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利用中国科学院紫金山天文台德令哈观测站13.7米望远镜在IRAS 02232 6138方向进行了13CO,C18O,HCO 和N2H 的观测.随着探针分子的激发密度从13CO到N2H 逐渐增加, IRAS02232 6138云核的尺度从13CO的2.40 pc减小到N2H 的0.54pc,云核的维里质量从13CO的2.2×103M⊙减小到N2H 的5.1×102M⊙.研究发现,该方向区域内存在双极分子外流.对云核的空间密度结构用幂函数n(r)αr-α的形式进行拟合分析,得到α=2.3-1.2;随着探测密度的增加,该指数逐渐变平.分析得到, 13CO/C18O分子丰度比值为12.4±6.9,与暗云的11.8±5.9及大质量核的9.0-15.6值一致;N2H 丰度是3.5±2.5×10-10,与暗云核的1.0-5.0×10-10和大质量核的1.2-12.8×10-10值一致;HCO 丰度为0.9±0.5×10-9,接近大质量核的1.6-2.4×10-9值,没有发现HCO 丰度增长.结合IRAS数据,得到云核的光度质量比范围为37-163(L/M)⊙,由IRAS光度估计, IRAS 02232 6138方向云核内嵌埋的大约是一颗主序O7.5星. 相似文献
This paper reports 13CO, C18O, HCO+ (J = 1−0) spectral observations toward IRAS 23133+6050 with the 13.7 m millimeter-wave telescope at Qinghai Station of PMO. Corresponding to the 13CO, C18O, HCO+ line emissions, the size of the observed molecular cloud core is 4.0 pc, 2.1 pc and 2.3 pc, the virial mass is 2.7 × 103 M⊙, 0.9 × 103 M⊙ and 2.3 × 103 M⊙, and the volume density of H2 is 2.7 × 103 cm−3, 5.1 × 103 cm−3 and 4.6 × 103 cm−3, respectively. Using the power-law function n(r) ∼r−p, the spatial density distribution of the cloud core was analyzed, the obtained exponent p is respectively 1.75, 1.56 and 1.48 for the 13CO, C18O and HCO+ cores, and it is found that the density distribution becomes gradually flatter from the outer region to the inner region of the core. The HCO+ abundance is 4.6 × 10−10, one order of magnitude less than the value for dark clouds, and slightly less than that for giant molecular clouds. The 13CO/C18O relative abundance ratio is 12.2, comparable with the value 11.8 for dark clouds, and the value 9.0 ∼ 15.6 for giant molecular clouds. A 13CO bipolar outflow is found in this region. The IRAS far-infrared luminosity and the virial masses give the luminosity-mass ratios 18.1, 51.1 and 21.2 from the three lines. 相似文献
^12CoJ=1-0成图观测表明在IRAS19282 1814附近存在着一个蓝向单极高速分子外流,计算了其基本参量并进行了分析,它的成协红外源IRAS19282 1814可能是大质量年轻星体,其IRAS波段色指数表明该源深埋于气体和尘埃物质之中,由60-100μm流量密度获得尘埃温度为30K,它的附近没有其他的源,所以IRAS19282 1814可能是外向流的驱动源。 相似文献
利用12CO(1-0)、13CO(1-0)与C18O(1-0)分子谱线成图观测数据,并结合ATLASGAL (The APEX(Atacama Pathfinder Experiment) Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy)尘埃连续谱巡天观测结果详细地研究了9个红外暗云(Infrared Dark Clouds, IRDCs)中团块的物理性质与运动学特征.给出了红外暗云的速度区间,以及在红外暗云所对应的Spitzer (Spitzer Space Telescope) 8μm辐射背景上叠加了与红外暗云轮廓基本吻合的13CO和C18O积分强度分布图. 9个红外暗云中有8个呈纤维状结构.在这些红外暗云中共找出51个致密团块,质量偏大的团块大部分聚集在红外暗云的枢纽位置.质量统计直方图中表现出明显的双峰结构,进一步证实纤维状分子云物质输送的图景.12CO(1-0)计算所得的典型激发温度Tex... 相似文献
J. M. C. Rawlings S. D. Taylor D. A. Williams 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2000,313(3):461-468
Anomalous molecular line profile shapes are the strongest indicators of the presence of the infall of gas that is associated with star formation. Such profiles are seen for well-known tracers, such as HCO+ , CS and H2 CO. In certain cases, optically thick emission lines with appropriate excitation criteria may possess the asymmetric double-peaked profiles that are characteristic of infall. However, recent interpretations of the HCO+ infall profile observed towards the protostellar infall candidate B335 have revealed a significant discrepancy between the inferred overall column density of the molecule and that which is predicted by standard dark cloud chemical modelling.
This paper presents a model for the source of the HCO+ emission excess. Observations have shown that, in low-mass star-forming regions, the collapse process is invariably accompanied by the presence of collimated outflows; we therefore propose the presence of an interface region around the outflow in which the chemistry is enriched by the action of jets. This hypothesis suggests that the line profiles of HCO+ , as well as other molecular species, may require a more complex interpretation than can be provided by simple, chemically quiescent, spherically symmetric infall models.
The enhancement of HCO+ depends primarily on the presence of a shock-generated radiation field in the interface. Plausible estimates of the radiation intensity imply molecular abundances that are consistent with those observed. Further, high-resolution observations of an infall-outflow source show HCO+ emission morphology that is consistent with that predicted by this model. 相似文献
This paper presents a model for the source of the HCO
The enhancement of HCO
K. P. Johns D. M. Cragg P. D. Godfrey & A. M. Sobolev 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1998,300(4):999-1005
We investigate the possibility of interstellar masers in transitions of the methanol isotopomers CH3 OD, 13 CH3 OH and CH3 18 OH, and of CH3 SH. The model used, in which masers are pumped through the first and second torsionally excited states by IR radiation, has accounted successfully for the Class II masers in main species methanol, 12 CH3 16 OH. Several potential maser candidates are identified for CH3 OD, their detectability depending on the enrichment of this species in star-forming regions. In 13 CH3 OH and CH3 18 OH the best maser candidates are direct counterparts of the well-known 6.7- and 12.2-GHz methanol masers, but the lower interstellar abundance of these substituted species means that the expected brightness is greatly reduced. The maser candidates in CH3 SH are also weak. By comparing these species we find that the large b -component of the dipole moment in methanol plays a significant role in its propensity to form masers, as does the strong torsion–rotation interaction due to the light hydroxyl frame. Thus the exceptional brightness of interstellar methanol masers is due to a favourable combination of molecular properties as well as high interstellar abundance. 相似文献
C. R. Purcell R. Balasubramanyam M. G. Burton A. J. Walsh V. Minier M. R. Hunt-Cunningham L. L. Kedziora-Chudczer S. N. Longmore T. Hill I. Bains P. J. Barnes A. L. Busfield P. Calisse N. H. M. Crighton S. J. Curran T. M. Davis J. T. Dempsey G. Derragopian B. Fulton M. G. Hidas M. G. Hoare J.-K. Lee E. F. Ladd S. L. Lumsden T. J. T. Moore M. T. Murphy R. D. Oudmaijer M. B. Pracy J. Rathborne S. Robertson A. S. B. Schultz J. Shobbrook P. A. Sparks J. Storey T. Travouillion 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2006,367(2):553-576
T. Lloyd Evans M. E. Hurst P. J. Sarre 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2000,319(1):111-120
The optical spectrum of the carbon star IRAS 12311−3509 is dominated by the Merrill–Sanford emission bands of SiC2 , by absorption and emission in the Swan system of C2 , and by resonance emission lines of neutral metals. The infrared energy distribution is flat from 1 to 60 μm. These observations are interpreted as arising from a star with a cool dusty disc which is edge-on to the observer and obscures direct starlight. The infrared continuum is caused predominantly by absorption of stellar light by dust in the disc and re-emission at longer wavelengths. The optical stellar spectrum is seen by reflection off dusty material which lies out of the plane of the disc, and the molecular and atomic emission arises in the same geometry through resonance fluorescence. The object has similarities to the J-silicate stars, but may have a carbon-rich rather than oxygen-rich disc. A full spectroscopic assignment and discussion of the SiC2 bands and their intensities are given. Modelling of the rotational contours of the band yields a rotational temperature of 250 K, indicating very cool gas. 相似文献
给出红外点源IRAS 20231 3440附近恒星形成区近红外.JHK’和H2成像观测结果,以及与该IRAS点源成协的近红外点源IRS1的K波段分光观测结果..JHK’观测显示该区域存在嵌埋的年轻星天体,H2窄波段观测揭示了若干个氢分子发射结点,其中有几个结点排列成线形,暗示分子氢喷流的存在.喷流的北部与已知观测的分子外流成协,表明二者之间存在联系.喷流的走向提示IRS1可能是其激发源,对IRS1的K波段分光观测给出了进一步的证据.从近红外、MSX及IRAS资料估计出IRS1的能谱分布,表明它是一个处于ClassI状态的中等质量的年轻星天体. 相似文献
Deborah P. Ruffle Eric Herbst † 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2001,324(4):1054-1062
Solid CO2 is observed to be an abundant interstellar ice component towards both quiescent clouds and active star-forming regions. Our recent models of gas–grain chemistry, appropriate for quiescent regions, severely underproduce solid CO2 at the single assumed gas density and temperature. In this paper, we investigate the sensitivity of our model results to changes in these parameters. In addition, we examine how the nature of the grain surface affects the results and also consider the role of the key surface reaction between O and CO. We conclude that the observed high abundance of solid CO2 can be reproduced at reasonable temperatures and densities by models with diffusive surface chemistry, provided that the diffusion of heavy species such as O occurs efficiently. 相似文献
The distribution of C2 S and NH3 in two Bok globules at different evolutionary stages: CB246 and CB34
Claudio Codella & Flavio Scappini 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1998,298(4):1092-1096
Two Bok globules, L1253 (CB246) and CB34, have been mapped in the C2 S (21 –10 ) transition and in the NH3 (1, 1) and NH3 (2, 2) inversion transitions, respectively. By comparing the C2 S map of L1253 (CB246) with the NH3 map of the same globule from Lemme et al., a clumped onion structure results as a consequence of the chemical and dynamical evolution of the object. From the derived parameters it appears that both L1253 (CB246) and CB34 are close to virial equilibrium. 相似文献
I. Bains T. Wong M. Cunningham P. Sparks D. Brisbin P. Calisse J. T. Dempsey G. Deragopian S. Ellingsen B. Fulton F. Herpin P. Jones Y. Kouba C. Kramer E. F. Ladd S. N. Longmore J. McEvoy M. Maller V. Minier B. Mookerjea C. Phillips C. R. Purcell A. Walsh M. A. Voronkov M. G. Burton 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2006,367(4):1609-1628
With the 13.7 m millimeter wave telescope of Purple Mountain Observatory at Qinghai Station, the simultaneous mapping observations at the 12CO(J=1-0), 13CO(J=1-0) and C18O(J=1-0) lines were performed towards the 24 Galactic high-mass star-forming cores, which are associated with water masers and have available Spitzer's infrared data. The average mapping range was 8′ × 8′. The C18O line emission was detected in all the cores, in which 11 cores were observed to the half maximum of their C18O integrated intensities and the rather extended (5′ − 8′) C18O maps were obtained, while the others were failed to make such a large scale mapping because of the low SNR or the intrinsically extended morphology of the cores. On the 11 completely mapped dense cores, we analyzed their characteristics and made the statistics and comparisons on the integrated intensity ratios between 12CO and 13CO (R12/13), 13CO and C18O(R13/18), as well as 12CO and C18O(R12/18). We concluded that as a tracer of dense gas, C18O is absolutely optically thin and can be used to detect the detailed structures of the cores, and that in general the 3 ratios increase gradually from the core center to the periphery. We found that the integrated intensity ratio R12/13 ranges from 2 to 6; R13/18 fluctuates between 4 and 20, but in central regions it is concentrated in the range 6–12 with a small fluctuation; and R12/18 occupies a wider range 13–90, but it is concentrated between 13 and 50 in the denser regions of the cores. 相似文献
Flavio Scappini Cesare Cecchi-Pestellini Claudio Codella Alexander Dalgarno 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2000,317(1):L6-L10
HCO+ has been detected for the first time towards the star Cygnus OB2 No. 12 through emission of the 1–0 rotational transition at 89 GHz. The CO( J =2−1) transition has also been observed. The observations are consistent with a model of dense regions embedded in a low-density clump gas. If actually present, the dense component would have an aggregate size L 1300 au, in agreement with estimates of small-scale density fluctuations observed along diffuse lines of sight. 相似文献
T. Wong E. F. Ladd D. Brisbin M. G. Burton I. Bains M. R. Cunningham N. Lo P. A. Jones K. L. Thomas S. N. Longmore A. Vigan B. Mookerjea C. Kramer Y. Fukui A. Kawamura 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2008,386(2):1069-1084
We present a fully sampled C18 O (1–0) map towards the southern giant molecular cloud (GMC) associated with the H ii region RCW 106, and use it in combination with previous 13 CO (1–0) mapping to estimate the gas column density as a function of position and velocity. We find localized regions of significant 13 CO optical depth in the northern part of the cloud, with several of the high-opacity clouds in this region likely associated with a limb-brightened shell around the H ii region G333.6−0.2. Optical depth corrections broaden the distribution of column densities in the cloud, yielding a lognormal distribution as predicted by simulations of turbulence. Decomposing the 13 CO and C18 O data cubes into clumps, we find relatively weak correlations between size and linewidth, and a more sensitive dependence of luminosity on size than would be predicted by a constant average column density. The clump mass spectrum has a slope near −1.7, consistent with previous studies. The most massive clumps appear to have gravitational binding energies well in excess of virial equilibrium; we discuss possible explanations, which include magnetic support and neglect of time-varying surface terms in the virial theorem. Unlike molecular clouds as a whole, the clumps within the RCW 106 GMC, while elongated, appear to show random orientations with respect to the Galactic plane. 相似文献
Xue-Peng Chen Yong-Qiang Yao Purple Mountain Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences Nanjing 《中国天文和天体物理学报》2004,4(3):284-298
Near-infrared images and K-band spectroscopy of the massive star-forming region IRAS 23151+5912 are presented. The JHK' images reveal an embed-ded infrared cluster associated with infrared nebula, and the H_2 (2.12μm) narrow-band image provides for the first time evidence of outflow activity associated withthe cluster. That the cluster is young can be shown by the high percentage ofinfrared excess sources and the outflow activity. We suggest an age of the clus-ter of ~ 10~6yr. Eight young stars are found in the bright nebular core aroundIRAS 23151+5912. By the color-magnitude diagrams of the cluster, we found fivehigh--mass YSOs and four intermediate-mass YSOs in the cluster. Eight H_2 emissionfeatures are discovered in the region with a scattered and non-axisymmetric distri-bution, indicating the existence of multiple outflows driven by the cluster. DiffuseH_2 emission detected to the north and to the west of the cluster may result fromUV leakage of the cluster. Brγ, H_2, and CIV emission lines are 相似文献
A. S. B. Schultz M. G. Burton P. W. J. L. Brand 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2005,358(4):1195-1214
We present a model for empirically reproducing line profiles of molecular hydrogen emission in bow shocks. The model takes into account bow velocity, dissociation limit, a cooling function, viewing angle, bow shape and a limited form of extinction. Our results show that both geometrical factors and shock physics can significantly affect the profile morphology. In a companion paper we will apply this model to Fabry–Perot observations of bow shocks in the Orion BN–KL outflow. 相似文献
We present near-infrared broad-band and H2 images of the quadrupolar source IRAS 04302+2247. High-resolution data at 3.8 μm show that the circumstellar envelope has a high degree of axisymmetry: the asymmetry at shorter wavelengths is almost certainly the result of extinction by dust in the cavity. Photometry of the flux peaks confirms that the source is variable but little change in appearance is observed between 1995 November and 1997 September. We report the first clear detection of the molecular outflow in H2 at 2.1 μm, revealing discrete streams which are inclined to the axis of the cavity. The motion of knots in the outflow remains the most likely cause of the variability. 相似文献