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Two types of biotite isograd are defined in the low-grade metamorphism of the Wazuka area, a Ryoke metamorphic terrain in the Kii Peninsula, Japan. The first, BI1, is defined by the reaction of chlorite+K-feldspar= biotite+muscovite+quartz+H2O that took place in psammitic rocks, and the second, BI2, by the continuous reaction between muscovite, chlorite, biotite and quartz in pelitic rocks. The Fe/Mg ratios of the host rocks do not significantly affect the reactions. From the paragenesis of pelitic and psammitic metamorphic rocks, the following mineral zones were established for this low-pressure regional metamorphic terrain: chlorite, transitional, chlorite-biotite, biotite, and sillimanite. The celadonite content of muscovite solid solution in pelitic rocks decreases systematically with the grade of metamorphism from 38% in the chlorite zone to 11% in the biotite zone. Low pressure does not prohibit muscovite from showing the progressive change of composition, if only rocks with appropriate paragenesis are chosen. A qualitative phase diagram of the AKF system relevant to biotite formation suggests that the higher the pressure of metamorphism, the higher the celadonite content of muscovite at BI1, which is confirmed by comparing the muscovites from the Barrovian and Ryoke metamorphism.  相似文献   

Kii Peninsula is located in the forearc region of southwest Japan and has distinct structural and tectonic features characterized by high seismicity in the crust and the subducting Philippine Sea slab, high surface heat flow, high 3He/4He isotopic ratio, and a local change in the geometry of the subducting slab. We have tried to determine detailed 3-D P and S wave velocity structures of this region using a large number of high-quality arrival time data recorded by dense seismic networks on the Japan Islands. From the obtained seismic velocities, we further estimated 3-D distributions of Poisson ratio, crack density, saturation rate and porosity parameter in the study area. Our results show significant heterogeneities in the crust and upper mantle wedge characterized by low seismic velocities, high Poisson ratio, high values of crack density, saturation rate and porosity. These results suggest the existence of fluids in the crust and mantle wedge resulting from the dehydration of the subducting Philippine Sea slab, which can explain the observed geophysical and geochemical features in Kii Peninsula.  相似文献   

In the Ohmine granitic rocks of Kii Peninsula, central Japan, ilmenite, rutile, pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite commonly occur, but no magnetite is present. Their primary paragenetic relations were confirmed by examining their mode of occurrences as inclusion species in major silicate minerals and the phase relations in the Cu-Fe-S system, though their parageneses changed in cooling of the rocks. This makes it possible to estimate the fugacities of oxygen and sulfur in the granitic rocks based upon their paragenetic relations, and to discuss the nature of volatiles in the granitic rocks. Significant subsolidus reactions for sulfide minerals continued until the rocks cooled below 300° C and took place in two types of mineral grains, in groundmass and as inclusions. The removal of sulfur and copper through the silicate crystals was too easy to preserve the chemistry of sulfides included in silicates.  相似文献   

A strong earthquake of magnitude 8 in Richter scale, occurred in Sichuan Province, China on 12 May 2008, triggered about 257 landslide dams. The erodibility of fresh landslide deposits plays an important role in evaluating the initiation and development of breaching of such landslide dams. In this research, field jet index tests were conducted shortly after the earthquake at 27 locations on the Hongshihe landslide dam and the Libaisi landslide dam. The purpose of these tests was to investigate the erodibility of freshly deposited landslide soils. The landslide deposits are broadly graded. The bulk density increases and the coefficient of erodibility decreases with the depth of deposition. The erodibility of the fresh landslide deposits falls into a moderately resistant category and the fresh deposits are much more erodible than the native geomaterials before the earthquake. The main factors that control soil erodibility are found to be grain-size distribution, void ratio, fines content, and plasticity index. Particularly, the coefficient of erodibility decreases exponentially with the degree of compaction. Two empirical equations are developed for estimating the coefficient of erodibility and critical erosive shear stress of the freshly deposited landslide soils based on their basic soil properties.  相似文献   

三峡大树场镇堆积层滑坡暴雨失稳机理研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
2014年9月1日,奉节大树场镇发生了大型崩塌堆积层滑坡,体积约37.8×104m3。基于大量的现场地质调查和室内分析,文章阐述了滑坡特殊的地质地貌及地质结构特征,分别从地质和环境因素两个方面进行了滑坡成因分析,采用非稳态非饱和渗流方法研究滑动失稳变形过程,并基于地貌学与工程地质力学理论推断滑坡形成演化过程。得出如下结论:(1)大树场镇滑坡为极端降雨诱发的近水平地层区崩塌堆积层滑坡,具有多次滑动特征;(2)特殊的地形地貌条件是滑坡形成的内因;极端强降雨是滑坡发生的直接诱发因素;(3)降雨前期,降雨主要通过入渗滑体增加其自重,入渗量大而渗流量小,对滑体稳定性影响较小;之后持续强降雨致使基岩顶面处的孔隙水压力不断增大,为滑体提供动态浮托力,加之滑体内部形成的渗流场导致稳定性大幅度降低;堆积体结构分布受控于基岩接触面形态,滑体不同区域达到饱和状态时间存在明显差异性是多次滑动变形破坏的理论依据;(4)短时极端降雨触发堆积层局部饱和岩土体由蠕滑逐步形成小规模滑坡碎屑流;持续极端降雨导致基岩顶面富集大量地下水,使堆积层岩土体呈饱和-过饱和状态,形成大规模滑坡碎屑流。  相似文献   

针对缺乏地形条件和工程处置措施对堰塞坝溃决过程影响研究的现状,采用4种河床坡度(0°、1°、2°、3°)和3种泄流槽横断面型式(三角形、梯形、复合型),开展了堰塞坝溃决的模型试验。通过分析堰塞坝的溃决流量、溃决历时、溃口发展和坝体纵截面演变过程,研究了不同河床坡度和泄流槽横断面对堰塞坝溃决过程的影响规律。试验结果表明:(1) 堰塞坝溃决过程可分为3个阶段。阶段I:溃口形成阶段,溃决流量较小;阶段II:溃口发展阶段,水流下蚀及侧蚀强烈,溃决流量到达峰值;阶段III:衰减-平衡阶段,粗化层形成,溃口停止发展。(2) 河床坡度增加意味着下游坝坡、坝顶及泄流槽的坡度增加,导致水流侵蚀能力增强,溃口下切迅猛,因此在0°~3°范围内河床坡度越大,峰值流量越大,峰现时间越早,溃决流量过程曲线越趋于“高瘦型”,且残留坝高越小。(3) 泄流槽横断面型式不同导致其槽深、槽宽和侧坡坡度不同,进而影响溃口发展和溃决流量。三角形槽的水土作用面积小,溃口下切及展宽速率最高,峰值流量最大,峰现时间最早;梯形槽的槽底高程最高,水土作用面积最大,溃口下切速率最低,峰现时间最晚;而复合槽介于前两者之间。试验成果将为堰塞坝应急抢险和工程措施的选取提供依据。  相似文献   

Large-scale landslide dams can induce significant hazards to human lives by blocking the river flows and causing inundation upstream. They may trigger severe outburst flooding that may devastate downstream areas once failed. Thus, the advancement in understanding the formation of landslide dams is highly necessary. This paper presents 3D numerical investigations of the formation of landslide dams in open fluid channels via the discrete element method (DEM) coupled with computational fluid dynamics (CFD). By employing this model, the influence of flow velocity on granular depositional morphology has been clarified. As the grains settle downwards in the fluid channel, positive excess water pressures are generated at the bottom region, reducing the total forces acting on the granular mass. In the meantime, the particle sedimentations into the fluid channel with high impacting velocities can generate fluid streams to flow backwards and forwards. The coupled hydraulic effects of excess water pressure and fluid flow would entrain the solid grains to move long distances along the channel. For simulations using different flow velocities, the larger the flow velocity is, the further distance the grains can be transported to. In this process, the solid grains move as a series of surges, with decreasing deposit lengths for the successive surges. The granular flux into the fluid channel has very little influence on the depositional pattern of particles, while it affects the particle–fluid interactions significantly. The results obtained from the DEM-CFD coupled simulations can reasonably explain the mechanisms of granular transportation and deposition in the formation of landslide dams in narrow rivers.  相似文献   

Global warming in high mountain areas has led to visible environmental changes as glacial retreat, formation and evolution of moraine dammed lakes, slope instability, and major mass movements. Landslide dams and moraine dams are rather common in the Cordillera Blanca Mountains Range, Peru, and have caused large damages and fatalities over time. The environmental changes are influencing the rivers’ and dams’ equilibrium, and the potential induced consequences, like catastrophic debris flows or outburst floods resulting from dam failures, can be major hazards in the region. The studies of past landslide dam cases are essential in forecasting induced risks, and specific works on this topic were not developed in the study region. Reflecting this research gap, a database of 51 cases and an evolution study of landslide dams in the Cordillera Blanca Mountains is presented. The main morphometric parameters and information of the landslide, the dam body, the valley, and the lake, if any, have been determined through direct and indirect survey techniques. Low variability in some of the main morphometric parameter distributions (valley width and landslide volume) has been shown, most likely due to an environmental control connected to the regional tectonic and glacial history. In order to analyze present and future landslide dam evolution, a morphological analysis was carried out using two recently developed geomorphological indexes employed on the Italian territory. The results of the Cordillera Blanca analysis have been compared with a large Italian landslide dam inventory, highlighting as much the differences as the similarities between the two datasets. The long-term geomorphological evolution changes are evaluated. Many of the stable dams are in disequilibrium with their surrounding environment and their classification result is of “uncertain determination.”  相似文献   

The Tochiyama landslide is one of several complex, deep-seated and large-scale landslides occurring in the Hokuriku Province in central Japan. The landslide is about 2 km long and about 500–1100 m wide; it occupies an area of approximately 150 ha and has a maximum depth of 60 m. The slide developed on a dip-slope structure, and is divisible into three layers in ascending order: older landslide debris and avalanche deposits, younger debris-avalanche deposits, and talus. The landslide complex is still active. A triangulation point on the upper part of the landslide shifted downhill by 3.3 m from 1907 to 1983, indicating an average rate of 4.3 cm/y. In 1991, the average rate of movement on the sliding surface was also 4.3 cm/y as measured by an automatic system with inclinometers installed in borehole No. 1–2. The rate measured for borehole No. 1–3, located 380 m upslope from No. 1–2, was over twice that of No. 1–2 for the same period; it has since accelerated to about 19 cm/y. Thus current movements on the basal sliding surface are inhomogeneous; the head of the slide complex is increasing the horizontal granular pressures on the lower part of the slide block.

On the basis of dating of two tephra layers and14C dating of carbonized wood intercalated within the landslide body, two stages of slide movement have been distinguished. The earlier occurred between about 46,000 to 25,000 years ago, and the latter occurred since 1361 A.D. The following sequence of events is inferred. During the middle Pleistocene, intense tectonic movements occurred in the Hokuriku Province, and as a consequence dip-slopes were developed in the Tochiyama landslide area. Low-angle fault planes (possibly representing slump features) and fracture zones then developed within flysch deposits underlying the landslide area, causing a reduction in shear strength. The erosion base level was lowered during the Würm glacial age, and due to severe erosion and incision of stream valleys, the surface slope angle rapidly increased, and toe resistance decreased. This combination of causes led to the development of a deep-seated primary landslide. As a result of an accumulation of younger deposits, regional uplift and further local erosion, stability of parts of the region decreased and led to landslide activity of a second stage. Reactivated and locally accelerating creep movements occur today and may forewarn of a stage of reactivated, hazardous rapid sliding, such as occurred with the adjacent and analogous Maseguchi landslide in 1947.  相似文献   

Precise data obtained by a high-sensitivity micro-earthquake observatory network are used to determine simultaneously the crustal structure and the spatial distribution of small earthquakes in the Kii peninsula region, Japan. The spatial distribution of hypocenters thus determined clearly shows two distinct groups of earthquakes: (1) a group of shallow (H ? 10 km) earthquakes on the western coast of the Kii peninsula near Wakayama; (2) a group of mantle earthquakes, having a depth ranging from 30 to 70 km and trending NE-SW, in the central part of the Kii peninsula. Along the trend of the second group, a marked structural anomaly is found which suggests the presence of a high-velocity zone at depths below 20 km. A projection of the hypocenters of the earthquakes belonging to the second group onto a vertical plane strikingNW-SE shows a wedge-like distribution to a depth of 70 km. The spatial relation between this wedge-like distribution and the 1944 Tonankai earthquake (M = 8.0) suggests a common tectonic process which is now taking place in the Kii peninsula region. The activity of the earthquakes of the first group terminates abruptly to the north at the Median Tectonic Line. This activity is represented by numerous but relatively small events (M < 5) without any conspicuous major earthquakes in history. It is suggested that the strength of the crust in this region of shallow activity is too weak to sustain stresses large enough to be released in a major event; rather, the stresses which probably originate from the tectonic activity represented by the earthquakes of the second group are released by numerous minor fracturings of the low-strength crust. A possibility of using the weak crust for detecting a remote stress accumulation is suggested.  相似文献   

After a few years of research, the observation and the analysis of the deep-seated landslides suggest that these are mainly controlled by tectonic structures, which play a dominant role in the deformation of massif slopes. The La Clapière deep-seated landslide (Argentera Mercantour massif) is embedded in a deep-seated gravitational slope deformation affecting the entire slope, and characterized by specific landforms (trenches, scarps??). Onsite, the tangential displacement direction of the trenches and the scarps are controlled by the tectonic structures. The reactivation of the inherited fault in gravitational faults create a gouge material exposed to an additional mechanical and chemical weathering as well as an increased of leaching. The displacement of these reactivated faults gets increasingly important around the area of the La Clapière landslide and this since 3.6?ka BP. In this study, mechanical analysis and grain size distributions were performed and these data were analysed according to their proximity the La Clapiere landslide and times of initiation of the landslide by 10Be dating. Triaxial test results show that the effective cohesion decreases and the effective angle of internal friction increases from the unweathered area to the weathered area. The whole distribution of the grain size indicates that the further the shear zone is open or developed, the further the residual material loses its finest particles. This paper suggests that the mechanical evolution along the reactivated fault is influenced by the leaching processes. For the first time, we can extract from these data temporal behaviour of the two main mechanical parameters (cohesion and angle of internal friction) from the beginning of the La Clapiere landslide initiation (3.6 ka BP) to now.  相似文献   

四川泸定昔格达组以半成岩为主,工程地质特性复杂,在高陡斜坡中常发生浅层蠕滑变形,在强降雨作用下失稳后可转化为泥石流。本文以四川省泸定县海子坪环环村滑坡为例,基于遥感解译、地面调查、数值模拟等方法,对滑坡发育特征、潜在失稳模式和滑坡-泥石流运动过程进行分析。结果表明,环环村滑坡主要发育于昔格达组内,以深度3~5 m的浅层变形为主,整体处于蠕滑变形阶段。滑坡平面上分为强变形区(A区)和弱变形区(B区),体积分别约为5.5×104 m3、5.8×104 m3,在不同降雨条件下,存在仅有A区下滑和A区牵引B区一起下滑并转化为沟道泥石流2种致灾模式。当仅有A区失稳下滑时,最远运动距离可达1325 m,最大堆积厚度为5.2 m,最大运动速度41.6 m/s,滑坡破坏沟口居民区及道路。当A区和B区同时失稳下滑时,最远运动距离可达1345 m,最大堆积厚度为7.7 m,最大运动速度为44.3 m/s,滑体最远能够冲至河流对岸,形成高约3 m的滑坡坝。研究结果对于深化浅层滑坡-泥石流远程致灾效应的认识和防灾减灾具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

The island of Hokkaido, Japan, is subdivided into nineteen regions on the basis of regional geology and landslide distribution. Four major geologic zones characterize these regions, as follows: (1) Volcanic Rock Zone, (2) “Green Tuff” Zone, (3) Mudstone Zone, and (4) Serpentinite “Green Rock” Zone. Each zone is marked by landslides of a distinctive type. In addition, we have analyzed the relationship between landslide distribution and geologic structure for several areas.  相似文献   

Brine extremely rich in potassium, boron and bromine has been discovered from the Middle Triassic Leikoupo Formation at a depth of 4300 m in Sichuan Province. It contains ~50 g/L of K+, >92 g/L of Na+, >12 g/L of B2O3, >2.36 g/L of Br? and ~0.030 g/L of I+. The solid precipitates during evaporation at 25°C include KB5O8·4H2O, K2B4O7·3H2O, MgCl2·6H2O and KMgCl3·6H2O. The brine ranges from 2.2‰ to 2.8‰ (SMOW) in δ18O, ? 38‰ – ? 53‰ (SMOW) in δD, 15.6‰ in δ34S, and 13.5‰–15.1‰ in δ11B. These data, particularly the isotopic composition of boron, indicate that the brine has a composite derivation from marine and nonmarine brines and dissolved marine evaporites in the Triassic system.  相似文献   

长江三峡库区位于我国地形第二、三级阶梯过渡地带,地质环境复杂,斜倾顺层基岩滑坡较为发育。本文以重庆石柱龙井滑坡为例,详细分析了大型斜倾顺层基岩滑坡的变形特征、成因机理和破坏模式、并采用极限平衡法计算了滑坡在四种工况条件下的稳定性。结果表明:(1)龙井滑坡位于扬子准地台石柱向斜北西翼,体积约1.42×106 m3,主滑方向162°,前缘发育两个次级滑坡;(2)受地形地貌、地层构造、地下水和降雨等因素影响,滑坡目前处于蠕滑变形阶段,变形方式主要为拉张裂缝、剪切裂缝和局部鼓胀变形;(3)滑坡同时处于暴雨和前缘次级滑坡滑动条件下,稳定性为1.03,处于欠稳定状态,滑坡易沿软弱夹层发生整体滑动破坏。  相似文献   

Lin  Wei  Yin  Kunlong  Wang  Ningtao  Xu  Yong  Guo  Zizheng  Li  Yuanyao 《Natural Hazards》2021,106(1):679-700
Natural Hazards - The traditional Stability INdex MAPping (SINMAP) model does not perform detailed divisions of study areas and neglects differences caused by the asymmetrical spatial distribution...  相似文献   

H. Yoshimatsu  S. Abe 《Landslides》2006,3(2):149-158
In spite of its small size, Japan suffers many landslide disasters due to intense rainfall and earthquakes. This article describes the distribution and topography of these landslides, and a new method of evaluating the susceptibility, the analytical hierarchic process (AHP). The method assigns scores to each factor of micro-topography of landslide-prone areas identified in aerial photographs, and assesses the susceptibility of landslide from the total score. In addition, a method of simulating sliding mass runout is briefly presented for the designating sediment-related disaster warning areas.  相似文献   

张晗  高杨  李滨  李军  吴伟乐 《地质力学学报》2022,28(6):1104-1114
固液耦合作用是碎屑流向泥石流转化形成复合型滑坡灾害的关键因素, 会导致成灾范围和规模放大, 是防灾减灾领域研究中的热点和难点问题之一。文中采用自主研发的滑坡后破坏数值模拟平台(LPF3D, Landslides post failure 3D), 以2014年9月强降雨诱发的重庆奉节无山坪滑坡为例, 探讨了滑坡在水动力作用下远程成灾的动力过程, 揭示了固液耦合影响机制。研究结果显示: 水动力作用在滑坡运动过程中主要体现为液化和拖曳两种, 两种力学作用的增程效应明显, 往往使得碎屑流转化为泥石流, 导致远程成灾; 基于光滑粒子流体动力学(SPH)方法的两相耦合计算模型, 考虑流体状态方程、固体黏塑性本构方程和相间作用力的共同影响, 基本还原了强降雨条件下重庆奉节无山坪滑坡两相运动过程; 数值计算结果显示无山坪滑坡最大运动速度为34 m/s, 最大堆积厚度为21.5 m, 堆积面积为0.12 km2, 最远运动距离为1300 m, 模拟结果同实际滑坡的堆积形态基本一致。综上认为, 在高位远程滑坡风险调查与预测过程中, 需充分考虑强降雨工况下孔隙水压力和固液相间作用, 基于LPF3D方法的数值模拟为高位远程滑坡的风险定量评估提供了依据。  相似文献   

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