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Forms of phosphorus in sediments from 25 lakes in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River were analyzed by the sequential extraction procedure. Contents and spatial distrubution of algal available phosphorus (AAP) in sediments of Lake Taihu, the third largest freshwater lake of China, were also studied. Relationships between phosphorus forms in sediment and macrophytes coverage in sample sites, as well as phosphorus forms in sediments and chlorophyal contents in lake water were discussed. Exchangeable form of phosphorus (Ex-P) in surface sediments was significantly positive correlative to total phosphorus (IP), dissolved total phosphorus (DTP) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) contents in the lake water. Bioavailable phosphorus (Bio-P) contents in sediments from macrophytes dominant sites were significantly lower than that in no macrophyte sites. In Lake Taihu, Ex-P content in top 3 cm sediment was highest. However, content of ferric fraction phosphorus (Fe-P) was highest in 4 - 10 cm. Bioavalilble phosphorus (Bio-P) contents in surface sediments positively correlated to Chlorophyll a contents in water of Lake Taihu with significant difference. Therefore, contents of Bio-P and AAP could be acted as the indicators of risks of internal release of phosphorus in the shallow lakes. It was estimated that there were 268.6 ton AAP in top 1 cm sediments in Lake Taihu. Sediment suspension caused by strong wind-induced wave disturbance could carry plenty of AAP into water in large shallow lakes like Lake Taihu.  相似文献   

The physicochemical properties and chemistry of surface water of rivers in South-Yakutia Fuel and Production Complex were examined in the summer-autumn dry period. Changes in the properties and chemistry of the Chul’man River and its tributaries were analyzed to assess the effect of coal mining industry on the character and degree of technogenic pollution of surface water in the examined northern region.  相似文献   

The significance of the various biogeochemical pathways that drive carbon cycling and the relative fractions of dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC) produced by these reactions within the sulfate-methane transition zone(SMTZ) are still being debated. Unraveling these processes is important to our understanding of the benthic DIC sources and their contributions to the global carbon cycle. Here, we measure pore water geochemistry(chlorine, sulfate, methane, Ca~(2+), Mg~(2+), DIC and δ~(13)C-DIC) as well as solid geochemistry(sedimentary organic carbon(SOC) and δ~(13)C of SOC) in nearshore sediments from Qi'ao Island in the Pearl River Estuary of the Southern China Sea. Our analysis indicates that SOC originates from the mixing of carbon from terrestrial and marine sources, and that terrestrial materials dominate the net loss of SOC during the degradation of organic matter, especially at sites located near the river outlets. Sulfate reduction via SOC degradation is not appreciable in the upper sediment layer due to conservative mixing-dilution by freshwater. However, below this layer, the anaerobic oxidation of methane(AOM) and methanogenesis occur. Within the SMTZ, the δ~(13)C mass balance shows that the proportions of DIC derived from organoclastic SO_4~(2-) reduction(OSR) and AOM are 50.3% to 66.7% and 0.1% to 17.9%, respectively, whereas methanogenesis contributes 17.0% to 43.9%. This study reveals that the upward diffusion of DIC from ongoing methanogenesis significantly influences carbon cycling within the SMTZ in these estuarine sediments. As a result, we suggest that the plots of the ratio of change in sulfate to change in DIC in pore water should be used with caution when discriminating between sulfate reduction pathways in methane-rich sediments.  相似文献   

The surface sediments from the eastern Pacific Ocean are mainly composed of biogenetic fossils, silicate detritus, ferromanganese spherolites and clay fractions. Among them, the clay fractions with grain size less than 2 μm (mainly clay minerals) are mostprevalent, especially in the non-calcareous sediments (the content of calcareous fossils is less than 5%), the clay fraction contents often exceed 70%[1―5]. Because of the influences of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), equatorial currents, …  相似文献   

The sinks/sources of carbon in the Yellow Sea(YS) and East China Sea(ECS), which are important continental shelf seas in China, could exert a great influence on coastal ecosystem dynamics and the regional climate change process. The CO_2 exchange process across the seawater-air interface, dissolved and particulate carbon in seawater, and carbon burial in sediments were studied to understand the sinks/sources of carbon in the continental shelf seas of China. The YS and the ECS generally have different patterns of seasonal air-sea CO_2 exchange. In the YS, regions west of 124°E can absorb CO_2 from the atmosphere during spring and winter, and release CO_2 to the atmosphere during summer and autumn. The entire YS is considered as a CO_2 source throughout the year with respect to the atmosphere, but there are still uncertainties regarding the exact air-sea CO_2 exchange flux. Surface temperature and phytoplankton production were the key controlling factors of the air-sea CO_2 exchange flux in the offshore region and nearshore region of the YS, respectively. The ECS can absorb CO_2 during spring, summer, and winter and release CO_2 to the atmosphere during autumn. The annual average exchange rate in the ECS was-4.2±3.2 mmol m~(-2) d~(-1) and it served as an obvious sink for atmospheric CO_2 with an air-sea exchange flux of 13.7×10~6 t. The controlling factors of the air-sea CO_2 exchange in the ECS varied significantly seasonally. Storage of dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC) and dissolved organic carbon(DOC) in the YS and the ECS were 425×10~6 t and 1364×10~6 t, and 28.2×10~6 t and 54.1×10~6 t,respectively. Long-term observation showed that the DOC content in the YS had a decreasing trend, indicating that the "practical carbon sink" in the YS was decreasing. The total amount of particulate organic carbon(POC) stored in the YS and ECS was10.6×10~6 t, which was comparable to the air-sea CO_2 flux in these two continental shelf seas. The amounts of carbon sequestered by phytoplankton in the YS and the ECS were 60.42×10~6 t and 153.41×10~6 t, respectively. Artificial breeding of macroalgae could effectively enhance blue carbon sequestration, which could fix 0.36×10~6–0.45×10~6 t of carbon annually. Organic carbon(OC) buried in the sediments of the YS was estimated to be 4.75×10~6 t, and OC of marine origin was 3.03×10~6 t, accounting for5.0% of the TOC fixed by phytoplankton primary production. In the ECS, the corresponding depositional flux of OC in the sediment was estimated to be 7.4×10~6 t yr~(-1), and the marine-origin OC was 5.5×10~6 t, accounting for 5.4% of the phytoplankton primary production. Due to the relatively high average depositional flux of OC in the sediment, the YS and ECS have considerable potential to store a vast amount of "blue carbon."  相似文献   

The unique ecological landscapes are composed of the mountain systems with the obviousvertical differentiation, vast natural desert systems, and oasis systems on which the human beings rely for the existence in the arid areas in West China. Oases are the …  相似文献   

Clay mineralogy, texture size and statistical analyses were carried out on surface sediments from the continental shelf of Chennai, Bay of Bengal, India. The purpose of this study is to characterize the clay mineral distribution and its relation to the hydrodynamics off Chennai to identify the sources and transport pathways of the marine sediments. Characterization of clay minerals in coastal sediments by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy has provided the association of quartz, feldspar, kaolinite, chlorite, illite and iron oxides (magnetite and hematite) derived from river catchments and coastal erosion. Kaolinite, chlorite, illite, iron oxides, and organic matter are the dominant minerals in Cooum, and Adayar region. High quartz and feldspar zones were identified in Marina, which are being confined the sand zone and paralleling the coast. The strong relationships among the wave energy density, sand, quartz and carbonate revealed that wave induced littoral drift system play a dominant role in transportation and deposition of sediments in the Chennai coast. The sediment texture and minerals data are in agreement well with the previous results of hydrodynamics and littoral drift models in this region. Multivariate statistical analyses (correlation, cluster and factor analyses) were carried out and obtained results suggested that clay minerals and organic matter are trapped in silt and clay particles, whereas quartz, feldspar and carbonate are associated with sand particles. Results of sediment sources and transport processes from this study will be useful to predict the fate of the pollutants released from land or the potential change in sediment delivery to coastal areas.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were collected from ten selected sites of the lower Meghna River estuary, and six heavy metals were analyzed with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry(AAS) to assess the contamination level and the metals' association with sediment grain size. The current results revealed that the mean concentrations of the studied metals were ranked in descending order of iron(Fe)(1.29 ? 103 mg/kg) zinc(Zn)(42.41 mg/kg) lead(Pb)(12.48 mg/kg) chromium(Cr)(10.59 mg/kg) copper(Cu)(6.22 mg/kg) cadmium(Cd)(0.28 mg/kg). The geo-accumulation, contamination, and pollution load indexes suggested that the lower Meghna river estuary was not contaminated by Fe, Zn, Pb, Cr, and Cu.The mean size of the sediment ranged from 28.92 to 126.2 mm, and the Pearson correlation coefficient showed a significant association between Fe and Pb(coefficient of determination, r2? 0.836; p 0.05),and no significant correlation was found between individual metals and grain size, indicating no or low influence on the metals distribution.  相似文献   

A major requirement for the assessment, development and sustainable use of water resources is the availability of good quality hydrological time series data of sufficiently long duration. However, it is not uncommon to find data that are riddled with gaps, characterized by questionable quality and short durations. Sometimes, the data are just not available. Such situations are most prevalent in developing countries and the consequence is a high degree of uncertainty in the assessed characteristics of water management schemes and ultimately its ineffectual performance. Thus dealing with these problems is an important exercise in hydrological analyses. This paper focuses on the multivariate infilling of gaps for rainfall and streamflow data in the Shire River basin in Malawi, using a self organizing map (SOM) approach, which is a form of unsupervised artificial neural networks. The results show that this approach can produce reliable estimates of hydro-meteorological data thus offering promise for reducing the uncertainties associated with the use of insufficient data for water resources assessment.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were collected from Kallar, Korampallam creek and Punnakayal estuaries of Tuticorin coast for assessing the level of contamination by trace elements in these estuarine sediments. The trace element concentration, calcium carbonate, organic carbon and mercury level were analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrophotometer, Titrimetric method and SnCl2 reduction method. The results reveals that the enrichment factor, metal pollution index and geo-accumulation index of these estuarine sediments were predominantly polluted by Cd, As, Zn, Hg and Pb. The factor analysis revealed the source of trace element accumulation in the estuarine sediments particularly Mn and Fe are from riverine inputs and As and Hg from untreated industrial effluents. Among the selected estuaries, Korampallam creek was found to be highly contaminated by trace elements due to the discharge of effluents from thermal power plant, Tuticorin alkali chemicals, copper smelting, Petrochemical industries and shipping activities.  相似文献   

Two models have been proposed for the origin of the low-δ18O rhyolites of the Snake River Plain–Yellowstone hotspot trend. The first involves a single multicyclic caldera system, or multiple nested or overlapping systems, in which the early-erupted products become hydrothermally altered and are subsequently melted to form low-δ18O rhyolites (Bindeman and Valley, 2001; Watts et al., 2011). The second model appeals to a crustal magma source which was hydrothermally altered in a thermal event prior to the onset of Miocene magmatism (Boroughs et al., 2005). We critically evaluate the plausibility of each and provide thermal, temporal, and volume constraints which must be included in any model for the petrogenesis of low-δ18O rhyolites of the central Snake River Plain. Although the models are not mutually exclusive, we conclude that a component of pre-existing low-δ18O crust is required in the central Snake River Plain where the greatest volumes of strongly 18O-depleted rhyolite occur. This component could be provided by meteoric–hydrothermally altered granites of the Idaho batholith, which are cut by the central Snake River Plain.  相似文献   

Serious water scarcity, low water-use efficiency, and over-exploitation of underground water have hindered socio-economic development and led to environmental degradation in the Heihe River basin, northwestern China. Price leveraging is an important tool in water demand management, and it is considered to be effective in promoting water conservation and improving water use efficiency on the premise that water demand is elastic. In the present study, we examine whether price is an effective and applicable instrument for restraining the increasing demand for agricultural irrigation water in the middle reaches of the Heihe River basin and how will it affect farmers’ decisions on irrigation and crop structure. Specifically, the price elasticity of agricultural water demand was estimated based on the irrigation water demand function. The results show that the agricultural irrigation water price is statistically significant, but its elasticity is very low under current low water price. Price leverage cannot play a significant role in the context of the current pricing regime and farmers’ response to price increase is intrinsically weak. To create incentives for conserving water and improving irrigation efficiency, price mechanism should be accompanied with clearly defined and legally enforceable water rights, restricted water quota measures, and reform of water authorities and water-user associations. Furthermore, increases of surface irrigation water price may lead to the over-withdrawal of groundwater, consequently, effective groundwater licensing and levying must take place to limit the total volume of groundwater withdrawal. In all, improving irrigation efficiency through better management and the adoption of water-saving technologies is the ultimate way to deal with the challenges facing irrigated agriculture in the middle reaches of the Heihe River basin.  相似文献   


The reassessment of flood risk at York, UK, is pertinent in light of major flooding in November 2000, and heightened concerns of a perceived increase in flooding nationally. Systematic flood level readings from 1877 and a wealth of documentary records dating back as far as 1263 AD give the City of York a long and rich history of flood records. This extended flood record provides an opportunity to reassess estimates of flood frequency over a time scale not normally possible within flood frequency analysis. This paper re-evaluates flood frequency at York, considering the strengths and weaknesses in estimates resulting from four contrasting methods of analysis and their corresponding data: (a) single-site analysis of gauged annual maxima; (b) pooled analysis of multi-site gauged annual maxima; (c) combined analysis of systematic annual maxima augmented with historical peaks, and (d) analysis of only the very largest peaks using a Generalized Pareto Distribution. Use of the historical information was found to yield risk estimates which were lower and considered to be more credible than those achieved using gauged records alone.

Citation Macdonald, N. & Black, A. R. (2010) Reassessment of flood frequency using historical information for the River Ouse at York, UK (1200–2000). Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(7), 1152–1162.  相似文献   

Southwest Tarim (hereafter SW Tarim) is one of afew areas that well developed Cretaceous marinesedimentary rocks in China [1]. The Cretaceous marinesediments are stretched in front area along the Tian-shan and Kunlun Mountains. Toward the center ofTarim Basin, the Cretaceous sediments are buried bygreat thickness of Tertiary and Quaternary sedimentswith little exposure. Compared with the Cretaceousterrestrial strata of north Tarim, the Cretaceous marinestrata of SW Tarim continue and d…  相似文献   

The results of studying the composition of hydrocarbon gases (C1–C5) and organic matter in bottom sediments of the Ivankovo Reservoir in 1995, 2004, and 2005 are given. The methods used in the study include vapor-phase gas chromatography, instrumental pyrolysis gas chromatography, and mass-spectrometry for determining organic carbon δ 13Corg. The gas field of bottom sediments in different regions of the reservoir varies widely in terms of gas saturation and the spectrum of hydrocarbon gases. This suggests the heterogeneous composition of organic matter in the sediments and different conditions of its input and transformation processes. The gases were found to contain saturated hydrocarbons from methane to pentane C1–C5, including isomers i-C4 and i-C5 and unsaturated compounds C2–C4. A correlation was found to exist between methane distribution and the distribution of its more high-molecular homologues, which confirms their genetic relationship in bottom sediments. The obtained results show an increase in the rate of microbiological processes and organic matter transformation for most regions in the Ivankovo Reservoir. The only exceptions are the zones of Moshkovichskii Bay and the sections at Gorodnya and Konakovo, where technogenic organic matter is being accumulated. The high information value of hydrocarbon gases as biogeochemical markers of the sources of organic matter and the rates of its transformation is demonstrated. The isotopic composition of organic-matter carbon in the bottom sediments of the Ivankovo Reservoir δ 13C varies from ?26.21 to ?30.86‰.  相似文献   

The Shaerqiaoke Gravel, more than 400 m in thickness, on the north piedmont of the Tianshan Mountains, is located at the exit of the Urümqi River Valley and belongs to the Molasse construction of the Tianshan Mountains. Another uplift event with the tectonic boundary expansion ended the deposition of the Shaerqiaoke Gravel, and resulted in folding, faulting and down-erosion in the frontier of the deposit. The ESR dating indicates that the top of the Shaerqiaoke Gravel accumulated before 1148 kaBP, probably responding to the Kunlun-Huanghe movement of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. After that time, erosion-deposition cycle occurred and 9 terraces developed. The TL and ESR dating techniques were employed to date these terraces, and the results indicate that Terrace 3 was formed at MIS 6. Terrace 2 at Houxia also developed simultaneously. Terraces 5 and 6 were accumulated in 338 kaBP and 562-591 kaBP, respectively. The oldest glaciation, named Gao Wangfeng, correlates to MIS 12.  相似文献   


A new physics-based rainfall–runoff method of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was developed, which integrates a water balance (WB) approach with the variable source area (WB-VSA). This approach was further compared with four methods—soil-water-dependent curve number (CN-Soil), evaporation-dependent curve number (CN-ET), Green and Ampt equation (G&A) and WB—in a monsoonal watershed, Eastern China. The regional sensitivity analysis shows that volumetric efficiency coefficient (VE) with river discharges is sensitive to the most parameters of all approaches. The results of model calibration against VE demonstrate that WB-VSA is the most accurate owing to its reflection of the spatial variation of runoff generation as affected by topography and soil properties. Other methods can also mimic baseflow well, but the G&A and CN-ET simulate floods much worse than the saturation excess runoff approaches (WB-VSA, WB and CN-Soil). Meanwhile, CN-Soil as an empirical method fails to simulate groundwater levels. By contrast, WB-VSA captures them best.
Editor M.C. Acreman; Associate editor S. Kanae  相似文献   

Soldatova  E. A.  Savichev  O. G.  Zhou  D.  Ivanova  I. S.  Li  J.  Dong  Y.  Sun  Z. 《Water Resources》2022,49(3):483-492
Water Resources - Data of studies of 2013–2019 were used to assess the current environmental-geochemical conditions of surface water and groundwater in the basin of the Ganjiang River, the...  相似文献   

The influence of the sediment’s physico-chemical properties and black carbon content, on the distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls in benthic sediments of the Gulf of Gdansk (Baltic Sea) was determined. Sediments from port, marine dump site of dredged spoils, the Vistula river mouth, Gdansk Deep were selected.The concentrations of ∑PAHs (fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, dibenzo(ah)anthracene, benzo(ghi)perylene) were 294-2200 ng/g d.w. and for ∑PCBs (28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, 180) were 2.4-11.3 ng/g d.w.The sediments content of loss on ignition was 1.13-16.15%, total organic carbon was 0.89-7.15%, black carbon was 0.20-1.15%. The highest correlation coefficient values (r = 0.76-0.92, p < 0.05) for a relationship between the concentrations of organic pollutants, and organic matter, organic and black carbon contents were obtained in harbor sediments with low content of organic matter (<5%) and high share of black carbon in total carbon (up to 40%).  相似文献   

The seismicity of Algeria since the nineteenth century is relatively well documented. However, compared with the numerous damaging earthquakes that are documented since 1850, fewer than a dozen reports of earthquakes are listed for the pre-1850 ad period, suggesting that the historical record is missing a substantial number of earthquakes. This paper examines the use of literary and epigraphic sources relevant to the investigation of seismicity in Algeria during Roman times. We provide examples where the meager written literary record may be supplemented with appropriate archaeological and epigraphic data describing damage to ancient Roman sites. The examples show that collaboration between earth scientists and archeologists is of utility in improving the seismic record and highlights the need for further study of data sources and repositories located both inside and outside of Algeria.  相似文献   

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