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《Marine pollution bulletin》2009,58(6-12):889-894
As basic research for the effect of heavy oil on the fish immune system, in this study, the number of leukocyte was counted in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus, after exposure to heavy oil at a concentration of 30 g/8 L for 3 days. To compare the numbers of bacteria in the skin mucus between oil-exposed and control fish, viable bacteria were enumerated by counting colony forming unit (CFU). Compared with 5.79 ± 1.88 × 107 leukocytes/mL in the controls, the exposed fish demonstrated higher counts, averaging 1.45 ± 0.45 × 108 cells/mL. The bacterial numbers of control fish were 4.27 ± 3.68 × 104 CFU/g, whereas they were 4.58 ± 1.63 × 105 CFU/g in the exposed fish. The results suggest that immune suppression of the fish occurred due to heavy oil stressor, and bacteria could invade in the mucus, resulting in the increasing leukocyte number to prevent infectious disease.  相似文献   

As basic research for the effect of heavy oil on the fish immune system, in this study, the number of leukocyte was counted in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus, after exposure to heavy oil at a concentration of 30 g/8 L for 3 days. To compare the numbers of bacteria in the skin mucus between oil-exposed and control fish, viable bacteria were enumerated by counting colony forming unit (CFU). Compared with 5.79 ± 1.88 × 107 leukocytes/mL in the controls, the exposed fish demonstrated higher counts, averaging 1.45 ± 0.45 × 108 cells/mL. The bacterial numbers of control fish were 4.27 ± 3.68 × 104 CFU/g, whereas they were 4.58 ± 1.63 × 105 CFU/g in the exposed fish. The results suggest that immune suppression of the fish occurred due to heavy oil stressor, and bacteria could invade in the mucus, resulting in the increasing leukocyte number to prevent infectious disease.  相似文献   

The sedimentary environment change, trophic evolution and heavy metals pollution history of the northern Taihu Lake in the last 100 years are studied according to the sedimentary geo-chemical proxies of the core sediments, such as grain size, nutrients, heavy metals, diatom, etc. The nutrients in the sediments depended mainly on the lake internal circulation and the heavy metals were from natural geogenic sources before the 1920s, which were not influenced by human activities generally, and grain size was one of the key factors influencing heavy metals content in the sediments. The alternation of manner and strength of human activities in Taihu Lake catchment before and after the 1920s made the lake sediments coarser, and hence heavy metals and TP content decreased contrasted with that before the 1920s. TP content in sediments and water increased from the 1950s to late 1970s due to anthropogenic pollutants discharge, and the lake belonging to mesotrophic state. TN and TOC content and C/N ratio increased due to the increasing external pollutants into Taihu Lake by human activities, TP content also increased obviously in water and sediments, and the diatom association was dominated by eutrophic species since the late 1970s, indicating the eutrophication state of Taihu Lake in this period. Meanwhile the increasing in heavy metals content, such as Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn, and their proportion of valid fractions in the sediments indicates that they all result from human pollutants since the late 1970s. The heavy metals in the surface sediments have certain potential biological toxicity due to the higher SEM/AVS ratio.  相似文献   

Many genetic polymorphisms in metabolism enzymes are important for the risk of cancer as shown in a large number of case-control studies. Cytochrome P-450 (CYP) 1A1 polymorphism is a widely mentioned for importance of its genetic polymorphisms in risk assessment. However, the reports on the correlation between polymorphism and risk are inconsistent. To study the functional aberration in the human wild and mutate types of CYP1A1 is hard. Here, the author used a new gene ontology technology to predict the molecular function of human CYP1A1. Here, it can be seen that there is no functional difference between wild and mutate types of CYP1A1. Therefore, there should be no difference in effect of wild and mutate types of CYP1A1. This can support the null effect of this polymorphism in clinical findings of the population. This polymorphism might not be an important tool for risk assessment.  相似文献   

Following recent studies, in which intersex and/or reproductive abnormalities have been observed in a number of crustaceans in association with pollution, the prevalence of intersexuality in the amphipod, Echinogammarus marinus was monitored at sites receiving industrial discharges for one year in 2002/2003. Based upon reports of intersexuality occurring in amphipods due to feminising microsporidian parasites, the occurrence, and role of microsporidian parasites in causing intersex was investigated through histological examination. Results demonstrate a significantly higher prevalence of intersex organisms was found at sites receiving industrial discharges throughout the year when compared to a reference site, with the phenotype of intersex (intersex male and intersex female) varying in its dominance between impacted sites. Intersex specimens were significantly more likely to be infected with microsporidian parasites at sites receiving discharges than reference sites, however relatively few specimens (normal or intersex) were infected at reference sites suggesting parasitism is not the only cause of intersex. The direct/indirect role of pollution in the observed intersexuality is discussed.  相似文献   

In the Baltic Sea, studies regarding biological effects of contaminants are relatively few, partly due to political and economical reasons, specific hydrographic characteristics, and a strong eutrophication-targeted research focus during the past three decades. The development of a monitoring strategy concerning biological effects and its implementation into environmental monitoring programmes in the Baltic Sea is lagging behind the progress currently taking place in most of western and southern Europe. The pan-European project BEEP (Biological Effects of Environmental Pollution on Marine Coastal Ecosystems, 2001-2004) included the Baltic Sea as one of the target areas for the evaluation of a suite of biological effects indicators in European coastal waters. The main aims of the BEEP project are described and how the expected outcome for the Baltic Sea could provide the needed "baseline" information and expertise for a biological effect monitoring and contribute to harmonise environmental monitoring programmes within the EU.  相似文献   

The standing debate over whether hydrological systems are deterministic or stochastic has been taken to a new level by controversial applications of chaos mathematics. This paper reviews the procedure, constraints, and past usage of a popular chaos time series analysis method, correlation integral analysis, in hydrology and adds a new analysis of daily streamflow from a pristine watershed. Significant problems with the use of correlation integral analysis (CIA) were found to include a continued reliance on the original algorithm even though it was corrected subsequently and failure to consider the physics underlying mathematical results. The new analysis of daily streamflow reported here found no attractor with D⩽5. Phase randomization of the Fourier Transform of streamflow was used to provide a better stochastic surrogate than an Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) model or gaussian noise for distinguishing between chaotic and stochastic dynamics.  相似文献   

Irregular wetting, water repellency, and preferential flow are well‐documented properties of coastal sandy podzols, though little is known about the effect of fire on unsaturated zone processes in this environment. This study investigates water repellency at and below the soil surface in two coastal sandy podzols following bushfire. Water drop penetration time tests were applied to burned and unburned soils at a high dune field site in South East Queensland, Australia. It was found that the mean water drop penetration time of the burned soil was four times that of the unburned soil, but both soils were largely non‐repellent. Post‐fire repellency peaked below the surface in a patchy layer, in contrast to the laterally extensive layer reported in other studies, and high organic matter content in the soil did not appear to significantly influence repellency post‐burn. Non‐parametric statistics were used to quantify the high spatial variability in water repellency, which was ultimately insufficiently captured by atypically large (n = 1000 drop) datasets. This study confirms the presence of naturally occurring repellency and patchy infiltration in sandy soils while demonstrating that conclusively describing the influence of fire is challenging in a soil with heterogeneous infiltration characteristics. With respect to this uncertainty, it appears that fire does not increase soil water repellency such that infiltration and runoff processes due to fire‐induced water repellency would differ post‐burn.  相似文献   

Information on concentrations of micropollutants (such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and industrial chemicals) in most highly dynamic riverbank filtration (RBF) systems is lacking, in contrast to data on standard chemical parameters. Sampling protocols have thus far been based on the stabilization of standard chemical parameters in relatively pristine environments. To determine whether groundwater samples for micropollutant analysis can be taken at a similar pumping volume as samples for testing standard chemical parameters in both environments, three groundwater monitoring wells in an RBF system were sampled at two points in time (after pumping of 3 well volumes and after pumping of 15 well volumes). Micropollutant concentrations were not significantly different between the two sampling points; therefore, appropriate samples can be drawn after pumping 3 well volumes. For a specific microbiological parameter (leucin incorporation), a statistically significant difference was found.  相似文献   

Cutting and removal of oil-impacted marsh plants are still used worldwide as a clean-up and recovery technique. To experimentally test the efficacy of cutting and removing marsh plants under subtropical conditions, we simulated an oil spill (Bunker MF-180) in Spartina alterniflora marshes and compared the responses of plant height, biomass, density of culms and number of flowering plants in high and low energy areas in Paranaguá Bay (S Brazil) for about 9 months. Cutting and removal were inefficient in promoting or accelerating the recovery of the impacted areas. Cut or uncut impacted marshes fully recovered within 6 months, both in low and high energy areas. Plant cutting should be practiced only when there is an effective risk of contamination of groundwater near urban areas, when obvious aesthetical issues are involved in areas of touristic interest or when there are real short-term conservation risks to threatened species.  相似文献   

In terms of the chaos theory, the phase-space-reconstruction method has been employed to describe the multi-dimensional phase space for the time series of air pollution index (API) during the past 10 years in Lanzhou, northwest China. The mutual information and Cao method were used to determine the reconstruction parameters, and the characteristic quantities including the Lyapunov exponent and the correlation dimension were calculated respectively. As a result, the correlation dimensions were fractioned, and the maximum Lyapunov exponent (λ 1) > 0. It shows that these presented the obvious chaotic characteristics that resulted from the evolution of non-linear chaotic dynamic system in the time series of air pollution index over the past 10 years. In the meanwhile, three or even four main dynamic variables were discussed here that could effectively interpret the changes of air pollution index time series and their causes. Some reasonable preventive countermeasures were thus put forward. These findings might provide a scientific basis for probing further into the regional complexity and evolution of the time series of air pollution index.  相似文献   

Stephen B. Shaw 《水文研究》2017,31(21):3729-3739
There remains continued use of non‐linear, logistic regression models for predicting water temperature from air temperature. A dominant feature of these non‐linear models is an upper bound on river water temperature. This upper bound is often attributed to a large increase in evaporative cooling at high air temperatures, but the exact conditions under which such an increase may occur have not been thoroughly explored. To better understand the appropriateness of the non‐linear model for predicting river water temperatures, it is essential to understand the physical basis for the upper bound and when it should and should not be included in the statistical model. This paper applies and validates an energy balance model against 8 river systems spread across different climate regions of the United States. The energy balance model is then used to develop a diagram relating vapour pressure deficit and air temperature to water temperature. With knowledge of present or future vapour pressure deficit (difference between saturation and actual vapour content in the atmosphere) conditions in a given climate, the diagram can be used to predict the likelihood of an upper bound in the air–water temperature relationship. This investigation offers a fundamental physical explanation of the most appropriate form of statistical models that should be used for predicting future water temperature from air temperature in different geographic regions with different climate conditions. In general, climatic regions that have only a slight increase in vapour pressure deficit with increasing air temperature (typically humid regions) would not be expected to have an upper bound. Conversely, climatic regions in which vapour pressure deficit sharply increases with increasing air temperature (typically arid regions) would be expected to have an upper bound.  相似文献   

As Andean glaciers rapidly retreat due to climate change, the balance of groundwater and glacial meltwater contributions to stream discharge in tropical, proglacial watersheds will change, potentially increasing vulnerability of water resources. The Shullcas River Watershed, near Huancayo, Peru, is fed only partly by the rapidly receding Huaytapallana glaciers (<20% of dry season flow). To potentially increase recharge and therefore increase groundwater derived baseflow, the government and not‐for‐profit organizations have installed trenches along large swaths of hillslope in the Shullcas Watershed. Our study focuses on a nonglacierized subcatchment of the Shullcas River Watershed and has 2 objectives: (a) create a model of the Shullcas groundwater system and assess the controls on stream discharge and (b) investigate the impact of the infiltration trenches on recharge and baseflow. We first collected hydrologic data from the field including a year‐long hydrograph (2015–2016), meteorological data (2011–2016), and infiltration measurements. We use a recharge model to evaluate the impact of trenched hillslopes on infiltration and runoff processes. Finally, we use a 3‐dimensional groundwater model, calibrated to the measured dry season baseflow, to determine the impact of trenching on the catchment. Simulations show that trenched hillslopes receive approximately 3.5% more recharge, relative to precipitation, compared with unaltered hillslopes. The groundwater model indicates that because the groundwater flow system is fast and shallow, incorporating trenched hillslopes (~2% of study subcatchment area) only slightly increases baseflow in the dry season. Furthermore, the location of trenching is an important consideration: Trenching higher in the catchment (further from the river) and in flatter terrain provides more baseflow during the dry season. The results of this study may have important implications for Andean landscape management and water resources.  相似文献   

Stream water residence times within streambed sediments are key values to quantify hyporheic processes including sediment thermal regime, solute transient storage, dilution rates and biogeochemical transformations, such as those controlling degassing nitrous oxide. Heterogeneity of the streambed sediment hydraulic properties has been shown to be potentially an important factor to characterize hyporheic processes. Here, we quantify the importance of streambed heterogeneity on residence times of dune-like bedform induced hyporheic fluxes at the bedform and reach scales. We show that heterogeneity has a net effect of compression of the hyporheic zone (HZ) toward the streambed, changing HZ volume from the homogenous case and thus inducing remarkable differences in the flow field with respect to the homogeneous case. We unravel the physical conditions for which the commonly used homogenous field assumption is applicable for quantifying hyporheic processes thus explaining why predictive measures based on a characteristic residence time, like the Damköhler number, are robust in heterogeneous sand bedded streams.  相似文献   

Evapotranspiration (ET) and canopy wetness were measured over a 2‐year intensive field campaign at the Chi‐Lan Mountain cloud forest site in Taiwan. Eddy covariance and sap flow methods were applied to measure ET and tree sap flow of the endemic yellow cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana). ET was 553 mm yr?1 over the study period with an annual rainfall and fog deposition of 4893 and 288 mm yr–1, respectively. The duration of canopy wetness exceeded actual fog or rain events (mostly in the afternoon), and the intercepted water was evaporated later in the following dry morning. The cumulative wet duration accounted for 52% of time over the study period, which was longer than the duration of rainfall and fog altogether (41%). As it adapted to the extremely moist environment, the yellow cypress behaved in a wet‐enhanced/dry‐reduced water use strategy and was sensitive to short periods of dry atmosphere with high evaporation potential. During dry days, the sap flow rate rose quickly after dawn and led to conservative water use through midday and the afternoon. During periodically wet days, the canopy was mostly wetted in the morning, and the interception evaporation contributed largely to the morning ET. The initiation of morning sap flow was postponed 1–3 h, and the sap flow rate tended to peak later at midday. The midday canopy conductance was higher in the periodically wet days (10.6 mm s–1) as compared with 7.6 mm s?1 in the dry days. Consequently, the dry‐reduced water use strategy led to much lower annual ET with respect to the available energy (~46%) and high precipitation input (~11%). The moist‐adapted ecohydrology we report reveals the vulnerability of montane cloud forests to prolonged fog‐free periods. More research is urgently needed to better understand the resilience of these ecosystems and formulate adaptive management plans. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Flood peaks and volumes are essential design variables and can be simulated by precipitation–runoff (P–R) modelling. The high-resolution precipitation time series that are often required for this purpose can be generated by various temporal disaggregation methods. Here, we compare a simple method (M1, one parameter), focusing on the effective precipitation duration for flood simulations, with a multiplicative cascade model (M2, 32/36 parameters). While M2 aims at generating realistic characteristics of precipitation time series, M1 aims only at accurately reproducing flood variables by P–R modelling. Both disaggregation methods were tested on precipitation time series of nine Swiss mesoscale catchments. The generated high-resolution time series served as input for P–R modelling using a lumped HBV model. The results indicate that differences identified in precipitation characteristics of disaggregated time series vanish when introduced into the lumped hydrological model. Moreover, flood peaks were more sensitive than flood volumes to the choice of disaggregation method.  相似文献   

Salinity of inland waters is affected by a range of human activities and is regarded as a major environmental contaminant in many parts of the world. Changes in salinity are well known to be associated with changes in macroinvertebrate communities of flowing waters. However, as many environmental factors co-vary with salinity, it is not known whether, and if so how, salinity causes communities to change. Being able to measure the osmoregulatory stress that individual stream macroinvertebrates are experiencing would be useful to understand if and how salinity affects their populations and thus communities. Additionally, inferring salinity stress in individual invertebrates could provide a valuable biomonitoring tool to detect the initial effects of salinity before major ecological changes have occurred. Osmoregulation in larval Chironomidae (Diptera) takes place in the anal papillae and their size is believed to be associated with osmoregulatory stress. In two laboratory experiments and a field survey in southern Victoria, Australia, we determine if the size of the anal papillae of larva chironomids is a useful biomarker of salinity stress. Experiments with Chironomus oppositus showed that the surface area of the anal papillae was similar in larva hatched across 5 egg masses collected from 3 sites but were affected by salinity treatments. Furthermore, the (transformed) ratio of this surface area to the body length of the larva was independent of the size of C. oppositus. However, for Chironomus cloacalis, this surface area differed between larva hatched from egg masses collected from the same site. The expected trend in surface area of the anal papillae relative to the size of larva (Chironomu alternans, C. cloacalis, Dicrotendipes sp., Criptochironomus sp. and Tanypodinae) was not duplicated in the field survey. It would appear that unknown factors, other than salinity, are affecting the size of the anal papillae of chironomids in southern Victoria.  相似文献   

Stand transpiration (E) estimated using the sap‐flux method includes uncertainty induced by variations in sap flux (F) within a tree (i.e. radial and azimuthal variations) and those between trees. Unlike radial variations, azimuthal variations are not particularly systematic (i.e. higher/lower F is not always recorded for a specific direction). Here, we present a theoretical framework to address the question on how to allocate a limited number of sensors to minimize uncertainty in E estimates. Specifically, we compare uncertainty in E estimates for two cases: (1) measuring F for two or more directions to cover azimuthal variations in F and (2) measuring F for one direction to cover between‐tree variations in F. The framework formulates the variation in the probability density function for E (σE) based on F recorded in m different azimuthal directions (e.g. north, east, south and west). This formula allows us to determine the m value that minimizes σE. This study applied the framework to F data recorded for a 55‐year‐old Cryptomeria japonica stand. σE for m = 1 was found to be less than the values for m = 2, 3 and 4. Our results suggest that measuring F for one azimuthal direction provides more reliable E estimates than measuring F for two or more azimuthal directions for this stand, given a limited number of sensors. Application of this framework to other datasets helps us decide how to allocate sensors most effectively. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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