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Phyllosoma larvae were identified and their distribution was examined, based on the larvae in ichthyoplankton samples collected in the Japanese Eel Expedition to the spawning area of A. japonica in the western North Pacific from August 30 to September 13, 1986 (Leg. 1), and from September 22 to 25, 1986 (Leg. 2), on board the R/V Hakuho-maru. Phyllosoma larvae belonged to 3 families (Scyllaridae, Palinuridae and Synaxidae) representing 6 genera and 14 species. A total of 336 palinurid and synaxid phyllosoma larvae were collected, of which 233 larvae (about 70%) were identical with P. longipes s. l, while a total of 362 scyllarid phyllosoma larvae were collected, of which 274 larvae (about 76%) were identical with S. cultrifer. Phyllosoma larvae of P. longipes s. l and S. cultrifer showed a similar distribution to each other. The larvae were abundant in the water close to Mariana Islands, although late stage examples were abundant in waters of Luzon and eastern Taiwan. Distributions of these larvae may be related intimately with the North Equatorial Current existing along 15°N. The North Equatorial Current approaches the eastern coast of the Philippines and then separates into two branches of northward and southward flows. The northward flow contributes to generating the Kuroshio Current while the southward flow goes to generate the Mindanao Current. Judging from distributions of phyllosoma larvae in the present study, it is assumed that the larvae of the above two species may have been released in Mariana Islands and transported westward from there through the North Equatorial Current. These larvae may then be transported to eastern Taiwanese waters.  相似文献   

Using ichthyoplankton samples collected in the Kuroshio Subgyre during early summer cruises, we examined spatial distributions of scyllarid phyllosoma larvae in the Subgyre, particularly of the genus Scyllarus. The present study has two objectives: (1) to reveal species composition of Scyllarus phyllosoma larvae in the Kuroshio Subgyre, and (2) to examine larval recruitment of Scyllarus species as contrasted with that of Panulirus, particularly P. japonicus, the larval recruitment of which has been examined in detail. A total of 218 phyllosoma larvae collected in the present study belonged to two families (Palinuridae and Scyllaridae) representing 5 genera and 11 species. Phyllosoma larvae of two Scyllarus species (S. cultrifer and Scyllarus sp. c) were abundant among the collected larvae, and were found mainly in the following three regions located within the Kuroshio-Counter Current region south of Kuroshio Current: the water east of Okinawa Is., the water far east of Okinawa Is. (or far south of Shikoku Is.), and the water around Hachijojima Is. Larvae of each of the above two Scyllarus species collected in the three regions may belong to different populations: larvae collected in the water around Hachijojima Is. may come from their benthic populations along the Pacific coast of Honshu and Shikoku Is., central Japan, while larvae collected in the other two regions may come from their benthic populations of the Ryukyu Archipelago and Taiwan. Judging from their shorter larval period and current systems within the Kuroshio Subgyre, these Scyllarus larvae may be destined for death. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Vertical distributions of phyllosoma larvae were examined in waters east of the Philippines or west of the Mariana Islands (18°56′ N to 19°04′ N; 129°10′ E to 129°35′ E) based on zooplankton samples collected with an Isaacs-Kidd Midwater Trawl on September 22–24, 1986. Phyllosoma larvae belonged to the two families Scyllaridae and Palinuridae comprising 4 genera and 9 species. Of the collected phyllosoma larvae, those of Scyllarus cultrifer and Panulirus longipes were most abundant and showed similar vertical distributions: (1) both species were collected from the mixed layer at night but not in the day, (2) their vertical distributions did not change with their stages, and (3) the upper limit of their vertical distributions during the day accorded with the base of mixed layer. Furthermore, their vertical distributions were similar to those of lepthocephalus larvae which were collected using the same sampling stations and gear in the present study. Vertical distributions of phyllosoma larvae were discussed in relation to their horizontal distributions. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The complete series of phyllosoma larval stages of spiny lobster lasus edwardsii are described. Eleven stages are recognised from specimens captured in plankton samples collected along a transect extending 185 km east of Castlepoint, North Island, New Zealand between July 1969 and December 1971. A table of distinguishing characteristics and a key for identification of stages are presented. First stage larvae occur between August and October and last stage larvae about 15 months later. Mortality through the phyllosoma stages is estimated to be 98%. Early stage larvae occur mainly inshore in Southland Current water in the upper 5 m, and later stage larvae occur more frequently offshore in East Cape Current water at 40–60 m depth.  相似文献   

Phyllosomata and nistos of Scyllarus sp. Z taken from plankton around and offshore northern New Zealand and in the Tasman Sea are presumed to be those of S. aoteanus Powell, 1949, the most common Scyllarus species in this area. The full larval and postlarval development of this species are described. Three features are characteristic of Scyllarus sp. Z phyllosomata; a dorsal crest on the cephalic shield, dorsal thoracic spines, and a forked telson in middle stages persisting as two prominent spines outreaching the telson posterior margin in the final stage. Scyllarus sp. Z's closest affinities are with a group of Scyllarus species whose phyllosomata have forked telsons in middle stages and medium to strong posterolateral telson spines in the final stage. The nisto is low in profile but distinctive in its armature. Too few Scyllarus sp. nistos have been described to suggest any group to which that of Scyllarus sp. Z can be assigned. The spatial and temporal distribution of the larvae and postlarvae of Scyllarus sp. Z are also described. Although early larval stages and postlarvae are found close to New Zealand, mid‐ and late‐stage larvae are widely distributed, some well beyond the known latitudinal range of the adults. There is probably an extended egg‐bearing and hatching period as early stage larvae are caught in most months. Variable rates of development of the larvae and/or delayed metamorphosis, are also possible.  相似文献   

Two species of spiny lobsters (marine crayfish) inhabit New Zealand waters: Jasus edwardsii (Hutton, 1875), and J verreauxi (H. Milne Edwards, 1851). J edwardsii, the more common species, is present along most rocky coastlines in New Zealand, but is more abundant in the south‐west of the South Island and at the Chatham Islands. The species apparently reaches its northern limit of distribution at the Three Kings Islands (34°S) and its southern limit at the Auckland Islands (51°S).

J. verreauxi, the less common species, is almost solely restricted in New Zealand waters to the north‐east coast of the North Island. It is uncommon in the west and the south of the North Island, and is rare in the South Island. J. verreauxi apparently reaches its northern limit of distribution at the Kermadec Islands (31°S), and its southern limit near Bluff (47°S) in the South Island.  相似文献   

All species of Jasus inhabit continental or island waters of the Southern Ocean.

The are six species in the J. lalandii group which contains all but one of the known species of Jasus. Within the J. lalandii group two subgroups, each comprising three species, are recognised. Taxonomic variation is discussed and a key for identification presented. For efficient management, administrators should know the geographic limits of species on which fisheries are based.  相似文献   

Fecundity in the New Zealand spiny lobster Jasus edwardsii (Hutton) has been investigated by a detailed examination of 14 selected females “in berry” (i.e. carrying external eggs), ranging in carapace lengths from 9.5 cm to 17.0 cm. The following data were obtained for each specimen: (a) the total weight of eggs carried, (b) the average number of eggs per 1 g sample, and (c) the total number of eggs carried.

A positive correlation was noted between the total weight of eggs carried and increase in carapace length. The total weight of eggs carried ranged from 26.9 g in a small specimen of 9.5 cm C.L., to 123.9 g in a large female of 16.0 cm C.L. No relation was found between the average number of eggs per 1 g sample and increase in carapace length. A low count of 3,541 eggs per 1 g sample was recorded, and a high count of 5,005 eggs. A direct relation was noted between the total number of eggs carried by J edwardsii and increase in carapace length. The number of eggs carried ranged from a low figure of about 124,278 in a small specimen of 9.5 cm C.L., to a high figure of about 538,242 in a large female of 17.0 cm C.L. The rate of increase in fecundity was found to be greater in smaller than in larger females of J. edwardsii  相似文献   

Fecundity in Jasus verreauxi (H. Milne Edwards, 1851) has been studied by a detailed investigation of (a) the total weight of eggs carried by female specimens, (b) the average number of eggs per 1 g sample, and (c) the total number of eggs carried by females. In mid October 1966, 217 females “in berry” (that is, carrying external eggs) were examined and measured at Spirits Bay, New Zealand. The fecundity study is based on the results obtained from 21 selected specimens, with carapace lengths from 15.5 cm to 23.5 cm.

A direct relation was found between the total weight of eggs carried and increase in carapace length. The total weight of eggs carried varied from about 51 g to 238 g for carapace lengths of 15.5 cm to 23.5 cm. No correlation was shown between the average number of eggs per 1 g sample and increase in carapace length. Considerable variation was noted in the number of eggs per 1 g sample, which ranged from a low count of 6,453 eggs to a high count of 8,341 eggs. The total number of eggs carried by female J. verreauxi was found to be related to an increase in carapace length. Furthermore, increase in fecundity per relative carapace length increase was noted to be greater in smaller specimens than in larger specimens. The total number of eggs carried ranged from about 385,000 for a carapace length of 15.5 cm to 1,940,000 for a carapace length of 23.5 cm.

Fecundity, as measured by the total weight of eggs carried and the total number of eggs produced, was found to be much higher in J. verreauxi than in several Jasus species previously studied by other workers.  相似文献   

The carapace length and total length size at first maturity in females of Jasus verreauxi (H. Milne Edwards, 1851) has been investigated by a detailed study of (a) the detection of the smallest size class with external eggs, and (b) the incidence of egg‐carrying females per size‐class interval. For the study 834 females were measured and examined at Spirits Bay, New Zealand, during mid October and late December 1966. The specimens ranged in carapace length from 12.0 cm to 23.9 cm, and in total length from 29.0 cm to 56.9 cm.

The results of the study show clearly that the females reach first maturity at a carapace length or a total length larger than the present minimum legal size, i.e. a carapace length of 10.2 cm (4.02 in.), or a total length of 25.4 cm (10.0 in.). No mature females were found less than 13.5 cm carapace length, or 32.0 cm total length. First maturity was attained by the majority (50% or more) of the J verreauxi females at a carapace length of 15.3 cm or larger, or at a total length of 38.0 cm or larger.

No undersized (smaller than the minimum legal size) females were present in the collections—yet 10.3% of the specimens were found to be immature. Immature females ranged in carapace length from 12.0 cm to 16.9 cm, or in total length from 29.0 cm to 41.9 cm. Being larger than the minimum legal size, all of the immature specimens examined were “harvested"—without having reached first maturity. It appears therefore that the stocks of small, immature female J. verreauxi are not protected by the present New Zealand minimum size regulation.  相似文献   

The spiny lobster Jasus edwardsii (Hutton) supports a thriving new fishery at the Chatham Islands, about 770 km east of New Zealand. Commercial fishing for J. edwardsii started in November 1965, and within 2 years the area became a major centre of New Zealand's large spiny lobster fishery, which earned >NZ$5,000,000 in 1967. Over 12 months (September 1966 to August 1967) landings at the Chatham Islands made up 39.8% of the total New Zealand spiny lobster catch of 16,600,0001b.

In the first year of fishing 2,177,923 lb of spiny lobsters were caught, and in the second 7,129,658lb—a 227% increase. Fishing effort also increased substantially: average number of boats fishing each month rose by 174% in the second year, and the total number of boat‐fishing days by 152%. Most specimens of J. edwardsii caught are large and mature, typical of a virgin stock.  相似文献   

崔冬玲  沙忠利 《海洋科学》2015,39(8):110-115
<正>1鼓虾科简介鼓虾科(Alpheidae)隶属于节肢动物门(Arthropoda)甲壳动物亚门(Crustacea)十足目(Decapoda)真虾下目(Caridea),是一个物种丰富和生态多样性非常高的科[1],至今已建立47属[2],其中仅鼓虾属(Alpheus)就已发现近300种[2-5]。本科中多为穴居或潜伏生活的种类,大部分种生活于热带和亚热带浅海,以印度洋-西太平洋区种类最为丰富[6],少数种生活在寒温带。几乎所有的鼓虾都生活在海底,很少有离开底部  相似文献   

为了搞清中国海域存在的南褐虾(Philocheras)的生物多样性和地理分布,作者通过形态学特征系统研究了中国科学院海洋研究所海洋生物标本馆馆藏的南褐虾标本,此标本主要采自中国海域,也检查了部分采自菲律宾海域的标本。本研究和相关文献的结果表明:中国海域存在的南褐虾共计7种,包括作者描绘的4种以及在其他文献中提到的3种。作者对本次研究的4种南褐虾提供了详细的鉴别特征、地理分布、外部整体图和附肢结构图,并对中国海域存在的7种南褐虾提供了检索表。  相似文献   

Post‐puerulus specimens of Jasus edwardsii (Hutton) have been successfully reared in the laboratory from the puerulus stage for periods of up to 12 months. The spiny lobsters were reared in concrete‐asbestos tanks measuring 2.4m × 37cm × 23cm. The tanks were supplied with a continuous flow of sea water and provided with constant aeration. Empty shells of paua (Haliotis iris Martyn) and rocks from the intertidal zone provided cover within the tanks.

Fresh mussel (Mytilus sp.) was preferred to all other foods tried in feeding experiments. The animals were fed every second day on opened mussels, and occasionally on fresh fish. The juveniles “grazed” actively on the calcareous algae (Corallina officinalis L.) present on the rocks.

The animals were extremely sensitive to pollution. To reduce pollution risks all sediments were removed from each tank, as the interstices between them were found to harbour uneaten food particles. Any uneaten foods were siphoned out every second day and each tank was thoroughly cleaned every six to eight weeks.

From a total of over 3,300 animals collected since November 1965, over 800 are presently being reared in the laboratory and various aspects of their ecology studied. The first step in raising larger adult sizes from juvenile stages in the laboratory is clearly possible.  相似文献   

秘鲁外海茎柔鱼渔场时空分布分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
秘鲁外海茎柔鱼是重要的经济性种类,掌握其渔场时空分布规律有助于资源的合理利用。本文根据2003—2004年和2006—2009年我国鱿钓船在秘鲁外海的生产统计和海洋表面温度(SST)等资料,使用空间距离和聚类分析的方法,对其各年间渔场时空分布进行分析比较。结果表明,各年产量重心的分布都存在一定差异,产量重心在经度上随月份整体上呈现向西移动的趋势,在纬度方向上1~6月整体上呈向北移动的趋势,7~12月则表现出向南移动的趋势。聚类分析表明,2003、2006和2008年;2004、2007和2009年空间分布格局各为一类。空间距离分析表明,2006和2009年产量重心差异最大,其中前者平均产量重心为82°23′W、12°53′S,后者为81°47′W、14°27′S,南北相差约1.5个纬度。研究认为,渔场分布的月间变化是由茎柔鱼南北洄游所引起的,年间渔场分布差异与SST等海洋环境关系密切。  相似文献   

Abstract. The caprellid (Crustacea: Amphipoda) community associated with the alga Cystoseira usneoides (L.) Roberts 1967 was studied on a spatial scale in relation to the influence of environmental factors on the coast of Ceuta (North Africa) using multivariate analyses. Twenty-two stations were sampled and five environmental factors were tested (hydrodynamics, silting, suspended organic matter, organic matter in silt and suspended solids). The spatial distribution of the caprellid community reflected the physico-chemical conditions of the coast. Phtisica marina Slabber 1769 was the only species present at the stations of the harbour of Ceuta, characterised by the lowest values of hydrodynamics and the highest values of silting, suspended organic matter and suspended solids. The most exposed stations (high hydrodynamics and low values of silting, dissolved organic matter and suspension solids) were mainly dominated by Caprella danilevskii Czerniavskii 1868 and C. penantis Leach 1814. These two species have developed a "parallel" posture that enables them to attach strongly to the substratum and thus inhabit areas subjected to heavy exposure or strong currents. Caprella acanthifera Leach 1814 and Pseudoprotella phasma (Montagu 1804) preferred stations characterised by moderate values of silting and suspended solids, such as those located in the coastal areas in front of the city of Ceuta, but these species were not found at the most stressed harbour stations.  相似文献   

This paper deals with Bathynellacea collected by Entomology Division, DSIR, in 1972–73 by pumping water from wells and bores in different parts of New Zealand. Notobathynella longipes sp. n. is described from wells in Motueka (South Island). The distribution of the New Zealand Parabathynellidae is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

The systematics of the endemic New Zealand genus Paranephrops (Family Parastacidae) are re‐examined. Specific characters previously used to separate P. zealandicus and P. setosus are considered to be inadequate, and the two species are merged. The genus, as now proposed, contains only two species: P. planifrons, occupying the Whole of the North Island and northern and western areas of the South Island, and P. zealandicus, occupying eastern and southern parts of the South Island and Stewart Island.  相似文献   

Several specimens of Upogebia issaeffi (Balss, 1913) found on Namhae Island off the southern coast of Korea, where they were collected in the intertidal boulder habitat, are described and illustrated. This species has been reported from Vladivostok, Russia to Kagoshima, Japan, but this is the first reported occurrence in Korean waters. The species, closely related to the common Upogebia major that have been reported to be in Korean waters by Kim (1973), are distinguished by the morphology of the dactylus of the first pereiopod. Specifically, in male U. issaeffi, the dactylus has a longitudinal crest bearing a row of fine transverse striae, two longitudinal rows of granules on the outer side, a row of 12–16 granules and another row of 10–13 oblique ridges on the inner side. However, in females, the dactylus lacks a row of transverse striae but bears a row of rounded granules instead on the upper margin on outer side. Oblique ridges are also present on the inner side, but they are much shorter and less conspicuous than in males.  相似文献   

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