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Predicting the hydrodynamics, morphology and evolution of ancient deltaic successions requires the evaluation of the three-dimensional depositional process regime based on sedimentary facies analysis. This has been applied to a core-based subsurface facies analysis of a mixed-energy, clastic coastal-deltaic succession in the Lower-to-Middle Jurassic of the Halten Terrace, offshore mid-Norway. Three genetically related successions with a total thickness of 100–300 m and a total duration of 12.5 Myr comprising eight facies associations record two initial progradational phases and a final aggradational phase. The progradational phases (I and II) consist of coarsening upward successions that pass from prodelta and offshore mudstones (FA1), through delta front and mouth bar sandstones (FA2) and into erosionally based fluvial- (FA3) and marine-influenced (FA4) channel fills. The two progradational phases are interpreted as fluvial- and wave-dominated, tide-influenced deltas. The aggradational phase (III) consists of distributary channel fills (FA3 and FA4), tide-dominated channels (FA5), intertidal to subtidal heterolithic fine-grained sandstones (FA6) and coals (FA7). The aggradational phase displays more complex facies relationships and a wider range of environments, including (1) mixed tide- and fluvial-dominated, wave-influenced deltas, (2) non-deltaic shorelines (tidal channels, tidal flats and vegetated swamps), and (3) lower shoreface deposits (FA8). The progradational to aggradational evolution of this coastal succession is represented by an overall upward decrease in grain size, decrease in fluvial influence and increase in tidal influence. This evolution is attributed to an allogenic increase in the rate of accommodation space generation relative to sediment supply due to tectonic activity of the rift basin. In addition, during progradation, there was also an autogenic increase in sediment storage on the coastal plain, resulting in a gradual autoretreat of the depositional system. This is manifested in the subsequent aggradation of the system, when coarse-grained sandstones were trapped in proximal locations, while only finer grained sediment reached the coastline, where it was readily reworked by tidal and wave processes.  相似文献   

A phase of ferroan burial calcite from the Middle Jurassic Lincolnshire Limestone exhibits a systematic spatial arrangement of oxygen isotopic characteristics. Mean δ18O values of the ferroan calcites from each of 15 core and outcrop localities over a study area 25 × 25 km were obtained. These values show a marked depletion from west to east across the study area of approximately 3‰, such that the oxygen isotopic composition of the ferroan calcites can be contoured. The systematic change in oxygen isotopic composition across the study area is believed to have recorded the thermal gradient in the limestone during ferroan calcite precipitation. This thermal gradient can be partially attributed to approximately 200 m of differential burial of the Lincolnshire Limestone across the study area during the Chalk deposition, with a maximum burial of 550 m to the east of the area at this time. A component of up-dip fluid flow (from east to west) through the formation is required to generate the temperature enhancements above those predicted for conduction alone by simple differential burial. Using a finite-difference step computer program, rates of fluid flow during ferroan calcite precipitation are calculated to be approximately 25 m/year. This rate of fluid flow is considerably greater than rates usually predicted for buried sedimentary basins. The causes of such rapid, probably relatively short-lived flow-rates may be the sudden dewatering of adjacent shales, the release of overpressure within the formation of interest, seismic pumping, or fluid circulation round a supracrustal convective loop.  相似文献   

The Upper Triassic — Lower Jurassic Kap Stewart Formation (Jameson Land, East Greenland) has been studied by a combination of sedimentological and organic geochemical methods (LECO/Rock Eval, sulphur, gas chromatography) in order to assess the hydrocarbon source potential of the abundant and extensive lacustrine shale intervals present in the formation.The organic matter in the shales is a mixture of algal and higher plant remains (type I and III kerogen). An organic assemblage dominated by algal material, having a rich oil potential, occurs in an interval approximately 10–15 m thick in the uppermost part of the formation. This interval has an organic carbon content up to 10% and Hydrogen Index values up to 700. The interval is consistently traceable along the exposed margins and the central part of the basin. The deposition of the uppermost shale interval coincided with the largest expansion of the lake, during a period with a stratified water column and anoxic bottom-water conditions.Locally the rocks exposed are thermally postmature due to the thermal influence of dolerite sills which intruded the Kap Stewart Formation in Tertiary time. However, the organic-rich shale interval is beyond the influence of the sills and indicates a maturity prior to or in the early stages of oil generation.Calculations of the generative potential of the lacustrine source rocks suggest that significant amounts of petroleum may have been generated in those sediments which have undergone sufficient burial in the southern and central part of the basin. Here, the contemporaneously deposited delta front and barrier island sandstones can thus be considered as potential targets for future hydrocarbon exploration. This type of play may also be of importance in other North Atlantic basins with a similar basin history.  相似文献   

The Yanshiping section, which includes the Quemo Co, Buqu, Xiali, Suowa and Xueshan Formations (Yanshiping Group) exposes organic-rich Middle to Late Jurassic deposits in the Qiangtang Basin of northern Tibet. The biostratigraphic data, from bivalves, brachiopods as well as dinoflagellate cysts, define a Bajocian to Tithonian age. This study focuses on the biomarkers present in these mudstones and limestones to determine the sources, thermal maturity and depositional environment of the organic matter. Most samples show a clear dominance of short-chain (C15–C20) n-alkanes with a maximum at C19 or C19 with a secondary maximum at C23 except for the sample BP01(22)S1 where the predominant range is C22 to C26 with a maximum at C24, significant CPI and odd-to-even predominance. The hopanoids and steroids suggest that the sources of organic matter were dominated by phytoplankton, especially algae, as the primary source. Furthermore, the Pr/Ph, Pr/nC17 and Ph/nC18, with relatively low values plus high abundance of 17α(H)-hopanes, support deposition in dysoxic to reducing, relatively shallow-water depositional settings, and the presence of gammacerane indicates normal marine salinity and/or water-column stratification. All samples are fairly mature with respect to petroleum generation, a conclusion supported by maturity parameters such as C31 22S/(22S + 22R) hopanes and C29 ααα20S/(20S + 20R) steranes.  相似文献   

针对井下套管破损常致使地层流体窜槽,造成油井停产的情况,成功研制了一种新型LHD化学堵剂。该堵剂的活性剂与胶结固化材料快速反应形成具有纤维网架结构的水化物,能够承受较高的压差,并且微膨胀作用使封堵过渡层硬度和强度大大提高。LHD堵剂在sz36—1一C25hf水平分支井应用成功,使日产油量高达200m^3。该堵剂性能可靠,稳定,具有广阔的应用价值。  相似文献   

BG1井为平湖油气田八角亭构造一口气井,该井于2006年11月完钻并投产P11层。投产初期BG1井的产能较高,天然气产量最高达到10×10^4m^3/d,但产量下滑迅速,后虽补开P12层,但产量并未有起色,不久产量便下降至数千方。结合地质认识、油藏开发特征以及压力测试等资料进行分析研究,明确了BG1井产量下滑是受储层非均质性、凝析油反凝析、地层水不配伍等多重因素影响。根据方案对比,提出了解堵和压裂联做方案。并于2008年9月对BG1井实施了压裂改造措施,基本解决了井筒附近的污染,产量恢复至3.5×10^4m^3/d,对东海低渗透储层的改造具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

开展海上边际油田的开发研究是开发海上油田的三大技术难题之一。BZ34-3/5油田是渤海海域的小边际油田,针对该边际油田“现有油田附近含油构造”特点采用了“三一”开发模式和两腿三桩轻型平台,并且采用了一井双泵采油技术,自投产以来日产油达300多立方米,这标志着该海上小边际油田建成并成功投产,达到了预期的目的,并取得了较好的经济效益。该油田的开发和开采模式对于边际油田的开发具有普遍意义,因此简要介绍了该油田开发模式和电潜泵采油技术的应用。  相似文献   

The Bohai Bay Basin is a classic non-marine rift basin in eastern China. The Paleogene Dongying sequences are the main hydrocarbon-bearing stratigraphic unit in the basin. Using three-dimensional (3-D) seismic data and one well control in the BZ3-1 Block in the western slope of the Bozhong Sag, we analyzed 3-D facies architectures of the Dongying sequences. The Dongying Formation, a second-order sequence, can be subdivided into four third-order sequences (from base to top: SQ1, SQ2, SQ3, and SQ4). The facies architecture was analyzed by using the seismic sedimentology approach based on 3-D seismic data. Sediment of the Dongying sequences was derived from the northern Shijiutuo Uplift via four major configurations of incised valleys, namely “V”, “U”, “W”, and composite shaped incised valleys. Seismic stratal slices reveal branching and converging characteristics of the channels from upstream to downstream. On the basis of an integrated analysis of well log, core data, seismic facies based on multi-seismic attributes, three sedimentary facies (e.g., “delta”, “fan-delta”, and “shore” or “shallow lacustrine” facies) have been recognized. The four types of incised valleys and their evolution control the sedimentary systems in the sedimentation area. The numbers and sizes of the fans are controlled by the sedimentary systems at various scales. Incised valley-fill and deltaic sand bodies are excellent hydrocarbon reservoirs and potentially good exploration targets for the study area. The reservoir quality of sequences SQ1, SQ2, and SQ3 become better gradually from base to top. The proposed sediment dispersal patterns may aid in the prediction of potential reservoir distribution. This study also demonstrates that facies architecture analysis using sequence stratigraphy and seismic sedimentology may serve as an effective approach for constructing 3D facies models for petroleum exploration in areas lacking of well or outcrop data.  相似文献   

The effects of water-borne exposure to benzo[a]pyrene (36 h; celite-bound 0.44 mg L(-1) B[a]P) on cytochrome P450 (CYP) and superoxide dismutases (SODs) were examined in digestive gland of the blood clam, Scapharca inaequivalvis. B[a]P accumulation and elimination were rapid, with maximum whole-body concentrations of 1.78 ng g(-1) wet wt after 12 h of treatment, followed by a progressive decline to 0.89 ng g(-1) at 36 h. The presence of B[a]P resulted in an increase in total CYP of digestive gland microsomes from 54+/-14 to 108+/-21 pmol/mg protein (mean+/-SD; p<0.05, 24 h). Increases were also seen in microsomal CYP1A1/1A2-immunopositive protein (50.5 kDa app. mol. wt; p<0.05), but not CYP2E1-immunopositive protein (49 kDa app. mol. wt.), indicating a specific response of the former isoform. Exposure to B[a]P produced a steady increase in Mn-SOD digestive gland activity (p<0.01; p<0.05) but no significant change in Cu/Zn-SOD activity. The respective proteins, measured by western blotting, were not significant induced after B[a]P exposure. Cu/Zn-SOD and Mn-SOD activities were correlated with total CYP levels (r=0.96 and 0.63, respectively), indicating a role for CYP in reactive oxygen species (ROS) production during exposure. Both 'NADPH-independent' and NADPH-dependent metabolism of B[a]P by digestive gland microsomes was seen, producing mainly 1,6-, 3,6- and 6,12-diones, with some phenols and 7,8-dihydrodiol; putative protein adducts were also formed. Redox cycling of the diones may also have contributed to ROS production, leading to the increased SOD activities.  相似文献   

The mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) has been shown to be responsive to peroxisome proliferating agents (PPAs). Peroxisomes function as important sites for fatty acid beta-oxidation. Peroxisome proliferation by PPAs or starvation can lead to changes in the size and number of peroxisomes and the expression of omega-hydroxylases (CYP2K1/2M1 in rainbow trout). Mummichogs were subjected to 96 h fasting or 96 h recovery from fasting. Expression of PMP70- and CYP2K1/2M1-like proteins in vehicle-treated or non-treated controls was compared in both males and females. Fasting and vehicle produced decreases in PMP70- and CYP2K1/2M1-like proteins in both males and females. In reproductive females, decreases due to fasting and vehicle treatment were greater than in female fish that were not gravid. Recovery from fasting resulted in levels of CYP2K1/2M1 near control levels in males while in recovered females, about 2-fold higher levels compared to controls were noted. These results indicate that gender, reproductive status and diet can produce changes in the expressed levels of peroxisomal PMP70 and microsomal CYP2K1/2M1-like proteins in the mummichog.  相似文献   

建立了多指标灰色关联度工程项目评标决策模型。实际算例计算结果表明,该模型物理意义明确,与评标思维过程一致,比灰色关联投影法具有更高的分辩程度,有利于实际评标的操作。  相似文献   

From 1998 to 2003, we observed large fluctuations in the abundance and distribution of four pelagic predatory (piscivorous) fishes off northern Oregon and southern Washington, USA. Fluctuations in predatory fish species composition and abundance were strongly linked to the date of the spring transition and to ocean temperatures. Predatory fishes, forage fishes, and juvenile salmonids had distinct spatial distributions, with predators distributed primarily offshore and forage fish and salmonids onshore, but this varied depending on ocean conditions. We suggest that predatory and forage fish distributions respond to ocean temperatures, predator/prey interactions, and possibly turbidity. A shift in ocean conditions in 1999 decreased overall predator fish abundance in the Columbia River plume, particularly for Pacific hake. Marine survival of juvenile salmon started to increase in 1999, and forage fish densities increased in 2000, lagging by one year.  相似文献   

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