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《Cretaceous Research》1986,7(2):141-159
As a result of recent field work, a new lithostratigraphic group is defined on the west coast of James Ross Island, Antarctica. Characterised by comparatively coarse-grained sediments, the Gustav Group is 2300 m thick and has an approximate age range of Barremian-Santonian. Four formations are recognised within the group (the Lagrelius Point, Kotick Point, Whisky Bay and Hidden Lake Formations), and of these, the Whisky Bay Formation is further subdivided into six local members. Type sections are erected for each of these stratigraphic units and representative lithologies and faunas described.  相似文献   

The development of the Alpine mountain belt has been governed by the convergence of the African and European plates since the Late Cretaceous. During the Cenozoic, this orogeny was accompanied with two major kinds of intraplate deformation in the NW-European foreland: (1) the European Cenozoic Rift System (ECRIS), a left-lateral transtensional wrench zone striking NNE-SSW between the western Mediterranean Sea and the Bohemian Massif; (2) long-wavelength lithospheric folds striking NE and located between the Alpine front and the North Sea. The present-day geometry of the European crust comprises the signatures of these two events superimposed on all preceding ones. In order to better define the processes and causes of each event, we identify and separate their respective geometrical signatures on depth maps of the pre-Mesozoic basement and of the Moho. We derive the respective timing of rifting and folding from sedimentary accumulation curves computed for selected locations of the Upper Rhine Graben. From this geometrical and chronological separation, we infer that the ECRIS developed mostly from 37 to 17 Ma, in response to north-directed impingement of Adria into the European plate. Lithospheric folds developed between 17 and 0 Ma, after the azimuth of relative displacement between Adria and Europe turned counter-clockwise to NW–SE. The geometry of these folds (wavelength = 270 km; amplitude = 1,500 m) is consistent with the geometry, as predicted by analogue and numerical models, of buckle folds produced by horizontal shortening of the whole lithosphere. The development of the folds resulted in ca. 1,000 m of rock uplift along the hinge lines of the anticlines (Burgundy–Swabian Jura and Normandy–Vogelsberg) and ca. 500 m of rock subsidence along the hinge line of the intervening syncline (Sologne–Franconian Basin). The grabens of the ECRIS were tilted by the development of the folds, and their rift-related sedimentary infill was reduced on anticlines, while sedimentary accumulation was enhanced in synclines. We interpret the occurrence of Miocene volcanic activity and of topographic highs, and the basement and Moho configurations in the Vosges–Black Forest area and in the Rhenish Massif as interference patterns between linear lithospheric anticlines and linear grabens, rather than as signatures of asthenospheric plumes.
O. BourgeoisEmail:

A new compilation of reliable isotope age data indicates that Cretaceous magmatism in SE China occurred in four major episodes during 136–146 Ma, 122–129 Ma, 101–109 Ma and 87–97 Ma. A-type granitic and within-plate basaltic magmatism from 140–90 Ma suggests a dominant extensional environment in the region. Voluminous coeval high-K calc-alkaline rocks, which have geochemical features similar to those formed in continental back-arc and post-collision extension settings, are interpreted to have been generated in response to lithospheric extension. Cretaceous magmatism, NNE-trending wrench faulting and formation of extensional basin systems favour an extensional tectonic regime in SE China at that time, which was probably similar to present-day Basin and Range Province in the western US.  相似文献   

酒东盆地营尔凹陷早白垩世断陷形成机制探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
位于青藏高原和华北板块两大构造带交汇处的河西走廊带中西段酒东盆地,早白垩世为典型断陷盆地,但对其断陷形成机制存在明显争议.因早白垩世两大构造带的主体构造作用明显差异:北—南向挤压和北西—南东向伸展,为深入了解哪一种作用是控制早白垩世酒东盆地形成的主要因素,本研究特选取远离新生代强烈活动的阿尔金断裂带,在河西走廊带中西段...  相似文献   

Peridotite xenoliths found in Cenozoic alkali basalts of northern Victoria Land, Antarctica, vary from fertile spinel-lherzolite to harzburgite. They often contain glass-bearing pockets formed after primary pyroxenes and spinel. Few samples are composite and consist of depleted spinel lherzolite crosscut by amphibole veins and/or lherzolite in contact with poikilitic wehrlite. Peridotite xenoliths are characterized by negative Al2O3–Mg# and TiO2–Mg# covariations of clino- and orthopyroxenes, low to intermediate HREE concentrations in clinopyroxene, negative Cr–Al trend in spinel, suggesting variable degrees of partial melting. Metasomatic overprint is evidenced by trace element enrichment in clinopyroxene and sporadic increase of Ti–Fetot. Preferential Nb, Zr, Sr enrichments in clinopyroxene associated with high Ti–Fetot contents constrain the metasomatic agent to be an alkaline basic melt. In composite xenoliths, clinopyroxene REE contents increase next to the veins suggesting metasomatic diffusion of incompatible element. Oxygen isotope data indicate disequilibrium conditions among clinopyroxene, olivine and orthopyroxene. The highest δ18O values are observed in minerals of the amphibole-bearing xenolith. The δ18Ocpx correlations with clinopyroxene modal abundance and geochemical parameters (e.g. Mg# and Cr#) suggest a possible influence of partial melting on oxygen isotope composition. Thermobarometric estimates define a geotherm of 80°C/GPa for the refractory lithosphere of NVL, in a pressure range between 1 and 2.5 GPa. Clinopyroxene microlites of melt pockets provide P–T data close to the anhydrous peridotite solidus and confirm that they originated from heating and decompression during transport in the host magma. All these geothermometric data constrain the mantle potential temperature to values of 1250–1350°C, consistent with the occurrence of mantle decompressional melting in a transtensive tectonic regime for the Ross Sea region.  相似文献   

张峤  纪飞 《地质力学学报》2021,27(5):809-820
特拉裂谷是西南极裂谷系统在新生代发生张裂作用的最后地区,因此成为研究西南极裂谷系统构造活动的关键。文章利用中国南极科考采集的以及SDLS国际共享的地震数据,结合多个钻探计划的钻井等基础资料,统一了西罗斯海地区地震反射界面和地震层序。将研究区的断层组合样式分为同沉积断层、层间断层和负花状断层三类,并进一步划分了区内新生代断层活动的期次,圈定了特拉裂谷的影响范围。研究发现,每期断层活动具有明显的继承性,活动时间由北部阿黛尔盆地向南部特拉裂谷越来越新,呈递变性,这是裂谷作用从北向南逐渐传递的结果。为了更加全面地揭示研究区的综合地球物理特征,利用基于弹性板模型下的Fan小波相关技术获得了研究区有效弹性厚度的空间变化特征。结果显示,横贯南极山脉前缘的异常低值条带与晚新生代的裂谷活动和伴生的岩浆作用有关,并指示了西罗斯海的拉张区域。   相似文献   

For paleogeographic reconstruction of the West Siberian basin during the Cretaceous we used a set of paleogeographic maps, which were compiled for the main epochs of the Cretaceous period. The paleogeographic maps presented in this study suggest progradational filling of the deep basin with avalanche-type sedimentation during Volgian-Barremian regression. The paleorelief and provenance of terrigenous sediments were reconstructed.  相似文献   

被动陆边边缘含盐盆地广泛发育的盐筏是一种重力滑脱作用下的极端薄皮伸展形成的构造样式,对于盆地后裂谷期的演化都有着重要的影响。基于物理模拟,除去考虑常规的盐层厚度、基底倾角、前构造沉积层厚度等单因素的影响之外,研究着重基底倾角与同沉积速率的组合影响,同时注重初始模型的设置与实际地质条件的吻合,使模拟结果更有意义。实验结果表明,触发下刚果盆地白垩系盐筏活动的机制为重力滑脱作用而非差异负载作用;盐筏构造最关键的控制因素为基底倾角及同沉积速率;其中基底倾角控制了盐筏形成过程中断裂的分布及筏体的滑脱速率,而同沉积速率则控制了筏体之间沉积填充的样式,两者相对速度的快慢控制了盐筏的构造样式,下刚果盆地白垩系盐筏构造是沉积速率相对较快条件控制的结果。  相似文献   

西昆仑—塔里木—天山岩石圈深地震探测综述   总被引:40,自引:6,他引:40  
高锐  高弘 《地质通报》2002,21(1):11-18,T001,T002
沿新疆地学断面走廊域实施了3种深地震探测方法:近垂直深地震反射剖面、宽角反射与折射深地震测深剖面和移动式宽频地震观测,揭露出西屁仑-塔里木-天山岩石圈的结构与横向变化,发现了塔里木大陆地块与青藏高原西北部西昆仑造山带碰撞的地震学证据,揭示出天山与塔里木、天山与准噶尔,以及昆仑山与塔里木之间的岩石圈尺度盆山耦合关系。阶段成果发表后引起国内外学者广泛注意,本文结合相关资料对这些新成果进行了系统综述,旨在对比研究青藏高原南北两缘不同的碰撞变形之深部过程。  相似文献   

Summary New petrological data on magmatic rocks obtained from the Iberia Abyssal Plain and from the Gorringe Bank, combined with those already known on the Galicia Bank, allow to better constrain the formation of the West Iberian Margin. These three zones were sampled along East-West transects of the ocean-continent transition, immediately West or at the foot of the last tilted continental block of the margin.These sections expose similar lithological successions including scarce basalts, locally pillowed, resting directly on peridotites (predominant) which themselves include layers of pyroxenites and rare lenses of gabbros and gabbroic differentiates. The latter are locally strongly sheared and metamorphosed e.g. to chlorite schists.At the Galicia Bank the exposed undepleted lherzolites are considered to be typical of a sub-continental lithospheric mantle environment. The mantle sections exposed at both the Iberia Abyssal Plain and the Gorringe Bank are clearly different. The presence of plagioclase-bearing websterite lenses and of small alkaline pyroxenites within the predominant harzburgites, is unknown in pure oceanic environments and supports their lithospheric sub-continental origin.Along each transect, the mineralogy of the gabbroic series documents various depths of emplacement and deformation. The highest pressures near 0.8 GPa ( 24 km depth) at Galicia Bank and Iberia Abyssal Plain are estimated from Al-rich pyroxenes and from the occurrence of metamorphic spinels in the sheared gabbros (Iberia Abyssal Plain). These gabbros are interpreted as deriving from underplated magmas at the base of a slightly thinned continental crust. The lower pressures ( 0.6 GPa) registered in the Gorringe Bank gabbroic rocks and in some reexamined gabbros from the Galicia Bank, suggest the existence of successive intrusions during the stretching process.The few basalts sampled on top of the exposed peridotites of the sea floor are inferred to be among the first post-rift extrusive magmas. They differ slightly from the North to the South of the margin: enriched and transitional tholeiites occur at Galicia Bank and in the Iberia Abyssal Plain, transitional and depleted tholeiites at the Gorringe Bank. The trace elements and the isotope data available show that the basalts and the gabbros derived from similar heterogeneous mantle sources (10.3 NdT 3.6). The behavior of some incompatible elements (Nb in particular) documents locally either a possible fractionation of rutile in shallow lithospheric mantle or some contamination by the continental crust. A very slow lithospheric stretching, assisted by the intrusion, underplating, and the shearing of a few gabbroic sills, followed by the unroofing of heterogeneous subcontinental mantle can account for the formation of the entire West Iberian margin.
Résumé De nouveaux résultats obtenus à partlr de l'étude des roches magmatiques dans la plaine Abyssale Ibérique et sur le Bane de Gorrlnge permettent avec ceux obtenus sur le Bane de Galice de mieux contraindre la formation de la marge Ouest Ibérique. Ces trois zones ont été échantillonnées selon des coupes Est-Ouest de la transition océan-continent, à partir du pied on immédiatement à l'Ouest des derniers blocs continentaux basculés.La croûte de chacun de ces secteurs est composée de rares basaltes, localement en coussin, reposant directement sur des péridotites (prédominantes) qui elles-mêmes contiennent des niveaux de pyroxénites et de rares lentilles de gabbros localement différenciés. Ces derniers sont souvent fortement cisaillés et métamorphises et parfois transformés en schistes chloriteux.Les péridotites fertiles (lherzolites) du Bane de Gallce sont considérées comme représentatives d'un manteau lithosphérique sous-continental. Cette origine est étendue aux sections mantelliques à dominante harzburgitique de la plaine Abyssale Ibérique et du Bane de Gorringe. En effet elles exposent de rares pyroxénites alcalines et d'abondantes lentilles de webstérite à plagioclase, inconnues en domaine purement océanique.La minéralogie des séries gabbroïques indique des conditions variées de mise en place des magmas. Les pyroxènes riches en aluminium du Bane de Galice et de la Plaine Abyssale Ibérique et la présence locale de spinelle dans les gabbros cisaillés (Plaine Abyssale Ibérique) supposent une cristallisation sous des pressions proches de 0.8 GPa ( profondeur de 24 km). Ces gabbros ne peuvent done pas avoir cristallisé sous une croûte océanique normale et sont interprétés comme provenant de magmas sous-plaqués à la base d'une croûte continentale faiblement amincie. Quelques gabbros du Bane de Gallce et ceux du Bane de Gorringe ont enregistré des conditions de cristallisation plus superficielles (à molns de 18 km), donc au sein de péridotites situées sous une croûte continentale plus mince ou inexistante. Dans un processus d'étirement crustal la mlse en place de ces gabbros apparaît ainsi échelonnée avec des venues précoces dans le cas de la Plaine Abyssale Ibérique et plus tardives dans le cas du Banc de Gorringe.Les basaltes reposant directement sur les péridotites du fond océanique correspondent aux premiers magmas extrusifs post-rift. Ils different sensiblement du Nord au Sud de la marge: depuis des tholeiites enrichies et transitionnelles exposees sur le Banc de Gallce et dans la Plaine Abyssale Ibérique, jusqu' à des tholeiites transitionnelles et appauvries sur le Banc de Gorringe. Les éléments traces et les données isotopiques disponibles montrent que les basaltes et les gabbros dérivent de sources mantelliques similaires et hétérogènes (10.3 NdT 3.6). Le comportement de quelques éléments incompatibles (Nb en particulier) témoigne localement d'un possible fractionnement de rutile à faible profondeur dans le manteau lithosphérique on d'une contamination par de la croûte continentale. Un amincissement lithosphérique très lent, partiellement aidé par l'injection, le sous-plaquage et le cisaillement de quelques sills de gabbro et suivi de la dénudation d'un manteau sous-continental hétérogène, rend compte de la formation de l'ensemble de la marge Ouest Ibérique.

With 11 Figures  相似文献   

In 1994, the ACRUP (Antarctic Crustal Profile) project recorded a 670-km-long geophysical transect across the southern Ross Sea to study the velocity and density structure of the crust and uppermost mantle of the West Antarctic rift system. Ray-trace modeling of P- and S-waves recorded on 47 ocean bottom seismograph (OBS) records, with strong seismic arrivals from airgun shots to distances of up to 120 km, show that crustal velocities and geometries vary significantly along the transect. The three major sedimentary basins (early-rift grabens), the Victoria Land Basin, the Central Trough and the Eastern Basin are underlain by highly extended crust and shallow mantle (minimum depth of about 16 km). Beneath the adjacent basement highs, Coulman High and Central High, Moho deepens, and lies at a depth of 21 and 24 km, respectively. Crustal layers have P-wave velocities that range from 5.8 to 7.0 km/s and S-wave velocities from 3.6 to 4.2 km/s. A distinct reflection (PiP) is observed on numerous OBS from an intra-crustal boundary between the upper and lower crust at a depth of about 10 to 12 km. Local zones of high velocities and inferred high densities are observed and modeled in the crust under the axes of the three major sedimentary basins. These zones, which are also marked by positive gravity anomalies, may be places where mafic dikes and sills pervade the crust. We postulate that there has been differential crustal extension across the West Antarctic rift system, with greatest extension beneath the early-rift grabens. The large amount of crustal stretching below the major rift basins may reflect the existence of deep crustal suture zones which initiated in an early stage of the rifting, defined areas of crustal weakness and thereby enhanced stress focussing followed by intense crustal thinning in these areas. The ACRUP data are consistent with the prior concept that most extension and basin down-faulting occurred in the Ross Sea during late Mesozoic time, with relatively small extension, concentrated in the western half of the Ross Sea, during Cenozoic time.  相似文献   

高亮 《地质力学学报》2021,27(5):835-854
根据西南极已发表的中—新生代古地磁数据,对西南极不同地块进行了古大陆重建。识别出古太平洋板块对西南极构造演化影响广泛的两次构造事件:一是120~100 Ma古太平洋板块内翁通爪哇-马尼希基-希库朗基大火成岩省的喷发与全球板块洋壳扩张速率高峰期引起的西南极瑟斯顿岛-埃茨海岸与东玛丽·伯德地快速南向移动;二是古太平洋-凤凰板块洋中脊在~100 Ma俯冲至西南极之下导致的以罗斯海区域为主的岩石圈伸展、瑟斯顿岛-埃茨海岸与玛丽·伯德地远离东南极以及南极半岛发生南向运动与顺时针旋转。证明太平洋板块俯冲与西南极板块运动的耦合关系。未来需要在西南极获得更多具有准确年代学限制的可靠的古地磁数据,这将对西南极的构造演化模式提供更多的制约,并有助于深入理解南极大陆的构造演化过程、板块生长与裂解的地球动力学机制。  相似文献   

Two new specimens of a cyathealean fern stems collected from the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian) Cerro Negro Formation, which crops out at the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, are described in detail. The specimens are dictyostelic stems with U-shaped meristeles without sclerenchyma sheaths and petiole bases with numerous, small, vascular strands, and a mantle of adventitious roots. The anatomy of the stems show similarities with Cibotiaceae, but given they are not well preserved, some critical features that would allow a conclusive referral to this family are lacking. Preserved in the surrounding matrix, fragmentary pinnules were found, showing sori with bivalvate indusia, and sporangia with more than 20 spores, attached to an elongate receptacle. The features observed in these fertile remains suggest cyathealean affinities, but are difficult to refer to a particular family. These findings increase the diversity of cyathealean tree ferns in the Cerro Negro Formation, supporting previously suggested warm climatic conditions for this region of Antarctica during the Aptian.  相似文献   

Previous interpretations of a Jurassic subduction in Iran were based on trace element classification diagrams for granitoids, but their reliability is questionable, underscored by modern examples of continental break-up zones such as the Baja California. We present new field observations, bulk rock geochemistry, Sr and Nd isotope analyses and U–Pb zircon geochronology to assess the age and tectonic setting of previously undated intermediate to felsic magmatic rocks cropping out in the Precambrian basement of NW Iranian Azerbaijan. The geochronology revealed an uneven distribution in space and time: Late Jurassic (159–154 Ma) intrusions and dikes are alkaline to calc-alkaline. Their melt source is mantle dominated with a distinct continental contribution disclosed by radiogenic isotopes and abundant inherited zircon cores. Mid-Cretaceous (112–96 Ma) plutonic bodies and associated volcanic rocks occur only to the east of the major Siah Cheshmeh–Khoy Fault. They have geochemical signatures typical of a metasomatized mantle. In consistence with the sedimentation history of the area, our new interpretation attributes the Late Jurassic magmatism to thinning of a continental lithosphere in a rift-related setting. Mid-Cretaceous magmatism was produced by oceanic subduction beneath the Central Iran continent. We interpret the 40-Ma age gap between the two magmatic episodes as the time of opening of the oceanic basin witnessed by the Khoy ophiolite in the study area.  相似文献   

关于鲁西侏罗纪一白垩纪岩石地层单位使用之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在中生代山东分为鲁东、鲁西、华北平原三个地层分区。鲁西地层分区在不同时期、不同研究者建立和使用了许多不同的岩石地层单位,使用比较混乱。本文对相关的岩石地层单位进行了讨论,提出了新的划分方案。侏罗系建议使用淄博群,划分为中、下侏罗统的坊子组和中、上侏罗统的三台组;白垩系建议使用下白垩统蒙阴组和西洼组;上白垩统固城组。其中固城组的时代根据所产化石由原来归为古新统而改为上白垩统。同时建议,废除“汶南(亚)组”和“分水岭(亚)组”,并且在鲁西地层分区不使用鲁东地层分区的“杨家庄组”、“曲格庄组”、“八亩地组”等岩石地层单位。  相似文献   

Thick (∼800 m) basaltic successions from the eastern Antarctic Peninsula have been dated in the interval 180–177 Ma and preserve a transition from a continental margin arc to a back-arc extensional setting. Amygdaloidal basalts from the Black Coast region of the eastern margin of the Antarctic Peninsula represent a rare onshore example of magmatism associated with back-arc extension that defines the early phase of Weddell Sea rifting and magmatism, and Gondwana breakup. The early phase of extension in the Weddell Sea rift system has previously been interpreted to be related to back-arc basin development with associated magnetic anomalies attributed to mafic-intermediate magmatism, but with no clearly defined evidence of back-arc magmatism. The analysis provided here identifies the first geochemical evidence of a transition from arc-like basalts to the development of depleted back-arc basin basalts in the interval 180–177 Ma. The exposed Black Coast basaltic successions are interpreted to form a minor component of magmatism that is also defined by onshore sub-ice magnetic anomalies, as well as the extensive magnetic anomalies of the southern Weddell Sea. Back-arc magmatism is also preserved on the Falkland Plateau where intrusions postdating 180 Ma are associated with early phase rifting in the Weddell Sea rift system. Back-arc extension was probably short-lived and had ceased by the time the northern Weddell Sea magmatism was emplaced (<175 Ma) and certainly by 171 Ma, when an episode of silicic magmatism was widespread along the eastern Antarctic Peninsula. Previous attempts to correlate mafic magmatism from the eastern Antarctic Peninsula to the Ferrar large igneous province, or, as part of a bimodal association with the Chon Aike silicic province are both dismissed based on age and geochemical criteria.  相似文献   


Zircon U–Pb ages, major element and trace element compositions, and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic compositions for late Mesozoic granites from the southern Jiaodong Peninsula (eastern China) were determined. Ages for the Wulianshan, Xiaozhushan, and Dazhushan plutons are 119.1–122.3, 114.2, and 108.9 Ma, respectively. Major and trace element characteristics show that these granitic rocks belong to alkaline, A-type granites formed in an extensional setting. Trace element compositions show strong, variable negative anomalies in Ba, K, P and Ti, and positive anomalies in Rb, Th, U, Pb, Ce, Zr, and Hf, which are typical characteristics of A-type granites. Variable Sr and Nd isotopic compositions, 87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.70540–0.7071 and εNd(t) = ?14.5 to ?20.9. Whole-rock Pb isotopic compositions have the following ranges, (206Pb/204Pb)t = 15.707–16.561, (207Pb/204Pb)t = 15.376–16.462, and (208Pb/204Pb)t = 36.324 to 37.064. Isotopic modelling indicates an origin that lies between mantle tapped by Cenozoic basalts around the Tan-Lu megafault and lower continental crust (LCC), and which can be explained by mixing of 11–18% mantle and 82–89% LCC. Based on new and compiled data, we suggest that the southern Jiaodong Peninsula, as well as the Laoshan area, was in a regional extensional setting of an orogenic belt during 106–126 Ma. The granitic rocks may be the result of late Mesozoic lithospheric thinning and decratonization (i.e. late Mesozoic craton destruction event occurring throughout eastern China).  相似文献   

关于鲁西侏罗纪-白垩纪岩石地层单位使用之我见   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在中生代山东分为鲁东、鲁西、华北平原三个地层分区。鲁西地层分区在不同时期、不同研究者建立和使用了许多不同的岩石地层单位,使用比较混乱。本文对相关的岩石地层单位进行了讨论,提出了新的划分方案。侏罗系建议使用淄博群,划分为中、下侏罗统的坊子组和中、上侏罗统的三台组;白垩系建议使用下白垩统蒙阴组和西洼组;上白垩统固城组。其中固城组的时代根据所产化石由原来归为古新统而改为上白垩统。同时建议,废除“汶南(亚)组”和“分水岭(亚)组”,并且在鲁西地层分区不使用鲁东地层分区的“杨家庄组”、“曲格庄组”、“八亩地组”等岩石地层单位。  相似文献   

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