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Determination of total chromium on two profiles and chromium III on four samples of equatorial Pacific Ocean water have been carried out using coprecipitation of chromium from sea water with hydrous iron oxides, followed by ion-exchange separation and isotope dilution mass spectrometry. Results for two Pacific profiles show increasing total chromium concentration from surface to 250 m. The Cr concentration appears to be different below 1,000 m, with nearly homogeneous concentrations for the first profile and regularly increasing Cr concentrations from 0.330 to 0.550 μg/l at 3,900 m for the second one. Results for Cr(III) show that trivalent species are dominant in these samples.  相似文献   

Resumé Cet article présente des données bathymétriques et magnétiques de la région axiale de la dorsale sud-ouest indienne au voisinage de la zone de fracture majeure Atlantis II. Elles proviennent pricipalement de la campagne MD34 (Marion-Dufresne, 1983).L'axe de la dorsale est défini par la vallée et l'anomalie magnétique qui lui est associée. Le rilief le long de l'axe varie localement très rapidement; A l'ouest de la zone de fracture Atlantis II, le plancher axial présente deux bombements séparés par une dépression importante (4600 m). Cette étude met en évidence la corrélation entre ces hauts bathymétriques, la forme de la vallée et la l'amplitude de l'anomalie magnétique axiale: lorsque la profondeur du plancher axial diminue, la vallée se creuse et son encaissement augmente. On observe ainsi sur les hauts bathymétriques une section d'axe très encaissée, associée à une anomalie magnétique d'amplitude plus importance.L'identification de l'anomalie 5 (10 Ma) sur chaque flanc de la dorsale sud-ouest indienne permet la reconstitution de cette isochrone qui montre clairement une évolution de la géométrie de l'axe: à l'époque de l'anomalie 5, l'axe était composé de segments perpendiculaires à la direction d'expansion, décalés par des failles transformantes, alors qu'il apparait actuellement continu et formé sur les hauts topographiques de courts segments perpendiculaires à la direction d'expansion (et dans les dépressions par des sections d'axe très obliques).La carte bathymétrique met en évidence des lignes de crêtes grossièrement Nord-Sud (007°) dont la direction diffère de la direction d'expansion (357°) déduite des reconstructions, et parallèle à la zone de fracture majeure Atlantis II. Sur les dorsales lentes, les zones de fractures mineures, n'indiqueraient donc pas la véritable direction d'expansion.
The axial region of the Southwest Indian Ridge between 53° E and 59° E: Evolution during the last 10 Ma
An interpretation of bathymetric and magnetic data obtained aboard the R/V Marion Dufresne provides us with new information concerning the evolution of the Southwest Indian Ridge, in the region of the Atlantis II Fracture Zone (57° E), since 10 Ma. On all profiles, the ridge axis and the axial magnetic anomaly have been clearly recognized. Bathymetric data illustrate the rapid variation of depth along the axis. On the western side of the Atlantis II Fracture Zone, the along axis profile is characterized by a succession of two highs, and an important depression between them.Our data show a strong relationship between the regional axial depth, the steep-sidedness of the axial valley and the signature of the central magnetic anomaly. In particular, where the axis is deepest (4500 m), there is a wide, shallow axial valley which is oblique to the spreading direction, and a non-typical central magnetic anomaly signature. In contrast, where the regional axial depth is shallow (3500 m), the axial valley is deep, narrow, perpendicular to the spreading direction, and the central magnetic anomaly is high in amplitude. The ridge axis on the western side of the Atlantis II Fracture Zone appears to consist of short segments located on the axial highs, which are linked by oblique zones. On the eastern side, the ridge axis is continuous, and appears to be oblique to the spreading direction.Clearly lineated magnetic anomalies 3A (5 Ma) and 5 (10 Ma) have been identified and mapped. These magnetic data allow a reconstruction which shows an evolution of the axial geometry since 10 Ma. On the western side of the Atlantis II Fracture Zone, the axis at anomaly 5 time consisted of segments perpendicular to the spreading direction which were offset by transform faults. On the eastern side, the isochron A5 appears to be parallel to the present-day ridge axis. From this plate reconstruction, a spreading direction of 357° was deduced, and appears to be parallel to the Atlantis II Fracture Zone.On each flank of the Suuthwest Indian Ridge, our bathymetric data show elongated ridges, aligned in a north-south direction, which correlate with the axial topographic highs. This direction is not precisely parallel to the spreading direction deduced from plate reconstruction. The differences in these directions suggest that transverse relief on show spreading ridge flanks (which could be interpreted as indicating the location of minor fracture zones) may not be indicative of the seafloor spreading direction.

Résumé Une série de profils de sismique réflexion effectués au large de la Tunisie et dans le détroit sardano-tunisien aboutissent à l'élaboration d'un schéma géologique interprétatif dans lequel nous replaçons le socle paléozoïque et sa couverture autochtone (Eocène et plio-quaternaire) et allochtone (nappe numidienne). Nous discutons ensuite des manifestations néotectoniques (bassins d'effondrements plio-quaternaires-mouvement de flexure-surrections locales-venues intrusives). Enfin la nature du substratum du détroit sardano-tunisien est discutée en liaison avec les hypothèses dynamiques et statiques relatives à la formation de la Méditerranée occidentale.
Serial seismic reflection profiles off Tunisia and between Sardinia and Tunisia are presented. Interpretation is given which includes paleozoïc basement and its autochtonous (Eocene and plioquaternary) and allochtonous (Numidian nappe) cover. Recent tectonic activity is discussed, (Plioquaternary foundered basins, flexure, local uplifts, intrusions). Then the nature of the basement of the Sardinia-Tunisia zone is discussed with respect to the various hypotheses on the region of the Western Mediterranean.

The evolution of hydrocarbons in sediments was studied from 1978 to 1980 at eight stations in the Ile Grande marshes (Brittany) polluted by the Amoco Cadiz oil spill. Generally, in 1980 (except for one heavily polluted site) the amounts of hydrocarbons were found to be far less important than in 1978 and sometimes biogenic hydrocarbons were found. In the superficial layer of the sediments biodegradation processes were generally important with the preferential degradation of n-alkanes. On the other hand, aromatic hydrocarbons seem not to have been altered after three years. Degradation of percolated hydrocarbons proceeds more slowly than in the surface layer. The number of degrading bacteria decreases when n-alkanes disappear.  相似文献   

In this work we attempt to estimate the short- and long-term effects of the Amoco Cadiz oil spill on benthic microalgal populations (cyanophytes and diatoms) which, under natural conditions, live on upper layers of ‘schorres’ soils or of ‘slikke’ muds in the Ile Grande salt marsh system (Côtes du Nord, France). These populations were completely destroyed in 1978 in the oil-affected sites. Ubiquitous species settled fairly rapidly on intertidal polluted muds (tidal flat). The chlorophyll a content values reached 100 μg g−1 dry sediment, i.e. 1000 mg m−2 in 1980. Conversely, the salt marsh soils are still much less densely repopulated 3 years after the Amoco Cadiz grounding—especially when they are infrequently flooded (3 to 40 μg Chl.a g−1, i.e. 40 to 270 mg m−2). Some of these soils remain ten times less populated than reference stations.  相似文献   

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