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—?The procedure developed by Kijko and Sellevoll (1989, 1992) and Kijko and Graham (1998, 1999) is used to estimate seismic hazard parameters in north Algeria. The area-specific seismic hazard parameters that were calculated consist of the b value of the Gutenberg–Richter frequency–magnitude relation, the activity rate λ(M) for events above the magnitude M, and the maximum regional magnitude M max. These parameters were calculated for each of the six seismogenic zones of north Algeria. The site-specific seismic hazard was calculated in terms of the maximum possible PGA at hypothetical engineering structures (HES), situated in each of the six seismogenic zones with coordinates corresponding with those of the six most industrial and populated cities in Algeria.  相似文献   

—?The maximum possible (regional) magnitude Mmax and other seismic hazard parameters like β which is the slope of Gutenberg-Richter law, and λ which is the intensity (rate) of seismic activity are estimated in eight seismic regions of the west side of the circum-Pacific belt. The Bayesian approach, as described by (Pisarenko et?al., 1996; Pisarenko and Lyubushin, 1997, 1999) is a straightforward technique of estimating the seismic hazard. The main assumptions for the method applied are a Poissonian character of seismic events flow, a frequency-magnitude law of Gutenberg-Richter's type with cutoff maximum value for the estimated parameter and a seismic catalog, which have a rather sizeable number of events. We also estimated the quantiles of the probabilistic distribution of the “apparent” Mmax for future given time-length intervals.  相似文献   

Bayesian probability theory is an appropriate and useful method for estimating parameters in seismic hazard analysis. The analysis in Bayesian approaches is based on a posterior belief, also their special ability is to take into account the uncertainty of parameters in probabilistic relations and a priori knowledge. In this study, we benefited the Bayesian approach in order to estimate maximum values of peak ground acceleration (Amax) also quantiles of the relevant probabilistic distributions are figured out in a desired future interval time in Iran. The main assumptions are Poissonian character of the seismic events flow and properties of the Gutenberg-Richter distribution law. The map of maximum possible values of Amax and also map of 90% quantile of distribution of maximum values of Amax on a future interval time 100 years is presented. According to the results, the maximum value of the Amax is estimated for Bandar Abbas as 0.3g and the minimum one is attributed to Esfahan as 0.03g. Finally, the estimated values in Bayesian approach are compared with what was presented applying probabilistic seismic hazard (PSH) methods based on the conventional Cornel (1968) method. The distribution function of Amax for future time intervals of 100 and 475 years are calculated for confidence limit of probability level of 90%.  相似文献   

—The maximum likelihood estimation of earthquake hazard parameters has been made in the Himalayas and its surrounding areas on the basis of a procedure which utilizes data containing complete files of the most recent earthquakes. The entire earthquake catalogue used covers the period from 1900–1990. The maximum regional magnitude M max?, the activity rate of the seismic event λ, the mean return period R of earthquakes with a certain lower magnitude M max≥ m along with their probability of occurrence, as well as the parameter b of of Gutenberg Richter magnitude-frequency relationship, have been determined for six different seismic zones of the Himalayas and its vicinity. It is shown that in general the hazard is higher in the zone NEI and BAN than the other four zones. The high difference of the b parameter and the hazard level from zone to zone reflect the high seismotectonic complexity and crustal heterogeneity.  相似文献   

—To estimate for the first time the typical relation between peak acceleration A max?, moment magnitude M W and hypocentral distance R for Kamchatka, 101 analog strong motion records for 1969–1993 were employed as the initial data set. Records of acceleration and velocity meters were obtained at 15 rock to medium-ground Kamchatkan sites from 33 earthquakes with M W = 4.5–7.8, at R = 30–250?km. A max values were determined from "true" acceleration time histories calculated by spectral deconvolution of digitized records. The maximum value over the two horizontal components was used as the A max value in the further analysis. With the scarce data available, there were no chances to determine reliably the whole A max?(M W ?,?R) average surface; thus the shape of this trend surface was determined on a theoretical basis and only the level was fitted to the data. The theoretical model employed included: (1) source spectrum: according to the Brune's spectral model; (2) point-source attenuation: as 1/R plus loss specified by Q(f) = 250?f 0.8; (3) finite-source correction for a disc-shaped incoherent source, its size depending on M W ?; (4) accelerogram duration: including source-dependent and distance-dependent terms; (5) A max value: based on random process representation. Distance trends calculated with this model agree with the empirical ones of FUKUSHIMA and TANAKA (1990). To calculate the absolute level for these trends, observed A max?(M W ?,?R) values were reduced to M W = 8, R = 100?km using the theoretical trends as reference. The median of the reduced values, A max?(8,?100), equal to 188?gal. was taken as the absolute reference level for the relation we sought. Note that in the process of data analysis we were forced to entirely reject relatively abundant data of two particular stations because of their prominent local amplification (×5.5) or deamplification (×0.45).  相似文献   

By using six 4.5 Hz geophones, surface wave tests were performed on four different sites by dropping freely a 65 kg mass from a height of 5 m. The receivers were kept far away from the source to eliminate the arrival of body waves. Three different sources to nearest receiver distances (S), namely, 46 m, 56 m and 66 m, were chosen. Dispersion curves were drawn for all the sites. The maximum wavelength (λmax), the maximum depth (dmax) up to which exploration can be made and the frequency content of the signals depends on the site stiffness and the value of S. A stiffer site yields greater values of λmax and dmax. For stiffer sites, an increase in S leads to an increase in λmax. The predominant time durations of the signals increase from stiffer to softer sites. An inverse analysis was also performed based on the stiffness matrix approach in conjunction with the maximum vertical flexibility coefficient of ground surface to establish the governing mode of excitation. For the Site 2, the results from the surface wave tests were found to compare reasonably well with that determined on the basis of cross boreholes seismic tests.  相似文献   

—A moderately strong earthquake (M w = 6.2) occurred in the town of Dinar at 17.57 UT on October 1, 1995, taking the lives of 90 people and damaging about 4500 buildings. Its epicenter is located near the Dinar-Çivril fault and its focal mechanism is linked to a northeast-southwesterly tensional stress field arising from the interaction between the subducting African plate and the overriding Aegean-Anatolian plate in the eastern Mediterranean.¶Surface cracks of the October 1 earthquake have been observed 10 km continuously along the Dinar-Çivril fault. The cracks have displayed a mode of dip-slip; however, some have also indicated lateral slip. The different modes of slip are generally in agreement with the fault plane solution and are indicators of the complex nature of the rupture process.¶In investigating the earthquake hazard of the Dinar-Çivril fault and proximity, the maximum likelihood method was used to estimate seismic hazard parameters of b-value, seismicity activity rate λ m and the expected maximum magnitude M max?. The data consisted of the historical data covering the period between 1800–1900 and instrumental data between 1900 and 1992. This method, allowing use of the mixed earthquake catalogue containing both historical and instrumental earthquake data, yielded values of 0.70, 1.92 and 7.14 for b, λ m and M max?, respectively. The recurrence time estimated for an earthquake of a magnitude of M w = 6.2 is 123 years. The non-occurrence probabilities of such an earthquake in 1 and 50 years are 0.21 and 0.04, respectively.  相似文献   

The Iranian Plateau does not appear to be a single crustal block, but an assemblage of zones comprising the Alborz—Azerbaijan, Zagros, Kopeh—Dagh, Makran, and Central and East Iran. The Gumbel’s III asymptotic distribution method (GIII) and maximum magnitude expected by Kijko—Sellevoll method is applied in order to check the potentiality of the each seismogenic zone in the Iranian Plateau for the future occurrence of maximum magnitude (Mmax). For this purpose, a homogeneous and complete seismicity database of the instrumental period during 1900–2012 is used in 29 seismogenic zones of the examined region. The spatial mapping of hazard parameters (upper bound magnitude (ω), most probable earthquake magnitude in next 100 years (M100) and maximum magnitude expected by maximum magnitude estimated by Kijko—Sellevoll method (max MK ? Smax) reveals that Central and East Iran, Alborz and Azerbaijan, Kopeh—Dagh and SE Zagros are a dangerous place for the next occurrence of a large earthquake.  相似文献   

In this work we review earthquakes that happened in Southern Siberia and Mongolia within the coordinates of 42°–62° N and 80°–124° E and first propose relationships between earthquake parameters (a surface-wave earthquake magnitude M s and an epicentral intensity(I 0) based on the MSK-64 scale) and maximal distances from an earthquake epicenter (R e max), hypocenter (R h max), and a seismogenic fault (R f max) to the localities of secondary coseismic effects. Special attention was paid to the study of these relationships for the effects of soil liquefaction. Hence, it was shown that secondary deformations from an earthquake were distributed in space away from an earthquake epicenter, than from an associating seismogenic fault. The effects of soil liquefaction are manifested by several times closer to a seismogenic fault, than all other effects, regardless of the type of tectonic movement in a seismic focus. Within the 40 km zone from an earthquake epicenter 44% of the known manifestations of liquefaction process occurred; within the 40 km zone from a seismogenic fault—90%. We propose the next relationship for effects of soil liquefaction: M s = 0.007 × R e max + 5.168 that increases the limits of the maximum epicentral distance at an earthquake magnitude of 5.2 ≤ M s ≤ 8.1 as compared to the corresponding relationships for different regions of the world.  相似文献   

This paper presents the review of the experience in applying the approach based on the limiting distributions of the extreme value theory (the generalized Pareto distribution, GPS, and generalized extreme value distribution, GEV) for deriving the distributions of maximal magnitudes and related ground accelerations from the earthquakes on the future time intervals of a given duration. The results of analyzing the global and regional earthquake catalogs and the ground peak accelerations during the earthquakes are described. It is shown that the magnitude of the strongest possible earthquake M max (and analogous characteristics for other types of data), which is often used in seismic risk assessment, is potentially unstable. We suggest a stable alternative for M max in the form of quantiles Q q (τ) of the maximal possible earthquake, which could occur during the future time interval of length τ. The quantity of the characteristic maximal event M c, which has been introduced in our previous publications, is another helpful robust scalar parameter. All the cases of approximation of the tails of empirical distributions, which were studied in our works, turned out to be finite (bounded); however, the rightmost point of these distributions, M max, is often poorly detectable and unstable. Therefore, the M max parameter has a low practical value.  相似文献   

According to general seismic zoning maps, Moscow is in an area with a seismic intensity of 5, in which the maximum seismic effect is expected from remote deep-focal earthquakes in the Vrancea zone (Eastern Carpathians, Romania). In our previous studies, an earthquake with a hypocenter at a depth of 80–150 km in the Vrancea zone, a moment magnitude of Mw = 8.0, and a drop in stress of Δσ = 325 bar was used as a scenario earthquake for Moscow. A series of model acceleration time histories for ground vibrations was calculated for this earthquake for the reference local conditions of the Moskva seismic station (Moscow, Pyzhevskii per. 3). In this paper, these acceleration time histories are used to calculate the acceleration time histories and estimate the ground vibration parameters for an scenario earthquake at other sites on the territory of Moscow for which information on soil conditions is available. Since the epicentral distance is large (~1300 km), it can be assumed that changes in the shape and spectral content of the acceleration time histories at different sites in Moscow are only caused by different local conditions.  相似文献   

We present the seismic source zoning of the tectonically active Greater Kashmir territory of the Northwestern Himalaya and seismicity analysis (Gutenberg-Richter parameters) and maximum credible earthquake (m max) estimation of each zone. The earthquake catalogue used in the analysis is an extensive one compiled from various sources which spans from 1907 to 2012. Five seismogenic zones were delineated, viz. Hazara-Kashmir Syntaxis, Karakorum Seismic Zone, Kohistan Seismic Zone, Nanga Parbat Syntaxis, and SE-Kashmir Seismic Zone. Then, the seismicity analysis and maximum credible earthquake estimation were carried out for each zone. The low b value (<1.0) indicates a higher stress regime in all the zones except Nanga Parbat Syntaxis Seismic Zone and SE-Kashmir Seismic Zone. The m max was estimated following three different methodologies, the fault parameter approach, convergence rates using geodetic measurements, and the probabilistic approach using the earthquake catalogue and is estimated to be M w 7.7, M w 8.5, and M w 8.1, respectively. The maximum credible earthquake (m max) estimated for each zone shows that Hazara Kashmir Syntaxis Seismic Zone has the highest m max of M w 8.1 (±0.36), which is espoused by the historical 1555 Kashmir earthquake of M w 7.6 as well as the recent 8 October 2005 Kashmir earthquake of M w 7.6. The variation in the estimated m max by the above discussed methodologies is obvious, as the definition and interpretation of the m max change with the method. Interestingly, historical archives (~900 years) do not speak of a great earthquake in this region, which is attributed to the complex and unique tectonic and geologic setup of the Kashmir Himalaya. The convergence is this part of the Himalaya is distributed not only along the main boundary faults but also along the various active out-of-sequence faults as compared to the Central Himalaya, where it is mainly adjusted along the main boundary fault.  相似文献   

—The specific barrier model is used for the first time to simulate ground motion accelerations for the purpose of probabilistic seismic hazard analyses at sites near a dominant fault system. It incorporates the simulation of fault geometry and the relationship between the stress drop and seismic moment to estimate the number of cracks on the fault for the specific barrier model. Radiated direct shear waves are established following Boore’s (1983) procedure. The simulated peak ground accelerations (PGA) are then calibrated by strong-motion data. Basically, the model is of uniform source, and the directivity of the source is not taken into consideration. The results show that the calibrated PGA values are not sensitive to the relationship between the stress drop and seismic moment. However, the calibrated PGA values may increase about 20 percent for sites near the fault when the cut-off frequency,?f max?, is raised from 5 Hz to 10 Hz. The variability of the simulated ground motion is, in general, smaller than that of the empirical strong-motion data shown in the literature. This may be improved by adding randomness into the parameter of ?f max and uncertainties into the empirical relationships adopted in the model. The simulated attenuation curves may be used to judge which types of conventional attenuation equations are better at representing the attenuation of PGA for sites near the fault, especially for large earthquake events.  相似文献   

A straightforward Bayesian statistic is applied in five broad seismogenic source zones of the northwest frontier of the Himalayas to estimate the earthquake hazard parameters (maximum regional magnitude M max, β value of G–R relationship and seismic activity rate or intensity λ). For this purpose, a reliable earthquake catalogue which is homogeneous for M W ≥ 5.0 and complete during the period 1900 to 2010 is compiled. The Hindukush–Pamir Himalaya zone has been further divided into two seismic zones of shallow (h ≤ 70 km) and intermediate depth (h > 70 km) according to the variation of seismicity with depth in the subduction zone. The estimated earthquake hazard parameters by Bayesian approach are more stable and reliable with low standard deviations than other approaches, but the technique is more time consuming. In this study, quantiles of functions of distributions of true and apparent magnitudes for future time intervals of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 years are calculated with confidence limits for probability levels of 50, 70 and 90 % in all seismogenic source zones. The zones of estimated M max greater than 8.0 are related to the Sulaiman–Kirthar ranges, Hindukush–Pamir Himalaya and Himalayan Frontal Thrusts belt; suggesting more seismically hazardous regions in the examined area. The lowest value of M max (6.44) has been calculated in Northern-Pakistan and Hazara syntaxis zone which have estimated lowest activity rate 0.0023 events/day as compared to other zones. The Himalayan Frontal Thrusts belt exhibits higher earthquake magnitude (8.01) in next 100-years with 90 % probability level as compared to other zones, which reveals that this zone is more vulnerable to occurrence of a great earthquake. The obtained results in this study are directly useful for the probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in the examined region of Himalaya.  相似文献   

We performed a tectonophysical analysis of earthquake frequency–size relationship types for large Central Asian earthquakes in the regions of dynamical influence due to major earthquake-generating faults based on data for the last 100 years. We identified four types of frequency–size curves, depending on the presence/absence of characteristic earthquakes and the presence or absence of a downward bend in the tail of the curve. This classification by the shape of the tail in frequency–size relationships correlates well with the values of the maximum observed magnitude. Thus, faults of the first type (there are characteristic earthquakes, but no downward bend) with Mmax ≥ 8.0 are classified as posing the highest seismic hazard; faults with characteristic earthquakes and a bend, and with Mmax = 7.5–7.9, are treated as rather hazardous; faults of the third type with Mmax = 7.1–7.5 are treated as posing potential hazard; and lastly, faults with a bend, without characteristic earthquakes, and with a typical magnitude Mmax ≤ 7.0, are classified as involving little hazard. The tail types in frequency–size curves are interpreted using the model of a nonlinear multiplicative cascade. The model can be used to treat different tail types as corresponding to the occurrence/nonoccurrence of nonlinear positive and negative feedback in earthquake rupture zones, with this feedback being responsible for the occurrence of earthquakes with different magnitudes. This interpretation and clustering of earthquake-generating faults by the behavior the tail of the relevant frequency–size plot shows raises the question about the physical mechanisms that underlie this behavior. We think that the occurrence of great earthquakes is related to a decrease in effective strength (viscosity) in the interblock space of faults at a scale appropriate to the rupture zone size.  相似文献   

TheregionalcharacteristicsofseismicactivityinChinaZhen-LiangSHI,JianWANGandXiao-DongZHANG(时振梁,王健,张晓东)(InstituteofGeophysics,S...  相似文献   

The risk formula, expressing the probability of at least one occurrence of earthquakes of greater-than-design-value magnitudes over the economic life of a structure, is modified taking into consideration the probability of no-earthquake years. The annual maximum earthquake magnitudes of three scales: Richter magnitude, also known as local magnitude (ML), body-wave magnitude (Mb), and moment magnitude (MM) in a geographical area encompassing the Bingöl Province in Turkey are taken from two sources: (1) report by Kalafat et al. (2007) [14] and (2) the web site reporting data by Kandilli Observatory which has been recording earthquakes occurring in and around Turkey since 1900. Statistical frequency analyses are applied on the three sample series using various probability distribution models, and magnitude versus average return period relationships are determined. The values of the ML, Mb, and MM series for 10% and 2% risk are computed to be around 7.2 and 8.3. The tectonic structure and seismic properties of the Bingöl region are also given briefly.  相似文献   

—A new, yet simple, method using the asperity model to estimate ground motion in the near-source regime for probabilistic seismic hazard analyses is proposed in this study. This near-source model differs from conventional empirical attenuation equations. It correlates peak ground motions with the local contributing source in terms of the static stress drop released non-uniformly on the causative fault plane rather than with the whole seismic source in terms of magnitude. Here the model is simplified such that ground motions at a rock or firm soil site near extended vertical strike-slip faults are dominated by direct shear waves. The proposed model is tested by comparing its predictions with strong ground motion observations from the 1979 Imperial Valley and the 1984 Morgan Hill earthquakes. The results have revealed that ground motions in the near-source region can be adequately predicted using the asperity model with appropriate calibration factors. The directivity effect of ground motion in the near-source region is negligible for high-frequency accelerations. The cut-off frequency (?max?) at a site is an important parameter in the near-source region. Higher values of ?max yield higher estimates of peak ground accelerations. For high-frequency structures, ?max should be carefully estimated. In the near- source region both non-uniform and uniform source models can produce non-stationary high-frequency ground motions. Peak motions may not be caused by the nearest sections of the fault (even if the uniform source model is considered).  相似文献   

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