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Plagioclase ultraphyric basalts in Iceland: the mush of the rift   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glassy, plagioclase ultraphyric basalts from six locations in Iceland have bimodal phenocryst size distributions where microphenocrysts (ol+plg±cpx±mt) are in equilibrium with the matrix glass, but macrophenocrysts (ol+plg±cpx) are too primitive to be so. Matrix glass compositions are similar to those of other rift zone glasses from Iceland, and oxygen isotope variations suggest they interacted with the Icelandic crust. A lack of negative Eu-anomalies in matrix glasses precludes large amounts of plagioclase crystallisation from their parental liquids. Compositions of glass inclusions in plagioclase and olivine macrophenocrysts indicate that parental magma compositions of the macrophenocryst assemblage are similar to those of primitive, Icelandic rift zone glasses. Temperatures for plagioclase macrophenocryst crystallisation obtained from Linkam® heating stage experiments, and from glass inclusion compositions corrected for post-entrapment crystallisation, give temperatures up to 1260°C, corresponding to crystallisation at middle to deep crustal levels. Temperature differences of less than 100°C between plagioclase-hosted glass inclusions before and after post-entrapment plagioclase crystallisation show that the macrophenocrysts must have been kept at elevated temperatures prior to incorporation in their present host magmas. We suggest that the macrophenocrysts of the plagioclase ultraphyric basalts accumulated in crystal mush bodies underneath the rift zone and were picked up by their present hosts during a rifting event with increased magma supply from the mantle.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements of bulk magnetic properties, including the natural remanent magnetization (NRM), susceptibility and the Königsberger ratio, on over 250 samples of Tertiary basalts from Disko and Nûgssuaq, West Greenland are reported.The NRM intensities in basalts (geometric mean value 3.3 A/m in SI units) were on average three to four times as large as the induced magnetization intensities. The susceptibilities (geometric mean value 2.1×10–2 SI units) were much more uniform than the NRM intensities. In the majority of samples, the NRM was predominantly of reverse (R) polarity, but samples from a few sites showed a remanence of normal (N) polarity.The NRM of both polarity classes (N, R) was very stable against alternating field (AF) demagnetization with median destructive fields of the order of 20,000–30,000 A/m (250–350 Oe), comparable to those for many stable continental and oceanic basalts. The viscous remanence intensity, as studied by storage tests on some specimens, was found to be an insignificant fraction of the original NRM, except in few cases.The low field hysteresis loops (Rayleigh loops) were studied for some specimens. A qualitative association was noted between wide hysteresis loop and relatively low AF stability, but no correlation was apparent between the loop type and the Königsberger ratio (Q n) of a specimen.Contribution no. 6 Institute of Geophysics, University of Copenhagen.  相似文献   

We have used cosmogenic 3He to date pre- and post-collapse lava flows from southwestern Fogo, Cape Verdes, in order to date rift zone magmatic reorganisation following the lateral collapse of the flank of the Monte Amarelo volcano. The post-collapse flows have exposure ages ranging from 62 to 11 ka. The analysis of multiple flow tops on each lava flows, often at different elevations, provides an internal check for age consistency and the exposures ages conform with stratigraphic level. The exposure ages suggest that volcanic activity along the western branch of the triple-armed rift zone was more or less continuous from before 62 ka to approximately 11 ka. The absence of magmatic activity for the last 11 kyr reflects a structural reconfiguration of the volcano and may be related to renewed flank instability. This volcanic hiatus is similar in duration to that observed in the Canary Islands. Replicate 3He exposure ages of a pre-collapse flow (123.0 ± 5.2 ka) brackets the time of the Monte Amarelo collapse between 62 ka and 123 ka. Reproducible cosmogenic 3He exposure ages of less than 123 ka from flows away from major erosion features demonstrates that the technique is a viable alternative to the radiocarbon, K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar chronometers for dating recent volcanism in arid climate zones.  相似文献   

Seismotectonic regionalization of the Kamchatka subduction zone was carried out by retrospective analysis of the temporal sequence and locations of earthquake occurrence and an examination of relationships between the earthquake hypocenters and morphostructures in the continental slope of eastern Kamchatka. Ten segments separated with earthquake-generating strike-slip faults have been identified in the overthrusting (overhanging) margin of the Sea-of-Okhotsk plate in the zone where the Pacific and the Sea-of-Okhotsk plates interact orthogonally. Two to three earthquake-generating thrust blocks have been identified within these segments. This type of subduction is consistent with the keyboard-block model of L.I. Lobkovskii and B.V. Baranov. We put forward a model involving segmentation and generation of thrust blocks due to nonuniform coupling between the subducted Pacific plate and the overhanging Sea-of-Okhotsk plate. According to this model, both segmentation and the formation of thrust blocks are caused by nonuniform plate coupling due to unevenness in the relief of the plunging plate. The thrusts have relief expression as underwater highs and terraces, which indicate that a tsunami-generating earthquake can occur at this location. The highest rate of occurrence for magnitude 7 or greater earthquakes is found at the sharp bend of the Pacific plate, where the subduction angle is 10°–12° instead of 50°–51°, corresponding to a frontal (tectonic) arc, which can be traced by a positive free-air gravity anomaly and by an isostatic anomaly.  相似文献   

Major element and modal trends in spinel lherzolites from Salt Lake Crater, Hawaii, and Kilbourne Hole, New Mexico, are essentially identical. These trends have developed through 5–30% partial melting of the same pyrolite-like parent composition. The melting events probably took place at mid-ocean ridges.Using Cr/(Cr + Al + Fe3+) in spinel as an index of the degree of depletion in fusible components in each of a large number of lherzolite inclusions, we have subdivided both suites into relatively parental, intermediate, and refractory groups, and computed an average bulk composition for each group. Compositions of hypothetical melts generated from these rocks are characterized by high MgO (about 18%), low Ti and K, and CaO/Al2O3 around 1.0.The strongly similarity between the two xenolith suites suggests that south central New Mexico is underlain by oceanic mantle. We propose that the Kilbourne Hole lherzolites represent oceanic lithosphere which was buried beneath offshore sediments during a Precambrian ocean basin formation, later to be preserved when subduction further offshore created new additions to the continent above that near-shore oceanic lithosphere. In addition, we propose that the Mg-rich, Ti- and K-poor calculated melts reported here are the primitive precursors to mid-ocean ridge basalts. Early dunite and wehrlite cumulates from some ophiolite sequences may record the fractionation histories these liquids follow prior to eruption at the surface.  相似文献   

The stability of natural remanent magnetization of three samples of oceanic basalts (DSDP Leg 25) is tested by alternating fields, thermal and pressure demagnetization. The possibility of low-temperature oxidation is examined by means of thermomagnetic curves.The effects of uniaxial compressions on initial susceptibility and induced magnetization are studied for the three samples. These experiments, performed in a field comparable to the geomagnetic field have shown large variations of magnetization. The results of paleomagnetism, as well as the interpretation of anomalies when the effects of the pressure of water and of possible sediments far from the ridge itself are taken into account, are discussed. The results could partly account for the decrease of magnetic anomaly amplitudes with distance from the mid-ocean ridge.  相似文献   

This is an attempt to analyze the current lithospheric stress pattern in the Baikal rift in terms of nonlinear dynamics as an open self-organizing system in order to gain more insights into the general laws of regional seismicity. According to the suggested approach, the stress pattern inferred from seismic moments of 70,000 MLH  2.0 events that occurred in the region between 1968 and 1994 is presented as a phase portrait in the phase spaces of the seismic moments. The obtained phase portrait of the system evolution fits well a scenario with triple equilibrium bifurcation where stress bifurcations account for the frequency of M > 5.5 earthquakes. Extrapolation of the results into the nearest future indicates probability of such a bifurcation (a catastrophe of stress), i.e., there is growing risk that M  7 events may happen in the region within a few years.  相似文献   

In the context of active endogenic, exogenic, and technogenic factors, the dynamics of developing geological hazards and risks is estimated for the linear transport systems that run across the strong earthquake epicentral areas of the Baikal rift zone and adjacent territories. The presence of ancient and new seismic structures in the modern relief can be regarded as an indicator of places of intense development of exogeodynamic processes and zones of hazard.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of an experimental study of natural magnetic field anomalies in the Baikal rift zone.  相似文献   

Basalt and diabase from the Cretaceous Dumisseau Formation, southern Haiti have Mg-numbers of 43–63, TiO2 contents of 1.6–3.9% and La abundances of 3.6–15.3 ppm.La/Ta ratios average 10, and indicate that the basalts are oceanic in character, distinct from the arc associations forming the northern part of Haiti. Oldest lavas have low TiO2 (1.6%) and are LREE-depleted, similar to N-MORBs, whereas overlying lavas have higher TiO2 (2–3.9%) and are LREE-enriched, similar to E-MORBs or hotspot basalts.87Sr86Sr ratios vary from 0.70280 to 0.70316,143Nd144Nd from 0.512929 to 0.513121, and206Pb204Pb from 19.00 to 19.27. LREE-depleted lavas have high143Nd144Nd (0.51309–0.51310) typical of MORBs, whereas143Nd144Nd in the LREE-enriched lavas varies widely (0.512929–0.513121).Chemical features of the Dumisseau basalts are equivalent to those of Caribbean seafloor basalts recovered on DSDP Leg 15, and support the contention that the Dumisseau is an uplifted section of Caribbean Sea crust. Oldest lavas are analogous to MORB-like basalts cored at Leg 15 Sites 146, 150, 152 and 153, and the overlying lavas are analogous to incompatible-element-enriched basalts cored at Site 151 on the Beata Ridge. Isotopic compositions of the Dumisseau basalts overlap with those of the eastern Pacific Galapagos and Easter Island hotspots. However, the presence of N-MORB basalts in the lower part of the Dumisseau and at the majority of Leg 15 Sites indicates that the anomalously thick Caribbean crust probably did not originate as a hotspot-related basaltic plateau, but may have been generated by on-ridge or near-ridge hotspot magmatism.  相似文献   

Harrat Al-Birk volcanics are products of the Red Sea rift in southwest Saudi Arabia that started in the Tertiary and reached its climax at ~ 5 Ma.This volcanic field is almost monotonous and is dominated by basalts that include mafic-ultramafic mantle xenoliths(gabbro,websterite,and garnet-clinopyroxenite).The present work presents the first detailed petrographic and geochemical notes about the basalts.They comprise vesicular basalt,porphyritic basalt,and flow-textured basalt,in addition to red and black scoria.Geochemically,the volcanic rock varieties of the Harrat Al-Birk are low- to medium-Ti,sodic-alkaline olivine basalts with an enriched oceanic island signature but extruded in a within-plate environment.There is evidence of formation by partial melting with a sort of crystal fractionation dominated by clinopyroxene and Fe-Ti oxides.The latter have abundant titanomagnetite and lesser ilmenite.There is a remarkable enrichment of light rare earth elements and depletion in Ba,Th and K,Ta,and Ti.The geochemical data in this work suggest Harrat Al-Birk basalts represent products of watersaturated melt that was silica undersaturated.This melt was brought to the surface through partial melting of asthenospheric upper mantle that produced enriched oceanic island basalts.Such partial melting is the result of subducted continental mantle lithosphere with considerable mantle metasomatism of subducted oceanic lithosphere that might contain hydrous phases in its peridotites.The fractional crystallization process was controlled by significant separation of clinopyroxene followed by amphiboles and Fe-Ti oxides,particularly ilmenite.Accordingly,the Harrat Al-Birk alkali basalts underwent crystal fractionation that is completely absent in the exotic mantle xenoliths(e.g.Nemeth et al.in The Pleistocene Jabal Akwa A1 Yamaniah maar/tuff ring-scoria cone complex as an analogy for future phreatomagmatic to magmatic explosive eruption scenarios in the Jizan Region,SW Saudi Arabia 2014).  相似文献   

本研究拾取了中国数字测震台网固定台站记录的2008—2019年期间发生在山西断陷带及邻区2级以上天然地震事件及陕西神木、府谷等3级以上非天然地震事件共25304条高质量Pn到时数据,反演了山西断陷带及邻区上地幔顶部高分辨率Pn波速度结构与各向异性.研究结果显示,山西断陷带及邻区Pn波速度结构差异较大,大同火山及以南区域、忻定盆地、太行山造山带、华北盆地南部和吕梁山局部地区表现为显著的低波速异常,而运城盆地、临汾盆地北部、太原盆地、大同盆地北部、华北盆地北部和鄂尔多斯块体呈现明显的高波速异常.大同火山下方上地幔顶部的低波速异常与Pn快波方向呈现以火山为中心的近发散状结构特征,结合已有的远震上地幔成像结果,暗示大同火山岩浆可能来源于地幔深部,岩浆的底侵或热侵蚀作用造成了该地区岩石圈的破坏以及整个华北克拉通的"活化",这一推论符合克拉通的热-化学侵蚀破坏模型.山西断陷带上地幔顶部速度异常形态较好的对应了研究区的地质构造,Pn快波速方向与地质构造的展布方向和SKS波各向异性的特征基本一致,说明变形形式以简单剪切为主,表明其形成和演化过程与上地幔物质运移过程有密切关系.  相似文献   

本研究拾取了中国数字测震台网固定台站记录的2008—2019年期间发生在山西断陷带及邻区2级以上天然地震事件及陕西神木、府谷等3级以上非天然地震事件共25304条高质量Pn到时数据,反演了山西断陷带及邻区上地幔顶部高分辨率Pn波速度结构与各向异性.研究结果显示,山西断陷带及邻区Pn波速度结构差异较大,大同火山及以南区域、忻定盆地、太行山造山带、华北盆地南部和吕梁山局部地区表现为显著的低波速异常,而运城盆地、临汾盆地北部、太原盆地、大同盆地北部、华北盆地北部和鄂尔多斯块体呈现明显的高波速异常.大同火山下方上地幔顶部的低波速异常与Pn快波方向呈现以火山为中心的近发散状结构特征,结合已有的远震上地幔成像结果,暗示大同火山岩浆可能来源于地幔深部,岩浆的底侵或热侵蚀作用造成了该地区岩石圈的破坏以及整个华北克拉通的"活化",这一推论符合克拉通的热-化学侵蚀破坏模型.山西断陷带上地幔顶部速度异常形态较好的对应了研究区的地质构造,Pn快波速方向与地质构造的展布方向和SKS波各向异性的特征基本一致,说明变形形式以简单剪切为主,表明其形成和演化过程与上地幔物质运移过程有密切关系.  相似文献   

The velocity structure of the Black Sea lithosphere has been studied using the local seismic tomography method based on the Backus-Gilbert approach and applied for a quite large amount of seismological data. As seismic sources, we used the earthquakes that occurred within the Black Sea and adjoining regions and generated seismic waves recorded by seismic stations around the Black Sea. This yielded information on the 3D distribution of P-waves within the most heterogeneous and poorly investigated uppermost layer of the Black Sea region (down to a depth of 60 km). The interpretation of these results, together with new data on the velocity structure of the crust of the Black Sea led to the conclusion about the different lithosphere beneath the West and the East Black Sea Basins. This can be explained by origination of the depressions in the western and eastern parts of the Black Sea at different microplates and by specific features in their development at rifting and post-rifting stages.  相似文献   

Experiments on rift zone evolution in unstable volcanic edifices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Large ocean island volcanoes frequently develop productive rift zones located close to unstable flanks and sites of older major sector collapses. Flank deformation is often caused by slip along a décollement within or underneath the volcanic edifice. We studied how such a stressed volcanic flank may bias the rift zone development. The influence of basal lubrication and lateral flank creep on rift development and rift migration is still poorly constrained by field evidence; here our analog experiments provide new insights. We injected colored water into gelatin cones and found systematic orientations of hydro-fractures (dikes) propagating through the cones. At the base of the cone, diverse friction conditions were simulated. By variation of the basal creep conditions we modeled radial dike swarms, collinear rift zones and three-armed rift systems. It is illustrated that a single outward-creeping flank is sufficient to modify the entire rift architecture of a volcano. The experiments highlight the general unsteadiness of dike swarms and that the distribution and alteration of weak substratum may become a major player in shaping a volcano’s architecture.  相似文献   

The lavas of the 1955 east rift eruption of Kilauea Volcano have been the object of considerable petrologic interest for two reasons. First, the early 1955 lavas are among the most differentiated ever erupted at Kilauea, and second, the petrographic character and chemical composition of the lava being erupted changed significantly during the eruption. This shift, from more differentiated (MgO=5.0–5.7%) to more magnesian (MgO=6.2–6.8%) lava, has been variously interpreted, as either due to systematic excavation of a zoned, differentiated magma body, or to invasion of the differentiated magma by more primitive magma, followed by rapid mixing and eruption of the resulting hybrid magmas. Petrologic examination of several nearvent spatter samples of the late 1955 lavas shows abundant evidence for magma mixing, including resorbed and/or reversely zoned crystals of olivine, augite and plagioclase. In addition, the compositional ranges of olivine, plagioclase and groundmass sulfide are very large, implying that the assemblages are hybrid. Core compositions of olivine phenocrysts range from Fo85 to Fo77. The most magnesian olivines in these samples must have originally crystallized from a melt containing 8.0–8.5% MgO, which is distinctly more magnesian than the bulk composition of the late 1955 lavas. The majorelement and trace-element data are either permissive or supportive of a hybrid origin for the late 1955 lavas. In particular, the compositional trends of the 1955 lavas on plots of CaO vs MgO, and the virtual invariance of Al2O3 and Sr in these plagioclase-phyric lavas are more easily explained by magma mixing than by fractionation. The pattern of internal disequilibrium/re-equilibration in the late 1955 spatter samples is consistent with reintrusion and mixing having occurred at least twice, during the latter part of the 1955 eruption. Plagioclase zonation preserves possible evidence for additional, earlier reintrusion events. Least-squares modelling the mixing of early 1955 bulk compositions with various summit lavas±olivine pick the 1952 summit lava as most like the primitive component. The results also indicate the primitive component had MgO=7.5–8.0%, corresponding to liquidus temperatures of 1165–1175°C. The absence of Fe-Ti oxide phenocrysts in the late 1955 lavas implies that the cooler component of the hybrid had T>1110°C. Thus the thermal contrast between the two components may have been as much as 55–65°C, sufficient to produce the conspicuous disequilibrium effects visible in the spatter samples.  相似文献   

The Shanxi rift zone is one of the largest and active Cenozoic grabens in the world, studying the velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle in this region may help us to understand the mechanisms of rift processes and the seismogenic environment of active seismicity in continental rifts. In this work, using the broadband seismic data of Shanxi, Hebei, Henan, Shaanxi provinces, and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region from February 2009 to November 2011, we have picked out 350 high-quality phase velocity dispersion curves of fundamental mode Rayleigh waves at periods from 8 to 75 s, and Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps have been constructed from 8 to75 s period with horizontal resolution ranging from 40 to50 km by two-station surface-wave tomography. Then,using a genetic algorithm, a 3D shear-wave speed model of the crust and uppermost mantle have been derived from these maps with a spatial resolution of 0.4° 9 0.4°. Four characteristics can be outlined from the results:(1) Except in the Datong volcanic zone, in the depth range of11–30 km, the location of a transition zone between the high- and low-velocity regions is in agreement with the seismicity pattern in the study region, and the earthquakes are mostly concentrated near this transition zone;(2) In the depth range of 31–40 km, shear-wave velocities are higher to the south of the Taiyuan Basin and lower to the north,which is similar to the distribution pattern of Moho depth variations in the Shanxi region;(3) The shear-wave velocity pattern of higher velocities to the south of 38°N and lower velocities to the north is found to be consistent with that from the upper crustal levels to depth of 70 km. At the deeper depths, the spatial scale of the low-velocity anomalies zone in the north is gradually shrinking with depth increasing, the low-velocity anomalies are gradually disappearing beneath the Datong volcanic zone at the depth of 151–200 km. We proposed that the root of the Datong volcano may reach to a depth around 150 km;(4) Along the N–S vertical profile at 112.8°E, the 38°N latitude is the boundary between high and low velocities, arguing the tectonic difference between the Shanxi rift zone and its flanks, in the rift zone the seismic velocity is dominated by low-velocity anomalies while in the flanks it is high.  相似文献   

Summary Systematic and extensive investigations on the magnetic and mineralogical properties of samples from basaltic lavas and doleritic dykes have been made. The results obtained lead to several interesting conclusions. Rocks giving Curie temperatures of around 250°C exhibit a high degree of magnetic stability, yield largeQn values (>40) and often contain ore minerals possessing skeletal crystal structure. Also, such rocks can be saturated in low fields of the order of 1000 Oe, and give a value of around 0.5 for the ratioR of saturation remanence to the saturation intensity of magnetization. In contrast to this, rocks giving Curie temperatures of about 580°C are comparatively less stable, give smaller values ofQn, require higher fields for saturation and yield values ofR less than 0.2. Rocks with Curie temperatures ranging from 250°C to 550°C show general magnetic properties intermediate to those of the above two categories.  相似文献   

蒙古-贝加尔裂谷区地壳应变场及其地球动力学涵义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
蒙古-贝加尔地区是现今构造最活跃的大陆地区之一,其地壳构造运动及变形对我们理解大陆动力学问题具有重要的科学意义.基于融合的这一区域的GPS速度场,本文计算了该区应变率场和应变能变化率场.结果显示,蒙古褶皱带以南区域表现为NNE-SSW方向的压缩状态,主压应变率约为-2.0×10-9/a,剪应变及面膨胀均较弱,表明蒙古褶皱带比较稳定.贝加尔裂谷整体处于拉张状态且伴有较强的剪应变和面膨胀,暗示可能有多种机制控制裂谷的张裂过程.蒙古高原西部有两条高应变率的构造带,结合深部存在地幔热柱等证据,我们认为这两条构造带及所围限的区域共同构成Amurian板块的西部边界—一条弥散变形的边界带.蒙古-贝加尔地区剪应变分布与0~40 km的地震活动性基本一致,表明该地区形变在地壳尺度耦合程度较高.地幔对流拖曳力场与主应变轴方向及应变率场的一致性表明,地幔对流可能是蒙古—贝加尔地区区域构造动力学过程主要控制因素之一.  相似文献   

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