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Vegetation and climate since the LGM in eastern Hokkaido were investigated based on a pollen record from marine core GH02-1030 from off Tokachi in the northwestern Pacific. We also examined pollen spectra in surface samples from Sakhalin to compare and understand the climatic conditions of Hokkaido during the last glacial period. Vegetation in the Tokachi region in the LGM (22–17 ka) was an open boreal forest dominated by Picea and Larix. During the last deglaciation (17–10 ka), vegetation was characterized by abundant Betula. In the Kenbuchi Basin, central Hokkaido, a remarkable increase of Larix and Pinus occurred in the LGM and the last deglaciation, which was assigned as the “Kenbuchi Stadial.” Comparison of climatic data between the core GH02-1030 and that of Kenbuchi Basin demonstrates that variations in temperature and precipitation were larger in inland Hokkaido than in the maritime area of the Pacific coast. During the LGM in the Tokachi region, the August mean temperature was about 5 °C lower, and annual precipitation was about 40% lower than today. In the Kenbuchi Basin, central Hokkaido, the August mean temperature was about 8 °C lower, and annual precipitation was half that of today. During the last deglaciation, August mean temperatures were about 3 °C lower, and annual precipitation was about 30% lower than today in the Tokachi region. In the Kenbuchi Basin, August mean temperatures were about 5–8 °C lower, and annual precipitation was about 40–60% lower than today. Cold ocean water and a strengthened summer monsoon after 15 ka may have resulted in the formation of advection fogs, reduced summer temperatures, and a decrease in the seasonal temperature difference in the Tokachi district, which established favorable maritime conditions for Betula forests.  相似文献   

The island of Hokkaido, Japan, is subdivided into nineteen regions on the basis of regional geology and landslide distribution. Four major geologic zones characterize these regions, as follows: (1) Volcanic Rock Zone, (2) “Green Tuff” Zone, (3) Mudstone Zone, and (4) Serpentinite “Green Rock” Zone. Each zone is marked by landslides of a distinctive type. In addition, we have analyzed the relationship between landslide distribution and geologic structure for several areas.  相似文献   

In porous sediments of the Ishikari Lowland, there is a gradual increase in the background geothermal gradient from the Ishikari River (3–4 °C 100 m–1) to the southwest highland area (10 °C 100 m–1). However, the geothermal gradient at shallow depths differs in detail from the background distribution. In spite of convective heat-flow loss generally associated with groundwater flow, heat flow remains high (100 mW m–2) in the recharge area in the southwestern part of the Ishikari basin, which is part of an active geothermal field. In the northeastern part of the lowland, heat flow locally reaches 140 mW m–2, probably due to upward water flow from the deep geothermal field. Between the two areas the heat flow is much lower. To examine the role of hydraulic flow in the distortion of the isotherms in this area, thermal gradient vs. temperature analyses were made, and they helped to define the major components of the groundwater-flow system of the region. Two-dimensional simulation modeling aided in understanding not only the cause of horizontal heat-flow variations in this field but also the contrast between thermal properties of shallow and deep groundwater reservoirs. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Diagenetic clinoptilolite and analcime are present in the diagenesis of Tertiary marine silicic tuffs in the MITI-Toyokoro borehole, Hokkaido, Japan. Chemical analysis, SEM and petrographic observations show the mechanism of clinoptilolite to analcime transformation. Na-K clinoptilolite (NaK=6:4), an alteration product of volcanic glass, is detected at depths of 1230 to 2710m. A more Na-rich clinoptilolite (Na: K = 9:1) discovered at depths between 2590 and 2710 m is a result of a cation exchange mechanism. The formation of analcime at greater depths is due to a microdissolution-precipitation mechanism, that is Na-rich clinoptilolite dissolved and analcime precipitated as a result of increasing burial. At 2710 m analcime occurs next to the Na-rich clinoptilolite and it is assumed that the Na-rich clinoptilolite is an intermediate phase.  相似文献   

Long-term records are needed to investigate the impact of extreme events in the current framework of global change. Sedimentary reconstruction with a high resolution remains difficult without conducting expensive, destructive and/or time-consuming analyses. In this study, high resolution CT-scan profiles (0·6 mm resolution) were used to investigate their potential for detecting flood deposits induced by heavy rainfall events. This method was applied to a sediment core dated with fallout radionuclides – covering a 120 year period – collected in a pond draining a small forested catchment (French Massif Central – Central France). Between 1960 and 2017, 28 layers were deposited. Seventy-six percent of these deposits were correlated to the occurrence of heavy rainfall (>50 mm) recorded during one or two consecutive days. The remainder of the deposits detected with the Computer Tomography (CT) scanner (n = 5) were not correlated to weather events. They mainly occurred in response to landscape management operations (for example, afforestation works as a result of the major 1999 storm). This period was indeed characterized by an increase in the delivery of 137Cs-enriched sediment, demonstrating a greater topsoil contribution to sediment during major forest management operations. The intensity of detrital layers has significantly decreased throughout time after a major land use change that took place in 1948 and land abandonment. The frequency of heavy rainfall and associated detrital deposits has nevertheless increased by 60% and 75%, respectively, between the years 1960 and 2017. These results outline the potential of CT-scan for reconstructing long-term flood deposits associated with heavy precipitation.  相似文献   

滇西沘江沉积物剖面重金属元素分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用连续提取法测定流经兰坪金顶铅锌矿区的沘江3个沉积物剖面中重金属元素的含量,分析Pb、Zn、Cd和As在流域的分布特征和在沉积物剖面中的分布特征。结果表明,距矿山75km的河段沉积物中,浅层沉积物中4种金属元素均污染严重,金顶铅锌矿是沉积物中重金属元素的主要来源,随着矿山开发规模的不断扩大,污染程度加深。4种重金属元素中Cd活性态比例高,且污染程度最强、范围最广、深度最大,Zn、Pb次之,As污染相对较轻、范围较小。潜在生态危害指数法研究结果表明,浅层沉积物中重金属元素表现出中等—很强的生态风险性,产生生态危害的主要重金属元素是Cd,其后依次是Pb、As和Zn。  相似文献   

《Engineering Geology》2002,63(1-2):169-185
Heavy rainfall from 26 to 31 August 1998 triggered many landslides in Nishigo Village of southern Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. The Hiegaesi landslide, a long-runout landslide with travel angle of 11°, which occurred in loamy volcanic-ash/pumice layer and was deposited in a nearby rice paddy, was investigated. In an observation pit dug in the middle part of the landslide deposit, the sliding zone just above the deflected rice plants was observed, and it was confirmed that grain crushing occurred in the sliding zone. The triggering and sliding mechanisms of this landslide then were investigated by ring-shear tests in laboratory. For the triggering mechanism, one saturated naturally drained test (test A: torque-controlled test) and one saturated undrained test (test B: speed-controlled test) were conducted on the samples taken from the source area of the landslide. Even in the naturally drained test opening the upper drain valve of the shear box, a temporary liquefaction occurred. In the undrained test, excess pore-pressure was generated along with shearing, and “sliding-surface liquefaction” phenomenon was observed. The effective stress and shear resistance finally decreased to near zero. These results can explain the observed phenomenon of small friction resistance like a flow of liquid when the sliding mass slid out of the source area. For the sliding mechanism of the landslide in the rice paddy, saturated undrained test (test C: speed-controlled test) was performed on soil sample above the deflected rice plants. The apparent friction angle obtained in this test was 8°. In addition, the residual friction angle measured after test B and test C was the same value of 41°. Combining with the observation on the shear zone in the ring-shear box after test C, it is concluded that, during the sliding in rice paddy, the undrained shear strength of the soil layer itself mainly influenced the high mobility of the landslide, probably because the friction between rice plants and soils is greater than the undrained shear strength inside the soil mass.  相似文献   

The groundwater flow systems and chemistry in the deep part of the coastal area of Japan have attracted attention over recent decades due to government projects such as geological disposal of radioactive waste. However, the continuous groundwater flow system moving from the shallow to deep parts of the sedimentary soft rock has not yet been characterized. Therefore, the Cl, δD and δ18O values of the pore water in the Horonobe coastal area in Hokkaido, Japan, were measured to 1,000 m below the ground surface, and a vertical profile of the pore-water chemistry was constructed to assist in elucidating groundwater circulation patterns in the coastal area. The results show that the groundwater flow regime may be divided into five categories based on groundwater age and origin: (1) fresh groundwater recharged by modern rainwater, (2) fresh groundwater recharged by paleo rainwater during the last glacial age, (3) low-salinity groundwater recharged during the last interglacial period, (4) mixed water in a diffusion zone, and (5) connate water consisting of paleo seawater. These results suggest that the appearance of hydrological units is not controlled by the boundaries of geological formations and that paleo seawater is stored in younger Quaternary sediments.  相似文献   

In this study, we applied chemical geothermometers to the estimation of formation temperatures of chlorites from various types of hydrothermally altered rocks in the Toyoha geothermal field, using core samples from six drill holes (TH-2 to TH-7) together with wasted ore samples from Toyoha vein-type ore deposit. Based on the preliminary examination of mineral assemblages by X-ray powder diffraction and optical microscopy, hydrothermal alteration observed through the drill holes was classified into four types of alteration zones: propylitic, mixed-layer minerals, kaolin minerals, and ore mineralized zones. The mineral assemblage of the ore mineralized zone observed through TH-2, TH-4, and TH-6 is similar to those of Toyoha ore veins reported previously. The Fe3+/ΣFe ratios of chlorites were determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), in addition to the usual microprobe analyses. The ratios ranged from 0.20–0.26 for chlorites from the propylitic alteration zone and from 0.13 to 0.17 for those from the ore mineralized zone associated with sulfide minerals. After correcting the Fe3+ contents in the octahedral sites of chlorite structures, we obtained acceptable temperatures of the chlorite formation by application of geothermometers, for instance, a similar range of 150–300°C for chlorites from either the propylitic zone or the ore mineralized zone developed through TH-2, TH-4, and TH-6. Chlorites from the ore mineralized zone proximal to the Toyoha deposit are characterized by high Fe and Mn contents compared to the propylitic chlorites, which is similar to the Toyoha vein-filling chlorites; the formation temperatures were close to both the homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions and the present subsurface temperatures measured through drill holes. Chlorites from the Toyoha ore veins, however, gave slightly higher formation temperatures (180–350°C) than those of chlorites from the ore mineralized zone in the drill cores. This suggests that several types of hydrothermal alteration occurred at different stages in the Toyoha geothermal field and the composition of product chlorite was controlled not only by the temperature but also the composition of fluid related to the formation. Reliable estimation of temperature for the chlorite formation provides basic information on evaluating correctly other physicochemical conditions prevalent at the formation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Southwest Hokkaido is largely covered by Late Miocene to Quaternary igneous rocks, and has a large number of gold veins and base-metal veins of the same age. Investigation of the silica-normalized concentration of elements has revealed regional petrochemical zoning; large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and K2O/(Na2O+K2O) of the rocks increase toward Japan Sea, whereas total FeO, CaO, and 87Sr/86Sr decrease. Mapped concentration isoplethes of these elements are not ideally parallel to the volcanic front, but protrude to the west at Funka Bay, and to the northwest at Matsumae Peninsula. Isoplethes of 87Sr/86Sr show similar patterns and two more northwestward protrusions in the northeast (Jozankei block) of southwest Hokkaido. Contrary to the general petrochemical trend, both high– and low-LILE volcanic rocks occur in the Jozankei block. The ore deposits are distributed in four metallogenic zones; manganese–base–metal zone on the Japan Sea side, pyrite-limonite zone mainly along the volcanic front, gold zone in the middle, and two units of gold–base–metal zone. The northern unit of this zone is in the Jozankei block, and seems a part of the gold zone overlapped by the manganese–base–metal zone. Thus, as a rule, pyrite–limonite, gold, and base-metal deposits accompany low–, intermediate–, and high-LILE igneous rocks, respectively. Individual deposits and volcanic rocks make chains oblique to the zones and the volcanic front. The majority of the ore deposits are distributed along ridges of Bouguer anomalies overlapped by the volcanic chains, which apparently control the patterns of the petrochemical isoplethes. This is typical for two volcanic chains to the north and south of Funka Bay, where the petrochemical isoplethes protrude to the west. This indicates that both the igneous activity and the mineralization have been under the control of tectonic fractures at the roots of the volcanic chains. The geological, petrochemical and metallogenic data support the idea that the chemical characteristics of the deposits are correlated mainly with the chemistry of the associated magmas, and partly with that of the host rocks.  相似文献   

The distribution patterns, the index of geo-accumulations (MIgeo), and the enrichment ratios (ER n ) of the contaminant metals: Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, and Ni were studied in gravel, sand, mud, coarse, medium, and fine sediment fractions of the uppermost layer of the bottom sediments collected from 12 stations covering the northern part of Safaga Bay. The distribution levels of these metals were increasing with grain size decreasing toward the central axis of the bay that extends NE–SW and southward to Safaga Harbour indicating that these metals concentrated mainly in the fine, very fine, and particulate fractions of sediments and to many anthropogenic sources. The geo-accumulation factor of Zn was more significant (MIgeo?≈?0.62–4.23) relative to the other metals. The bay was classified as moderately to strongly polluted by Zn while it is unpolluted to moderately polluted with the other metals with accumulation sequence of: Zn>Ni>Cu>Mn≥Pb. Zn and Ni recorded the highest enrichment ratios (average ERZn?≈?3.07 to 8.89; average ERNi?≈?0.84 to 3.63) in the different sediment fractions relative the other metals. These enrichment ratios classified the bay as minimal enrichment, suggestive of no or minimal pollution, to significant enrichment, suggestive of a significant pollution signals with metals sequence of: Zn>Ni>Cu>Pb>Mn.  相似文献   

以中国北方某湖泊(以下称A湖)为例,开展了底泥中氮磷污染及重金属生态风险评价研究,探讨多种评价方法的相关性,并分析底泥中氮磷元素向上覆水迁移造成水体富营养化的风险.选取A湖中心区域的10个底泥监测点位数据,对其总氮、总磷及重金属(Pb、Cr、As、Cd、Ni)含量进行分析,并采用有机污染指数法评价总氮污染,单因子指数法...  相似文献   

In the past decades, the influence of climate change has caused changes in the amount of rainfall in many areas which may affect the flood assessment and mitigation. This research aims to determine amount of rainfall which impacts on changes of the water levels in canals and evaluate the appropriate mitigation measures for floods in the inner Bangkok area, Bangkok Noi and Bangkok Yai districts of Bangkok. The maximum 1-day rainfall during 1997–2010 was determined under different return periods of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 year. The MIKE 11 model was then applied to assess changes of the water levels in canals caused by design rainfall events for those return periods. The flood mitigation was also proposed by applying various pumping capacities and initial water levels, incorporating with building dykes and a floodgate. This study has found that the highest flood-risk areas are along Chak Phra and Bangkhunnon canals and the eastern part of Jakthong Canal while the lowest flood-risk area is Bangkok Yai district. Flood caused from the 10-year rainfall can be mitigated by building dykes with the height of 0.75 m [mean sea level (MSL)] and maintaining the initial water level of 0.70 m (MSL). Furthermore, it has also been found that flood caused from the 25-year rainfall can be mitigated by building the floodgate to prevent the flowing back water at Wat Yangsuttharam Canal. However, 50- and 100-year rainfalls seem to cause floods which are too large to mitigate.  相似文献   

Abstract: Plio–Pleistocene hydrothermal activity resulted in high grade low sulfidation epithermal gold mineralization in the Seta area, the southern end of the Monbetsu-Kamishihoro Graben of northeastern Hokkaido, Japan. Hydrothermal activity and accompanying hydrothermal eruptions began at approximately 2 Ma along NNW-SSE trending faults, the Tohbu-ko fault I and II. This activity resulted in two main zones of gold mineralization, the west quartz-adularia veins(QAV) and east stock-work zone(STZ), formed between 1. 8 and 1. 2 Ma. A smectite-chlorite alteration zone is observed at deeper levels, while kaolinite and kaolinite-smectite zones occur at shallower levels with an acid-leached zone present near the surface. The kaoli-nite and kaolinite-smectite zones are also distributed along faults and the STZ, to depths of several hundred meters. δ34S values of pyrite and alunite from the kaolinite and silicified zones indicate alunite formed by the oxidation of sulfide, either H2S(vapor) or mineral.
Formation of the STZ and the southern part of the QAV took place during lacustrine sedimentation, while formation of the northern part of the QAV took place after eruption of andesitic lava; the latter being associated with widespread alteration formed under neutral-pH conditions. δ18O values of quartz veins and silicified rocks indicate that the paleo-hydrothermal waters have a large meteoric component, increasing with decreasing depth in the STZ. Acid hydrothermal waters, resulting from near surface oxidation of H2S were responsible for acid-leaching and kaolinization of surrounding rocks. Between 1. 4 and 0. 3 Ma, the acid hot waters drained back along the STZ to depths of at least 500m, as a result of a fall in the paleo-water table level.  相似文献   

2010年和2011年在鸭绿江西水道和西岸潮间带共采集4根柱状样,通过对2mPb测年、粒度、总有机碳、重金属元素等多指标综合分析,探讨了:(1)鸭绿江河口西水道和西岸潮间带柱状沉积物中重金属的垂向分布及其来源:(2)重金属分布的粒度控制作用:(3)不同时期的粒度和重金属分布变化及其对流域变化的响应。结果表明:f1)Cu和zn可能来源于有机质降解的内源释放:Cr和Ni表征了岩石风化剥蚀形成陆源碎屑的自然来源:Cd和Pb反映了人类活动的影响。(2)除西岸潮间带的Cd和Pb含量可能部分受来源影响外,研究区的粒度效应是控制鸭绿江地区重金属含量分布的最主要因素。(3)粒度变化与流域演变密切相关,重金属含量对流域变化和人类活动响应明显,大致以1940年、1970年、1995年为界分为四个沉积阶段:1940年以前,自然演变对鸭绿江河口西岸潮间带的重金属分布控制明显,而1940年来至今,人类活动的控制作用日益凸显。  相似文献   

A seasonal rain front (Baiu front) accompanied a long-term accumulation of precipitation propagated over the wide areas of the main island of Japan during 15–24 July 2006. In Okaya City, Nagano Prefecture, several flow-type landslides occurred in the early morning of 19 July 2006, claiming eight lives. Among these landslides, a most peculiar complex earth slide–earth flow occurred on a north gentle slope of the upstream portion of the Motosawagawa River. In the source area, volcanoclastic soils overlying tuffaceous rocks at about 4-m depth slid due to the prolonged precipitation that raised the water table level in the soil. Along with the travel path, the failed materials fluidized causing the liquefaction of the volcanoclastic soils underlain by volcanic black ash soils. The resulting flow spread over a wide area up to the final deposition. Constant volume box-shear tests on undisturbed volcanoclastic soil specimens taken from the source area showed effective normal stress tended to decrease during shearing. The ring shear tests on saturated disturbed specimens produced the large loss of shear resistance, which may explain the fluidized motion of the complex landslide.  相似文献   

On July 13, 2004, heavy rainfalls because of the intensive activities of the rain front occurred in the Mid-Niigata Region, Japan. They were as much as 400 mm in 24 h, bringing about serious flooding by breaking the river banks. The heavy rainfalls also triggered more than 3,500 landslides. Three months later, the southern region of Mid-Niigata was attacked by an earthquake of magnitude 6.8 on the Richter scale on October 23, 2004. The main earthquakes were followed by intensive aftershocks, which continued until December 2004. By these earthquakes, variable landslides of more than 4,400 also occurred in the hilly and mountainous areas. Namely, different triggers brought about the variable landslides in the hilly mountains whose features are very similar in geological and geomorphological points of view. Therefore, these two events are very useful for clearing the difference in features of the landslides between the two. We have been researching on both landslides in the field just after both occurred and later analyzing air photographs using the geographic information system (GIS). In this paper, we describe the comparison in the distribution features using GIS analytical data between the heavy rainfall-induced and the intensive earthquake-induced landslides.  相似文献   

Harzburgite and lherzolite tectonites from the Horoman peridotite complex, Hokkaido, northern Japan, contain variable amounts of secondary phlogopite and amphibole. Phlogopite-rich veinlets parallel to the foliation planes usually cut olivine-rich parts of the rocks; single-grained interstitial phlogopites are usually associated with orthopyroxene grains. Amphiboles are disseminated in rocks or sometimes occur in the phlogopite-rich veinlets. Within individual veinlets, phlogopites show extensive inter-grain variations in K/(K + Na) ratio (0.96–0.75), generally decreasing from the central (usually the thickest) part towards the marginal parts of veinlets. In contrast, Ti contents are nearly constant in Ti-poor veins or decrease slightly with decreasing K/(K + Na) in T-rich veins. Variation of Ti in phlogopites is very large (0.1–6.8 wt%) and is inversely correlated with Mg/(Mg + Fe*) (Fe*, total iron) atomic ratios, which vary from 0.96 to 0.88. Intra-vein variation of phlogopite chemistry (especially K/(K + Na) ratio) could be achieved by in situ fractional crystallization of trapped fluids; variation of Ti, however, cannot be explained by in situ fractionation of the fluids, indicating various Ti contents of the parent fluids. It is suggested that fluids responsible for the formation of the Horoman phlogopites and amphiboles were magmatic volatiles successively released from evolving alkali basaltic magmas. Individual fluids trapped within peridotites were fractionated, precipitating phlogopites successively poorer in K. When the fluids became rich enough in Na, amphiboles co-precipitated with phlogopites. Similar fractional crystallization of phlogopites and amphiboles is expected in the upper mantle on a larger scale if fluids move upwards. This process may control, at least partly, a lateral K/Na distribution in the upper mantle; K and Na may be concentrated in deeper and shallower parts, respectively.  相似文献   

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