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Fecal indicator levels in nearshore waters of South Florida are routinely monitored to assess microbial contamination at recreational beaches. However, samples of sand from the surf zone and upper beach are not monitored which is surprising since sand may accumulate and harbor fecal-derived organisms. This study examined the prevalence of fecal indicator organisms in tidally-affected beach sand and in upper beach sand and compared these counts to levels in the water. Since indicator organisms were statistically elevated in sand relative to water, the study also considered the potential health risks associated with beach use and exposure to sand. Fecal coliforms, Escherichia coli, enterococci, somatic coliphages, and F(+)-specific coliphages were enumerated from sand and water at three South Florida beaches (Ft. Lauderdale Beach, Hollywood Beach, and Hobie Beach) over a 2-year period. Bacteria were consistently more concentrated in 100g samples of beach sand (2-23 fold in wet sand and 30-460 fold in dry sand) compared to 100ml samples of water. Somatic coliphages were commonly recovered from both sand and water while F(+)-specific coliphages were less commonly detected. Seeding experiments revealed that a single specimen of gull feces significantly influenced enterococci levels in some 3.1m(2) of beach sand. Examination of beach sand on a micro-spatial scale demonstrated that the variation in enterococci density over short distances was considerable. Results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that the physical and chemical parameters monitored in this study could only minimally account for the variation observed in indicator densities. A pilot epidemiological study was conducted to examine whether the length of exposure to beach water and sand could be correlated with health risk. Logistic regression analysis results provided preliminary evidence that time spent in the wet sand and time spent in the water were associated with a dose-dependent increase in gastrointestinal illness.  相似文献   

The introduced collecting method is based on a common entomologist exhauster, which is specified for the fieldwork in aquatic systems with a sieve-inset and a bottom-lid. The living organisms are collected visually from the sampled debris and no further extraction is needed. The apparatus is designed for qualitative sampling of microcrustaceans (e.g. Cladocera, Copepoda, Ostracoda) and minimises disturbance at the sampling site.  相似文献   

激电法是地质勘查中的一种重要方法,时、频域测量各具优势,但传统的时、频域测量实现方法相对独立.根据频域和时域可相互转换的理论,本文提出一种基于全波形采样的时频激电多参数提取的地球物理数据处理方法.采取时间域激电法的观测模式,接收机高精度同步记录整周期电压-电流全部采样点的波形数据,通过该文提出的处理方法,仅一次供电和测量即可提取多种时、频域激电参数:时域激电的视电阻率、视极化率和频域激电的多频视电阻率、视相位、视频散率、去耦后的视相位等参数.在云南保山某典型矿区开展方法的试验应用,提取了地质体大量的相关激电信息,总结了目标体的激电参数响应规律.应用结果表明,该方法便捷高效,抗干扰能力强,相较于传统的时域激电测量,多种参数组合可提升对目标地质体的认识,增强激电法的应用效果.  相似文献   

We present a new geometrical method capable of quantifying and illustrating the outcomes of a three-component mixing dynamics. In a three-component mixing scenario, classical algebraic equations and endmember mixing analysis (EMMA) can be used to quantify the contributions from each fraction. Three-component mixing of natural waters, either in an element–element plot or by using the EMMA mixing subspace is described by a triangular shaped distribution of sample points where each endmember is placed on an apex, while each side corresponds to the mixing function of the two endmembers placed at the apex, considering the third endmembers' contribution equal to zero. Along each side, the theoretical mixing fractions can be computed using mass balance equations. Samples with contributions from three endmembers will plot inside the triangle, while the homogeneous barycentric coordinate projections can be projected onto the three sides. The geochemistry observed in the mineralized Ferrarelle aquifer system (southern Italy) results from three-component mixing of groundwater, each with diagnostic geochemical compositions. The defined boundary conditions allow us to parameterize and validate the procedures for modelling mixing, including selection of suitable geochemical tracers.  相似文献   

复杂结构的增量动力分析(IDA)对于结构的抗震设计和分析有着重要意义,但需对结构进行大量的非线性时程分析,计算量成本高。本文结合Kriging元模型和自适应顺序采样并用于结构增量动力分析以提高其计算效率和精度,其中:Kriging元模型用于预测结构的地震响应,顺序采样根据候选点的熵值补充非线性时程分析逐步增加Kriging模型的预测精度。借助本文方法,IDA曲线可通过少量的时程分析实现较高的精度。为了校验本文方法的可行性与有效性,对二层和九层钢框架结构模型应用直接IDA、hunt&fill方法和本文方法分析并比较了上述三种方法的计算误差、计算效率和IDA曲线差别。在此基础上本文将自适应顺序采样Kriging方法用于考虑结构不确定性参数的IDA分析,并和传统的蒙特卡洛方法进行比较。结果表明:该方法具有较高的计算效率,可以保证IDA曲线的精度。  相似文献   

Grain‐size distributions of bed material sediment in large alluvial rivers are required in various scientific and management applications, but characterizing gravel beds in navigable rivers is hampered by difficulties in sediment extraction. The newly developed and preliminarily tested sampler reported here can extract sediment from a range of riverbeds. The 36 × 23 × 28 cm stainless steel toothed sampler is deployed from and dragged downstream by the weight of a jet boat, and it improves upon previous samplers that are unable to penetrate gravel bed surfaces, have small apertures, and/or cannot retain fine sediment. The presented sampler was used to extract 167 bed material sediment samples of up to 16 kg (dry weight) with an average sample size of ~6 kg from 67 cross‐sections spanning 160 river kilometres along the Sacramento River. It was also tested at three sites on a subaerial bar to compare surface, subsurface, and sampler distributions. Sampler penetration is ~5 cm. The device collects individual samples that satisfy the criterion for bed material sediment whereby the largest particle comprises no more than 5% of the total sample mass in gravel and sand beds, except where the degree of surface armouring is large (e.g. armor ratios >> 2) and where more than 10% of bed material sediment is composed of grains larger than 64 mm. When aggregated samples exceed 15 kg, all satisfy the criterion whereby the largest particle comprises no more than 1% of the total sample mass. Samples closely resemble surface size distributions, except where armouring is strong. The sampler should be subject to more rigorous field testing, but many of its current limitations are expected to become negligible with the advent a larger, heavier version of the sampling device. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil sampling design, the number of samples collected and the lateral variation of caesium-137 (137Cs) in uneroded reference locations were extracted from previously published work. The focus was on published work which used 137Cs reference inventory (Bq m−2) for qualitative or quantitative estimation of sediment redistribution (SRD) within the landscape. The objective of this study was to address one of the methodological concerns facing the 137Cs technique—that is, the lack of a rigorous statistical treatment of reference locations. The limited attention paid to the reference location is not justified as ‘true’ estimates of SRD are based on the assumption of an unbiased, independent, random probability sample estimate, commonly the arithmetic mean. Results from the literature survey indicated that only 11% of the reference locations sampled for 137Cs expressly stated that a probability sampling design was used (transect or systematic-aligned grid). The remaining locations were generally sampled using a non-probability based design, more commonly known as haphazard sampling. Of the 75 reference study areas identified only 40 provided enough information to determine the dispersion around the mean, and from this the coefficient of variation (CV) was calculated for all available data. The median CV was 19·3%, with 95% confidence limits of 13·0–23.4%, indicating that approximately 11 random, independent samples would generally be necessary to adequately quantify the reference 137Cs area activity with an allowable error of 10% at 90% confidence. Further analysis indicated that only one-third of the studies sampled a sufficient number of 137Cs reference locations. This value would actually be lower as sampling frameworks were based on non-probability sampling procedures. For 137Cs reference locations it is recommended that a probability sampling design be utilized, preferably the systematic-aligned grid method, and as a minimum first-order estimate about 11 samples should be collected for inventory estimates.  相似文献   

In the past, no single standardised method for sampling and sorting benthic macroinvertebrates has been implemented in Germany. Therefore, we tested the suitability of two common sorting protocols, RIVPACS and AQEM/STAR, by taking samples with each protocol at 44 sampling sites. Our results reveal that different methods deliver slightly different assessment results. Moreover these two methods differ in costs. Although the AQEM/STAR protocol takes longer than the RIVPACS protocol, we favoured the AQEM/STAR protocol because of its higher level of standardisation. In order to limit costs to an acceptable level, a modification of the AQEM/STAR protocol (MAS method) is developed. This method is highly standardised, gives stable assessment results and is relatively inexpensive (€ 224.00 for processing of an average sample). A detailed protocol of the newly developed method is given.  相似文献   

Because of their fast response to hydrological events, small catchments show strong quantitative and qualitative variations in their water runoff. Fluxes of solutes or suspended material can be estimated from water samples only if an appropriate sampling scheme is used. We used continuous in‐stream measurements of the electrical conductivity of the runoff in a small subalpine catchment (64 ha) in central Switzerland and in a very small (0·16 ha) subcatchment. Different sampling and flux integration methods were simulated for weekly water analyses. Fluxes calculated directly from grab samples are strongly biased towards high conductivities observed at low discharges. Several regressions and weighted averages have been proposed to correct for this bias. Their accuracy and precision are better, but none of these integration methods gives a consistently low bias and a low residual error. Different methods of peak sampling were also tested. Like regressions, they produce important residual errors and their bias is variable. This variability (both between methods and between catchments) does not allow one to tell a priori which sampling scheme and integration method would be more accurate. Only discharge‐proportional sampling methods were found to give essentially unbiased flux estimates. Programmed samplers with a fraction collector allow for a proportional pooling and are appropriate for short‐term studies. For long‐term monitoring or experiments, sampling at a frequency proportional to the discharge appears to be the best way to obtain accurate and precise flux estimates. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An automated HPLC method is presented which combines on-line ion-pair extraction on small exchangeable RP-C18 precolumns (RP-IPE) with ion-pair chromatography (RP-IPC). Weakly acidic herbicides — carboxylic acids, phenols, and the N-H acidic bentazone — and strong acids, e.g. aromatic sulfonic acids, can be determined simultaneously. Performance data are given. The tetrabutylammonium ion pairs of all investigated compounds are readily transferred from the RP-C18 precolumn to the analytical column by a phosphate buffer/methanol gradient. This is also true for the chlorinated phenoxy acids which, in earlier off-line extraction experiments, could not be desorbed from the RP-C18 material by the lower polar acetone. The RP-IPC is carried out at neutral pH where weakly acidic compounds appear in their stronger UV absorbing dissociated form. Compared to conventional reversed phase chromatography using an acidified eluent, the sensitivity of UV detection is markedly enhanced, especially for the phenol herbicides and bentazone. In addition, phenols can be detected more selectively because they show a second intense absorption band in the wavelength range between 280 nm and 290 nm, where there are only little interferences with the matrix. Due to miniaturization and automation, the online combination IPE/IPC allows a large sample throughput at a lower consumption of solid phase material and organic solvents. Time consuming manual steps are totally missing. The IPE/IPC technique is well suited as a screening method for fate studies of polar micropollutants, e. g. for monitoring the efficiency of different water treatment technologies. An example for balancing an activated carbon filter is presented.  相似文献   

DDM(Depth—Density Method)方法是将地震时间剖面直接反演成深度、密度剖面的一种地震资料处理方法,在几千米的勘探深度范围内,该方法可以使地震勘探的精度由相对精度用绝对精度来表示;使分辨率由十几米提高到2~3米;从深度、密度剖面中,地质人员可以解释出地层的岩性,时代、砂体的厚度、沉积旋回、沉积粒序,几米、十几米的断层和褶皱,本文主要简介该方法的工作原理、地质解释的原则和在生产中的应用实例。  相似文献   

一种新的地震子波提取与层速度反演方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
粒子群优化算法是近十年发展起来的一种基于群智能的非线性全局最优化新方法.本文详细介绍了粒子群优化算法的基本原理,并将其应用到子波提取与层速度反演中.通过模拟数值算例,从不同角度研究了粒子群优化算法的可行性及其效率问题.试算结果表明,粒子群优化算法在不同分辨率、不同信噪比、不同相位子波合成的地震记录反演中效果明显.  相似文献   

Several methods were employed in the Ardennian rivers (Belgium) to determine the depth of the active layer mobilized during floods and to evaluate the bedload discharge associated with these events. The use of scour chains has shown that the depth of the active layer is systematically less than the b‐axis of the average particle size (D50) of the elements which compose the surface layer of the riffles. This indicates that only a partial transport exists during low magnitude floods. The bedload discharge has been evaluated by combining data obtained using the scour chains technique and the distance covered by tracers. Quantities of sediment transported during frequent floods are relatively low (0·02 t km–2) due to the armour layer which protects the subsurface material. These low values are also related to the fact that the distance calculated for mobilized bedload only applies to tracers fitted with PIT (passive integrated transponder)‐tags (diameter > 20 mm), whereas part of the bedload discharge is composed of sand and fine gravel transported over greater distances than the pebbles. The break‐up of the armour layer was observed only once, for a decennial discharge. During this event, the bedload discharge increased considerably (2 t km–2). The use of sediment traps, data from dredging and a Helley–Smith sampler confirm the low bedload transport in Ardennian rivers in comparison to the bedload transport in other geomorphological contexts. This difference is explained by the presence of an armoured layer but also by the imbricated structures of flat bed elements which increase the resistance to the flow. Finally, the use of the old iron industry wastes allowed to quantify the thickness of the bed reworked over the past centuries. In the Lembrée River, the river‐bed contains slag elements up to a depth of about 50 cm, indicating that exceptional floods may rework the bed to a considerable depth. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accurate characterization of heterogeneity in groundwater basins is crucial to the sustainable management of groundwater resources. This study explores the temporal sampling issues and the role of flux measurements in the characterization of heterogeneity in groundwater basins using numerical experiments. The experiments involve a digital basin imitating the groundwater basin of the North China Plain (NCP), where the groundwater exploitation reduction program is ongoing. Using the experiments, we champion that the reduction program could collect groundwater level information induced by operational variations of existing pumping wells at different locations in the basin. Such a dataset could serve as a basin-scale hydraulic tomography (HT) to characterize the basin-scale heterogeneity cost-effectively. Both steady-state and transient-state inversion experiments demonstrate the advantage of HT surveys in characterizing basin-scale heterogeneity over conventional pumping tests at fixed well locations. Additionally, head data at the early, intermediate, and late time from well hydrographs should be selected for the HT analysis to maximize HT's power and save computational costs. When accurate geological zones are incorporated in prior information, flux measurements significantly improve parameter estimates based on conventional pumping tests. However, their effects are less noticeable for long-term HT surveys in such basin-scale aquifers without fissures or fractures. This basin-scale tomographic survey example serves a guide for field data collection and optimization of the analysis of future basin-scale HT.  相似文献   

A U-Pb-He double-dating method is applied to detrital zircons with core-rim structure from the Ganges River in order to determine average short- and long-term exhumation rates for the Himalayas. Long-term rates are calculated from the U/Pb ages of metamorphic rims of the grains that formed during the Himalayan orogeny and their crystallization temperatures, which are calculated from the Ti-in-zircon thermometer. Short-term rates are calculated from(U-Th)/He ages of the grains with appropriate closure temperatures. The results show that short-term rates for the Himalayas, which range from 0.70 ± 0.09 to 2.67 ± 0.40 km/Myr and average 1.75 ± 0.59(1±) km/Myr, are higher and more varied than the long-term rates, which range from 0.84 ± 0.16 to 1.85 ± 0.35 km/Myr and average 1.26 ± 0.25(1±) km/Myr. The differences between the long-term and short-term rates can be attributed to continuous exhumation of the host rocks in different mechanisms in continental collision orogen. The U/Pb ages of 44.0 ± 3.7 to 18.3 ± 0.5 Ma for the zircon rims indicate a protracted episode of ~25 Myr for regional metamorphism of the host rocks at deeper crust, whereas the(U-Th)/He ages of 42.2 ± 1.8 to 1.3 ± 0.2 Ma for the zircon grains represent a protracted period of ~40 Myr for exposure of the host rocks to shallower crustal level. In particular, the oldest(U-Th)/He ages of the zircon grains are close to the oldest U/Pb ages for the rims, indicating that some parcels of the rocks that contain zircons were rapidly exhumed from deep to shallow levels in the stage of collisional orogeny. On the other hand, some parcels of the rocks may have been carried upwards by thrust faults in the post-collisional stage. The parcels could be carried upwards by the thrust faults that steepen as they near the surface, or by transient movement faults so that areas of rapid exhumation became areas of slow exhumation and visa versa on a time scale of a few Myr in order to maintain the continuous exhumation. In this regard, the Ganges River must be preferentially sampling areas that are currently undergoing above average rates of uplift.  相似文献   

为缩短样品处理时间和提高测定准确度,本文设计和优化了微波处理辅助提取浮游植物叶绿素a的方法,并比较了反复冻融法和微波法对浮游植物叶绿素a的提取效率.结果表明:(1)微波法提取叶绿素a的最优处理条件为:高火(额定输出功率800 W)处理60 s左右.过滤水量为:贫营养型水体为1000 ml以上,中、富营养水体为100~500 ml.(2)反复冻融法在测定贫营养型水体时更稳定,而微波法对中、富营养水样提取率显著高于冻融法,可提高7%~12%,对具胶被及硅质外壳的藻类提取效率极显著高于冻融法,测定结果的相对偏差更小,且提取时间较冻融法缩短一半以上,适用于富营养化水体的应急监测.  相似文献   

A comparison involving both field and laboratory trials was performed to evaluate the utility of two continuous-flow centrifuges and a tangential-flow filtration system for dewatering suspended sediments for subsequent trace element analysis. Although recovery efficiencies for the various devices differ, the analytical results from the separated suspended sediments indicate that any of the tested units can be used effectively and precisely for dewatering. Further, the three devices appear to concentrate and dewater suspended sediments in such a manner as to be equivalent to that which could be obtained by in-line filtration. Only the tangential-flow filtration system appears capable of providing both a dewatered sediment sample and a potentially usable effluent, which can be analysed for dissolved trace elements. The continuous-flow centrifuges can process whole water at an influent feed rate of 41 per minute; however, when suspended sediment concentrations are low (<30mg?1), when small volumes of whole water are to be processed (30 to 401), or when suspended sediment mean grain size is very fine (<10 μm), influent feed rates of 21 per minute may be more efficient. Tangential-flow filtration can be used to process samples at the rate of 11 per minute.  相似文献   

LN-3A水位仪记录的高采样率大震水震波特点及仪器改进   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分析了海南前兆台网水位仪对苏门答腊M_S 8.7地震和我国四川汶川Ms 8.0地震的高采样率水震波记录情况,从中可较明显地看到地震波引起的井水位详细变化,但也存在水震波的丢头、仪器时间存在误差,第一代仪器水震波相互覆盖等现象,提出了在水位仪中增加在线缓存记录、自动定时校时功能等改进建议。  相似文献   

In this research we evaluate the effects of the method used for estimating the potential surface available for benthic macroinvertebrates in macrophyte and unvegetated habitats on several metrics and habitat preference of aquatic macroinvertebrates in the upper catchment of the Henares River (Guadalajara, Central Spain). Three sampling sites were selected: a well-preserved stream (site A), a stream with no wood riparian vegetation (site B), and a straightened and deforested reach (site C). Two habitats were selected in each site: unvegetated habitat (i.e., substrata without macrophytes) and macrophyte habitat (i.e., substrata covered by macrophytes). In each habitat, six macroinvertebrate samples (including all macrophytes or mineral particles) were collected using a Hess sampler. Diversity and density of major families were referred to the surface of the Hess sampler (=Hess surface method) and to the actual surface of either mineral particles or macrophytes (=actual surface method). In general, for the actual surface method, biomass, richness, dominance, and diversity metrics were higher in the mineral habitat than in the macrophyte habitat. This trend was different for the Hess surface method. In general, densities turned out to be higher in the unvegetated habitat than in the macrophyte habitat when using the actual surface method, but the reverse occurred when using the Hess surface method. This fact is relevant for river biomonitoring, especially when reaches with different dominant substrates (macrophytes vs mineral) are compared using just one of the methods. It is concluded that the macrobenthic metrics and density values are influenced by the method used to estimate the potential available surface for aquatic macroinvertebrates.  相似文献   

An understanding of the relative importance of different hydrological pathways in phosphorus delivery from land to water is currently constrained by a lack of appropriate methods available to quantify the delivery process. New monitoring tools are needed which will provide a framework for understanding phosphorus (P) transfer and delivery at a range of scales in agricultural catchments. A field methodology incorporating the techniques of event-based, on-site observation and sampling within a flexible, non-plot based structure is described and applied to a first order stream catchment in Southern England, UK. The results show that P transfers to the stream reach monitored were dominated by inputs from one field drain, and that overland flow inputs, despite being directly connected to the stream and containing higher P concentrations (maximum 3708 μg l−1), contributed less to the stream P flux. The processes of P transfer and delivery to the stream were complex, changing both within flow pathways and temporally over an event.  相似文献   

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