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Basaltic glasses from the three alkalic areas of Iceland (Snaefellsnes Volcanic Zone, Sudurland Volcanic Zone and Vestmannaeyjar Volcanic Area) contain plagioclase, olivine, clinopyroxene, chromian spinel and titanomagnetite as phenocryst phases. The glasses are hypersthene to nepheline normative alkali basaltic with FeO/ MgO ratios between 1.4–4.7. Olivine ranges in composition from Fo90 to Fo55, plagioclase from An90 to An50 and clinopyroxene from En45Fs10Wo45 to En40Fs17Wo43. Clinopyroxene reveals systematic Ti:Al metastable crystallization trends related to the composition of the enclosing glass. Two types of phenocryst are present in most glasses and show a bimodality in size and composition. Microphenocryst phases are those most likely to have crystallized from the enclosing glass, while macrophenocrysts may have crystallized from a liquid of slightly less evolved composition. The glasses show complex phenocryst-glass relations which can be related to a polybaric effect. The normative glass compositions are related to 2-phase cotectic surfaces in the basalt tetrahedron and define the position of the 3-phase cotectic line. In general with increasing FeO/MgO in the glass the phenocryst assemblages vary from clinopyroxene, olivine and plagioclase along a clinopyroxene-olivine surface to olivine and plagioclase along an olivine-plagioclase surface. The normative glass compositions show a deflection from clinopyroxene-bearing to clinopyroxene-free glasses. The appearance of plagioclase together with clinopyroxene and olivine can be explained in the light of experimental investigations of the effect of pressure on phase relations. The major element variation of the glasses is interpreted as representing mantle derived magma batches of primary liquids, modified to some degree by high (6 kbar) and intermediate to low pressure (below 3 kbar) crystal fractionation towards equilibrium phase relations during ascent and residence in crustal magma chambers. The observed deflection in normative compositions of the glasses marks the position of the high pressure 3-phase cotectic line. The bimodality in size and composition of plagioclase and olivine phenocrysts can be related to high pressure crystal fractionation in the melt. The Fe-Ti basalt glasses from Sudurland are believed to be quenched high pressure compositions.  相似文献   

Crystallization of spinel minerals in transitional and alkali basalts from Iceland can be related to the FeO, MgO, TiO2 and Cr contents of the coexisting melt. Chromian spinel occurs in glasses in which TiO2 is less than 2.8 wt.% and the weight ratio FeO/MgO is less than 2.0, whereas titanomagnetite occurs when the same parameters are greater than 4 wt.% and 2.7, respectively. In addition, chromian spinel only occurs in basalts with Cr greater than 200 ppm. It is suggested that chromian spinel crystallizes, together with olivine, from liquids with olivine liquidus temperatures ranging from above 1,200° C to approximately 1,150° C. A discontinuity in spinel crystallization follows until below 1,100° C, where titanomagnetite starts to crystallize. Compositional variations in chromian spinel attached to, or included, in homogeneous olivine phenocrysts, however, cannot be related to equilibrium relations. Textural relations suggest homogeneous nucleation for titanomagnetite, whereas chromian spinel nucleates heterogeneously, dependent on growth of olivine phenocrysts. The composition of chromian spinels cannot in detail be related to physical and compositional parameters of the average melt, but may be related to local compositional relations in the melt adjacent to growing crystals. Such compositional variation around growing olivine crystals may be the prime reason for the non-equilibrium precipitation of included chromian spinels.  相似文献   

Ultramafic inclusions in basaltic rocks from Hawaii   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ultramafic inclusions and the enclosing basaltic rocks were collected from a number of localities in the Hawaiian Islands; these and other specimens were studied by standard pétrographic techniques and with an electron microprobe. Emphasis was on determination of mineral assemblages, mineral compositions, and variations in composition. Sixty-eight inclusions and thirteen basaltic rocks are described, with partial chemical analyses (Ti, Al, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Mg, Ca, Na, K) of olivines, orthopyroxenes, clinopyroxenes, and some feldspars and other minerals. Inclusions range from dunite to anorthosite, and basaltic hosts range from olivine nephelinite to olivine tholeiite. The inclusions are separable into three categories, which correlate with three groups basaltic hosts: Lherzolite inclusions are relatively poor in Fe, and the component minerals have limited ranges of composition. In Hawaii, lherzolite inclusions occur preferentially in extremely undersaturated hosts (olivine nephelinite, nepheline basanite, and ankaratrite). Other varieties of inclusions (dunite, wehrlite, feldspathic peridotite, pyroxenite) are relatively rich in Fe, and the component minerals have wider ranges of composition. These inclusions, together with gabbro, occur preferentially in hosts which are but moderately undersaturated (alkaline olivine basalt, hawaiite, and ankaramite). The sparse inclusions in nearly-saturated basalt (olivine tholeiite) are petrographically distinct from those in the other two categories. These correlations suggest that the inclusions and the enclosing basaltic rocks are genetically related. As the three suites of inclusions differ chemically, mineralogically, physically, and texturally, more than one origin is probable.  相似文献   

Suzanne Y. Wass 《Lithos》1979,12(2):115-132
Geochemical and textural data on clinopyroxenes in individual alkali basaltic flows from provinces in eastern Australia and the Massif Central can be used to differentiate four different modes of origin (three at high pressure) for these clinopyroxenes. Many single flows from the two provinces contain clinopyroxenes of three, or even four, of these origins. Rare flows contain core clinopyroxene with overgrowths of clinopyroxenes of two distinct generation. Each of the overgrowth is compositionally analogous to clinopyroxenes occurring in xenoliths or as discrete crystals in the same host lava. Such rimming relationships provide evidence that the host magma has undergone high pressure crystallisation and confirm that some xenoliths and megacrysts are cognate. With decreasing pressure the major changes in clinopyroxene chemistry are an increase in the ratio Allv/Alvi, a linear increase of atomic proportions of Ti and Al with decreasing Si, and an increase in the Ti: (100 Mg/(Mg + Σ Fe)) ratio of the pyroxenes. Al2O2 wt, % is an unreliable potential geobarometric indicator; consideration of tetrahedral and octahedral site occupancies by Al (Allv/Alvl ratio) is necessary. High-pressure fractionation dominated by clinopyroxene is postulated for some basaltic-composition, resulting in SiO2 depletion, alkali enrichment and decrease in the Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) value of the host magma.  相似文献   

High-alumina basalts and basic andesites, which represent the most “primitive” magma types of the Cenozoic andesitic series of Sardinia, show a spatial chemical zonation with respect to REE. The basaltic rocks from the northern and south-central part of the island have REE patterns typical of calc-alkaline rocks with an enrichment of light REE and fractionation of heavy REE. In contrast, those from the southernmost part have a pattern similar to typical continental tholeiites with only a small light-REE enrichment and unfractionated heavy REE.The present data suggest that basaltic rocks may be formed by anatexis of upper-mantle material with mineral assemblages containing either garnet (calc-alkaline rocks) or spinel (rocks of tholeiitic affinities). The presence of garnet or spinel could merely reflect mineral phase transformation and indicates a different depth of fusion for the various types of basaltic rocks with those of tholeiitic affinities originating at a shallower depth than the calcalkaline rocks. The REE data are consistent with the generation of the basaltic rocks by partial melting of mantle peridotite overlying a subducted plate.  相似文献   

The sulfur isotope composition of tholeiitic basalts, olivine alkali basalts and alkalirich undersaturated basalts were investigated. A method of preparation was devised
  1. for the extraction of the small amounts of sulfur contained in the rock samples (about 100 ppm S),
  2. for the separation of sulfide- and sulfate-sulfur.
Tholeiitic and olivine alkali basalts show a predominance of sulfide-sulfur. Alkali-rich undersaturated basalts show sulfide- and sulfate-sulfur. The oxidation potential of the magma is reflected in the proportions of sulfide- and sulfate-sulfur. Differences in the conditions of oxidation are also the cause of the sulfur isotope fractionation observed. The mean in the isotope composition of the sulfur in the olivine alkali basalts (with the exception of two samples which show extreme deviation) is δ 34S= +1.3 per mil. The values for the olivine alkali basalts are concentrated around this mean in a remarkable way, showing only small deviation for the individual samples. When the tholeiitic basalts deviate from this mean, it is only with a relative enrichment in the 32S isotope. With a pronounced variation of the individual values, the mean for the sulfide-sulfur is δ 34S=?0.3 per mil. The few sulfate values of both types of basalt are without significance for the discussion of their origin. However, this does not apply to the alkali-rich undersaturated basalts. Due to the higher water content, this basaltic magma had a higher oxygen partial pressure which favoured the formation of SO2 and SO 4 2? besides H2S while pressure was released during the ascent of the magma. The sulfur isotope fractionation connected with this oxidation led to a total enrichment of 34S in the rock, (δ 34S for total sulfur: +3.1 per mil) with particular favouring the sulfate (δ 34S=+4.2 per mil). It is accepted that the sulfur of all three types of basalts derives directly from the mantle. The olivine alkali basalts show the least deviation from the mantle value, which, in the place of origin of the basalts from the region investigated, would probably have been δ 34S=+1.3(±0.5) per mil. From this it may be concluded that the olivine alkali basalts — the most frequent type of basalt in this region — had their origin in the partial melting of the mantle without further differentiation. From the sulfur isotope data we concluded that the primary isotope composition of the continental tholeiitic basalts probably corresponds to that of the olivine-alkali basalts, and to that of the mantle. However, due to degasing in the layers near to the surface, some samples lost 34S, which may be related to the formation of SO2 during the release of pressure. There is no positive indication of a differentiation in shallow depths (<15 km — in the sense of Green and Ringwood, 1967). The reason for the obvious isotopic fractionation of the alkali-rich undersaturated basalts may be seen in their higher primary water content. This is a pronounced indication of the origin of this type of magma. Bultitude and Green (1968) proved by experiment, that the formation of alkali-rich undersaturated basaltic magma is possible in the mantle in the presence of water. Only a small amount of water is available for the formation of magma in the mantle. With a water content higher than normal for basalts, only small amounts of magma can be formed, but at lower temperatures this would allow the melting of a larger fraction of mantle material. By reaction with the wall rock, these magmas could be enriched in those components of mantle minerals which have the lowest melting point. This may help to explain their geochemical characteristics.  相似文献   

The existence of interstitial leucite is demonstrated in a number of alkali-basalts and basanites from the tertiary and quaternary volcanic province of central France. This leucite occurs in nepheline-normative, K2O-rich basaltic rocks. Available experimental data show that the assemblage nepheliness+leucitess+ alkali feldsparss would be a frequent one, and our observations tend to support the view that it is indeed common in basaltic rocks of appropriate composition.  相似文献   

The Vikings and other settlers of Iceland immigrated during the 10th century not only for political reasons but also because they were seeking more spacious lands and thus a better standard of living. They found what they were searching for, and they and their descendants for some hundreds of years did live a relatively prosperous life. Eventually in the 15th century they suffered a series of setbacks. Poor living conditions were nothing unusual for the Icelanders in late medieval Europe, but this coupled with both the cool climate and the lack of timber for housing and heating, and for boat and shipbuilding made their lot an especially hard one. The 18th century was the darkest one in Icelandic history, and those acquainted with the problems doubted that the little nation could survive. But then, beginning in the 19th century and rapidly increasing in the 20th century, the urban evolution came about and brought with it a measure of progress. As a result, most Icelanders now live in towns, with over fifty percent living in Reykjavik and its environs. The effects of rural migration is one problem that persists in spite of the fact that the average income is now similar in most areas.  相似文献   

玄武质岩石的单颗粒锆石U-Pb年龄谱   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
报道了托云、东浮山、羊角、雪花山和山旺5处新生代玄武岩的SHRIMP锆石U-Pb测年结果。位于西南天山造山带的托云新生代玄武岩的14个测点年龄值十分发散,最大值与最小值分别为857.1和203.4Ma,它们与其余4件玄武岩样品49个SHRIMP锆石测点年龄一同构筑了涵盖各个地质时期几乎贯穿整个地质时间的复杂年龄谱。位于华北克拉通中部区域南太行山造山带的东浮山、羊角和雪花山新生代玄武岩3件样品累计36个锆石测点形成的锆石年龄谱相对简单,其中35个测点的年龄集中在1719.9~2641.6Ma,唯一的古生代年龄(311.3Ma)出现在雪花山玄武岩7.1测点。位于华北克拉通东部裂谷带内山旺玄武岩6件样品27个测点的单颗粒锆石年龄构筑的锆石年龄谱形成3个集中时间段,分别为新太古代—古元古代(2595.4~1852.2Ma)、古生代(385.8~271.1Ma)和中生代(109.4Ma)。3个年龄谱中大部分单颗粒锆石U-Pb年龄均能在各自所处区域内发现与之对应的岩浆-热事件,部分单颗粒锆石年龄可能暗示所在区域至今未发现的岩浆热事件,托云、东浮山-羊角-雪花山、山旺新生代玄武岩的复杂单颗粒锆石年龄谱再造了各自所处区域的地质演化史。3个锆石年龄谱的复杂程度与各自区域地表出露岩浆岩的规模和期次复杂程度相关,天山造山带内岩浆岩发育,托云玄武岩锆石年龄普最复杂,记录了天山造山带的演化,而华北克拉通中部区域南太行山造山带地表零星出露岩浆岩,东浮山-羊角-雪花山玄武岩的锆石年龄普最简单。处于后期遭受破坏改造的华北克拉通东部裂谷带内的山旺玄武岩的单颗粒锆石年龄谱,其复杂程度明显低于托云玄武岩的年龄谱,而又高于东浮山-羊角-雪花山玄武岩的年龄谱。鉴于玄武质岩浆同化混染围岩过程中能量消耗和地球化学印记以及玄武质岩浆上升的耗时限制,认为托云、东浮山、羊角、雪花山和山旺新生代玄武岩中具有复杂年龄信息的锆石捕掳晶不是玄武质岩浆在快速上升过程中从围岩中捕获的,而是在岩石圈拆沉过程中进入软流圈地幔中,随着具原生岩浆性质的玄武质岩浆喷发到达地表。  相似文献   

Summary One hundred and fifty samples of recent Na-alkalic lavas from the south-eastern flank of Mt. Etna, dating from about 5,000 years B.P. to 1886 were analyzed. They grade in time from more acid to more basic lavas, and show an overall range of variation much larger toward the more felsic end than previously known. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the least differentiated samples show LREE enrichment and HREE depletion; trace element compositions suggest that Etnean products are similar to WPB, with a weak CAB signature. Sr-isotope ratios ranging from 0.70332 to 0.70355, vary even within samples from the same eruption, and generally tend to increase with time in historic lavas.Our data suggest that processes other than simple crystal fractionation are, in part, responsible for the variation of the analyzed sequence. In fact, RTF processes with successive influxes of mafic melts, each having distinct, slightly different geochemical and isotopic features, into reservoirs of variously differentiated magmas, may explain the overall observed data.The source region for Recent Mongibello lavas is located in the mantle, isotopically zoned, and Rb-depleted with respect to the Bulk Earth composition. Model and experimental data conform well with a low degree (< 5%) modal melting of a garnet Iherzolite source, depleted by an earlier melting event with respect to primitive mantle composition.
Herkunft und Differentiation von rezenten basaltischen Magmen des Berges Ätna
Zusammenfassung Es wurden 150 Proben von rezenten, Na-alkalischen Laven von der Südflanke des Ätna, die mit 5000 Jahren vor Christus bis 1886 datieren, analysiert. Die Laven zeigen mit der Zeit einen graduellen Übergang von sauer zu zunehmend basisch und weisen generell eine größere Variationsbreite in Richtung sauer auf als bisher angenommen. Chondrit-normalisierte REE Verteilungskurven der am geringsten differentierten Proben zeigen LREE Anreicherung und eine Verarmung der HREE. Die Spurenelement-Zusammensetzungen deuten an, daß die Ätna-Produkte Ähnlichkeit mit WPB mit einer schwachen CAB-Signatur aufweisen. Die Sr-Isotopenverhältnisse reichen von 0.70332 bis 0.70355, variieren sogar innerhalb Proben aus ein und derselben Eruption und tendieren generell zu ansteigenden Werten mit der Zeit.Unsere Daten weisen darauf hin, daß andere Prozesse als einfache Kristallfraktionierung, zumindest teilweise, für die Variation der analysierten Sequenz verantwortlich sind. In der Tat können RTF Prozesse mit sukzessiver Zufuhr von mafischen Schmelzen, jede mit leicht unterschiedlicher Geochemie und definierten Isotopenverhältnissen, in Reservoirs von unterschiedlich differentiierten Magmen, die vorliegenden Daten erklären.Die Herkunftsregion der rezenten Mongibello Laven ist im Mantel angesiedelt, der bezüglich der Isotopenzusammensetzung zoniert und, verglichen mit der Erdzusammensetzung, an Rb verarmt ist. Die Modell- und experimentellen Daten stehen in guter Übereinstimmung mit einem niedrigen Grad ( < 5%) der Aufschmelzung eines Granat-Lherzolites als Ausgangsmaterial, das, im Vergleich zum primitiven Mantel, durch einen früheren Aufschmelzungsvorgang verarmt ist.

With 9 Figures  相似文献   

A detailed study of the chemical composition of the groundwater surrounding the Mt. Hekla volcano in south Iceland was performed to assess fluid evolution and toxic metal mobility during CO2-rich fluid basalt interaction. These fluids provide a natural analogue for evaluating the consequences of CO2 sequestration in basalt. The concentration of dissolved inorganic C in these groundwaters decreases from 3.88 to 0.746 mmol/kg with increasing basalt dissolution while the pH increases from 6.9 to 9.2. This observation provides direct evidence of the potential for basalt dissolution to sequester CO2. Reaction path calculations suggest that dolomite and calcite precipitation is largely responsible for this drop in groundwater dissolved C concentration. The concentrations of toxic metal(loid)s in the waters are low, for example the maximum measured concentrations of Cd, As and Pb were 0.09, 22.8 and 0.06 nmol/kg, respectively. Reaction path modelling indicates that although many toxic metals may be initially liberated by the dissolution of basalt by acidic CO2-rich solutions, these metals are reincorporated into solid phases as the groundwaters are neutralized by continued basalt dissolution. The identity of the secondary toxic metal bearing phases depends on the metal. For example, calculations suggest that Sr and Ba are incorporated into carbonates, while Pb, Zn and Cd are incorporated into Fe (oxy)hydroxide phases.  相似文献   

Mineralogy and Petrology - Tachylytes from rift-related volcanic rocks were recognized as: (i) irregular veinlets in host alkaline lava flows of the Kozákov volcano, Czech Republic, (ii)...  相似文献   

长白山上新世以来玄武岩成分演变规律及其成因   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
郭文峰  刘嘉麒  郭正府 《岩石学报》2014,30(12):3595-3611
火山岩成分的多样性是岩浆物理和化学过程在其产生、运移、存储和喷发过程中的综合反映。长白山火山区自上新世以来喷发了大量的玄武质火山岩,其成分变化范围较大(Mg O 3.2%~7.8%)。以往研究认为其成分的变化主要受地幔不均一、部分熔融程度和分离结晶的影响,没有明显地壳混染。本研究发现这些玄武岩经历了不同程度的上、下地壳的混染。同时,结合火山岩的年龄发现玄武岩地球化学成分和同位素比值随时间呈现脉动式的变化。根据87Sr/86Sr和Mg O的突变点可以分为3段:5~2Ma,2~1Ma,1~0Ma。通过定性和定量的模拟发现地幔不均一性和部分熔融程度差异造成玄武岩成分的变化有限,而分离结晶、地壳混染和岩浆补给的岩浆作用是形成玄武岩成分随时间脉动变化的主要原因。并结合能量约束-补给-混染-分离结晶算法(ECRAFC)模拟得出以下结论:天池和望天鹅喷发中心的玄武质岩浆最初都存储于同一下地壳岩浆房,可能由于上地壳构造差异导致岩浆迁移路径和存储区不同;长白山岩浆房迁移有从5~2Ma阶段由下地壳向上地壳逐渐变浅,2~1Ma阶段由上地壳向下地壳快速变深的规律,而1~0Ma阶段的玄武岩由岩浆从下地壳直接快速喷出地表形成;长白山玄武质岩浆的活动与本区的构造断裂活动密切的关系,5Ma以来,火山岩成分随时间的周期性波动可能与本区构造应力的周期性的强拉张-弱拉张过程有关。  相似文献   

The earliest (Miocene) plateau basalts of northwest Iceland form an olivine tholeiite series with elevated contents of Ti, K, P, Rb, Ba and Sr. They are closely similar to ‘plume’ tholeiites of the Faeroes (Paleocene-Eocene) and the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland (Recent) and confirm the Miocene renaissance in northeast Atlantic plume activity previously suggested on geophysical grounds.It is argued that the elevated contents of Ti, K, etc., are due to the ascent in a plume column of high pressure alkalic magmas and their re-equilibration to low pressure olivine tholeiites largely by additional melting at 10–20 km depth and 1150–1300°C.The 1800 m northwest Iceland sequence lacks stratigraphic variation suggesting random extraction from an extensive melt region with a nearly stable range of P-T-chemical conditions.  相似文献   

250 analyses of garnets in metamorphic pelitic, arkosic, and pyroclastic rocks from the Stavanger area have been made by means of a microprobe (ARL-EMX). The relations between chemistry and metamorphic grade are discussed. The dependence of the Mn content upon temperature, pressure, chemistry of the parent rocks and oxygen fugacity is a very sophisticated one.It is shown that the Mn content of the garnets depends on the oxygen fugacity of the system and that the oxygen fugacity is strongly linked to the behaviour of graphite during increasing metamorphism.Examples described by Miyashiro (1953) and Engel and Engel (1960) are in agreement with the model presented here.Some observations show an influence of primary sedimentary enrichments of manganese upon the first occurrence of garnets in the course of metamorphism.  相似文献   

西藏东巧蛇绿岩中玄武质岩石成因和构造背景探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛇绿岩记录了大洋裂解、俯冲消减和大陆增生的一系列过程,西藏北部班公湖-怒江缝合带中的蛇绿岩记录了青藏高原的地体拼合和隆升历史。班公湖-怒江缝合带中段的东巧蛇绿岩十分发育,地表出露较好,主要由地幔橄榄岩、堆晶杂岩、辉长辉绿岩和玄武岩组成。玄武岩呈多个露头产出,每个露头从十几平方米至数十平方米不等,辉绿岩呈脉状(或岩墙)产在玄武岩中。本文对东巧西出露的玄武岩和辉绿岩开展了详细的野外地质考察和室内岩相学、年代学和地球化学研究分析,探讨了该蛇绿岩的成因以及形成背景。研究表明,辉绿岩和玄武岩属低钾拉斑系列和钙碱性系列。辉绿岩轻稀土含量略高于N-MORB,兼具IAT和N-MORB的特征;玄武岩轻稀土相比重稀土稍富集,具有E-MORB的特征。样品的Nb/U值(30~48)均大于地壳平均值(10)以及(Th/Nb)N值(0.58~0.86)均小于1,表明岩石未遭受地壳混染。辉绿岩和玄武岩3个样品的锆石U-Pb年龄值均显示较大的变化区间,结合前人班怒带蛇绿岩年代学的研究成果,将其分为三组,第一组(156~239Ma)代表蛇绿岩自身的年龄,第二组(37~141Ma)为晚于蛇绿岩形成的年龄段,推测其为后期的岩浆事件成因,第三组(277~2454Ma)为早于蛇绿岩形成的年龄,推测其成因为原始地幔中残留的早期俯冲板片所携带的地壳中的锆石。通过岩石地球化学成分对比研究,认为辉绿岩和玄武岩为弧后盆地玄武岩(BABB)。结合前人地幔橄榄岩的研究,本文认为东巧玄武质岩石形成于俯冲带(SSZ)的弧后盆地扩张时期,并受到俯冲带流体不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

Lichenometry curves were derived for the glacier forelands of Breidamerkurjokull and Skalafellsjökull using measurements of the collective species, Rhizocarpon geographicum , from independently dated surfaces deglaciated during the period since the late-19th century ice maximum episode in the area. The form of the curves appears to be linear. Several methods of predicting the ages of undated surfaces were compared for specific test examples, including single lichenometry curves, families of curves and multiple curves based on randomly selected largest lichens. The last method provided a useful means of assessing the reproducibility of predicted ages. Where substrate conditions were highly variable, a lichenometry curve based on single largest lichens provided a preferred result.  相似文献   

Arsenic is a carcinogen known for its acute toxicity to organisms.Geothermal waters are commonly high in arsenic,as shown at the Bjarnarflag Power Plant,Iceland(~224 μg/kg of solvent).Development of geothermal energy requires adequate disposal of arsenic-rich waters into groundwater/geothermal systems.The outcome of arsenic transport models that assess the effect of geothermal effluent on the environment and ecosystems may be influenced by the sensitivity of hydraulic parameters.However,previous such studies in Iceland do not consider the sensitivity of hydraulic parameters and thereby the interpretations remain unreliable.Here we used the Lake Myvatn basaltic aquifer system as a case study to identify the sensitive hydraulic parameters and assess their role in arsenic transport.We develop a one-dimensional reactive transport model(PHREEQC ver.2.),using geochemical data from Bjarnarflag,Iceland.In our model,arsenite(H_3 ASO_3)was predicted to be the dominant species of inorganic arsenic in both groundwater and geothermal water.Dilution reduced arsenic concentration below~5 μg/kg.Adsorption reduced the residual contamination below~0.4μg/kg at 250 m along transect.Based on our modelling,we found volumetric input to be the most sensitive parameter in the model.In addition,the adsorption strength of basaltic glass was such that the physical hydrogeological parameters,namely:groundwater velocity and longitudinal dispersivity had little influence on the concentration profile.  相似文献   

Hydrogrossular replacement of plagioclase in basaltic rocks enclosed in serpentinite, and relationships between hydrogrossular, pumpellyite, vesuvianite are described. Rogingitic rocks are dominated by mixed layer chlorite-smectite, chlorite, pumpellyite, hydrogrossular and vesuvianite. In these rocks pumpellyite attains maximal Mg contents, and chemical analysis shows extreme removal of Na2O, K2O, TiO2 and SiO2 from the basalts, and increase in the Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio. Leaching during serpentinization by extremely alkaline solutions dominated by Ca-Mg(OH) may explain removal of components, but the oxidation may suggest that at an earlier stage dykes may have acted as input aquifers.  相似文献   

The Niutoushan basaltic cone, consisting of subalkali (quartz-tholeiite and olivine-tholeiite) and alkali basalts, is Late Tertiary in age. Its major characteristics are generalized as follows:
  1. Both early subalkali and late alkali bali basalts are formed under the same geological environment.
  2. The continuity in chemical composition from subalkali to alkali and the low FeO/MgO in alkali basalts show that they are the products of cognate magmatic differentiation.
  3. The change from low REE abundance and weak enrichment of LREE in subalkali to high REE abundance and strong enrichment of LREE in alkali basalts indicates obvious REE enrichment and fractionation during magmatic differentiation. Weak positive Eu anomalies in the REE patterns are indicative of their formation under low oxygen fugacity conditions.
  4. According to the calculated values, 70–75% of the primary olivine tholeiitic magma had been separated as subalkaline basaltic magma, the rest residual magma became alkaline basaltic magma. This result is consistent to the field observation that the outcrop area of subalkali basalts is four times as much as that of alkali basalts.
  5. The basaltic rocks of Niutoushan show an S-type distribution straddling the thermal barrier on Ol′-Ne′-Qu′ diagram and an evolution tendency for Ne to increase with increasing FeO/MgO. This is in agreement with the melting experimental data on olivine basalts at 10–20 kb.
  6. Mantle-derived inclusions (spinel lherzolite) in this area occur in both alkali olivine basalts and olivine tholeiites. The latter is of extremely rare occurrence. The formation temperature and pressure of the inclusions in alkalibasalts and olivine tholeiites have been calculated. The results show that the alkaline basaltic magma was separated from the subalkaline basaltic magma at about 20 kb.
Basaltic rocks in Niutoushan were formed through the so-called “high pressure differentiation”, that is, at about 20 kb the crystallization of clinopyroxene and orthpyroxene resulted in the separation of subalkaline basaltic magma from the primary olivine tholeiitic magma, and then the residue gradually became alkaline olivine basaltic magma.  相似文献   

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