a downstream direction. Also, measured sediment transport is higher at the upstream boundary than downstream. These observations concur with bed sediment overloading from upstream, which can have caused channel aggradation above the surrounding floodplain and subsequent avulsion. The modelling also indicates that avulsion was likely caused by upstream overloading. In the model, multi‐channel systems inevitably evolve towards single‐channel systems within centuries. The reasons are that symmetric channel bifurcations are inherently unstable, while confluenced channels have relatively less friction than two parallel channels, so that more discharge is conveyed through the path with more confluences and less friction. Furthermore, the present longitudinal profile curvature of the valley could only be reproduced in the model by temporary overfeeding. We conclude that this anastomosing pattern is the result of time‐varying sediment overloading and is not an equilibrium pattern feature, and suggest this is valid for many anastomosing rivers. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A process‐based, spatially distributed hydrological model was developed to quantitatively simulate the energy and mass transfer processes and their interactions within arctic regions (arctic hydrological and thermal model, ARHYTHM). The model first determines the flow direction in each element, the channel drainage network and the drainage area based upon the digital elevation data. Then it simulates various physical processes: including snow ablation, subsurface flow, overland flow and channel flow routing, soil thawing and evapotranspiration. The kinematic wave method is used for conducting overland flow and channel flow routing. The subsurface flow is simulated using the Darcian approach. The energy balance scheme was the primary approach used in energy‐related process simulations (snowmelt and evapotranspiration), although there are options to model snowmelt by the degree‐day method and evapotranspiration by the Priestley–Taylor equation. This hydrological model simulates the dynamic interactions of each of these processes and can predict spatially distributed snowmelt, soil moisture and evapotranspiration over a watershed at each time step as well as discharge in any specified channel(s). The model was applied to Imnavait watershed (about 2·2 km2) and the Upper Kuparuk River basin (about 146 km2) in northern Alaska. Simulated results of spatially distributed soil moisture content, discharge at gauging stations, snowpack ablations curves and other results yield reasonable agreement, both spatially and temporally, with available data sets such as SAR imagery‐generated soil moisture data and field measurements of snowpack ablation, and discharge data at selected points. The initial timing of simulated discharge does not compare well with the measured data during snowmelt periods mainly because the effect of snow damming on runoff was not considered in the model. Results from the application of this model demonstrate that spatially distributed models have the potential for improving our understanding of hydrology for certain settings. Finally, a critical component that led to the performance of this modelling is the coupling of the mass and energy processes. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Errors in the kinematic wave and diffusion wave approximation for time-independent (or steady-state) cases of channel flow with momentum exchange included were derived for three types of boundary conditions: zero flow at the upstream end, and critical flow depth and zero depth gradient at the downstream end. The diffusion wave approximation was found to be in excellent agreement with the dynamic wave approximation, with errors of less than 1% for KF20≥7·5 and up to 12% for KF20≤0·75 for the upstream boundary condition of zero discharge and finite depth, where K is the kinematic wave number and F0 is the Froude number. The kinematic wave approximation was reasonably accurate except at the channel boundaries and for small values of KF20 (≤1). The accuracy of these approximations was significantly influenced by the downstream boundary condition both in terms of the error magnitude and the segment of the channel reach for which these approximations would be applicable. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a movable‐boundary, distorted, Froude‐scaled hydraulic model based on Abiaca Creek, a sand‐bedded channel in northern Mississippi. The model was used to examine the geomorphic and hydraulic impact of simplified large woody debris (LWD) elements. The theory of physical scale models is discussed and the method used to construct the LWD test channel is developed. The channel model had bed and banks moulded from 0·8 mm sand, and flow conditions were just below the threshold of motion so that any sediment transport and channel adjustment were the result of the debris element. Dimensions and positions of LWD elements were determined using a debris jam classification model. Elements were attached to a dynamometer to measure element drag forces, and channel adjustment was determined through detailed topographic surveys. The fluid drag force on the elements decreased asymptotically over time as the channel boundary eroded around the elements due to locally increased boundary shear stress. Total time for geomorphic adjustment computed for the prototype channel at the Q2 discharge (discharge occurring once every two years on average) was as short as 45 hours. The size, depth and position of scour holes, bank erosion and bars created by flow acceleration past the elements were found to be related to element length and position within the channel cross‐section. Morphologies created by each debris element in the model channel were comparable with similar jams observed in the prototype channel. Published in 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

ROGER MOUSSA 《水文研究》1996,10(9):1209-1227
The diffusive wave equation is generally used in flood routing in rivers. The two parameters of the equation, celerity and diffusivity, are usually taken as functions of the discharge. If these two parameters can be assumed to be constant without lateral inflow, the diffusive wave equation may have an analytical solution: the Hayami model. A general analytical method, based on ‘Hayami’s hypothesis, is developed here which resolves the diffusive wave flood routing equation with lateral inflow or outflow uniformly distributed over a channel reach. Flood routing parameters are then identified using observed inflow and outflow and the Hayami model used to simulate outflow. Two examples are discussed. Firstly, the prediction of the hydrograph at a downstream section on the basis of a knowledge of the hydrograph at an upstream section and the lateral inflow. The second example concerns lateral inflow identification between an upstream and a downstream section on the basis of a knowledge of hydrographs at the upstream and downstream sections. The new general Hayami model was applied to flood routing simulation and for lateral inflow identification of the River Allier in France. The major advantages of the method relate to computer simulation, real-time forecasting and control applications in examples where numerical instabilities, in the solution of the partial differential equations must be avoided.  相似文献   


Among various factors that have influence on the meandering of an alluvial channel, the most significant are valley slope, discharge, bed material, and time. The necessary condition for the origin and development of meandering of an alluvial channel is the erosion of bed material and deposition of the eroded material downstream. The criterion for the development of the meandering is that the discharge must be equal to or greater than the critical discharge (i.e., discharge corresponding to critical shear velocity). The initial channel section has an effect on the development of meandering. The meandering in the V-shaped channels starts from the center (deepest point) of the channel and works inside the banks (inside meandering) before it windens the banks, While the meandering in the rectangular channels starts with the widening of the banks (outside meandering). Maender width increases with the increase in the increase discharge and slope, and decreases with the increase in size of bed material. The meander development continues with time the meander reaches the final stage and equilibrium condition.  相似文献   

Fully physics‐based, process‐level, distributed fluid flow and reactive transport hydrological models are rarely used in practice until recent years. These models are useful tools to help understand the fundamental physical, chemical, and biological processes that take place in nature. In this study, sensitivity analyses based on a mountain area river basin modelling study are performed to investigate the effect of river channel geometric characteristics on downstream water flow. Numerical experiments show that reduction in the river channel geometric measurement interval may not significantly affect the downstream water stage simulation as long as measurement accuracy at special nodes is guaranteed. The special upstream nodes include but are not limited to 1) nodes located close to the observation station, 2) nodes near the borders of different land covers with considerable riverbed roughness changes, 3) nodes at entering points of tributaries causing discharge jump and 4) nodes with a narrow cross‐section width that may control the flow conditions. This information provides guidelines for field investigation to efficiently obtain necessary geometric data for physics‐based hydrological modelling. It is especially useful in alpine areas such as the Tibetan Plateau where field investigation capability is limited under severe topography and climate condition. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The closure of third stage diversion channel for the Three Gorges Dam is characterized by large closure discharge, large drop in water surface, and high gap velocity. 1D and 2D flow mathematical models were used in this paper to simulate the hydraulic conditions during the closure. The variation of discharge in the diversion channel and the drops in water surface shared by the upstream and downstream cofferdams were computed using the ID model, and the detailed hydraulic patterns in the diversion channel were simulated using the 2D model. The computed results indicate that the designed closure scheme for discharge of 9,010 m^3/s was feasible for construction, while the designed closure scheme for discharge of 12,200 m^3/s was inapplicable.  相似文献   

An extensive survey and topographic analysis of five watersheds draining the Luquillo Mountains in north‐eastern Puerto Rico was conducted to decouple the relative influences of lithologic and hydraulic forces in shaping the morphology of tropical montane stream channels. The Luquillo Mountains are a steep landscape composed of volcaniclastic and igneous rocks that exert a localized lithologic influence on the stream channels. However, the stream channels also experience strong hydraulic forcing due to high unit discharge in the humid rainforest environment. GIS‐based topographic analysis was used to examine channel profiles, and survey data were used to analyze downstream changes in channel geometry, grain sizes, stream power, and shear stresses. Results indicate that the longitudinal profiles are generally well graded but have concavities that reflect the influence of multiple rock types and colluvial‐alluvial transitions. Non‐fluvial processes, such as landslides, deliver coarse boulder‐sized sediment to the channels and may locally determine channel gradient and geometry. Median grain size is strongly related to drainage area and slope, and coarsens in the headwaters before fining in the downstream reaches; a pattern associated with a mid‐basin transition between colluvial and fluvial processes. Downstream hydraulic geometry relationships between discharge, width and velocity (although not depth) are well developed for all watersheds. Stream power displays a mid‐basin maximum in all basins, although the ratio of stream power to coarse grain size (indicative of hydraulic forcing) increases downstream. Excess dimensionless shear stress at bankfull flow wavers around the threshold for sediment mobility of the median grain size, and does not vary systematically with bankfull discharge; a common characteristic in self‐forming ‘threshold’ alluvial channels. The results suggest that although there is apparent bedrock and lithologic control on local reach‐scale channel morphology, strong fluvial forces acting over time have been sufficient to override boundary resistance and give rise to systematic basin‐scale patterns. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Errors in the kinematic wave and diffusion wave approximation for time-independent (or steady-state) cases of channel flow with infiltration were derived for three types of boundary conditions: zero flow at the upstream end, and critical flow depth and zero depth gradient at the downstream end. The diffusion wave approximation was found to be in excellent agreement with the dynamic wave approximation, with errors of less than 1·4% for KF20≥7·5, and up to 14% for KF20≤0·75 for the upstream boundary condition of zero discharge and finite depth, where K is the kinematic wave number and F0 is the Froude number. The kinematic wave approximation was reasonably accurate except at the channel boundaries and for small values of KF20 (≤1). The accuracy of these approximations was significantly influenced by the downstream boundary, both in terms of the magnitude of the error and the segment of the channel reach for which these approximations would be applicable. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The horizontal distribution of the Tsushima Current in the Tsushima/Korea Strait is assessed by a fine-resolution numerical experiment. The comparison of the model results with the observations along a section crossing the strait shows that the model represents relatively well, the general tendency of what was observed, such as the separation of the Tsushima Current into the western and eastern streams by the Tsushima Island. In summer, strong and relatively uniformly distributed surface currents enhance the formation of the wake downstream of the Tsushima Island. The axis of the countercurrent, embedded in the wake, is closer to the western stream. Anti-cyclonic eddies are shed near the downstream tip of the Tsushima Island and propagate along the boundary between the western stream and the wake. The exchange of water between the western stream and the wake takes place through the intermediation of these eddies. There is a net water supply from the western stream to the wake, which is then carried to the eastern stream by the countercurrent via the eastern coast of the Tsushima Island. In winter, currents, strongly barotropic, tend to have banded structures, especially in the region downstream of the western channel where isobaths converge in the downstream direction. The eddies found in this region in winter appear to be fundamentally different from those associated with the Tsushima Island wake. The necessary condition for barotropic instability is satisfied for the monthly mean currents in this region, suggesting that the currents are barotropically unstable in this region in winter.  相似文献   

ROGER MOUSSA 《水文研究》1997,11(5):429-449
Recently, several attempts have been made to relate the hydrological response of a catchment to its morphological and topographical features using different hypotheses to model the effect of the drainage network. Several transfer functions were developed and some of these are based on the theory of a linear model, the geomorphological unit hydrograph. The aim of this paper is to present a methodology to automatically identify the transfer function, using digital elevation models for applications in distributed hydrological modelling. The transfer function proposed herein is based on the Hayami approximation solution of the diffusive wave equation especially adapted for the routing hydrograph through a channel network. The Gardon d’Anduze basin, southern France, was retained for applications. Digital elevation models were used to extract the channel network and divide the basin into subcatchments. Each subcatchment produces, at its own outlet, an impulse response which is routed to the outlet of the whole catchment using the diffusive wave model described by two parameters: celerity and diffusivity functions of geometrical characteristics of the channel network. Firstly, a geomorphological unit hydrograph obtained by routing a homogeneous effective rainfall was compared with the unit hydrograph identified by a lumped model scheme, then the distributed model was applied to take into account the spatial variability of effective rainfall in the catchment. Results show that this new method seems to be adapted for distributed hydrological modelling; it enables identification of a transfer function response for each hydrological unit, here subcatchments, and then simulation of the contribution of each unit to the hydrograph at the outlet. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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