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Cheko, a small lake located in Siberia close to the epicentre of the 1908 Tunguska explosion, might fill a crater left by the impact of a fragment of a Cosmic Body. Sediment cores from the lake’s bottom were studied to support or reject this hypothesis. A 175‐cm long core, collected near the center of the lake, consists of an upper ~1 m thick sequence of lacustrine deposits overlaying coarser chaotic material. 210Pb and 137Cs indicate that the transition from lower to upper sequence occurred close to the time of the Tunguska Event. Pollen analysis reveals that remains of aquatic plants are abundant in the top post‐1908 sequence, but are absent in the lower pre‐1908 portion of the core. These results, including organic C, N and δ13C data, suggest that Lake Cheko formed at the time of the Tunguska Event.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence indicate that Cheko, a small lake close to the epicentre of the 1908 Tunguska Event (TE), fills a crater left behind by a fragment of the Tunguska Cosmic Body that impacted the ground downrange of the main explosion. It is thought that over 80 million trees were flattened or burnt as a consequence of the TE. However, a small number of trees in the devastated area survived the explosion and recorded in their growth‐ring patterns the environmental changes that followed this event. Some of those trees were found around Lake Cheko, ~10 km NW of the inferred TE epicentre. We analysed new data from the floor of Lake Cheko, including seismic‐reflection profiles, side‐scan sonar and video images, as well as dendrochronological evidence in tree samples collected along the shores, to test the hypothesis of a 1908 formation of the lake.  相似文献   

In a provocative paper Gasperini et al. (2007) suggest that Lake Cheko, a ~300‐m‐wide lake situated a few kilometres downrange from the assumed epicentre of the 1908 Tunguska event, is an impact crater. In this response, we present several lines of observational evidence that contradicts the impact hypothesis for the lake’s origin: un‐crater‐like aspects of the lake morphology, the lack of impactor material in and around the lake, and the presence of apparently unaffected mature trees close to the lake. We also show that a tensile strength of 10–40 MPa is required for an asteroid fragment to traverse the Earth’s atmosphere and reach the surface intact and with sufficient velocity to excavate a crater the size of Lake Cheko. Inferred tensile strengths of large stony meteorites during atmospheric disruption are 10–100 times lower. We therefore conclude that Lake Cheko is highly unlikely to be an impact crater.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence were presented in Gasperini et al. [Terra Nova (2007), vol. 19 , pp. 245–251] suggesting that Lake Cheko, a small lake close to the alleged epicentre of the 1908 Tunguska Event, might be a secondary impact crater. Collins et al. [Terra Nova (2008), this volume] argue against this hypothesis. We reply here arguing in favour of an impact origin for Lake Cheko.  相似文献   

At Stromboli volcano (Southern Italy), only few minor precursors (gas output) have been identified for ‘major’ Strombolian explosions. We use ground‐based interferometric synthetic aperture radar (GBInSAR) technology to monitor the displacement rate of the summit area of Stromboli. We analysed the 2009–2011 period. The analysis of the displacement rate has been performed by dividing the summit zone monitored by the GBInSAR into three regions, corresponding to the edge of the crater area (1 and 2), and to the slope of the NE crater (3). Pulses of rapid expansion of sector 3, of variable duration and amplitude, appear in coincidence with periods of intense activity that include lava flows and major explosions. We associate this expansion with the pressurization of the magma column that is recharged by deep‐derived gas, promoting the onset of ‘major explosion‐dominated’ activity.  相似文献   

Northern Folgefonna (c. 23 km2), is a nearly circular maritime ice cap located on the Folgefonna Peninsula in Hardanger, western Norway. By combining the position of marginal moraines with AMS radiocarbon dated glacier‐meltwater induced sediments in proglacial lakes draining northern Folgefonna, a continuous high‐resolution record of variations in glacier size and equilibrium‐line altitudes (ELAs) during the Lateglacial and early Holocene has been obtained. After the termination of the Younger Dryas (c. 11 500 cal. yr BP), a short‐lived (100–150 years) climatically induced glacier readvance termed the ‘Jondal Event 1’ occurred within the ‘Preboreal Oscillation’ (PBO) c. 11 100 cal. yr BP. Bracketed to 10 550–10 450 cal. yr BP, a second glacier readvance is named the ‘Jondal Event 2’. A third readvance occurred about 10 000 cal. yr BP and corresponds with the ‘Erdalen Event 1’ recorded at Jostedalsbreen. An exponential relationship between mean solid winter precipitation and ablation‐season temperature at the ELA of Norwegian glaciers is used to reconstruct former variations in winter precipitation based on the corresponding ELA and an independent proxy for summer temperature. Compared to the present, the Younger Dryas was much colder and drier, the ‘Jondal Event 1’/PBO was colder and somewhat drier, and the ‘Jondal Event 2’ was much wetter. The ‘Erdalen Event 1’ started as rather dry and terminated as somewhat wetter. Variations in glacier magnitude/ELAs and corresponding palaeoclimatic reconstructions at northern Folgefonna suggest that low‐altitude cirque glaciers (lowest altitude of marginal moraines 290 m) in the area existed for the last time during the Younger Dryas. These low‐altitude cirque glaciers of suggested Younger Dryas age do not fit into the previous reconstructions of the Younger Dryas ice sheet in Hardanger. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Na, K, Mg and Ca contents of certain deep‐origin groundwater discharges have been used by Giggenbach (1988) to define a series of ‘geoindicators’, which may provide hints on the up‐flow depth of origin, on the duration of the fluid ascent to the ground surface and on the associated CO2 flux. On occurrence of a Mw = 6.0 Vrancea earthquake, significant fluctuations of Giggenbach’s geoindicators have been recorded in a saline spring, some 50 km away from the epicentre. A pre‐seismic overall anomaly was monitored for 1 year and a half, the sharpest variations occurring about 3 months before the earthquake. Processes controlling the geoindicator fluctuations assumedly took place at 7–8 km depth, while the earthquake hypocenter depth was about 100 km. This could be an evidence for a mechanical coupling still existing between the seismogenic body in the lithosphere and the overlying crust.  相似文献   

The Timiskaming Graben is a 400 km long, 50 km wide north‐west trending morphotectonic depression within the Canadian Shield of eastern North America and experiences frequent intraplate earthquakes. The graben extends along the border of Ontario and Quebec, connecting southward with the Nipissing and Ottawa‐Bonnechere grabens and the St. Lawrence Rift System which includes a similar structure underlying the Hudson Valley of the eastern USA. Together they form a complex failed rift system related to regional extension of North American crust during the breakup of Rodinia and, later, Pangea. The Timiskaming Graben lies within a belt of heightened seismic activity (Western Quebec Seismic Zone) with frequent moderate magnitude (greater than magnitude 5) earthquakes including a magnitude 6.2 in 1935. These events threaten aging urban infrastructure built on soft glacial sediments; post‐glacial landslides along the Ottawa Valley suggest earthquakes as large as magnitude 7. The inner part of the Timiskaming Graben is filled by Lake Timiskaming, a large 110 km long post‐glacial successor to glacial Lake Barlow that was ponded by the Laurentide Ice Sheet 9500 years ago. The effects of frequent ground shaking on lake floor sediments was assessed by collecting more than 1000 line kilometres of high‐resolution ‘chirp’ seismic profiles. Late glacial Lake Barlow glaciolacustrine and overlying post‐glacial sediments are extensively deformed by extensional faults that define prominent horsts and grabens; multibeam bathymetry data suggest that faults influence the morphology of the modern lake floor, despite high sedimentation rates, and indicate recent neotectonic deformation. The Lake Timiskaming area provides evidence of post‐glacial intracratonic faulting related to recurring earthquake activity along a weak spot within the North American plate.  相似文献   

The middle Silurian ‘big crisis’ refers to a graptolite extinction event and faunal turnover at the onset of a double‐peaked positive carbon isotope excursion. The crisis has been proposed to affect conodonts, giving rise to a sophisticated palaeoecological model of their stepwise extinction, known as the Mulde Event. However, the impact of the event on conodont faunas outside Gotland and the Silurian Baltic Basin remains unknown. Here, it is examined in the Widowo IG‐1 core (E Poland). The middle Silurian succession in this core represents foreshoal, shoal, and lagoonal settings on a tropical carbonate ramp on the shelf of the Eastern European Craton. Three positive δ13Ccarb excursions have been identified; the two upper excursions correlate with the Mulde isotope anomaly and with two global eustatic regressions. Conodont species proposed to be affected by the extinction event either were not observed or ranged through the extinction interval. Changes in their frequencies are best explained by the sequence stratigraphic architecture of the late Wenlock strata in the Widowo IG‐1 core. The little impact of the ‘big crisis’ may reflect facies homogeneity across the studied interval, supporting the hypothesis that the late Wenlock conodont turnover in epicontinental settings was primarily driven by eustatically controlled facies shifts. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionOn November 14, 2001, a large earthquake of M-8.1(magnitude of 8.1) occurred to the west of the KunlunMountain Pass which bounds Xinjiang Uygur AutonomousRegion and Qinghai Province. The Chinese seismicnetwork measured the epicenter of this event to be locatedat 36.2°N, 90.9°E, 350 km away from Golmud City ofQinghai and 400 km from Ruoqiang County of Xinjiang.This is the largest earthquake in the Chinese mainland sincethe M-8.0 earthquake occurring in Damxung of Tibet…  相似文献   

The depositional and diagenetic history of Cretaceous–Tertiary (KT) impact ejecta deposited 360 km from the Chicxulub crater, at Albion Island, Belize, has been investigated using integrated cathodoluminescence and isotopic analyses. A quarry exposes 26 m of Upper Cretaceous Barton Creek Formation dolomitized marine limestone overlain by 16 m of dolomitized Albion Formation impact ejecta. The Albion Formation consists of a lower fine‐grained ≈1‐m‐thick spheroid bed and an upper 15‐m‐thick coarse conglomeratic diamictite bed. A 14‐event paragenetic sequence has been documented and used as a temporal framework to interpret chemostratigraphic trends in bulk rock δ18O, δ13C and 87Sr/86Sr. The uppermost surface of the Barton Creek Formation was subaerially exposed before the KT impact, as indicated by a brecciated palaeosol that caps upsection decreases in δ13C and δ18O. Small 1‐cm‐diameter spheroids in the spheroid bed exhibit vermicular crystalline textures but lack the concentric zonations common to accretionary lapilli. These spheroids are hypothesized originally to have been impact glass or reactive Ca and Mg oxide dusts that adhered to water vapour particles condensing from the cooling impact vapour cloud. The spheroids were dolomitized soon after deposition. The earliest dolomitization in the matrix sediments of the Albion Formation was also post‐depositional, replacing clays formed by devitrification of impact glass. Dolomite and clay 87Sr/86Sr exhibit a distinct symmetrical distribution in the spheroid bed ranging from 0·707745 to 0·707872. Although unproven, this may represent primary changes in the chemical composition of the impact glass. The limestone clasts in the diamictite bed were dolomitized before the KT impact and exhibit upsection decreases in bulk rock 87Sr/86Sr. This suggests that the clasts were excavated from strata equivalent in age or older than the Barton Creek Formation at locations closer to, or in, the Chicxulub crater.  相似文献   

Abstract: Gold mineralization of the Daerae mine represents the first recognized example of the Jurassic gold mineralization in the Sangju area, Korea. It occurs as a single stage of quartz veins that fill fault fractures in Precambrian gneiss of the central‐northern Sobaegsan Massif. The mineralogical characteristics of quartz veins, such as the simple mineralogy and relatively gold‐rich (65–72 atomic % Au) nature of electrum, as well as the CO2–rich and low salinity nature of fluid inclusions, are consistent with the ‘mesothermal‐type’ gold deposits previously recognized in the Youngdong area (about 50 km southwest of the Sangju area). Ore fluids were evolved mainly through CO2 immiscibility at temperatures between about 250 and 325 C. Vein sulfides characteristically have negative sulfur isotopic values (–1.9 to +0.2 %), which have been very rarely reported in South Korea, and possibly indicate the derivation of sulfur from an ilmenite‐series granite melt. The calculated O and H isotopic compositions of hydrothermal fluids at Daerae (δ18Owater = +5.2 to +5.9 %; δDwater = –59 to –67 %) are very similar to those from the Youngdong area, and indicate the important role of magmatic water in gold mineralization. The 40Ar–39Ar age dating of a pure alteration sericite sample yields a high‐temperature plateau age of 188.3 0.1 Ma, indicating an early Jurassic age for the gold mineralization at Daerae. The lower temperature Ar‐Ar plateau defines an age of 158.4 2.0 Ma (middle Jurassic), interpreted as reset by a subsequent thermal effect after quartz vein formation. The younger plateau age is the same as the previously reported K‐Ar ages (145–171 Ma) for the other ‘mesothermal–type’ gold deposits in the Youngdong and Jungwon areas, Korea, which are too young in view of the new Jurassic Ar‐Ar plateau age (around 188 Ma).  相似文献   

A newly discovered, morphologically well-preserved crater with a mean diameter of 260 m is reported from the Ophthalmia Range, Western Australia. The crater is located in hilly terrain ~36 km north of Newman, and is situated in the Paleoproterozoic Woongarra Rhyolite and the overlying Boolgeeda Iron Formation. The morphometry of the crater is consistent with features characteristic of small meteorite impact craters. The rhyolite of the crater's rim exhibits widespread shatter features injected by veins of goethite bound by sharply defined zones of hydrous alteration. The alteration zones contain micro-fractures injected by goethite, which also fills cavities in the rhyolite. The goethite veins are interpreted in terms of forceful injection of aqueous iron-rich solutions, probably reflecting high-pressure hydrothermal activity by heated iron-rich ground water. None of these features are present in the Woongarra Rhyolite outside the immediate area of the crater. Petrography of the rhyolite indicates possible incipient intracrystalline dislocations in quartz. The Boolgeeda Iron Formation, which crops out only on the southern rim of the crater, displays brecciation and mega-brecciation superposed on fold structures typical of the banded iron-formations in the region. Geochemical analysis of two goethite veins discloses no siderophile element (Ni and PGE) anomalies, negating any contribution of material from an exploding meteorite. Instead, the strong iron-enrichment of the fractured rhyolite is attributed to a hydrothermal system affecting both the Boolgeeda Iron Formation and the Woongarra Rhyolite, and localised to the area of the crater. An absence of young fragmental volcanic material younger than the Woongarra Rhyolite is inconsistent with an explosive diatreme, leading us to a preferred interpretation in terms of an original impact crater about 80 m deep excavated by a ~10 m-diameter projectile and accompanied by hydrothermal activity. A minor north–south asymmetry of the crater, and an abundance of ejecta north, up to about 300 m northwest and northeast of the crater, suggest high-angle impact from the south. A youthful age of the structure, probably Late Pleistocene (104–105 years old), is indicated by damming of the drainage of a south-southeast-flowing creek by the southern crater rim.  相似文献   

Recent robotic missions to Mars have offered new insights into the extent, diversity and habitability of the Martian sedimentary rock record. Since the Curiosity rover landed in Gale crater in August 2012, the Mars Science Laboratory Science Team has explored the origins and habitability of ancient fluvial, deltaic, lacustrine and aeolian deposits preserved within the crater. This study describes the sedimentology of a ca 13 m thick succession named the Pahrump Hills member of the Murray formation, the first thick fine‐grained deposit discovered in situ on Mars. This work evaluates the depositional processes responsible for its formation and reconstructs its palaeoenvironmental setting. The Pahrump Hills succession can be sub‐divided into four distinct sedimentary facies: (i) thinly laminated mudstone; (ii) low‐angle cross‐stratified mudstone; (iii) cross‐stratified sandstone; and (iv) thickly laminated mudstone–sandstone. The very fine grain size of the mudstone facies and abundant millimetre‐scale and sub‐millimetre‐scale laminations exhibiting quasi‐uniform thickness throughout the Pahrump Hills succession are most consistent with lacustrine deposition. Low‐angle geometric discordances in the mudstone facies are interpreted as ‘scour and drape’ structures and suggest the action of currents, such as those associated with hyperpycnal river‐generated plumes plunging into a lake. Observation of an overall upward coarsening in grain size and thickening of laminae throughout the Pahrump Hills succession is consistent with deposition from basinward progradation of a fluvial‐deltaic system derived from the northern crater rim into the Gale crater lake. Palaeohydraulic modelling constrains the salinity of the ancient lake in Gale crater: assuming river sediment concentrations typical of floods on Earth, plunging river plumes and sedimentary structures like those observed at Pahrump Hills would have required lake densities near freshwater to form. The depositional model for the Pahrump Hills member presented here implies the presence of an ancient sustained, habitable freshwater lake in Gale crater for at least ca 103 to 107 Earth years.  相似文献   

Pollen accumulation rates (PARs) provide a potential proxy for quantitative tree volume (m3 ha?1) reconstruction with reliable absolute pollen productivity estimates (APPEs). We obtained APPEs for pine, spruce and birch at their range limits in northern Finland under two temperature periods (‘warm’ and ‘cold’) based on long‐term pollen trap and tree volume records within a 14‐km radius of each trap. APPEs (mean ± SE; × 108 grains m?3 a?1) tend to be higher for the ‘warm’ periods (pine 123.8 ± 24.4, birch 528.0 ± 398.4, spruce 434.3 ± 113.7) compared with the ‘cold’ periods (pine 95.5 ± 37.3, birch 317.3 ± 282.6, spruce 119.6 ± 37.6), although the difference is only significant for spruce. Using an independent temperature record and the APPEs obtained, we reconstruct a low‐frequency record of pine volume changes over the last 1000 years at Palomaa mire, where a high‐resolution record of Pinus PARs is available. Five phases are distinguished in the reconstruction: moderate pine volume, AD 1080–1170; high volume, AD 1170–1340; low volume, AD 1340–1630; very low volume, AD 1630–1810; and rising pine volume, AD 1810–1950. These phases do not coincide with periods of high or low June–July–August temperatures, and thus appear to reflect regional variations in tree volume, while high‐frequency changes within each time‐period block show variations in PARs in response to temperature. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Better methods for interpreting grain‐size spectra will enhance current understanding of past transport–depositional processes. A high‐resolution inorganic grain‐size dataset has been measured from a freeze core extracted from ‘Alberta Lake E’ a boreal fresh water lake 40 km east of the Athabasca Oil Sands in north‐eastern Alberta, Canada. The grain‐size spectra are remarkably consistent throughout the core, exhibiting a structure comprising six persistent grain‐size distributions below ca 250 μm, plus a rare medium‐sand distribution. Automated deconvolution of the grain‐size spectra produced poor results. Constraining the modes of two of the distributions produced deconvolution solutions that were statistically excellent and consistent with the structure of each spectrum. Statistical analysis of the ‘constrained’ solutions indicates that deconvolution successfully extracted independent grain‐size populations. Conversely, the multimodal spectra generate traditional measures (for example, mean grain size) that are inconsistent combinations of different individual populations and thus are poor proxies of transport–depositional processes. Alberta Lake E is situated in a boreal wetland landscape where sediment delivery is dominated by overland flow transport during spring melt. This context means that the Alberta Lake E grain‐size spectra can be interpreted to reflect: (i) a bedload component transported during short‐duration high discharge events that reflect the intensity of the melt; and (ii) a finer suspended load component representing material whose magnitude is controlled by the volume of the spring melt. Stratigraphically, bedload and suspended load populations demonstrate different short‐wavelength and long‐wavelength cyclicity, suggesting that spring melt is likely to be driven by cyclic external forcing factors. The links between the grain‐size spectra and spring melt have potential for generating proxy records that better capture the external controls over spring melt in boreal systems and the risks associated with these energetic hydrodynamics. This is exemplified by the coarsest Alberta Lake E distributions, which indicate that more intense spring‐melt dynamics occurred in pre‐historical times.  相似文献   

The Lawn Hill circular structure in northwest Queensland contains unambiguous evidence of an extraterrestrial impact, including planar deformation features in quartz, impact diamonds, widespread shatter cone formation and impact melt breccia in the Mesoproterozoic basement. The question of its relevance to ore genesis is investigated because the world-class Century Zn – Pb deposit is situated at the conjunction of the 100+ km Termite Range Fault and the previously defined margin of the impact structure. The impact structure is considered to be a 19.5 km wide feature, this constrained in part by the outer margin of an annulus of brecciated and highly contorted limestone. New evidence is presented indicating impact into this Cambrian limestone, including: (i) ‘dykes’ of brecciated Cambrian limestone extending hundreds of metres into the Mesoproterozoic basement; (ii) highly contorted bedding in the limestone annulus compared with essentially undeformed limestone away from the impact site; as well as (iii) a 1 Mt megaclast of Mesoproterozoic Century-like ore suspended in the limestone. Through aerial photograph analysis, large-scale convoluted flow structures within the limestone are identified, and these are interpreted to indicate that parts of the Cambrian sequence may have been soft or only semi-consolidated at the time of impact. This highly contorted limestone bedding is suggested to represent slump-filling of an annular trough in response to impact-induced partial liquefaction of a sediment veneer. The age of impact is therefore considered to be concurrent with limestone formation during the Ordian to early Templetonian, at 520 – 510 Ma. Formation of the Century deposit is found to be unrelated to impact-generated hydrothermal activity, although some minor hydrothermal remobilisation of metals occurred. However, there was macro-scale remobilisation of gigantic ore fragments driven by impact-induced lateral and vertical injection of limestone into the Proterozoic sediments. The limestone-filled annular trough surrounds a 7.8 km diameter central uplift, consistent with formation of a complex crater morphology.  相似文献   

Sixteen crater samples were analyzed by radiochemical neutron activation analysis for Ge, Ir, Ni, Os, Pd and Re. Two impact melt rock samples from Clearwater East (22 km) showed strong, uniform enrichments in all elements except Ge, corresponding to 7.4% C1 chondrite material. Interelement ratios suggest that the meteorite was a C1 (or C2) chondrite, not an iron, stony iron, or chondrite of another type. An Ivory Coast tektite (related to the 10 km Bosumtwi crater) was enriched in Ir + Os and Ni to about 0.04 and 1.6% of C1 chondrite levels, but in the absence of data on country rocks, the meteorite cannot yet be characterized.Impact melt rock samples from Clearwater West (32km), Manicouagan (70km), and Mistastin (28 km) showed no detectable meteoritic component. Upper limits, as Cl chondrite equivalent, were Os ≤ 2 × 10?3% (~0.01 ppb), Ni ≤ 2 × 10?1% (~20ppm). Possible causes are high impact velocity and/or a chemically inconspicuous meteorite (achondrite, Ir,Os-poor iron or stony iron). However, a more likely reason is that some fraction of the impact melt remains meteorite-free, especially at craters with central peaks.Clearwater East is the first terrestrial impact crater found to be associated with a stony meteorite. Apparently the consistent absence of stony projectiles at small craters (< 1 km diameter) reflects their destruction in the atmosphere, as proposed by Öpik.  相似文献   

Research on abrupt paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental change provides a scientific basis for evaluating future climate. Because of spatial variability in monsoonal rainfall, our knowledge about climate change during the mid-to lateHolocene in southern China is still limited. We present a multi-proxy record of paleoclimatic change in a crater lake, Lake Shuangchi. Based on the age-depth model from 210 Pb, 137 Cs and AMS14 C data, high-resolution mid-to late-Holocene climatic and environmental records were reconstructed using multiple indices(TOC, TN, C/N, δ13 C and grain size). Shuangchi underwent a marked change from a peat bog to a lake around 1.4 kaBP. The C3 plants likely dominated during 7.0–5.9 ka and 2.5–1.4 kaBP, while C4 plants dominated between 5.9–3.2 and 3.0–2.5 kaBP. Algae were dominant sources of organic matter in the lake sediments after 1.4 kaBP. Several intervals with high concentrations of coarser grain sizes might be due to flood events. These results reveal that several abrupt paleoclimatic events occurred around 6.6 ka, 6.1 ka, 5.9 ka, 3.0 ka, 2.5 ka and 1.4 kaBP. The paleoclimatic change recorded in the lake may be related to the migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone(ITCZ) and El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation(ENSO) activity.  相似文献   

A seismic structure imaged in a single 2D seismic profile from the offshore Canning Basin, Western Australia, is interpreted to be a possible complex impact crater on the basis of its seismic character. The feature, herein referred to as the Haines Structure, is symmetrical in two dimensions over ~2.5 km and comprises a centrally uplifted basal surface, a depressed upper surface, a highly deformed intervening package and an overlying horizon that is ‘sagging’ over the depression. The possible impact structure lies within carbonate units of Eocene or Early Oligocene age as determined from seismic correlation to petroleum exploration wells. The structure has not been drilled; therefore distinguishing characteristics used to define an impact origin, such as shock metamorphism, are not available. Comparison with other features in the Neogene succession of Australia's North West Shelf that have previously been interpreted as impact structures highlights the presence of key elements in the Haines Structure that characterise known complex impact craters, and the absence of seismic features related to alternative processes, such as a link to deeper structures that would be expected beneath a volcanic pipe.  相似文献   

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