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Size and taxonomic structure of plankton community carbon biomass for the 0.2–2000 μm equivalent spherical diameter range were determined at the equator at 175°E in September 1990–1993 and April 1994. Total biomass of the plankton community ranged from 1944 to 3448 mg C m−2. Phytoplankton, zooplankton and bacteria carbon biomasses were 604–1669 mg C m-2, 300–797 mg C m2, and 968–1200 mg C m-2, and the percentages were 31–54%, 15–26%, and 29–54%, respectively. Biomass of heterotrophic bacteria was always the largest fraction andProchlorococcus biomass was second. Heterotrophic and autotrophic flagellates and dinoflagellates in the nanoplankton size range and copepods (adults and copepodites) in the mesoplankton range were also high. Relatively small biomass was observed in the microplankton size range. The differences in integrated biomass of plankton community for El Nin˜o type oligotrophic conditions of September 1990–1993 and non-El Nifio type mesotrophic conditions of April 1994 were generally small compared with the interannual difference during 1990–1993. However, the percentage ofProchlorococcus in phytoplankton carbon biomass was larger in non-El Nin˜o year. Biomasses of cyanobacteria, diatom, dinoflagellates, nauplii of copepods, and crustaceans other than copepods were larger in the non-El Nin˜o year. Primary production increased significantly from El Nin˜o to non-El Nin˜o years. Carbon flow through the plankton food chain was estimated using the plankton carbon biomass data, primary production measurements, and published empirical relationships.  相似文献   

Sea surface pCO2 was monitored during 49 cruises from February 1997 to December 1999 along a section perpendicular to the central California Coast. Continuous measurements of the ocean–atmosphere difference of pCO2 were made on a mooring in the same region from July 1997 to December 1999. The El Niño/La Niña cycle of 1997–1999 had a significant influence on local ocean–atmosphere CO2 transfer. During the warm anomaly associated with El Niño, upwelling was suppressed and average sea surface pCO2 was below atmospheric level. High rainfall and river runoff in the late winter and early spring of 1998 produced areas where pCO2 was depressed by as much as 100 μatm. A flux ranging from 0.3 to 0.7 mol C m−2 y−1 from the atmosphere into the ocean was estimated for the El Niño period from wind and ΔpCO2 data. Temperatures and upwelling returned to near normal in the summer of 1998, but a cold anomaly developed during autumn of that year. Temperature and pCO2 data indicate that upwelling continued throughout much of the 1998–1999 winter and intensified significantly in the spring of 1999. During strong upwelling events, the estimate of ocean to atmosphere flux approached rates of 50 mol C m−2 y−1. The estimate for the average CO2 flux from July 1998 to July 1999 was 1.5–2.2 mol C m−2 y−1 from the ocean to the atmosphere. While the flux estimate for the El Niño time period may be applicable to a larger area, the high ocean to atmosphere fluxes during La Niña might be the result of sampling near a zone of intense upwelling.  相似文献   

The physical, chemical and biological perturbations in central California waters associated with the strong 1997–1998 El Niño are described and explained on the basis of time series collected from ships, moorings, tide gauges and satellites. The evolution of El Niño off California closely followed the pattern observed in the tropical Pacific. In June 1997 an anomalous influx of warm southerly waters, with weak signatures on coastal sea level and thermocline depth, marked the onset of El Niño in central California. The timing was consistent with propagation from the tropics via the equatorial and coastal wave-guide. By late 1997, the classical stratified ocean condition with a deep thermocline, high sea level, and warm sea surface temperature (SST) commonly associated with El Niño dominated the coastal zone. During the first half of 1998 the core of the California Current, which is normally detected several hundred kilometers from shore as a river of low salinity, low nutrient water, was hugging the coast. High nutrient, productive waters that occur in a north–south band from the coast to approximately 200 km offshore during cool years disappeared during El Niño. The nitrate in surface waters was less than 20% of normal and new production was reduced by close to 70%. The La Niña recovery phase began in the fall of 1998 when SSTs dropped below normal, and ocean productivity rebounded to higher than normal levels. The reduction in coastal California primary productivity associated with El Niño was estimated to be 50 million metric tons of carbon (5×1013 g C). This reduction certainly had deleterious effects on zooplankton, fish, and marine mammals. The 1992–1993 El Niño was more moderate than the 1997–1998 event, but because its duration was longer, its overall chemical and biological impact may have been comparable. How strongly the ecosystem responds to El Niño appears related to the longer-term background climatic state of the Pacific Ocean. The 1982–1983 and 1992–1993 El Niños occurred during the warm phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). The PDO may have changed sign during the 1997–1998 El Niño, resulting in weaker ecological effects than would otherwise have been predicted based on the strength of the temperature anomaly.  相似文献   

Abstract. Changes in live and dead coral cover were documented at three localities off the Costa Rican central Pacific coast first in 1992 during the aftermath of the 1991–1992 El Niño; again in the period between 1994 and 1995, and last in January 2001. Recovery of coral communities after the 1991–1992 El Niño was expressed by a significant increase (~40 %) in 1994 of live coral cover at one locality (Manuel Antonio). A subsequent decrease (~50 %) in response to the very strong 1997–1998 episode was recorded at Manuel Antonio and Ballena, mainly due to partial tissue mortality of branching (Pocillopora spp.) and massive (Porites lobata) corals. Mortality of entire colonies associated to that event was scarce and confined to branching and nodular (Psammocora stellata) corals. This species was not found at one locality (Cambutal) in the 2001 survey and it is presumed locally extinct. The recovery of this coral and others will depend on recruits from surviving colonies in deeper waters and other coral communities in the vicinity. Within sites at a given locality, contrasting results in live coral cover variability were found. This is partially due to distinct coral assemblages, coral growth, physical exposure to tidal regime, and, related to the latter, variable duration and intensity of the warming event. In general, predominant meteorological conditions at the studied area are conducive to solar radiation (UV) stress during El Niño years and are related to changes in the atmosphere‐ocean interactions in response to the warming events.  相似文献   

A variety of anomalous conditions in the tropical Pacific and Atlantic oceans during the 1991–1992 El Niño event are described. The current El Niño is shown to have specific features, evident in the behaviour of the southern oscillation index and sea surface temperature of the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Also, it was accompanied by warming of the eastern tropical Atlantic. Temperature anomalies of the tropical Atlantic surface water temperature reached their maximum (>3°C) in May–June 1991, i.e. 2–3 months earlier than in the Pacific Ocean.Translated by V. Puchkin.  相似文献   

Seasonal and interannual change in mesozooplankton community structure in the offshore Tsushima Current area of the Japan/East Sea was studied in relation to climatic events and temporal variability of the upper water column environment from 1991 to 1999. We observed a clear seasonal succession in zooplankton community structure from a cold-water copepod-dominated community in winter and spring to a gelatinous, carnivorous and warm-water copepod-dominated community in summer and autumn. The mean abundance (inds. m−3) of the spring community was 3–4-fold higher than that of the other season. The spring community structure varied considerably between years: the community characterized by the summer–autumn type zooplankton assemblage appeared in 1991–1993 and 1998, while the community characterized by high abundance of cold-water copepods appeared in the mid 1990s. Time series profiles of water density and nutrients showed the thickness of the surface warm Tsushima Current and the cold subsurface water increased and decreased, respectively, limiting nutrient supply to the surface water in 1992 and 1998. These results suggest that a thick, warm surface layer might reduce the reproductive success and survival ratio of the cold-water copepods both directly and indirectly, by hindering their upward migration to the surface where food is available, and by limiting phytoplankton growth due to nutrient depletion, respectively. A Monsoon Index (MOI) showed weaker winter wind stress in 1992 and 1998, which might have attenuated formation of the cold subsurface layer in the northern Japan/East Sea and been responsible for surface warming of the study area. Since 1992 and 1998 were El Niño years, this study revealed that ENSO related climatic variability on an interannual time scale considerably influenced the lower trophic level ecosystem in the Japan/East Sea.  相似文献   

Nutrient and chlorophyll concentrations were measured in January 1997, 1998 and 1999 in the Gulf of the Farallones, CA at locations stretching north/south from Point Reyes to Half Moon Bay, and seaward from the Golden Gate to the Farallon Islands. The cruises were all carried out during periods of high river flow, but under different climatological conditions with 1997 conditions described as relatively typical or ‘neutral/normal’, compared to the El Niño warmer water temperatures in 1998, and the cooler La Niña conditions in 1999. Near-shore sea-surface temperatures ranged from cold (9.5–10.5°C) during La Niña 1999, to average (11–13°C) during 1997 to warm (13.5–15°C) during El Niño 1998. Nutrients are supplied to the Gulf of the Farallones both from San Francisco Bay (SFB) and from oceanic sources, e.g. coastal upwelling near Point Reyes. Nutrient supplies are strongly influenced by the seasonal cycle of fall calms, with storms (commencing in January), and the spring transition to high pressure and northerly upwelling favorable winds. The major effect of El Niño and La Niña climatic conditions was to modulate the relative contribution of SFB to nutrient concentrations in the coastal waters of the Gulf of the Farallones; this was intensified during the El Niño winter and reduced during La Niña. During January 1998 (El Niño) the oceanic water was warm and had low or undetectable nitrate, that did not reach the coast. Instead, SFB dominated the supply of nutrients to the coastal waters. Additionally, these data indicate that silicate may be a good tracker of SFB water. In January, delta outflow into SFB produces low salinity, high silicate, high nitrate water that exits the bay at the Golden Gate and is advected northward along the coast. This occurred in both 1997 and 1998. However during January 1999, a La Niña, this SFB feature was reduced and the near-shore water was more characteristic of high salinity oceanic water penetrated all the way to the coast and was cold (10°C) and nutrient rich (16 μM NO3, 30 μM Si(OH)4). January chlorophyll concentrations ranged from 1–1.5 μg l−1 in all years with the highest values measured in 1999 (2.5–3 μg l−1) as a result of elevated nutrients in the area. The impact of climatic conditions on chlorophyll concentrations was not as pronounced as might be expected from the high temperatures and low nutrient concentrations measured offshore during El Niño due to the sustained supply of nutrients from the Bay supporting continued primary production.  相似文献   

Nutrient surveys of the Gulf of Alaska, from 1997 through 1999, show that coastal waters of British Columbia and southern Alaska experienced nitrate depletion each spring and summer. Through the 1997–1998 El Niño, waters with less than 1 μM NO3 covered 250,000 km2 area greater than 1999. Silicate levels as low as 0.2 μM were observed in coastal waters, suggesting that diatom growth may have been nutrient limited both in 1998 and 1999. Detailed sampling off the southern coast of British Columbia revealed that 1998 nitrate levels were only half the average of that during the 1970s winter, were depleted 1 month earlier in spring and remained low throughout the summer. Satellite images show that, compared to 1997 and 1999, chlorophyll levels were much lower in the spring of 1998 throughout the coastal waters of the Gulf of Alaska. Conditions changed dramatically during the 1999 La Niña, with ocean-mixed layer depths increasing by 20 m in winter and 40 m in spring when compared to that during 1997–1998 El Niño. Winter nutrient levels increased and summer upwelling returned. Over the past several decades, a trend towards greater stratification of coastal waters appears to be affecting the supply of nutrients to the mixed layer. The effects of stratification were especially obvious during the 1998 El Niño.  相似文献   

The IMECOCAL Program began in 1997, with the objective of sampling plankton systematically in the Mexican region of the California Current. We present results of chlorophyll a concentrations and zooplankton displacement volumes for the eight cruises from September 1997 to October 1999. The abundance of 22 zooplankton groups was also analyzed for the first four cruises. The response of plankton to the 1997–1998 El Niño was atypical. From September 1997 to January 1998, chlorophyll a and zooplankton volume were at typical values (median integrated chlorophyll was 27 mg/m2 and zooplankton 100 ml/1000 m3 in 9801/02). After the peak of El Niño, the system shifted to cooler conditions. Integrated chlorophyll gradually increased to a median of 77 mg/m2 in April 1999. In contrast, zooplankton volumes decreased from October 1998 onward, despite favorable phytoplankton availability in 1999. Zooplankton structure was dominated by copepods and chaetognaths through the ENSO cycle, but interannual changes were evident. In the fall of 1997 there was a higher proportion of copepods, chaetognaths, and other minor groups, while the fall of 1998 zooplankton was richer in salps and ostracods. Historical data from previous Baja California CalCOFI cruises indicated that zooplankton volumes measured during the IMECOCAL cruises were above the long-term mean for the period 1951–1984. This suggests a differential response of plankton to the El Niño of 1997–1998 compared to the El Niño of 1957–1959. Regional differences in zooplankton volumes were also found, with central Baja California having 41% higher biomass than northern Baja California. Volumes from both regions were larger than those recorded by CalCOFI off southern California during 1997–1998, but the situation was reversed in 1999. The higher biomasses in the 1997–1998 El Niño can be attributed to high abundance of salps, which showed an affinity with warm, saline water.  相似文献   

The vertical flux of particulate matter at 330 m depth in San Lázaro Basin off southern Baja California ranged from 63 to 587 mg m−2 d−1 between August and November 1996. Organic carbon contents were between 5.6 and 14.8%, yielding flux rates of 9–40 mgC m−2 d−1. In December 1997 and January 1998, at the height of the strong El Niño event, the respective fluxes (47–202 mg m−2 d−1 and 3–8 mgC m−2 d−1) were comparable. The February–June 1998 records, however, revealed sharply reduced mass (1–6 mg m−2 d−1) and organic carbon (0.2–0.8 mgC m−2 d−1) fluxes. The organics collected in 1996 were predominantly autochthonous (δ13C=−22‰; C/N=8). The variations in δ15N (8.3–11.0‰) suggest an alternation of new and regenerated production, possibly associated with fluctuations in the intensity of deep mixing during that autumn. The relatively high organic matter fluxes in December 1997 appear to be associated with regenerated production. The average composition from February to June 1998 (δ13C=−23.6‰; 15N=11.7‰; C/N=10.5) indicates degraded material of marine origin. The maximum δ15N value found (14‰) suggests that deeper, denitrified waters were brought to the surface and possibly advected laterally. Regime changes in the waters of the basin occur at 6–10 week intervals, evidenced by concurrent shifts in most of the measured parameters, including fecal pellet types and metal chemistry. The marine snow-dominated detritus collected showed a shift from a mixed diatom-rich-radiolarian-coccolith assemblage in late 1996 to a coccolith-dominated assemblage, including the contents of fecal pellets, during the 1997–1998 El-Niño period. T–S profiles, plankton analysis and chlorophyll contents of the upper water column indicated that the strong phytoplankton bloom, normally associated with seasonal upwelling along the Pacific coast of Baja, did not occur during the spring of 1998. The persistence of oligotrophic conditions during the 1997–1998 El Niño event favored the dominance of nanoplankton and reduced the vertical flux of particles.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in coccolithophore cell densities in the San Pedro Basin, Southern California Bight, were investigated for the period October 1991 to September 1992. Coccolitho phore cell densities ranged from 6.3 × 104 coccospheres per liter in March 1992 to 0 cells per liter in November 1991. High coccolithophore concentrations occurred in late winter and spring, and low densities occurred in the summer and fall. The high coccolithophore densities during spring 1992 were associated with unusually low surface nutrient concentrations and a lack of upwelling, suggesting that the high densities were not part of a typical spring phytoplankton bloom in this region. We propose that the suppression of upwelling during spring 1992 may have been related to the prevailing ENSO conditions. Emiliania huxleyi type A dominated the total coccolithophore population throughout the year, Umbilicosphaera sibogae var. sibogae being the second most important contributor to the coccolithophore assemblages.  相似文献   

The abundance and vertical distribution pattern of a mysidMeterythrops microphthalma were investigated in the Japan Sea. Results from vertical hauls from 602–982 m depth to the surface around Yamato Rise in April 1987 indicated that the dominance (by biomass) ofM. microphthalma was third to fifth of major zooplankton taxa. Vertical distribution investigated at a single station in Toyama Bay in June, September and December 1986 showed that the most part of population of this mysid inhabited consistently below 250 m depth. No marked diurnal vertical migration was evident. Data on body composition and oxygen consumption rate ofM. microphthalma are presented. Water content of the body was 75.6–83.8% of wet weight, and ash was 11.4–20.4% of dry weight. Carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen were 37.9–47.5%, 6.2–7.4% and 9.4–10.1%, respectively, of dry weight. Oxygen consumption rates were 2.2–11.0µl O2 individual–1 hr–1 at 0.5°C, and were directly proportional to body mass. From the comparison with the published data on epipelagic and bathypelagic mysids it is revealed that both body nitrogen composition and oxygen consumption rate expressed as adjusted metabolic rate [AMR02,µl O2 (mg body N)–0.85 hr–1] ofM. microphthalma are intermediate between high epipelagic and low bathypelagic levels, indicating typical mesopelagic features.  相似文献   

In situ measurements of the primary productivity of ice algae and phytoplankton were carried out in the fast ice area near Syowa Station (69°00S, 39°35E) during the austral spring and summer of 1983/84. Standing stock of ice algae reached a maximum of 45.1 mg chla m–2 in late October. Phytoplankton standing stock attained a value of 3.57 mg chla m–2 in mid-January. Primary production of ice algae in late October (7.64 mgC m–2 hr–1) was 14 times greater than that in mid-January (0.54 mgC m–2 hr–1). Production in the water column in mid-January (3.46 mgC m–2 hr–1) was 50 times greater than that in late October (0.07 mgC m–2 hr–1). These results indicate a substantial production by ice algae in the spring and by phytoplankton in the summer period.  相似文献   

We report a ten-year study of the abundance and activity of megabenthos on the Porcupine Abyssal Plain, northeast Atlantic, together with observations on the occurrence of phytodetritus at the deep-sea floor (4850 m). Using the Southampton Oceanography Centre time-lapse camera system, ‘Bathysnap’, we have recorded a radical change in the abundance and activity of megabenthos between the two periods of study (1991–1994 and 1997–2000). In 1991–1994, the larger megabenthos occurred at an abundance of c. 71.6/ha and were dominated by large holothurians. In addition, there were very substantial populations of smaller megabenthic ophiuroids (c. 4979/ha). Together, the total megabenthos are estimated to track over some 17 cm2/m2/d (exploiting 100% of the surface of the seabed in c. 2.5 years). In 1997–2000, the larger megabenthos increased to an abundance of c. 204/ha and were joined by exceptional numbers of a small holothurian species (Amperima rosea, 6457/ha) and ophiuroids (principally Ophiocten hastatum, 53,539/ha). The total megabenthos population was tracking at an estimnated rate of c. 247 cm2/m2/d (exploiting 100% of seabed in just 6 weeks). Coincident with these increases in the abundance and activity of the megabenthos, there were apparently no mass depositions of aggregated phytodetritus to the seabed in the summers of 1997–1999. Mass occurrences of phytodetritus had been noted during the summer months of the three years previously studied (1991, 1993 and 1994), with covering between 50 and 96% of the sediment surface. There is a statistically significant (p<0.02) negative correlation between maximum extent of this seabed cover of phytodetritus and seabed tracking by megabenthos. Additional studies [Lampitt et al., Progr. Ocean. 50 (2001)], indicate that there were no substantial changes in surface ocean primary productivity, in export flux, or in the composition of the flux that might otherwise account for the apparent absence of observable concentrations of phytodetritus during the summers of 1997–1999. We postulate that the marked increase in megabenthic tracking activity resulted in the removal (via consumption, disaggregation, burial etc.) of the bulk of the incoming phytodetrital flux during these years. A simple conceptual model, based on the apparent phytodetrital fluxes observed in 1991 and 1993, suggests that the megabenthos tracking rates estimated for 1997–1999 are sufficient to account for near-total removal of this flux. However, we are not able to estimate other processes removing phytodetritus (i.e. other elements of the benthos) that may also have increased between 1991–1994 and 1997–1999. Other independent studies [e.g. Ginger et al., Progr. Ocean. 50 (2001)] of flux constituents support the possibility that just a few species of megabenthos (e.g. A. rosea, and O. hastatum) could well have consumed a major proportion of the incoming flux and so substantially modified the composition of the organic matter available to other components of the benthos.  相似文献   

To understand the variations of ecosystem components in response to changing environment, especially relating to a shift in the climate regime during mid 1970s, we analyzed the physical and biological time-series data collected from the eastern part of the Korean Peninsula during 1960–1990. The Northeast Pacific Pressure Index (NEPPI) in winter seasons showed a negative correlation (r=−0.384, p<0.05) with SOI in summer. The standardized chronologies of tree ring-width showed high correlations with precipitation of Ulleung Island and Kangrung city (r=0.408, p<0.05; r=0.410, p<0.05) and seawater temperatures (r=0.407, p<0.05). Sharp increases in tree growth appeared in 1969, 1973, 1979, 1983, and 1987. Among these years, all except 1979 seem to have a close connection with the El Niño which had persisted more than five seasons. Air temperatures in spring at Ulleung Island and Kangrung area appeared comparatively higher during the intense Aleutian low period after 1976. The Mixed Layer Depth (MLD) was shallower (18.2 m) and less variable during 1961–1975 compared to that (26.1 m) of 1976–1990. The shallower MLD in spring during the earlier period resulted in the higher chl a concentration than in the later years. Consequently, estimated zooplankton biomass in spring tended to decrease from the 1960s to the late 1980s in accordance with the phytoplankton decreases. In the East Sea, composition changes in fish species as well as fish catches were observed. Catches of pollock, sardine, and saury had good correlations with annual NEPPI.  相似文献   

Hydrographic and plankton surveys were conducted over the basin and slope of the southeastern Bering Sea during April, June/July and September of 1994 and in June/July 1995, and seasonal and spatial variations of zooplankton community were investigated in relation to the oceanographic conditions. In July 1994, sea surface temperature (SST) ranged 5.3–8.7 °C, and the thermocline was between 30 and 50 m. In July 1995, however, SST was warmer (7.3–12.4 °C), and the thermocline was shallower (20–30 m). The thermal front at the shelf was also stronger in July 1995 than in July 1994. Surface salinity was higher in 1994 than 1995. A total of 17 taxonomic groups of zooplankton were identified from the plankton samples. In 1994, the highest density was observed in September. Copepods were the major taxon during all surveys. While some taxa such as euphausiids, ostracods, and Neocalanus spp. were most abundant in spring, others such as Calanus spp., Metridia pacifica, chaetognaths, and pteropods were most abundant in September. Adults and late-stage copepodites of Eucalanus bungii were abundant in spring, and were replaced by 1st–3rd stages of copepodites in summer. Zooplankton density was ca. 4 times higher in 1995 than in 1994, in part because of warm water temperature.  相似文献   

We analyze the time-longitude structure of composite cases from model-assimilated ocean data in the period 1958–1998, following on from earlier work by Huang and Kinter (J. Geophys. Res. 107(C11) (2002) 3199) that studied east–west thermocline variability in the Indian Ocean. Our analysis focuses on the Rossby wave signal along the thermocline ridge in the tropical SW Indian Ocean (10°S, 60–80°E), where wind stress curl is important. Anomalous winds in the equatorial east Indian Ocean force successive Rossby waves westward at speeds of 0.1 m s−1±30%. With a wavelength of 7000 km, the period of oscillation is in the range 1.9–5.2 years. The Indian Ocean Rossby wave is partially resonant with the global influence of the El Nino–Southern Oscillation, except during quasi-biennial rhythm. The presence of the Rossby wave offers potential predictability for east–west atmospheric circulation systems and climate that affect resources in countries surrounding the Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

The results of several recent isolated investigations in planing theory are consolidated in this paper, together with new insights generated by a recent numerical solution of the vertically impacting wedge problem by Zhao and Faltinsen [(1992), Water entry of two-dimensional bodies. J. Fluid Mech. 246, 593–612]. As a result, in contrast to some earlier studies, it is found that the “wetted width” associated with the added mass is not that of the intersection of the wedge with the undisturbed water surface, but the wetted width of the splashed-up water, as originally proposed by Wagner [(1932), Uber Stoss-und Gleitvorgange an der Oberflache von Flussig-Keiten, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, Band 12, Heft 4 (August)]. However, the splash-up ratio is not the value of (π/2–1) which he proposed, but a value which decreases with increasing deadrise, originally proposed in the late-1940s by Pierson (“Pierson's hypothesis” in the paper). For 30° deadrise, for example, Pierson's splash-up ratio is two-thirds that of Wagner's.The new equations are employed to determine the increase in the “added mass” of prismatic hull sections due to chine immersion, using experimental data. If mo is the added amss of the hull section whose chines are just wetted, Payne [(1988), Design of High-speed Boats. Volume 1: Planing. Fishergate, Inc., Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A.] postulated that the increase in added mass due to a chine submergence (zc) would be
where b is the chine beam and k is a constant which Payne [(1988), Design of High-speed Boats. Volume 1: Planing. Fishergate, Inc., Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A.] gave as .The present analysis includes the “one-sided flow” correction introduced in Payne [(1990), Planing and impacting forces at large trim angels. Ocean Engng 17, 201–234]. Partly for that reason and partly because of the more precise analysis of the experimental data, the present paper revises the value to k = 2 for wetted length to beam ratios normally employed. For deadrise angles in excess of 40° and wetted keel to beam ratios in excess of 2.0, there is some evidence that k < 2.0.The revised theoretical formulation is compared with eight different sets of experimental data for flat plate and prismatic hull forms and is found to be in excellent agreement when the speed is high enough for “dynamic suction” (a loss of buoyancy at low speeds and low wetted lenghts) to be unimportant. This is true for “chines-dry” operation with deadrise angles up to 50° and chines-wet operation at length to beam ratios far in excess of the most extreme conventional practice.The research involved in performing this analysis led to the realization that different towing tanks measure different wetted chine lengths for the same hulls and test conditions. Some consistently measure more splash-up than “theory” (based on Pierson's splash-up hypothesis) predicts and others measure somewhat less than the theory. Some examples are given in Appendix B. The reason for this is not understood.  相似文献   

The likelihood that the carbon fluxes measured as part of the US-JGOFS field program in the equatorial Pacific ocean (EgPac) during 1992 yielded a balanced carbon budget for the surface ocean was determined. The major carbon fluxes incorporated into a surface carbon budget were: new production, particulate organic carbon (POC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export, CaC03 export, C02 gas evasion, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) supply, and the time rate of charge. The ratio of the measured concentration gradients of DOC and DIC provided a constraint on the ratio of POC/DOC export. Uncertainties of ±30–50% for individual carbon flux measurements reduce the likelihood that a carbon balance can be measured during a JGOFS process-type study. As a benchmark, carbon fluxes were prescribed to yield a hypothetical surface carbon budget that was, on average, balanced. Given the typical errors in the individual carbon fluxes, however, there was only about a 30% chance that this hypothetical budget could be measured to be balanced to ±50%. Using this benchmark, it was determined that there was a 95 % chance that the carbon flux measurements yielded a surface DIC budget balanced (to ±50%) during El Nino conditions in boreal spring 1992, when the total organic carbon export rate was - 5 mmol C m-2 day- 1 and the POC export was 3 mmol C m−2 day−1. In boreal fall 1992, during cold period conditions, there was a 70% chance that the surface carbon DIC budget was balanced when the total organic carbon export rate was 20 mmol C m−2 day−1 and export was -13 mmol C m-2 day-'. The DOC to DIC concentration gradient ratio of - -0.15, measured in depth profiles down to 100m and in surface waters, was used as an important constraint that most (> 70%) of the organic carbon exported from the euphotic zone was POC rather than DOC. If a balanced surface DIC budget was used to test the compatibility of individual carbon fluxes measured during EgPac, then a three- to four-fold increase in total and particulate organic carbon export between spring and fall is indicated. This increase was not reflected in the POC loss rates measured by drifting sediment trap collections or estimated by234Th deficiencies coupled with the C/Th measured on suspended particles.  相似文献   

The interannual variations of CO2 sources and sinks in the surface waters of the Antarctic Ocean (south of 50°S) were studied between 1986 and 1994. An existing, slightly modified one-dimensional model describing the mixed-layer carbon cycle was used for this study and forced by available satellite-derived and climatological data. Between 1986 and 1994, the mean Antarctic Ocean CO2 uptake was 0.53 Pg C year−1 with an interannual variability of 0.15 Pg C year−1.Interannual variation of the Antarctic Ocean CO2 uptake is related to the Antarctic Circumpolar Wave (ACW), which affects sea surface temperature (SST), wind-speed and sea-ice extent. The CO2 uptake in the Antarctic Ocean has increased from 1986 to 1994 by 0.32 Pg C. It was found that over the 9 years, the surface ocean carbon dioxide fugacity (fCO2) increase was half that of the atmospheric CO2 increase inducing an increase of the air–sea fCO2 gradient. This effect is responsible for 60% of the Antarctic Ocean CO2 uptake increase between 1986 and 1994, as the ACW effect cancels out over the 9 years investigated.  相似文献   

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