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Random finite element method (RFEM) provides a rigorous tool to incorporate spatial variability of soil properties into reliability analysis and risk assessment of slope stability. However, it suffers from a common criticism of requiring extensive computational efforts and a lack of efficiency, particularly at small probability levels (e.g., slope failure probability P f ?<?0.001). To address this problem, this study integrates RFEM with an advanced Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) method called “Subset Simulation (SS)” to develop an efficient RFEM (i.e., SS-based RFEM) for reliability analysis and risk assessment of soil slopes. The proposed SS-based RFEM expresses the overall risk of slope failure as a weighed aggregation of slope failure risk at different probability levels and quantifies the relative contributions of slope failure risk at different probability levels to the overall risk of slope failure. Equations are derived for integrating SS with RFEM to evaluate the probability (P f ) and risk (R) of slope failure. These equations are illustrated using a soil slope example. It is shown that the P f and R are evaluated properly using the proposed approach. Compared with the original RFEM with direct MCS, the SS-based RFEM improves, significantly, the computational efficiency of evaluating P f and R. This enhances the applications of RFEM in the reliability analysis and risk assessment of slope stability. With the aid of improved computational efficiency, a sensitivity study is also performed to explore effects of vertical spatial variability of soil properties on R. It is found that the vertical spatial variability affects the slope failure risk significantly.  相似文献   

This paper investigates, using the random field theory and Monte Carlo simulation, the effects of random field discretization on failure probability, p f, and failure mechanism of cohesive soil slope stability. The spatial sizes of the discretized elements in random field Δx, Δy in horizontal and vertical directions, respectively, are assigned a series of combinational values in order to model the discretization accuracy. The p f of deterministic critical slip surface (DCSS) and that of the slope system both are analyzed. The numerical simulation results have demonstrated that both the ratios of Δy/λ y (λ y  = scale of fluctuation in vertical direction) and Δx/λ x (λ x  = scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction) contribute in a similar manner to the accuracy of p f of DCSS. The effect of random field discretization on the p f can be negligible if both the ratios of Δx/λ x and Δy/λ y are no greater than 0.1. The normalized discrepancy tends to increase at a linear rate with Δy/λ y when Δx/λ x is larger than 0.1, and vice versa for p f of DCSS. The random field discretization tends to have more considerable influence on the p f of DCSS than on that of the slope system. The variation of p f versus λ x and λ y may exhibit opposite trends for the cases where the limit state functions of slope failure are defined on DCSS and on the slope system as well. Finally, the p f of slope system converges in a more rapid manner to that of DCSS than the failure mechanism does to DCSS as the spatial variability of soil property grows from significant to negligible.  相似文献   

The amount of bicarbonate utilised by plants is usually ignored because of limited measurement methods. Accordingly, this study quantified the photosynthetic assimilation of inorganic carbon (CO2 and HCO3 ?) by plants. The net photosynthetic CO2 assimilation (P N), the photosynthetic assimilation of CO2 and bicarbonate (P N’), the proportion of increased leaf area (f LA) and the stable carbon isotope composition (δ13C) of Orychophragmus violaceus (Ov) and Brassica juncea (Bj) under three bicarbonate levels (5, 10 and 15 mm NaHCO3) were examined to determine the relationship among P N, P N’ and f LA. P N’, not P N, changed synchronously with f LA. Moreover, the proportions of exogenous bicarbonate and total bicarbonate (including exogenous bicarbonate and dissolved CO2-generated bicarbonate) utilised by Ov were 2.27 % and 5.28 % at 5 mm bicarbonate, 7.06 % and 13.28 % at 10 mm bicarbonate, and 8.55 % and 17.31 % at 15 mm bicarbonate, respectively. Meanwhile, the proportions of exogenous bicarbonate and total bicarbonate utilised by Bj were 1.77 % and 3.28 % at 5 mm bicarbonate, 2.11 % and 3.10 % at 10 mm bicarbonate, and 2.36 % and 3.09 % at 15 mm bicarbonate, respectively. Therefore, the dissolved CO2-generated bicarbonate and exogenous bicarbonate are important sources of inorganic carbon for plants.  相似文献   

AIA/SDO data in the 193 Å channel preceding a coronal mass ejection observed at the solar limb on June 13, 2010 are used to simultaneously identify and examine two different shock fronts. The angular size of each front relative to the CME center was about 20°, and their propagation directions differed by ≈25° (≈4° in position angle). The faster front, called the blast shock, advanced the other front, called the piston shock, by R ≈ (0.02-0.03)R⊙ (R⊙ is the solar radius) and had a maximum initial speed of VB ≈ 850 km/s (with VP ≈ 700 km/s for the piston shock). The appearance and motion of these shocks were accompanied by a Type II radio burst observed at the fundamental frequency F and second harmonic H. Each frequency was split into two close frequencies f1 and f2 separated by Δf = f2 - f1 ? F, H. It is concluded that the observed frequency splitting Δf of the F and H components of the Type II burst could result from the simultaneous propagation of piston and blast shocks moving with different speeds in somewhat different directions displaying different coronal-plasma densities.  相似文献   

Previously, similarity of source spectra of Kamchatka earthquakes with respect to the common corner frequency fc1 and the expressed deviations from similarity for the second fc2 and the third fc3 corner frequencies were revealed. The value of fc3 reflects the characteristic size Lis of fault surface; correspondingly, LisvrTis, where vr is the rupture speed and Tis ≈ 1/fc3 is characteristic time. The estimates of fc3 are used for normalizing fc1 and fc2. In this way one obtains dimensionless rupture temporal parametres τ1 and τ2 and can further study the dependence τ21). The growth of a rupture is considered as a process of aggregation of elementary fault spots of the size Lis. The dimensionless width of the random front of aggregation is on the order of τ2. The relationship τ21) approximately follows power law with exponent β. The estimates of β derived from earthquake populations of Kamchatka, USA and Central Asia (β = 0.35–0.6) agree with values expected from the known Eden’s theory of random aggregation growth and from its generalizations.  相似文献   

The rock mass failure process can be divided into several distinct deformation stages: the compaction stage, elastic stage, stable failure stage, accelerated failure stage, and post-peak stage. Although each stage has been well studied, the relationship among the stages has not been established. Here, we establish two models which are the Strain model Q and Energy density model S by using the renormalization group theory and investigate the mechanical relationship between the volume dilatant point and peak stress point on the rock stress-strain curve. Our models show that the strain ratio (ε f /ε c ) and energy ratio (E f /E c ) at the volume dilatant point and peak stress point are solely functions of the shape parameter m. To verify our models, we further studied the failure process of rock specimens through several uniaxial compression experiments and found that the relationship between ε f /ε c or E f /E c and m shares a notably similar pattern to that from our theoretical model. However, the ε f /ε c and E f /E c values in our experiments are slightly smaller than those predicted by the models. In brief, we demonstrate that our models can be used to predict the failure process of the laboratory-scale hard brittle rock samples.  相似文献   

A high-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study has been carried out on a P21/c natural Mg-rich pigeonite sample with composition ca. Wo6En76Fs18 using a diamond anvil-cell. The unit-cell parameters were determined at 14 different pressures to 7.14 GPa. The sudden disappearance of the b-type reflections (h + k = odd) and a strong discontinuity (about 2.8%) in the unit-cell volume indicated a first-order P21/cC2/c phase transition between 4.66 and 4.88 GPa. The P(V) data of the P21/c phase were fitted to 4.66 GPa by a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state (BM3 EoS), whereas the limited number of experimental data collected within the C2/c phase between 4.88 and 7.14 GPa were fitted using the same equation of state but with K′ constrained to the value obtained for the P21/c fitting. The equation of state coefficients are V 0 = 424.66(6) Å3, K T0 = 104(2) GPa and K′ = 8(1) for the P21/c phase, and V 0 = 423.6(1) Å3, K T0 = 112.4(8) GPa, and K′ fixed to 8(1) for the C2/c phase. The axial moduli for a, b, and c for the P21/c phase were obtained using also a BM3-EoS, while for the C2/c phase only a linear calculation could be performed, and therefore the same approach was applied for comparison also to the P21/c phase. In general the C2/c phase exhibits axial compressibilities (β c > β a >> β b) lower than those of the P21/c phase (β b > β c ≈ β a; similar to those found in previous studies in clinopyroxenes and orthopyroxenes). The lower compressibility of the C2/c phase compared with that of the P21/c could be ascribed to the greater stiffness along the b direction. A previously published relationship between P c and M2 average cation radius (i.r.) has been updated using all the literature data on P21/c clinopyroxene containing large cations at M2 site and our new data. The following weighted regression was obtained: P c (GPa) = 26(4) ? 28(5) ×  i.r (Å), R 2 = 0.97. This improved equation can be used to predict the critical pressure of natural P21/c clinopyroxene samples just knowing the composition at M2 site.  相似文献   

A Cs-bearing polyphase aggregate with composition (in wt%): 76(1)CsAlSi5O12 + 7(1)CsAlSi2O6 + 17(1)amorphous, was obtained from a clinoptilolite-rich epiclastic rock after a beneficiation process of the starting material (aimed to increase the fraction of zeolite to 90 wt%), cation exchange and then thermal treatment. CsAlSi5O12 is an open-framework compound with CAS topology; CsAlSi2O6 is a pollucite-like material with ANA topology. The thermal stability of this polyphase material was investigated by in situ high-T X-ray powder diffraction, the combined PT effects by a series of runs with a single-stage piston cylinder apparatus, and its chemical stability following the “availability test” (“AVA test”) protocol. A series of additional investigations were performed by WDS–electron microprobe analysis in order to describe the PT-induced modification of the material texture, and to chemically characterize the starting material and the run products. The “AVA tests” of the polyphase aggregate show an extremely modest release of Cs+: 0.05 mg/g. In response to applied temperature and at room P, CsAlSi5O12 experiences an unquenchable and displacive Ama2-to-Amam phase transition at about 770 K, and the Amam polymorph is stable in its crystalline form up to 1600 K; a crystalline-to-amorphous phase transition occurs between 1600 and 1650 K. In response to the applied P = 0.5 GPa, the crystalline-to-amorphous transition of CsAlSi5O12 occurs between 1670 and 1770 K. This leads to a positive Clapeyron slope (i.e., dP/dT > 0) of the crystalline-to-amorphous transition. When the polyphase aggregate is subjected at P = 0.5 GPa and T > 1770 K, CsAlSi5O12 melts and only CsAlSi2O6 (pollucite-like; dominant) and Cs-rich glass (subordinate) are observed in the quenched sample. Based on its thermo-elastic behavior, PT phase stability fields, and Cs+ retention capacity, CsAlSi5O12 is a possible candidate for use in the immobilization of radioactive isotopes of Cs, or as potential solid hosts for 137Cs γ-radiation source in sterilization applications. More in general, even the CsAlSi5O12-rich aggregate obtained by a clinoptilolite-rich epiclastic rock appears to be suitable for this type of utilizations.  相似文献   

This study analyzed 267 landslide landforms (LLs) in the Kumamoto area of Japan from the database of about 0.4 million LLs for the whole of Japan identified from aerial photos by the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience of Japan (NIED). Each LL in the inventory is composed of a scarp and a moving mass. Since landslides are prone to reactivation, it is important to evaluate the sliding-recurrence susceptibility of LLs. One possible approach to evaluate the susceptibility of LLs is slope stability analysis. A previous study found a good correlation (R 2 = 0.99) between the safety factor (F s ) and slope angle (α) of F s  = 17.3α ?0.843. We applied the equation to the analysis of F s for 267 LLs in the area affected by the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake (M j  = 7.3). The F s was calculated for the following three cases of failure: scarps only, moving mass only, and scarps and moving mass together. Verification with the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake event shows that the most appropriate method for the evaluation of LLs is to consider the failure of scarps and moving mass together. In addition, by analyzing the relationship between the factors of slope of entire landslide and slope of scarp for LLs and comparing the results with the Aso-ohashi landslide, the largest landslide caused by the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake, we also found that morphometric analysis of LLs is useful for forecasting the travel distance of future landslides.  相似文献   

The purpose of the investigation is to reveal the dependences of P p = f(C p) on reservoir conditions and the lithological composition of rocks. The samples were studied using a set of lithological-petrographic investigations. To obtain the dependences on thermobaric conditions, 90 samples of different porosities (C p) of 15, 20, and 25% were collected. As a result, the general pattern of the change in the rock resistivity during the transition from atmospheric conditions of measuring to reservoir conditions was established. Dependences of porosity parameter P p on porosity coefficient C p were obtained for three values of formation water salinity and three reservoir conditions. The measurement errors of the porosity parameter P p were calculated using dependences obtained under atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

The stress regime in a Rotliegend reservoir of the Northeast German Basin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In-situ stresses have significant impact, either positive or negative, on the short and long term behaviour of fractured reservoirs. The knowledge of the stress conditions are therefore important for planning and utilization of man-made geothermal reservoirs. The geothermal field Groß Schönebeck (40 km north of Berlin/Germany) belongs to the key sites in the northeastern German Basin. We present a stress state determination for this Lower Permian (Rotliegend) reservoir by an integrated approach of 3D structural modelling, 3D fault mapping, stress ratio definition based on frictional constraints, and slip-tendency analysis. The results indicate stress ratios of the minimum horizontal stress S hmin being equal or increasing 0.55 times the amount of the vertical stress S V (S hmin ≥ 0.55S V ) and of the maximum horizontal stress S Hmax ≤ 0.78–1.00S V in stress regimes from normal to strike slip faulting. Thus, acting stresses in the 4,100-m deep reservoir are S V  = 100 MPa, S hmin = 55 MPa and S Hmax = 78?100 MPa. Values from hydraulic fracturing support these results. Various fault sets of the reservoir are characterized in terms of their potential to conduct geothermal fluids based on their slip and dilatation tendency. This combined approach can be adopted to any other geothermal site investigation.  相似文献   

Circular failure is generally observed in the slope of soil, highly jointed rock mass, mine dump and weak rock. Accurate estimation of the safety factor (SF) of slopes and their performance is not an easy task. In this research, based on rock engineering systems (RES), a new approach for the estimation of the SF is presented. The introduced model involves six effective parameters on SF [unit weight (γ), pore pressure ratio (r u), height (H), angle of internal friction (φ), cohesion (C) and slope angle (\(\beta\))], while retaining simplicity as well. In the case of SF prediction, all the datasets were divided randomly to training and testing datasets for proposing the RES model. For comparison purposes, nonlinear multiple regression models were also employed for estimating SF. The performances of the proposed predictive models were examined according to two performance indices, i.e., coefficient of determination (R 2) and mean square error. The obtained results of this study indicated that the RES is a reliable method to predict SF with a higher degree of accuracy in comparison with nonlinear multiple regression models.  相似文献   

Orbital-period variations of the eclipsing binaries FK Aql and FZ Del are analyzed. For each of the systems, a superposition of two cyclic variations of their orbital periods is found. FK Aql may be a quadruple system that contains two more bodies, besides the eclipsing binary, with masses M 3 ? 1.75M and M 4 ? 1.47M , and the corresponding periods 15 and 82 yrs. This could also be a triple system with a third body of mass M 3 ? 1.75M and a period of the long-period orbit P 3 = 15 yrs, or with a third body of mass M 3 ? 1.30M and a period of the long-period orbit P 3 = 82 yrs. FZ Del may be a quadruple system with the additional componentmasses M 3 ? 0.2M and M 4 ? 0.3M , with the periods 10.2 and 53.7 yrs. This could also be a triple system with a third-body mass M 3 ? 0.2M and a period of the long-period orbit P 3 = 10.2 yrs. In both systems, the residual period variations could be due to magnetic cycles of the secondary. The period variations of the eclipsing binary FZ Del could also be due to apsidal motion, together with the influence of a third body or the effects of magnetic activity.  相似文献   

To investigate inhomogeneous and porous structures in nature, the concept of fractal dimension was established. This paper briefly introduces the definition and measurement methods of fractal dimension. Three different methods including mercury injection capillary pressure (MICP), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and nitrogen adsorption (BET) were applied to determine the fractal dimensions of the pore space of eight carbonate rock samples taken from West Tushka area, Egypt. In the case of fractal behavior, the capillary pressure P c and cumulative fraction V c resulting from MICP are linearly related with a slope of D-3 in a double logarithmic plot with D being the value of fractal dimension. For NMR, the cumulative intensity fraction V c and relaxation time T 2 show a linear relation with a slope of 3-D in a double logarithmic plot. Fractal dimension can also be determined by the specific surface area S por derived from nitrogen adsorption measurements and the effective hydraulic radius. The fractal dimension D shows a linear relation with the logarithm of S por . The fractal dimension is also used in models of permeability prediction. To consider a more comprehensive data set, another 34 carbonate samples taken from the same study area were integrated in the discussion on BET method and permeability prediction. Most of the 42 rock samples show a good agreement between measured permeability and predicted permeability if the mean surface fractal dimension for each facies is used.  相似文献   

The high-pressure behavior of a vanadinite (Pb10(VO4)6Cl2, a = b = 10.3254(5), = 7.3450(4) Å, space group P63/m), a natural microporous mineral, has been investigated using in-situ HP-synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction up to 7.67 GPa with a diamond anvil cell under hydrostatic conditions. No phase transition has been observed within the pressure range investigated. Axial and volume isothermal Equations of State (EoS) of vanadinite were determined. Fitting the PV data with a third-order Birch-Murnaghan (BM) EoS, using the data weighted by the uncertainties in P and V, we obtained: V 0 = 681(1) Å3, K 0 = 41(5) GPa, and K′ = 12.5(2.5). The evolution of the lattice constants with P shows a strong anisotropic compression pattern. The axial bulk moduli were calculated with a third-order “linearized” BM-EoS. The EoS parameters are: a 0 = 10.3302(2) Å, K 0(a) = 35(2) GPa and K′(a) = 10(1) for the a-axis; c 0 = 7.3520(3) Å, K 0(c) = 98(4) GPa, and K′(c) = 9(2) for the c-axis (K 0(a):K 0(c) = 1:2.80). Axial and volume Eulerian-finite strain (fe) at different normalized stress (Fe) were calculated. The weighted linear regression through the data points yields the following intercept values: Fe a (0) = 35(2) GPa for the a-axis, Fe c (0) = 98(4) GPa for the c-axis and Fe V (0) = 45(2) GPa for the unit-cell volume. The slope of the regression lines gives rise to K′ values of 10(1) for the a-axis, 9(2) for the c-axis and 11(1) for the unit cell-volume. A comparison between the HP-elastic response of vanadinite and the iso-structural apatite is carried out. The possible reasons of the elastic anisotropy are discussed.  相似文献   

Lower limits for the percentages of stars with various luminosities in the cores of six globular clusters are derived using stellar spatial density distributions f(r) to deep limiting B magnitudes obtained earlier. For NGC 6535 and NGC 5466, the logarithmic density range and Kholopov parameters Df and Dr are also determined. These two parameters are correlated with the mean masses of stars of various subsystems and the total mass (number) of stars in the cluster.  相似文献   

Titanomagnetite–melt partitioning of Mg, Mn, Al, Ti, Sc, V, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Zr, Nb, Mo, Hf and Ta was investigated experimentally as a function of oxygen fugacity (fO2) and temperature (T) in an andesitic–dacitic bulk-chemical compositional range. In these bulk systems, at constant T, there are strong increases in the titanomagnetite–melt partitioning of the divalent cations (Mg2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Zn2+) and Cu2+/Cu+ with increasing fO2 between 0.2 and 3.7 log units above the fayalite–magnetite–quartz buffer. This is attributed to a coupling between magnetite crystallisation and melt composition. Although melt structure has been invoked to explain the patterns of mineral–melt partitioning of divalent cations, a more rigorous justification of magnetite–melt partitioning can be derived from thermodynamic principles, which accounts for much of the supposed influence ascribed to melt structure. The presence of magnetite-rich spinel in equilibrium with melt over a range of fO2 implies a reciprocal relationship between a(Fe2+O) and a(Fe3+O1.5) in the melt. We show that this relationship accounts for the observed dependence of titanomagnetite–melt partitioning of divalent cations with fO2 in magnetite-rich spinel. As a result of this, titanomagnetite–melt partitioning of divalent cations is indirectly sensitive to changes in fO2 in silicic, but less so in mafic bulk systems.  相似文献   

Studies of the extreme solar proton event of January 20, 2005 intensified the contest over of a long-standing problem: are solar cosmic rays arriving at the Earth accelerated by solar flares or by shocks preceding rapidly moving coronal mass ejections? Among the most important questions is the relationship between the energy spectra of the solar cosmic rays and the frequency spectra of flare microwave bursts. Some studies of previous solar-activity cycles have shown that such a relationship does exist, in particular, for protons with energies of tens of MeV. The present work analyzes this relation using data for 1987–2008. For flare events observed in the western half of the disk, there is a significant correlation between the index δ, which is equivalent to the power-law index of the integrated energy spectrum of 10–100 MeV protons detected near the Earth’s orbit, and radio burst parameters such as a ratio of peak fluxes S at two frequencies (for example, at 9 and 15 GHz) and a microwave peak frequency f m . Proton fluxes with hard (flat) energy spectra (δ ≤ 1.5) correspond to hard microwave frequency spectra (S 9/S 15 ≤ 1 and f m ≥ 15 GHz), while flares with soft radio spectra (S 9/S 15 ≥ 1.5 and f m ≤ 5 GHz) result in proton fluxes with soft (steep) energy spectra (δ ≥ 1.5–2). It is also shown that powerful high-frequency bursts with the hardest radio spectra (f m ≈ 30 GHz) can point at acceleration of significant proton fluxes in flares occurring in strong magnetic fields. These results argue that solar cosmic rays (or at least their initial impulses) are mainly accelerated in flares associated with impulsive and post-eruptive energy release, rather than in shocks driven by coronal mass ejections.  相似文献   

Pile reinforcement mechanism of soil slopes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Stabilizing piles are widely used as an effective and economic reinforcement approach for slopes. Reasonable designs of pile reinforcement depend on the understanding of reinforcement mechanism of slopes. A series of centrifuge model tests were conducted on the pile-reinforced slopes and corresponding unreinforced slopes under self-weight and vertical loading conditions. The deformation of the slope was measured using image-based analysis and employed to investigate the pile reinforcement mechanism. The test results showed that the piles significantly reduced the deformation and changed the deformation distribution of the slope, and prevented the failure occurred in the unreinforced slope. The pile influence zone was determined according to the inflection points on the distribution curves of horizontal displacement, which comprehensively described the features of the pile–slope interaction and the characteristics of reinforced slopes. The concepts of anti-shear effect and compression effect were proposed to quantitatively describe the restriction features of the piles on the deformation of the slope, namely the reduction in the shear deformation and the increase in the compression deformation, respectively. The pile reinforcement effect mainly occurred in the pile influence zone and decreased with increasing distance from the piles. There was a dominated compression effect in the vicinities of the piles. The compression effect developed upwards in the slope with a transmission to the anti-shear effect. The anti-shear effect became significantly dominated near the slip surface and prevented the failure that occurred in the unreinforced slope.  相似文献   

Understanding the changes in permeability of soil, when soil is subjected to high confining pressure and flow pressure, which may alter the textural and geomechanical characteristics of soil, is of great importance to many geo-engineering activities such as, construction of high-rise buildings near the coast or the water bodies, earthen dams, pavement subgrades, reservoir, and shallow repositories. It is now possible to evaluate the changes in permeability of soil samples under varying conditions of confining pressure and flow pressure using flexible wall permeameter (FWP). In the present study, investigation was carried out on a cylindrical sample of granular soil employing FWP under varied conditions of confining pressure (σ3)—50–300 kPa, which can simulate the stress conditions equivalent to depth of about 20 m under the earth’s crust, and a flow pressure (fp)—20–120 kPa, which is mainly present near the small earthen embankment dams, landfill liners, and slurry walls near the soft granular soil with high groundwater table. The obtained results indicate a linear relationship between hydraulic conductivity (k) with effective confining pressure (σeff.), k, decreasing linearly with an incremental change in σeff.. Further, k increases significantly with an increase in fp corresponding to each σeff., and q increases significantly with increase in the fp corresponding to each (σ3). It was also observed that corresponding to the low fp of 20 kPa, the reduction in k is nonlinear with σ3. The percentage reduction in k is observed to be 9, 13, and 27% corresponding to σ3 of 50–100, 100–200, and 200-300 kPa, respectively.  相似文献   

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