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煤镜质组反射率是评价煤阶、区分煤种的重要参数之一,在煤层气勘探与开发、采煤、化工和冶金中有着重要的应用.以往煤阶的评价单纯通过巷道和钻孔取芯的煤样实验室测试分析获得,受取样点有限限制.本文通过6种不同变质程度煤的挥发分和镜质组最大反射率的测试,配合煤样的超声弹性测量,探讨了镜质组最大反射率与地震属性参数-波速、密度和弹性模量之间的相关性.研究发现:煤镜质组最大反射率与地震属性参数均存在较好的线性正相关,其中以密度与纵波速度的相关程度最高.从而为利用煤田地震预测镜质组最大反射率,进而预测煤阶的三维立体分布提供了试验与物理依据.  相似文献   

利用2009~2013年间新疆数字地震台网中12个地震台所记录的34个地震事件的数字地震波形资料,以南天山西段及交汇区作为研究区,采用3段几何衰减模型及Atkinson联合反演方法对地震波形资料进行非弹性衰减研究,得出介质品质因子Q(f)与频率的关系:Q(f)=337f0.577。为验证不同时段的地震事件对Q(f)计算结果是否有影响,将上述研究中2009年发生的前24个事件保持不变,对后10个事件做3次更换研究,分别得到介质品质因子Q(f)与频率的关系:Q(f)=329f0.565;Q(f)=324f0.520;Q(f)=363f0.526。结果表明不同时段内的地震事件对Q(f)值的影响不大,采用Atkinson联合反演方法计算介质品质因子Q(f)较为稳定、可靠。  相似文献   

地震波品质因子Q研究进展综述   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
研究地震波的衰减可以了解岩石的微构造及变化,以及岩石在地下所遇到的环境条件.衰减主要由岩石的微观性质-诸如岩石内部裂纹的密度、分布、构造以及所含流体的相互作用决定的,所以测量地震波的衰减对于了解岩石的物理状态非常重要.本文主要从岩石物理方面阐述了各种衰减机制、品质因子Q的主要影响因素及测量方法;说明了Q作为各种参量(频率、孔隙度、流体含量等)的函数是很有意义的观测量,对Q的测量在实际探测油气中有着重要意义.  相似文献   

区域介质品质因子对地震动参数衰减的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文考虑介质环境表观品质因子,根据美国西部强地震动记录确定了地震动衰减模型中的参数,在不考虑震源机制细节差异的条件下,分析比较了八个地区由于表观品质因子Q值不同导致的地震动加速度傅里叶幅值谱和均方根强度衰减关系的差异。  相似文献   

利用零偏移VSP资料估计介质品质因子方法研究   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
利用峰值频率移动法估算零偏VSP资料的品质因子Q.该方法用Ricker子波和匹配地震子波分别逼近零相位和混合相位的震源子波,得到了峰值频率移动法估计Q值的公式.进而针对常规方法估计的地震子波峰值频率精度不高的问题,提出了估计地震子波峰值频率的特征结构法.通过合成零偏VSP资料的仿真试验,验证了峰值频率移动法估计Q值的正确性.仿真结果表明,与快速Fourier变换和Burg最大熵方法相比较,特征结构法得到的峰值频率和Q值精度高一些.仿真结果也表明,用峰值频率移动法估计Q值时需要选取恰当的子波参数,否则影响Q值估计的精度.  相似文献   

利用叠前CMP资料估计介质品质因子   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出了一种利用叠前CMP道集资料估计介质品质因子的方法,同时提出利用地震道间有效信号的相干性估计层位信息的方法.首先采用具有4个待定系数的函数去逼近震源子波,利用黏弹介质中单程波传播理论推导出地震子波包络峰值处的瞬时频率(EPIF)与不同偏移距处走时的关系;其次利用该关系,外推出该同相轴零偏移距处的EPIF,用小波域包络峰值处瞬时频率法(WEPIF)结合层位信息估计Q值.合成数据的结果表明,EPIFVO法(子波包络峰值瞬时频率随偏移距变化)无边界效应,计算精度相对较高;将该方法用于实际资料算例,结果表明,衰减强弱与储层的吸收有较好的对应关系.  相似文献   

煤岩电阻率是衡量煤岩电性特征最重要的参数之一,是进行煤田电法勘探的物性前提.研究煤岩电阻率,尤其是其各向异性特征具有重要的理论和实践意义.本文通过对8块6种不同变质程度的煤岩电阻率及其各向异性测量发现:煤岩三方向的电阻率均随频率增加下降,且两者呈极好的负指数关系,平均相关系数达0.95以上;煤岩电阻率呈现明显的各向异性,走向与垂向、倾向与垂向之间的电阻率差异显著大于走向与倾向之间的电阻率差异;从褐煤到瘦煤,随着变质程度加深,煤岩电阻率呈上升趋势,但到无烟煤阶段,电阻率急剧下降;煤岩电阻率受湿度影响强烈,饱和水与非饱和水情况下电阻率存在较大差异.  相似文献   

镜质组反射率测试及其所反映的构造应力场   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为了利用煤镜质组反射率推断豫北构造应力场,基于构造应力是造成镜质组反射率各向异性(VRA)的主要控制因素,对在豫北焦作、安阳、鹤壁三个矿区井下取的定向煤样品进行了室内显微镜下反射率测试,对测试数据按有关公式进行计算后就得出了由最大反射率值、中间反射率值、最小反射率值为轴组成的镜质组反射率椭球体(VRI).结果表明,研究区煤样显示二轴晶正光性,它们经过了强烈的构造变形,研究区煤样镜质组反射率各向异性是由构造应力所引起;由镜质组反射率椭球体(VRI)得出的豫北构造应力场与钻探、节理统计、河南省区域构造应力场分析等方法得出的应力场基本上是吻合的,但也有一定的区别,主要体现在应力场到安阳、鹤壁矿区后发生了向左的偏转.总之,利用煤镜质组反射率各向异性推断构造应力场的方法是可行的、是有效的.  相似文献   

成联正  王赟  张川 《地球物理学报》2021,64(9):3344-3357
电法勘探因其成本低、效率高的优势,常被作为寻找页岩气储层的辅助手段.然而,到目前为止,页岩的电性特征,特别是复电阻率各向异性特征,以及其与页岩气储层参数的关系研究甚少,这在一定程度上阻碍了电法勘探在页岩气勘探中的应用.基于此,本文采集了黔东地区几种典型黑色页岩岩样,并测量了 6块黑色页岩在走向、倾向和垂直层理方向的复电...  相似文献   

六种不同变质程度煤的纵横波速度特征及其与密度的关系   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
王赟  许小凯  张玉贵 《地球物理学报》2012,55(11):3754-3761
对采自不同地区和煤矿的六种不同变质程度煤样进行常温常压条件下的超声测量.测量发现:煤的纵波与横波速度均与密度存在良好的线性正相关关系,且沿煤层走向、倾向和垂直煤层层理方向的纵横波速度逐渐降低;走向、倾向和垂向上的纵波速度与同一方向的横波速度也存在良好的线性正相关性;六种煤样三个方向间的速度各向异性一般都大于10%.通过与经典经验公式—Gardner与Castagna公式理论换算值的对比发现:由于煤层的软岩特征,理论换算煤的纵波速度、横波速度与实验室实测值之间存在较大误差.因此,在煤田地震勘探中应使用根据煤的岩石物理测试而形成的关系式.  相似文献   

常温压条件下六种变质程度煤的超声弹性特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
煤弹性是反映煤的物质组分和结构的重要力学特征之一.在钻孔与测井的约束下,运用地震勘探获取煤层的弹性特征以反映其物性等,对于煤炭井工开采和煤层气储层评价及开发具有重要的工程意义,而其中,煤样的超声实验是实现地震反演煤层物性的基础.鉴于此,本文针对中国义马、阜康、淮南、平顶山、鹤壁和焦作6个矿区采集的6种不同变质程度的原煤样30块,在常温常压条件下分别进行了沿煤层走向、倾向及垂直层理三个方向煤样的实验室超声波测量.测试结果显示:煤样纵横波速度在走向、倾向、垂向三个方向上依次减小,存在各向异性,且P波速度的平均各向异性强于S波;品质因子与弹性模量在三个方向上也存在较大差异,且S波的品质因子大于P波的品质因子;弹性模量除泊松比外,均小于一般的沉积岩.通过本实验与分析进一步证明了:Gardener与Castagna公式不适用于中国煤田的煤岩弹性描述,并给出了精度更高的经验公式.  相似文献   

The calibration of the elastic characteristics of deformed coals is essential for seismic inversion of such units, because the prediction of coal deformation is essential for both mining safety and methane production. Therefore, many samples of broken and mylonitic deformed coal were tested with ultrasonic waves in the laboratory. These samples came from four mining areas: the Huainan, Pingdingshan, Hebi and Jiaozuo coal mines, which present five different metamorphic ranks shown as cylinders striking across circular limits of steel. Under normal pressures and temperatures, ultrasonic P- and S-wave tests show that the velocities, quality factors, and elastic moduli of the deformed coals were greatly reduced compared with undeformed coals. Also, some correlation was found between the P- and S-wave velocities in the deformed coals. However, there is no evidence of linear correlations between velocity and density, velocity and quality factor, or the quality factors of P- and S-waves. Compared with the elastic characteristics of undeformed coals, such as P- and S-wave velocity ratios or Poisson’s ratio, those of deformed coals generally decrease and the P-wave quality factors are less than those of S-waves. Moreover, the analysis of the relationship between pore structure and elastic modulus shows a better correlation between the P- and S-wave velocities and effective porosity, pore volume and specific surface area. Also, there are similar relationships between the pore structure and the Young’s and shear moduli. However, there are no such correlations with other moduli. Correlations between these elastic moduli, pore structure, coal rank and density were not found for the various samples of deformed coals, which is consistent with only structural destruction occurring in the deformed coals with other physical properties remaining unchanged. The experimental results show that it is possible to predict the deformation of coals with multi-component seismic elastic inversion.  相似文献   

Attenuation of P,S, and coda waves in Koyna region,India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The attenuation properties of the crust in the Koyna region of the Indian shield have been investigated using 164 seismograms from 37 local earthquakes that occurred in the region. The extended coda normalization method has been used to estimate the quality factors for P waves and S waves , and the single back-scattering model has been used to determine the quality factor for coda waves (Q c). The earthquakes used in the present study have the focal depth in the range of 1–9 km, and the epicentral distance vary from 11 to 55 km. The values of and Q c show a dependence on frequency in the Koyna region. The average frequency dependent relationships (Q = Q 0 f n) estimated for the region are , and . The ratio is found to be greater than one for the frequency range considered here (1.5–18 Hz). This ratio, along with the frequency dependence of quality factors, indicates that scattering is an important factor contributing to the attenuation of body waves in the region. A comparison of Q c and in the present study shows that for frequencies below 4 Hz and for the frequencies greater than 4 Hz. This may be due to the multiple scattering effect of the medium. The outcome of this study is expected to be useful for the estimation of source parameters and near-source simulation of earthquake ground motion, which in turn are required in the seismic hazard assessment of a region.  相似文献   


地震波衰减研究是了解岩石圈构造特征的有效方法.本文基于OBS2016-2测线的海底地震仪(OBS)数据, 首次对南海东北部洋陆过渡区域地震波衰减特征进行研究, 通过正演模拟获得该区域二维纵波衰减(QP)结构.结果表明, 下陆坡的上地壳存在一个宽约40 km, 厚度约为4~5 km的高衰减区, 其特征为低纵波和横波速度(VP为5.5~6.3 km·s-1VS为3.1~3.6 km·s-1)以及较低的波速比(VP/VS为1.72~1.80), 对应较低的QP(280~410), 推测与断裂发育有关, 且受到火山活动的影响.洋陆过渡及洋壳区域的上地壳高衰减区具有低QP(300~400)和高VP/VS(1.90~1.96)特征, 可能对应较多的断裂发育及流体运移.洋陆过渡区域下地壳高速异常体表现为相对低的QP(550~600), 对应较高的VP(7.0~7.8 km·s-1)和VS(3.5~3.8 km·s-1)以及较高的VP/VS(1.85~1.96), 推测与蛇纹石化作用有关.蛇纹石化可能进一步增加岩石的孔隙度并导致更多的流体运移, 使得洋陆过渡及洋壳区域存在较高的地震波衰减.QP结构有助于我们分析南海大陆边缘的地震波衰减特征, 结合VPVS以及VP/VS, 可以更好地了解该区域地质结构和岩石属性, 对进一步挖掘OBS数据信息有重要参考价值.


Propagation through stress-aligned fluid-filled cracks and other inclusions have been claimed to be the cause of azimuthal anisotropy observed in the crust and upper mantle.This paper examines the behavior of seismic waves attenuation caused by the internal structure of rock mass,and in particular,the internal geometry of the distribution of fluid-filled openings Systematic research on the effect of crack parameters,such as crack density,crack aspect ratio(the ratio of crack thickness to crack diameter),pore fluid properties(particularly pore fluid velocity),VP/VS ratio of the matrix material and seismic wave frequency on attenuation anisotropy has been conducted based on Hudson’s crack theory.The result shows that the crack density,aspect ratio,material filler,seismic wave frequency,and P-wave and shear wave velocity in the background of rock mass,and especially frequency has great effect on attenuation curves.Numerical research can help us know the effect of crack parameters and is a good supplement for laboratory modeling.However,attenuation is less well understood because of the great sensitivity of attenuation to details of the internal geometry.Some small changes in the characteristics of pore fluid viscosity,pore fluids containing gas and liquid phases and pore fluids containing clay can each alter attenuation coefficients by orders of magnitude.Some parameters controlling attenuation are therefore necessary to make reasonable estimations,and anisotropic attenuation is worth studying further.  相似文献   

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