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《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,78(1-2):274-281
Nine macroalgal blooms were studied in five coastal lagoons of the SE Gulf of California. The nutrient loads from point and diffuse sources were estimated in the proximity of the macroalgal blooms. Chlorophyll a and macroalgal biomass were measured during the dry, rainy and cold seasons. Shrimp farms were the main point source of nitrogen and phosphorus loads for the lagoons. High biomasses were found during the dry season for phytoplankton at site 6 (791.7 ± 34.6 mg m−2) and during the rainy season for macroalgae at site 4 (296.0 ± 82.4 g m−2). Depending on the season, the phytoplankton biomass ranged between 40.0 and 791.7 mg m−2 and the macroalgal biomass between 1 and 296.0 g m−2. The bulk biomass (phytoplankton + macroalgal) displayed the same tendency as the nutrient loads entering the coastal lagoons. Phytoplankton and macroalgal biomass presented a significant correlation with the atomic N:P ratio.  相似文献   

Nutrient loads from the land to the sea must be reduced to combat coastal eutrophication. It has been suggested that further mitigation efforts are needed in the brackish Baltic Sea to decrease nutrients, especially in eutrophic coastal areas. Mussel farming is a potential measure to remove nutrients directly from the sea. Mussels consume phytoplankton containing nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P); when the mussels are harvested these nutrients are removed from the aquatic system. However, sedimentation of organic material in faeces and pseudo-faeces below a mussel farm consumes oxygen and can lead to hypoxic or even anoxic sediments causing an increased sediment release of ammonium and phosphate. Moreover, N losses from denitrification can be reduced due to low oxygen and reduced numbers of bioturbating organisms. To reveal if mussel farming is a cost-effective mitigation measure in the Baltic Sea the potential for enhanced sediment nutrient release must be assessed.  相似文献   

The Ter Vell (NE Iberian Peninsula) is a eutrophic coastal lagoon which has been flooded by the excess irrigation water and the agricultural runoff during the last decades. Between 1999 and 2003, restoration measures were applied to improve its water quality. At the same time, but independently, agricultural water management drastically reduced the freshwater inflow. The short-term effects of these management actions on the limnological characteristics of the lagoon were analysed by comparing two hydrological cycles, one before (1999/2000) and the other one after (2002/2003) the actions. The two cycles are illustrative of opposite situations in the hydrological functioning of coastal wetlands. In the first, the lagoon was exorheic, with prolonged flooding periods and a low residence time; in the second, it had a more endorheic character, with scarce water inputs and prolonged periods of confinement. Consequently, nitrogen inputs diminished and organic load and salinity increased as the internal loading and the accumulation effects became more relevant. These effects were actually caused by the drastic reduction in the freshwater inflow which prevented, in turn, the success of the restoration measures. The zooplankton community of the Ter Vell lagoon was not significantly altered by the hydrological change, at least in the short-term, and rotifers and cladocerans, mainly those species indicative of eutrophy, dominated the community.  相似文献   

A laboratory study was carried out to investigate the influence of the biomass content in the sediment on the rate of diagenesis of particulate organic materials (POM) and the consequent sediment oxygen demand (SOD) and nutrient fluxes. Fish food pellets were loaded into the sediment to simulate a sudden POM input. Three types of sediments with different biomass contents were tested, including a raw marine sediment, the marine sediment after one month of cultivation and an artificial sediment of sand and clay without any biomass. There was little difference in organic flux from the three different sediments. However, compared to the artificial sediment, the marine sediments had much higher SOD and ammonia flux. A mathematical model also has been developed for the SOD dynamics and nutrient fluxes. Both the experimental and simulation results indicate the important role of the biomass in the sediment in POM diagenesis, SOD and nutrient fluxes.  相似文献   

Water fluxes in highly impounded regions are heavily dependent on reservoir properties. However, for large and remote areas, this information is often unavailable. In this study, the geometry and volume of small surface reservoirs in the semi-arid region of Brazil were estimated using terrain and shape attributes extracted by remote sensing. Regression models and data classification were used to predict the volumes, at different water stages, of 312 reservoirs for which topographic information is available. The power function used to describe the reservoir shapes tends to overestimate the volumes; therefore, a modified shape equation was proposed. Among the methods tested, four were recommended based on performance and simplicity, for which the mean absolute percentage errors varied from 24 to 39%, in contrast to the 94% error achieved with the traditional method. Despite the challenge of precisely deriving the flooded areas of reservoirs, water management in highly reservoir-dense environments should benefit from volume prediction based on remote sensing.  相似文献   

姜欣  朱林  许士国  谢在刚 《湖泊科学》2019,31(2):375-385
铁和锰是氧化还原敏感的元素,水源水库热分层引起的底层水体缺氧造成了沉积物中铁和锰的释放,对城市供水造成了极大的影响.以往鲜有悬浮物行为对铁和锰在水库水-沉积物界面迁移影响的研究,于2014年2月-2015年2月对碧流河水库深水区的水、悬浮物以及沉积物铁和锰的垂向分布特征进行综合调查分析,并进一步分析铁和锰的季节性变化规律及悬浮物行为对其的影响.Spearman相关分析结果表明铁浓度与总悬浮固体、总氮和总磷的相关性较大;锰浓度与总悬浮固体、溶解氧、pH和总氮的相关性较大.进一步讨论分析表明碧流河水库的热分层、底层缺氧以及沉积物再悬浮是影响铁和锰浓度的重要因素,水库铁和锰的季节变化规律存在差异.分层期溶解态的锰在底层累积,平均浓度达到0.18 mg/L,而沉积物中溶解态的铁释放很少.混合期水库的中上层锰浓度升高,达到了0.07 mg/L.沉积物的再悬浮是水库底层水体中铁的主要来源,底层颗粒态铁的平均浓度约为0.3 mg/L.絮凝的颗粒物以及其吸附的锰在水库长期悬浮,难以沉积到水库底部,使得悬浮物中Mn的含量显著高于表层沉积物,约为沉积物的7倍.建议应在碧流河水库采用分层取水、水库曝气以及联合供水等措施,以减少铁和锰的浓度升高对供水产生的影响,保障大连市城市供水安全.  相似文献   




This study investigates the applicability of selected pharmaceutical compounds (e.g. sulfamethoxazole, carbamazepine, ibuprofen) as anthropogenic indicators for the interaction of surface water and groundwater in the hyporheic zone of an alluvial stream. Differences in transport behaviour and the resulting distribution of the pharmaceuticals in the riverine groundwater were evaluated. The investigated field site in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Europe is represented by low permeable sediments and confined aquifer conditions. Water samples from single‐screen and multilevel observation wells installed in the riverbank at the field site were taken and analysed for selected pharmaceuticals and major ions for a period of 6 months. Surface water and groundwater levels were recorded to detect effluent and influent aquifer conditions. Nearly all pharmaceuticals that were detected in the stream were also found in the riverine groundwater. However, concentrations were significantly lower in groundwater than in surface water. A classification into mobile and sorbing/degradable pharmaceuticals based on their transport relevant properties was made and verified by the field data. Gradients with depth for some of these pharmaceuticals were documented and a more detailed understanding of the system stream/riverbank was obtained. It was demonstrated that the selected pharmaceutical compounds can be used as anthropogenic indicators at the investigated field site. However, not all compounds seem to be suitable indicators as their transport behaviour is not fully understood. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil water systems have been severely degraded in coal‐mined and subsiding land, where a shallow groundwater table is also present. The present paper discussed the effects of fly ash (FA) and coal gangue (CG) as filling materials on the hydraulic properties and water content distribution in a profile for the purpose of rehabilitating subsided lands. The saturated water content, water characteristic curve, and water diffusivity of local soil, FA, CG, and a mixture of FA and CG (“mixed filling”) were characterized. A column experiment was conducted to investigate the changes of water content in profiles reconstructed from the combination of soil and filling materials, including soil only, FA, CG, and a mixture of FA and CG, which were used to fill the lower part of the reconstructed profile. The mixture of FA and CG was found to possess similar hydraulic properties to those of the soil, particularly high water‐holding capacity and permeability. Moreover, the volumetric water contents in the whole profile containing the mixture of FA and CG were consistent with those of the profile reconstructed with soil only. As a result, it is recommended to adopt the mixture of FA and CG for reconstructing the lower profile of the land to alleviate or rehabilitate subsided land in coal mines.  相似文献   

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