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Brian Sheil 《Acta Geotechnica》2017,12(5):1047-1059
The development and growth of urban environments in recent years is requiring geotechnical engineers to consider foundation reuse as a more sustainable solution to inner city redevelopment. Two main phenomena associated with foundation reuse have been reported in the literature, namely ‘preloading effects’ and ‘ageing effects’. The aim of this paper is to investigate the relative merits of these effects on the reusability of both piled and unpiled raft foundations in clay. Finite element analysis, in conjunction with an isotropic elasto-viscoplastic soil model, is employed for this purpose. The study is presented in two phases: (1) evaluation of preloading effects only by using a very low creep coefficient and (2) evaluation of combined preloading and creep effects. The variables considered in the parametric study include the number of piles, pile spacing, pile length, and soil type. Results show that both unpiled and piled rafts can exhibit significant capacity and stiffness increases upon reloading even for moderate levels of preload. Moreover, these increases are strongly dependent on the piled raft load sharing where unpiled raft and free-standing pile group capacity gains serve as upper and lower bounds, respectively, for that of a piled raft. This study underlines foundations reuse as an effective and sustainable solution for inner city redevelopment.  相似文献   

A piled raft foundation comprises both piles and a pile cap that itself transmits load directly to the ground. The aim of such a foundation is to reduce the number of piles compared with a more conventional piled foundation where the bearing effect of the pile cap, or raft, is ignored. This paper describes a ‘hybrid’ approach for the analysis of piled raft foundations, based on a load transfer treatment of individual piles, together with elastic interaction between different piles and with the raft. The numerical analysis is used to evaluate a simple approximate method of estimating the overall response of the foundation from the response of the component parts. The method leads to estimates of the overall foundation stiffness, the proportion of load carried by the pile group and the raft, and an initial assessment of differential settlements. Parametric studies are presented showing the effect of factors such as raft stiffness and pile spacing, length and stiffness, and a worked example is included demonstrating the accuracy of the approximate design approach.  相似文献   

汤永净  赵锡宏 《岩土力学》2016,37(11):3253-3262
坐落于上海的金茂大厦、上海环球金融中心和上海中心大厦三幢闻名世界的超高层建筑的基础均为补偿深埋桩筏基础。在补偿深埋桩筏基础设计中如何充分考虑补偿基础的优越性,如何考虑深埋基础的抗风能力,是值得研究的问题。利用高层建筑与地基基础共同作用的分析方法,结合统计-经验公式对该三幢大楼的桩筏深基础进行了再分析。通过再分析在节约相当数量的桩之后,其地基承载力和变形仍然能够满足设计要求。同时在再分析中进一步探讨优化设计的能力,论证地下连续墙可以分担相当数量的荷载。相关案例的再分析对进一步完善补偿深埋桩筏基础设计理论提出建议,可为国家节省大量投资。  相似文献   

潘健  刘利艳  王兴斌  顾太华 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z2):195-199
采用ABAQUS有限元程序中的线性扩展D-P模型对带桩筏基下的地基土进行弹塑性模拟,建立了带桩筏基系统的ABAQUS程序三维有限元模型。经比较各种桩、筏基础的内力与沉降关系计算结果,得到了带桩筏基的一些工作特性。在此基础上结合《建筑地基基础设计规范》(GB5007-2002),改进了传统的复合桩基设计方法,讨论了“三阶段”设计理念的可行性,并将其应用于工程实例。分析结果表明,改进的复合桩基设计方法和“三阶段”设计方法较常规设计方法更加经济合理。  相似文献   

考虑基础刚度影响的风机梁板式桩筏基础模型试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李婉  木林隆  连柯楠 《岩土力学》2014,35(10):2875-2880
梁板式桩筏基础作为新型风机基础,前景广阔,适当优化结构,可节约成本。采用大型室内模型试验,研究了梁板式桩筏基础在不同筏板刚度情况下的受力变形特性,同时讨论了桩土荷载分担比的关系。研究表明,在工作荷载范围内,适当增大筏板刚度,桩平均轴力增加,外圈桩承担的荷载增大,内圈桩的轴力减小,环梁及肋梁弯矩减小,但继续增加刚度,对桩身轴力、环梁弯矩、肋梁弯矩的影响并不大;随着荷载的增大,土体承担的荷载比逐步增大,趋于稳值。随着梁板式基础刚度增加,基础内外差异沉降减少,但是达到一定刚度后再增加刚度对变形影响较小。梁板式基础刚度的变化会影响基底反力分布的均匀性,且存在一个最优刚度,使基础底部反力分布最为均匀,本次试验中12梁的梁板式基础基底反力比6梁和实体基础更均匀。桩基的分布和梁的分布存在相互影响,改变梁的分布会影响桩顶力,而桩基在梁底下又会使梁的应力产生重新分布。研究成果可为设计桩筏基础提供参考依据。  相似文献   

袁聚云  孔娟  赵锡宏  董志华 《岩土力学》2011,32(11):3319-3324
以金茂大厦和上海环球金融中心的成功设计经验为依据,从设计角度分析和评价中国第一高楼--上海中心大厦桩筏基础的性状及安全性。类比分析大楼的重量、水浮力和桩土分担,并着重对桩承载力和桩顶反力、筏板厚度和弯矩、建筑物沉降等进行计算和评价,综合分析认为上海中心大厦的桩筏基础具有较高的安全度。其分析思路、计算方法及所得结论可为今后超高层建筑桩筏基础的设计和性状研究提供参考  相似文献   

A piled raft foundation is a combined foundation, which is developed to utilize the load-carrying capabilities of both raft and piles. To obtain an optimum piled raft design, it is important to properly evaluate and consider the load-sharing behavior between the raft and piles, which changes according to the settlement level of the piled raft. In this study, 27 three-dimensional finite element models were analyzed to investigate the piled raft coefficient with linear and nonlinear load-settlement behaviors. The length of piles was varied between 10, 15, and 20 m. The spacing between pile centers was varied between 3D, 5D, and 7D, and the pile diameter was kept constant. The number of piles and the distance between the exterior piles and the edge of the raft were maintained at 9 and 1 m, respectively. The sand conditions varied between dense, medium, and loose. The results indicated that the piled raft coefficient increases when the load-settlement curve is linear and decreases when the load-settlement curve is nonlinear. The influence of the incremental increase in pile length on the piled raft coefficient is more pronounced in short piles than in longer piles. The raft thickness has a negligible effect on the piled raft coefficient.  相似文献   

武汉软土固结不排水应力-应变归一化特性分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
张勇  孔令伟  孟庆山  陈建斌 《岩土力学》2006,27(9):1509-1513
基于武汉软土的固结不排水三轴剪切试验,分析了武汉软土的应力-应变关系特性:在低围压下,土体表现出稳定型或弱应变硬化型;在高围压下,土体呈现出弱应变软化型;土体的应力-应变关系曲线为典型的双曲线。为实现武汉软土应力-应变关系的归一化,基于典型的双曲线方程,从理论上推导了为实现应力-应变方程归一化而必须满足的归一化条件,并提出了用主应力差渐近值作为标准归一化因子。通过运用标准归一化因子和常用的以固结围压为归一化因子,对武汉软土应力-应变特性进行归一化分析和比较,得出用主应力差渐近值作为标准归一化因子,软土的应力-应变特性归一化程度更高,效果更好。同时,运用标准归一化因子,建立了武汉软土固结不排水条件下应力-应变特性的归一化方程。  相似文献   

王伟  杨敏  上官士青 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z2):178-184
桩径优化是桩筏基础以差异沉降最小化为目标的基础优化分析的重要组成部分。基于桩筏基础通用分析方法,结合遗传算法提出了包含非线性约束条件的以差异沉降控制为目标的桩筏基础桩径优化分析模型,并给出了优化分析的实施步骤。通过示例说明了桩径优化的实施情况,对比给出了优化前后基础沉降、桩基荷载分布与筏板分担比、筏板弯矩和剪力结果。最后通过参量分析研究了筏板厚度、桩基参量和土体参量对最优桩径确定的影响程度,桩长和土体特性对桩径优化结果影响显著,而桩体材料特性和筏板厚度对桩径优化结果影响不大。  相似文献   

竖向荷载作用下桩筏基础可视化模型试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑刚  裴颖洁  刘双菊 《岩土力学》2008,29(11):2912-2918
进行了群桩基础可视化模型试验。在试验过程中对各级竖向荷载作用下群桩基础桩、土的变形采用高清晰数码相机拍摄了照片。通过对照片进行后处理分析,得到了桩、土的位移场,也对桩身轴力也进行了量测,在该基础上研究了群桩基础的变形性状和破坏模式,重点分析对比了桩间距和桩长对桩端土体沉降以及桩身侧摩阻力的影响。试验发现,桩距是影响桩土相对滑移量的主要因素,桩距越大,桩身与土的相对滑移量就越大,桩端刺入量也越大。在柔性筏基下,随桩距增加中桩的桩土相对滑移量可能会大于边桩。桩端刺入量是大桩距桩基础主要的沉降构成,以桩端刺入量为研究对象建立一套大桩距基础新的沉降计算理论,似乎值得进一步研究。桩顶向上刺入(可通过设置褥垫层、桩顶预留净空或设置可压缩垫块来实现)有利于桩间土的压密,减小桩端刺入量,甚至改变破坏模式。  相似文献   

饱和软黏土地基中桶形基础水平承载力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
相比于传统基础,桶形基础作为一种新型的浅海基础形式具有诸多明显的优点,但其使用历史相对较短,设计理论也还不够完善。基于此,利用三维有限元方法和极限平衡方法对单桶形基础的水平承载力进行了数值计算和理论推导,并基于分析结果,给出了适用于估算饱和软黏土地基中单桶形基础水平承载力的简便公式,为指导工程设计提供一定的参考意见。  相似文献   

对101层上海环球金融中心桩筏基础性状的预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
龚剑  赵锡宏 《岩土力学》2007,28(8):1695-1699
根据上海金茂大厦88层的成功建筑经验,试图预测101层上海环球金融中心桩筏基础性状,例如桩的承载力和及其随时间的增加、桩筏的荷载分担、筏厚、沉降和桩筏基础的设计理论等。最后,对两幢大楼桩筏基础性状加以评论,可供研究上海超高层建筑的超长桩基的设计理论的参考。  相似文献   

In designing piled raft foundations, controlling the total and differential settlements as well as the induced bending moments of the raft is crucial. The majority of piled raft foundations have been designed by placing piles uniformly. In such a design method, the settlements of the piled rafts are likely to be large, which leads to an increase of the pile length and/or number of piles required to reduce the settlements. However, this increase does not satisfy the requirement for economical design. On the basis of a parametric study, this paper contributes a framework for considering an economical design methodology in which piles are placed more densely beneath the column positions when the piled raft is subjected to column loads. The analysis uses PLAXIS 3D software, and the validity of the parametric study is examined through the results of centrifuge model tests conducted by the authors. The study shows that the concentrated pile arrangement method can help to considerably reduce the total and differential settlements as well as the induced bending moments of the raft. Moreover, the effects of parameters, such as pile length, pile number, raft thickness and load types, on the piled raft behavior are investigated. This study can help practicing engineers choose pile and raft parameters in combination with the concentrated pile arrangement method to produce an economical design.  相似文献   

A simplified method of numerical analysis based on elasticity theory has been developed for the analysis of axially and laterally loaded piled raft foundations embedded in non‐homogeneous soils and incorporated into a computer program “PRAB”. In this method, a hybrid model is employed in which the flexible raft is modelled as thin plates and the piles as elastic beams and the soil is treated as springs. The interactions between structural members, pile–soil–pile, pile–soil–raft and raft–soil–raft interactions, are approximated based on Mindlin's solutions for both vertical and lateral forces with consideration of non‐homogeneous soils. The validity of the proposed method is verified through comparisons with some published solutions for single piles, pile groups and capped pile groups in non‐homogeneous soils. Thereafter, the solutions from this approach for the analysis of axially and laterally loaded 4‐pile pile groups and 4‐pile piled rafts embedded in finite homogeneous and non‐homogeneous soil layers are compared with those from three‐dimensional finite element analysis. Good agreement between the present approach and the more rigorous finite element approach is demonstrated. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A simplified method of numerical analysis has been developed to estimate the deformation and load distribution of piled raft foundations subjected to vertical, lateral, and moment loads, using a hybrid model in which the flexible raft is modelled as thin plates and the piles as elastic beams and the soil is treated as springs. Both the vertical and lateral resistances of the piles as well as the raft base are incorporated into the model. Pile–soil–pile, pile–soil–raft and raft–soil–raft interactions are taken into account based on Mindlin's solutions for both vertical and lateral forces. The validity of the proposed method is verified through comparisons with several existing methods for single piles, pile groups and piled rafts. Workable design charts are given for the estimation of the lateral displacement and the load distribution of piled rafts from the stiffnesses of the raft alone and the pile group alone. Additionally, parametric studies were carried out concerning batter pile foundations. It was found that the use of batter piles can efficiently improve the deformation characteristics of pile foundations subjected to lateral loads. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

吸力式沉箱基础可以作为张力腿平台(TLP)的锚固基础,主要受上拔荷载作用,其抗拔破坏模式是分析吸力式沉箱基础抗拔承载力关键,目前对吸力式沉箱基础竖向抗拔承载机制研究尚不够深入。通过一系列室内模型试验,研究软黏土中吸力式沉箱基础抗拔承载特性,给出吸力式沉箱基础两种破坏模式,即顶部张力破坏模式和底部张力破坏模式。试验结果表明,顶部张力破坏模式时沉箱顶部负压与底部负压接近相等,承载力随沉箱顶部负压增大而增大,沉箱抗拔承载力由沉箱自重、内外摩擦力与沉箱顶部反力组成;当形成底部张力破坏模式时沉箱承载力随沉箱底部负压增大而增大,沉箱抗拔承载力由沉箱和土塞自重、外摩擦力以及底部反力组成;当达到极限荷载时沉箱顶部及底部负压均小于不排水剪切强度Su,沉箱顶部与底部反向承载力系数均小于1.0。最后提出考虑沉箱内顶部负压作用下吸力式沉箱基础抗拔承载力计算方法,揭示了软黏土中吸力式沉箱基础抗拔承载机制,为吸力式沉箱基础抗拔承载力分析以及工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   

王伟  李兴照 《岩土力学》2009,30(11):3441-3446
根据群桩中桩侧摩阻力分布规律,在桩筏基础中基于弹性理论中的变形协调关系、桩体物理方程和力的平衡关系,推导了竖向荷载作用下桩筏基础的荷载和位移之间的刚度矩阵,从而提出了一种刚性板下桩筏基础的分析方法。刚性板桩筏基础分析中考虑了4种相互作用,分别为桩-土-桩、桩-土-板、板-土-桩和板-土-板相互作用。基础中各桩可具有不同的桩长、桩半径和刚度等特性。应用该方法不需要划分桩-土体单元,分析中的计算矩阵仅与基础中桩数和筏板下土节点数量相关而与其他变量无关,分析过程简洁通用。通过与各种分析方法的比较验证,证明该方法是合理可行的。  相似文献   

Park  Heon-Joon  Ko  Kil-Wan  Song  Young-Hun  Song  Myung-Jun  Jin  Seokwoo  Ha  Jeong-Gon  Kim  Dong-Soo 《Acta Geotechnica》2020,15(9):2637-2648
Acta Geotechnica - A disconnected piled raft (DPR) foundation has been introduced as an effective pile design to reduce the vertical loading experienced by the pile. The characterization of DPRs...  相似文献   

A simplified method of numerical analysis has been developed to estimate the deformation and load distribution of piled raft foundations subjected to ground movements induced by tunnelling and incorporated into a computer program ‘PRAB’. In this method, a hybrid model is employed in which the flexible raft is modelled as thin plates, the piles as elastic beams, and the soil is treated as interactive springs. The interactions between structural members, pile–soil–pile, pile–soil–raft and raft–soil–raft interactions, are modelled based on Mindlin's solutions for both vertical and lateral forces. The validity of the proposed method is verified through comparisons with some published solutions for single piles and pile groups subjected to ground movements induced by tunnelling. Thereafter, the solutions from this approach for the analysis of a pile group and a piled raft subjected to ground movements induced by tunnelling are compared with those from three‐dimensional finite difference program. Good agreements between these solutions are demonstrated. The method is then used for a parametric study of single piles, pile groups and piled rafts subjected to ground movements induced by tunnelling. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

超高层建筑桩筏基础的桩顶反力计算研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据上海高88层、筏板厚度为4 m的金茂大厦和高101层、筏板厚度为4.5 m的上海环球金融中心桩筏基础的实测沉降资料,论证超高层建筑的桩筏基础为弹性体。对以上两幢超高层建筑和正在建造中的高121层、筏板厚度为6 m的上海中心大厦的桩筏基础,采用偏心受压公式和高层建筑与地基基础共同作用理论方法(混合法)进行详细对比计算,论证按弹性体计算桩顶反力的合理性,阐明《建筑桩基技术规范》(JGJ 94–2008)的3.1.8条的正确性和合理性。期望能够改变过去按偏心受压公式计算桩顶反力的传统观念,提高设计水平。  相似文献   

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