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Archean clastic sedimentary rocks are well exposed in the Pilbara Block of Western Australia. Shales from turbidites in the Gorge Creek Group (ca. 3.4 Ae) and shales from the Whim Creek Group (ca. 2.7 Ae) have been examined. The Gorge Creek Group samples, characterized by muscovite-quartzchlorite mineralogy, are enriched in incompatible elements (K, Th, U, LREE) by factors of about two, when compared to younger Archean shales from the Yilgarn Block. Alkali and alkaline earth elements are depleted in a systematic fashion, according to size, when compared with an estimate of Archean upper crust abundances. This depletion is less notable in the Whim Creek Group. Such a pattern indicates the source of these rocks underwent a rather severe episode of weathering. The Gorge Creek Group also has fairly high B content (85 ± 29 ppm) which may indicate normal marine conditions during deposition.Rare earth element (REE) patterns for the Pilbara samples are characterized by light REE enrichment (LaNYbN ≥ 7.5) and no or very slight Eu depletion (EuEu1 = 0.82 – 0.99). A source comprised of about 80% felsic igneous rocks without large negative Eu-anomalies (felsic volcanics, tonalites, trondhjemites) and 20% mafic-ultramafic volcanics is indicated by the trace element data. Very high abundances of Cr and Ni cannot be explained by any reasonable provenance model and a secondary enrichment process is called for.  相似文献   

The Pilbara is an important region for the study of early Earth history, primarily because it contains large areas of volcanics and sediments, as old as 3550 million years, that are commonly extremely well preserved as a result of an exceptionally heterogeneous tectonic overprint during cratonisation. This latter event was completed by 2800 million years ago and hence much of the cover sequence up to the classic Hamersley banded iron formation is Archean in age.  相似文献   

Intense post-depositional alteration has profoundly affected sandstones in the volcanic portions of Early Archaean (3·5–3·3 Ga) greenstone belts. The mineralogy and bulk compositions of most grains have been completely destroyed by pervasive metasomatism, but grain textures are commonly well preserved. Consequently, microtextural information coupled with present alteration compositions as determined petrographically can be used to estimate original framework modes. Silicified Early Archaean volcaniclastic sandstones assigned to the Panorama Formation and Duffer Formation, Warrawoona Group, eastern Pilbara Block, Western Australia, were originally composed of volcanic (VRF) and sedimentary (SRF) rock fragments, volcanic quartz, feldspar, traces of ferromagnesian minerals and pumice. Only volcanic megaquartz remained stable during alteration. All other primary components were replaced by granular microcrystalline quartz (GMC) and sericite. In most areas, the sandstones were composed of dacitic to rhyolitic VRFs, now totally replaced by sericite-poor GMC and recognized by preserved microporphyritic textures. In a few areas, quartz-poor dacitic to andesitic(?) VRFs dominated the detrital assemblage. Minor SRFs and mafic VRFs, now replaced by GMC, are recognized on the basis of colour, internal structures, and internal textures, including skeletal, possible spinifex textures. Detrital feldspar is represented by blocky, sericite-rich grain pseudomorphs. A semi-quantitative point-count scheme, developed for the analysis of heavily altered sandstones, indicates the following primary detrital-mode ranges for Panorama arenites: quartz, 0–28%; feldspar, 0–28%, VRFs, 58–86%, and SRFs 0–25%. In about half the point-counted samples, feldspar could not be distinguished from rock fragments. In such cases, both were counted as one grain type, Lv', which makes up from 84 to 100% of the framework modes of these rocks. These sands were derived from a terrane composed largely of fresh felsic volcanic rocks and sediments, but locally including minor mafic, ultramafic, and sedimentary rocks. Much, but not all, of the felsic volcaniclastic sand represents reworked pyroclastic debris. There is no evidence for contributions from plutonic or metamorphic sources. The Panorama modal assemblage represents a provenance that is lithologically more restricted than that of Archaean greywackes and other siliciclastic units common in the sedimentary portions of these same Early Archaean greenstone belts and younger greenstone belts (3·0–2·7 Ga).  相似文献   

Zircons from mafic and felsic volcanic rocks in the type area of the Warrawoona Group, the basal Archaean greenstone succession of the eastern Pilbara Block, have been dated precisely using the ion-microprobe SHRIMP. The results allow two alternative time-frames for the duration of the Warrawoona Group, dependent on how the dated zircons are considered to relate to the volcanic rocks. Our favoured interpretation requires a hiatus of 135±5 Ma between the Duffer Formation at 3.46 Ga and the overlying felsic volcanic rocks of the Wyman Formation, and a hydrothermal or later magmatic origin for zircons of age 3.33 Ga within one Duffer Formation sample and the underlying metabasalts. The alternative time-frame requires a short time for deposition of the entire Group, less than 15 Ma at 3.33 Ga, and a xenocrystic origin for the 3.46 Ga zircons of the Duffer Formation. Outside the type area of the Warrawoona Group, the age of an intrusive granodiorite requires that greenstones be older than 3.43 Ga and the Group formed over an interval of > 120 Ma.Visibly different zircons within one of the Duffer Formation samples were found to be Palaeozoic in age and presumably constitute hydrothermal growth of new zircon within the rock at low temperature. Similar zircons were found within samples from other rock units but with a spread of Proterozoic ages.  相似文献   

Shales and phyllites from the turbidite sequences of the 2.9 Ga Mosquito Creek Formation of the East Pilbara, Western Australia contain varying amounts of paragonite and mixed Na–K micas (MNKMs), the 0 0 l X-ray diffraction reflections of which are unresolved from the 10-Å reflections, and only partly resolved from the 5-Å reflections of white K-mica (WKM). The Kübler index (‘crystallinity’), the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the WKM, obtained from these composite reflections by applying a three-peak deconvolution procedure, reveals a metamorphic zoning of the Mosquito Creek Formation. The highest, “epimetamorphic”, grade occurs in the — largely Na-mica free — southern part, with lower, medium- to high-anchimetamorphic, grades in the central part, notably in a WSW-ENE anticlinal zone extending from Nullagine to the Blue Spec Mine. The Na-mica free metasediments of the Glen Herring Shale of the Fortescue Group, overlying the Mosquito Creek Formation to the W, show only a slightly lower metamorphic grade. The low b0 lattice parameter of the WKMs indicates a very low metamorphic P/T gradient. The Na-mica bearing metasediments of the Mosquito Creek Formation correspond to a kaolinite-bearing protolith, strongly Al-enriched and K-depleted with respect to the presumably granitic-tonalitic source rock.  相似文献   

U‐Pb isotopic systems of zircons from the Boobina and Spinaway Porphyries from the Precambrian Pilbara Block of Western Australia indicate ages of 3307± 19 Ma and 2768 ± 16 Ma, respectively. The Boobina Porphyry intrudes upper members of the Archaean greenstones of the Warrawoona Group. The Spinaway Porphyry intrudes basal units of the unconformably overlying volcanics and sediments of the Mt Bruce Supergroup. The age of the Boobina Porphyry, together with previous zircon U‐Pb and whole rock Sm‐Nd age determinations on stratigraphically older units, indicate that early Archaean volcanism in the Pilbara took place between 3560 Ma and 3300 Ma. On the basis of the age determination of the Spinaway Porphyry, and the chronometric definition of 2500 Ma for the Archaean—Proterozoic boundary, by the International Subcommis‐sion on Precambrian Stratigraphy (James H. L. 1978, Precambrian Res. 7, 193–204), the lower units of the Mt Bruce Supergroup should now be assigned to the Archaean.  相似文献   

A hydrothermally metamorphosed greenstone complex, capped by bedded cherts and banded iron formations (BIFs), is exposed in the Cleaverville area, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia. It has been interpreted as an accretionary complex characterized by both a duplex structure and an oceanic plate stratigraphy, and is shown to represent a 3.2 Ga upper oceanic crust. Three metamorphic zones are identified in the basaltic greenstones. The metamorphic grade increases from sub-greenschist facies (zones A and B) to greenschist facies (zone C) under low-pressure conditions. The boundaries between three mineral zones are subparallel to the bedding plane of overlying chert/BIF, and metamorphic temperature increases stratigraphically downward. The zones correspond to the thermal structure of ocean-floor metamorphism, at a mid-ocean ridge.
The uppermost greenstone in the study area is more pervasively altered and carbonatized than the modern upper oceanic crust. This indicates the enrichment of CO2 in the metamorphic fluid by which widespread formation of carbonate occurred, compared with a narrow stability region of Ca-Al silicates. It is, therefore, suggested that the Archean hydrothermal alteration played a more important role in fixation of CO2 than present-day ocean-ridge hydrothermal alteration, as an interaction between sea water and oceanic crust.  相似文献   

Lead isotopic ages were determined for seven localities of gneissic granite and granodiorite from the Pilbara Region of Western Australia. For four of the localities Rb-Sr ages were also measured. In the lead isotopic system all localities showed some evidence of post-emplacement disturbance; lead redistribution varied from very slight effects to complete equilibration of K-feldspars during metamorphism. In one case, lead and Rb-Sr ages agreed within experimental error; in two cases, Rb-Sr mineral ages were younger than Pb-Pb ages, and in one case, the Rb-Sr age was intermediate between the primary and metamorphic ages recorded by the Pb isotopic system.Four localities show evidence of metamorphism at 2950 my. It is suggested that this represents the time of formation of the granite dome structures in the southeastern Pilbara. At least two of these localities were also affected by post-tectonic metamorphism (2600–2770 my). The other three localities show a more extended history of events starting at about 2900 my and ending between 2000 and 2250 my. The younger metamorphic ages are interpreted to record a thermal event at the time of outpouring of the Proterozoic Fortescue Group which formerly overlay the Archaean rocks.  相似文献   

Archean sedimentary rocks of very limited lateral extent from horizons within basaltic and ultramafic volcanic sequences at Kambalda, Western Australia, are extremely variable in major elements, LIL and ferromagnesian trace element compositions. The REE patterns are uniform and do not have negative Eu anomalies. Two samples have very low total REE abundances and positive Eu anomalies attributed to a very much greater proportion of chemically deposited siliceous material. Apart from these two samples, the Kambalda data are similar to REE abundances and patterns from Archean sedimentary rocks from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia and to average Archean sedimentary rock REE patterns. These show a fundamental distinction from post-Archean sedimentary rock REE patterns which have higher LaYb ratios and a distinct negative Eu anomaly.  相似文献   

The Perth Basin (PB) hosts important aquifers within the Yarragadee Formation and adjacent geological formations with potential for economic exploitation by both geothermal energy and carbon capture and sequestration. Published studies on the reservoir quality of the sedimentary units of the PB are very few. This study reports some petrophysical and lithological characteristics of the sedimentary units of interest for geothermal and geosequestration scenarios and help interpolation toward non-sampled intervals. A new fluvial-dominated lithofacies scheme was developed for the Mesozoic stratigraphy from four wells drilled in the central PB (Pinjarra-1, Cockburn-1, Gingin-1 and Gingin-2) based on grainsize, sorting, sedimentary structures and colour that relate to the environment of deposition. Systematic laboratory measurements of permeability, porosity, and thermal conductivity were conducted on core samples to investigate a variety of lithofacies and depths from these wells. Empirical correlations are established among the different physical properties, indicating encouraging relationships for full PB basin interpolation such as between porosity and permeability, when the samples are grouped into ‘hydraulic units’ defined by a ‘flow zone indicator’ parameter. The common principal controls on the PB thermal conductivity are the pore space arrangement and mineralogical content, which are strongly lithofacies-specific. Therefore, the lithofacies type could be a good first-order discriminator for describing spatial variations of thermal conductivity and then estimate their flow zone indicator.  相似文献   

Eighteen silicic volcanic rocks of the Warrawoona Group and ten associated plutonic rocks from the Pilbara Block, Western Australia, have been chosen for geochemical and isotopic studies. Silicic volcanics of the UNSB (Upper member of North Star Basalt) are dated at 3.56—3.57
, by both the Rb-Sr and the Sm-Nd methods. The respective 1 (initial isotopic composition) values are 0.7005 ± 5 (Sr) and 0.50810 ± 39 (Nd). This age is consistent with the stratigraphic interpretation that the TalgaTalga Subgroup, in which the North Star Basalt occupies the lowermost position, is overlain by the Duffer Formation, whose age was earlier established at 3.45
by the zircon U-Pb method. The new Rb-Sr data on six silicic lava samples from the Duffer Formation yield an isochron of 3.23 ± 0.28 (2v). Though imprecise, this age agrees with the zircon age within error limits. Rb-Sr ages of 2.3–2.4.
obtained for the ‘Panorama’ rocks and the Wyman Formation do not correspond to their initial eruption ages. Chemical arguments suggest that these ages represent the time of metasomatism associated with the widespread thermal event in this region about 2.3–2.4
ago.Geochemically, most of these analyzed rocks (volcanic and plutonic) are of tonalite-trondhjemitegranodiorite (TTG) composition, a typical feature found in many other Archean terrains. They generally show fractionated REE patterns, except the Panorama Formation rocks. Furthermore, the Wyman Formation rhyolites and the post-tectonic adamellites show significant negative Eu anomalies, suggesting a similar mode of magma generation and a probable genetic link. Theoretical considerations suggest that most of these TTG rocks could have been generated by partial melting of amphibolitic or basaltic sources, followed by fractional crystallization.Although the Archean granitic gneisses often possess mantle-like Isr values, the trace element data indicate that they could not have been derived by direct melting of upper mantle materials. The immediate tectonic implication is that in any Archean terrain, the formation of Na-rich continental crust of TTG suite must be preceded by the presence of basaltic crust. The occurrence of this basaltic crust is a matter of controversy. Such crust might have been totally destroyed by repeated melting processes, or its remnants are now represented by some of the mafic-ultramafic enclaves within the tonalite-trondhjemite batholiths.  相似文献   

Manganese mineralisation in the Oakover Basin is associated with Mesoproterozoic extension, basin formation and deposition of the Manganese Group. The underlying basement architecture of the Oakover Basin (a local half-graben geometry), inherited from the Neoarchean rifting event, plays an important role on the distribution, style and timing of manganese deposits. Fault-hosted manganese deposits are dominant along the ‘active’ faulted eastern margin, whereas flat-lying sedimentary deposits are dominant along the western ‘passive’ margin reflecting differences in ore-forming processes. The large number of significant manganese deposits in the Oakover Basin, previously thought to reflect a spatial association with Carawine Dolomite, more likely reflects the restricted nature of the Mesoproterozoic basin and development of a large reservoir of Mn2+ and Fe2+ in an anoxic zone of a stratified basin. Low O2 conditions in the basin were caused by a paleotopographic high forming a barrier to open ocean circulation. The western margin sedimentary deposits formed later than the fault-hosted hydrothermal deposits along the eastern margin, once a significant reservoir of Mn2+ and Fe2+ had developed, and when there was sufficient subsidence to allow migration of the redox front onto the shallow shelf, with Mn precipitation on and within the seafloor sediments. The sedimentary manganese deposits are not uniformly distributed along the western edge of the basin; instead they are concentrated into discrete areas (e.g. Mt Cooke–Utah–Mt Rove, Bee Hill, Skull Springs and the Ripon Hills districts), suggesting a degree of structural control on their distribution. Fault-hosted manganese is observed beneath and adjacent to many of the sedimentary deposits. Marked geochemical differences are observed between the Woodie Woodie hydrothermal deposits and the sedimentary deposits. Woodie Woodie deposits display higher Ba, U, Mo, As, Sn, Bi, Pb, S and Cu than the sedimentary deposits, reflecting the composition of the hydrothermal fluids. The Al2O3 values of the Ripon Hills and Mt Cooke deposits are much higher than the Woodie Woodie deposits, reflecting the composition of the dominant host rock, as Al2O3 is typically <5 wt% in the Carawine Dolomite, but is >10 wt% in basal shale units of the Manganese Group. Highly variable Mn:Fe ratios (?5:1) in the hydrothermal manganese at Woodie Woodie reflects rapid deposition of Mn in and around fault zones. In contrast, slower accumulation of Mn oxides on and within the seafloor to form the large sedimentary deposits results in Mn:Fe ratios closer to 1:1 and elevated Co + Ni and REE values.  相似文献   

The 3.4 Ga-old Strelley Pool Chert is a 25-m thick sedimentary unit near the top of the predominantly volcanic Warrawoona Group in greenstone belts of the eastern Pilbara Block, Western Australia. It is here subdivided into 5 members containing 13 lithofacies. The basal Member, I, is composed of quartzose sandstone deposited in a high-energy wave- or tide-dominated shallow-water system. Overlying this are Members II and III, which make up the bulk of the formation and were deposited in a low-energy, partially restricted hypersaline basin. They record a predominantly regressive succesion of deposits including subaqueous laminite, stromatolite and evaporite; stromatolite, carbonaceous laminite, black-and-white banded chert, evaporite and intraformational detrital units deposited under intermittently to predominantly exposed conditions; and subaerially deposited windblown sand, evaporite and evaporite-solution layers. Members IV and V record the progradation of a volcaniclastic alluvial fringe.The Strelley Pool Chert represents an association of sedimentary environments directly comparable to that observed in modern, low-energy, shallow-marine carbonate-evaporite systems, such as along the Trucial Coast of the Persian Gulf, and abundantly developed in Phanerozoic carbonate platform deposits. There is no evidence, however, that uniquely identifies the environment as having been marine. Deposition may have taken place in either a large hypersaline lake or a restricted marine basin. Evidence of predominantly low energy depositional conditions and a paucity of terrigenous detritus indicate that sedimentation was dominated by orthochemical and biological processes. Silicified evaporites, including coarsely crystalline layers resembling Messinian selenite, are widespread and similar to younger evaporite deposits. They clearly indicate that evaporites were common within shallow-water Archean sequences. The presence of an assemblage of biogenic deposits, including organic laminite, stromatolites, encrusting carbonaceous mats, carbonaceous granules and oncolites, deposited under conditions ranging from fully subaqueous to nearly subaerial and locally evaporitic, points to the existence of an ecologically and probably biologically diverse microbial community 3.4 Ga ago.  相似文献   

Within the Pilbara Block of Western Australia, a complex of migmatite, gneissic and foliated granite near Marble Bar is intruded by a stock of younger massive granite (the Moolyella Granite) with which swarms of tin‐bearing pegmatites are associated. The age of the older granite has been determined by the Rb‐Sr method as 3,125 ± 366 m.y., and that of the Moolyella Granite as 2,670 ± 95 m.y. Initial Sr87/Sr86 ratios suggest that the older granite is close to primary crustal material, but that the Moolyella Granite consists of reworked material. It probably formed by partial remelting of the older granite.  相似文献   

REE data, with major element and other trace element data are reported for a suite of Archean sedimentary rocks (2800 million years old) from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. The REE patterns fall into two groups with ?LREE/?HREE ratios of 6 and 15, respectively. The first group have either no Eu anomaly relative to chondrites, or a positive Eu anomaly, in contrast to the pronounced Eu depletion (Eu/Eu ~ 0.67) shown by younger (Post-Archean) sedimentary rocks.The problem of positive Eu enrichment relative to chondritic patterns, is examined by analysing a suite of Devonian greywackes, derived from calc-alkaline volcanic rocks. Some of these samples also show positive Eu anomalies, attributable to local accumulation of feldspar. This explanation is preferred to models involving an early anorthositic crust. The group of samples showing heavy REE depletion patterns (complementary to those observed in garnet) appear to be derived from adjacent Na-rich granites which display identical REE patterns. Locally abundant K-rich granites do not appear to have made any contribution to the Archean sedimentary rocks.The majority of the sedimentary rocks have REE patterns indistinguishable from those of recent island arc calc-alkaline rocks, and so could constitute evidence that the Archean crust was principally formed by processes analogous to present day island-arc type volcanism. However, similar REE patterns may be produced by an appropriate mixture of the common bimodal tholeiitic-felsic igneous suite commonly observed in Archean terrains. The REE data presented here do not distinguish between these two models.  相似文献   

The Vermilion district of northerneastern Minnesota is a classic example of a lower Precambrian greenstone-granite terrane. It is a complex volcanic-sedimentary pile, characterized by repeated periods of volcanism and the presence of intercalated pyroclastic, volcanoclastic and epiclastic rocks. The volcanic-sedimentary pile is surrounded and intruded by contemporaneous granitic batholiths. Several rock units from the district have been dated by the whole-rock Rb-Sr method. The isochron ages and the corresponding initial Sr87/Sr86 ratios (= I) are:

New data gathered during mapping of c. 3490–3240 Ma rocks of the Pilbara Supergroup in the Pilbara Craton show that most bedded chert units originated as epiclastic and evaporative sedimentary rocks that were silicified by repeated pulses of hydrothermal fluids that circulated through the footwall basalts during hiatuses in volcanism. For most cherts, fossil hydrothermal fluid pathways are preserved as silica ± barite ± Fe-bearing veins that cut through the footwall and up to the level of individual bedded chert units, but not above, indicating the contemporaneity of hydrothermal silica veining and bedded chert deposition at the end of volcanic eruptive events. Silica ± barite ± Fe-bearing vein swarms are accompanied by extensive hydrothermal alteration of the footwall to the bedded chert units, and occurred under alternating high-sulphidation and low-sulphidation conditions. These veins provided pathways to the surface for elements leached from the footwall (e.g., Si, Ba, Fe) and volcanogenic emissions from underlying felsic magma chambers (e.g., CO2, H2S/HS, SO2).Stratigraphic evidence of shallowing upward and subsequent deepening associated with the deposition of Warrawoona Group cherts is interpreted to relate to the emplacement of subvolcanic laccoliths and subsequent eruption and/or degassing of these magmas. Heat from these intrusions drove episodes of hydrothermal circulation. Listric normal faulting during caldera collapse produced basins with restricted circulation of seawater. Eruption of volcanogenic emissions into these restricted basins formed brine pools with concentration of the volcanogenic components, thereby providing habitats suitable for early life forms.Fossil stromatolites from two distinct stratigraphic units in the North Pole Dome grew in shallow water conditions, but in two very different geological settings with different morphologies. Stratiform and domical stromatolites in the stratigraphically lower, c. 3490 Ma, Dresser Formation of the Warrawoona Group are intimately associated with barite and chert precipitates from hydrothermal vents, suggesting that component microbes may have been chemoautotrophic hyperthermophiles. Evidence of shallow water to periodically exposed conditions, active growth faulting and soft sediment deformation indicates that the volcanogenic emissions were erupted into a shallow water, tectonically active caldera and concentrated therein to produce an extreme habitat for early life.Widespread conical and pseudocolumnar stromatolites in the c. 3400 Ma, Strelley Pool Chert at the base of the unconformably overlying Kelly Group occur in shallow marine platform carbonates. Silicification was the result of later hydrothermal circulation driven by heat from the overlying, newly erupted Euro Basalt. The markedly different morphology and geological setting of these only slightly younger stromatolites, compared with the Dresser Formation, suggests a diversity of microbial life on early Earth.The biogenicity of putative microfossils from this and younger hydrothermal silica veins in the Warrawoona Group remains controversial and requires further detailed study.  相似文献   

This study combines U–Pb age and Lu–Hf isotope data for magmatic and detrital zircons, with whole-rock geochemistry of the Browns Range Metamorphics (BRM), Western Australia. The BRM are medium- to coarse-grained metasandstones that consist of angular to sub-rounded detrital quartz and feldspars with minor granitic lithic fragments. The sequence has undergone partial to extensive quartz–muscovite alteration and rare-earth-element mineralisation and has been intruded by mafic/ultramafic, syenitic and pegmatitic intrusive rock units. Uranium–Pb and Lu–Hf isotopic data on detrital zircons from the metasandstones and intruding granitic rocks yield a well-defined age of ca 3.2 to ca 3.0 Ga for all samples, with relatively radiogenic ?Hf values (?Hf = –1.7 to 5.1) indicating derivation from Mesoarchean granite basement of juvenile origin. This is consistent with geochemical and petrological data that support deposition from a granitic source in a continental rift basin setting. The timing of sediment deposition is constrained between the ca 3.0 Ga age of the source rocks and ca 2.5 Ga age of the granitic intrusive bodies that cross-cut the metasedimentary rocks. The ca 2.5 Ga zircons from the intrusive rocks have ?Hf model ages of ca 3.4 to ca 3.1 Ga, which is consistent with formation via partial melting of the BRM, or the Mesoarchean granite basement. Zircons of the Gardiner Sandstone that unconformably overlies the BRM return detrital ages of ca 2.6 to ca 1.8 Ga with no trace of ca 3.1 Ga zircons, which discounts a significant contribution from the underlying BRM. The Mesoarchean age and isotopic signatures of the BRM zircons are shared by some zircon records from the Pine Creek Orogen, and the Pilbara, Yilgarn and Gawler cratons. Collectively, these records indicate that juvenile Mesoarchean crust is a more significant component of Australian cratons than is currently recognised. This work also further demonstrates that detrital minerals in Paleoproterozoic/Archean sedimentary rocks are archives to study the early crustal record of Earth.  相似文献   

t(in b.y.) ± 2σ1 ± 2σ
Ely Greenstone2.69 ± 0.080.70056 ± 0.00026
Newton Lake Formation2.65 ±0.110.70086 ± 0.00024
Granitic pebbles2.69 ± 0.280.70078 ± 0.00058
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