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Benthic communities colonizing two different typologies of artificial structures, Tecnoreef® pyramids (PY), and plinth modules (PL), differing for material and shape, were investigated for three years after their deployment on a soft bottom offshore Pedaso (Western Adriatic Sea). The aims were to describe the colonization patterns of benthic assemblages on the two artificial modules, to highlight possible differences between them and to detect the effectiveness of the artificial reef on the ecosystem functioning.The composition of the benthic communities settled on the two types of artificial substrates was different especially just after the reef deployment. Abundance and species richness were higher on PL in the first two years, while an explosion of individuals characterized PY in the third year. This suggested a delay of about one year in the colonization processes on PY likely due to the material and shape. The community settled of the artificial structures was dominated by hard-substrate species which are commonly absent in the natural environment. The occurrence of these organisms enriched the local soft-bottom communities and contributed to habitat diversification. This, together with the importance of these species in the diet of a few reef-dwelling fish, confirms the trophic role and the ecological importance of artificial reefs in areas characterized by soft seabed.  相似文献   

Green-lipped mussels (Perna canaliculus) formed extensive reefs on soft sediments in sheltered embayments around northern New Zealand until overfishing and/or increased sediment input caused their virtual disappearance by 1980. To determine the role of mussel reefs as habitat for other animals, we located remnant soft-sediment reefs in five locations and compared the density, biomass, productivity and composition of mobile macroinvertebrate communities, and the density of small fishes associated with mussels, with fauna in the surrounding soft sediments. The mussel reefs had a distinct assemblage of macroinvertebrates, which had 3.5 times the density, 3.4 times the biomass and 3.5 times the productivity of surrounding areas. The density of small fishes was 13.7 times higher than in surrounding areas. These results show that soft-sediment mussel reefs support an abundant and productive fauna, highlighting the probable large loss of productivity associated with the historical decline in mussel habitat and the consequent desirability of restoration efforts.  相似文献   

The establishment of multibeam echosounders (MBES) as a mainstream tool in ocean mapping has facilitated integrative approaches towards nautical charting, benthic habitat mapping, and seafloor geotechnical surveys. The bathymetric and backscatter information generated by MBES enables marine scientists to present highly accurate bathymetric data with a spatial resolution closely matching that of terrestrial mapping, and can generate customized thematic seafloor maps to meet multiple ocean management needs. However, when a variety of MBES systems are used, the creation of objective habitat maps can be hindered by the lack of backscatter calibration, due for example, to system-specific settings, yielding relative rather than absolute values. Here, we describe an approach using object-based image analysis to combine 4 non-overlapping and uncalibrated (backscatter) MBES coverages to form a seamless habitat map on St. Anns Bank (Atlantic Canada), a marine protected area hosting a diversity of benthic habitats. The benthoscape map was produced by analysing each coverage independently with supervised classification (k-nearest neighbor) of image-objects based on a common suite of 7 benthoscapes (determined with 4214 ground-truthing photographs at 61 stations, and characterized with backscatter, bathymetry, and bathymetric position index). Manual re-classification based on uncertainty in membership values to individual classes—especially at the boundaries between coverages—was used to build the final benthoscape map. Given the costs and scarcity of MBES surveys in offshore marine ecosystems—particularly in large ecosystems in need of adequate conservation strategies, such as in Canadian waters—developing approaches to synthesize multiple datasets to meet management needs is warranted.  相似文献   

Pre-weighed packets of Spartina alterniflora and of plastic (polypropylene) twine were placed in a salt marsh pool and recovered on 40 dates spanning 14 months. New packets were placed out regularly to provide a contrast with ageing material. Twelve species of copepods were extracted, counted, and identified. Dry weight and Kjeldahl-nitrogen were determined for Spartina packets.Eight species of copepods, Amphiascus pallidus, Onychocamptus mohammed, Cletocamptus deitersei, Halicyclops sp., Harpacticus chelifer, Mesochra lilljeborgii, Metis jousseaumei and Nitocra sp. were found in higher densities on old grass or plastic packets than on new. The quantity of material was important in that the relative attractiveness of old grass was much lower early in the second year when 7–15% dw and 0·7% nitrogen remained than early in the first year when over 60% dw and 2·0% nitrogen remained. Old plastic polypropylene was equally or more attractive than old grass to 7 of 8 species, therefore, nitrogen decline in old grass was not the factor making it less attractive. Once aged, the quantity of substrate was more important than its quality. Apparently, this is due to colonization by microflora or settlement of detritus but these were not studied. The four clear exceptions to these trends were Darcythompsonia fairliensis and Eurytemora affinis which showed highest densities 72% and 50% of the time in new grass, Apocyclops spartinus with 70% in grass and equal numbers between old and new packets and Acartia tonsa a bay calanoid with 82% of highest densities in the water column and only two occurrences out of 40 dates in the packets.  相似文献   

Xenophyophores are a group of exclusively deep-sea agglutinating rhizarian protozoans, at least some of which are foraminifera. They are an important constituent of the deep-sea megafauna that are sometimes found in sufficient abundance to act as a significant source of habitat structure for meiofaunal and macrofaunal organisms. This study utilised maximum entropy modelling (Maxent) and a high-resolution environmental database to explore the environmental factors controlling the presence of Xenophyophorea and two frequently sampled xenophyophore species that are taxonomically stable: Syringammina fragilissima and Stannophyllum zonarium. These factors were also used to predict the global distribution of each taxon. Areas of high habitat suitability for xenophyophores were highlighted throughout the world׳s oceans, including in a large number of areas yet to be suitably sampled, but the Northeast and Southeast Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, the Red Sea and deep-water regions of the Malay Archipelago represented particular hotspots. The two species investigated showed more specific habitat requirements when compared to the model encompassing all xenophyophore records, perhaps in part due to the smaller number and relatively more clustered nature of the presence records available for modelling at present. The environmental variables depth, oxygen parameters, nitrate concentration, carbon-chemistry parameters and temperature were of greatest importance in determining xenophyophore distributions, but, somewhat surprisingly, hydrodynamic parameters were consistently shown to have low importance, possibly due to the paucity of well-resolved global hydrodynamic datasets. The results of this study (and others of a similar type) have the potential to guide further sample collection, environmental policy, and spatial planning of marine protected areas and industrial activities that impact the seafloor, particularly those that overlap with aggregations of these conspicuously large single-celled eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The oxygen consumption rates and activities of key metabolic enzymes were measured and analyzed as a function of habitat depth for several species of benthic octopod (Cephalopoda: Octopoda) including a recently described hydrothermal vent endemic species. Oxygen consumption rates and citrate synthase activity, an indicator of aerobic metabolic potential, did not vary significantly with increasing habitat depth. Anaerobic metabolic potential, as evidenced by octopine dehydrogenase activity, declined significantly with increasing habitat depth. It is suggested that burst swimming abilities, and hence glycolytic potential, are not strongly selected for in the deep-sea, where visual predator-prey interactions are reduced because of light-limitation. Oxygen consumption rates for Octopus californicus and O. bimaculoides were analyzed as a function of oxygen partial pressure as well. O. californicus, which lives in the hypoxic Santa Barbara basin at 500 m depth, was able to regulate its oxygen consumption to the limit of detectable oxygen partial pressures. O. bimaculoides, an intertidal species, had a minimum critical oxygen partial pressure of 16 mmHg. It is also shown that oxygen consumption rates and oxygen consumption regulation are strongly affected by individual experiment duration (either handling stress or food deprivation). O. californicus appears to be much more strongly affected by experiment duration than is O. bimaculoides.  相似文献   

Most artificial reef (AR) studies have examined the early colonization stages of benthic communities, while only a few have monitored the development of AR communities beyond the initial successional phases and evaluated the time scale needed for such development. In addition, despite the proliferation of AR studies, comparative studies between artificial and natural reefs (NRs) are scarce. We present here the monitoring results of initial (1-2 year) and progressed (10 year) stages of the developing benthic communities of a purpose-planned AR submerged at Eilat, Israel (Red Sea), and compare them to its adjacent NR. Visual surveys of macro-invertebrates were conducted on the initial stages and coral communities were characterized at the progressed stage, using belt transects. The results demonstrate a distinct shift in species composition of the AR communities along the monitoring periods: from a soft coral dominated community, comprised mainly of Dendronephthya hemprichi, in initial developmental stages of up to two years post-deployment, to a community dominated by the sponge Crella cyatophora at year 10. Distinct differences in coral species count, living cover and diversity were found between the AR and its neighboring NR. We estimate the time frame required to develop a progressed diverse AR community to be well over a decade, even in tropical ecosystems. The factors shaping the species composition of purpose-designed ARs in a coral reef environment, including structural design, spatial orientation, depth and age, are discussed.  相似文献   

As an important part of the Bohai economic rim, the Laizhou Bay has been stressed by serious eco-environmental problems in recent years. In this study, the Shannon-Wiener index(H′), AZTI's marine biotic index(AMBI) and the multivariate AMBI(M-AMBI) were used to assess the ecological quality status(EQS) of the Laizhou Bay according to macrobenthos data collected annually in August 2011–2014. The results showed that the overall benthic habitat quality in the Laizhou Bay was assessed as "Good". However, 25% of the samples were classified as"Moderate", "Bad" or "Poor" status under degraded conditions. Ecological group Ⅲ(EGⅢ) species which had a certain tolerance to environmental disturbances had a higher proportion in each station, and most of them had appeared the pollution indicator species Capitella capitata. This indicated that the benthic habitat in the Laizhou Bay had been disturbed and polluted to some extent. The comparison of the three indices evaluation result and the RDA analysis showed that the H′ and M-AMBI were more suitable when the relative abundance of the single species was high and the macrobenthic community was significantly imbalanced; when the relative abundance of opportunistic species(EGIV and EGV) was high, the AMBI and M-AMBI could reflected the EQS objectively; in an undisturbed and polluted environment, all the three indices could indicate the benthic habitats quality. In summary, the better correlation between the three indices and environmental factors showed that they were well responsive to the tendency of the benthic habitats quality in the Laizhou Bay.  相似文献   

Modern benthic foraminifera are important remineralizers of organic matter and a link between surface-ocean production and life in the deep sea. Assemblages of benthic foraminifera are preserved in the fossil record, providing clues to paleoceanographic conditions. These clues can be fully interpreted only when our knowledge of the biology and ecology of modern species is more complete. To study factors influencing foraminiferal colonization rates, artificial substrates were placed on Cross Seamount (18°40′N, 158°17′W) for 1 to 42 months between 1989 and 1994. The colonization rates of benthic foraminifera onto different substrates (five mineral types were used) at four water depths (800, 975, 1285 and 2000 m) were determined. Both calcareous and agglutinated foraminifera inhabited these artificial substrates at different rates. Many of the agglutinated forms colonized at a uniform rate through time. The colonization rates of other foraminifera, primarily calcareous forms, were not constant through time, nor could the variability be attributed to the controlled variables (water depth and substrate composition). Instead, these temporal variations in colonization rate corresponded with shifts in surface ocean conditions and export fluxes in the central Pacific. Other ecological observations are also presented, including size- and spatial-distributions.  相似文献   

While natural marine habitats with motion capabilities, e.g., kelps and seaweeds, have been studied alongside their associated fouling communities, little is known of the effect of motion on the communities of floating artificial habitats such as buoys, rafts, and pontoons, particularly in tropical systems. Hydrodynamic features greatly differ between floating and fixed artificial substrata, which in turn affect the structure of their associated communities. This study tested the hypothesis that floating and fixed artificial installations in a tropical reef system (Eilat, Red Sea) would support different benthic communities throughout space and time. Specifically, we examined differences in communities recruited onto settlement plates between floating and fixed installations deployed at three different sites, along a two-year monitoring period. The three sites exhibited distinct differences in species assemblages between the monitoring dates (6, 12, 18 and 24 months post deployment), mainly between the first and the last two dates. The average level of dissimilarity between floating and fixed installations increased over time at all sites. Over 50% of the dissimilarity between the floating and fixed installations resulted from five taxonomic groups i.e., bryozoans, bivalves, barnacles, sponges, including the amount of bare space on the settlement plates. The contribution of these groups to the dissimilarity changed both temporally within each site, and spatially among sites. The observed differences were related to the hydrodynamic characteristics of floating and fixed habitats, interacting with biotic features such as predation, successional processes and seasonality; and abiotic features including small-scale spatial changes, light, and position in the water column.  相似文献   

A benthic index of biotic integrity was developed for use in estuaries of the southeastern USA (Cape Henry, VA; St. Lucie Inlet, FL) using a modification of the method developed by Weisberg et al. (1997. An estuarine benthic index of biotic integrity (B-IBI) for Chesapeake Bay. Estuaries, 20 (1), 149–158). Data from non-degraded stations sampled in 1993 and 1994 were analyzed using classification analysis of species composition to define major habitat types relative to selected physical parameters. Various benthic metrics were then tested on a larger 1994 data set for each major habitat to determine those that discriminated between non-degraded and degraded sites classified on the basis of dissolved oxygen, sediment chemistry, and sediment toxicity results. Scoring criteria for each metric were developed based on the distribution of values at non-degraded sites. Average scores from different combinations of the most sensitive metrics were compared to derive the final index, which integrates the average scores of four metrics (number of taxa, abundance, dominance, and percent sensitive taxa). An independent data set representing sites sampled in 1993 and 1995 was used to validate the index. The final combined index correctly classified 93% of stations province-wide in the developmental data set and 75% of stations in the validation data set. Comparison of the index results with those of individual benthic measures and sediment bioassays from stations sampled in 1993 and 1995 showed that the index detected a higher percentage of samples where bioeffects were expected (based on sediment chemistry) than did any of these other measures individually.  相似文献   

A 42-d flow-through experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of the organo-phosphate pesticide, chlorpyrifos, and microcosm size (small: 144 cm2; large: 400 cm2) on benthic estuarine macroinvertebrate colonization. Nested central and perimeter (outside margin) cores were used to assess animal distribution within microcosms. Fine-grained, organically-rich (approximately 4.0% organic carbon and 20% dry wt) sediments were nominally fortified with chlorpyrifos controls, low (1.0) and high treatments (10.0 μg−1 wet sediment). Large microcosms contained a significantly (p < 0.05) higher average taxa richness (10.9) than small microcosms (8.6) but small microcosms contained a significantly greater average animal density (295.8; numerical abundance adjusted to unit area) than large microcosms (120.5). Density of the polychaete, Neanthes succinea, the amphipod, Corophium acherusicum, and the barnacle, Balanus sp., was significantly greater in small microcosms but density of Ensis minor was significantly greater in large microcosms. In small and large microcosms, respectively, densities averaged significantly greater numbers in perimeter cores (e.g. 203.1 and 75.1) vs central cores (71.9 and 45.4). Average density decreased significantly with increasing chlorpyrifos concentration from controls (326.8), to low (123.8) and high (78.8) treatments. The density decrease was significantly related only to C. acherusicum whose densities decreased from controls (285.8) to low (88.5) and high (43.9) dosed microcosms. Application of an equilibrium partitioning model indicated that density of C. acherusicum was sensitive to an estimated interstitial water concentration of approximately 0.48 μg liter−1. Non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination analyses provided important insights into response patterns not available through ANOVA procedures. A permutation procedure (ANOSIM) detected a significant size effect (p < 0.0001) and a significant effect between controls and low (p < 0.042) and high doses (p < 0.013) but not between low and high chlorpyrifos treatments (p < 0.465). A single species, C. ascherusicum, as in the ANOVA analyses, dominated contributions to community average percent dissimilarity in most combinations of microcosm size and chlorpyrifos treatment effects (range: 8.4–21.9%). Community structure differed significantly in several combinations of microcosm size, core position and chlorpyrifos treatment. Results confirm earlier work that intrinsic design factors influence benthic macroinvertebrate community structure and determine taxa available to pesticide exposure in microcosms.  相似文献   

We investigated the cover, community structure and abiotic environment of nine shipwrecks lying at increasing distance from the Belgian coast. Results indicated that all shipwrecks were strongly dominated by cnidarians in terms of biomass and by amphipods in terms of abundances. Based on their epifaunal composition, three groups of shipwrecks could be determined. Metridium senile dominated a species poor community of the coastal sites. On the same sites, a Tubularia larynx community with a more species-rich assemblage was also developing. The T. larynx community had a lower biomass value (102 g AFDW m−2) and significantly lower species richness compared to the other sites. The coastal sites were characterized by periodic salinity decreases, large seasonal temperature fluctuation, high total suspended matter load and reduced current velocity. Channel water masses influence the offshore sites causing a more stable temperature and salinity environment, less turbid waters and high current speed. Tubularia indivisa dominated this community, with an average biomass of 229 g AFDW m−2. Intermediate sites were also dominated by T. indivisa, but a higher biomass (424 g AFDW m−2) was observed. They showed intermediate results for the abiotic parameters and fast current velocities. Hypotheses for the observed variation in community structures are discussed in the light of the abiotic characterization of the shipwrecks.  相似文献   

This study describes changes in abundance of hyperbenthic zooplankton (including meroplankton) and benthic colonists at the seasonally hypoxic seabed of Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, Canada. We used the Victoria Experimental Network Under the Sea (VENUS) cabled observatory to measure water properties and to sample hyperbenthos with a sediment trap at 97 m from September 2008 to September 2009. Some faunal groups exhibited seasonal reproduction, and abundance peaked during their reproductive periods. These included larvae of the barnacle Balanus crenatus, and the crabs Petrolisthes eriomerus, Oregonia gracilis, and Lophopanopeus bellus bellus. Other groups were most abundant in spring and summer when food and oxygen levels were highest and temperature was lowest. These included cumaceans, the siphonophore Diphyes sp., the bryozoan Triticella pedicellata, and tintinnids. We also collected benthic colonists, predominantly bryozoans and polychaetes, on colonization plates deployed in spring/summer 2008, fall 2008/winter 2009, and spring/summer 2009. The total abundance of colonists and of bryozoans did not vary seasonally or with substrate complexity, whereas polychaetes were more numerous in spring/summer deployments and on a highly complex substrate. Taxon richness of colonists was higher in spring/summer 2008 than in fall 2008/winter 2009, whereas an anoxic episode in spring/summer 2009 reduced richness to similar values with that of fall 2008/winter 2009 levels. Substrate complexity had no effect on richness. Juvenile squat lobsters, digitally imaged in fall 2008/winter 2009, were most numerous when oxygen levels were lowest and potentially excluding larger predators. Our study illustrates how season, food availability, temperature, and oxygen can interact to shape community structure in a seasonally hypoxic habitat.  相似文献   

A semi-quantitative assessment is made of the animals observed in archived videotapes taken from the research submersible Jago, during diamond mining and exploratory surveys off the mouth of the Orange River on the west coast of southern Africa (28°15′S, 29°11′S) in November 1996. The seabed environment is described and nekton associations with substratum features are identified. The area is characterized by heterogeneity to its physical and biological struture. The variety of observed nekton is low, and communities are dominated by goby Sufflogobius bibarbatus, juvenile hake Merluccius spp. and cuttlefish Sepia spp. (on soft substrata), as well as false jacopever Sebastes capensis and kingklip Genypterus capensis (on rocky substrata).  相似文献   

The relationship between acoustic backscatter, sediment characteristics and benthic habitat is examined using high-resolution sidescan sonar data collected at the Loch Linnhe artificial reef site on the west coast of Scotland. The site is typical for the continental shelf of NW Europe, with a mix of seabed environments from muddy to coarse, stony substrata on a 10–100 m length scale. A sidescan sonar mosaic was produced and classified according to derived backscatter parameters (mean, median and standard deviation of the backscatter values) using an unsupervised classification procedure. The accuracy of the final classified map was assessed by comparison with a ground-truthing survey in which the biological habitat was derived from underwater video footage. The sidescan correctly predicted seabed surface characteristics of observed biological habitat with 78% accuracy. A second, and more challenging test of the acoustic data to correctly predict biological habitat was made by comparing it with data from 21 grab sampling stations. These stations were divided into three groups using multivariate statistical techniques based on their backscatter properties. Benthic assemblage structure was found to be significantly distinct between the high and low, and the medium and low backscatter stations. There was a low to moderate but significant correlation between the multivariate patterns of acoustic backscatter, benthic assemblage structure, and particle size distribution. The work shows that even in areas with subtle and gradational changes in substratum, the sidescan was able to predict biological community with an acceptable accuracy.  相似文献   

正方体人工鱼礁流场效应试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘彦  赵云鹏  崔勇  董国海 《海洋工程》2012,30(4):103-108
采用无干扰的粒子图像测速技术(PIV),针对中空型正方体人工鱼礁,选取3个不同的来流速度6.7 cm/s、11.0 cm/s和18.0 cm/s,研究了该模型单体(90°和45°)和组合(平行和垂直)工况时的流场效应。结果显示,单体90°迎流时上升流的规模和强度大于45°迎流,但产生的缓流区和背涡流的规模远小于45°工况。横向组合中单个鱼礁模型产生的流场效应较强于单体工况。纵向组合中,第一个迎流鱼礁在不同间距时内部流速分布和单体时较为相似,间距为1.0L时流速大小与单体最为接近。第二个迎流鱼礁内部基本上未出现回流区域,水平流速较单体时明显减小,但随着间距的增加流速值不断增大。  相似文献   

Artificial reefs are spatially complex habitats and serve as good model systems to study patterns of community succession and the response of epibiota to environmental clines over small spatial scales. Here, we quantified spatial heterogeneity in community composition and diversity of fouling communities across a number of environmental gradients that included water depth, surface orientation of habitats, exposure to currents, and shelter. Assemblage structure was quantified by spatially replicated photo transects on a recently scuttled large navy ship off the East Australian coast, lying in 27 m of water. A rich assemblage of epifauna had colonized the wreck within a year, dominated by barnacles, sponges and bryozoans. Community structure varied significantly over small spatial scales of meters to tens of meters. Depth, surface orientation and exposure were the major environmental drivers. Assemblages were substantially less diverse and abundant on the deepest (23 m near the seafloor) part of the hull with residual antifouling paint, on sheltered surfaces inside the wreck, and on the sediment‐laden horizontal surfaces. Overall, the wrecks’ habitat complexity corresponds with small‐scale heterogeneity in the fouling communities. This study supports the notion that wrecks enhance local diversity and biomass within the habitat mosaic of their location, and habitat complexity may be an important mechanism for this, as demonstrated by the large spatial variability in the assemblages documented here.  相似文献   

In recent years, efforts have increased to develop quantitative, computer-directed methods for segmentation of multibeam (MBES) backscatter data. This study utilises MBES backscatter data acquired at Stanton Banks (UK) and subsequently processed through the QTC-Multiview software environment in a bid to evaluate the program's ability to perform unsupervised classification. Statistical comparison with ground-truth data (grab, stills and video) enabled cross validation of acoustic segmentation and biological assemblages observed at the site. 132 unspecified variables were extracted from user-specified rectangular patches of the backscatter image, reduced to three vectors by PCA, then clustered and classified by the software. Multivariate analyses of ground-truth data were conducted on 75 stills images and 51 grab samples. Video footage coincident with the stills was divided into 30 s segments and coded by dominant substrate and species. Cross tabulation determined the interrelationship between software classifications, multivariate analysis of the biological assemblages and coded video segments. Multiview optimally identified 19 classes using the automated clustering engine. These were revised to 6 habitats a posteriori, using combined analysis of ground-truth data and Multiview data products. These habitats broadly correspond to major physiographic provinces within the region. Multivariate statistical analysis reveals low levels of assemblage similarity (<35%) for samples occurring within Multiview classes, irrespective of the mode of acquisition. Coded video data is more spatially appropriate than the other methods of ground-truthing investigated, although it is less well suited to the extraction of truly quantitative data. Multivariate analysis indicates assemblages within physiographically distinct Multiview classes have a low degree of biological similarity, supporting the notion that abiotic proxies may be contraindicative of benthic assemblage variations. QTC-Multiview performs well as a mechanism for computer-assisted segmentation of MBES backscatter imagery into acoustic provinces; however a degree of caution is required prior to ascribing ecological significance to these classifications.  相似文献   

Habitat complexity strongly influences reef fish community composition. An understanding of the underlying reasons for this relationship is important for evaluating the suitability of artificial reef (AR) habitats as a marine resource management tool. We studied the influence of AR habitat structure on fish assemblage composition off the southern coast of Brazil. We found that reef blocks with greater area and number of holes possessed the greatest fish species richness and abundance. Reef blocks with greater complexity had higher abundance of almost 30% of fish species present. Natural reef (NR) and AR were different in their fish species composition, trophic structure and categories of water column occupancy by fish (spatial categories). Although NR was more diverse and harboured more trophic levels, AR presented the higher abundances and the presence of distinct fish species that underlined their importance at a regional scale. The greater availability of sheltering habitat where hard substrate is scarce, together with their frequent use by economically important species, make AR a useful tool for coastal management when certain ecological conditions are met.  相似文献   

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