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在全球气候变化和快速城市化进程背景下,城市气象灾害及其影响越来越突出,呈现和传统气象灾害不一样的特征和演变规律。作为中国国际化大都市的代表,上海在2016年提出了"全球城市"的发展愿景,在城市气象灾害风险应对方面挑战和机遇并存。从上海城市气象灾害风险特征、风险预估以及城市气象灾害风险管理实践等方面,介绍上海市气象局在轨道交通、健康气象、城市内涝、海洋气象和航空气象等五个领域的实践案例,并对未来城市应对气象灾害风险的前景进行了思考和展望。  相似文献   

新疆气象灾害近期变化和防灾减灾工作综合评述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对新疆洪水、干旱、冰雹、沙尘暴、雪灾、地质灾害等灾害和城市、农村气象灾害分析和对防灾减灾对策研究及气候变化对灾害规律影响的分析的基础上,综合分析了新疆气象灾害及其衍生灾害的总体特征和发展趋势;归纳总结了气象部门防灾减灾工作发展的现状及其存在的主要问题,提出今后工作的一些建议。  相似文献   

在新疆洪水、干旱、冰雹、沙尘暴、雪灾、地质灾害等灾种和城市、农村气象灾害防灾减灾对策研究及气候变化对灾害规律的影响分析基础上,综合分析了新疆气象灾害及其衍生灾害的总体特征和发展趋势;归纳总结了防灾减灾工作的现状及其存在的主要问题;提出新疆发展重要战略机遇期防灾减灾的主要对策和某些具体建议。  相似文献   

甘肃气象灾害与气候变化问题的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10  
根据气象资料和社会经济资料,分析了甘肃省气象灾害特征及其对甘肃社会经济的影响,揭示了近50 a年甘肃气候变化的客观事实,探讨了在气候变暖背景下甘肃自然生态系统的变化。针对甘肃社会经济可持续发展中的气象与生态问题,提出了适应对策。  相似文献   

双季稻主要气象灾害研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
热害、洪涝、干旱和冷害是影响我国双季稻安全生产的主要气象灾害。气候变化背景下,双季稻遭受的极端气候事件增加,应对气象灾害的任务更加紧迫。我国双季稻主要气象灾害的时空分布特征不同:热害、洪涝和干旱发生频率整体呈增加趋势,西部南部较高;冷害弱减轻,北高南低,不同生育期存在差异。文中对双季稻生产的影响、监测预警技术(站点监测、遥感监测、指标预警、数理统计和动态机理模型)以及防御气象灾害的减灾保产技术进行了阐述。针对当前气候资源的时空分布特点以及关于双季稻气象灾害研究存在的不足,提出了双季稻气象灾害在未来研究中需要重点关注的科学问题,即双季稻气象灾变过程及其动态监测指标体系、气候变暖背景下双季稻气象灾害遥感监测技术及其气象灾损动态评估技术、星-地耦合的双季稻气象灾变过程数值模式研发、双季稻种植制度对气候变化的适应性及其抗灾减灾新技术与示范研究,为双季稻有效防御气象灾害和稳产高产提供依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,在以全球变暧为主要特征的气候变化背景下,全球气象灾害明显增多,对经济社会发展的影响日益加剧。减轻气象灾害的危害,应对气候变化的威胁,实现人与自然的和谐,促进经济、社会、人口、资源和环境的协调发展,是中国气象事业发展乃至国家经济社会发展面临的重要课题。本文分析了气候变化对国家安全的严重威胁,就我国应采取的对策提出建议。  相似文献   

开展广西气候可行性论证发展与对策研究,对进一步促进广西气候可行性论证工作高效、快速地发展,为更好地应对气候变化、提升防灾减灾能力、促进广西经济社会可持续发展有着积极的意义。气候可行性论证是在全球气候变化加剧、气象灾害频发的背景下,合理开发和保护气候资源、评估气候影响、应对气候变化并正在逐步规范起来的一项技术咨询工作。广西因地理位置、地形地貌和天气气候的特殊性、复杂性,属暴雨洪涝、大风、雷暴等气象灾害的多发区,气象灾害已经成为制约广西社会和经济可持续发展的重要因素之一。重大工程对气象灾害和气候变化具有高度的敏感性,灾害性气象因子是影响工程安全性设计、投资成本和运营效益的关键因子。部分城市规划、重点建设工程和重大区域开发项目等在规划和建设之初因没有充分考虑气候影响,当面临不利的天气或气候考验时极易造成较大的损失。  相似文献   

了解农户气候变化与气象灾害适应行为影响机制对未来制定有效气候变化政策至关重要。基于计划行为理论,利用西安市白鹿原樱桃种植区农户的调查数据,结合结构方程模型分析樱桃种植户气候变化与气象灾害适应行为机制。研究表明,种植户关于气候变化与气象灾害的行为态度、主观规范和知觉行为控制三者之间相互影响,且三者均可直接影响种植户适应气候变化与气象灾害的行为意向,其中行为态度对行为意向的影响最为显著;种植户的知觉行为控制对于气候变化及气象灾害的适应行为影响不显著;种植户对气候变化与气象灾害的行为意向是影响其适应行为最直接的因素。  相似文献   

农业气象灾害监测预测技术研究进展   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
农业气象灾害的监测预测是灾害评估和防控的基础和前提, 因此,农业气象灾害的监测预测研究长期以来一直是农业气象研究工作的重点领域。该文系统回顾了我国农业气象灾害的指标、监测技术和预测预警技术等方面的相关进展和成果,提出当前存在的主要问题:农业气象灾害的基础性研究仍然十分薄弱, 农业气象灾害指标对致灾因子的概括性尚不足, 农业气象灾害监测的精细化程度有待进一步提高, 临近预警技术缺乏, 气候变化背景下农业气象灾害的新规律揭示不够。该文同时指出未来应加强农业气象灾害综合指标的研究, 强化农业气象灾害的预测预报研究, 构建农业气象灾害实时预警技术体系, 构建农业气象灾害立体、动态监测体系, 关注气候变化背景下农业气象灾害风险变化评估研究, 加强气象或气候预测信息在农业气象灾害预测中的应用技术研究。  相似文献   

根据新疆城市化的进程及其特点,分析了城市灾害的基本特征与发展趋势,认为城市已成为新疆另一个主要灾害承受者.除地震活动带外,新疆城市灾害主要是气象灾害及其衍生灾害和环境污染.未来的灾害发展主要取决于城市化的进程及其健康程度、城市与周边区域生态环境状态、气候变化的影响及应对策略三个因素.新疆城市减灾主要对策,应着重于加强综合管理能力建设、减少基本灾害因素、加强早期预警和有效响应灾害的准备.  相似文献   

城市气象研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国数十年来在城市气象研究这一新兴学科领域开展了大量研究并获得了多方面的丰硕成果。文中从城市气象观测网与观测试验、城市气象多尺度模式、城市气象与大气环境相互影响、城市化对天气气候的影响等4个方面论述了城市气象的主要研究进展:中国各大城市已建立或正在完善具有多平台、多变量、多尺度、多重链接、多功能等特点的城市气象综合观测网;北京、南京、上海等地开展了大型城市气象观测科学试验,被世界气象组织列入研究示范项目;成功开展了风洞实验、缩尺度外场实验研究;建立了多尺度城市气象和空气质量预报数值模式,并应用于业务;在城市热岛效应、城市对降水影响、城市气象与城市规划、城市化对区域气候及空气质量的影响、城市气象与大气环境相互作用等研究领域取得长足进展。最后指出,未来需要重点从新观测技术及观测资料同化应用、城市系统模式研究、城市化对天气气候的影响机理、城市化对大气环境和人体健康的影响、城市水文气象气候与环境综合服务等方面开展科学研究与应用,为中国城市化、生态文明建设、防灾减灾和应对气候变化等国家需求提供科技支撑。   相似文献   

Major transformation of the global energy system is required for climate change mitigation. However, energy demand patterns and supply systems are themselves subject to climate change impacts. These impacts will variously help and hinder mitigation and adaptation efforts, so it is vital they are well understood and incorporated into models used to study energy system decarbonisation pathways. To assess the current state of understanding of this topic and identify research priorities, this paper critically reviews the literature on the impacts of climate change on the energy supply system, summarising the regional coverage of studies, trends in their results and sources of disagreement. We then examine the ways in which these impacts have been represented in integrated assessment models of the electricity or energy system.Studies tend to agree broadly on impacts for wind, solar and thermal power stations. Projections for impacts on hydropower and bioenergy resources are more varied. Key uncertainties and gaps remain due to the variation between climate projections, modelling limitations and the regional bias of research interests. Priorities for future research include the following: further regional impact studies for developing countries; studies examining impacts of the changing variability of renewable resources, extreme weather events and combined hazards; inclusion of multiple climate feedback mechanisms in IAMs, accounting for adaptation options and climate model uncertainty.  相似文献   

关于气象与人体健康研究的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于气象、环境与健康问题的研究可总结为如下几个问题:1)气候变化及其影响,2)天气、气候变化与人类健康,3)大气污染与人类健康,4)关于气象条件与疾病的机理研究,5)环境与健康危险度评价。作者认为以下几个问题值得我国学者予以关注:1)气象与健康问题的检测,2)气侯变化与人类健康,3)气象与人类健康关系的机理研究,4)应用数值模式研究气象与健康问题,5)环境与健康危险度评价,6)疾病预测和预警研究,7)多学科交叉研究和更多部门对气象与健康问题的介入。  相似文献   

Involving a wide-range of stakeholders at different moments in the planning of urban adaptation to climate change can help to overcome different barriers to adaptation, such as a lack of common perception, or control over options. This Article argues for an approach that involves a wide range of actors throughout the planning process in order to confront the challenges of urban adaptation to climate change. It builds on the results of a three-year participatory action research project to identify the catalysts with which local administrations can overcome the lack of data, the low level of engagement around the climate issue, and the cause-and-effect linkages of climate change impacts on the urban environment. Significant factors include territorial rootedness, leveraging actors’ experience, interaction between actors, as well as the valuing of local actors as experts of territorial management rather than as novices with regard to climate change adaptation. In addition to contributing towards the engagement of a large number of stakeholders around adaptation issues, a planning process that involves representatives from various sectors and during several stages contributes to a greater understanding of these issues and their linkages. It follows that such a process will bring changes to urban practices by better articulating local concerns about climatic issues.

Policy relevance

Although participation is commonly advocated in policy responses to climate change, only few empirical studies have investigated the ways in which local actors' knowledge can be integrated into climate change adaptation planning processes. The article builds on the results of an action research project carried out in Québec City, Canada, to address the relevance of involving a progressively broader range of actors as the adaptation process moves through its various phases. Given that a multitude of barriers to adaptation are at play at different times in a municipality, collaborations between local stakeholders emerge as a key factor. These collaborations provide greater insight into the linkages between climate change impacts and the urban environment and, in doing so, bring into question ordinary urban management and design practices.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, a large number of studies have been carried out in the field of urban meteorology in China. This paper summarizes the main progress in urban meteorology research from four aspects: urban meteorological observation network and field campaign, multi-scale model of urban meteorology, interaction between urban meteorology and atmospheric environment, and the impacts of urbanization on weather and climate. Major advances are as follows. China’s major cities have established or are improving comprehensive urban meteorological observation networks characterized by multi-platform, multi-variable, multi-scale, multi-link, and multi-function. Beijing, Nanjing, Shanghai, and other cities carried out urban meteorological field campaigns, which were included in the WMO research demonstration project. Wind tunnel experiments and scale-model outdoor experiments were successfully conducted. Multi-scale urban meteorological and air quality prediction numerical model systems have been developed and put into operational use. The urban heat island effect; urban impacts on precipitation, regional climate, and air quality; urban planning; and interaction between urban meteorology and atmospheric environment are extensively investigated. Finally, efforts to improve observational technology, data assimilation, and urban system modeling, to explore the impacts of urbanization on environment and human health, and to provide integrated urban hydro-meteorological climate and environmental services are planned ahead.  相似文献   

Climate change and associated weather extremes and natural hazards have large impacts on the urban population of the Global South where population growth will rapidly increase the already large number of people who will be affected. Using Protection Motivation Theory (PMT), we investigate how hot temperatures, manifested as heat stress, is affecting the intentions of moving among the urban population in three Asian countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines). We conducted an online survey with 2219 respondents. Almost all respondents (98%) had experienced heat stress, albeit at different levels. When asked whether respondents would be likely to move away from their current locations because of heat, nearly a quarter (23%) reported that they were very likely to do so, and 50% that they probably would. Stronger moving intentions because of heat were associated with women and older people. Concerns about increases from damage from heat (threat appraisal) were more strongly associated with moving intentions than an understanding of the costs and benefits (coping appraisal). Among the threat appraisal, heat stress levels and risk perception were the strongest predictors of moving intentions because of heat. The results contrast with the findings of migration studies in response to sudden onset hazards and underpin the differences in adaptation behaviour in response to different climate change impacts. Moving away to cooler places as an adaptation strategy to heat may be challenging to foresee in terms of timing, capabilities, destination and potential costs because it may not happen soon. We strongly recommend further research on climate change migration of the urban population, including within urban and urban-to-urban movements. While many people move back after sudden onset disasters, heat potentially leads to permanent movements given it is likely to be better planned, and as the habitability of some places is increasingly compromised. Overall the effects of slow onset environmental hazards such as pollution and heat on migration warrant more research attention given the rapidity of urban population growth, particularly in the global south.  相似文献   

Synoptic weather typing and regression-based downscaling approaches have become popular in evaluating the impacts of climate change on a variety of environmental problems, particularly those involving extreme impacts. One of the reasons for the popularity of these approaches is their ability to categorize a complex set of meteorological variables into a coherent index, facilitating the projection of changes in frequency and intensity of future daily extreme weather events and/or their impacts. This paper illustrated the capability of the synoptic weather typing and regression methods to analyze climatic change impacts on a number of extreme weather events and environmental problems for south–central Canada, such as freezing rain, heavy rainfall, high-/low-streamflow events, air pollution, and human health. These statistical approaches are helpful in analyzing extreme events and projecting their impacts into the future through three major steps or analysis procedures: (1) historical simulation modeling to identify extreme weather events or their impacts, (2) statistical downscaling to provide station-scale future hourly/daily climate data, and (3) projecting changes in the frequency and intensity of future extreme weather events and their impacts under a changing climate. To realize these steps, it is first necessary to conceptualize the modeling of the meteorology, hydrology and impacts model variables of significance and to apply a number of linear/nonlinear regression techniques. Because the climate/weather validation process is critical, a formal model result verification process has been built into each of these three steps. With carefully chosen physically consistent and relevant variables, the results of the verification, based on historical observations of the outcome variables simulated by the models, show a very good agreement in all applications and extremes tested to date. Overall, the modeled results from climate change studies indicate that the frequency and intensity of future extreme weather events and their impacts are generally projected to significantly increase late this century over south–central Canada under a changing climate. The implications of these increases need be taken into consideration and integrated into policies and planning for adaptation strategies, including measures to incorporate climate change into engineering infrastructure design standards and disaster risk reduction measures. This paper briefly summarized these climate change research projects, focusing on the modeling methodologies and results, and attempted to use plain language to make the results more accessible and interesting to the broader informed audience. These research projects have been used to support decision-makers in south–central Canada when dealing with future extreme weather events under climate change.  相似文献   

Designing climate-related research so that study results will be useful to natural resource managers is a unique challenge. While decision makers increasingly recognize the need to consider climate change in their resource management plans, and climate scientists recognize the importance of providing locally-relevant climate data and projections, there often remains a gap between management needs and the information that is available or is being collected. We used decision analysis concepts to bring decision-maker and stakeholder perspectives into the applied research planning process. In 2009 we initiated a series of studies on the impacts of climate change in the Yakima River Basin (YRB) with a four-day stakeholder workshop, bringing together managers, stakeholders, and scientists to develop an integrated conceptual model of climate change and climate change impacts in the YRB. The conceptual model development highlighted areas of uncertainty that limit the understanding of the potential impacts of climate change and decision alternatives by those who will be most directly affected by those changes, and pointed to areas where additional study and engagement of stakeholders would be beneficial. The workshop and resulting conceptual model highlighted the importance of numerous different outcomes to stakeholders in the basin, including social and economic outcomes that go beyond the physical and biological outcomes typically reported in climate impacts studies. Subsequent studies addressed several of those areas of uncertainty, including changes in water temperatures, habitat quality, and bioenergetics of salmonid populations.  相似文献   

IPCC第五次评估报告对气候变化风险及风险管理的新认知   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
IPCC第五次评估报告第二工作组报告在气候变化风险及风险管理方面聚焦于气候变化对领域和区域的不利影响。在综合分析与气候变化相关危害、暴露度和脆弱性的基础上,提出了气候变化风险的评估框架。风险不仅来自气候变化本身,同时也来自人类社会发展和治理过程。报告首次提出了新生风险,归纳总结了气候变化带来的关键风险,评估了不同温升下气候变化5个“关注理由”的风险水平。在风险管理过程中,由于适应和减缓的局限性,剩余风险是不可避免的。未来,若全球平均温度升高4℃(较工业革命以前)将加剧人类和社会生态系统广泛的、严重的和不可逆影响的风险。  相似文献   

城市气候效应研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市是人类社会发展的必然产物.随着城市的快速发展,城市气候效应凸显,并对社会经济可持续发展和人体健康等造成影响.基于国内外已有的研究成果,综述了城市气候效应,包括城市热岛效应、雨岛效应、混浊岛效应、于岛效应和雷暴岛效应的研究历史、现状及其与城市化、天气气候变化的相互关系,并对未来城市气候效应的研究方向及技术方法进行了展望.  相似文献   

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