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The 1886 Plinian eruption of Tarawera, New Zealand, is a unique basaltic fissure-fed eruption with exceptionally well preserved fall deposits to within 200 meters of the source vents. These proximal deposits form a series of spatter/cinder half-cones along the northeastern 8-km-long segment of the 1886 fissure. Here we examine these deposits using grain size and clast componentry techniques. We contrast the products of the phreatomagmatic (phases I and III) and Plinian (Phase II) stages of the eruption and examine deposit variability as a function of contrasting eruptive intensity within the climactic phase (II) of the eruption. The opening phreatomagmatic phase I of the eruption involved gas-rich magma interacting with water and fragmenting at least 300 meters below the surface. The deposits of the climactic phase that followed have relatively uniform grain size but marked contrasts in the relative abundance of juvenile and wall rock (lithic) clasts. Deposits linked to vents associated with the high Plinian plume are more uniform than those characterized by a weaker cone-forming eruption style. During the third, and closing, phase of the eruption, magma withdrawal accompanied the onset of decoupling of the exsolved gas phase, leading to fragmentation at increasingly greater depths and significant wall rock collapse into the erupting vents. Variability in eruptive style during phase II along the fissure appears to be a function of shallow seated controls, in particular the variable extent of incorporation of lithic wall rock into the erupting jet, as a consequence of vent wall collapse. Widely dispersed beds centralized around Plinian sources along the fissure have very low lithic content; cone-forming beds at other craters that contain very high lithic contents. This incorporation led to a significant reduction of the velocity and stability of the jet at these latter steep-walled craters, and induced episodicity in the form of vent-clearing explosions. The result is a large reduction of the physical and thermal ability of these vents to contribute to a stable high eruptive plume. Instead large volumes of ejecta were sedimented prematurely from shallow heights at rates an order of magnitude greater than for historical Strombolian, Hawaiian and subPlinian eruptions. This study illustrates that sustained powerful Plinian eruptions can be accompanied by heterogeneities and instabilities of the eruptive jet. At Tarawera, the record of complex proximal transport and deposition processes in the eruptive jet cannot be inferred from the eruption products at distances greater than 400 m from the eruptive fissure. We suggest that study of ultraproximal deposits, as seen at Mt Tarawera, provides the only opportunity to document the complex, dynamic behavior of the jet region of Plinian eruptions.  相似文献   

Eruption styles on the subaerial East Rift Zone (ERZ) of Kilauea volcano are reviewed and a classification scheme for the different types of eruption is proposed. The various eruption types are produced by differing thermal and driving pressure behaviour in the feeder dikes. Existing evidence is reviewed and new evidence presented of the types and volumes of eruptions on the Puna Ridge, which is the submarine extension of the ERZ. Eruptions on the Puna Ridge fall into the same five classes as, and are of comparable volume to, those on the subaerial ERZ. Evidence is presented which suggests that feeder dikes for Puna Ridge eruptions are more thermally viable than those feeding subaerial eruptions, and this difference causes long-lived, large-volume eruptions to be more common on the Puna Ridge than on the subaerial ERZ. This systematic variation in thermal viability may be due to increased dike width for Puna Ridge dikes or increased pressure gradients driving magma flow. Lateral dike emplacement is common to many basaltic systems including on other Hawaiian volcanoes, in Iceland and at mid-ocean ridges. The systematic trend inferred for the ERZ of Kilauea implies that in the other systems large-volume eruptions may also be more common at great distances than they are close to the magma centre.  相似文献   

The 79 AD eruption of Vesuvius included 8 eruption units (EU1–8) and several complex transitions in eruptive style. This study focuses on two important transitions: (1) the abrupt change from white to gray pumice during the Plinian phase of the eruption (EU2 to EU3) and (2) the shift from sustained Plinian activity to the onset of caldera collapse (EU3 to EU4). Quantification of the textural features within individual pumice clasts reveals important changes in both the vesicles and groundmass crystals across each transition boundary. Clasts from the white Plinian fall deposit (EU2) present a simple story of decompression-driven crystallization followed by continuous bubble nucleation, growth and coalescence in the eruptive conduit. In contrast, pumices from the overlying gray Plinian fall deposit (EU3) are heterogeneous and show a wide range in both bubble and crystal textures. Extensive bubble growth, coalescence, and the onset of bubble collapse in pumices at the base of EU3 suggest that the early EU3 magma experienced protracted vesiculation that began during eruption of the EU2 phase and was modified by the physical effects of syn-eruptive mingling-mixing. Pumice clasts from higher in EU3 show higher bubble and crystal number densities and less evidence of bubble collapse, textural features that are interpreted to reflect more thorough mixing of two magmas by this stage of the eruption, with consequent increases in both vesiculation and crystallization. Pumice clasts from a short-lived, high column at the onset of caldera collapse (EU4) continue the trend of increasing crystallization (enhanced by mixing) but, unexpectedly, the melt in these clasts is more vesicular than in EU3 and, in the extreme, can be classified as reticulite. We suggest that the high melt vesicularity of EU4 reflects strong decompression following the partial collapse of the magma chamber.Editorial responsibility: D.B. Dingwell  相似文献   

A model for the numerical simulation of tephra fall deposits   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
A simple semianalytical model to simulate ash dispersion and deposition produced by sustained Plinian and sub-Plinian eruption columns based on the 2D advection–dispersion equation was applied. The eruption column acts as a vertical line source with a given mass distribution and neglects the complex dynamics within the eruption column. Thus, the use of the model is limited to areas far from the vent where the dynamics of the eruption column play a minor role. Vertical wind and diffusion components are considered negligible with respect to the horizontal ones. The dispersion and deposition of particles in the model is only governed by gravitational settling, horizontal eddy diffusion, and wind advection. The model accounts for different types and size classes of a user-defined number of particle classes and changing settling velocity with altitude. In as much as wind profiles are considered constant on the entire domain, the model validity is limited to medium-range distances (about 30–200 km away from the source).The model was used to reconstruct the tephra fall deposit from the documented Plinian eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, Italy, in 79 A.D. In this case, the model was able to broadly reproduce the characteristic medium-range tephra deposit. The results support the validity of the model, which has the advantage of being simple and fast to compute. It has the potential to serve as a simple tool for predicting the distribution of ash fall of hypothetical or real eruptions of a given magnitude and a given wind profile. Using a statistical set of frequent wind profiles, it also was used to construct air fall hazard maps of the most likely affected areas around active volcanoes where a large eruption is expected to occur.  相似文献   

A model for sedimentation from turbulent suspensions predicts that tephra concentration decreases exponentially with time in an ascending volcanic column and in the overlying umbrella cloud. For grain-size distributions typical of plinian eruptions application of the model predicts for thickness variations in good agreement with the exponential thinning observed in tephra fall deposits. The model also predicts a proximal region where fallout from the plume margins results in a more rapid decrease in thickness so that the deposit shows two segments on a thickness versus distance plot. Several examples of deposits with two segments are known. The distance at which the two segments intersect is a measure of eruption column height. The thickness half-distance ( equivalent to the dispersal index of Walker) is strongly correlated with column height, but is also weakly dependent on grain-size distribution of the ejecta. For a dispersal index of 500 km2 (the plinian/subplinian boundary of Walker) column heights between 14 and 18 km are calculated. For ultraplinian deposits with D>50000 km2 column heights of at least 45 km are implied. Model grain-size distributions of the deposits have sorting values comparable to those observed in tephra fall deposits formed from eruption columns in a weak or negligible cross-wind. Median diameter decreases exponentially with distance as is observed. Sorting () improves with distance as is observed in plinian deposits in a weak wind. However, tephra fall deposits formed in strong winds do not show improved sorting with distance and proximal deposits are typically somewhat better sorted than the model calculations. Differences are attributed to the influence of wind which disperses particles further than predicted in our model and which has an increasing influence as particle size decreases.  相似文献   

Intense explosive activity occurred repeatedly at Vesuvius during the nearly 1,600-year period between the two Plinian eruptions of Avellino (3.5 ka) and Pompeii (79 A.D.). By correlating stratigraphic sections from more than 40 sites around the volcano, we identify the deposits of six main eruptions (AP1-AP6) and of some minor intervening events. Several deposits can be traced up to 20 km from the vent. Their stratigraphic and dispersal features suggest the prevalence of two main contrasting eruptive styles, each involving a complex relationship between magmatic and phreatomagmatic phases. The two main eruption styles are (1) sub-Plinian to phreato-Plinian events (AP1 and AP2 members), where deposits consist of pumice and scoria fall layers alternating with fine-grained, vesiculated, accretionary lapilli-bearing ashes; and (2) mixed, violent Strombolian to Vulcanian events (AP3-AP6 members), which deposited a complex sequence of fallout, massive to thinly stratified, scoria-bearing lapilli layers and fine ash beds. Morphology and density variations of the juvenile fragments confirm the important role played by magma-water interaction in the eruptive dynamics. The mean composition of the ejected material changes with time, and shows a strong correlation with vent position and eruption style. The ranges of intensity and magnitude of these events, derived by estimations of peak column height and volume of the ejecta, are significantly smaller than the values for the better known Plinian and sub-Plinian eruptions of Vesuvius, enlarging the spectrum of the possible eruptive scenarios at Vesuvius, useful in the assessment of its potential hazard.  相似文献   

A theoretical model of clast fallout from convective eruption columns has been developed which quantifies how the maximum clast size dispersal is determined by column height and wind strength. An eruption column consists of a buoyant convecting region which rises to a heightH B where the column density equals that of the atmosphere. AboveH B the column rises further to a heightH T due to excess momentum. BetweenH T andH B the column is forced laterally into the atmosphere to form an upper umbrella region. Within the eruption column, the vertical and horizontal velocity fields can be calculated from exprimental and theoretical studies and consideration of mass continuity. The centreline vertical velocity falls as a nearly linear function over most of the column's height and the velocity decreases as a gaussian function radially away from the centreline. Both column height and vertical velocity are strong functions of magma discharge rate. From calculations of the velocity field and the terminal fall velocity of clasts, a series of particle support envelopes has been constructed which represents positions where the column vertical velocity and terminal velocity are equal for a clast of specific size and density. The maximum range of a clast is determined in the absence of wind by the maximum width of the clast support envelope.The trajectories of clasts leaving their relevant support envelope at its maximum width have been modelled in columns from 6 to 43 km high with no wind and in a wind field. From these calculations the shapes and areas of maximum grain size contours of the air-fall deposit have been predicted. For the no wind case the theoretical isopleths show good agreement with the Fogo A plinian deposit in the Azores. A diagram has been constructed which plots, for a particular clast size, the maximum range normal to the dispersal axis against the downward range. From the diagram the column height (and hence magma discharge rate) and wind velocity can be determined. Historic plinian eruptions of Santa Maria (1902) and Mount St. Helens (1980) give maximum heights of 34 and 19 km respectively and maximum wind speeds at the tropopause of m/s and 30 m/s respectively. Both estimates are in good agreement with observations. The model has been applied to a number of other plinian deposits, including the ultraplinian phase of theA.D. 180 Taupo eruption in New Zealand which had an estimated column height of 51 km and wind velocity of 27 m/s.  相似文献   

We develop a model of a volcanic eruption column that includes the effects of fallout of pyroclasts and thermal disequilibrium. We show that clast fallout, with no thermal disequilibrium, has only a small effect upon the column. However, disequilibrium changes column behaviour significantly, and can even induce collapse. Our results may explain the lower plume heights and less widely dispersed fallout of cone-forming eruptions contrasted with sheet-forming eruptions. The model also predicts that the transition from the gas thrust to the convective region in a column results in an inflection in dispersal curves, that some features of the stratigraphy common to many fall deposits may result from column velocity structure, and that there may exist a region near the volcanic vent in which maximum pyroclast size does not decrease significantly with distance.  相似文献   

The Fontana Lapilli deposit was erupted in the late Pleistocene from a vent, or multiple vents, located near Masaya volcano (Nicaragua) and is the product of one of the largest basaltic Plinian eruptions studied so far. This eruption evolved from an initial sequence of fluctuating fountain-like events and moderately explosive pulses to a sustained Plinian episode depositing fall beds of highly vesicular basaltic-andesite scoria (SiO2 > 53 wt%). Samples show unimodal grain size distribution and a moderate sorting that are uniform in time. The juvenile component predominates (> 96 wt%) and consists of vesicular clasts with both sub-angular and fluidal, elongated shapes. We obtain a maximum plume height of 32 km and an associated mass eruption rate of 1.4 × 108 kg s−1 for the Plinian phase. Estimates of erupted volume are strongly sensitive to the technique used for the calculation and to the distribution of field data. Our best estimate for the erupted volume of the majority of the climactic Plinian phase is between 2.9 and 3.8 km3 and was obtained by applying a power-law fitting technique with different integration limits. The estimated eruption duration varies between 4 and 6 h. Marine-core data confirm that the tephra thinning is better fitted by a power-law than by an exponential trend.  相似文献   

This paper outlines methods for determining a bubble size distribution (BSD) and the moments of the BSD function in vesiculated clasts produced by volcanic eruptions. It reports the results of applications of the methods to 11 natural samples and discusses the implications for quantitative estimates of eruption processes. The analysis is based on a quantitative morphological (stereological) method for 2-dimensional imaging of cross-sections of samples. One method determines, with some assumptions, the complete shape of the BSD function from the chord lengths cut by bubbles. The other determines the 1st, 2nd and 3rd moments of distribution functions by measurement of the number of bubbles per unit area, the surface area per unit volume, and the volume fraction of bubbles. Comparison of procedures and results of these two distinct methods shows that the latter yields rather more reliable results than the former, though the results coincide in absolute and relative magnitudes. Results of the analysis for vesiculated rocks from eleven subPlinian to Plinian eruptions show some interesting systematic correlations both between moments of the BSD and between a moment and the eruption column height or the SiO2 content of magma. These correlations are successfully interpreted in terms of the nucleation and growth processes of bubbles in ascending magmas. This suggests that bubble coalescence does not predominate in sub-Plinian to Plinian explosive eruptions. The moment-moment correlations put constraints on the style of the nucleation and growth process of bubbles. The scaling argument suggests that a single nucleation event and subsequent growth with any kind of bubble interaction under continuous depressurization, which leads to an intermediate growth law between the diffusional growth ( ) at a constant depressurization rate and the Ostwald ripening ( ) under a constant pressure, where Rm and t are the mean radius of bubble and the effective time of diffusion respectively, occurred in the eruptions. It is emphasized that the BSD in vesiculated rocks from terrestrial volcanoes can be used to estimate quantitatively eruption processes such as the initial saturation pressure and magma ascent velocity in a volcanic conduit.  相似文献   

A tephrostratigraphy for Erebus volcano is presented, including tephra composition, stratigraphy, and eruption mechanism. Tephra from Erebus were collected from glacial ice and firn. Scanning electron microscope images of the ash morphologies help determine their eruption mechanisms The tephra resulted mainly from phreatomagmatic eruptions with fewer from Strombolian eruptions. Tephra having mixed phreatomagmatic–Strombolian origins are common. Two tephra deposited on the East Antarctic ice sheet, ~ 200 km from Erebus, resulted from Plinian and phreatomagmatic eruptions. Glass droplets in some tephra indicate that these shards were produced in both phreatomagmatic and Strombolian eruptions. A budding ash morphology results from small spheres quenched during the process of hydrodynamically splitting off from a parent melt globule. Clustered and rare single xenocrystic analcime crystals, undifferentiated zeolites, and clay are likely accidental clasts entrained from a hydrothermal system present prior to eruption. The phonolite compositions of glass shards confirm Erebus volcano as the eruptive source. The glasses show subtle trends in composition, which correlate with stratigraphic position. Trace element analyses of bulk tephra samples show slight differences that reflect varying feldspar contents.  相似文献   

Plinian plumes erupt with a bulk density greater than that of air, and depend upon air entrainment during their gas-thrust phase to become buoyant; if entrainment is insufficient, the column collapses into a potentially deadly pyroclastic flow. This study shows that strombolian ash plumes can be erupted in an initially buoyant state due to their extremely high initial gas content, and in such cases are thus impervious to column collapse. The high gas content is a consequence of decoupled gas rise in the conduit, in which particles are ultimately incidental. The relations between conduit gas flow, eruption style and plume density are explored here for strombolian scenarios and contrasted with conventional wisdom derived from plinian eruptions. Considering the inherent relation between gas content and initial plume density together with detailed measurements of plume velocities can help unravel ambiguities surrounding conduit processes, eruption styles and hazards at poorly understood volcanoes. Analysis of plume dynamics at Santiaguito volcano, Guatemala adds further support for a model involving decoupled gas rise in the conduit.  相似文献   

Thermal remanent magnetism provides a method of quantitatively determining the emplacement temperature of individual lithic clasts in a volcaniclastic rock. The technique is reviewed and applied to two types of Quaternary pyroclastic deposit on Santorini. Emplacement-temperature estimates for lithic clasts from two co-ignimbrite lithic breccias (Cape Riva and Middle Pumice eruptions) range from 250°C to 580°C, showing unambiguously that the breccias were emplaced hot. Good precision on temperature estimates (about ±20°C) were obtained from the Cape Riva breccias. Lithics in a Plinian airfall deposit from the Middle Pumice eruption give less precise results because the primary magnetisation has been partly overprinted by chemical (and/or viscous) remanence, and some clasts may have rotated during compaction of the deposit. Temperatures from proximal airfall are consistent with welding of the deposit within 1.5 km from vent. Temperature estimates for lithic clasts further from vent scatter, but a falloff of temperature away from vent can be recognised if an average emplacement temperature for the whole deposit is identified at each location. The study highlights some difficulties in interpreting quantitative temperature estimates for prehistoric pyroclastic deposits.  相似文献   

Two groups of poorly sorted ash-rich beds, previously interpreted as rain-flushed ashes, occur in the ca. AD 180 Hatepe Plinian pumice fall deposit at Taupo volcano, New Zealand. Two ash beds with similar dispersal patterns and an aggregate thickness of up to 13 cm make up the lowermost group (A). Group A beds extend 45 km north-east of the vent and cover 290 km2. In the southern part of the group A distribution area, a coarse ash to lapilli-size Plinian pumice bed (deposit B) separates the two group A beds. The scarcity of lapilli (material seen elsewhere from the still-depositing pumice fall) in group A beds indicates that they were rapidly transported and deposited. However, this rapid transportation and deposition did not produce cross-bedding, nor did it erode the underlying deposits. It is proposed that thick (>600 m) but dilute gravity currents generated from the collapsing outer margin of the otherwise buoyant Hatepe Plinian eruption column deposited the group A beds. The upper ash beds (group C) consist of one to seven layers, attain an aggregate thickness of 35 cm, and vary considerably in thickness and number of beds with respect to distance from vent. Group C beds contain variable amounts of ash mixed with angular Plinian pumices and are genuine rain-flushed ashes. Several recent eruptions at other volcanoes (Ukinrek Maars, Vulcan, Rabaul, La Soufrère de Guadeloupe and Soufrière, St Vincent) have produced gravity currents similar in style, but much smaller than those envisaged for group A deposits. The overloaded margins of otherwise buoyant eruption plumes generated these gravity currents. Laboratory studies have produced experimental gravity current analogues. Hazards from dilute gravity currents are considerable but often overlooked, thus the recognition of gravity current deposits will contribute to more thorough volcanic hazard assessment of prehistoric eruption sequences.  相似文献   

Tephra fallout from the A-1 (March 29, 0532 UT), B (April 4, 0135 UT), and C (April 4, 1122 UT) 1982 explosive eruptions of El Chichon produced three tephra fall deposits over southeastern Mexico. Bidirectional spreading of eruption plumes, as documented by satellite images, was due to a combination of tropospheric and stratospheric transport, with heaviest deposition of tephra from the ENE tropospheric lobes. Maximum column heights for the eruptions of 27, 32, and 29 km, respectively, have been determined by comparing maximum lithic-clast dispersal in the deposits with predicted lithic isopleths based on a theoretical model of pyroclast fallout from eruption columns. These column heights suggest peak mass eruption rates of 1.1 × 108, 1.9 × 108, and 1.3 × 108 kg/s. Maximum column heights and mass eruption rates occured early in each event based on the normal size grading of the fall deposits. Sequential satellite images of plume transport and the production of a large stratospheric aerosol plume indicate that the eruption columns were sustained at stratospheric altitudes for a significant portion of their duration. New estimates of tephra fall volume based on integration of isopach area and thickness yield a total volume of 2.19 km3 (1.09 km3 DRE, dense rock equivalent) or roughly twice the amount of the deposit mapped on the ground. Up to one-half of the erupted mass was therefore deposited elsewhere as highly dispersed tephra.  相似文献   

Hawaiian eruptions are characterized by fountains of gas and ejecta, sustained for hours to days that reach tens to hundreds of meters in height. Quantitative analysis of the pyroclastic products from the 1959 eruption of Kīlauea Iki, Kīlauea volcano, Hawai‘i, provides insights into the processes occurring during typical Hawaiian fountaining activity. This short-lived but powerful eruption contained 17 fountaining episodes and produced a cone and tephra blanket as well as a lava lake that interacted with the vent and fountain during all but the first episode of the eruption, the focus of this paper. Microtextural analysis of Hawaiian fountaining products from this opening episode is used to infer vesiculation processes within the fountain and shallow conduit. Vesicle number densities for all clasts are high (106–107 cm−3). Post-fragmentation expansion of bubbles within the thermally-insulated fountain overprints the pre-fragmentation bubble populations, leading to a reduction in vesicle number density and increase in mean vesicle size. However, early quenched rims of some clasts, with vesicle number densities approaching 107 cm−3, are probably a valid approximation to magma conditions near fragmentation. The extent of clast evolution from low vesicle-to-melt ratio and corresponding high vesicle number density to higher vesicle-to-melt ratio and lower vesicle-number density corresponds to the length of residence time within the fountain.  相似文献   

Summit eruptions of Mauna Loa, on the Island of Hawaii, occurred in 1940 and 1949, and flank eruptions in 1942 and 1950. Lava poured out in 1940 and 1942 was about equal in amount, totaling approximately 76 million cubic meters in each eruption. The 1949 eruption was somewhat smaller, liberating approximately 59 million cubic meters. The 1950 eruption was one of the largest on record, producing five large lava flows and several smaller ones, totaling approximately 459 million cubic meters. Three of the 1950 flows entered the sea. In 1942 a lava flow threatened the city of Hilo, and was bombed from the air in an effort to divert it. Calculations indicate that the gas content of the lava extruded during the 1940 eruption probably was in the vicinity of one percent by weight of the total magma. Other calculations indicate the viscosity of fluid Hawaiian lava to be in the range of 103 to 105 poises. Temperature readings on the 1950 lava ranged from 10900 to 9000 C. Kilauea Volcano showed signs of uneasiness in 1944, with an apparent increase of magmatic pressure indicated by outward tilting of the moutain flanks and a series of earthquakes progressing toward the surface. In December 1950 a series of earthquakes accompanied a subsidence of the summit of Kilauea Volcano.  相似文献   

The caldera of Pululagua is an eruptive centre of the Northern Volcanic Zone of the South American volcanic arc, located about 15 km north of Quito, Ecuador. Activity leading to formation of the caldera occurred about 2450 b.p. as a series of volcanic episodes during which an estimated 5–6 km3 (DRE) of hornblende-bearing dacitic magma was erupted. A basal pumice-fall deposit covers more than 2.2x104 km2 with a volume of about 1.1 km3 and represents the principal and best-preserved plinian layer. Circular patterns of isopachs and pumice, lithic and Md isopleths of the Basal Fallout (BF) around the caldera indicate emplacement in wind-free conditions. Absence of wind is confirmed by an ubiquitous, normally graded, thin ash bed at the top of the lapilli layer which originated from slow settling of fines after cessation of the plinian column (co-plinian ash). The unusual atmospheric conditions during deposition make the BF deposit particularly suitable for the application and evaluation of pyroclast dispersal models. Application of the Carey and Sparks' (1986) model shows that whereas the 3.2-, 1.6-, and 0.8-cm lithic isopleths predict a model column height of about 36 km, the 6.4-cm isopleth yields and estimate of only 21 km. The 4.9- and 6.4-cm isopleths yield a column height of 28 km using the model of Wilson and Walker (1987). The two models give the same mass discharge rate of 2x108 kg s-1. A simple exponential decrease of thickness with distance, as proposed by Pyle (1989) for plinian falls, fits well with the BF. Exponential decrease of size with distance is followed by clasts less than about 3 cm, suggesting, in agreement with Wilson and Walker (1987), that only a small proportion of large clasts reach the top of the column. Variations with distance in clast distribution patterns imply that, in order to obtain column heights by clast dispersal models, the distribution should be known from both proximal and distal zones. Knowledge of only a few isopleths, irrespective of their distance from the vent, is not sufficient as seemed justified by the method of Pyle (1989).  相似文献   

Accelerating rates of volcano-tectonic (VT) earthquakes are commonly observed during volcanic unrest. Understanding the repeatability of their behaviour is essential to evaluating their potential to forecast eruptions. Quantitative eruption forecasts have focused on changes in precursors over intervals of weeks or less. Previous studies at basaltic volcanoes in frequent eruption, such as Kilauea in Hawaii and Piton de La Fournaise on Réunion, suggest that VT earthquake rates tend to follow a power-law acceleration with time about 2 weeks before eruption, but that this trend is often obscured by random fluctuations (or noise) in VT earthquake rate. These previous studies used a stacking procedure, in which precursory sequences for several eruptions are combined to enhance the signal from an underlying acceleration in VT earthquake rate. Such analyses assume a common precursory trend for all eruptions. This assumption is tested here for the 57 eruptions and intrusions recorded at Kilauea between 1959 and 1984. Applying rigorous criteria for selecting data (e.g. maximum depth; restricting magnitudes to be greater than the completeness magnitude, 2.1), we find a much less pronounced increase in the aggregate rate of earthquakes than previously reported. The stacked trend is also strongly controlled by the behaviour of one particular pre-eruptive sequence. In contrast, a robust signal emerges among stacked VT earthquake rates for a subset of the eruptions and intrusions. The results are consistent with two different precursory styles at Kilauea: (1) a small proportion of eruptions and intrusions that are preceded by accelerating rates of VT earthquakes over intervals of weeks to months and (2) a much larger number of eruptions that show no consistent increase until a few hours beforehand. The results also confirm the importance of testing precursory trends against data that have been filtered according to simple constraints on the spatial distribution and completeness magnitude of the VT earthquakes.  相似文献   

 The evolution of the Somma-Vesuvius caldera has been reconstructed based on geomorphic observations, detailed stratigraphic studies, and the distribution and facies variations of pyroclastic and epiclastic deposits produced by the past 20,000 years of volcanic activity. The present caldera is a multicyclic, nested structure related to the emptying of large, shallow reservoirs during Plinian eruptions. The caldera cuts a stratovolcano whose original summit was at 1600–1900 m elevation, approximately 500 m north of the present crater. Four caldera-forming events have been recognized, each occurring during major Plinian eruptions (18,300 BP "Pomici di Base", 8000 BP "Mercato Pumice", 3400 BP "Avellino Pumice" and AD 79 "Pompeii Pumice"). The timing of each caldera collapse is defined by peculiar "collapse-marking" deposits, characterized by large amounts of lithic clasts from the outer margins of the magma chamber and its apophysis as well as from the shallow volcanic and sedimentary units. In proximal sites the deposits consist of coarse breccias resulting from emplacement of either dense pyroclastic flows (Pomici di Base and Pompeii eruptions) or fall layers (Avellino eruption). During each caldera collapse, the destabilization of the shallow magmatic system induced decompression of hydrothermal–magmatic and hydrothermal fluids hosted in the wall rocks. This process, and the magma–ground water interaction triggered by the fracturing of the thick Mesozoic carbonate basement hosting the aquifer system, strongly enhanced the explosivity of the eruptions. Received: 24 November 1997 / Accepted: 23 March 1999  相似文献   

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