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TheAfricanClimateasPredictedbytheIAPGrid-PointNine-LayerAtmosphericGeneralCirculationModel(IAP-9L-AGCM)ChinekeTheoChidiezie①,...  相似文献   

肖洒  魏敏  邓帅  徐达  张晨琛 《气象》2019,45(7):1001-1008
为使数值模式适应异构架构在高性能计算领域的快速发展趋势,本文基于OpenACC语言,对气候模式BCC_AGCM3.0中动力框架三段程序段进行GPU加速优化试验。通过异步执行设置、循环内移、数据管理及向量参数化配置等方式,对模式中计算密集部分程序段进行GPU加速并行化,并进行了优化运行效率对比及正确性验证。试验结果表明,BCC_AGCM3.0模式中三段程序段GPU加速后效率提升均在3倍以上,BCC_AGCM气候模式全球涡度均方根相对误差控制在一定范围之内。加速方法及策略对于数值天气气候模式在异构环境下的移植与优化具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

Extreme temperature events are simulated by using the Beijing Climate Center Atmospheric General Circulation Model (BCC AGCM) in this paper. The model has been run for 136 yr with the observed external forcing data including solar insolation, greenhouse gases, and monthly sea surface temperature (SST). The daily maximum and minimum temperatures are simulated by the model, and 16 indices representing various extreme temperature events are calculated based on these two variables. The results show that the maximum of daily maximum temperature (TXX), maximum of daily minimum (TNX), minimum of daily maximum (TXN), minimum of daily minimum (TNN), warm days (TX90p), warm nights (TN90p), summer days (SU25), tropical nights (TR20), and warm spell duration index (WSDI) have increasing trends during the 20th century in most regions of the world, while the cold days (TX10p), cold nights (TN10p), and cold spell duration index (CSDI) have decreasing trends. The probability density function (PDF) of warm/cold days/nights for three periods of 1881-1950, 1951- 1978, and 1979-2003 is examined. It is found that before 1950, the cold day/night has the largest probability, while for the period of 1979-2003, it has the smallest probability. In contrast to the decreasing trend of cold days/nights, the PDF of warm days/nights exhibits an opposite trend. In addition, the frost days (FD) and ice days (ID) have decreasing trends, the growing season has lengthened, and the diurnal temperature range is getting smaller during the 20th century. A comparison of the above extreme temperature indices between the model output and NCEP data (taken as observation) for 1948-2000 indicates that the mean values and the trends of the simulated indices are close to the observations, and overall there is a high correlation between the simulated indices and the observations. But the simulated trends of FD, ID, growing season length, and diurnal temperature range are not consistent with the observations and their correlations are low or even negative. This indicates that the model is incapable to simulate these four indices although it has captured most indices of the extreme temperature events.  相似文献   

A semi-operational real time short-term climate prediction system has been developed in the Center of Climate and Environment Prediction Research (CCEPRE), Institute of Atmospheric Physics / Chinese Academy of Sciences. The system consists of the following components: the AGCM and OGCM and their coupling, initial conditions and initialization, practical schemes of anomaly prediction, ensemble prediction and its standard deviation, correction of GCM output, and verification of prediction. The experiences of semi-operational real-time prediction by using this system for six years 1989-1994) and of hindcasting for 1980-1989 are reported. It is shown that in most cases large positive and negative anomalies of summer precipitation resulting in disastrous climate events such as severe flood or drought over East Asia can be well predicted for two seasons in advance, although the quantitatively statistical skill scores are only satisfactory due to the difficulty in correctly predicting the signs of small anomalies. Some methods for removing the systematic errors and introducing corrections to the GCM output arc suggested. The sensitivity of pre-diction to the initial conditions and the problem of ensemble prediction are also discussed in the paper  相似文献   

Modelling the January and July Climate of 9000 Years before Present   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
ModellingtheJanuaryandJulyClimateof9000YearsbeforePresent¥WangHuijun(王会军)(LASG,InstituteofAtmosphericPhysics,ChineseAcademyof...  相似文献   

SeasonalandExtraseasonalPredictionsofSummerMonsoonPrecipitationbyGcms①ZengQingcun(曾庆存),YuanChongguang(袁重光),LiXu(李旭),ZhangRong...  相似文献   

冻土过程在CCM3模式中的气候效应   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
张宇  吕世华  孙菽芬 《高原气象》2004,23(2):192-199
将最新发展的冻土过程参数化方案与NCAR公用气候模式CCM3.6相耦合,考察了冻土过程在气候模式中的效应。模拟结果指出,模式能够较好地模拟出北半球中高纬度和高原地区的多年冻土分布,并且对中高纬地区地面温度及高层大气温度和水汽场的模拟均有较大的改进。同时也为研究气候与冻土相互作用提供了有效的工具。  相似文献   

We test the performance of the shortwave (SW) and longwave (LW) Column Radiation Models (CORAMs) of Chou and collaborators with heterogeneous cloud fields from a single-day global dataset produced by NCAR's Community Atmospheric Model (CAM) with a 2-D Cloud Resolving Model (CRM) installed in each column. The original SW version of the CORAM performs quite well compared to reference Independent Column Approximation (ICA) calculations for boundary fluxes (global error 4 W m−2 for reflected flux), largely due to the success of a combined overlap and cloud scaling parameterization scheme. The absolute magnitude of errors relative to ICA are even smaller (global error 2 W m−2 for outgoing flux) for the LW CORAM which applies similar overlap. The vertical distribution of heating and cooling within the atmosphere is also simulated quite well with daily averaged zonal errors always less than 0.3 K/day for SW and 0.6 K/day for LW heating (cooling) rates. The SW CORAM's performance improves by introducing a scheme that accounts for cloud inhomogeneity based on the Gamma Weighted Two Stream Approximation (GWTSA).These results suggest that previous studies demonstrating the inaccuracy of plane-parallel models may have unfairly focused on worst case scenarios, and that current radiative transfer algorithms in General Circulation Models (GCMs) may be more capable than previously thought in estimating realistic spatial and temporal averages of radiative fluxes, as long as they are provided with correct mean cloud profiles. However, even if the errors of our particular CORAMs are small, they seem to be systematic, and their impact can be fully assessed only with GCM climate simulations.  相似文献   

亚——非季风区非绝热加热与夏季环流关系的诊断研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于热力适应理论,本文利用 NCEP/ NCAR再分析资料对撒哈拉沙漠、青藏高原和孟加拉湾地区的非绝热加热与夏季环流进行了诊断研究。在非洲撒哈拉沙漠地区,以感热输送为主的加热仅局限于近地面层,边界层以上的大气则以辐射冷却占优势。因而除了边界层内存在着浅薄的正涡度和微弱的上升运动以外,整个对流层几乎都维持负涡度并盛行下沉运动。对于青藏高原地区,强大的表面感热通量引起的垂直扩散是近地面大气加热的主要分量,与大尺度上升运动相关的凝结潜热对低层大气的加热也有一定的贡献。长波辐射造成的对流层中、上层大气的冷却则主要由深对流潜热释放来补偿。夏季高原地区总非绝热加热是正值,且最大加热率出现在边界层内。低空大气辐合产生正涡度,而中、高层大气辐散伴有较强的负涡度。因而高原盛行上升运动,最大上升运动位于近地面层。夏季孟加拉湾地区的深对流凝结潜热释放远大于长波辐的冷却作用,因而整个对流层几乎都保持较强的非绝热加热。400hPa层附近的最大加热率引起300-400hPa最强的上升运动。对流层上层是负涡度区,而中、低层为正涡度区。结果还表明,垂直和水平辐散环流与大气的热源和热汇区密切相联:在高层,辐散气流从热源区流向热汇区;在低层则相  相似文献   

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