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The present study aims at the assessment of six satellite rainfall estimates (SREs) in Pakistan. For each assessed products, both real-time (RT) and post adjusted (Adj) versions are considered to highlight their potential benefits in the rainfall estimation at annual, monthly, and daily temporal scales. Three geomorphological climatic zones, i.e., plain, mountainous, and glacial are taken under considerations for the determination of relative potentials of these SREs over Pakistan at global and regional scales. All SREs, in general, have well captured the annual north-south rainfall decreasing patterns and rainfall amounts over the typical arid regions of the country. Regarding the zonal approach, the performance of all SREs has remained good over mountainous region comparative to arid regions. This poor performance in accurate rainfall estimation of all the six SREs over arid regions has made their use questionable in these regions. Over glacier region, all SREs have highly overestimated the rainfall. One possible cause of this overestimation may be due to the low surface temperature and radiation absorption over snow and ice cover, resulting in their misidentification with rainy clouds as daily false alarm ratio has increased from mountainous to glacial regions. Among RT products, CMORPH-RT is the most biased product. The Bias was almost removed on CMORPH-Adj thanks to the gauge adjustment. On a general way, all Adj versions outperformed their respective RT versions at all considered temporal scales and have confirmed the positive effects of gauge adjustment. CMORPH-Adj and TMPA-Adj have shown the best agreement with in situ data in terms of Bias, RMSE, and CC over the entire study area.  相似文献   

Using 51 meteorological stations in the arid region of northwest China in the mountain, oasis, and the desert areas obtained from 1960 to 2010, this paper conducted a comparative analysis for detecting temperature and precipitation changes in the diverse environments. In recent 50 years, temperature has increased at 0.325, 0.339, and 0.360 °C per decade in the mountain, oasis, and the desert areas, respectively; and also, precipitation has increased at 10.15, 6.29, and 0.87 mm per decade, but in which the increasing trend of precipitation in desert area was not significant. Before the 1990s, the increase in temperature was the fastest in the desert area, up to 0.214 °C per decade, but was the slowest in the mountain area, only 0.103 °C per decade. The temperature rising was faster after the 1990s, 0.606 °C per decade, in the oasis area was fastest, but was the slowest in the desert region with 0.402 °C per decade. The precipitation in each area was stable from 1960 to 1986, but an increase in the oasis and mountain area was larger from 1987 to 2010.  相似文献   

Temperature has long been accepted as the major controlling factor in determining vegetation phenology in the middle and higher latitudes. The influence of water availability is often overlooked even in arid and semi-arid environments. We compared vegetation phenology metrics derived from both in situ temperature and satellite-based normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) observations from 1982 to 2006 by an example of the arid region of northwestern China. From the satellite-based results, it was found the start of the growing season (SOS) advanced by 0.37 days year?1 and the end of the growing season (EOS) delayed by 0.61 days year?1 in Southern Xinjiang over 25 years. In the Tianshan Mountains, the SOS advanced by 0.35 days year?1 and the EOS delayed by 0.31 days year?1. There were almost no changes in Northern Xinjiang. Compared with satellite-based results, those estimates based on temperature contain less details of spatial variability of vegetation phenology. Interestingly, they show different and at times reversed spatial patterns from the satellite results arising from water limitation. Phenology metrics derived from temperature and NDVI conclude that water limitation of onset of the growing season is more severe than the cessation. Phenology spatial patterns of four oases in Southern Xingjiang show that, on average, there is a delay of the SOS of 1.6 days/10 km of distance from the mountain outlet stations. Our results underline the importance of water availability in determining the vegetation phenology in arid regions and can lead to important consequences in interpreting the possible change of vegetation phenology with climate.  相似文献   

史岚  万逸波  张狄  王茜雯  杨娇 《气象科学》2018,38(5):616-624
以2001—2010年中国地面自动站降水资料为基准,对中国大陆范围内CMPA(CMPA_Daily)降水资料进行精度评价研究,并与CMORPH1.0(CPC MORPHing technique gauge-satellite)、TRMM3B43V7(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission 3B43)降水资料精度进行对比,并进一步结合高程、坡度、坡向、坡向修正因子分析地形因子对数据质量的影响并探讨不同地貌类型下数据的精度。结果显示:CMPA在年、月尺度上均能较好地反映降水的多寡,与站点实测数据具有较高的相关性,误差波动较为平稳,数据质量及稳定性优于CMORPH与TRMM;从时间序列曲线显示CMPA的精度呈现较为明显的季节性差异,均方根误差夏季高于冬季,相关系数、百分比偏差、平均相对误差冬季高于夏季,总体而言CMPA夏季的误差高于冬季,由于夏季降水的基数大而导致了百分比偏差以及平均相对误差较低;分析地形的影响表明,高程、坡度对数据质量的影响大于坡向与坡向修正因子;在复杂地形下,高海拔与高坡度地区CMPA精度均有所降低,但降水资料的精度仍然优于CMORPH与TRMM。  相似文献   

中国区域多种微波遥感土壤湿度产品质量评估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以自动土壤水分观测站土壤湿度作为验证数据, 对2012年中国区域ASCAT、WINDSAT、FY3B、SMOS 4种微波遥感土壤湿度产品按省份进行了评估研究。结果表明:ASCAT质量最优, 在中国大多数地区与观测数据的相关系数较高, 归一化标准偏差较小。WINDSAT其次, 质量优于FY3B, 而SMOS在中国大部分地区质量差, 受无线电频率干扰严重。4种产品在中国西北地区表现均略好, 如山西、陕西、宁夏等省区。研究还发现, 同一卫星土壤湿度产品在同一季节, 不同地区评估质量不同, 这可能与不同地区的地表植被覆盖类型有关。  相似文献   

西北干旱区夏季大气边界层结构及其陆面过程特征   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
张强  王胜 《气象学报》2008,66(4):599-608
在中国西北干旱区影响大气边界层形成和发展的气候环境和大气环流背景都具有一定特殊性。文中用外场观测试验资料,分析了位于西北干旱区的敦煌荒漠夏季大气边界层气象要素结构特征,发现该地区无论白天的对流边界层还是夜间的稳定边界层均比一般地区更深厚。在夏季晴天,夜间稳定边界层厚度超过900 m,最厚可以达到1750 m,其上的残余层一般能达到4000 m左右的高度;白天混合层最高达3700 m,混合层顶的逆温层顶盖的厚度大约450 m,甚至更厚,对流边界层厚度能够超过4000 m,对流边界层进入残余层后发展十分迅速。研究表明,白天深厚的对流边界层是夜间保持清晰而深厚的残余混合层的先决条件,夜间深厚的残余混合层又为白天对流边界层的发展提供了一个非常有利的热力环境条件。该地区经常性出现连续性晴天使得大气残余层的累积效应得以较长时间持续发展,创造了比较有利于大气对流边界层发展的大气热力环境条件。同时,该地区陆面过程和近地层大气运动特征也为这种独特的大气热力边界层结构提供了较好的支持。就该地区发展超厚大气对流边界层的物理机理而言,地表显著增温是强有力的外部热力强迫条件,近地层强感热通量提供了较充足的能量条件,较大的对流运动和湍流运动的速度是必要的运动学条件,大气残余层的累积效应提供了有利的热力环境条件。  相似文献   

Much attention has recently been focused on the effects that climate variability and human activities have had on runoff. In this study, data from the Kaidu River Basin in the arid region of northwest China were analyzed to investigate changes in annual runoff during the period of 1960–2009. The nonparametric Mann–Kendall test and the Mann–Kendall–Sneyers test were used to identify trend and step change point in the annual runoff. It was found that the basin had a significant increasing trend in annual runoff. Step change point in annual runoff was identified in the basin, which occurred in the year around 1993 dividing the long-term runoff series into a natural period (1960–1993) and a human-induced period (1994–2009). Then, the hydrologic sensitivity analysis method was employed to evaluate the effects of climate variability and human activities on mean annual runoff for the human-induced period based on precipitation and potential evapotranspiration. In 1994–2009, climate variability was the main factor that increased runoff with contribution of 90.5 %, while the increasing percentage due to human activities only accounted for 9.5 %, showing that runoff in the Kaidu River Basin is more sensitive to climate variability than human activities. This study quantitatively distinguishes the effects between climate variability and human activities on runoff, which can do duty for a reference for regional water resources assessment and management.  相似文献   

降水观测常用仪器是雨量器和遥测雨量计。在使用期间常会出现遥测读数和雨量器读数有偏差 ,有时超出仪器本身允许的误差范围 ,这种现象称为超差。判断仪器是否超差 ,首先进行差值计算。即 : 差值 =(排水量 -遥测雨量 ) /排水量× 1 0 0 %如果差值在± 4 %之内 ,则为正常 ;否则  相似文献   

Using data archived in the Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period (CEOP) project, comparisons between field observations undertaken at Tongyu CEOP reference site in China and model output from year 2003 to 2004 have been implemented, and in particular, the time series and diurnal cycles of precipitation, near-surface temperature, air temperature, and latent and sensible heat fluxes are presented. The results show that the ability of the model simulations on the temperatures, such as air temperature and the surface temperature, is satisfactory compared with the simulations on the land surface heat fluxes and the precipitation at Tongyu site. In addition, the multi-model ensemble exhibits better results over all items in comparison with the observations. The differences of the precipitation at the interannual and the seasonal time scales between the model results and observations indicate that some of the models are able to reproduce the larger amount of precipitation in 2003 than that in 2004, which is consistent with the trend of the observations at Tongyu site even though the mean square errors of models output calculated from daily precipitation during year 2003 and 2004 are even greater than the daily amount of the precipitation. The poor skill in the quantitative simulation of the precipitation indicates that the deficiency of the models in simulating the surface heat fluxes may be closely related to the biases of the precipitation simulations. In terms of the seasonal time series of the precipitation, there is an increase during summer, accompanied by the same increased trend of the latent heat flux and the decreased trend of the sensible heat flux from the insitu observations.  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Precise calculations for determining the water requirements of plants and the extent of evapotranspiration are crucial in determining the volume of water...  相似文献   

高质量和高分辨率的降水产品在天气预报,数值模式模拟和气象防灾减灾方面起着重要的作用.本文利用四川地区高密度的地面降水传感器观测数据,比较CMPAS四种不同时空尺度的降水实况分析产品,评估CMPAS的融合准确性与在四川地区的适用性.研究表明:四种CMPAS降水产品都在四川盆地内精度较高,攀西地区和川西高原次之.随着降水量...  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - In this study, we compared the following four different gridded monthly precipitation products: the National Centers for Environmental Prediction version 2...  相似文献   

Although satellite remote sensing of the atmosphere and Earth's surface has been pursued now for many years, it has not been applied widely in detailed or systematic investigations of the atmospheric and land surface climates of arid and semiarid regions. This paper briefly surveys characteristics of satellite systems that should be considered when evaluating the present and potential roles of satellite remote sensing in arid and semiarid zone research, and in studies of desertification. Actual and potential applications of satellite data in these research areas are then reviewed. It is concluded that satellite data available for arid and semiarid areas have been used in a very fragmentary and unsystematic manner. Proposals are made for exploiting more fully satellite data, especially in investigations of desertification.  相似文献   

周秀骥 《大气科学》1979,3(3):203-209
大气遥感是六十年代全面兴起的新型大气探测方法。它的发展将为掌握大气运动和变化规律提供更丰富、更深刻的观测资料,是推动近代大气科学研究进步的重要工具。早在六十年代中期,如何把空间、激光、红外和微波等近代技术迅速应用到我国大气科学研究,建立新的大气探测系统,适应气象为我国国防与国民经济现代化建设服务的实际需要,促进我国大气科学赶超世界先进水平的问题,就引起了我国著名地球物理学家赵九章和气象学家顾震潮的密切注意,并且着手组织力量,制定发展大气遥感的研究规划。从1965年到现在,在党的领导下,我们努力排除并克服了各种干扰和困难,全面开展了激  相似文献   

本文简述大气对红外窗区遥感的影响。给出处理遥感资料的辐射传输方程。用简化的辐射传输方程处理一次海空试验的资料,将遥感测量与常规测量作了比较,结果较为满意。  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Gridded precipitation products are becoming good alternative data sources for regions with limited weather gauging stations. In this study, four climate...  相似文献   

The role of El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the mechanism through which ENSO influences the precipitation variability over northwest India and the adjoining (NWIA) region is well documented. In this study, the relative role of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)/Arctic Oscillation (AO) and ENSO in modulating the Asian jet stream in the Northern Hemisphere winter and their relative impact on the precipitation variability over the region have been estimated through analysis of observed data. It is seen that interannual variations of NWIA precipitation are largely influenced by ENSO. An empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis has been carried out to understand dominant modes of interannual variability of zonal wind at 200 hPa of the Northern Hemisphere. The EOF-1 pattern in the tropical region is similar to that of an ENSO pattern, and the principal component (PC) time series corresponds to the ENSO time series. The EOF-2 spatial pattern resembles that of NAO/AO with correlation of PC time series with AO and NAO being 0.74 and 0.62, respectively. The precipitation anomaly time series over the region of interest has marginally higher correlation with the PC-2 time series as compared to that of PC-1. Regression analysis of precipitation and circulation parameters indicates a larger contribution of the second mode to variability of winds and precipitation over the NWIA. Moisture transport from the Arabian Sea during the active phase of NAO/AO and the presence of a cyclonic anomaly lead to higher precipitation over the NWIA region.  相似文献   

为考察GPM卫星降水产品IMERG在梅雨极端降水期的适用性,以中国自动气象站观测数据与CMORPH降水产品融合的逐时降水量网格数据集资料作为参考,采用均方根误差RMSE和平均绝对误差MAE统计指标,对IMERG卫星降水产品在长江中下游地区2020年梅雨极端降水期的适用性进行评估。结果表明:IMERG卫星降水产品整体上与实测结果趋势一致,对于12 h和24 h累计降水,在强降水区域易出现高估。反演的3 h累计降水与实际降水一致性较好,累计降水量大于20、50、80、100 mm四种情况下的RMSE和MAE平均值均为10 mm左右。  相似文献   

Marine oxygen isotope stage 5a (MIS 5a), MIS 3a, and Holocene were highlighted periods in paleoclimate studies. Many scientists have published a great number of studies in this regard, but they paid more attention to qualitative research, and there was often a lack of quantitative data. In this paper, based on chronological evidence from a paleolake in arid China, MIS 5a, MIS 3a, and Holocene lake area, the precipitation of the drainage area and the runoff of the inflowing rivers of the lake were reconstructed with ArcGIS spatial analysis software and the improved water and energy balance model which was calibrated by modern meteorological and hydrological data in the Shiyang River drainage basin. The results showed that the paleolake areas were 1824, 1124, and 628 km2 for MIS 5a, MIS 3a, and Holocene; meanwhile, the paleoprecipitation and runoff were 293.992–297.433, 271.105–274.294, and 249.431–252.373 mm and 29.103 × 108–29.496 × 108, 18.810 × 108–18.959 × 108, and 10.637 × 108–10.777 × 108 mm, respectively. The quantitative data can help us not only strengthen the understanding of paleoclimatic characteristics but also recognize the complexity and diversity of the climate system.  相似文献   

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