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Carbonate precipitates recovered from 2,000 m water depth at the Dolgovskoy Mound (Shatsky Ridge, north eastern Black Sea) were studied using mineralogical, geochemical and lipid biomarker analyses. The carbonates differ in shape from simple pavements to cavernous structures with thick microbial mats attached to their lower side and within cavities. Low δ13C values measured on carbonates (−41 to −32‰ V-PDB) and extracted lipid biomarkers indicate that anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) played a crucial role in precipitating these carbonates. The internal structure of the carbonates is dominated by finely laminated coccolith ooze and homogeneous clay layers, both cemented by micritic high-magnesium calcite (HMC), and pure, botryoidal, yellowish low-magnesium calcite (LMC) grown in direct contact to microbial mats. δ18O measurements suggest that the authigenic HMC precipitated in equilibrium with the Black Sea bottom water while the yellowish LMC rims have been growing in slightly 18O-depleted interstitial water. Although precipitated under significantly different environmental conditions, especially with respect to methane availability, all analysed carbonate samples show lipid patterns that are typical for ANME-1 dominated AOM consortia, in the case of the HMC samples with significant contributions of allochthonous components of marine and terrestrial origin, reflecting the hemipelagic nature of the primary sediment.  相似文献   

The upper Kaimur Group (UKG) of the Vindhyan Supergroup in central India, primarily consists of three rock types-Dhandraul sandstone, Scarp sandstone and Bijaigarh shale. The present study aims to reconstruct the parent rock assemblages, their tectonic provenance, mineralogy, weathering intensity, hydraulic sorting and depositional tectonic setting. Samples from the UKG rocks representing the Dhandraul sandstone, Scarp sandstone and Bijaigarh shale were studied using a combination of petrographic, mineralogical, and geochemical techniques. Texturally, medium to coarse grained UKG sandstones are mature and moderate to well sorted. Deficiency of feldspars in these sandstones indicates that the rocks are extensively recycled from distant sources. Their average modal composition for Scarp (avg. Qt99 F0.2L0.8) and Dhandraul (avg. Qt99 F0.1L0.8) sandstones, classifies them as quartz arenite to sub-litharenite types, which is consistent with geochemical study. Major element concentrations revealed that sandstones have high SiO2, K2O < Na2O, and low Fe2O3, which are supported by the modal data. On the other hand, sandstone samples are enriched in most trace elements such as Ce, Sr, V, Sc and Zr and depleted in U and Th. The CIA values (43.17–76.48) of the UKG rocks indicate low to moderate weathering, either of the original source or during transport before deposition, which may have related to low-relief and humid climatic conditions in the source area. Further, petrographic and geochemical interpretations indicate that they are derived from craton interior to quartzose recycled sedimentary rocks and deposited in a passive continental margin. Therefore, granitic and low grade metamorphic rocks of Mahakoshal Group and Chotanagpur granite-gneiss, situated on the southern and south-eastern side of the Vindhyan basin are suggested as possible provenance for the UKG rocks.  相似文献   

Whole-rock major element chemical analyses of progressively metamorphosed impure carbonate rocks and pelitic schists, collected from the same metamorphic terrain, reveal similarities and differences in the chemical response of these rock types to the metamorphic event. Relative to a constant aluminum reference frame, both schist and carbonate exhibit no detectable change in their contents of Fe, Mg, Ti, Si, and Ca with change in metamorphic grade. Carbonate rocks become progressively depleted in K and Na with increasing grade of metamorphism, while schists exhibit no statistically significant change in their contents of K and Na. Both rock types become depleted in volatiles (principally CO2 and H2O) with increasing grade.Whole-rock chemical data permit two mechanisms for migration of K and Na from the carbonate rocks during metamorphism: (a) diffusion of alkalis from carbonate to adjacent schist; (b) transport of alkalis by through-flowing metamorphic fluid (infiltration). Mineral equilibria in schist and metacarbonate rock from the same outcrops allow calculation of the affinity for cation exchange between the two rock types during metamorphism. Measured affinities indicate that if mass transport of K and Na occurred by diffusion, chemical potential gradients would have driven the alkalis from schist into carbonate rock. Because diffusion cannot produce the observed chemical trends in the metacarbonates, K and Na are believed to have been removed during metamorphism by infiltration.The disparity in chemical behavior between the pelitic schists and metacarbonate rocks may be a result of enhanced fluid flow through the carbonates. The carbonate rocks may have acted as metamorphic aquifers; the greater flow of fluid through them would then have had a correspondingly greater effect on their whole-rock chemistry.  相似文献   

Surface carbonate and land-derived deposits in the sea off southern Chile were investigated for their mineralogical and geochemical composition. The data were related to environmental features and compared with those of similar temperate and polar carbonate deposits from Tasmania, New Zealand, Arctica, and Antarctica. The mineralogy of the siliciclastic fraction is typical of cold areas and is mainly composed of chlorite, mica, quartz, feldspars and amphibole. The CaCO3 content varies from 30 to 90%; carbonate mineralogy is made up of low-Mg calcite, high-Mg calcite and minor amounts of aragonite. The Ca, Mg, Sr, Fe, and Mn contents of bulk carbonates and some selected skeletal hard parts are comparable to those of carbonates from Tasmania. The elemental composition is mainly related to carbonate mineralogy, skeletal components, and seawater conditions. The δ13C and δ18O values of carbonates are positive, and their field falls between the “seafloor diagenesis” and “upwelling water” trend lines, because the sediments are likely to be in equilibrium with waters of Antarctic origin. The mineralogical, elemental, and isotopic compositions of carbonates from southern Chile show better similarities with the “temperate” carbonates from Tasmania and New Zealand than with the “polar” carbonates from Arctica and Antarctica. Carbonate deposition is allowed by the low terrigenous input, the low SPM concentration and, probably, the upwelling of seawater from Antarctica.  相似文献   

Cretaceous to Palaeogene sedimentary series in two long, continously recovered boreholes from the Senegal coastal basin and adjacent Cape Verde deep-sea basin have been compared by mineralogical, geochemical, electron-microscope and microprobe investigations. The transition between the diagenetic influences related to the depth of burial and the palaeoenvironmental influences, identified in the thick coastal-basin successions, is complicated by the tectonic instability of the margin during periods of high subsidence rates and crustal thinning. As the deep-sea basin sediments are only slightly affected by diagenetic changes, the comparison between the deep sea and coastal series allows the relative effects of lithostatic pressure, tectonics and other palaeoenvironmental factors to be evaluated. The disappearance of synsedimentary signatures (tectonics, climate, depositional conditions, etc.) expressed by clay mineralogy occurs below 4.5 km; there are no significant diagenetic changes in sediments at less than 2 km depth. By comparing identical time slices in coastal and deep-sea basins, it is possible to recognize from the clay stratigraphic record the main African detrital sources, the hot and often semi-arid character of the continental climate during the Cretaceous, the existence of minor but extensive stages of tectonic activity (Barremian-late Aptian, late Albian-early Cenomanian), the temporary existence of semi-closed basins on the shelf (Late Cretaceous, early Palaeogene) and the complexity of transport and sedimentation relationships between proximal and distal environments.  相似文献   

Appinites are commonly derived from a mantle source and are potentially significant in constraining the tectonic nature and evolution of ancient orogens, yet they have received little attention because of their limited outcrop. Here we investigate the newly identified appinitic rocks from the Laoniushan complex in the eastern Qinling Orogen. The appinites are composed of coarse-grained hornblendite, medium- and fine-grained hornblende-gabbro, and diorite porphyrite in the field occurrence. Winthin the appinitic rocks, the hornblendite displays features of cumulates. This study presents LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb data, mineral chemistry and whole rock geochemistry of the appinites. Zircons in the mafic to ultramafic rocks yield a U-Pb age of 152 ± 1Ma. The geochemistry of the rocks displays: lower SiO2, higher Fe2O3T and MgO contents, relatively flat chondrite normalized REE patterns with slight enrichment in light REE and a minor negative Eu anomaly; enrichment in large-ion lithophile elements(LILE, e.g. Rb, Ba, Sr and P), and depletion in high field strength elements(HFSE, e.g. Nb, Zr, Hf and Ti). Such geochemical features, together with crust-like bulk Sr-Nd isotopic compositions(initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7057–0.7072, εNd(t) = −17.2 to −9), suggest that the Laoniushan appinites likely originated from an ancient metasomatised mantle, followed by fractional crystallization in the petrogenetic process. The studied appinites were most likely generated in an intracontinental extensional environment in the Late Mesozoic.  相似文献   

Petrographic and geochemical analysis of the Hamra Quartzite reservoir in the southern periphery of the Hassi Messaoud field has been undertaken. The aim is to identify the quality of these sandstones as well as their tectonic setting and possible provenance. Petrographic analysis reveals that the studied reservoir is constituted of fine- to coarse-grained sandstones in which quartz forms the principal framework mineral. The main cement phases identified in this reservoir are quartz, illite, and carbonate, precipitated in that order. The principal diagenetic factors controlling the reservoir quality are quartz overgrowths, formation of authigenic clays, and the precipitation of carbonate cement. The Hamra Quartzite reservoir is considered mature from a compositional point of view as it consists predominantly of quartz arenites. Geochemically, these sandstones have a high SiO2 content (93.28–98.79 wt%). The Hamra Quartzite deposits appear to be derived from deeply weathered (under warm–humid climate conditions) granitic–gneissic terrains or recycled sedimentary source areas. A passive margin origin is the most likely tectonic setting for the depositional environment of these arenites. The reservoir quality is strongly influenced by the relationship between the clay content and mineralogy. The combined effect of quartz overgrowth and the plugging of pores by illite have reduced both porosity and permeability. As a result, economically viable oil production in this area will depend most strongly on the combination of matrix and fracture porosity.  相似文献   

李天斌 《地质通报》2000,19(1):14-19
宁夏天景山—米钵山奥陶纪马家沟组为一套台地碳酸盐岩沉积,米钵山组为一套台地前缘斜坡重力流沉积的碎屑岩夹泥质岩、碳酸盐岩。两组地层碳酸盐岩主要氧化物、微量元素和稀土元素具有明显的时空演化规律,地球化学特征既有独立性,又有相关性,与岩石宏观特征相一致,与沉积环境相关联  相似文献   

Mineralogy and Petrology - Supergene Mg-enriched erythrite, with an average composition (Co2.25Mg0.58Ni0.14Fe0.04Mn0.02 Zn0.02) (As1.97P&lt;0.01O8)·8H2O, accompanied by skutterudite,...  相似文献   

白云石的成因受到地质学界的广泛关注,现今在实验室中能够利用微生物合成高有序度的白云石,但天然白云石的成因与原始沉积环境特征的相关性并未完全揭示。本研究选取鲁西地区馒头组含白云石碳酸盐岩沉积地层为研究对象,通过矿物学、元素地球化学等分析,初步判断该地层白云石成因并重建白云石地层的古沉积环境,探讨了两者之间的关系。结果表明:白云石含量在本套地层中的均值为52.45%。Sr/Cu值(均值为23.59)与Ga/Rb值(均值为0.17)指示其整体表现为炎热干旱的古气候特征。δ13C值(均值为-1.56‰)与δ18O值(均值为-6.68‰)指示本套地层为海相沉积,推测古水温平均为23.5℃,古氧化还原特征表现为弱还原至常氧化的平稳过渡。灰岩地层δ13C值平均为-0.80‰,而白云岩地层δ13C值平均为-6.52‰,存在轻碳的明显富集,结合宏观叠层构造,判断白云石为生物成因。本研究中白云石沉积环境中的古气候、古氧化还原条件、古水温和古生产力特征与白云石发育情况存在明显耦合,为白云石生物成因提供了相关依据与指示意义...  相似文献   

The Kuznetsk Basin volcanic rocks are close in age (from 252.3 ± 0.6 to 246.2 ± 1.4 Ma) to the traps of the West Siberian Plate and Siberian craton, which formed as a result of the Permo-Triassic plume activity. The geologic and petrographic features evidence that the andesitic basalts exposed in the Karakan and Elbak quarries are effusive rocks; most of them are andesitic basalts, and the rest are trachyandesitic basalts. The mineral composition is as follows: olivine Fo59–66, plagioclase An47–60, and clinopyroxene En47–42Fs25–12Wo42–33; Mg# = 82–63. Using the COMAGMAT 3.5 program, the magma crystallization conditions during the andesitic-basalt formation were determined: 1109–1105 ºC, buffer QFM-NNO. The studied rocks are enriched in LREE ((La/Yb)ch = 4.7–7.5) and are depleted in HREE ((Sm/Yb)ch = 2.0–2.8). A specific geochemical feature of the rocks is strong Nb, Ta, Ti, and Eu negative anomalies ((La/Nb)PM = 4.5–1.6, (La/Ta)PM = 3.2–2.0, Eu/Eu? = 0.7) and a positive U anomaly on their normalized element patterns; ?Nd(T) varies from +2.3 to +3.1. The HREE depletion of the Kuznetsk Basin volcanic rock points to the presence of garnet in the mantle source during their generation. The low Mg# indicates that the parental melts are not of the primary-mantle genesis but are probably the product of differentiation in deep-seated intermediate magma chambers.  相似文献   

Aquifer geochemistry was characterized at a field site in the Munshiganj district of Bangladesh where the groundwater is severely contaminated by As. Vertical profiles of aqueous and solid phase parameters were measured in a sandy deep aquifer (depth >150 m) below a thick confining clay (119 to 150 m), a sandy upper aquifer (3.5 to 119 m) above this confining layer, and a surficial clay layer (<3.5 m). In the deep aquifer and near the top of the upper aquifer, aqueous As levels are low (<10 μg/L), but aqueous As approaches a maximum of 640 μg/L at a depth of 30 to 40 m and falls to 58 μg/L near the base (107 m) of the upper aquifer. In contrast, solid phase As concentrations are uniformly low, rarely exceeding 2 μg/g in the two sandy aquifers and never exceeding 10 μg/g in the clay layers. Solid phase As is also similarly distributed among a variety of reservoirs in the deep and upper aquifer, including adsorbed As, As coprecipitated in solids leachable by mild acids and reductants, and As incorporated in silicates and other more recalcitrant phases. One notable difference among depths is that sorbed As loads, considered with respect to solid phase Fe extractable with 1 N HCl, 0.2 M oxalic acid, and a 0.5 M Ti(III)-citrate-EDTA solution, appear to be at capacity at depths where aqueous As is highest; this suggests that sorption limitations may, in part, explain the aqueous As depth profile at this site. Competition for sorption sites by silicate, phosphate, and carbonate oxyanions appear to sustain elevated aqueous As levels in the upper aquifer. Furthermore, geochemical profiles are consistent with the hypothesis that past or ongoing reductive dissolution of Fe(III) oxyhydroxides acts synergistically with competitive sorption to maintain elevated dissolved As levels in the upper aquifer. Microprobe data indicate substantial spatial comapping between As and Fe in both the upper and deep aquifer sediments, and microscopic observations reveal ubiquitous Fe coatings on most solid phases, including quartz, feldspars, and aluminosilicates. Extraction results and XRD analysis of density/magnetic separates suggest that these coatings may comprise predominantly Fe(II) and mixed valence Fe solids, although the presence of Fe(III) oxyhydroxides can not be ruled out. These data suggest As release may continue to be linked to dissolution processes targeting Fe, or Fe-rich, phases in these aquifers.  相似文献   

Calcsilicate xenoliths occur in large numbers in some lavas and pyroclastic flows of Lascar Volcano. Their whole-rock major element and REE compositions indicate that the protolith was the Upper Cretaceous Yacoraite Formation, which crops out extensively in NW Argentina. The whole-rock major element compositions of the xenoliths fall into specific groups suggesting a strong geochemical zonation in the skarn zone. Three geochemical zones have been identified; (1) an outer metamorphic zone rich in wollastonite; (2) a middle zone rich in pyroxene and garnet; (3) an inner zone rich in pyroxene and magnetite. The two innermost zones have developed from the wollastonite zone by infiltration of metasomatic fluids rich in Fe, Mn, Mg, Ti and Al. Whole-rock REE patterns have not changed significantly during prograde metamorphism and metasomatism, indicating REE immobility in the altering fluids. Retrograde alteration by acid-sulphate fluids produced anhydrite skarns and secondary calcite and wilkeite veins in the wollastonite zone. The carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of this calcite indicate that it formed by Rayleigh crystallization from a low-temperature (<200 °C) fluid containing dissolved H2CO3. The calculated δ18O of the water in this fluid suggests a magmatic origin whereas the calculated δ13C of the dissolved carbonate is consistent with derivation from rocks of the Yacoraite Formation at 350 °C. It is suggested that the magmatic acid-sulphate fluid was responsible for leaching carbonate from the surrounding carbonate rocks and redepositing it in the skarn zone. REEs were mobilized during the retrograde acid-sulphate and acid-carbonate alteration. A negative Ce anomaly associated with this carbonate and sulphate indicates high oxygen fugacities in the mineralizing fluids.  相似文献   

酒西盆地主力烃源岩为下白垩统下沟组和赤金堡组暗色半深湖相-深湖相的白云质泥岩和泥质白云岩,是典型的湖相碳酸盐岩烃源岩。通过对酒西盆地下白垩统二百多块湖相碳酸盐岩烃源岩详细的有机岩石学研究,解剖了湖相碳酸盐岩烃源岩中有机质的赋存形式,揭示了藻纹层为有机质纹层的主要发育形式,其与富泥晶白云石纹层和富粘土纹层构成湖相碳酸盐岩烃源岩特有的"三元式纹层"沉积结构,系统总结了各显微组分的光性、成因、生烃性及分布规律,提出了以全岩和干酪根为基础的湖相碳酸盐岩有机显微组分分类方案,首次鉴定出对酒西盆地油气有贡献的主要生烃组分为腐泥无定形体、腐殖无定形体以及浮游藻类体、孢粉体、壳屑体五种有机显微组分。  相似文献   

Abstract Widespread ultra-high-P assemblages including coesite, quartz pseudomorphs after coesite, aragonite, and calcite pseudomorphs after aragonite in marble, gneiss and phengite schist are present in the Dabie Mountains eclogite terrane. These assemblages indicate that the ultra-high-P metamorphic event occurred on a regional scale during Triassic collision between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze cratons. Marble in the Dabie Mountains is interlayered with coesite-bearing eclogite and gneiss and as blocks of various size within gneiss. Discontinuous boudins of eclogite occur within marble layers. Marble contains an ultra-high-P assemblage of calcite/aragonite, dolomite, clinopyroxene, garnet, phengite, epidote, rutile and quartz/coesite. Coesite, quartz pseudomorphs after coesite, aragonite and calcite pseudomorphs after aragonite occur as fine-grained inclusions in garnet and omphacite. Phengites contain about 3.6 Si atoms per formula unit (based on 11 oxygens). Similar to the coesite-bearing eclogite, marble exhibits retrograde recrystallization under amphibolite–greenschist facies conditions generated during uplift of the ultra-high-P metamorphic terrane. Retrograde minerals are fine grained and replace coarse-grained peak metamorphic phases. The most typical replacements are: symplectic pargasitic hornblende + epidote after garnet, diopside + plagioclase (An18) after omphacite, and fibrous phlogopite after phengite. Ferroan pargasite + plagioclase, and actinolite formed along grain boundaries between garnet and calcite, and calcite and quartz, respectively. The estimated peak P–T conditions for marble are comparable to those for eclogite: garnet–clinopyroxene geothermometry yields temperatures of 630–760°C; the garnet–phengite thermometer gives somewhat lower temperatures. The minimum pressure of peak metamorphism is 27 kbar based on the occurrence of coesite. Such estimates of ultra-high-P conditions are consistent with the coexistence of grossular-rich garnet + rutile, and the high jadeite content of omphacite in marble. The fluid for the peak metamorphism was calculated to have a very low XCO2 (<0.03). The P–T conditions for retrograde metamorphism were estimated to be 475–550°C at <7 kbar.  相似文献   

Unconsolidated oozes, partially lithified oozes, recrystallized limestones, dolostones and crystalline aragonite are some of the varieties of carbonate sediment that have been found in the deep-sea; chemical and isotopic analyses of these varieties are presented here. The consolidated oozes and recrystallized limestones are low-Mg calcites and are often associated with basement rock (generally serpentinized peridotite or basalt) detritus. Lithification is suggested to arise from changes in the carbonate-equilibria system of the interstitial waters resulting from chemical degradation of the igneous rocks. When compared to unconsolidated oozes, lithification is seen to be accompanied by loss of Sr and a slight increase in B, Ba, Co, Cr, Ni and Y in most instances. The tuffaceous limestones are also low-Mg calcites, but are characterized by low Sr and relatively high B, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, V, Y and Zn concentrations compared to the oozes. Three dolostones are described of very different isotopic and chemical composition, possibly indicating three different pathways of dolomitization. One with much depleted 13C and high Ba concentrations is probably derived from waters containing carbon from a fractionated organic source. Another is not greatly different from the consolidated limestones in minor and trace element composition and may be derived from them. The third variety is characterized by low concentrations of Sr, B, Ba, Cu and Y and relatively high concentrations of Pb: Crystalline aragonite is commonly found in many areas associated with serpentinized peridotite. This aragonite is characterized by relatively high concentrations of Sr and Ni; petrographic and isotopic analyses indicate precipitation from cold, carbonate-rich solutions percolating through the peridotite.  相似文献   

Thirty bulk samples of hard soils-soft rocks such as marls, originating from Euboea Island and Peloponnesus area, were investigated to evaluate their geotechnical behavior. Specifically, by conducting a series of physical and geotechnical tests, such as liquid limit and plastic limit tests, along with the estimation of the grain size fraction, Slake Durability and Point Load Test. Certain parameters were determined and used for empirical correlations with their mineralogical characteristics. The mineralogical composition was determined by X-ray diffraction, thermo-gravimetric and thermal analysis, succeeded by textural analysis performed by Optical Microscope. With the help of the above mentioned tests, we interpreted the observed geotechnical behavior of the examined weak rocks by means of mineralogical composition and texture. Durability and the unconfined compressive strength was found to be influenced by high percentages in carbonate minerals. In addition, it was found that a decrease in clay content resulted in higher strength and durability values. The concluded empirical correlations verified the influence of these parameters and gave a general overview of the engineering behavior of the examined weak rocks.  相似文献   

Brecciated and fractured peridotites with a carbonate matrix, referred to as ophicalcites, are common features of mantle rocks exhumed in passive margins and mid-oceanic ridges. Ophicalcites have been found in close association with massive peridotites, which form the numerous ultramafic bodies scattered along the North Pyrenean Zone (NPZ), on the northern flank of the Pyrenean belt. We present the first field, textural and stable isotopic characterization of these rocks. Our observations show that Pyrenean ophicalcites belong to three main types: (1) a wide variety of breccias composed of sorted or unsorted millimeter- to meter-sized clasts of fresh or oxidized ultramafic material, in a fine-grained calcitic matrix; (2) calcitic veins penetrating into fractured serpentine and fresh peridotite; and (3) pervasive substitution of serpentine minerals by calcite. Stable isotopic analyses (O, C) have been conducted on the carbonate matrix, veins and clasts of samples from 12 Pyrenean ultramafic bodies. We show that the Pyrenean ophicalcites are the product of three distinct genetic processes: (1) pervasive ophicalcite resulting from relatively deep and hot hydrothermal activity; (2) ophicalcites in veins resulting from tectonic fracturing and cooler hydrothermal activity; and (3) polymictic breccias resulting from sedimentary processes occurring after the exposure of subcontinental mantle as portions of the floor of basins which opened during the mid-Cretaceous. We highlight a major difference between the eastern and western Pyrenean ophicalcites belonging, respectively, to the sedimentary and to the hydrothermal types. Our data set points to a possible origin of the sedimentary ophicalcites in continental endorheic basins, but a post-depositional evolution by circulation of metamorphic fluids or an origin from relatively warm marine waters cannot be ruled out. Finally, we discuss the significance of such discrepancy in the characteristics of the NPZ ophicalcites in the frame of the variable exhumation history of the peridotites all along the Pyrenean realm.  相似文献   

塔北与塔中地区奥陶系碳酸盐岩储层成因对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过储层发育层段、储层类型、沉积演化、岩溶作用等方面的对比,发现塔北与塔中地区奥陶系碳酸盐岩储层在发育层位、沉积演化及岩溶期次上既有相似性,也有差异性。在塔中地区的油气勘探中,应注意下奥陶统古风化壳岩溶发育与塔北地区的差异性,加强对上奥陶统礁滩储集体的勘探。  相似文献   

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