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怒江支流东月各沟于2010年8月18日凌晨暴发灾难性泥石流,其规模巨大且远程运移超过8 km。为了探究其发生机理,从流域几何形态学特征的角度出发,对东月各泥石流地形条件进行量化研究。在野外调查基础上,对泥石流运移路径纵坡进行1∶1 000比例现场测量,使用1∶10 000比例尺摄影测量数字线划地形图和Arc GIS进行三维地形建模分析。东月各流域长约14.0 km、平均宽度约3.4 km,在约47.3 km2的面积上具有2 849 m的高差。主沟下段沟长8.8km,高差1 084 m,平均比降101‰。B4支沟沟长2.6 km,平均坡降361‰。斜坡在40°~45°这一区间面积占比最高,为17.86%。结果表明,东月各流域属于中国泥石流小流域中面积最大的一类。泥石流形成区为B4支沟及邻近区域,以B4支沟为主。泥石流远程运移受到沟道纵剖面形态和平面形态共同影响。受地形条件影响,泥石流活动呈现单个大周期套叠多个小周期的模式。  相似文献   

Wu  Yangyang  Liu  Libin  Guo  Chunzi  Zhang  Zhonghua  Hu  Gang  Ni  Jian 《中国地球化学学报》2019,38(4):576-586

The properties of woody debris (WD) vary across different forests under various soil conditions. Owing to the relatively shallow and low amounts of soils on karst terrains, it is necessary to determine the WD carbon inventory of karst forests. In this study, we recorded WD with a basal diameter for standing snags and the large-end diameter for fallen logs of ≥ 1 cm. The carbon density of WD in a secondary karst mixed evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest that had been clear-cut 55 years ago in southwestern China were inventoried in a 2 ha plot. Woody debris carbon density calculated using specific gravity and carbon concentration was 4.07 Mg C ha−1. Woody debris with diameters ≥ 10 cm (coarse WD) constituted 53.8% of total carbon storage whereas WD < 10 cm in diameters (fine WD) accounted for more pieces of WD (89.9%). Lithocarpus confinis contributed the most WD carbon (26.5%). Intermediate decayed WD was relatively more abundant, but WD with final decay contributed the least to the total pieces of WD (6.7%). The contribution of WD to carbon storage of karst forest was low compared to other forests worldwide. Significant positive correlations were found between WD carbon and biodiversity (R2 = 0.035, p < 0.01) and elevation (R2 = 0.047, p < 0.01) and negative correlations was found in outcrop coverage (R2 = 0.034, p < 0.01). Further studies are needed to elucidate the ecological functions of WD to better understand their roles in maintaining biodiversity, enhancing productivity, and controlling vegetation degradation in karst forest ecosystems.


A method was developed to analyze the susceptibilities of 541 regional basins affected by debris flows at the Wudongde Dam site in southwest China. Determining susceptibility requires information on source material quantity and occurrence frequency. However, the large number of debris flows can hinder the individual field investigation in a each small basin. Factors that may trigger debris flows can be identified using remotely sensed interpretation information. Susceptibility analysis can then be conducted based on these factors. In this study, SPOT5 satellite imagery, digital elevation models (DEM), a lithology distribution map, and rainfall monitoring data were used to identify 12 debris flow trigger factors: basin relief ratio, slope gradient in the initiation zone, drainage density, downslope curvature of the main channel, vegetation coverage, main channel aspect, topographic wetness index, Melton’s ruggedness number, lithology, annual rainfall, form factor, and cross-slope curvature of the transportation zone. Principal component analysis was used to obtain the eight principal components of these factors that contribute to susceptibility results. Then, a self-organizing map method was adopted to analyze the principal components, which resulted in a debris flow susceptibility classification. Field validation of 26 debris flow basins was used to evaluate the errors of the susceptibility classification, as well as assess the causes of such errors. The study found that principle component analysis and self-organizing map methodologies are good predictors of basin susceptibility to debris flows.  相似文献   

山区河流两岸泥石流形成的机理和力学条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泥石流是山区沟谷的主要地质灾害类型之一,对其开展研究是很有价值的,但目前对其进行的针对性研究很少。本文重点研究山区沟谷泥石流形成的机理和力学条件。根据地形地貌、气候环境条件与土质学原理,研究了山区河流泥石流的形成机理及影响因素。河流两岸山坡岩土结构、人为活动与持续降雨或暴雨是山区河流泥石流形成的主要影响因素,不同土质结构与组成的土层的滑移破坏机理也不相同。山区河流泥石流的物源可概化为粘性土块体与松散砂砾两种典型固相物质。基于剪切破坏理论,建立了粘性土块的失稳滑动平衡条件;基于动量理论与重力分解原理,提出了松散砂砾启动的力学计算公式和失稳条件。  相似文献   

以往对于怒江流域泥石流的研究大多关注支流泥石流对干流的影响,而对支流内群发性泥石流易发性的研究较少。迪麻洛河为怒江左岸一级支流,因其凸型斜坡地貌、变质软岩分布、断裂剪切破坏及新构造运动间歇性抬升产生的丰富物源等特征在怒江上游具有代表性。野外调查揭示,流域内泥石流主要分为沟谷型、坡面型和沟谷-坡面复合型3种,且多发育于迪麻洛河左岸。基于水文响应单元,从地质、地貌、降雨量、物源条件、人类工程活动等方面选取8项评价因子。针对各因子对不同类型泥石流影响程度的不同,采用层次分析法赋予各因子不同的权重。最后结合信息量法,分类剖析不同类型泥石流的易发性。结果表明:各类泥石流易发性高和极高的地区主要地层为石炭系第四段(Cd)、第五段(Ce)等岩性软弱地层; 主要沿着道路建设等人类工程活动强烈的地区分布; 越靠近断裂带易发性越高。随着易发性等级的提高,泥石流发育比例和相对发育比例也相应增高; 各类型泥石流AUC达83.34%、90.07%和84.39%,评价结果合理,可为怒江支流泥石流防治规划与预测预报提供科学依据,为西南深切峡谷变质软岩区群发性泥石流防灾减灾提供理论和技术参考。  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - In this paper, it is described the development and the assessment of a 1D numerical procedure for the simulation of debris flow phenomena. The procedure focuses on: (1) the...  相似文献   

金沙江某水电站库区泥石流地质灾害研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金沙江是我国水能资源最为丰富的江河之一,但在金沙江上修建水库,泥石流是经常遇到的地质灾害问题。文章在详细调查了库区地层岩性、构造、滑坡的前提下,结合金沙江某水库区泥石流发育与降雨、地层岩性、构造、滑坡及地形地貌的关系深入探讨了库区泥石流的类型、规模、特征及发育阶段。研究表明:(1)本库区泥石流活动历史久远,泥石流地质灾害活跃,在部分泥石流地质灾害衰退的同时,更多的泥石流沟在逐步形成:(2)水库蓄水,减小了泥石流沟的比降,会在一定程度上降低泥石流的活动性及破坏能力;(3)泥石流对水库的影响主要为输送泥沙,造成水库淤积。  相似文献   

Subao River lies along the Beichuan–Yingxiu fault in Beichuan County, which has been heavily impacted by the Wenchuan earthquake on 12 May 2008 and has become sources of many geo-hazards. On 24 September 2008, a rainstorm triggered a large debris flow in the catchment, causing several deaths and significant damages. A case study on changes of the debris flow was conducted in the river. The peak discharges were calculated in the Guanmenzi, Huangnidi, and Daanshan gullies. Results indicated that the peak discharges corresponded to various return periods in different gullies: 200 years in Daanshan, 100 years in Huangnidi, and 50 years in Guanmenzi. However, the triggering precipitation in these three gullies was only of a 20-year return period. The debris flows had undergone significant changes. Analysis indicated that the changes should be ascribed to the flow characteristics, initiation conditions, and the channel blockage impacted by the rapid accumulation of loose material. Channel blockage was the principal factor increasing the scale of the debris flow. The values on the blocking coefficient were presented based on density, height, and other characteristics of dams. Finally, all of the peak debris flow discharges of the Subao River Valley for a 20-year return period were calculated using the recommended blocking coefficient values.  相似文献   

Excess nutrient (N and P) loads are recognized as the major cause of serious water quality problems in China. River systems play a very important role in nitrate (NO3 ?) transportation and transformation in the aquatic environment. To understand and clarify the sources and processes affecting NO3 ? in river basins, we have examined spatial and temporal variations of concentration and dual-isotopic composition of NO3 ? in the dam-controlled Jialing River, a major tributary of the Yangtze River where land use is dominated by agriculture. Water samples were collected in July 2008 and February 2009 from the main channel of the Jialing River and its major tributaries. The δ15N and δ18O of NO3 ? range from 1.5 to 11.0 ‰ (average 6.2 ‰) and ?5.0 to 11.1 ‰ (average, 1.6 ‰), respectively. NO3 ? isotope data and δ18O of water interpreted in combination with hydrological and chemical data suggest that most of the NO3 ? input is from nitrification during the rainy season, and discharge of sewage and manure in the upper course and from cities accounts for much of the NO3 ? load during the dry season. The construction of cascade dams has led to retention of Si and a decrease in the Si/N ratio, implying that assimilation and/or denitrification may significantly affect NO3 ? in the dam area, as demonstrated by NO3 ? and dissolved Si concentrations, and \(\updelta^{ 1 5} {\text{N}}_{{{\text{NO}}_{3} }}\) and \(\updelta^{ 1 8} {\text{O}}_{{{\text{NO}}_{3} }}\) values. This study indicates that dual-isotopic data can be used to identify NO3 ? pollution sources and the processes NO3 ? has undergone during its retention and transport in the watershed of the dam-controlled Jialing River.  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江中游某水电站在库区6.7km范围内发育有11条泥石流沟,泥石流发生频率较低。本文主要通过对库区各石流沟的危险性、堵江可能性及对水电站工程设施的影响三个方面进行分析讨论,进而综合分析库区泥石流的工程影响。其中3条沟距离坝址较近,危险性较大,会对坝址区水工建筑及施工安全造成一定影响,库区泥石流不会造成严重的堵江问题。水库蓄水后,库区泥石流堆积区急剧后退,对水库正常运营影响较小。  相似文献   

Bin Yu  Yu Ma  Yufu Wu 《Natural Hazards》2013,65(1):835-849
The debris flow, which was triggered in the Wenjia Gully on August 13, 2010, is an extreme example of mass movement events, which occurred after the Wenchuan earthquake of May 12, 2008. This Earthquake triggered in the Wenjia Gully the second largest co-seismic landslide, which can be classified as a rockslide-debris avalanche. A lot of loose sediments was deposited in the basin. In the main so called Deposition Area II of this landslide, with a volume of 30?×?106?m3, flash floods can easily trigger debris flows because of the steep bottom slope and the relative small grain sizes of the sediments. The largest debris flow of August 13, 2010 destroyed the most downstream dam in the catchment during a heavy rain storm. The debris flow with a peak discharge of 1,530?m3/s and a total volume of 3.1?×?106?m3 caused the death of 7 persons, 5 persons were missing, 39 persons were injured and 479 houses buried. After three rainy seasons, only 16?% of the landslide-debris deposition was taken away by 5 large-scale debris flow events. Since the threshold for rainfall triggered debris flows in the Wenjia Gully and other catchments drastically decreased after the Wenchuan Earthquake, new catastrophic events are expected in the future during the rainy season.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT It is important to understand the exact process whereby very large amounts of sediment are transported. This paper reports peculiar conglomerate beds reflecting the transition of submarine debris flows into hyperconcentrated flows, something that has been well documented only in subaerial debris-flow events until now. Voluminous debris flows generated along a Cretaceous submarine channel, southern Chile, transformed immediately into multiphase flows. Their deposits overlie fluted or grooved surfaces and comprise a lower division of clast-supported and imbricated pebble–cobble conglomerate with basal inverse grading and an upper division of clast- to matrix-supported, disorganized conglomerate with abundant intraformational clasts. The conglomerate beds suggest temporal succession of turbidity current, gravelly hyperconcentrated flow, and mud-rich debris flow phases. The multiphase flows resulted from progressive dilution of gravelly but cohesive debris flows that could hydroplane, in contrast to the flow transitions in subaerial environments, which involve mostly non-cohesive debris flows. This finding has significant implications for the definition, classification, and hazard assessment of submarine mass-movement processes and characterization of submarine reservoir rocks.  相似文献   

泥石流V型排导槽防治理论及应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泥石流是造成云南省直接经济损失最高的地质灾害。云南省在防治泥石流方面总结出一套“稳、拦、排、截”等工程和植物措施相结合的综合治理办法,V型槽属排导措施中的一种。在云南31条泥石流防治工程实验与实践中,突破泥石流排导最小纵坡和槽型最小曲线半径的理论限制,创造了在部分沟段排导槽最小纵坡3‰、最小曲线半径仅为槽宽的3倍仍能顺畅排导泥石流的效果,改善了纵坡连接代数差的范围,认识到平面曲线段(弯道拐点)和纵坡变坡点不能叠加的问题,发展了复式V型槽。  相似文献   

泥石流空间易发程度调查是开展地质灾害防范和制定生态修复计划的基础之一。目前单纯依靠野外调查并结合遥感观测,或以小流域为单元的泥石流模拟,均难以在大空间范围内高效、准确地识别潜在泥石流沟。鉴于泥石流是一种高能重力流,此次研究以金沙江流域为例,在假定物源供给无差异条件下,提出通过求算河流功率梯度(ω)来实现地表外动力活动强度定量刻画和泥石流空间易发程度调查的新方案,并将泥石流沟验证点数与ω值关系曲线的比降趋势突变位置作为阈值(1×10?4 W/m2),提取出大约3.2万条长度超过200 m的高能河谷或泥石流易发沟谷。这些沟谷基本位于金沙江和雅砻江干流中下游,在大约30 km距离的缓冲区范围内密集分布,其数量与缓冲区宽度存在乘幂函数关系。在全球变暖背景下,未来发生极端气象事件可能性趋于增加,这些地带,尤其是梯级库区河段应做为泥石流灾害的重点防范区。研究的最终结果提供了金沙江流域泥石流易发沟谷的空间位置及ω值的点阵数据集,可供检索高能河谷的准确位置,也可作为相关地质灾害与地表过程研究的基础数据和资料。   相似文献   

Chao Ma  Jiayong Deng  Rui Wang 《Landslides》2018,15(12):2475-2485
The occurrence of debris flow from channel-bed failure is occasionally noted in small and steeply sloping watersheds where channelized water flow dominates debris flow initiation. On August 12, 2016, a debris flow from channel-bed failures occurred in the Caozhuangzi Watershed of the Longtan Basin, Miyun, Beijing. Rainfall records over 10-min intervals and field investigations including channel morphology measurements were used to study the triggering conditions and erosion process. The results indicated that the occurrence of this event lagged the peak 10-min rainfall interval and that the cumulative rainfall prior to the occurrence time played an important role in its formation. A mean 10-min rainfall intensity–duration expression in the form of I10?=?5.0?×?D?0.21, where I10 denotes the mean 10-min rainfall intensity and D is the rainfall duration ranging from 10 to 60 h, was proposed. The debris flows have low proportions of grain size fractions <?0.1 mm and higher fractions of grains 0.1–2 mm in size, indicating that the flow had low viscosity and was coarse-grain dominated. Channel morphology analysis revealed that abrupt changes in topography in the study area, including a steep section, a concave stream bank area, and a partial concave stream section were eroded more extensively than other sites. The maximum sediment erosion volume and erosion depth were not proportional to the variation in stream gradient. Consideration of the degree of erosion in the channel at sites with abrupt morphology changes, the maximum sediment erosion volume, and the erosion depth and volume at the initial channel site and downstream region of forest area together showed that the prime factor controlling erosion was entrained sediment volume. This work, thus, provides a case study regarding the triggering conditions of runoff-triggered debris flows and the topographical changes by debris flow erosion.  相似文献   

Debris flow hazard posts a big threat to the main downstream of Jinsha River where a number of huge power stations are under construction. The characteristics of spatial distribution of debris flows and the effect of their sediment yield on the reservoir areas have been studied. An automatic recognition module was developed to extract the geometry of debris flow channels from remote sensing data. Spatial distribution pattern of debris flows is obtained through combining the inventory database and multi-source remote sensing investigation. The distribution of debris flows has high dependency on the various factors including geology, geomorphology, climate, hydrology and human economic activities. The debris flows distributed in the study area are characterized by group and pair distribution, uncompleted deposition fans, highly controlled by faults and tectonic activities, spatial variation between left bank and right bank, and different subdivisions. The sediment yield caused by debris flow activates is evaluated using multi-year observation data from numerous observation stations. Quantitative studies have been performed on the relationship between the sediment yield and the debris flow area. A relatively fix ratio of 2.6 (×104 t/km2) has been found in different subdivisions of main downstream area which shows that the source of sediment discharged into Jinsha River primarily come from debris flow activities. Another ratio is evaluated to represent the transforming possibility of debris flow materials to bed-sediment load and suspended-sediment load in the river. Based on these findings, the potential effect of sediment yield caused by debris flows on reservoir areas is discussed. The zonation map shows the different effect of debris flow sediment on different dam site area which shows a good agreement with variation of debris flow spatial distribution.  相似文献   

Peng  Taixin  Chen  Ningsheng  Hu  Guisheng  Tian  Shufeng  Han  Zheng  Liu  Enlong 《Natural Hazards》2021,108(3):2855-2877
Natural Hazards - On 6 July 2020, 3&nbsp;h 40&nbsp;min after rainfall stopped, a delayed debris-flow disaster occurred due to colluvium deposits in a hollow region (CDH) in the...  相似文献   

中国泥石流起动物理模拟试验研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
倪化勇  唐川 《水科学进展》2014,25(4):606-613
为进一步提高泥石流起动物理模拟试验的科学性,完善试验体系,采用资料收集与分析方法,总结了近年来中国泥石流起动物理模拟试验开展的现状,从水流冲刷与泥石流起动试验以及人工降雨与泥石流起动试验两个方面论述了中国泥石流起动试验取得的主要进展和理论成果。在国内外泥石流起动物理模拟试验对照基础上,提出中国泥石流起动物理模拟试验研究的建议:提高水流浓度、降雨雨型与土体特征的相似率;加强降雨或水流作用下土体物理力学特征变化与泥石流起动响应研究;推动降雨与汇流共同作用下泥石流起动综合性物理模拟试验的开展。  相似文献   

Natural and anthropogenic impacts on karst ground water, Zunyi, Southwest China, are discussed using the stable isotope composition of dissolved inorganic carbon and particulate organic carbon, together with carbon species contents and water chemistry. The waters can be mainly characterized as HCO3–Ca type, HCO3 · SO4–Ca type, or HCO3 · SO4–Ca · Mg type, according to mass balance considerations. It is found that the average δ13CDIC values of ground waters are higher in winter (low-flow season) than in summer (high-flow season). Lower contents of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and lower values of δ13CDIC in summer than in winter, indicate that local rain events in summer and a longer residence time of water in winter play an important role in the evolution of ground water carbon in karst flow systems; therefore, soil CO2 makes a larger contribution to the DIC in summer than in winter. The range of δ13CDIC values indicate that dissolved inorganic carbon is mainly controlled by the rate of carbonate dissolution. The concentrations of dissolved organic carbon and particulate organic carbon in most ground water samples are lower than 2.0 mg C L−1 and 0.5 mg C L−1, respectively, but some waters have slightly higher contents of organic carbon. The waters with high organic carbon contents are generally located in the urban area where lower δ13CDIC values suggest that urbanization has had an effect on the ground water biogeochemistry and might threaten the water quality.  相似文献   

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